Consensus Clinical Management Guideline for Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN)

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Consensus Clinical Management Guideline for Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN) YMGME-06119; No. of pages: 10; 4C: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism xxx (2016) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Molecular Genetics and Metabolism journal homepage: Consensus clinical management guideline for pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) Penelope Hogarth a,b,ManjuA.Kurianc, Allison Gregory a,BarbaraCsányic,TamaraZagustind,TomaszKmiece, Patricia Wood f,AngelikaKluckeng, Natale Scalise h, Francesca Sofia i, Thomas Klopstock j,k,l, Giovanna Zorzi m, Nardo Nardocci m, Susan J. Hayflick a,b,⁎ a Department of Molecular & Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA b Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA c Molecular Neurosciences, Developmental Neurosciences Programme, UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK d Department of Physiatry, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, GA, USA e Department of Child Neurology, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland f NBIA Disorders Association, El Cajon, CA, USA g Hoffunngsbaum e.V., Velbert, Germany h AISNAF – Associazione Italiana Sindromi Neurodegenerative Da Accumulo Di Ferro, Rossano, Italy i Science Compass, Milano, Italy j Department of Neurology, Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany k German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Munich, Germany l Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), Munich, Germany m Department of Pediatric Neuroscience, IRCCS Foundation Neurological Institute C. Besta, Milan, Italy 1. Introduction search terms: ‘PKAN’, ‘pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegenera- tion’, ‘HSS’, ‘Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome’, ‘NBIA’,and‘neurodegenera- Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN, former- tion with brain iron accumulation.’ Limited consideration was made of ly Hallervorden–Spatz syndrome, OMIM #234200) is the most common publications utilizing aggregated data from multiple NBIA disorders or neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) disorder, with in which a diagnosis of PKAN could not be confirmed based on the infor- an estimated incidence of 1–3 per million [1] and accounting for about mation provided. half of NBIA cases [2]. As is the case for most rare disorders, evidence- A draft guideline was developed and submitted for review in four based guidance for the clinical management of PKAN is limited, often re- phases (approved by the OHSU IRB as protocol e8165). The first was lying instead on anecdotal evidence, case reports and small series stud- to an international group of clinical experts, each with more than ies. Despite the small number of geographically dispersed people with 10 years of experience with PKAN. Based on their recommendations, re- PKAN, clinicians with concentrated experience have developed opin- visions were made and a second phase of review was sought by leaders ions and expertise about their optimal care. Moreover, family members of international patient advocacy groups. After further revisions were and affected individuals themselves develop substantial personal expe- incorporated, a draft was shared with people with PKAN and their fam- rience in meeting their needs. In this document we have amalgamated ily members from nine affected families who commented further. Final- such professional expertise, lay experiences and published data into a ly, an open call to the NBIA community was made via the consensus guideline. This guideline summarizes what we believe are website for final reviews and comments. current best practices and therapeutic approaches for the care of people with PKAN and their families. 2.1. Role of the funding source 2. Methods Leaders and members of the non-profit lay advocacy organizations that funded this work reviewed and edited this manuscript but had no This guideline largely reflects the consensus opinion of clinical ex- other role in this work. perts in PKAN. In addition, peer-reviewed publications were systemati- cally searched for, evaluated, and their conclusions incorporated into 3. Diagnosis and initial care this document when applicable. PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed) was searched January–February 2016 using the following The diagnosis of PKAN is usually considered on the basis of clinical suspicion and radiological data. Often, the clinical features are sugges- ⁎ Corresponding author at: Molecular & Medical Genetics, mailcode L103, Oregon tive, and the diagnosis becomes strongly suspected after the character- Health & Science University, Portland, OR 97239, USA. istic brain MRI pattern is revealed. Since the PANK2 gene discovery [3], 1096-7192/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Please cite this article as: P. Hogarth, et al., Consensus clinical management guideline for pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN), Mol. Genet. Metab. (2016), 2 P. Hogarth et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism xxx (2016) xxx–xxx the phenotypic spectrum of PKAN has broadened, and with it, the range pattern is found in both classic and atypical disease, though occasionally of presenting features. Greater access to early neuroimaging using MRI people with PKAN will lack this finding [6–8]. MRI changes are usually sequences that are sensitive to iron and to clinical whole exome se- evident by 3–4 years of age in classic disease if iron-sensitive sequences quencing can significantly reduce the time to diagnosis of people with are employed and may be present much earlier. By the time clear neu- early clinical manifestations. rologic features are present, the brain MRI almost always shows charac- teristic changes. If the brain MRI is not typical for PKAN in a person 3.1. Classic PKAN: presenting features strongly suspected to have this disorder, genetic testing is indicated. Classic PKAN defines the group of people with the youngest age at 3.4. Genetic testing onset and most rapid rate of disease progression. The natural history of classic PKAN is relatively homogeneous. Onset in classic PKAN occurs When PKAN is suspected, genetic testing is recommended in order to before 6 years of age in 90% (range: 6 months–12 years, mean: 3 years confirm the diagnosis. Sequencing and deletion/duplication analyses of 4months)[2]. The main presenting features are limb dystonia and spas- the PANK2 gene, which is mutated in PKAN, are needed for a complete ticity, clumsiness with frequent falls. While retinopathy is common, analysis. Genetic information is valuable for predicting prognosis, facil- clinically significant visual impairment usually lags behind the neuro- itating prenatal or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in future preg- logical manifestations. Earlier histories of developmental delay, ADHD, nancies, and identifying other carriers in the family. Clinical genetic or toe-walking also are common. testing laboratories may be found worldwide through local medical ge- netics or neurology professionals. NBIA gene panels are now available at 3.2. Atypical PKAN: presenting features select labs and may be a more efficient and cost-effective option in some situations. For people for whom genetic testing is not possible, reason- Atypical PKAN is an inclusive term for all non-classic PKAN pheno- able confidence in the diagnosis can often be established when charac- types. The spectrum of atypical PKAN is broad and more accurately en- teristic clinical and radiographic changes are documented. In cases compasses a continuum from classic disease. Disease onset is in later where only one PANK2 mutation is identified, experts can help establish childhood, adolescence or adulthood (age range: 1–28 years, mean age: aconfident diagnosis based on clinical and MRI data. 13 years 8 months) [2,4], and the rate of progression is slower. Atypical PKAN often presents with neuropsychiatric or speech problems followed 3.5. Other recommended care at the time of diagnosis later by the development of dystonia or Parkinsonism, sometimes superimposed on a history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder • Neurology – Establishing care with a neurologist is important to doc- (ADHD). Action-induced jaw dystonia occurring with eating or speaking ument the individual's baseline at the time of diagnosis and facilitate is an unusual clinical feature that should always prompt consideration of subsequent interventions as needed, such as initiating treatment the diagnosis of PKAN. Similarly, truncal opisthotonus is common in both with medication or referral to physical or other therapies. Given the classic and atypical disease and is highly suggestive of PKAN. progressive nature of the disease, a good relationship with open com- munication between the neurologist and family is key. A child neurol- 3.3. Diagnostic MRI ogist is appropriate for children; a movement disorders neurologist is a good choice to manage adults and some older children with PKAN. People suspected to have PKAN based on clinical features should under- Co-management with a rehabilitation medicine physician is optimal go brain MRI using iron sensitive sequences such as SWI, GRE, T2* as a first in countries where this specialty expertise is available. line diagnostic investigation to identify the characteristic changes [2].The • Ophthalmology – Clinical eye examination is recommended to assess MRI abnormality, called the ‘eye-of-the-tiger’ sign, is observed on T2- visual function since retinopathy is common, especially in children weighted imaging and consists of
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