Alumni Achievement ------15
Contracting & Material Company Engineers and Contractors * 1235 Dodge Ave., Evanston, Ill. ROgers Park 4-U95 GReenleaf 5-6960 W. P. Cagney Jr. '35 F. X. Cagney '36 D.P. Cagney '50 ·.. .. eOR(lETOWD UDIIJERSITq LUmDI mA(jAZIDE Member of the American Alumni Council e EDITORIAL BOARD NOVEMBER 1957 VOLUME 10, NUMBER 4 OF ALUMNI MAGAZINE WILLIAM S. ABELL, '36 CONTENTS R oBERT J. AvEIIv, '32 The First Ten Years ------------------------- ------- 2 LEO A . CoDD, '22 Intercollegiate Competition ------------------- ------- 4 REV. DANIEL E. POWER, S,J. Football Again ------------------------------------ 7 DR. ]AMES S. Runv, '27, Editor Georgetown History -------------------------------- 9 EuGENE L. STEWART, '48 Letters to the Editor -------------------------------- ll DR. JoHN WALDRoN,''30 Champion Pitcher --------------------------------- 12 Anniversary Mass ---------------------------------- 14 RuTH K. SMITH, Managing Editor Alumni Achievement ------------------------------- 15 RUTH KETTERMAN, Advertising Manager Class Notes --------------------------------------- 18 Con·tributors to this issue: THOMAS A. DEAN, '20 President 1944-1948, Georgetown University Alumni Association EucENE L. STEWART, '48 Chairman, 1957 Alumni Annual Giving Fund The Presidents of the Georgetown University Alumni Association since VERY REV. EDWARD B. BUNN, S.J. s A. Dean, President, Georgetown University its incorporation: Thoma '20, president 1944-1948; Thomas C. JosEPH E. ]EFFS, '49 Mee, '17, 1948-1950; Thomas C. Member of the Library staff, Egan, '17, 1950-1952; John J. Tun Georgetown University more, '31, 1952-1954; Joseph B. P. FRANCIS STANN Brennan, '25, 1954-1956; Eugene Member of sports staff, Washington Evening Star McCahill, '21, 1956-1958. Copyright 1957 Georgetown University Alumni Magazine Return Postage Guaranteed GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE: published each two months by the Georgetown University Alumni Association Inc., Washington 7, D.
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