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Vol. V, No. 42 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 9 February 1952 PAY BILL REMAINS BLINDFOLD DRIVE TODAY; SIR JAMES DISPENSARY RENAMED BEFORE SENATE CHALLENGES BASEPOLICE AT 1330 It was announced late in Jan- Washington (AFPS)-The bill uary by Commander Naval Operat- proposing a 10 percent pay hike One of the earlier events of the Guantanamo Bay Charity Carnival ing Base, Rear Admiral M. E. Mur- takes place this afternoon to members of the Armed Forces at 1:30 p.m. when Sir James, producer of the phy, USN, that the dispensary remains in the Senate Armed Serv- Naval Supply Depot Illusion Show, drives the carnival's top prize, a formerly known as the Labor Board ice Committee. Opening hearings Chevrolet sedan, from the Navy Exchange to radio Station WGBY and Dispensary has been renamed. The have been completed and a closed back while blindfolded. new name is Industrial Dispensary. hearing is scheduled. A large crowd is expected to ture "roller-coaster" and a "Merry- The reason for the change was After the bill has cleared the witness the feat by the blindfolded go-Round." due to the fact that the term Committee and been reported on Sir James who will comply with all The 1951 Chevrolet sedan; the "Labor Board" was abandoned the Senate calendar for three days traffic regulations as would any Carnival's Number One prize, will about five years ago and it was it will come up for a vote. ordinary motorist. Several promi- he given away at the last drawing considered inappropriate to call In hearings to date Secretary nent persons will witness the of chance tickets on Sunday night the subject dispensary the Labor of Defense Robert A. Lovett said blindfolding to assure the spec- Although the winner does not have Board Dispensary. that a 10 percent raise at this tators that the act is very authen- to he present there will be, no time was "necessary to alleviate tic and that no tricks are being doubt, a huge throng awaiting the RECEIVES BRONZE STAR the financial hardships imposed pulled. announcement of the lucky num- upon Servicemen and their families This is only one of the amazing her. Besides the drawing for the by the rise in the cost of living." acts that will be presented by the automobile there will also be a Assistant Defense Secretary An- carnival. Officially, the carnival will special drawing for the $500.00 na M. Rosenberg, testifying be- open its midway on the afternoon prize for the lucky person who sold fore the committee, also urged of Friday, the 15th, with a tre- a complete book of chance tickets. passage of the pay bill as a morale mendous crowd expected for all The big high-light of the car- factor. She pointed out that during three days of carnival time. nival will be on Saturday afternoon her recent trip to Korea, Service- Eighteen activities will partici- 1:10 p.m. when the annual car- men asking about the pay raise pate in this year's carnival with nival parade will be held. This would say: 32 different concessions being oper- year's carnival is expected to draw "Who is our union? Who is going ated. Included in the concessions more thrill seekers than ever be- to get us a pay raise?" will be games of chance, six fore. There is still plenty of time "I said Congress had always booths containing games of skill, to buy those chances on the new car been your union and will be this six merchandise booths, f o u r so do it now, don't wait too long. time," she told the committee. amusement concessions and a chil- Remember, last year's winner pur- Chief of Staff Gen. dren's carnival. The children's car- chased only one twenty-five cent Hoyt S. Vandenberg recommended nival will have five different rides. chance, it might be your lucky enactment and said, "The step Among the rides will be a minia- ticket this year. would encourage the military to stay in Service." COMMENDATION PRESENTED OFFICER RECALLS DAYS OF YORE

* e 'A'Flrchaurh USN.t awCi. From a third class radiunian Commanding Officer oftshe iNavat as- stationed at Guantanamo Bay to pital, congratulates Joseph R. Bingham, Base Communications Officer is the HM2, after reading a letter of citation to him, which awarded Bingham the story of Lieutenant R. J. Carter. Bronze Star medal with the Combat "V" Entering the navy in October for heroic achievement during action of 1926, Lieutenant Carter report- against the Japanese during the Oki- ed for duty at the U.S. Naval Sta- nawa Campaign of WWII. tion, Guantanamo Bay in April of 1928, as a third class radioman. ADAMS IS NEW SENIOR After a little over two years of TRAINING SUPERVISOR duty here he left in August of 1930, as a second class radioman. Paul H. Adams joined the Naval At that time, from 1928 to 1930, Station Industrial Relations organ- there was no Naval Operating ization last week as Senior Train- Base. The only activities were the ing Supervisor. Naval Station, Marine Barracks, Transferring to Guantanamo and the Industrial area, which was from NAS, Lakehurst, New Jersey, not as large as it is now. The total where he held a similar position, complement of the Naval Station Mr. Adams fills the vacancy created was approximately 20 officers and several months ago by resignation of Mr. 0. T. Smoak. He previously served as Senior Training Super- visor at Barber's Point and Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and at the Naval Ammunition Depot, Hawthorne, Captain 0. L. Livdahl, USNmCommanding Officer, Naval Station. is pictured ahove . presenting a letter of commendation to Felipe William, YN3, of Naval Station Personnel Office. Mr. Adams received the degree of Bachelor of Science at Nevada On Thursday, 31 January 1952, mending Officer considers that University in 1934, majoring in Felipe Williams, Yeoman Third Williams exercised sound and ma- Education, and later completed a Class was commended at Captain's ture judgment and that this abil- year of postgraduate study at the Meritorious Mast. His commenda- ity and inventiveness in devising a University of Southern California. tion read, "Commended at Mast method to remedy an undesirable He is a Lieutenant in the volunteer this date for his ingenuity and situation and thereby materially Naval Reserve. foresightedness in suggesting the contribute to the future safety of installation of spot lights on liberty all personnel was in keeping with BRU NAMED EMPLOYEE boats in order to better the visibil- the best traditions of the naval RELATIONS ASSISTANT ity for personnel embarking there- service." in. This suggestion has been adopt- Williams, who hails from New Carlos P. Bru, an employee of ed by the U.S. Naval Station, York City, was recalled to active the Naval Air Station since 1942, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Com- duty on April 26th, 1951. has been chosen to fill the position of Employee Relations Assistant, GS9, in the Naval Station Indus- SERVICIO A LA FLOTA SPECIAL DRAWING MON. trial Relations Office. His transfer to the new position will become LT R. J. Carter By John P. Welch The special drawing for the effective on 18 February. 100 enlisted personnel while the Utility Squadron Ten has had a $100.00 scheduled for last Thurs- Mr. Bru was selected to fill the Marines had three officers and 50 tremendous increase in its "Service day night has been postponed until new position on the basis of past enlisted men. Approximately 200 to the Fleet" since the beginning of Monday night, February 11th, at experience, plus his outstanding Cuban employees worked on the the new year. This service includes 10:00 p.m. The date was changed grade on the competitive examina- Base. AA Fire Towing, AA Tracking, so that the drawing could be broad- tion administered to qualified ap- The communications facilities RCM exercises, CIC exercises, Bat- cast on the local radio station, plicants. consisted of a remote receiver tle Problems, Torpedo Chase (spot- WGBY. All sellers of completed In addition to his duties in con- building which was located on the ting), Photo and Safety Patrol, books returned to the Chaplain's nection with management - group site of the present Naval Operat- Special Transportation and Shore- Office before 5:00 Monday after- dealings with employees, Mr. Bru ing Base Administration Building. based CIC exercises. noon will have a chance to win any will be responsible for promotion There were 24 radiomen and they Accomplishment of this increas- or all of the three prizes, $50, and of the employee awards program, were all housed in the building ed work load is aided by additional two prizes of $25 each. Completed with particular emphasis on Bene- that is now the temporary officer's planes, pilots and crew borrowed books will also be accepted by a ficial Suggestions. quarters on Radio Point. There from Utility Squadron Two based committee Sunday morning at The position of Personnel Clerk were two transmitters, one a 10KW at Quonset Point, Rhode Island and Chapel Hill after completion of in the Public Works Department, low frequency and communications Utility Squadron Four based at all Services. NAS formerly occupied by Mr. Bru were worked through Key West Chincoteague, Virginia. Without Keep your radio tuned to WGBY will be filled by transfer and pro- and Port-Au-Prince, which at that the aid of these two squadrons the at 5:00 p.m. Monday. You might motion of C. A. Pina, who has been time had a Marine Garrison there. enormous demand for service could be the lucky winner of the special the Base Safety Clerk for several (Continued on Page Four) not be fulfilled. drawing. years. Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 9 February 1952

GUANTANAMO BRANCH SCOUT OF THE MONTH 100, FLEET RESERVE ASS'N Once each month the local Boy Scout troop selects from among The local branch of the Fleet it's members a Scout of the Month. Sunday, 10 February 1952 Editorial Office, Naval Operating Base Reserve Association, the purpose Administration Bldg., Room 113 of which is to further the cause Catholic Masses Phone 8-304 and benefits of enlisted Navy Per- 0700-Naval Base Chapel in such matters as pay, Saturday, 9 February 1952 sonnel 0900--Naval Base Chapel allowances, transportation, and de- Daily Mass - 0630 U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE pendency problems, was chartered Confessions before all Mass Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on the Station in August of 1946. Rear Admiral M. E. Murphy, USN Protestant Services Commander And since the date of its initial Branch 100 has been an CAPT Robert H. Wilkinson meeting, Sunday: 0930-Sunday School Chief of Staff inherent part of Base activities. r< . 1000-Adult Bible Class U. S. NAVAL STATION The first major item on the agenda 1100-Divine Worship Guantanamo Bay, Cuba of the local chapter was their Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal CAPT Orlin L. Livdahl pledge to pay for the Carillonic at this Activity Commanding Officer Chaplains chimes and the public address sys- CDR John F. Hagen, ChC, USN CDR Jack M. Howell and their installation in the Executive Officer tem (Protestant) Since the organization was Editorial Staff Chapel. LCDR J. J. Tschantz, ChC, USNR E. A. Sandness, LT- Staff Advisor still in a formative stage and these (Catholic) A. G. Jones, JOSN --- Editor funds were not available, the R. E. Womble, YNSN- News Editor idea for the first Station carnival THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- was born. anced by non-appropriated funds, printed CHAPLAIN'S CORNER on government equipment, for free distri- This first carnival was held in the bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, parking lot adjacent to the Chapel Chaplain John F. Hagen Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the and was such a success, that the according Base Commander. A rumor is abroad, carnival idea was adopted by the Anthony Whisehead a London newspaper, of a pos- THE INDIAN is published in compliance to Commander, then Rear Admiral The Scout of the Month is graded sible development of the radio with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 of (Rev) 1945. W. K. Phillips, as an annual fund for his reverence, attendance which will pick up the voices of hikes, at- THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press raising activity for all organized troop meetings, projects, the past. "They are, it is claimed, Service material which may be reprinted charities. tendance of patrol meetings, hikes floating past us in the air". What credit line: AFPS. with the In June of 1949, the FRA under- and projects, and conduct both at would be our emotions if such an took to foster the formation of a school and at home. At the end amazing thing should really hap- boy's camp. From this early at- of the year, all the scores made by pen. It is hard to say. Many of us tempt, the Boy Scout Troop Num- the different boys are added up would turn off the radio. ber 35 grew and was chartered with and the Green Bar and the Troop We have too many voices now the National Organization of Scouts Committee chooses the Scout of us-hoarse, harsh, haunting, Scout around in August of the same year. Since the Year. The award for the shrill, shrieking-a babble, if not a that time the Scouts have become of the Month is a Trophy and Babel. Do we really want to pick an important function for the boys the award for the Scout of the up voices long hushed? It is claim- by the to the Interior, by Col- on the Base. And among the many Year will be determined ed that if we could divide the sins Venture sponsors and the troop committee. onel Laurens van der Post, is at worthwhile activities in which they of the world, one-half of them participate is the collection of toys For the month of January An- would be the sins of the tongue. interesting chronicle of a mission as and donations for needy Cuban thony Whitehead was selected How we repent certain words that led the author from the lakes is to families at Christmas time. Scout of the Month. Anthony spoken in our past lives which we and plains of Central Africa Radioman First her mountains, ant Continuing to guide the Scouts, the son of Aviation thought were forgotten! But if they the peaks of and Mrs. Melvin C. White- of a plateau no] last year, the FRA sponsored their Class are all registered in the invisible to the discovery head. Coming to Guantanamo Bay of Nyasaland. Equally trip to Nicaro and Jamaica. Branch air one feels like taking a vow on any map the from Norfolk, Virginia in May of to him, it also led to 100 will, this year, sponsor of silence. important Jam- 1950, where he was a second class friendliness with many peoples. scouts at an International Yet it would be grand to listen be held in March. scout, Tony is one of the two, Star This fine book will appeal to boree of Scouts to to some of the voices of the past RrnnehYear Scouts willbbendeterminedon the Base. byithe a living tapestry o1 Late in 1951, the FRA assumed if we could only pick out the ones every taste; of organizing a great and mysterious land; at the responsibility we wanted to hear. Most of us boys who are not SPENDS THIRTY YEARS inquiry into human destiny; ant activities for the would be searching for the voice yet of scouting age. And through ON BASE mother. It would be fascinat- an amazing evocation of history their efforts the Cub Scouts were of our Its fresh affirmation of faith it ing to hear the high-keyed voice of chartered. Lincoln at Gettysburg or Washing- humanity may well serve as a Initial organization funds for If you have ever wondered what our turbulent times ton with his curiously hollow voice, testament for both the Scouts and the Cubs were the Naval Operating Base was like and pr eoldtys, just drop around giving his Farewell Address or St. Francis preaching to the birds. It IN W- d.7itrstaflon Bmild- - - as Ai y .^"1'(r' iIBlocl MIN be glorious to hear the voice Bay, sngan sometime and quest Son Lo, would sponsored Guantanamo of Jesus in the Sermon on the Heirport News: Gordon Bunch lrancn lu as peen activeingiv- Mount. But not His shattering cry Terry born 3 February to LCDR ing help in many ways. In 1949, on the Cross-no one could bear it! and Mrs. A. G. Terry. a substantial loan and gift was And then with television we could At a commendation mast helc made to Branch 86 in Willington, not only hear the voices of the in the office of the Commanding Tennessee to help them reorganize past but see the white shadows Officer on Wednesday morning after a fire had destroyed their of all those who have lived-but no, J. H. Johnson, Foreman Mechanic building, furniture, and all their I sign off! and Sam Turner, Chief Cook were records. At this same time three awarded certificates and buttons Navy families who suffered a O'ER THE TEA CUPS for three years of accident free fire loss were aided with a cash performance in their departments donation. By Betty Radcliffe were presented by June 4, 1949 Branch 100, was The awards On This past two weeks CHPCLK CAPT D. 0. Zearbaugh. commended by Captain J. H. Rob- of and Mrs. L. W. Grimmer have been S. E. Conway, SN reported for bins, MC, USN, on the institution and din- Service to entertained with parties duty from the USS Power. Web the first Memorial Day will be leav- Guantanamo Bay ners. The Grimmers come to Gtmo, Conway, we hopi be held at the this month. Mrs. of duty Cemetery. This service ing here sometime you will enjoy your tour National go to the home of since become a cooperative Grimmer will here. has parents in California for a HN is on the function of the FRA and other her J. S. McCullough, few months and CHPCLK Grim- Veteran organizations. sick list. mer will report to Norfolk to go J. W. Carroll, BMSN has return The first all-Station Easter egg was an- aboard a Cruiser. ed from Stateside leave. hunt for the youngsters H. Gillespie, of the FRA and in February 1st E. other project with a farewell year (1950) funds were SKSN entertained LITTLE THEATER NOTES the same the home of AK2 and Mrs. voted to help several members party at also Bargo Point. of the Scout troop who were unable, Fender in By Eddie Feeley week ago last Monday the press this time financially to make the trip to A As we go to Ladies Bowling League held a there are a couple of changes in Nicaro. were fifty-two Again in 1951 appropriations luncheon; there casting for "Murder in Rehearsal" and guests present. Bingo play the part o: from the Association's funds were members Ray Giddens will was played in the afternoon with the Sheriff. Ray's previous por voted to start a tarpaulin muster vic- Son Lo Mrs. Chita Morales the lucky win- trayals of a doctor, and then a to aid the families of disaster game. the parents of the vic- a Chinese employee who has been ner of $14.00 in the Blackout lawyer should find him wearing tims, i.e., the series will of the explosion of the Crash- working here on the Base since The second half of a sheriff's star with ease. Blanch tims 5th. Mona; their shipmate whose 1922, when he started working as start February Keller is replacing Esthere Tyle: boat February 5th the home and possessions were destroy- a cook for a Doctor Smith. On Tuesday in the part of Mrs. Fiske-Warren and VU-10 Officer's wives will give ed on the day before Christmas; Born in Canton, China, on No- NAS We know that Blanche held their regular monthly lunch- the right touch. and the families of the victims of vember 3rd, 1896, Son Lo came to the part just eon and meeting at the Officer's From time to time we have t the recent gasoline fire. Cuba with his father in 1921. After of the FRA is Doctor Smith left for the United Club. announce that one of our member: The membership of the Rec- made up of enlisted men who have States in 1924, Son Lo continued At a recent meeting is leaving us, unfortunately. Es the subject was you or more years of continuous working as a cook in the Chinese reation Council there Tyler is standing by, as six operating a Roller for the service, retired enlisted men, and Restaurant, which was located at discussed of read this, to board a plane Rink here on the Base. Tyler have enlisted men promoted to perma- the foot of the hill of the present Skating States. She and Bill Council is attempting to find to Heidelberg, Ger nent rank who desire to retain NOB Administration Building. In The been assigned a suitable location for the Rink many. We will miss them both their membership in the FRA. 1926, he left the restaurant and a lobby started working for the Public and to discover which flooring 'cause they were good company . . Aside from furnishing site to congressional ac- Works Department, where he spent would be the best. If a proper We held our monthly busines as advisors there will pertinent to enlisted men of the next 10 years, working as a can be decided upon meeting last Tuesday evening, an tions the best choice the Navy, the Association's aim is painter, a janitor, a carpenter and be the of there were many empty seats there and type of skates of the Little Thea to help its members and others in mechanic helper, assistant to the for surfacing Being a member to be used. Committees will then ter means more than taking par time of adversity when the need foreman and messenger. In 1936 he left the Public Works Depart- have to be elected to make such in the plays; it also means helping is apparent. skate the local chapter, since its ment to start working for the Press decisions as admission fees, to conduct the business end o And nights for that man organization, has been an excellent News, now known as the Papoose, rental fees, reserving the Group. We realize for children, for the Fleet, commitments example of the fine work that can and in 1939 he took up his present families, people have duty As you can see, there are attend these meet be done by an active and com- position as Mimeograph Machine etc. but if possible, many problems and difficulties to ings and back up YOUR Litt1 munity minded branch. operator for the Naval Station. 100 which stands ready Yes, he's been around for a long overcome before this Roller Skat- Theater. Branch I know in the year of 1952 to continue its time and in that time he has seen er's dream can materialize. Director Paul Goldman has th enthusiasts th service to Base activities and per- many changes take place aboard there are many skating rehearsal schedule set up, and and they would be to rig th sonnel will be guided in its func- the Base. He has experienced, on the Base stage crew is about hoping. in Rehearsal tions by their presently elected droughts, hurricanes and the fall Here's stage, so "Murder happy if the Rink became a reality. is underway. president, '.Page, HMC. of the "Machado" regime. Saturday, 9 February 1952 THE INDIAN Page Three

~*Sports v

THE SCOREBOARD FLIRS TUMP* -'- -~NAVSTA * .vnu~ V I 0 _ vi lA BASKETBALL STANDINGS NAS -- 49 MCB-4 - 39 DOWNS FTGFOR 5TH WIN Team Won Lost Perct. VU-10- 40 NSD 38 MCB-8------6 1 .857 MCB-8 55 NSD - 47 The Gtmo Fliers from Naval Air Station bottled up everything but NASs------5 1 .833 VU-10- 49 Marines 39 the Atlantic Fleet on Tuesday night as they outclassed a Naval Station VU-10------5 2 .714 MCB-8 78 Hospital_ 26 cage quintet in the week's big game for a 45 to 36 victory. Unlimbering NavSta------4 2 .666 MCB-4 54 VU-10_ 42 sharp basket-eyes, the Fliers took position of the lead in the first quarter NSD------4 2 .666 VU-10- 83 FTG 46 and never relinquished it after that. MCB-4------3 3 .500 NAS - 46 NavSta- 36 A big difference at the charity Marines------2 3 .400 line paid off in bigger dividends standing ball while gathering in Hi-Sch. ------1 4 .200 A RINGSIDE VIEW for NAS as they dropped in 17 out scoring honors by collecting ten FTG------0 6 .000 of 24 free throws to maintain a points. Outstanding because eight Hospital ------0 6 .000 By John Hagen wide margin in the score book. The * Up to and including Wednesday night of his ten points were collected at games. To all hands, here is an up-to- Fliers dropped the word "relax" the charity line. Dunn followed up date preview of the Naval Base from their vocabulary as they went with nine markers while teammate NSD TRIPS CB-4 57-46; Boxing Team which is training in on the offensive to snap a four Silvestrini posted seven more for CB-8 BEATS anticipation for a Naval Base vs game winning streak for a pug- the Fliers. Tom Molson of NavSta PIRATES Forces Afloat "Smoker". nacious Naval Station team. centered the basket for 11 points Naval 1st Quarter while E. A. Sadness counted up Supply Depot made an- As a whole the Naval Base team, other successful bid for a spot in which The first four minutes of the ten for the losers. consists of only eight men, the top teams of the League Wed- is in fairly good shape. As game was scoreless as neither team yet nesday night by out-shooting a there are no regular training hours could take control under the basket.NA NavSta finally drew first blood by Dunn------f strong cage quintet from Seabee but the men have been working out f4 1 9 Four. regularly in the afternoons and hitting for one of their few charity Booth------f 1 3 5 shots and collecting a two-pointer Silvestrini------f The Suppliers were showing the evenings at Fleet Recreation. Fred 3 1 7 fine after that. NAS's classy Fliers Coutu------c 1 3 form that was predicted for Levine, of Naval Station Recrea- 5 them then claimed the court as their own DeWeerd------g 1 8 10 earlier in the season. While tion, who is in charge of the team the Purple and private playing ground as they Nichols------g 2 1 5 White of Seabee will start regular training sessions Four showed sharp ball handling as soon as he can locate six more jumped ahead in the scoring col- Burto umn. Dunn of NAS, at right- and a tight defense it was under men to participate. The entire team the basket forward, began showing power at Total------14 17 45 where the contest was must have not less than twelve decided. The NSD cagers had their men. this time by stealing the ball, breaking up NavSta's defenseNavSta eye on the basket and grabbed a Most of the contestants have had and literally being a big thorn in Player p fg f pts half time lead of 25 to 11. previous ring experience and those the loser's side. Score: NAS 14,Carson------f 2 0 4 Second half play saw little dif- that haven't are learning quickly NavSta 7. Cannon------f 0 1 1 ference in the game except for a and should prove to be good boxers. 2nd Quarter Molson------f 5 1 11 sudden surge by MCB-4 late in the Fred Toto, of 6th Division, has had Naval Station's usual alert ball Nymen 0 2 third quarter when they racked up very little experience in the ring handling was completely missing a quick eight points to only slightly but he is showing continuous Saack------c 0 1 1 im- from the game at this stage as close the wide gap in the score. It provement as is Henry Berk of the they passed away the ball often.Geisler------g 0 1 1 still remained the Suppliers game Ships Department. Both are ex- throughout At this stage of the game, how-Majka------g 1 1 3 the rest of the game. pected to be in top condition within ever, the Gold & Black cagers still Briggs------g 1 1 3 Manley Miller, forward, Joe a couple of weeks. possessed plenty of steam and man- Vesey, center, Al Schwartz, cap- At present there has been no aged to close the gap in the score T ------tain and guard, carried the load definite date set for a "Smoker" to 22-18 at half time. The Fliers VU-10 Wins Fifth most the way for Supply as they between the Forces Afloat and the appeared to put the "freeze" on VU-10's cagers picked up their scored 18, 15, and 15 points respec- Base due to the failure of poor the ball just before the half ended fifth win of the season Tuesday tively. Seabee Four produced the response to the call for prize fight- to delay NavSta's chances of night as they downed often beaten top man on the court as Hendricks ers. Anyone with pugilistic ex- scoring. Training Group 83 to 46. sank 27 markers through the perience is welcome to the team. 3rd Quarter Though winning by a wide mar- bucket. To contact Fred Levine, call Naval SSilv - esrhlini-u post ev'n r e fo Pirates Lose Station Recreation, on Extension with nui~perous fouls with Naval had to contend with the plucky A game and determined court 9-617. Station failing to capitalize on the FTG five as they pounced on the quintet from Chapel Hill threw a free shots. The Fliers increased taller courtmen for forty minutes scare into the League leaders Wed- OFFICER'S BOWLING their lead to nine points and while of solid play. nesday night as they scored point the goal hungry Naval Station The first quarter was too tight for point with MCB-8. It was late in the second The Officer's Bowling League squad fought hard for possession for comfort for VU-10 as FTG's half before Kopp and started off with a crash of pins of the ball they failed to out Don Coluzzi broke up play after Company opened up with their on Monday and Tuesday evenings. maneuver the snappy quintet from play with his razzle-dazzle type of heavy barrage of field goals to The McCalla Field. Naval Air Station play. But reserve power proved sink the Pirates who were still bleachers were filled to over- battling flowing as the spectators cheered hit the bucket for 11 points in the the margin of difference for VU-10 desperately for points. for their team, and the noise level third frame while holding Naval as they laced the basket repeatedly Always a potential threat to any Station to 7 markers. Score at the to gain a half-time lead of 50 to team in the League, the Pirates was held very close to a steady showed roar. LT D'Amboise took the high end of the third quarter was: NAS 26. When the final whistle sounded. plenty of fight throughout and never once individual game by toppling the 33, NavSta 25. VU-10 had gone ahead to 83-46 relaxed for a brea- 4th Quarter with Fleet Training's scrappy ther, however, it was reserve power maples for a lusty 234 pins. Cap- of the tain The fourth quarter could only be wagers still keeping up with the Seabees that finally over- Bruner barely missed the "500 whelmed Club" when he knocked down 499 a repeat of the third. Naval Sta- furious pace. High scores for the the Hi-Schoolers. At half time pins. Leading man in the "500 tion's Bill Carson was out of the winners were: J. W. Kibler with MCB-8 held a seven Club" is LCDR Dave Patton game and during his three quarter 20 points and P. M. Hoff with 15. point lead over the Pirates and that who was cut toppled 542 pins in three games. stint he'was held to a lowly 4 points For Fleet Training it was Charles down fast in the early by the Flier's ball-hawks. NAS's Dinga with 19 and Don Coluzzi moments of the third quarter. A League standings are as follows: DeWeerd, at guard, played out- with 8. power failure dimmed the court Team Points Won Lost lights for over a half hour and the NAS ------3 1 Pirates couldn't seem to bounce NavSta "A" ------3 1 PARDON ME ! back after play was resumed. Eddie NavSta "B" ------3 1 Pitts, with eight points, teamed up NOB ------3 1 with Stemier, also with eight VU-10 ------3 1 markers, to lead the Pirates in Hospital ------2 2 scoring. For the winners it was MCB-4 ------2 2 Krug with 12, Kopp and Wheeler Dental ------1 3 with eight each. MCB-8 ------1 3 NSD ------1 3 WES PAULSON HITS HIGH FTG "A" ------1 3 FTG "B" ------1 3 GAME "500 Club" By E. P. Jodoin Patton ------542 Stop me if you've heard this one- Langford ------526 Once again, the Fourth Division Messenheimer ------519 rates the headlines. This week, Plarr ------506 their feat consisted of scoring a Milsen ------504 total of 2,467 pins thereby set- Iddings ------502 ting the high for a 3 game series. Hanerty ------501 This makes two honors they hold "200 Club" -one for high single-game series D'Amboise ------234 (913 pins), and one for high three- Iddings ------209 game series (2,467 pins). The high Langford ------208 three-game series is the important one because there will be a cup per BASKETBALL SCHEDULE man for the team holding that honor at the end of season. It's Monday, 11 February going to take some good bowling to VU-10 vs Hi-School top 2,467 pins. Marines vs NAS This week, the honor for high game goes to Wes Paulson of the Tuesday, 12 February Pardon me, says John Powers (4), (right) of the Marine cagers as he joins Mike Naval Station Boat Shed. He *Hi-School vs MCB-4 Mijka (4), (left) of Naval Station on the deck of the Fleet Court during a struggle brought in a 222 game. Wes hails *FTG vs Hospital for position of the ball late in a contest which saw NavSta romp home with a 48-30 victory. from Heron Lake, Minnesota. He Wednesday, 13 February got his first taste of ten pin bow- MCB-4 vs Marines ling late in 1942 and bowled but a NSD vs NavSta A drunk was watching a man Muncie, Ind. (APFS)-County few games until 1950. Upon enter- Thursday, 14 February enter a revolving door. As the fair officials received an envelope ing the Navy on 7 August 1950, he *MCB-8 vs NavSta door swung around a pretty girl containing 60 cents and the fol- started his serious bowling. This *Hospital vs NSD stepped out. "Swell trick," he lowing note: "Along with others, is Wes' first tournament and he's * Denotes games to be played at Marine muttered, "don't shee how that I went through a hole in the fence. showing promise of ending up as Site Two. guy changed hish clothes so fast." I am enclosing my fare." a "high average" bowler. Gtmo.-2680D-4 Feb 52-3M. THE INDIAN Saturda. 9 Februr 1952 P -'- -- -- oauruy, 6 ,re ruary i BASE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT IS LIFELINE OF THE BASE This week the Indian is featuring the Base Communications Depart- ment as the Department of the Week. The Base Communications Department consists of a Radio Teletype Room, Radio Center, Message Center, Crypto Center, Telephone Ex- changes, RPIO, Signal Tower, Crypto Center and the Fleet Post Office. The Crypto Center is maintained in spaces devoted exclusively to they maintain and operate the crypto functions, and codes or de- radio range receiving site, which codes all classified messages. handles all incoming communica- The Registered Publication Is- tons for NOB, Guantanamo Bay. suing Office is prepared and author- They are also responsible for the ized to serve Forces Afloat and care and upkeep of the communica- shore activities of the Tenth Naval tons equipment in the Bombproof District. shelter and maintain and repair The Signal Tower, which is locat- all teletype communications equip- ed at McCalla Hill, NAS maintains ment on the entire Base. a continuous visual watch with all The Post Office is under the Fleet Units present. It is in direct supervision of Lieutenant T. J. teletype, theheyomaintaintyndteletalk, and telephone Jones and Chief A. D. operateDraffone the is communications with Base Coi- the Navy Mail Clerk. Handling a munications Office and assists in half million pieces of incoming receiving and delivering traffic to nail each month is no easy job. and from ships in the area. In addition to receiving nail, there The Communications department are money orders cashed and issued is also responsible for the main- each month to the tune of over tenance, installation and upkeep of $100,000. And then too, there are all telephones, and telephone ex- stamps to be sold, mail to be reg- From left to right, A. D. Draffone, Navy Mail Clerk, J. L. Gates, J. E. Donohue, changes. istered and insured and of course D. L. Phenice, P. E. Cumberland and L. D. Faunce sort some of the parcel The message center is responsi- outgoing mail. post which arrived recently at the Fleet Post Office. ble for the delivery of traffic via th OFFICERORECALLS DAYS oamachines eeyelo on the Base. Thevarious OF YORE Radio teletype relay room main tamel direct teletype communicate (Continued from Page One) tons with San Juan, who relays The old galley and mess hall was messages to Washington for furf located at the site of the present ther transmission. It also handles Fleet Camera Party building. all administrative traffic for all Compared to today, the Base Base Coanands. In case of a powec was very undeveloped. The present failure or unfavorable atmospheric housing developments of Radio conditions which would render thi Point were non-existent. About the radio teletype machines useless, the only area that has remained basi- radio center maintains CW compi cally unchanged through the years, munications with San Juan. At all is the Hospital area, which at that times, they maintain CW and voice time was occupied by officer's comTfunications with ships in the quarters. area. The Naval Station personnel The Naval Air Station maintains were housed in what is now the continuous watch on a point-to- Naval Air Station Barracks on point circuit with Jacksonville and Corinaso Point. The Marine Bar- such air-to-ground circuits with racks was located at what is now aircraft as are required by air the Seaplane Ramp and was quite operations. The Fleet Training a nice area, as there was a beach Group maintains such radio cir- and palm trees. Other than these cuits with ships in the operating areas and a few buildings in the area as are required for training Industrial area, the rest of the purposes. Base was, for the most part, all The technical section has the scrub. duties mainen the Banser~.- rprheaa. asoer -eamj ess T- chSan--e- the mthly r-euse The movie lyceum which was tion of all voice, code, and radio adio Officer on the left, and W. C. 'ehh, TEC, check the monthly frequency situated on the present site of teletype transmitters. In addition report. the Ship's Repair Carpenter Shop was the only one on the Base. Liberty was granted in Caimanera MOVIE PREVIEWS twice each week, and rarely did the liberty party exceed twenty Silver City men. Other recreation consisted A mining engineer, Edmund of a yacht club, which consisted of O'Brien, runs away from the one spartan type boats with a jib and misstep in his life when he helped mainsail. There were boat races get an ore assay into illicit hands. in the bay every Friday and LT Trying to help Yvonne DeCarlo Carter often participated, as he and her father causes trouble when owned a boat. Quite a few of the his background is brought to light. men on the Base owned their own A thrilling western story that you horses and purchased their feed don't want to miss. from the Marine Corral. There The Sea Hornet were no swimming pools or a rec- Suspicious of a large offer to reation building, and liquor was blow up a sunken ship, Rod not to be had due to the prohibition. Cameron, a young sea diver turns Officers and chiefs were the only it down only to find that his friend naval personnel who were entitled and partner had accepted and lost to housing, since a married en- his life. A stirring story of the listed man below the rate of chief sea with a little mystery thrown was, in those days, a rarity. in for good measure. Supplies for the Base were re- Whistle At Eaton Falls ceived once a month aboard the Placed in the management spot USS Kittery, a coal-burner. Be- when the owner of a large factory fore making the return trip, she is killed, Lloyd Bridges is forced was refueled at the coaling station to keep peace for both sides and at Hospital Cay. avoid loss of income to the factory. The food of those days had very A true to life story that deals with little variety, since there were few the labor problem. vegetables, and almost all of these were canned. ships Golden Horde G. H. Bridges and E. P. Blog keep in constant radio communication with Since operating in this area. An exciting picture in techni- the time that he has been color that deals with Genghis Khan, stationed here Lieutenant Carter has noticed quite a lot his son and the battle to destroy of fill work. Water MOVIE LOG the city of Samarkan. Don't miss used to extend up to Sher- this one if you want to really see man Avenue, over what is now a good picture. the SeaBee camp and over the land Saturday, 9 February on which most of the Naval Sup- SILVER CITY It's a Big Country ply Depot's buildings are located Yvonne De Carlo Edmund O'Brien Opening with the information at the present. Sunday, 10 February that this is a message picture, this The Fleet Recreation fields were THE SEA HORNET film presents eight individual epi- used for Fleet boxing and wrest- Rod Cameron Adrian Booth sodes of the American way of life. ling matches. At that time, about Cartoon: Papa's Little Helpers The Bushwackers the only time that the fleet was Monday, 11 February An exciting film dealing with a in was during the winter months, WHISTLE AT EATON FALLS Confederate sergeant at the end from January to March. Lloyd Bridges Dorothy Gish of the Civil War, who tries to find Another improvement is the Tuesday, 12 February a peaceful home for himself. Run- elimination of such insects as mos- GOLDEN HORDE ning into a crook who is having quitoes, gnats, and flies. David Farrar Ann Blyth the people killed in order to get There is only one man that LT Cartoon: Operation Rabbit all the land, he fights for the cause Carter remembers that is still Sportscope: Channel Swimmer of justice. working on the Base, Mr. C. V. Wednesday, 13 February Starlift Agdamag. Another civilian em- IT'S A BIG COUNTRY An hour and a half plus of gay ployee who was working on the Ethel Barrymore Keefe Brasselle rollicking music, romance and Base until recently, when he was Thursday, 14 February songs. Gordon McRae falls in love retired, is Mr. Ziz, a bookkeeper for THE BUSHWACKERS with one of the entertainers who the Naval Supply Depot. John Ireland Wayne Morris is making a personal appearance Yes, there have been a lot of Cartoon: Cold Turkey at the Air Base in California. This changes and improvements and 20 They Fly With The Fleet Phyllis Horton and F. A. Gubello check is one picture that you don't want years from now there will probably Friday, 15 February over a smooth copy of a message that to miss. Featured is to be run off on the Ditto machine in are such stars be still more changes and improve- STARLIFT the message ter. R. W. Bliss, TEC, as Doris Day, Gordon McRea, Ruth ments, here in Guantanamo Bay, Ruth Roman Gordon McRae is shown 9 background. Roman and many others. Cuba.