Dictionary of Cultivated Plants and Their Regions of Diversity Second Edition Revised Of: A.C

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Dictionary of Cultivated Plants and Their Regions of Diversity Second Edition Revised Of: A.C Dictionary of cultivated plants and their regions of diversity Second edition revised of: A.C. Zeven and P.M. Zhukovsky, 1975, Dictionary of cultivated plants and their centres of diversity 'N -'\:K 1~ Li Dictionary of cultivated plants and their regions of diversity Excluding most ornamentals, forest trees and lower plants A.C. Zeven andJ.M.J, de Wet K pudoc Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation Wageningen - 1982 ~T—^/-/- /+<>?- •/ CIP-GEGEVENS Zeven, A.C. Dictionary ofcultivate d plants andthei rregion so f diversity: excluding mostornamentals ,fores t treesan d lowerplant s/ A.C .Zeve n andJ.M.J ,d eWet .- Wageninge n : Pudoc. -11 1 Herz,uitg . van:Dictionar y of cultivatedplant s andthei r centreso fdiversit y /A.C .Zeve n andP.M . Zhukovsky, 1975.- Me t index,lit .opg . ISBN 90-220-0785-5 SISO63 2UD C63 3 Trefw.:plantenteelt . ISBN 90-220-0785-5 ©Centre forAgricultura l Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen,1982 . Nopar t of thisboo k mayb e reproduced andpublishe d in any form,b y print, photoprint,microfil m or any othermean swithou t written permission from thepublisher . Contents Preface 7 History of thewor k 8 Origins of agriculture anddomesticatio n ofplant s Cradles of agriculture and regions of diversity 21 1 Chinese-Japanese Region 32 2 Indochinese-IndonesianRegio n 48 3 Australian Region 65 4 Hindustani Region 70 5 Central AsianRegio n 81 6 NearEaster n Region 87 7 Mediterranean Region 103 8 African Region 121 9 European-Siberian Region 148 10 South American Region 164 11 CentralAmerica n andMexica n Region 185 12 NorthAmerica n Region 199 Specieswithou t an identified region 207 References 209 Indexo fbotanica l names 228 Preface The aimo f thiswor k ist ogiv e thereade r quick reference toth e regionso f diversity ofcultivate d plants.Fo r important crops,region so fdiversit y of related wild species areals opresented .Wil d species areofte nusefu l sources of genes to improve thevalu eo fcrops . Species cultivated primarily asornamental s and timber crops,an dusefu l lowerplan t species areno t included. Taxa are arranged alphabetically firstb y family,secondl yb y genusan d thirdlyb y specieswithi n genera.Th emor e common taxonomiesynonyms ,a s well asth ebette rknow n (English)name s are listed.Taxonom y isbase d pri­ marily onWillis' s dictionary (1966)an d theBail yHortorium ,Hortu s Third (1976). Somatic chromosomenumber s and genome formulae arepresente d whereknown . Most of thechromosom enumber s arederive d fromBolkhovskik h et al. (1969). Where thechromosom enumbe r could notb e traced,a spac eha sbee n leftopen . Chromosomenumbe r and genomeconstitution sma y indicate the relationships of aspecies . Thewor k includedman y more species thanw e could know.Corrections ,crit ­ icisms and additions including datao nchromosom enumbe rwoul d behighl y appreciated. They should be sent toth esenio r author,Institut e ofPlan t Breeding (I.v.P.), Agricultural University,P.O.B . 386,670 0A JWageningen , theNetherlands . Wehop e that thiswor kma yhel p theplan tbreede r toeas e shortageso f food andothe r agricultural products.W ehop e that itwil l also encourage theestablishmen t ofnatura lwil d plant reserves inanticipatio n ofneed s forwil dgenes . Anton C.Zeve n JanM.J .d eWe t History of the work FIRSTEDITIO N In196 8Prof .P.M . Zhukovskijpublishe d apape r 'New centres oforigi nan d new genecentre s of cultivated plants including specifically endemicmicro - centres of species closely allied tocultivate d species'.Thi s paperwa s issued inBotanica l Journal,Mosko v 53:430-460 andwa s abstracted inPlan t BreedingAbstract s(1-968) .I wrot e toProf .Zhukovski jaskin gwhethe rh e would prepare anEnglis h version.H ewrot ebac k thath ewa spreparin ga booklet inRussia no n the 'World genofund ofplant s forbreeding :worl d gene centres ofcultivate d plants and theirwil d progenitors',whic hwa spublish ­ ed in1970 .Th etex twa s translated by DrE.E .Leppik ,Researc hBotanis t of theNe w CropsResearc h Branch of theU SDepartmen t of Agriculture,Beltsville , Maryland,wh o invitedm e toedi t themanuscrip t and tosee k apublisher . Thepublisher s suggested that thewor k beextende d to includemor eculti ­ vated plants.Prof .Zhukovski j agreed tothi s proposal and thewor k hasno w been enlarged from 700specie s to about 2300species . A.C. Zeven SECONDEDITIO N InOctobe r 1975m y co-author,Professo r DrP.M . Zhukovskij died at Leningrad after alon g and fruitful lifewhic hh ededicate d tocultivate d plants:thei rbotany ,thei r taxonomy and their agriculture and use.H e worked almost toth elas t dayo fhi s life tosprea d knowledge of cultivated plants.A fewmonth sbefor ehi s death,h e received copieso f the first edi­ tiono f thisDictionar y andh eexpresse d hishappines swit h thework . In1979 ,Pudo c informed me that thestoc k of theboo kwa s almost exhausted and that they considered reprinting thework .Howeve r asman y scientists are working oncultivate d crops,man y newdat awer e available for ane wedition . Furthermore,colleague s andmysel fha d discovered mistakes andomission s and soi twa s agoo dopportunit y toprepar e arevision . Ia mver y gratefult o thosewh ohav e suggested additions andimprovements . Tohel p inpreparin g arevise d edition, Iaske d help fromProfesso rJ.M.J . deWet ,Cro pEvolutio n Laboratory,Departmen t ofAgronomy ,Universit y of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign , Illinois,Unite d States.H e is anexcellen ttaxo - nomist of cultivated plants and Iwa sextremel y happy thath e tooku pth e invitation despite abus y life asscientist .Th epresen t editionha s greatly benefited fromhi sencyclopaedi c knowledgeo fcultivate dplants . A.C. Zeven Origins of agriculture and domestication of plants INTRODUCTION Manwa sno t always afarmer .Onl y during the last fifteen thousand yearso r soha sh e learned tosom edegre e tocontro l his food supply.Befor e thead ­ vent of agriculture,ma nwa s ahunte r and food gatherer.Gradually ,however , someo f the animal species heuse d tohun twer eprotected , and selected species of foodplant swer ebrough t into cultivation.Plan t and animal hus­ bandry were initiated, and theseplant s and animals eventually becames o dependent onma n that they could no longer compete successfully with their wild relatives fornatura l habitats.The ybecam e domesticated. The antiquity of this shift inman' s activities from food gathering to food producing isno t knownwit h certainty.Plan t and animalhusbandr y were probably well established longbefor e noticeable phenotypic changes occurred inspecie s underdomestication , andbecam e preserved in archaeologicalre ­ cords ofman' shistory .B e that as itmay ,ma n had abandoned hisnomadi c food-gathering way of life some 1000 0year s ago foron eo f sedentary food- production insevera l partso fbot h theOl d andNe wWorlds . Inman y regions,eve nwit h ahig h level of agriculture,ma n still gathers wild and semiwild plants or fruits,suc h asbrambles ,blueberries ,rasp ­ berries,mushrooms ,herb s for food,heat h forbrooms ,woo d forbuildings , fuelo rpaper-making , and grass fordomesti c animals.Howeve rma ndoe sno t depend on theseplants ;h eonl y collects them for economic or recreative reasons. Ifh edepende d on them,h ewoul d grow themo r find asubstitute . Some peoplema y growplant swhil e others collect thesam e species inth e wild. Wema y askwh yma n started tocultivat e plants,wh y he started tod os o only 'recently' andwh y only certain plant species orvarietie s weredo ­ mesticated. ORIGINSO F AGRICULTURE Much hasbee nwritte n aboutman' s shift from plant collecting toplan t grow­ ing.Som e authorshav epu t forward 'deterministic'hypotheses ,suc h asa highermenta l orsocia l level leading toth ecultivatio n ofplants ,o rclima ­ ticchange s causing aprogressiv e desiccation of thecountr y and enforcing the application of artificial methods of food production (Spinden,1971 ; MacNeish, 1964a). Sauer (1952),however ,though t that agriculture couldno t have originated solely from chronic food shortage,a s fourcondition sha d to be fulfilled before plant or animalhusbandr y could be initiated: - Previously acquired skills inothe r fields tostar texperiments . - Sedentarywa y ofliving . - Presence ofwoode d lands easier toclea r thansavanna s or forests.Larg e river-valleys subject toperiodica l flooding areunsuitable ,becaus ema nwa s not ablet ocontro lfloods . - Amarke d diversity ofplan t populations must bepresent ,s otha t alarg e reservoir of genes isavailabl e forselection . 10 ORIGINSO FAGRICULTUR E Sauer concluded that the ancestors of the earliest agriculturists were relatively prosperous progressive fishermen living in amil d climate along freshwaters . Little isknow n about the skills ofth e first farmers,an d information on thecorrelatio n between earlier fixed dwelling and incipient food production islimited . Theearlies t siteswit h year-round occupationwer ediscovere d in theNil e Valleyo f Upper Egypt (1500 0t o1 050 0B.C. )bu t they shown oevi ­ denceo fplan t of animal domestication (Churcher& Smith , 1972). Earlyoccu ­ pation sites found insouther n Africadatin g from 4700 0B.C . (BorderCav e inZululand) ,4 300 0B.C . (Howieson's Poort nearMontagu ,southwes t Cape Province),4 200 0B.C . (RoseCottag e Cavenea r Ladybrand ineaster nOrang e FreeState )belon g to thiscategory .But ,i t isno t clearwhethe r these sites were occupied all theyea rround .Th ebotanica lmateria l associatedwit h them hasno t yetbee n analysed (Dart& Beaumont , 1971;Beaumon t &Boshier , 1972). Siteswher e agriculture developed firstmus thav ebee n in areaswher e plant collectors/hunters/fishermen roamed. Iti smos t likely that they lived in wooded lands forhuntin g game,o rnea rwate r for fishing.Fishin g communities led asedentar y life.Nomad s roam,bu t return tosite sknow n for theirrich ­ ness inanima l and plant food.Thi sma yhav e led to annual occupation of sites for afe wweek sunti l the food supplywa s depleted.
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