An Illustrated Key to the Alberta Figworts & Allies

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An Illustrated Key to the Alberta Figworts & Allies AN ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE ALBERTA FIGWORTS & ALLIES OROBANCHACEAE PHRYMACEAE PLANTAGINACEAE SCROPHULARIACEAE Compiled and writen by Lorna Allen & Linda Kershaw April 2019 © Linda J. Kershaw & Lorna Allen Key to Figwort and Allies Families In the past few years, the families Orobanchaceae, Plantaginaceae and Scrophulariaceae have under- gone some major revision and reorganization. Most of the species in the Scrophulariaceae in the Flora of Alberta (1983) are now in the Orobanchaceae and Plantaginaceae. For this reason, we’ve grouped the Orobanchaceae, Plantaginaceae, Phrymaceae and Scrophulariaceae together in this fle. In addition, species previously placed in the Callitrichaceae and Hippuridaceae families are now included in the Plantaginaceae family. 01a Plants aquatic, with many or all leaves submersed and limp when taken from the 1a water; leaves paired or in rings (whorled) on the stem, all or mostly linear (foating leaves sometimes spatula- to egg-shaped); fowers tiny (1-2 mm), single or clustered in leaf axils; petals and sepals absent or sepals fused in a cylinder around the ovary; stamens 0-1 . Plantaginaceae (in part) . - Callitriche, Hippuris 01b Plants emergent wetland species (with upper stems and leaves held above water) or upland species with self-supporting stems and leaves; leaves not as above; fowers larger, single or in clusters; petals and sepals present; stamens 2-4 (Hippuris sometimes emergent, but leaves/ fowers distinctive) . .02 2a 02a Plants without green leaves . Orobanchaceae (in part) . - Aphyllon [Orobanche], Boschniakia 02b Plants with green leaves . 03 03a Leaves all basal (sometimes small, unstalked stem leaves present), undivided (simple), with edges ± smooth or blunt-toothed; fowers small (2-5 mm wide), corollas radially symmetrical, sometimes absent. .04 03b Leaves all or mostly on the stem (rarely all basal and then deeply lobed); fowers 4a mostly showy, with 2-lipped corollas (radially symmetric in a few spp.) . 05 04a Leaf blades 1-3 cm long, lance-shaped to elliptic with 1 main vein; fowers 5-parted, borne singly, on slender stalks from the plant 4b base . Scrophulariaceae (in part) .......................... - Limosella 04b Leaf blades 2-15(30) cm long, linear to oval, usually with several strong, lengthwise veins (ribs); corollas 4-parted or absent, fowers in spike-like clusters . Plantaginaceae (in part) . - Plantago, Veronica wyomingensis 2 05a Corollas with a hollow, slender extension (spur) (→) projecting back/down from base . Plantaginaceae (in part) → . .- Chaenorrhinum, Linaria, Nuttallanthus 05b Corollas not spurred at the base (the upper lip sometimes projecting forward as a beak) . 06 → 06a Stem leaves alternate . 07 06b Stem leaves all or mostly paired (sometimes a few alternate upper leaves) . .08 5a 07a Plants rarely biennial, and then without well- developed basal rosettes, 10-60(100) cm tall; corollas tubular, strongly 2-lipped, the upper 7a lip usually projecting forward as a slender or hood-like beak (galea) enclosing the style, sometimes completely hidden by showy bracts; stamens 4 . Orobanchaceae (in part) . - Castilleja, Orthocarpus, Pedicularis 07b Plants strongly biennial, with a well-developed leaf rosette the frst year and erect, 30-200 cm tall fowering stems the next; corollas wheel- shaped, with 5,± equal lobes; stamens 5 . 7b . Scrophulariaceae (in part) ......................... - Verbascum 08a Calyx 4-lobed .......................09 08b Calyx 5-lobed .......................10 09a Stamens 4; corollas strongly bilaterally 9b symmetric and 2-lipped, white to yellow (pinkish purple in Odontites) . 9a . Orobanchaceae (in part) 09b Stamens 2; corollas slightly bilaterally symmetric not markedly 2-lipped, with 4, widely spreading, white, blue or purple lobes . Plantaginaceae (in part) ........................... - Veronica 10a Calyx strongly 5-angled (ridged) Phrymaceae 10b Calyx not or weaklyw 5-angled (ridged) . Plantaginaceae (in part) 10a 10b 3 Structure of Some Plants in the Orobanchaceae 4 OROBANCHACEAE Broomrape Family [now incl. Scrophulariaceae, in part] Key to Genera → 01a Plants without chlorophyll, parasitic or saprophytic, pinkish white, brown or orange; leaves reduced to scales . .02 → 2b 01b Plants with chlorophyll, mostly green; leaves 2a well-developed (not scales) . .03 → 02a Plants brown; fowers in dense, cone-like spikes; lower lip of the fower (→) much shorter than the upper lip; Caribou Mountains . Boschniakia rossica S1 02b Plants pinkish to brownish; fowers single or in spikes; lower lip of the fower = or longer than the upper; sAB . .Aphyllon [Orobanche] 4a 03a Stem leaves alternate (rarely absent) . 04 03b Stem leaves paired (opposite) . .07 5a 04a Flower cluster bracts brightly coloured (red, yellow, purple) and concealing much (all) of the fower, easily mistaken for petals/sepals; corollas (→) inconspicuous, tubular, 2-lipped, usually greenish . .Castilleja (in part) 04b Bracts green or purplish-brown, not concealing the fowers; corollas varied, not as above. .05 → 6b 05a Flowers 4-5.5 cm long; leaves smooth edged; grasslands, seAB . .Castilleja sessilifora S1 05b Flowers <4 cm long, usually much less; leaves toothed or lobed, often pinnately divided; 6a various habitats and ranges . .06 06a Stem leaves smooth edged, slender, upper ones 3-lobed; basal leaves absent; upper lip of fower beak-like, ± straight . Orthocarpus luteus 06b Stem leaves 1-2X pinnately lobed (usually) to distinctly toothed; basal leaves present or absent; upper lip of the fower (→) hood-like, rounded, squared or extended into a narrow, curved beak . Pedicularis 07a Corolla pinkish purple Odontites vulgaris XXX 7a . .[Odontites serotina; Odontites vernus] 07b Corolla white to yellow . .08 8a 08a Calyx ±10 mm long in fower, infated to 12-17 mm and veiny in fruit. Rhinanthus minor 9a 08b Calyx ±5 mm long, not infated in fruit . 09 09a Leaves 2-10 mm long, egg-shaped, distinctly toothed, palmately veined . Euphrasia 09b Leaves 10-40 mm long, linear to lance- shaped, ± smooth edged (upper ons often with a narrow tooth on each side, near the base), pinnately veined . Melampyrum lineare 9b 5 APHYLLON Broomrape [Orobanche] 2a 01a Flowers usually >20, with 1-2 bracts below the sepals, ± stalkless, in dense, spike-like clusters on thick, erect stems . Aphyllon ludovicianum . .[Orobanche ludoviciana] 01b Flowers usually 1-10, without bracts, on long, 1a slender, erect stalks from thick, underground stems with short above-ground segments .02 02a Stems ± woody; branches bearing 2-several fowers; fowers mostly 4-10, with stalks ± as 2b long as the stems; calyx lobes shorter than the tube . Aphyllon fasciculatum . [Orobanche fasciculata] 02b Stems soft; branches bearing 1 fower; fowers 1-3, with stalks much longer than the stems; calyx lobes longer than the tube . Aphyllon purpureum . [Orobanche unifora] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1a CASTILLEJA Paintbrush The fowers of all Alberta Castilleja spp. (except Castilleja sessilifora) are small, inconspicuous → and often completely hidden by showy bracts. The bracts give paintbrush fower clusters their main color, so they are often mistaken for the fowers themselves. When keying paintbrushes, you must frst determine which parts are bracts and which are fowers (petals, sepals, stamens, etc.). 01a Flower cluster bracts green, similar to upper leaves; fowers usually pale yellow (sometimes 1b pink, purplish), 4-5.5 cm long and projecting well beyond the bracts and calyxes (→); upper lip (galea/beak) strongly curved; lower lip 3-5 mm long; grassland species, seAB. .Castilleja sessilifora S1 01b Bracts usually colored differently from leaves (sometimes greenish); fowers variously colored, <4 cm long (usually much shorter) and often hidden by the bracts; beak usually straight to slightly curved; lower lip and habitats various. .02 3a 02a Bracts pink, red, scarlet, crimson or purple (sometimes with yellow tips) . 03 02b Bracts yellow to whitish. .09 3b 03a Upper leaves mostly with 1-5 pairs of slender, spreading lobes .....................04 03b Upper leaves not lobed (the uppermost rarely somewhat lobed) ....................06 6 04a Bracts usually bright red, orange-red, to scarlet; beak 9-15 mm long; plants bristly hairy or with sparse, silky hairs; Rockies s of Bow R .................... Castilleja hispida 04b Bracts rose pink, magenta, crimson or purple, sometimes with yellowish tips; beak 3-7 mm 4a long; plants hairless or sparsely to densely silky-hairy (never bristly); northern AB . .05 05a Bracts purplish or sometimes with yellow tips, unlobed or with 3-5 lateral lobes; middle stem leaves unlobed or occasionally with one lobe (basal leaves often lobed);Yukon and NWT, reported but unconfrmed for AB . .....................Castilleja elegans 05b Bracts rose pink, magenta or crimson, 3-7(-9) 5a lobed; middle stem leaves lobed; n Rockies. Castilleja parvifora S1 5b 06a Bracts rose pink to violet purple, sometimes whitish-tipped; beak 4-6 mm long; boreal forest, n 1/3 of AB . Castilleja raupii 06b Bracts various shades of pink, purple, red or orange; beak 8-16 mm long . .07 07a Calyx lobes usually blunt tipped; upper leaf surface sometimes gland-dotted or sticky; bracts purplish to crimson; subalpine to alpine . .Castilleja rhexiifolia 07b Calyx lobes sharp-pointed; upper leaf surface 6a not gland-dotted or sticky; bracts variously colored; not typically alpine. .08 8a 08a Bracts red-orange, pink, red or scarlet; plants (2)30-80 cm tall; widespread in s 2/3 of AB usually at low elevations but also ranging into the
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