PRACE KOMISJI KRAJOBRAZU KULTUROWEGO DISSERTATIONS OF CULTURAL LANDSCAPE COMMISSION NO. 23/2014: 109-134 Krystyna PAWŁOWSKA, Anna STANIEWSKA Cracow University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Cracow, Poland e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] SOCIAL PARTICIPATION IN URBAN PLANNING IN POLISH CITIES PARTYCYPACJA SPOŁECZNA W GOSPODARCE PRZESTRZENNEJ MIAST POLSKICH Key words: social participation, urban planning, conflict, trust, forms of participation Słowa kluczowe: partycypacja społeczna, gospodarka przestrzenna, konflikt, zaufanie, formy partycypacji Abstract The methods of managing Polish cities have been changing since 1989, due to the principles of the new system: democracy and free market economy. Especially difficult are the changes that de- pend on customs and mentality of people – both those who manage and those who are managed. The reason why social participation in managing space is such a difficult realm. The subject of this article is social participation in Polish cities: the status quo of the concept, social and cultural circumstances, and methods and tools suitable for the Polish situation. The background to this relationship are the methods used in Great Britain, Germany, France, the United States, and Japan. Polish architects, urban planners and representatives of local and regional authorities usually believe that the Polish situation is especially difficult due to the historical considerations. Urban planning is slowed down and ham- pered with numerous conflicts, with the people participating against the intentions of the authorities. Comparison with other countries proves nevertheless the Polish situation to be unique, yet there is hope for improvement through education in social communication. Streszczenie Od roku 1989 metody zarządzania polskimi miastami zmieniają się w związku z nowymi zasadami ustrojowymi: demokracją i gospodarką wolnorynkową.