1963 UN Yearbook
STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS 711 sion) : Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, Ecua- Assembly's seventeenth session: Luis Padilla Nervo dor, France, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, (Mexico), Victor Andrés Belaúnde (Peru) and India, Jordan, Madagascar, Netherlands, Pakistan, Frederick H. Boland (Ireland)); and the Chairman Poland, Romania, Sudan, USSR, United Kingdom, of the delegation of Tunisia. United States. * The Committee agreed that delegations were en- The Committee did not meet in 1963. titled to appoint alternates. This Committee ceased its existence with the sub- COMMISSION ON PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY mission of its report to the General Assembly's eight- OVER NATURAL SOURCES eenth (1963) session. Members: Afghanistan, Chile, Guatemala, Nether- lands, Philippines, Sweden, USSR, United Arab SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL Republic, United States. LAW CONCERNING FRIENDLY RELATIONS AND CO-OPERATION AMONG STATES The Commission did not meet in 1963. Members: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Came- roon, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Ghana, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, METHODS OF WORK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Madagascar, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Members:* The President of the General Assembly's Romania, Sweden, USSR, United Arab Republic, seventeenth session (Muhammad Zafrulla Khan United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Yugo- (Pakistan)) ; the 13 Vice-Presidents of the General slavia. Assembly's seventeenth session (the Chairmen of the delegations of Australia, Belgium, China, Co- SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO lombia, France, Guinea, Haiti, Jordan, Madagascar, PROMOTE THE TEACHING, STUDY, DISSEMINATION AND Romania, USSR, United Kingdom, United States) ; WIDER APPRECIATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW the three Past Presidents of General Assembly who Members: Afghanistan, Belgium, Ecuador, Ghana, were serving as members of the delegations to Hungary, Ireland.
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