WINNER OF THE GOOD COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 2008 FOR JOURNALISM EAST RIDING If undelivered please return to HG115, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, HU17 9BA L^i][djgVccjVaigZVibZcih J@ÉhaZVY^c\egd[Zhh^dcVaaVlchhZgk^XZ[dgdkZg'%nZVgh NEWS ;gZZXdchjaiVi^dcVcYaVlchjgkZnh CdXdcigVXihidh^\c!eVnVhndj\dhZgk^XZ 8]ZVeZgi]Vc9#>#N# HeZX^Va^hi[ZZYhZmXajh^kZid<gZZci]jbW ;gdbVh AUGUST 2009 EDITION a^iiaZVh %&)-'--%%-' 6A6LC &) NDJÉAA [dgVine^XVa +%b'aVlc FREE TO YOU - PAID FOR BY ADVERTISING ^cXK6I ADK: lll#\gZZci]jbW#Xd#j` New centre provides facilities for businesses to access IN THIS ISSUE MAKING A DIFFERENCE How young people are helping others with the vTalent programme PAGE 7 WIN A CLIPPER TRIP Win a pair of tickets for a trip on the Hull and Humber PAGE 9 OFFICIAL OPENING: Main image, Brough Business Centre; above, from left, Tony Arksey, site director of BAE Systems Brough, and Councillor Andy Burton, portfolioholder for community engagement and local economic development, at the recent offi cial opening ceremony WIN A SIGNED BOOK Win a signed Antony Worrall Thompson CENTRE TAKES OFF cook book PAGE 22 into developing and improving involved in this project has refurbishing an old building to 21st BY Tom Du Boulay the business centres is a vital done a fantastic job in providing century standards” E.
[email protected] investment in the East Riding’s economically priced, modern and Amanda Hoggart, the business future and the current economic vibrant offi ces to enable young centre manager for East Riding ast Riding of Yorkshire downturn makes it all the more businesses to prosper in the local of Yorkshire Council, said: “We Council recently important that we maintain our region.