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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2019 No. 28 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was MEASURE PLACED ON THE The negotiators also prevented last- called to order by the President pro CALENDAR—S. 464 minute efforts to hamstring the U.S. tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Immigrations and Customs Enforce- ment with an unprecedented statutory f understand there is a bill at the desk due for a second reading. limit on their ability to detain crimi- PRAYER The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nal aliens in the interior of our coun- clerk will read the title of the bill for try. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Instead, here is what their agreement a second time. fered the following prayer: does provide. It provides another sig- The senior assistant legislative clerk Let us pray. nificant downpayment on the Presi- Almighty God, our refuge and read as follows: dent’s plan to secure our Nation’s bor- strength, Your Kingdom cannot be A bill (S. 464) to require the treatment of ders with new physical barriers and shaken. We praise You that more a lapse in appropriations as a mitigating keep American communities safe. It things are wrought by prayer than we condition when assessing financial consider- ations for security clearances, and for other provides nearly $1.4 billion for new bar- can imagine. We are grateful for Your purposes. riers in the Border Patrol’s highest pri- invitation to ask and receive, to seek ority areas—enough to build nearly Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in and find, and to knock for doors to twice as many miles as were funded order to place the bill on the calendar open. last year. It gives ICE the capacity and under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- May this prayer that opens today’s the flexibility to continue responding ject to further proceedings. session be a springboard for our law- to surges in illegal immigration. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- makers to communicate with You continues to provide the President tion having been heard, the bill will be throughout the day. May they pause with appropriate reprogramming au- placed on the calendar. repeatedly during their challenging thority, so he can direct additional world to ask You for wisdom and guid- f funding toward urgent homeland secu- ance. Lord, empower the members of GOVERNMENT FUNDING rity priorities should circumstances re- their staffs and all who labor for lib- quire. Of course, in addition to all this, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- erty to harness prayer power continu- the legislation will wrap up all our out- terday Chairman SHELBY, Ranking ously. standing regular appropriations bills Member LEAHY, and their House coun- and get the entire Federal Government We pray in Your powerful Name. terparts continued finalizing their leg- Amen. funded the right way. islative proposal to fund the govern- It goes without saying that neither f ment. Their negotiated solution would side is getting everything it wants. wrap up this year’s appropriations and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE That is the way it goes in divided gov- avoid another partial government shut- ernment. If the text of the bill reflects The President pro tempore led the down. the principles agreed to on Monday, it Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: As our colleagues hammer out the won’t be a perfect deal, but it will be a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the final details, I would like to thank good deal. United States of America, and to the Repub- them again for their cooperative, bi- I hope that our colleagues will com- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, partisan efforts that have brought us plete the process of turning these prin- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to this point. The agreement reached ciples into legislation soon and final on Monday was achieved because the f text that can become law before this conference committee set aside far-left Friday’s deadline. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME poison pills and utterly absurd de- We can’t let any unrelated, cynical, mands. None of these radical non- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. partisan plays get in the way of fin- starters was allowed to torpedo the DAINES). Under the previous order, the ishing this important process. I under- process. leadership time is reserved. stand, for example, that Speaker Notwithstanding weeks of over-the- PELOSI and House Democrats are ap- f top rhetoric from Speaker PELOSI, the parently objecting, believe it or not, to agreement did not cave to the far-left a modest extension of the Violence RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY demand that no more than a single dol- Against Women Act. They want this LEADER lar go toward new barriers on the authority to expire on Friday. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- southern border—no, indeed, it pro- Republicans believe that we should jority leader is recognized. vides well over a billion such dollars. follow standard procedure and extend ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1285 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Feb 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE6.000 S13FEPT1 S1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 13, 2019 this important legislation through the out the window and carve out a par- party. I remember when constitu- end of the fiscal year, which is about 7 tisan majority on this crucial Commis- tionally minded leaders on both sides months. There are new chairmen in sion. of the aisle would have recoiled at ef- this Congress of both the Senate and This proposal is outrageous enough forts to chill or even to prohibit a pri- House Judiciary Committees, and a on its face, but just wait until you hear vate citizen’s ability to speak. modest extension of this authority about all the new things the Democrat Let’s not forget, in every one of these would allow them to work on a longer Politician Protection Act would let cases, when these fuzzy, new lines and term reauthorization of this important this newly partisan FEC actually do. vague rules need enforcing, who has law. In addition, a modest extension of First, they turn it over to the party the final say? Why, it is the newly par- this law is consistent with how this of the President, so they have a clear tisan Federal Election Commission matter has been handled in the past. majority to go after the minority. But that determines who gets to speak and Every time a continuing resolution was let’s see what they can do. There are who doesn’t. My Democratic colleagues necessary in the past Congress, Repub- incredibly vague new standards that are trying to muddy the rule book and licans made sure it included an exten- seem tailor-made to give this partisan mount a hostile takeover of the ref- sion of VAWA. FEC the maximum latitude to penalize erees all at the same time. I don’t know what cynical ploy my or silence certain speech. You begin to Let me just close with this. Back in Democratic colleagues may be trying get the picture. Of course, this partisan 1974, as the creation of the FEC was de- to pull here, but surely no political ma- FEC is going to want to silence the bated here in this Chamber, California neuvering should be worth letting the voices of its opponents. Democratic Senator Alan Cranston Violence Against Women Act lapse this Let me give a few examples. gave this warning: ‘‘The FEC has such Friday, 2 days from now. It is time to The newly partisan FEC would be a potential for abuse in our democratic get this done. handed the ability to determine what society that the President should not f kind of speech is ‘‘campaign-related’’— be given power over the Commission.’’ growing its jurisdiction and widening Wise words. H.R. 1 its bureaucratic wingspan over more of Back then, a California Democrat Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, as I the public discourse, including issues of was warning against a partisan take- alluded to earlier this week, I have a the day and not just elections. over of the American electoral system. feeling this conference is just getting Private citizens, for example, would It is the distinguished Member of the started discussing Speaker PELOSI’s be required to make the government House from San Francisco, Speaker signature bill, H.R. 1. I, for one, am aware of times they spend even small PELOSI, who is now, today, eager to continue shining the spotlight amounts of money in engaging in First cheerleading for that very change. on the Democrat Politician Protection Amendment activities. Private citizens The Democratic Party has changed Act and asking why, exactly, Wash- have to notify the government if they its views on this subject a lot in the ington Democrats are so intent on as- are going to engage in spending small last 45 years, but the purpose of the signing themselves a whole lot more amounts of money on First Amend- FEC has not changed one bit, and nei- power over what American citizens can ment activities—on expressing them- ther has the importance of the First say about politics, how we can say it, selves—or they will face penalties. Amendment. and how we cast our ballots.