
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption and Dependent Care

Developmental Issues for Young Children in Foster Care

ABSTRACT. Greater numbers of young children with available to the pediatrician at the time of these complicated, serious physical health, mental health, or evaluations. Pediatricians and other professionals developmental problems are entering foster care during with expertise in child development should be pro- the early years when brain growth is most active. Every active advisors to child protection workers and effort should be made to make foster care a positive judges regarding the child’s needs and best interests, experience and a healing process for the child. Threats to particularly regarding issues of placement, perma- a child’s development from abuse and should be understood by all participants in the child welfare sys- nency planning, and medical, developmental, and tem. Pediatricians have an important role in assessing the mental health treatment plans. For example, main- child’s needs, providing comprehensive services, and ad- taining contact between children and their birth fam- vocating on the child’s behalf. ilies is generally in the best of the child, and The developmental issues important for young chil- such efforts require adequate support services to dren in foster care are reviewed, including: 1) the impli- improve the integrity of distressed families. How- cations and consequences of abuse, neglect, and place- ever, when keeping a family together may not be in ment in foster care on early brain development; 2) the the best interest of the child, alternative placement importance and challenges of establishing a child’s at- should be based on social, medical, psychological, tachment to caregivers; 3) the importance of considering and developmental assessments of each child and a child’s changing sense of time in all aspects of the foster care experience; and 4) the child’s response to the capabilities of the caregivers to meet those needs. stress. Additional topics addressed relate to parental Health care systems, social services systems, and roles and kinship care, parent-child contact, permanency judicial systems are frequently overwhelmed by their decision-making, and the components of comprehensive responsibilities and caseloads. Pediatricians can assessment and treatment of a child’s development and serve as advocates to ensure each child’s conditions mental health needs. and needs are evaluated and treated properly and to improve the overall operation of these systems. ore than 500 000 children are in foster care Availability and full utilization of resources ensure in the United States.1,2 Most of these chil- comprehensive assessment, planning, and provision Mdren have been the victims of repeated of health care. Adequate knowledge about each abuse and prolonged neglect and have not experi- child’s development supports better placement, cus- enced a nurturing, stable environment during the tody, and treatment decisions. Improved programs early years of life. Such experiences are critical in the for all children enhance the therapeutic effects of short- and long-term development of a child’s brain government-sponsored protective services (eg, foster and the ability to subsequently participate fully in care, family maintenance). society.3–8 Children in foster care have dispropor- The following issues should be considered when tionately high rates of physical, developmental, and social agencies intervene and when physicians par- mental health problems1,9 and often have many un- ticipate in caring for children in protective services. met medical and mental health care needs.10 Pedia- tricians, as advocates for children and their families, EARLY BRAIN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT have a special responsibility to evaluate and help More children are entering foster care in the early address these needs. years of life when brain growth and development are Legal responsibility for establishing where foster most active.11–14 children live and which adults have custody rests During the first 3 to 4 years of life, the anatomic brain structures that govern personality jointly with the child welfare and judiciary systems. traits, learning processes, and coping with stress and Decisions about assessment, care, and planning are established, strengthened, and made should be made with sufficient information about permanent.15,16 17 the particular strengths and challenges of each child. If unused, these structures atrophy. The nerve connections and neurotransmitter net- Pediatricians have an important role in helping to works that are forming during these critical years are develop an accurate, comprehensive profile of the influenced by negative environmental conditions, in- child. To create a useful assessment, it is imperative cluding lack of , child abuse, or violence that complete health and developmental histories are within the family.18 It is known that emotional and cognitive disruptions in the early lives of children The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course have the potential to impair brain development.18 of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account circumstances, may be appropriate. Paramount in the lives of these children is their PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2000 by the American Acad- need for continuity with their primary attachment emy of Pediatrics. figures and a sense of permanence that is enhanced

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news byPEDIATRICS guest on September Vol. 27, 106 2021 No. 5 November 2000 1145 when placement is stable.10 There are critical periods language abilities at this age. Children older than 3 of interaction among physical, psychological, social, or 4 years placed for the first time with a new family and environmental factors. Basic stimulation tech- are more likely to be able to use language to help niques and stable, predictable nurturance are neces- them cope with loss and adjust to change. These sary during these periods to enable optimal cogni- preschool-aged children are able to develop strong tive, language, and personal socialization skills. attachments and, depending on the circumstances Because these children have suffered significant from which they are removed, may benefit psycho- emotional stress during critical periods of early brain logically from the new setting. development and personality formation, the support The emotional consequences of multiple place- they require is reparative as well as preventive. The ments or disruptions are likely to be harmful at any pediatrician, with knowledge of the child’s medical age, and the premature return of a child to the bio- and family history, may assist the social service and logic parents often results in return to foster care or judicial systems in determining the best setting to ongoing emotional trauma to the child.22 Children help the child feel safe and heal. with attachment disorders and an inability to and often grow up to vent their and ATTACHMENT on society.19 To develop into a psychologically healthy human being, a child must have a relationship with an adult CHILDREN؅S SENSE OF TIME who is nurturing, protective, and fosters trust and Children are placed in foster care because of soci- security.19 Attachment refers to this relationship be- ety’s concern for their well-being. Any time spent by tween 2 people and forms the basis for long-term a child in temporary care should be therapeutic but relationships or bonds with other persons. Attach- may be harmful to the child’s growth, development, ment is an active process—it can be secure or inse- and well-being. Interruptions in the continuity of a cure, maladapative or productive. Attachment to a child’s caregiver are often detrimental. Repeated primary caregiver is essential to the development of moves from home to home compound the adverse and social .20 consequences that stress and inadequate parenting Optimal child development occurs when a spec- have on the child’s development and ability to cope. trum of needs are consistently met over an extended Adults cope with impermanence by building on an period. Successful parenting is based on a healthy, accrued sense of self-reliance and by anticipating and respectful, and long-lasting relationship with the planning for a time of greater constancy. Children, child. This process of parenting, especially in the however, especially when young, have limited life psychological rather than the biologic sense, leads a experience on which to establish their sense of self. In child to perceive a given adult as his or her “parent.” addition, their sense of time focuses exclusively on That perception is essential for the child’s develop- the present and precludes meaningful understand- ment of self-esteem and self-worth.21 A child devel- ing of “temporary” versus “permanent” or anticipa- ops attachments and recognizes as parents adults tion of the future. For young children, periods of who provide “. . . day-to-day to his needs weeks or months are not comprehensible. Disruption for physical care, nourishment, comfort, , in either place or with a caregiver for even 1 day may and stimulation.”21 Abused and neglected children be stressful. The younger the child and the more (in or out of foster care) are at great risk for not extended the period of uncertainty or separation, the forming healthy attachments to anyone.9,10 Having more detrimental it will be to the child’s well- at least 1 adult who is devoted to and a child being.21 unconditionally, who is prepared to accept and value Any intervention that separates a child from the that child for a long time, is key to helping a child primary caregiver who provides psychological sup- overcome the stress and trauma of abuse and neglect. port should be cautiously considered and treated as The psychosocial context and the quality of the a matter of urgency and profound importance. Pedi- relationship from which a child is removed, as well atricians should advocate that evaluation, planning, as the quality of alternative care that is being offered placement, and treatment decisions be made as during the separation, must be carefully evaluated. quickly as possible, especially for very young chil- This information should be used to decide which dren. placement is in the child’s best interest. The longer a child and parent have had to form a strong attach- RESPONSE TO ment with each other (ie, the older the child) the less The body’s physiologic responses to stress are crucial the physical proximity will be to maintain based on involuntary actions of the brain. Physical that relationship. Separation during the first year of and mental abuse during the first few years of life life—especially during the first 6 months—if fol- tends to fix the brain in an acute stress response lowed by good quality of care thereafter, may not mode that makes the child respond in a hypervigi- have a deleterious effect on social or emotional func- lant, fearful manner.18,22 Research demonstrates tioning. Separations occurring between 6 months chemical and electrical evidence for this type of brain and about 3 years of age, especially if prompted by response pattern.18,23 The age of the child dictates the family discord and disruption, are more likely to developmental response and manifestations to result in subsequent emotional disturbances. This stress. When an infant is under , the partly results from the typical a child this age response may be , poor feeding, withdrawal, has around strangers and the normal limitations of and failure to thrive. When the infant is under acute

1146 DEVELOPMENTDownloaded OF CHILDREN from www.aappublications.org/news IN FOSTER CARE by guest on September 27, 2021 threat, the typical “fight” response to stress may 2. Integrative: Address the effect any 1 domain of change from crying (because crying did not elicit a function has on another domain of function (eg, response) to temper tantrums, aggressive behaviors, impact of motor deficits on speech). or inattention and withdrawal.24 The child, rather 3. Developmental: Age-appropriate using validated than running away (the “flight” response), may learn instruments that are sensitive to changes in de- to become psychologically disengaged, leading to velopment over time. detachment, apathy, and excessive daydreaming. 4. Preventive: Anticipatory, focusing on early iden- Some abused and neglected children learn to react to tification and interventions. alarm or stresses in their environment reflexively 5. Longitudinal: Based on data collected over time to with immediate cessation of motor activity (freeze determine problems, each child’s abilities, and response). Older children who have been repeatedly future course. traumatized often suffer from posttraumatic stress 6. Summative: Able to synthesize and compile re- disorder and automatically freeze when they feel sults for the purpose of prioritization. anxious, and therefore are considered oppositional 7. Culturally Sensitive: Sensitive to different values, or defiant by those who interact with them. meanings, and perceptions of importance. The same areas of the brain that are involved in the 8. Child-Sensitive: Conducted in settings and in a acute stress response also mediate motor behavior manner that protects the child’s comfort and that and such functions as state regulation and anxiety controls and limits the stress of the evaluation. control.23 Repeated experiencing of traumatic events 9. Standardized: Sensitive, specific, valid, and reli- can lead to dysregulation in these various functions able. resulting in behaviors such as motor hyperactivity, 10. Child Welfare-Sensitive: Consistent with norms, anxiety, mood swings, impulsiveness, and sleep standards, and goals of child welfare. problems.18 11. Parsimonious: Compact, efficient, and able to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. EFFECTS OF NEGLECT At a minimum, the following areas should be as- An increasing number of young children are being sessed: placed in foster care because of parental neglect.1 Neglect has very profound and long-lasting conse- • Gross motor skills quences on all aspects of child development—poor • Fine motor skills attachment formation, understimulation, develop- • Cognition ment delay, poor physical development, and antiso- • Speech and language function 8,17,25–27 cial behavior. Being in an environment in • Self-help abilities which child-directed support and is • Emotional well-being limited makes it more difficult for a child to develop • Coping skills the brain connections that facilitate language and • Relationship to persons vocabulary development, and therefore may impair • Adequacy of caregiver’s parenting skills 28 communication skills. Recent findings in infant • Behaviors mental health show how development can be facili- tated, how treatment can enhance brain develop- TREATMENT ment and psychological health, and how prevention strategies can lessen the ill effects of neglect.29 The comprehensive assessment should lead to an individualized court-approved treatment plan and ongoing monitoring by a multidisciplinary team COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE AT-RISK skilled in working with this population in the context CHILD—BEFORE PLACEMENT of a medical home.31 In-home monitoring, placement Knowledge of normal child development and fam- with a relative (“kinship care”), or out-of-home ily functioning helps identify children receiving in- placement should support each child’s psychological sufficient and inappropriate care as well as children and developmental needs. Parents and foster parents who are victims of, or at risk for, abuse or neglect. must be well-informed about the importance of the Comprehensive pediatric assessments can comple- environment in the development of normal brain ment programs that prevent abuse and neglect, de- function and the specifics needed for the child under crease the likelihood of placement in foster care, care. Children can often be helped by providing pre- identify whether a child’s current needs are being dictability, nurturance, support, and cognitive or in- met, and allow placements to be customized to meet sight-oriented interventions to make them feel safe, each child’s needs. comfortable, and loved. Specific mental health plans must be developed to meet the functional needs of COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN IN each child. FOSTER CARE—AFTER PLACEMENT Early interventions are key to minimizing the A pediatric assessment should be done within 30 long-term and permanent effects of traumatic events days of placement.30 This evaluation must be: on the child’s brain.14,17,32–36 After the first several years of a child’s life, patterns of interaction with the 1. Comprehensive: Appropriate in breadth and world are formed, both psychologically and in the depth, assessing physical, behavioral, emotional, brain structure, making it more difficult, though still cognitive, relational, and environmental domains. possible, to improve a child’s physical, cognitive,

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guestAMERICAN on September ACADEMY 27, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 1147 and emotional abilities.17 Several studies have shown lack uniformity and/or a substantive knowledge how favorable and stimulating environments for in- base. Kinship care provides an opportunity to affirm fants and young children can lessen the adverse ef- the value of families. But the assessment process and fects of prior negative environments.27 Pediatricians support should include unique family strengths and have an important role in recognizing problem situ- needs, cultural and ethnic identification, necessary ations in the home and for children already in foster financial and service supports, continuity of care, care. Prompt referrals should be made for early in- and permanency goals.”38 Studies suggest that a tervention services to secure full developmental as- range of parenting arrangements can provide the sessments and treatments under the of permanency, security, and emotional con- With Disabilities Act. stancy necessary for normal development.39

PLACEMENT ISSUES VISITING (PARENT-CHILD CONTACT) Courts with jurisdiction over families and children Children in out-of-home dependent care are usu- have been charged by Congress and the states to ally accorded a schedule of visits with their parents. ensure that “reasonable efforts” are made to preserve The intent is to maintain or improve the child-parent and repair families or to place children in foster care relationship, to give the social service agency an when necessary. The courts also have the responsi- opportunity to observe and improve the parent-child bility to make foster care a healing process. Given interaction, and to monitor the parents’ progress. The limited social, economical, educational, and health visits are frequently brief encounters occurring on a care resources, the judiciary has a responsibility to weekly basis, in a neutral setting if possible, often try to make needed resources available in the com- under the supervision of a caseworker. For younger munity and to decide whether application of avail- children, this type of visit is not conducive to optimal able resources has been reasonable and appropriate. parent-child interaction and may minimally serve An array of supportive services should be available the parents’ needs for ongoing contact with the child to assist families in child rearing and to offer alter- or may even be harmful for the child. A young native and therapeutic parenting (ie, foster care) child’s trust, love, and identification are based on when temporary removal of the child from the home uninterrupted, day-to-day relationships. Weekly or is required. other sporadic “visits” stretch the bounds of a young The measure of reasonable and appropriate should child’s sense of time and do not allow for a psycho- always be what is in the best interests of the child. logically meaningful relationship with estranged bi- Lack of agreement exists about what constitutes such ologic parents. For older children, such sporadic and reasonable efforts. Principles of child development brief visits may be sufficient to maintain a meaning- and expert consultation can provide guidance to as- ful parent-child relationship. sist in determining what is in the best interest of the For parent-child visits to be beneficial, they should child and whether these interests can be best met be frequent and long enough to enhance the parent- within the biologic family or another family. The lack child relationship and to effectively document the of available resources to ensure a reasonable effort parent’s ongoing interest and involvement with the should not be used by the protective services agen- child. Sporadic visits are appropriate if an older child cies as an excuse to delay a permanent placement has established a strong attachment to the parent plan for a child. before entering foster care or if the visits are suffi- cient in frequency, length, and content to contribute PARENTAL ROLES AND KINSHIP CARE to the child’s continuing normal development and The increasing number of children entering foster enhanced parent-child relationship. care, the insufficient number of suitable foster homes, and the increased interest by extended fam- STABLE PLACEMENT VERSUS LEGAL CUSTODY ilies to care for their kin have led social service VERSUS PERMANENCE agencies to place children with their extended fami- Children who have experienced abuse or neglect lies. Placement with a relative has psychological ad- have a heightened need for permanency, security, vantages for a child in terms of knowing his or her and emotional constancy and are, therefore, at great biologic roots and family identity. It may offer a risk because of the inconsistencies in their lives and better chance for stability and continuity of caregiv- the foster care system. Every effort should be made ing. However, little is known about the outcomes of to rapidly establish a permanent placement for the kinship placement, and it should not be assumed to child. Tangible continuity in relationships with fam- offer a superior home environment.37 Supervision by ily and friends is essential for a child’s healthy de- social workers of relatives providing foster care is velopment. Stability in child care and the school often less intense and family support services are less environment is important. Multiple moves while in available than when a child is placed in nonkinship foster care (with the attendant disruption and uncer- foster care. Placement with a relative may lead to a tainty) can be deleterious to the young child’s brain circuitous and unintended return of the child to his growth, mental development, and psychological ad- or her parents. justment. The report by the National Commission on Family All children, regardless of their type of placement, Foster Care states: “The use of kinship care has ex- must receive individual attention from their caregiv- panded so rapidly that child welfare agencies are ers. Foster parents and extended family members can making policy, program, and practice decisions that play a significant role when the child’s mother or

1148 DEVELOPMENTDownloaded OF CHILDREN from www.aappublications.org/news IN FOSTER CARE by guest on September 27, 2021 father cannot. Impersonal placement settings do not the present and future best interests of the child effectively support young children who have been should determine what is appropriate. abused and neglected. Bureaucratic proceedings, in- 8. A child’s attachment history and sense of time cluding conferring legal status, are usually of little or should guide the pace of decision-making. no consequence to children, whose needs are much 9. Foster care placements should always maximize more fundamental. Generally, assignment of custody the healing aspects of foster care and be based on should reinforce a child’s perception of belonging the needs of the child. and should not disrupt established psychological ties 10. Foster care placement with relatives should be except when safety or emotional well-being are in based on a careful assessment of the needs of the jeopardy. child and of the ability of the kinship care to meet those needs. As with all foster care placements, kinship care must be supported and supervised RECOMMENDATIONS adequately. All placement, custody, and long-term planning decisions should be individualized for the child’s Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and best interest and should maximize the healing as- Dependent Care, 1999–2000 pects of government-sponsored protective services. Peter M. Miller, MD, MPH, Chairperson These decisions should be based in part on a com- Peter A. Gorski, MD, MPA Deborah Ann Borchers, MD prehensive assessment and periodic reassessment of Jerri Ann Jenista, MD the child and family by professionals who are ex- Chet D. Johnson, MD perts in pediatrics and child development (eg, pedi- Neal D. Kaufman, MD, MPH atrician, psychiatrist, or psychologist).22 An ongoing Susan E. Levitzky, MD relationship between the pediatrician and the child S. Donald Palmer, MD and family can provide valuable insights about a James M. Poole, MD child’s needs and the ability of a family to meet them. Pediatricians should actively participate in preven- Liaisons tion services for at-risk families and placement, cus- Joyce Rezin, RN, MS, CPNP tody, and long-term planning decisions for children National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates for whom they provide care, taking into account the and Practitioners following considerations.40 Nancy Hablutzel, PhD, JD The following important concepts should guide National Council of Juvenile and Family Court pediatricians’ activities as they advocate for the Judges child: Moniquin Huggins Child Care Bureau Mireille B. Kanda, MD, MPH 1. Biologic parenthood does not necessarily confer Head Start Bureau the or ability to care for a child adequately. Pat Spahr 2. Supportive nurturing by primary caregivers is National Association for the Education of Young crucial to early brain growth and to the physical, Children emotional, and developmental needs of children. Phyllis Stubbs-Wynn, MD, MPH 3. Children need continuity, consistency, and pre- Maternal and Child Health Bureau dictability from their caregiver. Multiple place- ments are injurious. Consultant 4. Attachment, sense of time, and developmental Jody R. Murph, MD, MS level of the child are key factors in their adjust- ment to environmental and internal stresses. Staff 5. Pediatricians can play a constructive role in the Eileen Casey, MS referral, assessment, and treatment of children who are at risk for being abused, neglected, or REFERENCES abandoned or who are involved in the protective 1. Sedlak AJ, Boadhurst DD. The Third National Incidence Study of Child services system. Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and 6. 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