Appendix: AES: Advisory Council and Board, 19Pb-194O.0
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306 0Appendix: AES: Advisory Council and Board, 19pB-194O.0 The following appendix includes aIl mernbers of the AES Advisory council from 19e3 to 1935 plus all members of the Board of Directors of the Society from 1ge3 to 1940 for whom biographical data could be found, The biographies focus on elernents that relate to the individuals activities as a Ieader in the Arnerican eugenics rnovement. I have I isted membership in professional organizationE which were clearly related to eugenics such as the American Social Hygiene Association or the American Genetics Association. I have also listed other organizational affiliation where the individual served as an officer. I have also concentrated more effort on those who are less we1 I known than those who are prorninent in the historical l iterature. Thusr I have a shorter entry for Charles Davenport than for Frank Babbott. Information on Davenport is available in numerous studies of eugenicsr while very littIe is available on Frank Babbott. Inforrnation for these biographies was collected from the _p_3*o.g;sp-bJ._._.end_.._-9en_ee.l_"o-gy*j!-B-F*t3J*..Ln.C_e_x ( Pnd ed i t i on r Detroit 19AO) and the 1981-1985 cu{nulation of the Index (De,troit 19AS). Further inforrnEtion was gathered from the Eg.qgn-l-g-*1._Neglaas well as other sources. The primary source rnaterial for this appendix was originally gathered into two three ring binders. Copies of this material will be deposited with the American Philosophical Society and will be available to scholars interested in the American Eugenics Society. AES Advisory Council and Board Members, 1923-1940. NAME Years ANDERSON W. Prof. 23-35 BABBOTT Frank Mr. 23-30 BANKER Howard Dr. 2?-35 BARKER Lewellys Prof. 23-35 BELKNAP Chaunc y Mr. BOD 37-4r) BIGELOW Frederick Mr. 23-35 B I GGS Herman Dr. 23 BLODGETT Mrs. John Mrs. 27-35 BOGARDUS Emory Prof. 27-35 BOWDITCH Hai-G 1d Dr- . 23 BR I GHMAN Car- 1 Prof. 27-35 BROWN Philip Dr. 23-35 BUHCH GUY BOD 35-40 BURR Char les Dr. 28-35 CAMPBELL W. Pres . 25-35 CANNON Wal ter Dr. 23-30 CARSTENS Christian Mr. 27-35 CARVER Thomas Prof. 25-35 CASTLE William Prof. 23-28 COE Wesley Prof. 27-35 COLE Leon Prof. 27-35 CONKL I N Edwin Prof. BOD 23-30 COOK Robert EOD 40 COOPER John Rev. 23-30 COPELAND Royal Senator 23 COXE Alexander Mr. 23 CRAMPTON Henry Prof. BOD 23-35 CUMM I NG Hugh Surg .-Gen 23 DANFORTH Charles Prof. 23-35 DfiVENPORT Charles Dl- . BOD 23-35 DAV IS Katherine Dr. 28-35 DAVIS Watson BOD40 Dir. DENNY George BOD 40 DICKENSON Robert Dr. 27-35 DOWL I NG Oscar Dr. 23 DUNLAP Knight Dr. 23 EAST Edward Prof. 23-35 ELIOT Charles Pres. 23-26 EMERSON Haven Dr. 23-35 ESTABROOK Arthur Dr. 23-35 FkIRCHILD David Dr. 23-35 FAIRCHILD Henry Prof . BOD 25-4' FARRAND Livingston Pres. 23-35 FERNALD Walter Dr. 23 FISHER Irving Prof. BUD 23-40 F ISK Eugene Dr. 23-30 FLETCHER Austin Mr. 23 FOLKS Homer Mr. 23 FOLSOM Joseph Professor BOD 37-40 FOSD ICK Harry Rev. 23-35 FOSDICK Raymond Mr. 25-35 GARRETT Robert Mr. 23-35 GIDDINGS Frank 1in Prof. 23-30 GILDERSLEEVE Virginia Dean 25-35 GODDARD Henry Prof. 25-35 GOETHE Charles Mr. 30-35 GOODSELL Willystine BOD 35-40 GOSNEV Ezra Mr. 27-35 GOULD Chai- 1es Mr- . 23-30 GRANT Madison Mr. BOD 23-30 GREGORY William Frof. 23-35 GROVES Ernest Prof. 30-35 GURNEE Be11 EOD 40 GUYER Michael Prof. 23-35 HALL Winfield Prof. 23 HANK INS Frank Prof. BOD 40 HARR I MAN Mary Mrs. 23 HARR IS Arthur Prof. 25-30 HARR ISON Ross Prof. 23 HAV ILAND C. DR. 25-28 HOLMES Samue 1 Prof. 23-40 HOOTON Earnest Prof. 23-35 HOWE Luc iert Dr. 23-35 HRDL ICKA Ales Prof. 23-35 HUMPHREY Seth Prof. 30-35 HUNTER Ar thur Mr. 23 HlJrdT I NGTON Ellsworth Prof. 23-40 HUNTSllAN Archibald Prof. 27-35 HURTY John Dr. 23-26 HUTCHINSON Woods Dr. 23 JAMES Walter Dr. 23 JAMES Mot- tham Mrs. 23-35 JENK INS Helen Mrs. 23-30 JENN 1NGS Herbert Prof. 23-24 JOHNSON Albert Hon. 23-35 JOHNSON Roswell Frof. 23-35 JONES Cheney Mr. 27-35 JORDFlN David Prof. 23-30 JORDAN Harvey Prof. 23-35 KGHN Addie Mrs. 23-35 KEEN William Dr. 23 YELLEY Truman Prof. 27-35 KELLOGG John Dr. 23-35 EELLOGG Vernon Prof. 23-35 F. ING He 1eri Prof. 23-35 KOFU I D Chai- les Prof. 23-35 KRETCH Shepard Mrs. BOD 40 LWUE Daniel Prof. 23-33 LALIGHL IN Harry Dr. BUD 23-39 LAWRENCE William Bishop 23-35 LILLIE Frank Prof. 23-35 L INDEMAN Eduard Prof. BOD 40 L I TTELL Robert Mr. BOD 40 LITTLE Clarence Prof. BOD 23-35 LL.0Y D Francis Prof. 27-35 LOR IMER Frank Prof. BOD 37-40 LYNCH Frederick Rev. 23-26 t'1ACI VER Robert Prof. BOD 29-32 MANN Louis Rabbi 27-35 MCCLUNG Clarence Prof. 23 MCDOUGALL William Prof. 23-35 MERR IAM John Dr. 23-35 METCAL-F Maynard Prof. 23 MEYER Adolf Dr. 23-35 MORGAN Ann Dr. 23-35 MORGAN Arthur Pres. 27-35 HURL IN Lemuel Pres. 23 NABOURS Robert Prof. 27-35 NACTR IEB Henry Prof. 23-35 l\lE I LSON Wi11 iarn Pres. 23-35 NEWMAN Horatio Prof. 27-35 OLSON Harry Judge BOD 23-30 OSBORN Frederick Mr. 28-8 1 OSBORN Henry Prof. BOD 23-35 OWEN Robert Sen. 23 PARKER George Prof. 23-35 PATON Stewart Dr. 23-35 PEI\IDLETOI\J Ellen Pres. 23 PERK INS Henry Prof. BOD 31-Lt0 PH ILL- IPS John Gov. 27-35 PINCHOT Gifford Gov. 27-35 POPENOE Pau 1 IYr . BOD 23-40 RAIYOS D. DR. 30-35 RANK I I\I Watson Dr. 23-35 RICE Stuart Prof. 27-35 RDSANOFF Aaron Dr. 23-35 Fioss Edward Prof. 27-30 RUMSEY Mary Mrs. 23-35 SAWYER Char- 1es Br ig. -Gen. 23 SEASHORE Ca-r1 Prof. 23-35 SHERBON Florence Dr. 27-35 SHULL Aaron Prof. 27-35 SNOW Wi1 l iam Dr. 23-40 SPRAGUE Rob ei- t Dean 27-28 STOCKARD Charles Prof. 23-35 STODDARD Theodore Mr. 23-35 SUMNER Francis Prof. 27-35 SW INGLE Wilbur Prof. 27-35 TERMAN Lewis Prof. 23-35 TERRY Robert Dr. 23-35 THORNDIKE Edward Prof. ' 23-35 THDllPSON Wai- r en BOD 37-40 VANDERL I P Frank Mrs. BOD 37-40 154 VAUGHAN Victor Dr. 23-30 155 VISHER Stephen Prof. 30-35 156 VOLLMAR August Mr. 27-35 157 WALTER Herbert Prof. 23-35 i 58 WARD Robert Prof. 23-35 159 WELCH William Dr. 23-30 160 WHEELER William Prof. 23-35 161 WIGGAM Albert Mr. BOD 28-40 162 WILBUR Ray Pres. 23-35 163 WILDER Harr is Prof. 23 164 WILLCOX Walter Prof. 23-35 165 WINTERNITZ Mi 1 ton Prof. BOD 35 166 WISSLER Clark Dr. 23-35 167 WOODS Frederick Dr. 23-35 168 WOODWARD Robert Dr. 23 169 WRIGHT Sewall Prof. 27-35 170 YERKES Robert Prof. 27-35 Note: An asterik has been placed before the names of those included in the statistical analysis in Chapter Four. + "W.S. ANi3ERSON !no dates available? Professor of Genetics, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Advisory council, 1923-35. Chairman of the Kentucky State Committee of the AES. Anderson was one of the few active members of the AES Advisory Council for whom very little biographical data is available. He is not listed in any of the standard biographical indexes. Anderson began teaching genetics at Kentucky in 1914. HE introduced a eugenics curriculum into the College of Agriculture. The curriculum was extended over the years to all students at the University. He was particularly proud of the relevance of his eugenics courses for education students. His eugenics classes averaged between fifty and one hundred students per semester per class. Anderson's 31 1 eugenics course was required for all domestic science majors. Male and female students were taught separately. + rank Lusk EASBOTT i l85+-1933! b. GJatervi l?e, NY; manufacturer; descended from Edward Babbott who came from Wales in 1643 and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ed. A.B., Amherst, 78. Advisory council, 1923-30. Babbott, a Presbyterian, was described as a reformer. Active in Brooklyn politics, he served as a member the Board of Education and a director of the Brooklyn Public Library, a trustee of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, pres. of the Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Society, a trustee of Vassar college, and a member of the board of home missions of the Presbyter ian Church. He was director of the Atlantic Avenue Elevated Railroad, the Long Island Railroad, and the Brooklyn Trust Company. Upon his death he left $1.5 million to the Long Island College of Medicine, $1.1 million to Amherst College, and slightly over $li2 million to Vassar. Babbott was a member of the AES Committee on Finance and the AES Immigration Committee. He was also quite active in the Eugenics Research Association (ERA). He was formally elected a member of the ERA in June 1922, joined the executive board in 1924, serving as pres. in 1927. In June 1922, he was appointed to the ERA Committee on Immigration. The Committee on Immigration was one of the most active 312 committees of the ERA, and Babbott presented several reports directly to Congress.