D O N a U R E G I O N E N Jointly for Our Common Future the Spatial

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D O N a U R E G I O N E N Jointly for Our Common Future the Spatial donauregionen+ Programme co-funded by the EUROPEAN UNION danube regions analysis 2009 - 2012 The Spatial Development of Interregional Co-operation in the Danube Space GS HRSS reg i onen donau jointly for our common future 5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bratislavský kraj General Information Human Resources Demographic situation The number of inhabitants in the region to the date December 31, 2006 has been 606 753. During the period 1991 – 2006 the number of inhabitants increased in Bratislava County from 606 351 people to 606 753. From the year 2002 the number of natural population have declining trend and in the year 2006 the natural population growth was recorded (68 people). In Bratislava County was observed the total growth of population 3 054 people. Popultion density in Bratislava County reached in 2006 the value 296 people on 1 sq. km. The portion of youngest population in the year 2006 in Bratislava County was (13,0 %). Educational structure Within Slovakia regions Bratislava County has the highest educational level of population, what is related to the best high school network in this region and at the same time with the graduates’ best chances to succeed in employment process. In Bratislava County is 31,7% rate of high educated population (aged 25-64). Labour market The economically active population are people aged 15 that belongs among working people in civil sector, unemployed or member of armed sector. In the year 2006, at the regional level, the share of economically active population from the total population number represented 53,4%. The employment rate of people aged 15 + has reached 60,6% in Bratislava County in the year 2006. Unemployment rate in 2006 was recorded on the level 2,29%. Settlement Structure Development trends The settlement structure is characterized with relatively proportional spreading of middle large cities on the whole region with the dominant position of the Slovak Republic capital city Bratislava. The city with more than 100 000 inhabitance is only one in the region; it is Bratislava (426 000 inhabitance) which is also the largest city in the whole Slovak part of the region. The region has relatively good position toward the neighboring countries, from which development of the biggest regional cities benefited mainly. A development in these cities gives the development opportunities also to other hinterlands. Roles of importance of the towns In term of European conditions is the most important city as the centre of international importance the capital of SR Bratislava and its agglomeration. Agglomerations areas and development axes The territory of analyzed region can be characterized in term of settlement structure as a territory with most developed agglomeration within Slovak Republic. It is concerned to Bratislava-Trnava agglomeration around capital city Bratislava with connection to Trnava city and also Nitra agglomeration, which is, in essence, interconnected with Bratislava-Trnava agglomeration. In discussed area we can expect within the individual agglomerations further development of suburbanization connected to trends of concentrated de-concentration around most important towns. 6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interregional cooperation Potential interconnection of settlement structure of SR to other countries and their settlement structures is expressed by basic conception idea shown in picture from Slovak Spatial Development Perspective 2001 – International context of settlement centers of SR. Within cross-border territory creates formal and informal organizations. One of formal forms of trans-boundary cooperation is within the frame of established euroregions. In the border territory following euroregions occurred: Euroregion „Pomoravie“ (with Austria and Czech Republic). As a common association for publicity and support of economic development of cross-border region an association CENTROPE was established. Its participants are Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Czech Republic. An information system VITEC was created as a joint database system for information between Bratislava and Vienna towns. Border and transborder towns within the region are practically all towns along borders, first of all those, which are in immediate vicinity of borders as Bratislava, Malacky, Senec. Living standards Based on the data of Statistical Office SR, there has been 332 permanently inhabited dwellings on 1 000 inhabitance in the evaluated region in the year 2001. In the scope of the region, the highest number of dwellings per 1 000 inhabitance was in Bratislava County. The regional average is 365 dwellings per 1 000 inhabitance. Indicators of Settlement Infrastructure and Human Resources Indicator 1996 2001 2005 2008 Number of dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants 377,69 406,31 424,32 439,81 Share of university students per 1 000 69,24 82,63 100,55 122,91 inhabitants Regional vitality index 161,44 124,43 107,99 102,38 7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trnavský kraj General Information Human Resources Demographic situation The number of inhabitance in the region to the date December 31, 2006 has been 555 075 people in Trnava County. During the period 1991 – 2006, the increase has occurred in Trnava County, where the population raised from 541 992 in the year 1991 to 555 075 inhabitance until the year 2006, i.e. increase by 13 083 people. The population density is 134 inhabitance/sq. km in Trnava County. The population age structure and its processes of formation can be considered as a demographic phenomenon with relatively high complexity degree. The population age structure formation and its changes are referring to all inhabitance. Development of basic population processes for instance natality, mortality and migration movements are reflected in the age structure. On the other side, the age structure of each population can significantly influence levels of many population phenomenon and processes. Educational structure The population educational structure is a reflection of a society development degree, its economic and social forwardness. The education of population mainly depends on the educational system of society. The evaluation of population educational structure is based on the data from population census as only and relatively most correct information about this population structure. During the last population, houses and dwellings census as of May 26, 2001, the education was surveyed based on the highest finished educational level. At the regional level, the share of population aged 25-64 with high education represented 18,2%, the share of population aged 18-64 with highest secondary education level was 75,5% and the share of population aged 19-64 without education was 0,4%. Labour market The economically active population are people aged 15 that belongs among working people in civil sector, unemployed or member of armed sector. In the year 2006, at the regional level, the share of economically active population from the total population number represented 50,2%. In Trnava County it was 51,1%. The employment rate, that is computed as the portion of working people aged 15+, potentially persons aged 15- 64 and number of inhabitance aged 15+, potentially persons aged 15-64 are gained from the Statistical Office of SR but only data to the NUTS 3 level. The employment rate of people aged 15+ has indicated 51,2% in the year 2006 in the Slovak Republic and the employment rate of persons aged 15-64 is 59,4%, what is below the EU average. The employment rate of people aged 15 + has reached 56,4 in the year 2006. Settlement Structure Development trends The settlement structure is characterized with relatively proportional spreading of middle large cities on the whole region with the dominant position. The region has relatively good position toward the neighboring countries, from which development of the biggest regional cities benefited mainly. A development in these cities gives the development opportunities also to other hinterlands. However, this development is not proportional. In the region development, the main role plays the geomorphologic determinateness. The largest lowland with the best farmlands of Slovakia is located in this region. Main part of the region was and still is the leading area of an agricultural production. This fact together with restructuring of the whole agriculture has an influence on the dynamics of another development in its parts, where agricultural production is a dominant economic factor. In these parts of the region, the existing small and middle large cities play more important role in the inhabitance stabilization and in the dynamics of agricultural development. 8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roles of importance of the towns According to European model for polycentric development Trnava county belongs to Functional Urban Areas (FUA). Agglomerations areas and development axes The territory of analyzed region can be characterized in term of settlement structure as a territory with most developed agglomeration within Slovak Republic. It is concerned to Bratislava-Trnava agglomeration around capital city Bratislava with connection to Trnava city. Interregional cooperation Potential interconnection of settlement structure of SR to other countries and their settlement structures is expressed by basic
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