Industry Report Forestry and Logging 2014 Bulgaria
Industry Report Forestry and logging 2014 Bulgaria This industry report is part of your subcription access to SeeNews | CONTENTS I. KEY INDICATORS II. INTRODUCTION III. REVENUES IV. EXPENSES V. PROFITABILITY VI. EMPLOYMENT 1 SeeNews Industry Report SECTOR 2014 2013 2012 BULGARIA LOGGING 1,178 1,076 919 SUPPORT SERVICES TO FORESTRY 405 375 273 GATHERING OF WILD GROWING NON-WOOD 84 61 51 I. KEY INDICATORS PRODUCTS SILVICULTURE AND OTHER FORESTRY 33 46 28 The Forestry and logging industry in Bulgaria was ACTIVITIES represented by 1,700 companies at the end of 2014, compared to 1,558 in the previous year and 1,271 in 2012. III. REVENUES The industry's net profit amounted to BGN 18,019,000 in 2014. The total revenue in the industry was BGN 668,118,000 in 2014, BGN 667,020,000 in 2013 and 807,566,000 in 2012. The industry's total revenue was BGN 668,118,000 in 2014, up by 0.16% compared to the previous year. Total revenue The combined costs of the companies in the Forestry and Net sales revenue logging industry reached BGN 647,350,000 in 2014, up by 1.78% year-on-year. 900,000,000 807,566,000 The industry's total revenue makes up 0.86% to the 800,000,000 country's Gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014, compared 700,000,000 667,020,000 668,118,000 to 0.88% for 2013 and 1.07% in 2012. 746,213,000 A total of 14,040 people were employed in the Forestry and 600,000,000 602,028,000 596,793,000 logging industry at the end of 2014, compared to 9,530 in 2013 and 8,792 in 2012.
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