Introduction 1 Studying the Palestine Arab Refugee
N o t e s INTRODUCTION 1 . United Nations General Assembly Resolution 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949. 2 . United Nations General Assembly. Resolution 212 (III), para. 12, of 19 November 1948. 1 STUDYING THE PALESTINE ARAB REFUGEE PROBLEM 1 . For example, J. C. Hurewitz’s fundamental, The Struggle for Palestine (New York: Schocken Books, 1976), treats the questions of UNRPR and UNRWA in less than three paragraphs (see pages 321 and 326). A recent book on Palestinian refugees in Egypt only mentions UNRPR or AFSC in passing. See Oroub El-Abed, Unprotected: Palestinians in Egypt since 1948 (Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies, 2009). 2. Marta Rieker, “Uses of Refugee Archives for Research and Policy Analysis. Reinterpreting the Historical Record,” in The Use of Palestinian Refugee Archives for Social Science Research and Policy Analysis , ed. S. Tamari, and E. Zureik (Jerusalem: Institute of Jerusalem Studies, 2001), 11–23. 3 . M i c h a e l R . F i s c h b a c h , Records of Dispossession: Palestinian Refugee Property and the Arab-Israeli Conflict , (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003). 4 . St é phanie L. Abdallah, “Regards, visibilit é historique et politique des images sur les r é fugié s palestiniens depuis 1948,” Le Mouvement social no. 219–220 (2007): 65–91. 5 . Channing B. Richardson, “The United Nations and Arab Refugee Relief, 1948–1950; a Case Study in International Organization and Administration” (doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, 1951). 6. Robert Simon, “Channing Richardson, Professor of International Relations (1952–1983),” Hamilton College, last accessed June 12, 2013.: www.
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