Lombard Park District Expenditures by Fund 2012 Budget
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Lombard Park District ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR BUDGET YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 January 24, 2011 Page 2 of 263 1/20/2012 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 3 of 263 1/20/2012 Lombard Park District Annual Operating Budget 2012 For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Table of Contents I. Overview A. Table of Contents 4 B. Readers Guide 7 C. Transmittal Letter 8 D. Lombard Park District’s Mission Statement 12 E. Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda 13 F. Lombard Park District Profile 15 G. Budget Calendar 18 H. Budget Charts and Financial Overviews 19 I. Fund Balance 25 J Goals and Objectives 26 II. Tax Levy 2012 Proposed Budget 36 III. Corporate Fund A. Overview 38 B. Summary and Charts 40 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 42 IV. Paradise Bay A. Overview 52 B. Summary and Charts 54 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 56 V. Recreation A. Overview 62 B. Summary and Charts 63 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 65 D. Net Income Programming 70 E. Overview and Proposed Budget Report Detail 1. Fine Arts 71 2. Athletics. Camps & Clinics 74 3. General Interest, Camps & Clinics 83 4. Visual & Performing Arts & Crafts 86 5. Gymnastics 91 6. Fitness 94 7. Senior & General Interest 98 8. Special Events 101 9. Preschool Arts 106 Page 4 of 263 1/20/2012 10. Early Childhood 109 11. Teens 113 12. Facilities 118 13. Outdoor Rentals 126 VI. Western Acres Golf Course A. Overview 128 B. Summary and Charts 129 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 131 VII. Special Recreation A. Overview 136 B. Summary and Charts 137 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 138 VIII. Liability A. Overview 140 B. Summary and Charts 141 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 142 IX. Debt Service A. Overview 146 B. Proposed Budget Report Detail 147 X. I.M.R.F. & F.I.C.A. A. Overview 150 B. Summary and Charts 151 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 152 XI. Audit A. Overview 154 B. Summary and Charts 155 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail 156 Page 5 of 263 1/20/2012 XII. Capital Projects A. Overview – General 158 B. Summary and Charts – General 159 C. Proposed Budget Report Detail – General 160 A. Overview - Referendum 170 B. Proposed Budget Report Detail – Referendum 171 XIII. Appendix A. Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 180 B. Lombard Park District Fee History 190 C. WAGC Marketing Plan 208 D. Budget Overview Presentation (December 13, 2011) 230 E. Glossary 254 Page 6 of 263 1/20/2012 Lombard Park District Reader's Guide This budget document is intended to provide concise and readable information about the Lombard Park District and how the document is prepared. The following sections contain the details of the Park District’s budget: Section 1: Overview of the entire budget which includes a transmittal letter, budget summaries and a District profile. Section 2: This section explains how the tax levy was calculated for the Tax Year 2011 which is collected in Fiscal Year 2012. Section 3 - 12: Revenue analysis and detail for each fund is located in these sections. Section 13: This section contains the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, Program Fee History, WAGC Marketing Plan, Budget Presentation and Glossary. Key words that are used throughout the report are defined so that the reader can be more familiar with technical terms, acronyms and words particular to government finance and parks and recreation. It is recommended that examination of budget material be preceded by a careful review of the Letter of Transmittal and Section 1 of this report. Page 7 of 263 1/20/2012 January 24, 2012 Board of Park Commissioners Lombard Park District Lombard, Illinois The Annual Operating Budget of the Lombard Park District for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012 has been prepared and is presented for your review in preparation of the Committee of the Whole meetings commencing on November 8, 2011. This budget document presents the District’s comprehensive financial plan to provide parks, facilities, programs, and leisure services to residents and participants during the upcoming fiscal year. It is a working document subject to deliberations and modifications prior to adoption in January 2012. Any questions the reader has regarding any aspect of this budget should be directed to Jason S. Myers, Superintendent of Finance and Personnel, at 630-627-1281. The 2012 Proposed Budget is intended to dispense the optimum portion of resources to serve resident needs through sound fiscal management, while meeting the limitations of a mandated tax cap. Although during 2004 some non-referendum bonding authority was granted back to the District, the District still faces significant challenges brought by the limitation of non-referendum bonding powers for future years, as well as federal and state unfunded mandates such as ADA. Although the tax cap limits the District’s revenue, staff continues to investigate ways to maximize current resources while meeting the demands of the citizens and being fiscally conservative. The tax cap for 2012 is 1.5% with a near zero growth factor causes the District to implement any cost savings programs now and in the future. There are no other economic or legal issues negatively affecting the District except for the current economic downturn. Management and staff started the budget process at the end of July. Meetings were scheduled throughout September and into October. As is the case each year while staff puts the budget together, the main goal was to limit expenditure increases and project realistically attainable revenue. Page 8 of 263 1/20/2012 The budget meeting process with the Board of Park Commissioners will be much like it has been the past several years. Staff has included the agendas for the two anticipated budget meetings. Management and staff will again be on hand during the budget presentations to answer any of the Board’s questions directly. The budget for the Lombard Park District includes the revenues, expenditures, and fund balances for specific funds as provided by taxes, user fees, interest income and other sources. The Park District uses a detailed line item format to monitor revenues and expenditures. The accounts of the Park District are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The 2012 Proposed Budget for the Lombard Park District has revenues, net of interfund transfers, totaling $8,046,724, and expenditures, also net of interfund transfers, totaling $9,352,592. Management is currently estimating the December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2012 Fund Balances for the Park District to total $3,657,016 and $2,351,148 respectively. Staff has prepared a budget that has a net income loss for 2012 in the amount of $1.3 Million due to just under $2.0 Million in proposed capital project expenditures of which just under $396,000 are capital projects carried over from 2011. Major work for 2012 includes the following as well as projects outlined in the Capital Projects sections. These allow the District to remain fiscally conservative while maintaining a healthy financial condition and providing high quality services. • Replacement of the recreation and financial software that is used throughout the District ($130,000) • ADA Improvements that have been identified through a 2011 ADA Assessment ($392,410) • Selection of a firm to establish a five year master plan ($80,000) • CXT restroom with storage (130,000) • Turf Field with School District #87 ($550,000) • Improvement of walking paths throughout the District ($74,000) • Ball field #14 outfield improvements ($20,384) • Lilacia Maintenance Shed roof replacement ($12,500) • Madison Meadow irrigation and storage building ($150,000) • Paradise Bay circle drive improvement ($40,000) • Purchase of a backhoe ($80,000) and rough mower ($50,722) • Installation of a fence around the north pond at SK ($44,746) As the reader pages through this budget document, you will find a short discussion before each of the budget areas that staff has determined important for your consideration. Budgeting Notes Full time staff wages and salaries (501100) have been determined based upon a 3.5% average annual increase (1998 = 4.0%, 1999 = 3.5%, 2000 = 3.5%, 2001 = 4.0%, 2002 = 4.5%, 2003 = 4.0%, 2004 = 4.0%, 2005 = 5.0%, 2006 = 5.0%, 2007 = 5.0%, 2008 = 5.0%, 2009 = 4.1%, 2010 = 3%, 2011 = 3% and 2012 = 3.5%). Part time staff wages have been primarily determined on an hourly increase based on supervisor discretion. Page 9 of 263 1/20/2012 Presented in the Employee Benefits Package for 2012, hospitalization and prescription drug card premiums have increased by 9.13%. Dental and vision plans experienced no change 2012. As they have since 1999, our employees are required to pay a portion of their hospitalization, dental, and prescription drug card premiums. In 2012 the portion increased to 8% of the premium. The budgeted amount in all Hospitalization (505100) and Dental (505500) accounts is the net cost to the District (the cost of the premium less the employees’ share). All Investment Interest (421100) accounts throughout the 2012 Proposed Budget are expected to increase by 0.5%. The Capital Projects Fund is showing a decrease due to lower fund balances. In addition, current short term bond rates are equivalent to the money markets rates through the Liquid Assets Account. Therefore, most short term investments are in a money market account Again for 2012, District-wide Utility budgets have been determined based upon the last five years of data experience we have, with more weighted value on 2011’s information. Most utilities were budgeted to increase by 3% based on information staff has gathered. However, water and sewer has been budgeted at a 15.5% increase based on preliminary figures from the Village of Lombard.