Cultural Heritage

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Cultural Heritage A LOOK AT Cultural Heritage A Contribution to the Cultural History of the Eastern Region of Madagascar Archaeological Sites between Mangoro and Ivondro. A look at Cultural Heritage A Contribution to the Cultural History of the Eastern Region of Madagascar Archaeological Sites between Mangoro and Ivondro. by Jean-Aimé Rakotoarisoa Title of french edition: Un regard sur l’héritage culturel. Contribution à l’histoire culturelle de la région orientale de Madagascar : les sites archéologiques de Mangoro à l’Ivongo, October 2013. Cover photo: © Ambatovy/ADAM- Prof. Rafolo Andrianaivoarivony, Archaeological Excavation, Moramanga 2009. Translated from French, February 2014. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect the views of Ambatovy. Partial reproduction of this book is legal but must specifi cally mention the original author. Ambatovy is committed to the preservation of local heritage. Ambatovy provided the fi nancial and technical support for the editing and publication of this scientifi c book. Contents Summary ..........................................................................................................................................5 Preface .............................................................................................................................................6 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................7 Methodology ...................................................................................................................................8 Details of the Work .....................................................................................................................10 Laboratory Analysis ....................................................................................................................13 THE WORKING AREA ..............................................................................................................15 Physical and Natural Environment .............................................................................................16 District of Moramanga ................................................................................................................17 District of Brickaville ..................................................................................................................19 District of Toamasina ..................................................................................................................19 Key Characteristics of the Regions Affected ...........................................................................20 Cyclones ......................................................................................................................................21 Exceptional Biodiversity .............................................................................................................22 Historical Context .........................................................................................................................24 Role of the East Coast in the History of Madagascar ................................................................25 • Settlement of the East Coast ...................................................................................................25 • History of Toamasina ................................................................................................................29 • History of Moramanga ..............................................................................................................31 • The Importance of Trade ..........................................................................................................32 ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORKS ..................................................................................................35 Known Archaeological Data .......................................................................................................36 Sites Discovered with Ambatovy ................................................................................................41 3 General Distribution of the Sites ...............................................................................................43 Characteristics of each Phase ...................................................................................................44 • The Sandrakatsy and Mahilaka Phases (9th to 16th century) .................................................44 • Sites of the Ambitsika Phase (17th to 18th century) ...............................................................44 • Sites of the Ambibe and Sahamamy Phase (19th to 20th century) ........................................46 ARTIFACTS ...................................................................................................................................47 Local Pottery ...............................................................................................................................48 Chlorite schist Artifacts ..............................................................................................................50 Imported Pottery .........................................................................................................................52 Other Artifacts .............................................................................................................................54 • Metal Artifacts ...........................................................................................................................54 • Bones ........................................................................................................................................56 • Glasses ......................................................................................................................................58 Pottery Decorations .....................................................................................................................60 Graphited Pottery ........................................................................................................................62 Summary .....................................................................................................................................64 CULTURAL ASPECTS .................................................................................................................67 • Joro Rituals ...............................................................................................................................69 • Burial Places ..............................................................................................................................71 • Vato (stones) ..............................................................................................................................72 • Fisokina .....................................................................................................................................74 • Intangible Sacred Sites ..............................................................................................................77 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................78 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................80 Glossary of Malagasy Words ......................................................................................................84 Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................86 4 Summary Archaeological works carried out during Ambatovy’s construction phase led to the identifi cation of more than 100 sites, which date back to the period between the 12th and 20th century AD, representing nearly 800 years of Madagascar’s history. This publication represents an outstanding contribution to Madagascar’s heritage, a country whose history is only known to have begun about 4,000 years ago. Ambatovy’s archaeological team collected around 5,000 different artifacts, including sherds of local pottery; glass; iron; chlorite schist ware; and ceramics from Europe and Asia. In addition to the archaeological sites, many cultural sites and monuments were also identifi ed: burial places; standing stones; sacred clan’s poles; as well as sacred or forbidden sites. The results of this work are currently being documented and stored at the Centre for Ethnological and Linguistic Studies and Research (CEREL), at the University of Toamasina, prior to being made available to anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of the history of the eastern part of Madagascar. Ambatovy’s contribution is undoubtedly valuable. It has led to the discovery of new archaeological sites, as well as the consolidation of knowledge, conveyed in archives, through physical evidence. 5 Preface Since its inception in 2005, Ambatovy has demonstrated a commitment to the preservation and protection of artifacts found in its intervention areas between Moramanga and Toamasina. A detailed survey of all cultural and religious sites was conducted and continued throughout the construction phase between 2007 and 2011. During this period, more than two hundred sacred sites (burial and traditional worship sites) and important monuments were identifi ed. One hundred archaeological sites and more than 5,000 artifacts
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