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S-0981-0004-03-00001.Pdf S-0981 -0004-03-00001 Expanded Number S-0981 -0004-03-00001 Title Items-in-Public interest correspondence - c-2. Public interest and opinion Date Created 15/0511945 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0981-0004: United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO) subject files Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit -1I-- .1 June 25, 1945. My dear Mrs. Casey: I acknowledge your letter of June 20p 1945, with enclosures, and I thank you for your courtesy in making your views available to the Conference. The spiritual devotion which prompted your suggestions Is appreciated, Sincerely yours,0 Faa, the Secretary General:, Bryant Muxnford Acting Information Officer Mrs. Lillian G. Casey, 1900 North St. Andrews, Place, Hololywood 28, California. is. IOUSTONE:SGT / - £4 4k o- / FIND OR LOSE . AThe famous writer, Pascal, rightly says there are two types of men-those who are afraid to lose God, and those who are afraid that they might find Him. Today's I am an atheist because it's easier type of intdlectual is afraid discovering.God might make him change for the better.~o. he runs around shouting: Cod does not exist and you -can't prove anytl~g about him. The truth is just the opposite. We can clearly prove God does exist and will do so thoroughly in this column. But let's take the other side. We have defied for centuries and still do defy the atheist to prove this one statement: There is no God. Try it out. Watch the deniers flounder. Reason rejects atheism. FEW SAMPLES . .. Not as final proofs hut just warmups, consider a few tipoff ideas. Every effect must have a cause. If this paper suddenly turned crimson under your eyes, you'd say at once: What caused that? You'd not be so stupid as to say: Pure chance, nothing to it. Yet men will see the universe around them and pretend to believe it came into existence purely by chance;, So long ago thinking men worked out a principle: Whatever begfins to exist must have a cause for its existence outside itself. This uni- verse could no more come together with all its precise laws than Golden Gate Bridge could just happen. Chance could not explain a Hamilton watch keeping precision time. How explain a world? SILENT VOICE . Ever notice how all men have within them a sense of right and wrong? A man knows inside when he's doing wrong. An inner voice, silent to others but loud to each person's own ears, rebukes our evil conduct. We did not create that voice, since it so often does just the oppo- site of what we'd like. It comes not from other men, for so often it blames what they praise, condemns what they allow. This inner voice is a law of right and wrong within us. Who made this law? What lawgiver is behind it? Only a Supreme Being could so write law upon human hearts. There just must be a God, or you can never explain Conscience. SQUARE DEAL ... As a kid, remember how you pined for someone to punish the bully at school? Inside, you felt some day justice would be done to such cheaters. Humanity feels that way always. We yearn to see justice done to all men. Who started that yearning? Someone higher than we is behind that instinct. Obviously, justice is not done here on earth. There has to be a Someone Who will do justice to all. Only a God can. If justice would never be done, how explain a worldwide and instinctive yearning? The good often suffer; the wicked often prosper. Our reason proclaims: Some day we'll all get justi~ce. Only if God exists. -HUGH CALKINP, O.S.M. -OW 177 Printed in U.S.A. UPPED-Major General William R. MARTYRS-Only about 1,200 Cath- Arnold, who recently ended his tour olic priests from Poland, of a total as Chief of Army Chaplains and is of some 5,000 imprisoned by the now assistant Inspector General of Nazis during 'the war, have been the Army, has been named Titular found alive. Most of the priests were Bishop of Phocaea and appointed placed in the concentration camps Military Delegate, succeeding Bishop of Majdanek, Oswiecim, and Dachau, John F. O'Ilara. - The Catholic and died as a result of torture, Transcript. starvation, and forced labor. - Queen of All Saints, Prey fora's. NCWC. 80,000-Peace celebrations at Lis- Qs~ee of Apostles, Pray for us. bon were highlighted by a pilgrim- FAME -How many Catholics are age of 200,000 Catholics to the there who realize'that of the 10 old- Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. time baseball players recently chosen Eighty thousand received Holy Coin- for the Baseball Hall of Fame, at inunion.-RNS. least seven were Catholics ?-M1ich- Queen of Virgins, Pray for us. igan Catholic. HONORED-Sister Tharsilla of St. Queen of Angels, Pray far as. Joseph's Convent, Baton Rouge, La., CONVERT -Achined Abdullah, 64, a Nun for 60 years, was presented playwright and author, -who died on with the Golden Deeds trophy as his birthday, May 18, was a British outstanding citizen for her work army officer in the last war, and re- among inmates of prisons, hospitals putedly the son of Grand Duke and homes for the poor. Sponsors Nicholas of Russia and an Afghan were the Baton Rouge State Times. princess. He was reared a Moslem and Morning Advocate.-The Cath- but died a devout Catholic. -The olic Herald. Register. Queen of Confessors, Pray far us. Help of Christians, Pray for as. RE-STARTED-Yi Shih Pao, a Cath- ALAS-Those who now see "the ter- olic daily paper in Chinese, has re- rible consequences of their errors sumed publication in Chungking; could have been spared had they Bishop Yu Pin, Vicar Apostolic of listened to the Church," His Holi- Nanking, is its publisher.-The Uni- ness Pope Pius XII declared.-The verse. Observer. Queen of Mlartyrs, Pray for us. Gate of Heaven, Pray for us. SYMPAThY-A letter conveying to .FRIEND? -A Vatican City broad- the women of Poland sympathy with cast reported by the Federal Com- their suffering and admiration at munications Commission said that their courage and fortitude has been "thanks to Christianity, labor has sent on behalf of Catholic, Anglican risen to an important position in so- and Free Church women of Britain. ciety," but that "workers cannot re- -Catholic Times. gard as a real friend one who denies Queen of Prophets, Pray for us. Christ," according to the Office of ALLOWANCE-A system of family War Information. - The Catholic allowances goes into effect in Can- Messenger. ada in July. The law provides an al- Refuge of Sinners, Pray for us. lowance of $5 a month for a child SOVIETIZATION - Poland today is under 6 years of age; $6 for a child undergoing a process of "virtual SO-' between 6 and 10; $7 for a child be- vietization," the influential British tween 10 and 18, and $8 for a child weekly review, The Eeonom~is~t, between 18 and 16.-Catholic Sen- charged recently.-The Catholic Uni-' tinel. verse Bulletin. JUNE 15, 1945 15 tt_ SHE'S OUR MOTHER . .We' often get protests about the "near-idolatry tone" of our Novena. Today we especially address non-Catholics, whether Jewish, Protestant, or just American Pagan. We'd like to invite you to meet the world's most charmhing woman, God's Masterpiece-Mary, the Mother of Men. Yes, Mother of Men, not just Mother of Christ. God in- tended Mary to mother the human race created by God and redeemed by Christ. It's stark tragedy that this Heavenly Mother has been cut off from her own children. But so it has happened. The Jewish Faith has forgotten their own Greatest Daughter: Protestants have come to ignore "our tainted nature's solitary boast" (Wordsworth, non-Catholic, so titled Mary) ; Pagans have never really known Mary at all. May we invite you all to meet Our Mother, meet her at our Novena by joining us in prayer? (YOU'DSOON SEE ... My dear non-Catholic friends, you can't blame a man for wanting you to honor and respect his mother. You would hart blame any person for rising angrily to refute a slur against his motherjJ So you won't blame us Catholics for anxiously desiring that you come to Klow and love Our Mother. And you'll understand that we've often been deeply hurt by the callous neglect and the positively unjust attacks that have been hurled at Mary, Mother of Men. For we not only believe Mary is such a mother: we can prove it from a source we're sure you will respect-Sacred Scripture. St. John tells the story in 19:25. As Christ lay dying, He said to Mary: "Woman, behold thy son." And, then to John: "Behold thy mother." John represented all faithful friends of God. Christ meant that message for all men: "Behold thy mother." YOU RS, TOO ... John took that message to heart and received gratefully Christ's tender gift. -We invite you today to join us in prayers that you may take Mary as your Mother and give yourselves to her as children. Why turn away from such loving arms? Why refuse Christ's last pleading word to mankind to become her children? Too long have you been deprived of your birthright. Come back to Mary's motherly care, and you'll find the answer to life's riddles.
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