Close Form Next Print Page About OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 * 1. Type of Submission: * 2. Type of Application: * If Revision, select appropriate letter(s): Preapplication New Application Continuation * Other (Specify) Changed/Corrected Application Revision * 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: 05/27/2008 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: * 5b. Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: * a. Legal Name: University of Florida * b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): * c. Organizational DUNS: 59-6002052 969663814 d. Address: * Street1: 219 Grinter Hall Street2: Box 115500 * City: Gainesville County: * State: FL: Florida Province: * Country: USA: UNITED STATES * Zip / Postal Code: 32611 e. Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Division of Sponsored Research f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Mr. * First Name: Thomas Middle Name: E. * Last Name: Walsh Suffix: Title: Director, Division of Sponsored Research Organizational Affiliation: * Telephone Number: 352-392-3516 Fax Number: * Email:
[email protected] !"# "$ Close Form Previous Next Print Page About OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: H: Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type: * Other (specify): * 10. Name of Federal Agency: National Archives and Records Administration 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 89.003 CFDA Title: National Historical Publications and Records Grants * 12.