Night life in Europe and recreative drug use. SONAR 98 Authors: Amador Calafat, Karl Bohrn, Montserrat Juan, Anna Kokkevi, Nicole Maalsté, Fernando Mendes, Alfonso Palmer, Kellie Sherlock, Joseph Simon, Paolo Stocco, Mª Pau Sureda, Peter Tossmann, Goof van de Wijngaart, Patricia Zavatti Nigut life in Europe and recreative drug use. SONAR and recreative Nigut life in Europe 98 Financed with the assistance of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION IREFREA IREFREA IREFREA is a european network interested in the promotion and research of primary prevention of different sorts of juvenile malaise and the study of associated protective and risk factors. NIGHT LIFE IN EUROPE AND RECREATIVE DRUG USE. SONAR 98 Research Coordinator: Amador Calafat 3 NIGHT LIFE IN EUROPE AND RECREATIVE DRUG USE. SONAR 98 Authors: Amador Calafat, Karl Bohrn, Montserrat Juan, Anna Kokkevi, Nicole Maalsté, Fernando Mendes, Alfonso Palmer, Kellie Sherlock, Joseph Simon, Paolo Stocco, Mª Pau Sureda, Peter Tossmann, Goof van de Wijngaart, Patrizia Zavatti Collaborators: Susanne Ebner (Vienna); Laura de Fazio (Modena); Alan Haughton (Manchester); Lucia Mariano (Coimbra); Claudia Pilgrim (Berlin); Jérome Reynaud (Nice); Ioanna Siamou (Athens); Rebecca Simpson (Manchester); Sabine Tyrväinen (Vienna); Erika Van Vliet (Utrecht) IREFREA Financed with the assistance of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION NEITHER THE COMMISSION, NOR ANY PERSON ACTING IN ITS NAME, IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE THAT MIGHT BE MADE OF THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT ORGANISATIONS, INSTITUTIONS AND NATIONAL RESEARCH GROUPS PARTICIPATING IN THIS RESEARCH IREFREA DEUSCHTLAND CSST / CREDIT Horst Brömer Joseph Simon Drogenhilfe Tannehof Berlin e v 10, Av. Malausséna. 06000 Nice (France) Wilhelmsaue, 116. 10715 Berlin Tel:+330493926321 - Fax: +330493026320 tel +49307440213 - Fax: +493076403229 E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] INSTITUTE SOZIAL UND GESUNDHERST IREFREA - ESPAÑA Karl Böhrn Amador Calafat, Montse Juan, Mª Pau Sureda Pladenhanergasse, 20/1.