vol. 191, no. 5 the american naturalist may 2018

Selfing Can Facilitate Transitions between Syndromes

Carolyn A. Wessinger* and John K. Kelly

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Submitted August 17, 2017; Accepted November 2, 2017; Electronically published March 14, 2018 Online enhancements: appendixes. Dryad data: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.8hc64.

fi abstract: Pollinator-mediated selection on can favor tran- (Herrera 1987). When is limiting, pollinator ef ciency sitions to a new pollinator depending on the relative abundances and can determine set per visit (Schemske and Horvitz efficiencies of pollinators present in the community. A frequently ob- 1984). Since pollinators differ in their receptiveness to floral served example is the transition from pollination to humming- signals and rewards as well as in how they interact with pollination. We present a population genetic model that examines flowers, pollinator-mediated selection has led to the wide- whether the ability to inbreed can influence evolutionary change in spread convergent evolution of pollination syndromes—sets fi traits that underlie pollinator attraction. We nd that a transition to of floral traits associated with certain types of pollinators a more efficient but less abundant pollinator is favored under a broad- ened set of ecological conditions if plants are capable of delayed selfing (Faegri and Van der Pijl 1979; Fenster et al. 2004; Harder rather than obligately outcrossing. Delayed selfing allows plants carry- and Johnson 2009). Pollinator communities vary over space ing an allele that attracts the novel pollinator to reproduce even when and time, leading to repeated evolutionary transitions in pol- this pollinator is rare, providing reproductive assurance. In addition, lination syndrome, as seen, for example, in transitions from delayed selfing weakens the effects of Haldane’s sieve by increasing the bee to syndrome (Grant 1994; Thomson and fixation probability for recessive alleles that confer adaptation to the Wilson 2008; Abrahamczyk and Renner 2015). new pollinator. Our model provides novel insight into the paradoxical A second important trend in evolution is the evo- abundance of recessive mutations in adaptation to hummingbird at- fi lution of a self-compatible (SC) mating system from obli- traction. It further predicts that transitions to ef cient but less abun- ć dant pollinators (such as in certain communities) should gate outcrossing (Stebbins 1974; Igi et al. 2008). Self- disproportionately occur in self-compatible lineages. Currently avail- fertilization provides an inherent transmission advantage, able mating system data sets are consistent with this prediction, and all else being equal (Fisher 1941; Lloyd 1979, 1992), al- we suggest future areas of research that will enable a rigorous test of this though this theoretical fitness gain can be countered by in- theory. breeding depression, the fitness disadvantage of selfed off- Keywords: floral evolution, , mating system, spring relative to outcrossed offspring (Lande and Schemske hummingbird pollination, Haldane’s sieve, probability of fixation. 1985; Harder and Wilson 1998). Therefore, selfing is more likely to be beneficial if it does not interfere with the produc- tion of outcrossed seeds (Lloyd 1992). For example, selfing Introduction may be favored as a mechanism to ensure reproduction if Two common trends in the evolution of plant reproduc- mates or pollinators are limited (Baker 1955; Eckert et al. fi fi tive strategies are transitions in the primary pollinator and 2006; Busch and Delph 2012). The bene ts of sel ng also de- transitions from outcrossing to selfing (Stebbins 1970). In pend on the mode and timing of self-fertilization (Lloyd animal-pollinated , floral traits are predicted to evolve 1979, 1992). Self-fertilization that occurs before or during fi in response to the most abundant and efficient pollinator in the opportunity for outcrossing (prior or competing sel ng) “ ” the community (Stebbins 1970; Waser et al. 1996), where ef- potentially expends or discounts gametes that otherwise fi ficiency is the rate of pollen transfer between visited flowers could have generated outcrossed seeds. Sel ng that occurs after the opportunity for outcrossing has passed (delayed selfing) does not usually carry this cost (Kalisz et al. 2004) and therefore may be broadly advantageous. * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. ORCIDs: Wessinger, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3687-2559. Historically, pollinator transitions and transitions to self- Am. Nat. 2018. Vol. 191, pp. 582–594. q 2018 by The University of Chicago. ing have been considered separate evolutionary phenomena 0003-0147/2018/19105-57892$15.00. All rights reserved. with independent underlying theories (Barrett 2002; Fenster DOI: 10.1086/696856 et al. 2004; Busch and Delph 2012). Yet delayed selfing may Selfing Facilitates Pollinator Shifts 583 benefit plant species with a specialized pollination system by supported by comparisons of pollen carryover by humming- offering reproductive assurance to counter the risk of polli- versus visiting Penstemon species (Castellanos et al. nation failure (Fenster and Martén-Rodriguez 2007). In sup- 2003). Transitions to hummingbird pollination are usually port of this hypothesis, plant mating system studies posit an associated with the evolution of red, scentless flowers that association between delayed selfing and specialization on a are long and narrow and that produce large amounts of di- single type of pollinator, such as hummingbirds (Pérez et al. lute (Faegri and Van der Pijl 1979). The evolution of 2009; Martén-Rodríguez and Fenster 2010; Martén-Rodríguez these traits often involves fixation of recessive alleles, many et al. 2010). Theoretical work has examined the conditions of which have been confirmed to be LOF mutations (i.e., in that favor the evolution of pollinator specialization, including cardinalis, Penstemon barbatus,andPetunia exserta; the influence of fluctuating pollinator abundances, local plant table 1). Despite being predominantly outcrossing, all three community structure, pollen competition, and trade-offs in pol- species are SC and are capable of autonomous selfing in the linator attraction (Waser et al. 1996; Aigner 2001; Sargent and absence of pollinator visitation (Hiesey et al. 1971; Lange et al. Otto 2005; Muchhala et al. 2010). Here we examine whether 2000; Kokubun et al. 2006). We do not yet know whether fac- the potential to reproduce through selfing can facilitate evo- ultative selfing in the absence of pollinator visitation (delayed lutionarytransitionsbetweenoutcrossingmatingsystemsthat selfing) facilitates floral evolution in response to pollinator- rely on different pollinators. mediated selection and/or alters the dominance spectrum of Mating system affects genetic transmission patterns within fixed beneficial mutations. populations and can substantially impact the fate of new or Here we test whether delayed selfing can facilitate a tran- rare beneficial mutations. In outcrossing populations, a new sition in pollination syndrome using a single locus popula- beneficial mutation is present only in heterozygotes. Its prob- tion genetic model. Our work is motivated by the specific ability of surviving initial stochastic loss is approximately example of bees to hummingbirds but is general to any type equal to 2hs, where h is the dominance coefficient and s is of pollinator transition. In the model, the locus controls a the selective coefficient (Haldane 1927). In such populations, trade-off in attractiveness to bees versus hummingbirds, dominant and partially dominant mutations should dispro- which is consistent with previous observations of trade-offs portionately contribute to adaptation, a theoretical prediction in pollinator attraction. For example, flower color imposes known as Haldane’s sieve (Turner 1981; Orr 2010). By this a strong trade-off in attracting bees versus hummingbirds logic, loss-of-function (LOF) mutations should contribute min- in reciprocal backcrosses between Mimulus lewisii (bee syn- imally to adaptation because they are often recessive (2hs p 0; drome) and Mimulus cardinalis (hummingbird syndrome; Kacser and Burns 1981; Kondrashov and Koonin 2004; Phad- Bradshaw and Schemske 2003). We find that delayed self- nis and Fry 2005). Paradoxically, genetic studies have docu- ing expands the parameter conditions where hummingbird mented the contribution of LOF mutations to adaptation in a adaptation can evolve and increases the fixation probability variety of organisms (reviewed in Hoekstra and Coyne 2007; for recessive alleles that underlie the evolution of traits to Cutter and Jovelin 2015), suggesting that Haldane’s sieve can attract hummingbirds. A key prediction of our model is that be circumvented. One factor that can weaken the effects of lineages of plants that are SC should disproportionately Haldane’s sieve is inbreeding, which acts to increase the fre- evolve hummingbird pollination relative to obligately out- quency of homozygotes for a new recessive allele (Charles- crossing lineages. Although we await comprehensive data worth1992).Athighselfing rates, the probability of fixation sets that will enable a rigorous test of this prediction, an anal- does not depend on dominance; instead, the dominance ysis of recent surveys of plant mating systems suggests that spectrum of new alleles that are fixed by selection is similar the prevalence of self-compatibility is higher in humming- to the dominance spectrum for spontaneously arising benefi- bird-pollinated species than in their bee-pollinated relatives. cial mutations (Charlesworth 1992). In this way, an SC mat- ing system can overcome Haldane’s sieve. This prediction is supported by the observation that quantitative trait locus al- Model and Results leles underlying the evolution of domestication traits tend to be dominant or partially dominant in self-incompatible (SI) Consider a single locus where the ancestral genotype AA is plants but not in SC plants (Ronfort and Glémin 2013). attractive to bees. A novel allele a (“hummingbird allele”) Transitions to hummingbird pollination can be favored arises within this population that confers hummingbird at- in some communities, since hummingbirds are predicted traction at the expense of bee attraction. We first find the to be more efficient at transferring pollen than insect polli- conditions where the a allele can invade a population fixed nators, such as bees (Castellanos et al. 2006). In contrast to for the A allele using a linear boundary analysis (see Otto hummingbirds, bees consume pollen, depleting the number and Day 2007). We then determine the fixation probability of pollen grains they transfer between flowers. The predic- for the hummingbird allele when it arises as a single copy tion that hummingbirds are more efficient pollinators is using a branching process that incorporates the stochas- 584 The American Naturalist

Table 1: Genetic architecture of hummingbird attraction in three study systems Study system, adaptation Gene action Molecular basis Reference(s) Mimulus cardinalis (hummingbird) # Mimulus lewisii (bee): Gain of floral carotenoid production Recessive Unknown Bradshaw et al. 1998; Bradshaw and Schemske 2003 Increased floral production Recessive LOF mutation to Rose intensity1 Yuan et al. 2013 Loss of floral scent Recessive LOF mutations to Ocimene synthase Byers et al. 2014 and Limonene-myrcene synthase Petunia exserta (hummingbird) # Petunia axillaris (): Red flower color Recessive Unknown Hermann et al. 2013 Loss of UV absorption Recessive LOF mutation to MYB-FL Sheehan et al. 2016 Loss of floral scent Recessive LOF mutation to Cinnamate-CoA Amrad et al. 2016 ligase Penstemon barbatus (hummingbird) # Penstemon neomexicanus (bee): Red flower color Recessive LOF mutation to Flavonoid Wessinger and Rausher 2014 30,50-hydroxylase Large nectar volume Recessive Unknown Wessinger et al. 2014 Note: LOF p loss of function. ticity of genetic segregation (Feller 1968; Pollak 1987). In We assume that the plant species is hermaphroditic and, our model, genotype controls pollinator attraction accord- for simplicity, that each individual produces a single bisexual ing to a symmetric trade-off (model parameters are listed in flower. A flower can be visited by a bee, visited by a humming- table 2). The magnitude of this trade-off is specified by an bird, or not visited. The probabilities of these three events attraction coefficient, a, that ranges from 0 to 1. In appen- depend on (1) the genotype-specific attractiveness to each dix A (apps. A, B are available online), we relax the symme- pollinator, (2) the relative abundances of bees versus hum- try assumption. Attractiveness of heterozygotes to bees and mingbirds in the pollinator community, and (3) the overall de- hummingbirds is determined by h, the dominance coeffi- gree of pollinator limitation in the community (table 3). The cient. Genotype frequencies are given by x0 (AA), x1 (Aa), proportions of bees and hummingbirds in the pollinator com- 2 and x2 (aa). munity are given by (1 Z) and Z, respectively; Z can vary

Table 2: Description of model parameters Parameter Description

x0 Frequency of AA genotype

x1 Frequency of Aa genotype

x2 Frequency of aa genotype a Attraction coefficient controlling the magnitude of the trade-off between bee and hummingbird pollination h Dominance coefficient Z Proportion of hummingbirds in the pollinator community 1 2 Z Proportion of bees in the pollinator community P Degree of pollinator saturation fi EB Ef ciency of bee pollination fi EH Ef ciency of hummingbird pollination fi fi EDS Ef ciency of delayed sel ng fi WI Relative tness of selfed progeny

TB Total frequency of bee visits to all genotypes

TH Total frequency of hummingbird visits to all genotypes m Total contribution to the next generation (mean fitness)

U1 Fixation probability for the a allele starting from a single Aa individual

U2 Fixation probability for the a allele starting from a single aa individual Selfing Facilitates Pollinator Shifts 585

Table 3: Genotype-specific attractiveness to each pollinator and per capita probabilities of visitation AA Aa aa Attractiveness to bees 1 1 2 ha 1 2 a Attractiveness to hummingbirds 1 2 a 1 2 a 1 ha 1 p 2 p 2 2 a p 2 2 a Per capita probability of bee visitation VB0 P(1 Z) VB1 P(1 Z)(1 h ) VB2 P(1 Z)(1 ) p 2 a p 2 a 1 a p Per capita probability of hummingbird visitation VH0 PZ(1 ) VH1 PZ(1 h ) VH2 PZ Per capita probability of not being visited by p 2 2 p 2 2 p 2 2 apollinator N0 1 VB0 VH0 N1 1 VB1 VH1 N2 1 VB2 VH2

from 0 to 1, but we explore the parameter space where Z ! 0 p 1 EB 1 1 2 1 1 : x1 x0VB0x1VB1 (x1VB1) 2x0VB0x2VB2 x1VB1x2VB2 0 5, since we do not expect a population to be ancestrally m T B 2 adapted to bees if hummingbirds are more abundant and 1 EH 1 1 2 1 1 fi fi x0VH0x1VH1 (x1VH1) 2x0VH0x2VH2 x1V H1x2VH2 more ef cient at pollen transfer ef ciency (see below). The size TH 2 1 of the total pollinator community is represented by P and 1 E W x N , 2 DS I 1 1 varies from 0 to 1 (no pollination to saturating pollination). ð2Þ The opportunity for delayed selfing is inversely related to P. ð2Þ The three different modes of pollination are associated 1 E 1 x0 p B (x V )2 1 x V x V 1 (x V )2 with differences in seed set, which arise from differences 2 m T 4 1 B1 1 B1 2 B2 2 B2 in the relative efficiencies of pollen transfer (plants experi- B fi 1 EH 1 2 1 1 2 ð Þ ence pollen limitation). We represent the relative ef cien- (x1VH1) x1VH1x2VH2 (x2VH2) 3 cies of bee-, hummingbird-, and delayed self-pollination as T H 4 EB, EH,andEDS, respectively, and each can vary from 0 to 1. 1 1 1 p EDSWI x1N1 x2N2 , Without loss of generality, we set EH 1, so that EB and EDS 4 represent pollen transfer efficiencies relative to that provided by hummingbird pollination. Progeny of self-pollination ex- where TB is the total frequency of bee visits to all geno- perience a fitness deficit due to inbreeding depression; WI types, TH is the total frequency of hummingbird visits to denotes the viability of selfed progeny relative to outcrossed all genotypes, and m is the total contribution of all individ- ⋅ fi progeny. The product EDS WI is thus the realized gain from uals to the next generation (mean tness): self-pollination. When E p 0, the plant population is SI. DS T p x V 1 x V 1 x V , ð4Þ The relative abundances of each pollinator in the community B 0 B0 1 B1 2 B2 as well as their pollen transfer efficiencies are treated as con- T p x V 1 x V 1 x V ð5Þ stant in the model. H 0 H0 1 H1 2 H2, Each individual in the population functions as a (poten- m p E T 1 E T 1 E W (N 1 N 1 N ): ð6Þ tial) maternal plant and the probabilities of each paternal B B H H DS I 0 1 2 genotype depend on the mode of pollination. We deter- Equations (1)–(6) are essential to both the boundary and mine the genotype frequencies in the next generation from the branching process analyses. Mendelian ratios of offspring, given the maternal and pa- ternal genotypes (app. A). Genotype frequencies in the 0 0 0 next generation (x0, x1, and x2) are calculated by adding to- Boundary Analysis gether the contributions from each mode of pollination to To find the conditions where the hummingbird allele (a) offspring genotypes: will deterministically increase in frequency when rare, we performed a linear boundary analysis (at the initial bound- fi → → ary, AA is xed within the population: x0 1, x1 0, and → p 2 2 fi x2 0). Setting x0 1 x1 x2,we nd approximate lin- D D 0 p 1 EB 2 1 1 1 2 ear equations for x1 and x2 in terms of x1 and x2, where x0 (x0V B0) x0V B0x1V B1 (x1V B1) D p 0 2 D p 0 2 m T B 4 x1 x1 x1, x2 x2 x2. We simplify these linear p p fi terms around the boundary x1 x2 0. These coef cients 1 EH 2 1 1 1 2 ð Þ (x0VH0) x0VH0 x1VH1 (x1VH1) 1 are vector elements in equation (7): T H 4 1 D 1 1 x1 p L11 L12 x1 ð Þ EDSWI x0N0 x1N1 , D , 7 4 x2 L21 L22 x2 586 The American Naturalist where lowing equation (eq. [12]), where l p 0 regardless of pa- rameter values: p 2 3 L11 1 2 2 a 1 2 2 a 1 a 1 2 a 2 a 1 a 1 2 ðð8ÞÞ 2(EB(1 Z)(1 ) EHZ) EBP(1 Z)h EHPZh EDSWI( 2PZh PZ Ph P 1) 8 Dx x 2 1 p 4 0 2 1 2 a 5 1 : ð Þ 2 1 2 a 1 a 2 1 , EB(1 Z) EHZ(1 ) 12 EBP(1 Z) EHPZ(1 ) EDSWI(PZ P 1) Dx x 2 0 21 2 2 2 a 1 p 2(EBP(1 Z)(1 ) EHPZ) ð Þ L12 , ð99Þ For this special case, we expand the Taylor series approxi- E P(1 2 Z) 1 E PZ(1 2 a) 1 E W (PZa 2 P 1 1) B H DS I mation for this boundary to consider terms that depend on x2 (the frequency of a is sufficiently small at this bound- 2 a 1 a 1 a 2 1 1 p EDSWI( 2PZh PZ Ph P 1) ðð ÞÞ 2 L21 2 1 2 a 1 a 2 1 , 1010 ary that terms that depend on x1x2 and x2 are negligible): 4(EBP(1 Z) EH PZ(1 ) EDSWI(PZ P 1) 2(E (1 2 Z)(1 2 a) 1 E Z) 1 D p B H 2 2 ð Þ 2 a 1 a 2 1 x1 x2 x1, 13 p 2 1 EDSWI( PZ P P 1) : ðð ÞÞ E (1 2 Z) 1 E Z(1 2 a) 2 L22 1 2 1 2 a 1 a 2 1 1111 B H EBP(1 Z) EHPZ(1 ) EDSWI(PZ P 1) 1 D p 2 1 2: ð Þ x2 x2 x1 14 If the dominant eigenvalue, l, for the matrix of equation (7) 4 is positive, the a allele can increase when rare (l is a compli- Equation (14) returns the intuitive result that, in SI popula- cated quadratic equation). Figure 1 depicts the conditions tions, the production of aa offspring is equal to x2=4ina for a allele invasion for different values of E . The most re- 1 DS given generation. We can therefore substitute x2=4 for x strictive conditions for a allele invasion are when plants are 1 2 in equation (13) to find a simple expression for Dx under SI (E p 0). When plants are SC, the conditions for inva- 1 DS these conditions: sion are broadened, increasing according to the realized gain of delayed selfing (E ⋅ W ). The conditions for invasion do a(2E (1 2 Z) 1 E Z) DS I D p B H 2: ð Þ fi a x1 2 1 2 a x1 15 not depend on the attraction coef cient ( ), dominance (h), 2(EB(1 Z) EHZ(1 )) or the overall availability of pollinators (P), although these parameters do affect the rate at which the a allele increases In this case, the a allele can invade when equation (15) is pos- or is lost in the population. This pattern holds if we relax the itive, which is the case as long as assumption of a symmetric trade-off between hummingbird 1 2 : ð Þ versus bee attraction (app. A). EHZ EB(1 Z) 16 When a is fully recessive (h p 0) and the population is When we adjust our model to consider selfing that occurs SI (E p 0), the linear approximations simplify to the fol- DS before or during the opportunity for cross-pollination (prior and competing selfing), we find that these modes of selfing do not expand the conditions where the hummingbird allele 1.0 can increase when rare (app. A). hummingbird ) H allele is lost

E 0.8

/ EDS = 1.0 Branching Process B

E EDS = 0.8 0.6 EDS = 0.6 The boundary analysis finds the conditions where the hum- E DS = 0.4 mingbird allele will deterministically increase when rare. It 0.4 EDS = 0.2 EDS = 0.0 does not treat the initial stochastic processes that dominate hummingbird 0.2 when an allele is introduced as a single copy. Evolutionary allele invades relative efficiency of theory predicts that these stochastic processes filter the types bee pollination ( 0.0 of alleles that are most likely to contribute to adaptation (Hal- 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 dane 1927) and that the fate of new recessive alleles strongly relative hummingbird abundance (Z) depends on mating system (Charlesworth 1992). To test our hypothesis that recessive mutations conferring humming- bird adaptation are more likely to fix when plants are capa- Figure 1: Conditions where the allele conferring hummingbird attrac- ble of delayed selfing, we calculate the probability that the tion (hummingbird allele) invades, for different values of realized ef- fi fi hummingbird allele (a) can escape stochastic loss using a ciency of sel ng (EDS). Lines show threshold values of the relative ef- ficiency of bee pollination below which the hummingbird allele can branching process approach. We ignore cases of overdomi- invade the population as a function of the proportion of pollinators that nance; as a consequence, the probability of escape is the prob- p : fi fi – fi 0 0 are hummingbirds (Z). Here WI 0 5. ability of xation. Simpli ed equations (1) (6) nd x1 and x2 Selfing Facilitates Pollinator Shifts 587 when Aa and aa are present as single individuals in a pop- 0.30 α = 0.5 fi ulation otherwise xed for the A allele: ) 1 0.25

U α ( = 0.4 0 p 1 1 1 1 0.20 x1 EBV B1 EHV H1 EDSWIN1 x1 m^ 2 α = 0.3 ð17Þ 0.15 1 1 2(EBV B1 EHV H1)x2 , α = 0.2 0.10 α 0.05 = 0.1 0 1 1

p 1 : ð Þ fixation probability x2 EDSWI N1x1 EDSWIN2x2 18 m^ 4 0.00 where 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 dominance (h) ^ p 1 1 : ð Þ m EBVB0 EHVH0 EDSWIN0 19 Assuming a Poisson distribution of offspring per parent and Figure 2: Fixation probability of the allele conferring hummingbird a stationary population size, the theory of multipoint branch- attraction starting from a single Aa individual (U1) in a self-incompatible ing processes (Feller 1968; Pollak 1987) yields equations for population as a function of the dominance coefficient (h), for different fi fi a p : p : p U1, the xation probability for the a allele starting from a sin- values of attractiveness coef cient ( ). Here Z 0 4, EB 0 4, EH : p fi 1 0, and EDS 0. gle Aa individual, and U2, the xation probability for the a allele starting from a single aa individual: tion probability for dominant and partially dominant alleles fi 2 2 p 1 1 1 is always positively related to pollinator availability (P; g. 3A, ln(1 U1) EBVB1 EHVH1 EDSWI N1 U1 fi ⋅ 2 ð20Þ 3B). An increased gain from delayed sel ng (EDS WI) can ei- 1 ther increase or decrease the fixation probability for such 1 E W N U , 4 DS I 1 2 alleles, depending on the value of P (in other words, depend- ing on the selfing rate). If pollinators are more abundant 2 2 p 1 1 : ð Þ ln(1 U2) 2(EBVB1 EHV H1)U 1 EDSWI N2U 2 21 than a threshold value for P, the gain from self-fertilization ⋅ fi (EDS WI)hasapositiveeffectonthe xation probability, and ⋅ While U1 is the relevant probability, the equations must be if pollinators are less abundant than this threshold, EDS WI numerically solved simultaneously. Here we used the nsolve has a negative effect on the fixation probability (fig. 3A,3B). function of SymPy (Meurer et al. 2017), and example Py- The threshold value of P that determines the sign of the re- ⋅ fi thon scripts used for solving equations relevant to both lationship between EDS WI and the xation probability de- the boundary analysis and the branching process have been pends on the degree of dominance (h): it is greater for more deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org dominant hummingbird alleles. /10.5061/dryad.8hc64 (Wessinger and Kelly 2018). Recessive hummingbird alleles have a nonzero fixation fi The xation probability (U1) for the hummingbird allele probability if plants are SC. Unlike dominant and partially is positive (with one specific exception; see below) within dominant alleles, the fixation probability for recessive alleles the parameter space where the a allele can invade according is not monotonic with respect to pollinator availability (P). to the deterministic boundary analysis. For any given com- Instead, the maximum fixation probability occurs at inter- bination of values for the proportion of hummingbirds (Z), mediate P (fig. 3C). The value of P that maximizes the fix- fi the relative ef ciency of bee pollination (EB), and the rela- ation probability, as well as the relationship between P and fi tive ef ciency of hummingbird pollination (EH) within this the fixation probability, depends on the realized gain from fi ⋅ ⋅ parameter space, the xation probability depends positively self-fertilization (EDS WI): greater values of EDS WI yield on dominance (h) and the attraction coefficient (a;seefig. 2 elevated fixation probabilities over a broad range of values p fi for an SI population). If plants are SI (EDS 0), the xation of P (fig. 3C). These patterns hold up when we relax the se- probability does not depend on pollinator availability (P). In verity of the trade-off between hummingbird and bee attrac- such populations, the fixation probability of a fully recessive tion, although the fixation probabilities increase and the fix- allele is apparently zero (fig. 2), similar to a completely neu- ation probability of dominant and partially dominant alleles tral allele (the branching process analysis breaks down at is higher for SI populations than for SC populations (app. A). this point). When we adjust our model to consider prior and compet- If plants are SC, pollinator availability (P)andthereal- ing selfing, recessive alleles have elevated fixation probabil- fi ⋅ ized gain from delayed sel ng (EDS WI) additionally affect ities in the presence of selfing, consistent with the results the fixation probability, although their effects depend on the from delayed selfing (app. A). In this adjusted model, dom- dominance (h) of the hummingbird allele (fig. 3). The fixa- inant and partially dominant alleles have a higher fixation A B C

h =1 0.15 h 0.08 = 0.5 h =0 ) 1 0.020 U

( 0.12 0.06 0.015 0.09 P = 1.0 P = 0.8 0.04 P 0.06 0.010 = 0.6 P = 0.4 P = 0.2 0.02 0.005 fixation probability 0.03

0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

efficiency of delayed selfing (EDS)

Figure 3: Fixation probability of the allele conferring hummingbird attraction as a function of pollinator abundance (P), for different values of the efficiency of delayed selfing (EDS ). Here p : p : a p : p : p p : p Z 0 4, EB 0 4, 0 2, and WI 0 5. A, Allele is dominant (h 1). B, Allele is additive (h 0 5). C, Allele is recessive (h 0). Selfing Facilitates Pollinator Shifts 589 probability in the absence of selfing (app. A), consistent with multiplied by the relative efficiency of pollen transfer. We thecasefordelayedselfing when pollinators are limited (small find that the capacity for delayed selfing can facilitate a values of P). transition to a more efficient pollinator such as humming- birds, even when they are less abundant in the pollinator Evidence for an Association between Mating environment, by broadening the conditions that favor an System and Pollinator Shifts allele for hummingbird adaptation. This pattern is robust when we relax the assumption of a symmetric trade-off in We analyzed data from recent surveys of plant mating sys- pollinator attraction. tems to assess whether an SC mating system is associated with How does delayed selfing facilitate adaptation to hum- hummingbird pollination. The index of self-incompatibility mingbird pollination? Adaptation to a rare pollinator car- fi 2 = (ISI) can be de ned as 1 (selfed seed set) (outcross seedset), ries an increased risk of not being visited by any pollinator. ! : and species with ISI 0 8 are considered SC (Lloyd 1965; In SI plants, adaptation to hummingbirds, even if rare, can Raduski et al. 2012). In a sample of 73 Neotropical hum- be favored if increased seed set from hummingbird pollina- mingbird syndrome species from 15 plant families, 54 (74%) tion compensates for a greater risk of not being visited. Our are SC (Wolowski et al. 2013). A sample of 1,238 angiosperms model suggests that delayed selfing additionally compen- from 144 plant families collected without respect to pollina- sates for this increased risk and expands the conditions that tion syndrome contained 695 SC species (56%; Raduski et al. favor hummingbird adaptation. Delayed selfing confers re- fi 2012). Even though the latter data set includes highly sel ng productive assurance that can increase the favorability of a species, the proportion of SC species in the hummingbird transition to a rare but efficient pollinator. We find that prior fi syndrome species data set is signi cantly higher than that in and competing selfing, where self-fertilization occurs before x2 p : p p : the general angiosperm data set ( 8 24, df 3, p 002). or during the opportunity to outcross, does not provide this This comparison does not include a correction for phy- same benefit. This suggests that delayed selfing enables the logenetic relatedness. To control for the effects of phylog- evolution of hummingbird adaptation under expanded eco- fi eny, we identi ed phylogenetically independent pairs of taxa logical conditions not because it allows selfing per se but be- that contrast bee versus hummingbird pollination and com- cause it provides reproductive assurance in the absence of pared mating systems. We generated a phylogeny that in- pollinator visitation. cludes all taxa in Wolowski et al. (2013) and Raduski et al. (2012) using the Open Tree of Life (Hinchliff et al. 2015). fi For each of the 73 hummingbird-pollinated species in the Wo- Effects of Delayed Sel ng on the Fixation fi lowski et al. (2013) data set, we determined the most closely Probability of Bene cial Mutations related species that is reported to be bee pollinated (and in- For SI plants, our stochastic analyses recovered the effect of cluded in Raduski et al. 2012). This resulted in 17 clear pairs Haldane’ssieve:thefixation probability of a fully recessive of hummingbird- versus bee-pollinated taxa (for details on hummingbird allele is similar to that of a neutral allele. This our approach, see app. B). We tabulated the mating system result is intuitive, since a recessive allele is effectively neu- for each of these species (app. B). In 15 of 17 cases, the tral when it initially arises in an outcrossing population. Self- hummingbird-pollinated species is SC. The bee-pollinated ing immediately generates homozygotes for the humming- species is SC in only 10 of 17 cases. In six of seven cases where bird allele that can express hummingbird attraction, and in the mating system is different between members of a pair, the SC plants fully recessive hummingbird alleles can have a hummingbird-pollinated species is SC and the bee-pollinated positive—and appreciable—fixation probability. This fixa- species is SI. tion probability depends on the relative contribution of de- layed selfing to the next generation, a function of the oppor- Discussion tunity for delayed selfing and its efficiency. Generally, the fixation probability for recessive hummingbird alleles is high- Invasion Conditions for a Hummingbird Allele est for populations experiencing at least moderate amounts Depend on Mating System of pollinator limitation and with relatively efficient self- This article extends existing theory to consider the poten- pollination. In other words, as the rate and efficiency of self- tially important effect of self-fertilization on the evolution- fertilization increases, the fixation probability for recessive ary dynamics of pollinator attraction. Consistent with pre- hummingbird alleles is elevated. Prior or competing selfing vious models of floral adaptation that have been presented generates effects similar to those of delayed selfing on the within the context of floral specialization (Stebbins 1970; fixation probability of beneficial recessive alleles, suggesting Waser et al. 1996; Aigner 2001), we find that an obligately that the fixation probability is a function of the effective self- outcrossing (SI) plant population will adapt to the pollina- ing rate, regardless of the mode of selfing. This is consistent tor in the community with the greatest relative abundance with a simpler model by Charlesworth (1992) demonstrat- 590 The American Naturalist ing that the fixation probability of a beneficial recessive allele node reconstruction in some form, generally assuming that depends on the rate of self-fertilization. These predictions rates of gain and loss of a trait are equal and that traits do not are robust when we relax symmetry assumptions. strongly affect the diversification rate (e.g., Maddison 1990; In contrast to the case for recessive alleles, the fixation Pagel 1994). However, the evolution of self-compatibility probability for dominant or partially dominant humming- from an SI mating system is characteristically rapid and is bird alleles is negatively affected by delayed selfing. Obligate likely unidirectional in most cases (Igić et al. 2008). In addi- outcrossing maximizes the number of individuals carrying tion, the evolution of selfing affects species diversification the hummingbird allele, which buffers against the stochas- rates (Goldberg et al. 2010). The evolution of hummingbird tic loss of gene copies. When pollinators are rare and de- syndrome from bee-pollinated flowers also occurs more fre- layed selfing, if expressed, is a large proportion of total re- quently than transitions in the reverse direction (Thomson production, a dominant or partially dominant hummingbird and Wilson 2008; Barrett 2013), and an open question is allele has its highest probability of fixation with obligate out- whether pollination syndrome affects species diversification crossing. The exception is when pollinators are sufficiently rates. These features complicate model-based phylogenetic abundant so that an SC population is largely reproducing tests for correlated evolution. The ideal comparative analysis by outcrossing. In this case, delayed selfing can boost the fix- would involve a large, well-resolved phylogeny of closely re- ation probability of a dominant or partially dominant hum- lated species containing multiple origins of hummingbird mingbird allele. The threshold pollinator abundance above pollination with mating system data for each tip. Such a data which delayed selfing boosts the fixation probability in- set does not, to our knowledge, currently exist, but we expect creases with the degree of dominance. When prior or com- that numerous data sets will be established given ongoing peting selfing is modeled in place of delayed selfing, the fix- advances in both angiosperm reproductive biology and phy- ation probability for dominant and partially dominant alleles logenetic systematics. is always inversely related to the selfing rate, even when If hummingbird pollination evolves more frequently in pollinators are abundant. SC lineages, we expect a relatively higher frequency of self- Previous work has also demonstrated that dominant ben- compatibility in hummingbird-adapted species than in plants eficial alleles have a higher fixation probability in obligate that rely on other animal pollinators, a prediction supported outcrossing populations, whereas recessive beneficial alleles by a phylogenetically uncorrected comparison. Using a rel- have a higher fixation probability in predominantly selfing atively small number of phylogenetically independent con- populations (fig. 1 in Charlesworth 1992). It should be noted trasts of related hummingbird- versus bee-pollinated species, that, although the advantage of dominant alleles in SI pop- we find that when members of a contrast differ in mating sys- ulations is interesting, it is relatively minor compared with tem, the hummingbird-pollinated species is SC and the bee- the effect of mating system on the fate of recessive alleles. pollinated species is SI in six of seven contrasts. This clear Dominant and partially dominant alleles all have relatively trend is in the same direction as the larger uncorrected com- large fixation probabilities, regardless of whether plants ex- parison. This suggests that the prevalence of the SC mating press delayed selfing. However, the effects of mating system system in a survey of mating systems among hummingbird- on the fate of new recessive hummingbird alleles are dramatic, pollinated plants is not simply driven by phylogenetic relat- increasing the fixation probability from effectively zero to a edness (Wolowski et al. 2013). nontrivial positive value. Genetic studies have found that re- A more informal survey suggests that plant genera that cessive alleles that correspond to LOF mutations frequently have repeatedly evolved hummingbird syndrome are often underlie adaptations for hummingbird attraction, including predominantly SC. The wildflower Penstemon has red flowers, loss of floral scent, and loss of UV-absorbing pig- evolved hummingbird syndrome flowers from the ancestral ments (table 1). Our results suggest that such recessive alleles bee syndrome at least 12 independent times and perhaps are unlikely to fix, starting from a single copy, unless the pop- as many as 20 times (Wolfe et al. 2006; Wilson et al. 2007; ulation is capable of inbreeding. This is true regardless of the Wessinger et al. 2016). This remarkable pattern of repeated magnitude of the trade-off between hummingbird versus bee evolution suggests that Penstemon is prone to evolving attraction. hummingbird-adapted flowers. Mating system has been char- acterized in 15 Penstemon species (app. B). Each of these spe- cies is SC and can set seed when manually self-pollinated, al- Potential Correlation between SC Mating System though rates of autonomous selfing vary considerably (app. B). and the Evolution of Hummingbird Pollination Hummingbird syndrome flowers have evolved seven or eight Our model predicts that hummingbird pollination evolves times in Costus from bee-adapted flowers (Kay et al. 2005; more frequently in SC lineages of plants than in SI lineages, Salzman et al. 2015), a genus that is SC (Schemske 1983; a hypothesis to be tested with comparative data. Phyloge- Kay and Schemske 2008). Aquilegia and Mimulus are two pre- netic tests for correlations between traits employ ancestral dominantly SC genera that have each experienced two evolu- Selfing Facilitates Pollinator Shifts 591 tionary transitions from bee to hummingbird syndrome (Mil- cessive mutations can underlie the evolution of pollinator at- ler 1978; Miller and Willard 1983; Eckert and Schaefer 1998; traction, providing SC species with greater access to this Beardsley et al. 2003; Whittall and Hodges 2007; Wu et al. mode of evolution relative to obligately outcrossing species. 2008). At least one exception to this emerging pattern is Ipo- mopsis, a predominantly SI genus that has likely evolved hum- mingbird syndrome flowers more than once (Waser and Acknowledgments Price 1991; LaDoux and Friar 2006; Porter et al. 2010). We We thank K. Brown, L. Hileman, B. Igić,M.Orive,andR. suggest that any of these large genera with multiple origins Unckless for conversations and comments on the manu- of hummingbird pollination would be excellent study sys- script as well as R. Sargent, A. Winn, and two anonymous tems for a rigorous phylogenetic analysis using complete pol- reviewers. We thank M. Holder for assistance with the Open linator and mating system data. Tree of Life. We acknowledge funding from the National If future comparative studies corroborate the correlation Institutes of Health (F32 GM 110988-3 to C.A.W. and R01 between self-compatibility and hummingbird pollination, GM073990-02 to J.K.K.) and the National Science Founda- we emphasize that this remains simply a correlation. An as- tion (DEB-1542402 to C.A.W.). sociation between self-compatibility and hummingbird polli- nation could arise because self-compatibility reliably precedes or reliably follows the evolution of hummingbird pollination. 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After the publication of “Selfing Can Facilitate Transitions between Polli- nation Syndromes” by Wessinger and Kelly (American Naturalist 191:582– 594), the authors discovered an error in equation (6) as presented in the

text. The equation lacked the variables x0, x1,andx2. The correct equation is as follows: p 1 1 1 1 : ð Þ m EBTB EHT H EDSWI(x0N0 x1N1 x2N2) 6 The correct equation was used in all analyses; thus, this error has no effect on the presented results.

CAROLYN A. WESSINGER AND JOHN K. KELLY Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Submitted May 7, 2019; Electronically published July 2, 2019

Am. Nat. 2019. Vol. 194, p. 439. q 2019 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/2019/19403-59227$15.00. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1086/704288