Items-In-Public Relations Files - Luncheons, Dinners and Receptions - Volumes III, IV, V
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UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 14 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:48 AM S-0864-0002-07-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0002-07-00001 items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes III, IV, V Date Created 20/02/1964 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0002: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit I § I Protocol and Liaison Luncheon in honour of H.E. M. Georges Papandre'ou Prime Minister of Greece 26 June Mr. PAPAHDREOU Jr. : Mr. ROLZrBEHHETT Mr. JPILAVACHI 1 •••?* ^ •'• *^~* Mr. JACKLING, C.M.G. £ 2 H.E. M. BITSIOS Mr. STAVROPOULOS I 3 : Dr. HJNCHE H.E. M. SEYDOUX & :: H.E. M. USHER H.E. THE PRIME MINISTER K :: THE SECRETARY -GEMERAL H.E. Dr. EBDORENKO X : : H.E. M. COSTOPOJLOS Mr. HftRASIMHAN X c Mr. SUSLOV H.E. Mr. TUQMIOJA X c H.E. Mr. YOST __ X X Mr. KORIE Mr. SOSSIDES a o OS P CTi 3 o o B «-M I w O w a tn o W K \O (N CJ o I .9 w a O £ I g ID to H .1 « rr: o CQ 0> 0 O xi o O •H CD O 1 •H I f-, I S 03 B -d • r*ea \ <a ie §P I a e w CO a fe, e i a e §• PHCGRA!-3iii FCR THE VILIT OP IUE0 MO GEORGES FAFANDREOU, PRILE HINISTER OF GREECE. TO UNITED ilATIGJMS HEAD^UARTEIiS CN FRIDAY,, 26 JUMbl 1964 iUiio Mo Georges Papandreou; Prime Minister of Greece, accompanied by HoEa Ho DeS0 Bitsioss Permanent Representative to the United Ifet:lons5 will arrive at the Secretariat entrance iirhere the party will be met by l-Ir0 Sinan Korle, Acting Chief of Protocol,, The Acting Chief of Protocol will escort the partv straight to the 3Bth floor. The Secretary-Genersl will meet the Prime Minister outside the elevators on the 38th floor and escort him to his office for a private conversation0 Before the conversation,, an official ^^ photograph wiH be takenc Iol5 Poffio The Secretary-Goneral wi31 escort the Prime l;!inistor into the conference room on the 38th floor where the guests invited to the luncheon will have previously gatheredo Ie30 poHto Luncheon \'jill be servedc The Prime Minister will take leave of the guests attending the Tlie Secretary-General will escort the Prims I Sinister to the elevators on the 32th floor and take leave of him at this point0 The Acting Chief of Protocol will escort the Prime Minister by spec^jal elevator down to the second floor and, passing through the South Lounges the Security Council and.Economic and Social Council Chambers., the North Lotmgs and the neck; to the Delegates" entrance0 2o45 Pomo The Prime Minister vdll depart from Headquarters by the Delegates" entranceo GUESTS ATTENDING THE LUNCHEON GIVEN IN HONOUR OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF TURKEY 24 June 1964 Host The Secretary-General Guest of honour H.E. Mr. Ismet Inonu } Prime Minister of Turkey The Prime Minister's party H.E. Mr. Feridun C. Erkin, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. H. Bayiilken, Assistant Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. 0. Eralp, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. N. Erim, Member of Parliament, Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee Mr. S. Bilge, Legal Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Security Council H.E. M. Arsene A. Usher, President H.E. M. Roger Seydoux - France H.E. Dr. U.T. Fedorenko - USSR Mr. R.W. Jackling, Deputy Representative - United Kingdom H.E. Mr. Charles W. Yost - United States Secretariat Mr. C.V. Narasimhan Mr. C.A. Stavropoulos Mr. Sakari S. Tuomioja Maj.-Gen. I.J. Rikhye Mr. J. Rolz-Bennett Mr. S.A. Korle Total 18 Protocol and Liaison 23 June 1964 PROGRAMME FOR THE VISIT OF H0Eo MR. ISM3T INO"NH, PRIME MINISTER OF TURKET TO UMIT3D NATIONS HEADQUARTERS OK WEDNESDAY, 24 JONS 1964 12o30 p.uio H0£0 Mr0 ismat InSntl, Prime Minister of Turkey, accompanied by H.Eo Mr. 00 firalpji Permanent Representative to the United Nations, will arrive at the Secretariat entrance where the party >dll be met by Mr0 Sinan Korle, Acting Chief of Protocol, The Acting Chief of Protocol vd.ll escort the party straight to the 38th floor. 12035 Pofflo The Secretary~General will meet the Prime Minister outside the elevators on the 38th floor and escort him to his office for a private conversation. 1»15 p«m0 The Secretary-General will escort the Prime Minister into the conference room on the 38th floor where the guests invited to the luncheon will have previously gatheredo Io30 poBio Luncheon will be served,, 203O p0m« The Prime Minister will take leave of the guests attending the luncheono The Secretary-General will eseort the Prime Minister into his private office wlie^e the official photograph will be taken. The Secretary-General will escort the Prime Minister to the elevators on the 38th floor and take l&ave of his» at this point, The Acting Chief of Protocol will escort the Prime Minister by special elevator down to the second floor and, passing through the Soutlj Lounge, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council Chambers, the North Lounge and through the neck to the Delegates" entrance0 2o45 Poffio The Prime Minister will depart from Headquarters by the Delegates9 entranceo H> VQ »*•..% 2. i- 1!he Secretary-General Sr. C. So'sa'Rodefguaz * * Mr. H. SEavares de Sa C. StBV3*Qp6uH3s * * Jfif- J« Sola-Bennett Mr. Jiri Kos^k • * * Br« Raul Eeebisch * Mr. C.Y. Marasimhan #** i g i SG Luncheon - Monday, 22 June 1:15 P.m., 38th floor The Secretary-General H.E. Sr. C. Sosa Rodriguez Mr. H. Tavares de Sa Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. Jiri Nosek Dr. R. Ereoisch Mr. C.v. Narasimhan Mr. J. Rolz-Bennett ff.o i I and Liaison SG Luncheon - Thursday, 18 June 1:15 p.m., 58th floor Mr. D. Serbanescu * Mr. R. Boudjakdji * * Sr. Don A. Grez Mr. A. Bender * Mr. B. Turner Mr. J. Nosek * * Mr. A. Ganem Mr. J. Bannier * * Secretary-General Mr. J. Gibson * Dr. R. Quijano Mr. C.V. Narasimhan * * Mr. D. Vaughan Mr. E. Sanu * Mr. V. Ulanchev Mr. H. Wilmot Jp* SS laaeto&as - ^xdfsSayt 18 ^fcra© ItlS »•*** 2Bt& floor Mr* Jan F» Mr* AS&^E't F» Mr* . Saul A.J. < S. HP*.. ?. I1* manete? Mr. Bruee fte-sea? Mr* D Mr. Jiri O H> The Secretary-General # Mr, George Harrar * * Dr. Ralph J. Bunehe Mr, MaHln H. Hill * * Mr. Jos^ Rolz-Bennett * Mr. C.V. SG I&ndaeos * Tueslajr, 16 June 1}15 p.a.., 38th Floor 33ier Secretary-General Mr« George Harrar Dr. Ralph J* Bunehe Mr. G-.V. Hairasijahan »fr. 53art±n W. Hill G £t *<j|<D vn H O * , B*S*'Khr. S.8. * Dr* Btopfe J. Mr. Jos£ Bolz-Benneit * •* Mr. a. miter Idr* Sriaa Urgabart . B?uee Mr. SG Luncheon - Monday, 15 June 1964 Ijl5 p.m., 38th floor The Secretary-General H.E. Mr. S. S. Tuomioja Mr. M. Virally Mr. R. Miller Dr. Ralph J. Bunche Mr, Brian Urquhart Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. B. Turner Mr. C.V. Narasimhan Mr. J. Rolz-Bennett wII § £ (C H O Site H.H. Mr. * H.I. Mr. Collier Mr. C.V. Harasiafliajv * S.S. M. Max H. Boa*sinvllle Godfrey K*J* . Mrs. #** SG Luncheon - Erik-day, 12 June 196*1- 1H5 p.m., 58tli Floor H.E, Mr. Rudolph Grlaies (Secretary of State, Liberia) H.I. C.B. Rogers-Wright (Minister for External Affairs, Sierra I/eons) H.E* Mr. Gershon Collier (P.^*. ty&m& Lsone) H.E. Mrs. Lakshmi Menoa (Minister of State, India) Mr. Warendra Singh (^Deputy P«H«# India) The Seeretary-Qeneral Mr. C.V. HarasiEjha3i -SSpT-ffeajjh-^r-BcEncite- - regrets Mr. Jose* Sola-Bennett SSp1.' Godfrey K.J. Anachree vO O •P- UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Secretary-General OATS: _&___9 Jun_ —e 19&4 — ,3.. vMooueH: Mr. C.V, Narasinihan Chef de Cabinet Sinan A. Acting Chief of Protocol / SUBJECT: Unofficial Visit of H.M» Kwamfrutaa IV.Kwami of Burundi 1» On 3 June 1964, I acknowledged receipt of the lottor of 2 Jun from Mr8 Gervais Nyangomaj, Pei^ianent Representative of Burundi to tte United Nations^ concerning the proposed unofficial visit of H»Mo th© I^hrajai to the United Nations Headquarters on 13 Jian© 19^4? and him that you would be very happy to s-®e@i^© H0M« the Itwami on that occasion at 11.15 a.a. 2« The Office of Protocol today received a telephone call from Mr* Francois Kisulairumoa First Secretary of th© Fdssionp T»SIO us that H«Mo the Kwsmi had accepted yow InvitSit?^ono It T??a9 suggastoel to Kr. KisukurumOj, however, that this b® conf imed in. x<jriting for ster records. 3« Although HeM* the Mw&asl's visit is to b© an unofficial on®9 I nevertheless attach heretdth^ for your oppro^sJ. or 3.iE5ndtr.entsJ1 s pro covering the visit* /». Kay I have your instructions on whether you wish to havo official photographs taken during your private meeting with Hel-[ffl the Mrami sad whether to inform the Press and photograph®r0 of the > Uasffleial of to a.m. l. 11 A? aQ. tMe on a sJsert tsCT1 ®f will Unofficial translation from French 3 June 1964 Sir, The Secretary-General has asked me to thank you for your letter No. 026/133/MPB of 2 June 1964.