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ANALYSIS of the CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM in BULGARIA © UNICEF/UNI154434/Pirozzi ANALYSIS OF THE CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM IN BULGARIA © UNICEF/UNI154434/Pirozzi Final report October 2019 This report has been prepared with the financial assistance of UNICEF in Bulgaria under the Contract LRPS- 2018- 9140553 dated 19 of September 2018. The views expressed herein are those of the consultants and therefore in no way reflect the of- ficial opinion of UNICEF. The research was carried out by a consortium of the companies Fresno, the Right Link and PMG Analytics. The research had been coordinated by Milena Harizanova, Daniela Koleva and Dessislava Encheva from the UNICEF office in Sofia, Bulgaria. Elaborated with the technical assistance of Authors. José Manuel Fresno (Team Leader) Roberta Cecchetti (International Child Protection Expert) Philip Gounev (Public Management Expert) Martin Gramatikov (Legal Expert) Slavyanka Ivanova (Field Research Coordinator) Stefan Meyer (Research Coordination) Skye Bain (Research assistance and quality assurance) Maria Karayotova (Research assistance) Greta Ivanova Tsekova (Research assistance) Table of Content Abreviations ............................................................................................................................ 3 Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 5 Executive Summary................................................................................................................ 6 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 1. LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................. 15 1.1. Main primary and secondary legislation on child protection ...................................... 17 1.2.General Law and policies and adherence to international standards ......................... 19 1.3.Violence against children ............................................................................................ 25 1.4.Children without parental care .................................................................................... 29 1.5.Children in conflict with the law ................................................................................... 33 1.6.Participation and civil society oversight ...................................................................... 38 1.7.Conclusions on legal and policy framework ................................................................ 39 2. MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION OF THE CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM ...... 42 2.1.Overall policy coordination .......................................................................................... 43 2.2.Control and oversight mechanism .............................................................................. 44 2.3.Structure and coordination mechanisms for policy implementation ............................ 48 2.4.Children in conflict with the law ................................................................................... 50 2.5.Preventing Family-Child Separation and Child Abandonment .................................... 51 2.6.Conclusions on Management and Coordination ......................................................... 53 Focus on data ................................................................................................................... 56 3. PREVENTION AND RESPONSE SERVICES (IMPLEMENTATION) .............................. 63 3.1.Child Protection in practice: Prevention and case management ................................ 65 3.2.Violence against children ............................................................................................ 69 3.3.Children without parental care .................................................................................... 71 3.4.Children in conflict with the law ................................................................................... 76 3.5.Children in vulnerable situations ................................................................................. 77 3.6.Conclusions on Implementation .................................................................................. 80 4. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM ........................... 81 5. SOCIAL SERVICE WORKFORCE .................................................................................. 91 5.1.Qualification ................................................................................................................ 91 5.2.Recruitment and staffing ............................................................................................. 93 5.3.Training ....................................................................................................................... 94 5.4.Professional development and professional motivation .............................................. 96 5.5.Work organisation ....................................................................................................... 97 5.6.Oversight and monitoring .......................................................................................... 100 5.7.Quality assurance ..................................................................................................... 103 5.8.Conclusions on the social workforce ........................................................................ 104 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 108 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................. 125 Legislation, Policies, Ordinances........................................................................................ 125 Literature ............................................................................................................................ 127 TABLES INDEX Table 1: Overview of all interviews ....................................................................................... 13 Table 2: Annual sources of financing of the child protection system (2018, BGN) ............... 83 FIGURES INDEX Figure 1: Structure of the report ........................................................................................... 11 Figure 2: Institutions involved in oversight of CP cases ...................................................... 46 Figure 3: Number of social workers and cases overseen by CPD heads (2017) ................. 47 Figure 4: Structure of the control and oversight mechanism ................................................ 47 Figure 5. Child Protection Information System Components................................................ 57 Figure 6: Total Amounts for support provided under the Child Protection Act (2012-2018, BGN) .......................................................... 84 Figure 7: Trends in the financial support for foster care provided under the Child Protection Act ............................................................................... 85 Figure 8: Type of education degrees among social workers ................................................ 92 Figure 9: Type of education degrees among chief social workers and head of units ........... 92 Figure 10: Years of experience of the social workers and psychologist within the Child Protection Departments......................................... 94 Figure 11: Training experience of the social workers, psychologists and heads of unit per type of education received ......................... 95 Figure 12: Variance of the workload among survey respondents ......................................... 97 Figure 13: Caseload of the social workers ........................................................................... 97 Figure 14: Average share of the different types of activities of the social worker ................. 98 Figure 15: Histogram of the average caseload of a social worker at CPU level .................. 99 Figure 16: Correlation between caseload and workforce to children population ratio ........ 100 Figure 17: SACP control activities over the last six years .................................................. 102 Figure 18: Share of the social workers who have had supervision .................................... 103 BOXES INDEX Box 1 – Main provisions of the New Law on Social Services (2019).................................... 23 Box 2 – Good practice interventions: preventing and responding to violence against children ..................................................................................... 28 Box 3 – Good practice intervention: Alternative care of children, application of the principles of necessity (prevention) and suitability ...................... 32 Box 4 – Good practice intervention: preventing juvenile delinquency .................................. 38 Box 5 – Good practice interventions: Child protection systems strengthening .................... 41 Box 6 – Good practice intervention: Family strengthening and support to prevent child-family separation and violence against children ............... 65 Box 7 – Good practice intervention: case management ....................................................... 66 Box 8 – Good practice intervention: social protection for children ....................................... 69 Box 9 – Good practice interventions: social workforce strengthening ................................ 104 2 Abreviations ASA Agency for Social Assistance CBS Correctional Boarding Schools CCCJD Central Commission for Combating Juvenile
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