Onions Are Finicky As to Growing, Curing; and Garlic May Not Be a Joy Either by ]
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Onions Are Finicky as to Growing, Curing; And Garlic May Not Be a Joy Either by ]. S. Vandemark Onions are grown in nearly every grown in winter, from seeds, sets or part of the United States. Fairly caol seedlings that were fall-planted. In temperatures are important during Northern and Central regions, onions early development, and good soil fer- are planted in spring as early as the tility and adequate moisture are es- soil can be prepared. Onions are sential High temperatures help dur- tolerant to frosts. Seeds germinate ing bulbing and curing. Low humidity best about 60° to 65° F; however, is desirable for curing. satisfactory results will be obtained Domesticated in Asia and the Mid- anywhere from 50° to 75° soil tem- dle East, onions were rapidly moved perature. to Europe. They were grown both by Onions must be kept free of weeds the settlers and Indians after being and grasses throughout the entire sea- brought to North America by Spanish son as they compete poorly with explorers. other plants. Onions are used in a variety of forms. They are eaten raw, as seal- Onions From Sets lions, and in salads. Cooked onions Onion sets are the surest route to are served broiled, boiled, baked, success in the home vegetable garden creamed, steamed, fried, french fried, as the emerging plant will be vigor- pickled, in soups and stews, and in ous and strong. They may serve dou- combinations with other vegetables ble duty, producing green onions or and meats. mature dry onions. Onion sets, which Growers learned from experience you can buy, consist of small dry that the early development period of onions up to % inch in diameter onions should be cool and damp to grown the previous year specifically allow secondary roots to develop. for starting plants. Soil fertilization should be given Select sets early when they are particular attention. Onions require firm and dormant. While it seems about twice as much fertilizer as most contradictory, round onion sets pro- vegetables. Gardeners may find it duce flat onions, while elongated or advantageous to give the row a sec- tapered sets mature into round onions. ond feeding after 40 to 60 days by Sets are available in three colors: placing the fertihzer in a trench 1 to White, red or brown. Most gardeners 2 inches deep and 3 inches to one prefer white sets for producing green side of the row. Use 10-10-10 fer- onions or scallions; but the other two tilizer at a rate of 1 pound per 25 or colors are acceptable. 30 feet of row for this sidedressing. Divide the sets into two groups, Good growth requires a loose, fri- those smaller in diameter than a dime able (crumbly), fertile soil. Hard com- and those larger 'than a dime. Use pact soils tend to restrain bulb devel- large size sets for green onions; the opment, causing the bulb to be large size may bolt (form flower irregularly shaped and small. stalks) and not produce a good dry Proper time to plant depends on bulb. the area. In the South, onions are Plant the small size set for dry onion production as there is little J. S. Vandemark is Vegetable Crop chance of bolting. These small sets Specialist, University of Illinois, Urbana. will best produce large, dry bulbs. 152 For dry onions, plant the sets to a Texas Grano, and Granex. In the depth of 1 inch in rows 12 to 14 North suitable varieties are Early Yel- inches apart, with the sets 2 inches low Globe, Empire, Fiesta, Downing apart. Soil should be worked to a Yellow Globe, Spartan lines, and Nut- medium fine condition, fertilized, and meg. kept free of weeds throughout the season. Onions From Transplants When you observe half or more of Transplanting of young onion plants the tops bent over] naturally, the is an increasingly popular method for onions may be pulled| and allowed to home gardeners because of the large dry. Do not break oi^üon stems early size bulb produced. Plants may be as this interrupts their natural growth obtained from your seed dealer and period and will result in reducing the garden supplier. In the South and bulb size. Onions can be eaten at any Southwest plant in fall, and in the point between green onions and ma- North in early spring. To produce ture dry onions. | large dry onions, plant 4 to 5 inches When planting larger size bulbs for apart in the row, with rows 12 to 24 green onions, use 12- to 24-inch wide inches apart. Closer spacing yields rows. Sets can be planted close smaller size bulbs. Fertile, loose soil enough to touch each other and 1V2 is essential. inches deep. If you hiU the row slight- Transplants are put in soil to a ly after the stem is -^p 4 inches, the depth of 1 to 1V2 inches and covered. green onions will ha-\|e longer usable Many growers use a special water- white stems. Once the tops are 6 soluble fertilizer mixture immediate- inches high you can ^tart using them ly on planting. as green onions, ! This transplant fertilizer is in ad- Green onions become stronger in dition to the normal fertilizing of the flavor as they get older. When too garden and the necessary sidedressing strong to eat raw, th^y are excellent discussed earlier. To prepare a water for cooking. ' fertilizer mixture, buy a soluble fer- If you notice a plant producing a tilizer, 10-50-10, 10-52-17, or similar flower stalk (bolting), pull and use it. analysis. Dissolve one tablespoon in Seed is the least popular method of a gallon of water and apply at the growing, as a longer period for devel- rate of 1 cup per plant. opment is needed. Onion seed should Crystal Wax, Bermudas, and Grano be planted at the same time as sets types are used in the South for fall and requires similar fertilization. To planting. In the North, Bermudas are assure a good stand, plant seed % to used when flat bulbs are desired. For 1 inch deep, at a rate of 1 to 5 seeds large round bulbs use standard or hy- per inch. When the seedlings are es- brid Sweet Spanish (white or yellow). tablished they should be thinned: For If red onions are preferred, varieties large dry onions 2 to 3 inches apart, like Red Bermudas, Red Giant, Red for medium sized 1 to 2 inches, and Hamburger, and Benny's Red are used for boilers and green onions, VA to 1 in the North, while Early Red or inch. Creole are suitable for the South. Choose varieties adapted to your Special onions include the Egyptian purpose and section of the country. onion or tree onion, a perennial Green onion varieties from seed in- planted in fall throughout the coun- clude Evergreen Bunching, Beltsville try. This onion forms small bulblets Bunching, and Southport Bunching. or sets where the flowers normally Varieties for dry onions produced in grow. It may be harvested, planted the South include Crystal Wax, Excel, and used in the same manner as sets. 153 inal bulb splits into segments; when dry, they may be used to plant as sots. In the South, multiplier sets are planted in fall and used as green onions in spring. In the North, they are planted early in spring. True multipliers also are hard to get at most gardening centers, and like the Egyptian onion frequently are passed from gardener to gardener. Many homeowners do not have proper conditions to store onions for long periods; however, they usually can make out all right for three to four months. After half of the tops have broken over naturally at the neck, the onions may be pulled. When the tops have wilted, cut them off 1 to 1 V2 inches above the bulb. Cure by placing in an open crate or mesh bag. This process, which pre- pares the onions for storage, takes from two to a few weeks depending on humidity. Clean by removing dirt and outer loose dry skins that come off when handling. The cleaned onion may be left in a mesh bag and hung in a place such as a garage ceiling. An ideal storage spot is dry with air temperatures of 35° to 50° F. If roots reappear, the conditions are too moist, and if sprouts appear the temperature is too Hanging onions for curing. high; either will cause rotting and deterioration of bulbs. The storage period is shorter for In late winter or early spring, Egyp- Sweet Spanish and Bermudas than for tian onions may be pulled and used small globe-type onions. as green onions. Those left unhar- vested will produce new sets for fu- Offshoots of Onions ture planting. If you choose, the Garlic, shallots, chives and leeks plants also may be dug, divided, and are members of the onion family. replanted for additional propagation. These are often grown at home as Planting material, either sets or plants, they frequently are hard to obtain. are hard to get through normal chan- Fertility and cultural practices are nels and often gardeners obtain their similar to those for onions. starts from friends. Many areas will find garlic poorly The Potato or Multiplior onion sel- adapted to home gardens. dom produces seed and is propagated Garlic produces a group of cloves by bulb division. These onions are that are encased in a sheath, rather planted in the same manner as sets, than a single bulb. Separate into sin- usually 2 to 3 inches apart.