10 December 2012 Norton Rose Australia ABN 32 720 868 049 Level 15, RACV Tower The Manager 485 Bourke Street Company Announcements MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Australian Securities Exchange AUSTRALIA Exchange Plaza 2 The Esplanade Tel +61 3 8686 6000 PERTH WA 6000 Fax +61 3 8686 6505 GPO Box 4592, Melbourne VIC 3001 DX 445 Melbourne nortonrose.com

Direct line +61 3 8686 6710

Our reference Email 2780973 [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam

Notice of change of interest of substantial holder

We act for Angang Group Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited ( Angang ).

On behalf of Angang, in accordance with section 671B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Ct), we enclose a Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Shareholder (Form 604) in respect of Gindalbie Metals Limited (Gindalbie ).

A copy of the enclosed notice has been provided to Gindalbie.

Yours faithfully

James Stewart Partner Norton Rose Australia

For personal use only use personal For


Norton Rose Australia is a law firm as defined in the Legal Profession Acts of the Australian states and territory in which it practises. Norton Rose Australia together with Norton Rose LLP, Norton Rose Canada LLP, Norton Rose South Africa (incorporated as Deneys Reitz Inc) and their respective affiliates constitute Norton Rose Group, an international legal practice with offices worldwide, details of which, with certain regulatory information, are at nortonrose.com 604 pa e1/2 15Ju1 2001

Form 604 Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

To Company Name/Scheme Gindalbie Metals Limited

ACMARSN ACN060857614

,. Details of substantial holder(,) Angang Group Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited (An gang), Pangang Group SteelVanadium & Titanium Co. , Ltd (Paristeel Name Listco), Pangang Group Company Ltd (Paristeel), Ansteel Group Corporation (An steel), and their related bodies corporate set outin Annexure A (An steel Group) ACN/ARSN Of applicable) N/A

There uns a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 07/12/2012 The previous notice was given to the company on '91/2/2011 The previous notice was dated 19/12/2011

2. Previous and presentvoiing power

The total number of votes attached to amhe voting shares in the company orvoting interests in the scheme Ihatthe substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant interest(3)in when lastrequiTed, and when now required, to give a substantial holding notice to the company orscheme, are as follows: Previous nonce Present noiice Class of securities (4) Person's votes Voting power(5) Person's votes Voting power(5) 3, .887, (based on 35.89% (based on 1,404,350,200 1,247,487,454 shares on 447,688,420 shares on issue as Ordinary shares 447,688,420 issue as at 15 December at7 December 2011) 2012)

3. Changes in relevantinterests

Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevantinterest of the substantial holder or an associate in voting securities of the company or scheme, sincethe substantial holder was lastrequired to give a substantial holding notice 10 the company or scheme are as follows: Class and Personwhose Consideration Date of Nature of number of Person's votes relevant interest given in relation change change (6) securities affected changed to change (7) affected Voting power diluled by issue of 7 Decembe Angang, Pansteel 156,862,746 shares Listco, Paristeel and NIL NIL NIL 2012 to institutional An steel investors pursuant to a share placement

4. Presentrelevantinterests

Particulars of each relevantinterest o1the substantial holder in voting securities after the change are as follows: Holder of Registered Person entitled Nature of Class and relevant holder of to be registered relevant number of Person's votes interest securities as holder(8) interest (6) securities Legal and benelicial owners Angang oilhe securities

Has the power to controlthe 447,688,420 Angang Angang 447,688,420 For personal use only use personal For Paristeel Listco, disposal offhe securities ordinary shares Paristeel and and controlihe exercise of Ansteel the rightlo vote allaching to the securities

APAC-#16978102-vl 604 page 212 15 July 2001

5. Changes massociation The persons who have become associates (2) of. ceased to be associates of. or have changed the nature of their association (9) wi!h. Ihe substantial holder in relation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows

Name and ACN/ARSN (if Nature o1 associa!ion applicable) N/A NIA

6. Addresses The addresses of persons named in this form are as follows:

Name Address

trigang Rooms 3412-, 3. Office Tower Convention Plaza, I Harbour Road. Warichai, Hong Kong


,-. I\ print name 17 capacity I sign here date I, ,I> , Z, -'1""


(1) lithere a, e a number of substantial holders with similar or relaled relevantinleresls (eg. a corporation and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust). the names could be included in an annexure to the joint. lithe relevant interests of a group of persons are essentially similar. they may be referred to throughoutthe form as a specifically named group illhe membership of each group, wilh the names and addresses brinembers is clearly setoulin paragraph B of the form

(2) See the definition of"associate"in section 9 of the Corporations AC! 2001.

(3) See the definition of"relevantinte, esl"in sections 608 and 671B(71 Dime Corporalions Act 2001

(4) The voting shares of a company consulute one class unless divided into separate classes.

(5) The person's votes divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

(6) Include details of:

Iai any relevant agreemenl or other ciroumslances because of which the change in relevantinteresi occurred. Itsubsec!ion 6718(41 applies, a copy oreny document setting outlhe terms of any relevant agreement. and a slate merit by the person giving full and accurate details o1any contracl. scheme or arrangement. must accompany this form. togelherwith a written statement certifying this contract. scheme or arrangementI and (by any qualification oilhe power of a person to exercise, controlthe exercise of. or influence the exercise of. Ihe voting powers or disposal o:1he securities to which the relevant interest relates tindicating clearly the particular securities to which the qualification applies). See the definition of"relevant agreement' in sestion 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (7) Details of the consideration muslindude any and all benefits, money and other. that any person from whom a relevantlnterest was acquired has, ormay, become entitled to receive in relation to that acquisition. Details must be included even if the hanefi!is condi!ional on the happening or riot o1a contingency. Details must be included on any benefit paid on behalf of the substantial holder or IIS associate In relation to the acquisitions. ever ifihey are not paid directly to the person ITom whom the relevantin!Blest was acquired (8) Iflhe substantial holder is unable to determine the idenlity oilhe person (eg. ifthe relevant into, esl arises because of an option) wrile 'unknown"

(9) Give details, ifappropriate. of the present association and any change in that association since the last substan!181 holding notice. For personal use only use personal For

APAC-#, 6978,02-vt AnnexureA

AnnexureA-Ansteel Group litEtjtjt ' 41. ,*,*:, tt---1:5$;*I, -* -*::**, a*---*t*-L-s+----*t *-,---*-31t-;*,;\,*, *-:* -~*-, Addre. s^:,,,,*FF-.-i**L*f*-.=*,<-tr:-*\~--*454^.:*-Ars4^* -:*I, ,\-:, .-:,"=-* ~-- I-*; Ansteel Group Corporation Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi , , ,

Anshan Iron & Steel Group Corporation Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Group Investment(Australia) Pty Ltd Levell, St Georges Square, 225 St George's Terrace, Perth, Western Australia Angang Group Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd Rooms 3412-, 3, Office Tower Convention Plaza, I Harbour Road, Warichai, Hong Kong Angang Group Hong Kong Ltd Rooms 3412-13, Office Tower Convention Plaza, I Harbour Road, Warichai, Hong Kong An gang Group Advertisement & Media Co Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Beijing Yuting Hotel Non l, Puhuangyu Lane 2, Fengtai District, Beijing, China Angang Group Construction Project Management Co An steellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Liaoning FanEast Quality Inspection Center for Marine No. 63, Wuyi Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, Products China An gang Group Investigation & Design Institute Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Group Real Estate Management Co No. 44, Guangming Road, , Anshan, Liaoning, China An gang Shanghai Guesthouse No. 33, Guangzhong Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, China

Dalian Branch Office No. 33, Fengguang Road, Xigang District, , China Angang Group Hospitality Co Non08, Dongfeng Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Group Railway Transportation Equipment No. 8, Quandongyi Road, , Anshan, Manufacturing Co Liaoning, China Angang Group Mechanized Handling Co Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Group Property Management Co No. 44, Guangming Road, Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Group Sheet Metal Co Nod6, Zhonggongbei Road, Tiexi District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China Angang Group Cast Pipe Co Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Group Cement Co Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

An gang Group Refractories Co No. 8, Qiming Road, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China An gang Group Automation Co No. 292, Nanzhonghua Road, Anshan, Liaoning, China Anshan Mining Co No, s9, 219 Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning,

China For personal use only use personal For Angang Bel Er KaTeTyre Cord (Chongqing) Co Ltd Non04, Shuanglongxi Road, Shuangqiao District, Chongqing, China Angang Jidong Cement Co Ltd No. 8, Hongta Street, Qianshan, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Steel Co Ltd Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning,

APAC-#1697Bi02-vl I;. Entity*, t*\;;;{;t, '-,****,-,**,}-,*.*\*\*,\*I**;****'34**;**~, t*:** \~**,,,, Addresst**\--*\r~.***alas::*.***:$;-\-*:F****~*t*i;-*-*t4--~,-t*;\. xi:\z*,*- China

Dalian Huayelian Automation Co Ltd No. 9, Lixian Road, Ganjingzi, Dalian, Liaoning, China Angang Group Finance Co Ltd Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Water Co Ltd Tianshan Avenue, Bayu Circle, Yingkou, Liaoning, China Angang Heavy Machinery Co Ltd No. 40A, Jianguo East Road, Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China An gang Group Auto Transportation Co Ltd No. 8, Heping Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

An gang Electric Co Ltd No. 50, Kangning Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Anshan SteelWire Rope Co Ltd Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China An gang Real Estate Development Co Ltd No. 44, Guangming Road, Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Angang Industrial Group Co Ltd Ansteellndustrial Zone, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Construction Group Co Ltd No. 34, An Ie Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Mining Construction Co Ltd Non45, Anqian Road, Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Mining Machinery Co Ltd Shahejiancai Road, Lishan District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Mining Auto Transportation Co Ltd No. 27, Lvhua Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China

Angang Group Chaoyang Anling Steel Co Ltd No. 396, Nanzhonghua Road, Tiedong District, Anshan, Liaoning, China Steel and Iron Co. , Ltd Chaoyang Down Street, Eastern District, Panzhihua, , China Panzhihua Pangang International Travel Agent Co. , Ltd. Nod ,, Nanling Road, Nanshan, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China

Kunming Pangang Group Properly Management Centre No. 305, Beijing Road, Guandu, Kunming, Yunnan, China New Vanadium and Titanium Co. , Ltd Changning Road, Xichang, Liangshan, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Xichang New Steel Logistics Co. , Ltd. Changanxi Road, Xichang, Liangshan, Sichuan, China Panzhihua Huaxin Hotel Co, , Ltd. 3'' village, Xinhua Road, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China

Pangang Metallurgical Materials Co. , Ltd. Zaozi Plant, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Beihai Steel Pipe Co. , Ltd. Industrial Zone, Beihai, Guangxi, China Kunming Pankun Pipe Industry Co. , Ltd. No. 1091, Chunyu Road, Xishan District, Kunming, Yunnan, China Zhuhai West Panmining Industry and Trade Co. , Ltd. No. 61, Jinhaian Garden Road, West District, Zhuhai, China

Sichuan MetalIugical Mechanical Factory No. 60, Gongyuan Road, Xindu, , Sichuan, China Sichuan Chang Steel Electrical Construction and Jiannan Road, , Sichuan, China

Developmentonly use personal For Co. , Ltd Jiangyou Chang Steel Properly Management Co. , Ltd. Chang Steel Residential Zone, Sarihejiangdong Road, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China Greatwall Special Steel Co. East China Supply and No. 15, Lane 733, Road, Shanghai, China Marketing Co. , Ltd. '1 Entity;**E, :r-xi**.*:-:,*.\-**.*:\**,, a*;*;\**;Lift-t***.*It, =.*-*"*-.--t~*,.:-,*, Address***'*;;-if, ,*, tat*.t**~,*,?f**=--*,****:;*t*-;,*.**;;*,\-,,;:\&,*<,-.* Greatwail Special Steel Co. Wuxi Distribution Co. , Ltd. Airport corner, 312 Highway, New District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

Sichuan Chang Steel Group Design Co. , Ltd. No. I, Great Wall New Village, Jiangdong Road, Jiangyou, , Sichuan, China Lanzhou Special Steel Co. Non34, Xijinxi Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

Pangang Group Company Ltd. Xiang Yang Village, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China

Pangang Group Panzhihua Steel and Vanadium Co. , Ltd. Xiang Yang Village, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China

Pangang Group Steel Vanadium & Titanium Co. , Ltd Xiang Yang Village, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China

Pangang Group Chengdu Steel and Vanadium Co. , Ltd. No. 268, Tuanjienan Road, , Chengdu, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Jiangyou Greatwal! Special Steel Co. , Ltd. No. 195, Jiangdong Road, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Titanium Co. , Ltd. No. 51, 2"' Zouma Village, Huaxi Town, Banan District, Chognqing, China Pangang Group Mining Co. , Ltd. Guaziping Park, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Research Institute Co. , Ltd. Non08, Yejinzhong Road, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China Pangang Group International Economic and Trade Co. , Lanni Field, Dongfeng, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China Ltd. Pangang Group Chengdu Properties Co. , Ltd. 2'' Floor, No. 3 Building, Xijing Park, No. 6 2"' Ring Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Metallurgical Engineering Technology Co. , 2'' village, Shangmi Field, East District, Panzhihua, Ltd. Sichuan, China Pangang Group Information Engineering Technology Co. , Nongnong Field, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China Ltd. Pangang Group Panzhihua Engineering Construction Xiang Yang Village, East District, Panzhihua, Sichuan, Supervision Co. , Ltd. China Chengdu Pangang Hotel Co. , Ltd. Non67 1st Ring Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Chengdu Sheet Co. , Ltd. Industrial Development Zone, Minian Village, Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Pangang Group Beihai Special Alloy Co. , Ltd. Nod Industrial Development Zone, Belhai, Guangxi, China Panzhihua Pangang Vanadium Resources Utilization High-technology Industrial Zone, Panzhihua, Sichuan, Technology Co. , Ltd. China Chengdu Pancheng Steel Logistics Co. , Ltd. Tuanjie South Road, Qingbaijiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Chengdu Rancheng Steel Sarililndustry Co. , Ltd Tuanjie South Road, Qingbaijiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Chengdu Pancheng Steel Construction Engineering Co. , No. 390, Huajin Avenue 1st Section Qingbaijiang, Ltd. Chengdu, Sichuan, China Chengdu Pancheng Steel Metallurgical Engineering 3'' Floor, Phoenix Building, No. 6, Section 2, Jiefang Road, Technology Co. , Ltd. Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Chengduonly use personal For Qingbaijiang Pancheng Steel Great Southwest Mimou Town, Qingbaijiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Metal Products Co. , Ltd. Pancheng Gangwang Cangjin Tieguan Mining Co. , Ltd. No. 9, North Renmin Road, , Sichuan, China Warigcang Pancheng Steel Coking Co. , Ltd. No. 9, North Renmin Road, Guangyuan, Sichuan, China Sichuang Greatwall Steel Pipe Co. , Ltd. No. , Great Wall New Village, Jiangdong Road, Jiangyou, '. Eht, f'**,~'~~:**-**-,**f~**,,,**,,***-*,***t\~{,, Address-*,\**,,.***.*, t***.'\,*.,-*~, A*.**~~^*-\,*.,** Mianyang, Sichuan, China Sichuan Chang Steel Real Estate Co. , Ltd. No. 184, Jianshenan Road, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China

Sichuan Greatwall Special Steel!in port and Export Co. , Ltd No. 95, Jiangdong Road, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China For personal use only use personal For