February 2016 at 7.30Pm in Hayton Village Hall
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Hayton and Burnby Parish Council www.haytonandburnbypc.co.uk Tel: 01759 301386 Email; [email protected] Clerk: Joanna Green, 29 Barmby Road, Pocklington, York, YO42 2DL Minutes of Hayton and Burnby Parish Council meeting held on 11th February 2016 at 7.30pm in Hayton Village Hall. Present: Cllr M Bettison (Chairman), Cllr M Drewery, Cllr D Nicholson, Cllr Sedcole, Cllr D Smith, Cllr E Thackray, J Green (clerk). 4 members of the public Cllr Bettison welcomed everyone to the meeting. Public Session: there were no members of the public wishing to speak 14/16 Apologies: Cllr Wagstaff 15/16 The minutes of the meeting held on 7th January 2016 were proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Nicholson and agreed as a true and correct record and were signed as such by Cllr Bettison on behalf of the council. 16/16 Declaration of Interest: There were no declarations of interest. 17/16 To receive clerk's report on matters being progressed from previous meetings: Defibrillator: The owners of Whitehouse Farm had given permission to site a defibrillator on the wall of their outbuilding. If the Local Grant Fund is available in the next financial year the clerk was authorised to go ahead and apply for a grant to buy a defibrillator. Neighbourhood Development Plan: The Neighbourhood Area had now been approved. Peter Hirshfield of the Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council had been invited to speak at the March meeting about preparing a plan. Neighbourhood Watch: A report was received from the co-ordinator. 38 out of 52 households in Burnby were to join the group. However there was a disappointing response from Hayton with only 6 out of 93 households opting to join. It was agreed that the Neighbourhood Watch Group should still continue and that Hayton residents should be encouraged to join. The Neighbourhood Watch signs provided were very large and bright and were not considered to be acceptable for widespread use in Burnby. The co-ordinator and deputy were thanked for their work. Ragwort: the clerk reported that she had received no reply from ERYC regarding the plans for control of the ragwort on the A1079. It was agreed that she should now involve the ward councillors. 18/16 To receive a report from the flood committee: the committee was due to have its first meeting on Wednesday 17th February . Cllr Sedcole had been in touch with Steven Roberts of ERYC. A paper had been written in 2007 about the drainage at Burnby but this council had not had sight of a copy of it. Although some of the drains had been jetted they were quickly silting up again. It had been suggested that repeated jetting could cause the drains to collapse. Cllr Sedcole had enquired about having a stock of sandbags in the village in case of emergency. ERYC only bring these out when there is danger of flooding. The Parish Council might consider buying some to be kept in the parish. 19/16 Planning To resolve to support or otherwise the applications below: Proposal: 15/03961/PLF Erection of single storey extension to rear, two storey extension to front and side and porch to front Location: Fernlea Town Street Hayton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO42 1RR Applicant: Mr Andrew Cox Application type: Full Planning Permission There were no objections to this proposal providing matching bricks were used and the architecture was in keeping with the existing house. Proposal: 16/00260/PLF Erection of a general purpose agricultural storage building Location: North Farm Thorpe Le Street Road Thorpe Le Street East Riding Of Yorkshire YO42 4LJ Applicant: Mr Richard Morley Application type: Full Planning Permission There were no objections to this proposal. Notice was received of planning permissions granted: Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to rear Location: Lindley Back Lane Burnby East Riding Of Yorkshire YO42 1RS Applicant: Mr And Mrs Ellis Proposal: Extension of Partridge Hall Quarry into 2.5ha of agricultural land to the northwest of the existing quarry Location: Partridge Hall Quarry Londesborough Road Burnby East Riding Of Yorkshire Times of permitted operation of the quarry were noted. 20/16 Data Protection and Freedom of Information: Cllr Nicholson proposed and Cllr Sedcole seconded and it was resolved to register as a data handler with the Information Commissioner at a cost of £35.00 per year . The clerk was asked to draft a suitable policy for the council . 21/16 Accounts Bank balance £5630.10 The payment below was approved: Clerk's salary (January) £138.06 22/16 Correspondence: Frack Free East Yorkshire re meetings Pocklington 9th Feb, Market Weighton 15th Feb. East Riding Parish News -January & February Humberside Police Bulletin - February Tour de Yorkshire - 29,30 April,1 May ERYC - funding for work on the A1079 NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) - Governing body meeting 4 February Clerks and Councils Direct. 23/16 Councillors reports: Only some of the potholes on Everingham Lane had been repaired. Those between Burnby and Pocklington had not yet been repaired. The road between Hayton and Burnby was in a bad state again. It was hoped this would be repaired when the passing places were created in the next financial year. Cllr Bettison had attended the meeting at Pocklington about fracking . There were a number of concerns about fracking including the potential to pollute the aquifer which provides drinking water for the East Riding. As the fracking rigs are usually moved every few years pipelines would not be laid and there would be great deal of traffic as water was brought in and gas taken out by tanker. Cllr Bettison had attended the Wolds Weighton Liaison Group. It had not been structured and a number of issues had been raised. The next meeting would be in April and it would have an agenda. 24/16 Date of next meeting 3rd March .