
3433 Walters Ave Simchat Scavenger Hunt Northbrook, IL 60062 Written by Warner Ferratier & Stacy Ybarra, LCSW (847) 498-4100 www.bethshalomnb.org Please do not write or take photos of objects until after ends at 7:15 p.m. on Sunday, October 11, 2020. Between that time and 9 a.m. on Friday, October 16, 2020, entries can be submitted to [email protected]. Prizes will be awarded! Book Parasha Item(s) to Find Rationale/Theme Item Found The last in a series (ie books, movies, etc.) This is the last parasha, ending the cycle ְוזֹאת ַה ְב ָר ָכה , (Deuteronomy): 1 V'Zot HaBerachah 1 The first in a series (ie books, movies, etc.) This begins the new cycle of parshiot ְב ֵרא ִׁשית , (Genesis): 12 Bereshit 2 and his family are saved from the flood by staying A safe place ֹנ ַח , 3 in the ark A picture or item from a place you have traveled to is called upon to travel and found a new nation ֶלְך- ְלָך ,Lech-Lecha 4 Something you wouldn't want to have to give up Abraham is asked to ַו ֵי ָרא , 5 A picture of a who is important in your Isaac loses his , , and meets his wife, ַח ֵיי ָש ָרה , 6 A picture of siblings and ּתֹו ְל ֹדת , 7 A picture of something you've worked hard to Jacob has to work 7 (and then another 7) to be ַו ֵי ֵצא , 8 accomplish allowed to marry People greeting each other Jacob reunites with his brother Esau ַו ִׁי ְש ַלח , 9 Your favorite piece of colorful Jospeh gets his special coat from his father ַו ֵי ֶשב , 10 A place you wouldn't want to be stuck The parasha starts off with in Prison ִׁמ ֵקץ , 11 Someone in costume Joseph reveals himself to his brothers ַו ִׁי ַגש , 12 A picture of a family moving The portion talks about life for Jacob's family in ַו ְי ִׁחי ,Vayechi 13 A basket was floated down the in a basket ְשמֹות , (Exodus): 11 Shemot 14 Something that helps you feel more confident is appointed to help Moses by speaking for him ָו ֵא ָרא ,Va'eira 15 Something that scares you The beginning of the 10 plagues בֹא , 16 Something you consider miraculous G-d splits the ְב ַש ַלח , 17 A picture of someone you go to for advice is Moses's mentor ִׁי ְתרֹו , 18 A picture of rules The Torah portion is long list of ִׁמ ְש ָפ ִׁטים , 19 Plans or blue prints for a special building A description of the ְּתרּו ָמה , 20 A uniform/person in uniform The parasha is about the special clothes of the high priest ְּת ַצ ֶּוה , 21 Something that people obsess over The people the ִׁכי ִׁת ָשא ,Ki Tisa 22 The materials to create an art project, and then the The parasha is about the artwork that went into the ַו ַי ְק ֵהל ,* 23 completed piece Tabernacle A building that was recently completed Construction of the Tabernacle is finished ְפקּו ֵדי , 24 Something that represents communication G-d begins speaking to Moses from inside the Tabernacle ַו ִׁי ְק ָרא , (Leviticus): 10 Vayikra 25 Book Parasha Name Item(s) to Find Rationale/Theme Item Found Something having to do with barbeque Rules of the burned sacrifice ַצו , 26 A kosher symbol (heksher) Rules of ְש ִׁמי ִׁני , 27 Something having to do with illness is all about diseases of the skin ַת ְז ִׁרי ַע ,Tazria* 28 The Torah portion is about what to do if your house Household cleaning products ְמ ֹצ ָרע , 29 becomes infected Something to do with apologies Describes how Aaron made atonement for all of ַא ֲח ֵרי מֹות ,* 30 Describes the positive obligations which make society Someone doing a good deed ְק ֹד ִׁשים , 31 work Something representing the The laws of the harvest are explained ֱא ֹמר , 32 Something that is important to you that has to do with The sabbatical ְב ַהר ,* 33 the number 7. A picture of a rule not being followed and ְב ֻח ֹק ַתי , 34 A family tree The first ְב ִׁמ ְד ַבר , (Numbers): 10 Bamidbar 35 An item that is holy to you The priestly ָנשֹא , 36 A change that you do not like People complain about the ְב ַה ֲעֹל ְתָך , 37 Something having to do with spies Moses sends the spies to scout out the ְש ַלח- ְלָך , 38 Someone who is a leader but isn't bossy 's rebellion ֹק ַרח ,Korach 39 A brown cow The Torah talks about the ֻח ַקת ,* 40 Provide a picture of an animal you wish could talk or a 's donkey speaks ָב ָלק , 41 stuffed animal, etc. Provide a picture or symbol of your favorite Jewish The Torah portion lays out the cycle of ִׁפי ְנ ָחס ,Pinchas 42 Holiday A place that makes a good home Rules for making vows ַמּטֹות ,* 43 Places your family has lived of refuge ַמ ְס ֵעי , 44 Your family history A recap of everything that's happened so far ְד ָב ִׁרים ,Devarim (Deuteronomy): 10 Devarim 45 A mezuzah The shema ָו ֶא ְת ַח ַנן ,Va'etchanan 46 A place you find beautiful How Eretz Israel and Egypt are different ֵע ֶקב , 47 Something that tempts you. Temptations of living among idol worshippers ְר ֵאה ,Re'eh 48 The people are comanded to appoint to adminster Something having to do with the court system ֹש ְפ ִׁטים ,Shoftim 49 the laws A good neighbor Rules of war and captives ִׁכי- ֵת ֵצא , 50 Your favorite Blessings and lots of curses ִׁכי- ָתבֹוא , 51 Heart Choose life ִׁנ ָצ ִׁבים ,* 52 A place you like to walk Moses walked around the camp ַו ֵי ֶלְך , 53 A song (lyrics, recording, etc) that makes you stop Moses's farewell song ַה ֲא ִׁזינּו , 54 what you are doing to listen