54 Late Antiquity

From Rome to Byzantium AD 363 to 565 Late Antiquity on the Eve of Islam By Doug Lee edited by Averil Cameron Between the deaths of the Eleven key articles are presented here that together Emperors Julian (363) and give a rounded picture of the most important trends Justinian (565), the Roman in late antique scholarship over the last decades, and Empire underwent provide a coherent context for the emergence Islam. momentous changes. Most A substantial introduction, with a detailed obviously, control of the west bibliography, surveys the present state of the field, was lost to barbarian groups as well as discussing some recent themes in Qur’anic during the fifth century, and and early Islamic scholarship from the point of view although parts were of a late antique historian. Together the essays make recovered by Justinian, the clear the ferment of religious change that was taking empire’s centre of gravity place across the Near East before, during and after shifted irrevocably to the the lifetime of Muhammad. 480p (Ashgate 2013) east, with its focal point now the city of 9781409400707 Hb £130.00 Constantinople. Equally important was the Law and Society in the Age of Theoderic the increasing dominance of Christianity not only in Great: A Study of the Edictum Theoderici religious life, but also in politics, society and culture. By Sean D.W. Lafferty By emphasising the resilience of the east during late This book explores the evolution of Roman law and antiquity and the continuing vitality of urban life society in Italy from 493, with the proclamation of and the economy, this volume offers an alternative the Ostrogoth Theoderic the Great as king, until perspective to the traditional paradigm of decline and about 554, when the eastern Emperor Justinian was fall. 320p b/w illus (Edinburgh UP 2013) 9780748627905 able to re-establish imperial authority in the region. Hb £95.00, 9780748627912 Pb £29.99 It challenges long-held assumptions as to just how Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian peaceful, prosperous and Roman-like Theoderic’s Golden Age Italy really was. Its primary focus is the Edictum By Jonathan Bardill Theoderici, a significant but largely overlooked This book offers a radical reassessment of document that offers valuable historical insights into Constantine as an emperor, a pagan, and a Christian. the complex and sometimes contested social, political It examines in detail a wide variety of evidence, and religious changes that marked Italy’s passage including literature, secular and religious from Antiquity into the . 340p, architectural monuments, coins, sculpture, and ( UP 2013) 9781107028340 Hb £65.00 other works of art. Setting the emperor in the Four Emperors and an Architect: How Robert context of the kings and emperors who preceded Adam Rediscovered the Tetrarchy him, Jonathan Bardill shows how Constantine’s By Alicia Salter propagandists exploited the traditional themes and The eighteenth century saw an explosion of interest imagery of rulership to portray him as having been in the architecture of elected by the supreme solar God to save his people ancient Rome, spawning and inaugurate a brilliant golden age. The author the phenomenon of the argues that the cultivation of this image made it Grand Tour. The palace of possible for Constantine to reconcile the long- Diocletian at Split, however, standing tradition of imperial divinity with his remained unappreciated monotheistic faith by assimilating himself to Christ. until its 1757 rediscovery by 440p, b/w illus (Cambridge UP 2012) 9780521764230 the young British architect, Hb £65.00 Robert Adam. This The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe superbly illustrated volume By Hyun Jin Kim narrates Adam’s pioneering This book argues that the steppes of Inner Asia were work and the influence it far from ‘backward’ and that the image of the had on his own primitive Huns is vastly misleading. They already architectural practice, interweaving his story with possessed a highly sophisticated political culture that of Diocletian himself and his colleagues in while still in Inner Asia and, far from being passive power, the tetrarchs. Above all Alicia Salter explores recipients of advanced culture from the West, they their architecture, showing how it was used to passed on important elements of Central Eurasian symbolise their rule, and describing in detail not only culture to early medieval Europe, which they helped the palace at Split, but work by the other tetrarchs create. Their expansion also marked the beginning in their capitals at Milan, Trier, Nicomedia and of a millennium of virtual monopoly of world power Thessalonica, as well as at Rome itself. 196p, col illus by empires originating in the steppes of Inner Asia. (Lexicon 2013) 9780957571907 Pb £20.00 The rise of the Hunnic Empire was truly a geopolitical revolution. 345p (Cambridge UP 2013) 9781107009066 Hb £60.00 Late Antiquity 55

Spatantikes Kleidungszubehor aus Nordafrika Forthcoming from Oxbow Books Teil I by Christoph Eger Using Images in Late Antiquity This study is the first to give a comprehensive edited by Stine Birk, Troels Myrup Kristensen and account of extant dress accessories, especially Birte Poulsen brooches and belt buckles, from late antique North Fifteen papers focus on the active and dynamic uses Africa. In this first of two volumes, the finds dating of images during the first millennium AD. They from the final period of Roman rule and the Vandal bring together an international group of scholars period following it are presented, most of which are who situate the period’s visual practices within their not previously published. In addition to aspects of political, religious, and social contexts. The the chronology and geographical distribution of contributors present a diverse range of evidence, these finds, the study focuses on questions about including mosaics, sculpture, and architecture from the wearers and their cultural identity. German text. all parts of the Mediterranean, from Spain in the 125p, 96 col pls (Reichert Verlag 2012) 9783895009129 west to Jordan in the east. Contributions span from Hb £90.00 the depiction of individuals on funerary monuments The End of the Pagan City: Religion, Economy through monumental epigraphy, Constantine’s and Urbanism in Late Antique North Africa expropriation and symbolic re-use of earlier By Anna Leone monuments, late antique collections of Classical This book focuses primarily on the end of the pagan statuary, and city personifications in mosaics to the religious tradition and the dismantling of its material topic of civic prosperity during the Theodosian form in North Africa from the 4th to the 6th centuries period and dynastic representation during the AD. Leone considers how urban communities Umayyad dynasty. Together they provide new changed, why some traditions were lost and some insights into the central role of visual culture in the others continued, and whether these carried the constitution of late antique societies. 288p b/w and same value and meaning upon doing so. She col illus (Oxbow Books 2014) 9781782972617 Hb £45.00 explores the change in religious habits and practices, and the consequent recycling and reuse of pagan ***Only £34.00 until publication*** monuments and materials, and investigates to what extent these physical processes were driven by religious motivations and contrasts, or were merely stimulated by economic issues. 319p, b/w illus (Oxford Neighbours and Successors of Rome: Traditions UP 2013) 9780199570928 Hb £70.00 of glass production and use in Europe and the Ostia in Late Antiquity Middle East in the later 1st millennium AD By Douglas Boin edited by Daniel Keller, Jennifer Price and Caroline Recent investigations have revealed that life in Ostia Jackson did not end with a bang but with a whimper. Only Presented through 20 case studies covering Europe on the cusp of the Middle Ages did the town’s and the Near East, Neighbours and Successors of Rome residents entrench themselves in a smaller settlement investigates developments in the production of glass outside the walls. This monograph, the first to treat and the mechanisms of the wider glass economy as the Late Antique period, tackles the dynamics of this part of a wider material culture in Europe and the transformative time. Drawing on new archaeological Near East around the later first millennium AD. research, including the author’s own, and Though highlighting and solidifying chronology, incorporating both material and textual sources, it patterns of distribution, and typology, the primary presents a social history of the town from the third aims of the collection are to present a new through the ninth century. 308p (Cambridge UP 2013) methodology that emphasises regional workshops, 9781107024014 Hb £65.00 scientific data, and the wider trade culture. This methodology embraces a shift in conceptual Mosaici Tardoantichi dell’isola di Cos: Scavi approach to the study of glass by explaining italiani 1912–1945 typological change through the existence of a By Lorella Maria De Matteis thriving supra-national commercial network that This monograph examines the mosaic floors of the responded to market demands and combines the Early Christian basilicas of Kos brought to light by results of a range of new scientific techniques into a the Italian Archaeological School of Athens during framework that stresses co-dependence and the military occupation. It aims to better define similarities between the various sites considered. aspects of the Late Antiquity Koan decorative 352p col pls (Oxbow Books 2014) 9781782973973 Hb repertoire and its ties with the ealier imperial £48.00 examples; to understand the artisans working methodology and to identify distinct workshops; to find areas of diffusion of the decorative repertoire ***Only £36.00 until publication*** 180p, 69 b/w & col pls (BAR 2515, Archaeopress 2013) 9781407311333 Pb £45.00 56 Late Antiquity

Religious Conflict from Early Christianity to Forthcoming from Aris & Phillips Early Islam Edited by Wendy Mayer & Bronwen Neil Augustine: De Civitate Dei X The essays in this volume engage a variety of inter- edited by P.G. Walsh and intra-religious conflicts, ranging from the first This edition of St to eighth centuries CE. After an initial theoretical Augustine’s City of God is overview topics under discussion include the the only one in English to creation of the canon, conflict in the early church as provide a text and revealed by Paul’s epistles, Christological discputes translation as well as a and the career of John Chrysostom, conflict between detailed commentary of Antioch and Alexandria, the forcded conversions of this most influential Jews under Heraclius, and early Byzantine document in the history of understandings of Islam. 268p (de Gruyter 2013) western Christianity. 9783110291780 Hb £105.00 Following on from Book The Last Pagans of Rome IX, this book discusses the By Alan Cameron issue of demons and their The main focus of much modern scholarship on the role in Platonism as being end of paganism in the West has been on its supposed partly identical with the lesser gods. Having stubborn resistance to Christianity. This dismantling previously argued that in order to achieve the of this romantic myth is one of the main goals of blessed life, we must worship one true God alone, Alan Cameron’s book. Its subject is not the Augustine now continues his discussion using the conversion of the last pagans but rather the celebrated Neoplatonist Porphyry as his main duration, nature and consequences of their survival. source. Whilst applauding aspects of Porphyry’s By re-examining the abundant textual evidence, views, Augustine’s main concern is to deliver his both Christian and “pagan”, as well as the visual message that the sole path to blessedness after death evidence Cameron shows that most of the activities is acknowledgement of the Incarnation and Christ previously identified as hallmarks of a pagan revival as Mediator. Increasingly concerned with promoting were in fact just as important to the life of cultivated the Christian message, Augustine cites the Bible Christians. 878p, b/w illus (Oxford UP 2011, Pb 2013) frequently in book X. text with facing-page 9780199959709 Pb £29.99 translation, introduction and commentary. (Aris & Phillips 2013) 9780856688492 Hb £50.00, 9780856688485 Transformations of Religious Practices in Late £24.99 Antiquity By Eric Rebillard Emperors and Bishops in Late Roman Invective The eighteen papers collected in this volume - fifteen By Richard Flower of which are published in English for the first time - explore the transformations of religious practices A study of the earliest surviving invectives directed between the third and the fifth centuries in the against a living emperor. Written by three bishops Western part of the Roman Empire. A first group of (Athanasius of Alexandria, Hilary of Poitiers, Lucifer papers focuses on the sermons and letters of of Cagliari), these texts attacked Constantius II or Augustine of Hippo. The second group examine the his vicious and tyrannical behaviour, as well as his controversy of Augustine against Pelagius and heretical religious beliefs. The book explores the Julian of Eclanum. A last group present studies that strategies employed by these authors to present look at the complex relation between burial and themselves as fearless champions of liberty and religion. 366p (Ashgate Variorum 2013) 9781409451587 guardians of faith, as they sought to bolster their Hb £90.00 authority at a time when they were out of step with the prevailing imperial view of Christian orthodoxy. New Cambridge History of the Bible: From the 308p (Cambridge UP 2013) 9781107031722 Hb £60.00 Beginnings to 600 Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom By James Carleton Paget This volume provides a comprehensive account of By Timothy Barnes & George Bevan the Bible’s reception in the earliest period of its John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, history. It reflects recent increasing specialization of was an important Early Church Father living in the Old Testament studies and rich research into latter half of the fourth century C. E. Much of his Pentateuch theory, Septuagint scholarship and life and activities is contained in a funerary speech Qumran studies and devotes considerable attention delivered by one of his former clergy members near to the period running from the New Testament to Constantinople in the autumn of 407. That speech 600, including chapters on the Coptic, Syriac and is the earliest and fullest account of his role as bishop Latin Bibles, the ‘Gnostic’ use of the scriptures, of Constantinople between 397 and 404, and here it pagan engagement with the Bible, the use of the Bible is translated into English for the first time. 193p, in Christian councils, and in popular and non- (Translated Texts for Historians, Liverpool UP 2013) literary culture. 1006p, b/w illus (Cambridge UP 2013) 9781846318887 Pb £16.99 9780521859387 Hb £125.00 Late Antiquity & Byzantine 57

From Shame to Sin: The Christian The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers: Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late A Select Edition and Complete English Antiquity Translation By Kyle Harper Edited by John Wortley Exploring sources in literature, philosophy, and art, The Tales and Sayings of the Kyle Harper shows how the rise of Christianity Desert Fathers are a key source fundamentally changed the ethics of sexual of evidence for the practice behaviour. In matters of morality, divine judgment and theory respectively of transcended that of mere mortals, and shame—a eremitic monasticism, a social concept—gave way to the theological notion significant phenomenon of sin. This transformed understanding led to within the early history of Christianity’s explicit prohibitions of homosexuality, Christianity. The publication extramarital love, and prostitution. Most profound, of this book finally ensures however, was the emergence of the idea of free will the availability of all three in Christian dogma, which made all human action, major collections which including sexual behaviour, accountable to the constitute the work, edited and translated into spiritual, not the physical, world. 304p (Harvard UP English. 658p (Cambridge UP 2013) 9780521509886 2013) 9780674072770 Hb £29.95 Hb £90.00 The Invention of Peter Two Early Lives of Severos, Patriarch of By George E. Demacopoulos Antioch This study shows how the By Sebastian P. Brock & Brian Fitzgerald link between the historic Peter Severos, patriarch of Antioch, was one of the most and the Roman Church important ecclesiastical figures of the first half of strengthened, shifted, and the sixth century. Regarded as a schismatic by the evolved during the papacies of Greek and Latin Church, he is commemorated as a two of the most creative and saint in the Syrian Orthodox Church, and dynamic popes of late consequently most of his voluminous writings are antiquity, Leo the Great and only preserved in Syriac translations from the Gregory the Great. By Greek. In this book, Sebastian Brock and Brian emphasizing the ways in Fitzgerald provide much-needed English which this rhetoric of translations that detail the life of this important apostolic privilege was employed, extended, figure. 175p (Translated Texts for Historians, Liverpool transformed, or resisted Demacopoulos offers an UP 2013) 9781846318832 Pb £16.99 alternate account of papal history that challenges the The Byzantine Art of War dominant narrative of an inevitable and unbroken By Michael Decker rise in papal power from late antiquity through the The Byzantine Art of War explores the military history Middle Ages. He unpacks escalating claims to of the thousand-year empire of the eastern ecclesiastical authority, demonstrating how this Mediterranean, Byzantium. It sketches the key rhetoric, which almost always invokes a link to St. campaigns, battles, and sieges that illustrate Peter, does not necessarily represent actual power or Byzantine military doctrine, vital changes from one prestige but instead reflects moments of papal anxiety era to another, the composition of forces and the and weakness. 262p (University of Pennsylvania Press major victories and defeats that defined the territory 2013) 9780812245172 Hb £45.50 and material well-being of its citizens. Through a Truthfulness, Realism, Historicity: A Study in summary of their strategies, tactics, and innovations Late Antique Spiritual Literature in the tools of war, the book closes with an analysis By Peter Turner of the contributions of this remarkable empire to In this volume Peter Turner explores aspects of the world military history. 332p, b/w illus (Pen & Sword historicity of spiritual narrative texts from the third Books Ltd 2013) 9781594161681 Hb £25.00 to the sixth centuries AD. Rather than scrutinising Authority in Byzantium these works for either historical facts or religious and By Pamela Armstrong intellectual attitudes, he argues that a deeper Authority is an important concept in Byzantine historicity can be found only in the interplay between culture whose myriad modes of implementation these types of information. On the textual level, this helped maintain the existence of the Byzantine state analysis recognises the genuine commitment of across so many centuries, binding together people spiritual authors to write truthfully and to record from different ethnic groups, in different spheres of realistically a world felt to be replete with spiritual life and activities. Here 25 papers explore aspects of and symbolic meaning. On the historical level, it authority grouped in nine sections: the state; the argues that holy men, expecting the same symbolism market; the church; the family; knowledge; the text; within their own lives, adopted lifestyles which provincial society; museums; and authority in ultimately provoked and confirmed this world view. Byzantine studies. 360p, b/w illus (Ashgate 2013) 220p (Ashgate 2012) 9780754669548 Hb £65.00 9781409436089 Hb £70.00 58 Byzantine

Questions of Gender in Byzantine Society A Rural Economy in Transition. Asia Minor edited by Lynda Garland & Bronwen Neil from Late Antiquity into the early Middle Ages This collection of essays uncovers gender roles in By Adam Izdebski the imperial family, in monastic institutions of both This book deals with one of the key topics in the genders, in the Orthodox church, and in the nascent history of Byzantium, namely the transitional period cult of Mary in the east. Common themes include between Antiquity and Middle Ages. The author specifically Byzantine expectations of gender among utilizes not only archeological evidence, but also data the social elite; the fluidity of social and sexual gathered by environmentalists, mostly palynologists identities for Byzantine men and women within the to concentrate on the rural world, in particular on church; and the specific challenges that strong the history of agriculture and rural colonization. individuals posed to the traditional limitations of (Journal of Juristic Papyrology 2013) Hb £64.00 gender within a hierarchical society dominated by ***NYP*** Christian orthodoxy. 220p, b/w illus (Ashgate 2013) The Insular System of the Early Byzantine 9781409447795 Hb £65.00 Mediterranean: Archaeology and History Economic Thought and Economic Life in edited by D. Michaelides, P. Pergola & Enrico Byzantium Zanini By Angeliki Laiou This volume focuses on the multifaceted character This volume brings together twelve articles that of the Mediterranean insular system during Early reflect Angeliki Laiou’s perennial concern with the Byzantine times, ca. 400-700. Through a wide range relationship of theory and practice in historical of regional syntheses and case studies, the volume contexts. The six articles in the first part explore seeks to explore a complex phenomenon from several several lively and wide-ranging debates over different points of view: the Mediterranean longue economic concepts and practices in late medieval durée, local developments and evolution, the true Byzantium, touching on such concerns as usury, nature of insularity, and the notion of connectivity. regalian rights, and the proper functioning of the Six papers in English, four in Italian, three in French. market. The articles in the second part examine the 189p, b/w illus (BAR 2523, Archaeopress 2013) nature and role of cities, villages, and the countryside 9781407311418 Pb £33.00 in Byzantium, together with the rich and varied Castles of Northwest Greece: From the Early experiences of their inhabitants. 350p (Ashgate 2013) 9781409432050 Hb £90.00 Byzantine Period to the Eve of the First World War Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in By Allan Brooks Byzantium Well illustrated with plentiful By Stratis Papaioannou photographs, plans and This book explores Michael Psellos’ place in the maps, this guidebook aims to history of Greek rhetoric and self-representation and make more widely known his impact on the development of Byzantine the numerous Byzantine, literature. It details Psellos’ innovative attention to Venetian and Turkish castles authorial creativity, performative mimesis and the and fortifications of aesthetics of the self. Simultaneously, it traces within northwest Greece. An outline Byzantium complex expressions of emotion and of the region’s complex gender, notions of authorship and subjectivity, and history is followed by a theories of fictionality and literature, challenging the comprehensive regional common fallacy that these are modern inventions. gazetteer of sites. A description is provided for each 359p (Cambridge UP 2013) 9781107026223 Hb £65.00 castle and the development of its architecture, as well Niketas Stethatos: The Life of Saint Symeon the as its history, garrisoning, strategic purpose and any New Theologian action which it saw. 311p, b/w illus (Aetos Press 2013) Edited and translated by Richard P.H. Greenfield 9780957584600 Pb £19.95 The Life of the Byzantine mystic, writer, and Chlemoutsi Castle (Clermont, Castel Tornese), monastic leader Symeon the New Theologian (ca. NW Peloponnese: Its Pottery and Its Relations 949 to 1022 CE),was written more than thirty years with the West (13th-early 19th Centuries) after his death by his disciple and apologist the By Stefania S. Skartsis Niketas Stethatos. It not only presents compelling The subject of this book is the pottery from descriptions of Symeon’s visions, mystical Chlemoutsi and its discussion and interpretation. inspiration, and role as a monastic founder, but also The ceramic material covers a long time span and provides vivid glimpses into the often bitter and offers important evidence for the pottery used in unpleasantly conflicted politics of monasticism and Greece between the 13th and the 19th centuries, most the construction of sanctity and orthodoxy at the notably the continuous and significant presence of zenith of the medieval Byzantine Empire. Parallel Italian wares. 201p b/w and col illus (BAR 2391, Greek and English text. 448p (Dumbarton Oaks Archaeopress 2012) 9781407309835 Pb £35.00 Medieval Library, Harvard UP 2013) 9780674057982 Hb £19.95 Byzantine 59

Forthcoming from Oxbow Books Byzantine Churches of Sardinia By Mark Johnson Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine This book represents the Megalopolis first detailed study of by Ken Dark and Ferudun Özgümü Byzantine churches on the Istanbul, Europe’s largest island of Sardinia. The city, became an urban centre buildings are described and of exceptional size when it analyzed in detail both was chosen by Constantine individually and as a group. the Great as a new Roman Many of these churches are capital city. Constantinople: cruciform in plan and Archaeology of a Byzantine possess a dome. The book Megapolis is a major includes an analysis of this archaeological assessment of plan type as used in Early a key period in the Christian and Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture development of this historic from the fourth to the sixth centuries, concluding city. Moving away from the that the Sardinian churches are datable to the early scholarly emphasis on the Byzantine period. Numerous architectural drawings monumental core or city defences, the volume and colour photographs illustrate the churches. investigates the inter-mural area between the fifth- 125p, 96 col pls (Reichert Verlag 2013) 9783895009372 century land walls and the Constantinian city wall Hb £90.00 – a zone which encompasses half of the walled area Byzantine Things in the World but which has received little archaeological attention. Edited by Glenn Peers Utilizing data from a variety of sources, including How did Byzantine culture understand its own the ‘Istanbul Rescue Archaeology Project’ created to objects we now call “art”? This enlightening record material threatened with destruction, the publication proposes that they saw and experienced analysis proposes a new model of Byzantine clay pilgrim tokens, relief stamps, and icons of saints Constantinople. A range of themes are explored as dynamic and fully active and alive in the world. including social, economic and cognitive The materials used and the sensory impressions they development, Byzantine perceptions of the city, the created were an integral part of the Byzantine God- consequences of imperial ideology and the impact of saturated world. Distinguished authors argue that ‘self-organization’ brought about by many minor categorizing these objects made for Medieval Greek decisions. 208p b/w and col illus (Oxbow Books 2013) Christians as art is incorrect, instead suggesting that 9781782971719 Hb £60.00 they were rooted in a world with an animistic view of living things. 192p, col illus (Yale UP 2013) ´ ***Only £48.00 until publication*** 9780300191783 Hb £30.00 Wonderful Things: Byzantium through its Art Asinou Across Time Edited by Antony Eastmond By AnneMarie Weyl Carr & Andreas Nicolaides The essays collected in this book were delivered at The church of Asinou is among the most famous in the XLII Spring Symposium Cyprus. Built around 1100, of Byzantine Studies, held to it is decorated with accompany the exhibition accretions of images, from Byzantium 330-1453, at the the famous fresco cycle Royal Academy. The overall executed shortly after aim of the book is to reflect on initial construction to the exhibition of Byzantine those made in the early art, both as an academic and seventeenth century. popular exercise, and Chapters include the first through the choice and continuous history of the discussion of individual church and its immediate objects. The essays are divided setting; a thorough into 3 sections: Exhibiting analysis of its architecture; Byzantium sets the 2009 exhibition into the context editions, translations, and commentary on the poetic of other exhibitions of Byzantine art and considers inscriptions; art-historical studies of the post-1105/ the issues involved in curating and viewing such 6 images in the narthex and nave; a detailed major collections of medieval art; Object Lessons comparative analysis of the physical and chemical offers a set of studies of individual objects that were properties of the frescoes; and a diachronic table of in the exhibition; Byzantium through its Art moves paleographical forms. 416p, col illus t/out (Harvard UP to consider Byzantine art more widely, thinking 2013) 9780884023494 Hb £55.95 about the different ways in which objects can be used to study Byzantine culture and society. 304p, b/w illus (Ashgate 2013) 9781409455141 Hb £65.00 60 Islamic

The Hajj: Collected Essays The Islamic Villa in Early Medieval Iberia edited by Venetia Porter and Liana Saif By Glaire D. Anderson Exploring the aristocratic villas and court culture Following on the British of Córdoba, during its ‘golden age’ under the reign Museum’s critically of the Umayyad dynasty (r. 756-1031 AD), this study acclaimed exhibition Hajj: illuminates a key facet of the secular architecture of journey to the heart of the court and its relationship to the well-known Islam, this volume provides Umayyad luxury arts. Based on textual and over thirty papers on the archaeological evidence, it offers a detailed analysis history and significance of of the estates’ architecture and gardens within a the Hajj, spanning history, synthetic socio-historical framework. An politics, archaeology, overarching theme of the book is that the Córdoban pilgrims’ journeys, art, estates fit within the larger historical constellation architecture, photography of Mediterranean villas and villa cultures, in contrast and material culture. This is to long-standing art historical discourse that holds a major multi-disciplinary villas did not exist in the medieval period. 225p col study and a key reference work for anyone with an and b/w illus (Ashgate 2013) 9781409449430 Hb £60.00 academic or personal interest in the Hajj. 270p, col & b/w illus (British Museum Press 2014) 9780861591930 Lo Que Vino de Oriente: Horizontes, Praxis y Pb £40.00 ***NYP*** Dimension Material de los Sistemas de Sources and Approaches Across Disciplines in Dominacion Fiscal en Al-Andalus Near Eastern Studies By Xavier Ballestin & Ernesto Pastor By Verena Klemm This volume analyses those tax mechanisms that These studies span Muslim culture, civilizations, and were imposed following the Muslim conquest of the intellectual thought in the medieval and modern Iberian Peninsula (al-Andalus) from the 8th Century periods. They draw upon literary criticism, sociology AD, which can only be properly understood by and anthropology in the fields of Qur’anic studies, ‘looking to the East’. Papers explore the Sasanian religion, philosophy and mysticism; state and and early Islamic background to taxation in al- society; literature and rhetoric; philology and Andalus, analyse the archaeological and place-name linguistics; mathematics and astronomy; art and evidence for taxation centres, discuss the importance epigraphy; and Islamic sciences and economic of systems of weights and measures in realtion to history. 462p, b/w illus (Peeters 2013) 9789042925588 taxation, as well as examining Roman and Visigothic Hb £100.00 taxation and influences, and Carolingian developments. Spanish text. 269p b/w illus (BAR 2525, Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Archaeopress 2013) 9781407311432 Pb £42.00 Malmuk Eras VII The Art of Adornment: Jewellery of the Islamic Edited by U. Vermeulen, K. D’Hulster & J. Van Lands Steenbergen Michael Spink, Jack Ogden, J. M. Rogers, Mark True to tradition, the 28 articles presented here deal with a wide variety of scholarly subjects, all G. Kramarovsky, Pedro Moura Carvalho and revolving around the central theme of Syro-Egypt’s Manijeh Bayani high and late medieval history. Topics dealt with The Collection provides an include archaeology, architecture, codicology, unrivalled resource for the economic, political, and religious history, as well as study of Islamic jewellery, belles-lettres. 561p (Peeters 2013) 9789042926318 Hb with nearly 600 catalogued £105.00 pieces in gold, silver and La Eboraria Andalusi: Del Califato Omeya a la copper alloys, of all periods Granada Nazari from the 7th to the 20th By Noelia Santa-Cruz centuries and from A comprehensive study of a wide range of throughout the Islamic Andalusian ivory artefacts from the Middle Ages. world – Spain to Malaysia, As well as examining the Late Roman background and Africa to the Eurasian to Hispano-Muslim ivory working, the book gives steppes. This two-part volume includes virtually weight to the full chronological span of muslim rule every form of personal adornment – head, hair in Spain, although it does not ignore the most and headdress ornaments; earrings; nose rings; famous pieces from the 10th and 11th centuries. The corpus which is presented allows new insights on finger rings; pendants; beads; necklaces; bracelets, production and its social and political contexts, on armlets and anklets; armband elements; amulets chronology, and on iconographic considerations. and amulet cases; pins and brooches; buttons; Spanish text. 506p, b/w illus (BAR 2522, Archaeopress belts and belt fittings – as well as harness fittings. 2013) 9781407311401 Pb £65.00 702p col illus t/out (Khalili Collections 2013) 9781874780861 Hb £125.00 Islamic & Anglo-Saxon 61

A History of Ottoman Poetry Anglo-Saxon England 40 By E. J. W. Gibb Edited by Malcolm Godden & Simon Keynes The History of Ottoman Poetry and prose in and in Latin are Poetry, first published in six well represented in this collection, complemented volumes between 1900 and here by studies of Anglo-Saxon legislation and 1909, was the principal coinage, in their respective historical contexts. Also product of E.J.W. Gibb’s included is a second series of addenda and corrigenda devotion to Ottoman Turkish to Helmut Gneuss's indispensable handlist of Anglo- literature. By the time of his Saxon manuscripts. 400p (Cambridge UP 2013) early death in 1901 only the 9781107019300 Hb £90.00 first volume had appeared in Anglo-Saxon England 41 print. The remainder was Edited by Malcolm Godden & Simon Keynes almost complete and was seen The contents of the forty-first volume of Anglo- through the press by Gibb’s Saxon England range across the period from the friend and literary executor, the Persian scholar E. seventh century to the eleventh, and across the G. Browne. The History was designed to provide disciplines from Old English and Insular Latin the first extended account in English of Ottoman literature to monetary history, ecclesiastical history, literature. The first four volumes cover four manuscript studies, sculpture, and cookery. 425p developmental phases, largely under the influence (Cambridge UP 2013) 9781107046931 Hb £90.00 of Persian literature, from around 1300 to the middle of the nineteenth century. The fifth volume Edward the Confessor: King of England introduces the ‘New School’ of Ottoman poetry By Peter Rex produced in Gibb’s own era and inspired by French Often portrayed as holy models. The sixth volume contains in Ottoman simpleton, Peter Rex argues printed script the texts of all works quoted in that Edward was in fact a wily English translation in the previous volumes. No and devious King. To most comparable study has appeared in English since Kings a childless marriage Gibb’s magnum opus. His History of Ottoman would have been an Achilles Poetry has become a classic work which is still heel to their reign, but Edward widely referred to and valuable for students, scholars turned this to his advantage, and anyone with a general interest in Middle Eastern cunningly playing off his literature and culture. (Gibb Memorial Trust reprinted potential rivals and 2013) successors, using the prize of Volume I: 1300-1450 472p 9780906094181 Pb £25.00 the throne as leverage. He also Volume II: 1450-1520 405p 9780906094198 Pb £25.00 shows that his posthumous Volume III: 1520-1600 400p 9780906094396 Pb £25.00 reputation for piety was largely fabricated by the Volume IV: 1700-1850 376p 9780906094587 Pb £20.00 monks of his foundation, Westminster Abbey. 245p, Volume V: 1859- 258p 9780906094594 Pb £18.00 b/w pls (Amberley 2008, Pb 2013) 9780752446028 Hb Volume VI: Turkish Texts 400p 9780906094624 Pb £25.00, 9781445604763 Pb £12.99 £25.00 ***or buy all six volumes for £120.00***

The Anglo-Saxon World By Nicholas Higham & Martin J. Ryan The Anglo-Saxon period, stretching from the fifth to the late eleventh century, begins with the Roman retreat from the Western world and ends with the Norman takeover of England. In this authoritative work, N. J. Higham and M. J. Ryan reexamine Anglo-Saxon England in the light of new research in disciplines as wide- ranging as historical genetics, paleobotany, archaeology, literary studies, art history, and numismatics. The result is the definitive introduction to the Anglo-Saxon world, enhanced with a rich array of photographs, maps, genealogies, and other illustrations. The Anglo-Saxon period witnessed the birth of the English people, the establishment of Christianity, and the development of the English language. With an extraordinary cast of characters (Alfred the Great, the Venerable , King Cnut), a long list of artistic and cultural achievements (‘Beowulf’, ‘the Sutton Hoo ship-burial’ finds, the ‘Bayeux Tapestry’), and multiple dramatic events (the ‘Viking invasions’, the ‘Battle of Hastings’), the Anglo-Saxon era lays legitimate claim to having been one of the most important in Western history. 336p, col and b/ w illus (Yale UP 2013) 9780300125344 Hb £30.00 ***Special Offer - Only £24.00 - While stocks last*** 62 Anglo-Saxon

New from Oxbow Books The Wealth of Anglo-Saxon England By Peter H. Sawyer The Anglo–Saxon Church of All Saints, On the eve of the Norman Conquest England was a very Brixworth, Northamptonshire: Survey, rich, highly urbanized, Excavation and Analysis, 1972–2010 kingdom with a large, well- by David Parsons and Diana Sutherland controlled coinage of high The core of the church of All quality. This coinage, and Saints, Brixworth is Anglo– itself, are Saxon, one of the most indeed good evidence that important buildings of its English government was period surviving in England. then remarkably effective. Limited excavation has Peter Sawyer offers an revealed evidence for the account of the ways wealth former extent of the cemetery, was accumulated and the forms it took in Anglo- whilst the later 8th–century Saxon England, with emphasis on recent date for the foundation of the developments in the study of Anglo-Saxon coins and church has been confirmed by Domesday Book. 168p (Oxford UP 2013) radiocarbon dates. A complete 9780199253937 Hb £25.00 stone–by–stone survey of the standing fabric, accompanied by petrological : Abbot, Bishop, Saint identifications, has led to a refined appraisal of the edited by Nicholas Higham construction sequence and the identification of St Wilfrid (c.634-710) was a massively importnat ‘exotic’ stone types and Roman bricks reused from figure within the early Anglo-Saxon Church, the earlier buildings up to 40 km distant. The abbot of several major houses, a bishop for over forty archaeological, geological and laboratory findings years and a great champion of Roman Christianity. presented here are amplified by studies placing the His lengthy career witnessed recurring conflicts with church against its archaeological, architectural, the kings of and with Archbishop liturgical and historical background, with detailed Theodore, causing long periods of exile and repeated comparisons with standing and excavated buildings appeals to Rome. This mullti-authored volume of similar age in north Europe and Italy. 336p, col provides a long-overdue reappraisal of Wilfrid in his illus, inc. foldouts (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781842175316 contemporary context, his contributions to English Hb £90.00 Christianity, the Vita by Stephen of Rippon, and his memory. 390p, b/w pls (Paul Watkins 2013) Everyday Life in Viking Age Towns: Social 9781907730276 Pb £19.95 Approaches to Towns in England and Ireland, Bede: Commentary on Revelation c. 800–1100 By Faith Wallis edited by Letty ten Harkel and D.M. Hadley The Commentary on Revelation is Bede’s first venture The study of early medieval towns has frequently into Biblical exegesis - an ambitious choice for a concentrated on urban young monastic scholar in a newly Christianized beginnings, and the land. This new translation is accompanied by a chronological development substantial introduction which explores the of towns. Far less attention tradition of Biblical exegesis, Bede’s sources, the has been paid to the circumstances of composition, his aims and experience of living in methodology, and the commentary’s transmission. towns. The thirteen 343p (Translated texts for Historians, Liverpool UP 2013) chapters in this book bring 9781846318450 Pb £18.99 together the current state of knowledge about Viking– Prophecy and Kingship in Adomnan’s Life of Age towns from both sides Saint Columba of the Irish Sea, focusing on By Michael J. Enright everyday life in and around This book offers a new interpretation of Adomnán’s these emerging settlements. What was it really like ‘Life of Saint Columba’. Whereas previous scholars to grow up, live, and die in these towns? What did have assumed that this vita was that of a fairly people eat, what did they wear, and how did they typical Irish saint, Enright shows that Adomnán make a living for themselves? Although historical intended to portray Columba as an authentic Old sources are addressed, the emphasis of the volume Testament-style prophet, one superior to any other is overwhelmingly archaeological, paying homage leader because he had been divinely chosen and to the wealth of new material that has become commissioned to impose God’s will on the British available since the advent of urban archaeology in Isles. Adomnán intended to show that no other the 1960s. 272p b/w & col. illus. (Oxbow Books 2013) leader or institution could ever legitimately defy 9781842175323 Hb £42.00 Columba, whose spirit actively lived on in his community. 320p (Four Courts Press 2013) 9781846823824 Hb £50.00 Anglo-Saxon & Viking 63 forthcoming from Oxbow Books The Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Southern Britain AD 450-650: Beneath the Tribal Hidage by Sue Harrington and Martin Welch The Tribal Hidage, attributed to the 7th century, records the named groups and polities of early Anglo-Saxon England and the taxation tribute due from their lands and surpluses. Whilst providing some indication of relative wealth and its distribution, rather little can be deduced from the Hidage concerning the underlying economic and social realities of the communities documented. Sue Harrington and the late Martin Welch have adopted a new approach to these issues, based on archaeological information from 12,000 burials and 28,000 objects of the period AD 450–650. The nature, distribution and spatial relationships of settlement and burial evidence are examined over time against a background of the productive capabilities of the environment in which they are set, the availability of raw materials, evidence for metalworking and other industrial/craft activities, and communication and trade routes. This has enabled the identification of central areas of wealth that influenced places around them. 240p b/w and col illus (Oxbow Books 2014) 9781782976127 Hb £60.00 ***Only £45.00 until publication*** Offa’s Dyke: Landscape and Hegemony in Eighth Century Britain By Ian Bapty & Keith Ray This book provides a fresh perspective on the creation of Offa’s Dyke arising from over a decade of study and of conservation practice by its two authors. It also provides a new appreciation of the specifically Mercian and English political context of its construction. The authors first summarise what is known about the Dyke from archaeology and history and review the debates surrounding its form and purpose. They then set out a systematic approach to understanding the design and construction of the massive linear bank and ditch that has come to stand proxy for the Anglo-Welsh border. What can currently be deduced about the build qualities of the Dyke are then summarised from the authors’ recent (and newly intricate) study of details of its localised form and construction and its landscape setting. The authors meanwhile also explain Offa’s Dyke as an instrument of late 8th-century Mercian statecraft and the imperial ambitions of Offa himself. 200p, 70 illus (Windgather Press 2014) 9781905119356 Pb £25.00 ***Only £20.00 until publication*** Silk for the Vikings By Marianne Vedeler The analysis of silk is a fascinating topic for research in itself but here, focusing on the 9th and 10th centuries, Marianne Vedeler takes a closer look at the trade routes and the organization of production, trade and consumption of silk during the Viking Age. Beginning with a presentation of the silk finds in the Oseberg burial, the richest Viking burial find ever discovered, the other silk finds from high status graves in Scandinavia are discussed along with an introduction to the techniques used to produce raw silk and fabrics. Later chapters concentrate on trade and exchange, considering the role of silk items both as trade objects and precious gifts, and in the light of coin finds. The main trade routes of silk to Scandinavia along the Russian rivers, and comparable Russian finds are described and the production and regulation of silk in Persia, early Islamic production areas and the Byzantine Empire discussed. The final chapter considers silk as a social actor in various contexts in Viking societies compared to the Christian west. 120p, b/w and col. illustrations (Oxbow Books 2014) 9781782972150 Pb £25.00 ***Only £20.00 until publication***

Kingship and Consent in Anglo-Saxon Kingship, Legislation and Power in Anglo- England, 871-978: Assemblies and the State in Saxon England the Early Middle Ages edited by Gale R. Owen-Crocker and Brian W. by Levi Roach Schneider This engaging new study focuses on the role of The essays collected here focus on how Anglo-Saxon assemblies in later Anglo-Saxon politics, challenging royal authority was expressed and disseminated, and nuancing existing models of the late Anglo- through laws, delegation, relationships between Saxon state. Its ten chapters investigate both monarch and Church, and between monarchs at traditional constitutional aspects of assemblies - who times of multiple kingships and changing power attended these events, where and when they met, ratios. It includes a groundbreaking article by Simon and what business they conducted - and the Keynes on Anglo-Saxon charters, looking at the symbolic and representational nature of these origins of written records, the issuing of royal gatherings. Overall it argues that assemblies were diplomas and the process, circumstances, not a check on kingship in these years, but rather performance and function of production of records. an essential feature of it. 301p (Cambridge UP 2013) 306p (Boydell 2013) 9781843838777 Hb £60.00 9781107036536 Hb £60.00 64 Anglo-Saxon

The Cambridge Companion to Old English Old English Poems of Cynewulf Literature Edited by R. Bjork Edited by Malcolm Godden The Old English poems attributed to Cynewulf, who This Companion has been thoroughly revised to take flourished some time between the eighth and tenth account of recent scholarship and to provide a clear centuries, are unusual because most vernacular and accessible introduction for those encountering poems in this period are anonymous. Runic letters Old English literature for the first time. Including spelling out the name Cynewulf appear in four seventeen essays by distinguished scholars, this new poems: Christ II (or The Ascension), Juliana, The edition provides a discussion of the literature of the Fates of the Apostles, and Elene. To these a fifth can period 600 to 1066 in the context of how Anglo-Saxon be added, Guthlac B, because of similarities in style society functioned. New chapters cover topics and vocabulary. This volume presents the Old including preaching and teaching, Beowulf and English text of these poems with a facing literacy, and a further five chapters have been revised translation. 250p, (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, and updated, including those on the Old English Harvard UP 2013) 9780674072633 Hb £19.95 language, perceptions of eternity and Anglo-Saxon Honour, Exchange and Violence in Beowulf learning. 376p (Cambridge UP, 2nd ed 2013) By Peter S. Baker 9780521193320 Hb £55.00, 9780521154024 Pb £19.99 This book examines violence in its social setting, and Anglo-Saxon Literature Handbook especially as an essential element in the heroic system By Mark C. Amodio of exchange. It situates Beowulf in a northern This book forms an accessible European culture where violence was not introduction to the literary stigmatized as evidence of a breakdown in social order works produced in England but rather was seen as a reasonable way to get things during the 600-year period done; where kings and their retainers saw form the end of the Roman themselves above all as warriors whose chief rule until the Norman occupation was the pursuit of honour; and where Conquest in 1066. It opens most successful kings were those perceived as most with overviews of the predatory. 292p (Boydell 2013) 9781843843467 Hb language, politics, religion, £60.00 and key literary figures of the Literacy and Identity in Early Medieval Ireland Anglo-Saxon world, and By Elva Johnston then moves on to a series of This inter-disciplinary study examines the Irish original readings of such works as Beowulf, The literate elite and their social contexts between ca. 400- Battle of , The Wanderer, The Seafarer and 1000 AD. It considers the role played by Hiberno- the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, situating them within Latin authors, the expansion of vernacular literacy current critical debates on the role of women, and the key place of monasteries within the literate notions of authorship and textual integrity, the role landscape. Also examined are the crucial intersections of scribes, the oral tradition, and more. 432p between literacy and orality, which underpin the (Blackwell 2013) 9780631226970 Hb £55.00, importance played by the literate elite in giving voice 9780631226987 Pb £21.99 to aristocratic and communal identities. 238p (Boydell The Combined Anglo-Saxon Chronicles: A 2013) 9781843838555 Hb £60.00 Ready-Reference Abridged Chronology Trees in Anglo-Saxon England: Literature, Lore edited and translated by Guy Points and Landscape This book enables rapid access to the events recorded By Della Hooke in any one year in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The This wide-ranging book author provides a narrative in chronological order explores both the ‘real’, of the information provided by the extant historical and archaeological manuscripts using as his principal source “The evidence of trees and Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”, translated by G N woodland, and as they are Garmonsway. He further develops and abridges the depicted in Anglo-Saxon Garmonsway version to produce one continuous literature and legend. Place- text. Unique to Guy Points’ presentation is the name and charter references device of using different print font types in the text cast light upon the to identify each of the source manuscripts. Thus, distribution of particular the year, content and origin can be instantly tree species (mapped here in correlated by eye. This eliminates time-consuming detail for the first time) and and potentially confusing cross-referencing by also reflect upon regional character in a period that paragraph, page and year. Only new and additional was fundamental for the evolution of the present information provided in the different manuscripts landscape. 322p, b/w illus (Boydell 2010, Pb 2013) is added. Where manuscripts disagree over date 9781843835653 Hb £50.00, 9781843838296 Pb £17.99 attribution this is indicated. 136p (Guy Points 2013) 9780955767920 Pb £12.95 Anglo-Saxon 65

Liturgy, Architecture and Sacred Places in Mortuary Practices and Social Identities in the Anglo-Saxon England Middle Ages By Helen Gittos edited by Duncan Sayer & Howard Williams In this innovative study, This collection of essays honour’s Heinrich Harke’s Helen Gittos examines contributions to the archaeology of burial practice ceremonies for the and identity, focusing in the main on the Anglo- consecration of churches Saxon period. Essays explore the ways in which and cemeteries, processional burials and associated material culture express feasts like Candlemas, Palm identities, and can be used alongside biological data Sunday, and Rogationtide, in analysing social structure, ethnicity and as well as personal rituals migration, as well as gender. The study of cemeteries such as baptisms and in their landscape setting is used to draw conclusions funerals. She considers the about community identity, and mortuary architectural context in monuments for insights into lay patronage and piety. which such rites were performed, shedding light on 306p, b/w figs (Liverpool UP 2009, Pb 2013) a wide range of topics, such as: how liturgy was 9780859898317 Hb £75.00, 9780859898799 Pb £25.00 written and disseminated in the early Middle Ages, The Material Culture of Daily Living in the when Christian cemeteries first began to be Anglo-Saxon World consecrated, how the form of Anglo-Saxon monasteries changed over time and how they were By Maren Clegg Hyer & Gale R. Owen-Crocker used, the centrality and nature of processions in early This book introduces students of Anglo-Saxon medieval religious life, the evidence church buildings culture to selected aspects of the realities of Anglo- reveal about changes in how they functioned, beliefs Saxon life through reference to artefacts and textual about relics, and the attitudes of different sources. Everyday practices and processes are archbishops to the liturgy. 350p, b/w illus (Oxford investigated, such as the exploitation of animals for UP 2013) 9780199270903 Hb £65.00 clothing, meat, cheese and parchment; ships for travel, trade and transport; manufacturing processes Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the of metalwork; textiles for dress and furnishing and Northern World the practicalities of living with illness or disability. Edited by Andrew Reynolds & Leslie Webster 386p b/w illus (Liverpool UP 2011, Pb 2013) Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the Northern World 9780859898430 Hb £75.00, 9780859898805 Pb £25.00 brings together leading experts on the European Beyond the : Anglo-Saxon Civil early Middle Ages in a celebration of the life and Defence in the Viking Age work of internationally renowned scholar James Graham-Campbell. The new perspectives and By John Baker & Stuart Brookes original studies offered represent a major An examination of warfare and public responses to contribution to the field of early medieval studies, organised violence through their impact on the with papers on art, archaeology, history and landscape. By bringing together the evidence from a literature. 1024p (Brill 2012) 9789004235038 Hb wide range of archaeological, onomastic and £235.00 historical sources, the authors are able to reconstruct complex strategic and military landscapes, and to Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods of the show how important detailed knowledge of early 6th and 7th Centuries AD: A Chronological medieval infrastructure and communications is to Framework our understanding of Anglo-Saxon preparedness for By Alex Bayliss, John Hines, Karen Hoilund war, and to the situating of major defensive works Nielsen, Gerry McCormac & Christopher Scull within their wider strategic context. 498p b/w illus Prior to the work of the project reported on here (Brill 2013) 9789004245631 Hb £160.00 there was no comprehensive chronological Staunch Meadow, Brandon, : A high framework for Early Anglo-Saxon Archaeology, and status Middle Saxon settlement the level of detail and precision in dates that could By Andrew Tester, Sue Anderson, Ian Riddler & be suggested was low. The evidence has now been Robert Carr studied afresh using a co-ordinated suite of dating Excavations revealed evidence of a settlement dating techniques, both traditional and new: a review and from the mid 7th to late 9th centuries. Remains of a revision of artefact-typology; seriation of grave- wooden bridge and 35 buildings were found, some assemblages using correspondence analysis; high- with timber surviving in post-holes, also a smithy, a precision radiocarbon dating of selected bone possible bakery and two churches. Part of the samples; and Bayesian modelling using the results waterfront was given over to textile processing. of all of these. The result is a new chronological Amongst thousands of artefacts, some provided framework, consisting of sequences of phases that compelling evidence for literacy. 450p b/w illus (East are separate for male and female burials but Anglian Archaeology 2013) 9780956874740 Pb £45.00 nevertheless mutually consistent and coordinated. ***NYP*** 616p b/w illus (Society for Medieval Archaeology 2013) 9781909662063 Hb £45.00 66 Anglo-Saxon

Tradition and Transformation in Anglo-Saxon At the limits of Lundenwic : Excavations in the England: Archaeology, Common Rights and north-west of Middle Saxon London at St Landscape Martin’s Courtyard, 2007–8 by Susan Oosthuizen by Louise Fowler and Ruth Taylor Most people believe that This thought-provoking volume presents the results traditional landscapes did not of the archaeological investigation of a large site in survive the collapse of Roman Lundenwic. A fragmentary sequence nevertheless Britain, and that medieval includes possible Early Saxon activity, 7th- and 8th- open fields and commons century settlement features including a cookshop, a originated in Anglo-Saxon workshop for non-ferrous metalworking and debris innovations unsullied by the from a smithy, and the latest radiocarbon-dated past. The argument presented inhumation in Lundenwic (cal AD 720–950). These here tests that belief by excavations have made important contributions to contrasting the form and our understanding of Lundenwic, which has been management of early medieval enhanced by the unprecedented level of organic fields and pastures with those of the prehistoric and preservation at the site. The resulting survival of Roman landscapes they are supposed to have Saxon footwear, timber objects and uncharred superseded. The comparison reveals unexpected botanical remains adds unusual detail to this continuities in the layout and management of arable publication. 90p col illus (MOLA 2013) 9781907586187 and pasture from the fourth millennium BC to the Pb £12.00 Norman Conquest. 264p, b/w illus (Bloomsbury 2013) Archaeology of the Dykes 9781472507273 Hb £55.00 By Mark Bell British Museum Anglo-Saxon Coins I: Early The dykes are the long Anglo-Saxon Gold and Continental Silver earthworks built sometime Coinage of of the North Sea Area, c. 600-760 after the end of Roman rule by Anna Gannon in Britain. As well as discussing the possible This volume is dedicated to the British Museum’s origins and purposes of the collection of early Anglo–Saxon gold coinage as well dykes this new study also as the Anglo–Saxon and Continental silver coinage discusses the development of of the North Sea area, dating from the early seventh ideas about them. New to the mid–eighth centuries. It features more than techniques have radically 850 coins, which together form one of the largest, changed our understanding oldest and most representative collections of this of the landscape in which complex coinage. A major introduction sets the coins the dykes were built. Also many dykes have been in context and reassesses their classification. 304p, assumed to be post-Roman only on very poor 37 b/w pls (British Museum Press 2013) 9780714118239 evidence. This book includes a survey and catalogue Hb £45.00 of all the known post-Roman dykes as well as those Spong Hill IX: Chronology and Synthesis that recent excavations have shown to be prehistoric by Catherine Hills and Sam Lucy in date. 160p, b/w illus and pls (Amberley Publishing Spong Hill, with over 2500 cremations, remains the 2013) 9781445601335 Pb £18.99 largest early Anglo-Saxon A Late Saxon Village and Medieval Manor: cremation cemetery to have Excavations at Botolph Bridge, Orton been excavated in Britain. This volume presents the Longueville, Peterborough long-awaited chronology By Paul Spoerry & Rob Atkins and synthesis of the site. It Botolph Bridge, now within urban Peterborough, gives a detailed overview of lay beside an important crossing of the River Nene the artefactual evidence, and once formed part of a well-known medieval vill, which includes over 1200 referenced in Domesday Book. An earthwork survey objects of bone, antler and carried out in 1982 amply demonstrated the ivory. Using this complexity and importance of the site, showing a information, together with church and manorial complex with house plots programmes of strung out along an adjacent road and fields correspondence analysis of the cremation urns and separated from the main settlement by a hollow way. the grave-goods, a revised phasing and chronology Excavation demonstrated that the manorial of the site is offered, which argues that it is largely enclosure had replaced earlier house plots by c.1200. fifth-century in date. The implications of this revised In the later 14th century, there was considerable dating for interpretations of the early medieval period investment by the manorial holders, the Draytons. in Britain and further afield are explored in full. 424p 200p b/w illus (East Anglian Archaeology 2013) b/w illus (McDonald Institute 2013) 9781902937625 Hb 9781907588051 Pb £20.00 ***NYP*** £59.00 Anglo-Saxon & Viking 67

Tyttel’s Halh: The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Viking Art Tittleshall, : the Archaeology of the By James Graham-Campbell Bacton to King’s Lynn Gas Pipeline, Volume 2 The distillation of a lifetime’s By Penelope Walton Rogers study of Viking art, this new The cemetery lay south of the modern village of account covers all the Tittleshall, on the side of a barrow. It intricate and beautiful art was founded in the 5th century, and was in use styles of the so-called Viking throughout the 6th and early 7th century. The Age. An opening chapter graves of 28 men, women and children were gives the historical and recorded, and the cemetery has been interpreted as geographical background. the burial plot of a small farming household. 150p, Thematic chapters then 100 illustrations (East Anglian Archaeology 2013) describe and discuss the six 9780957228818 Pb £15.00 ***NYP*** main Viking art styles, Transforming Townscapes: From Burh to showing how they emerged from and interacted with Borough: the Archaeology of Wallingford, AD one another. The book’s conclusion looks at the art 800-1400 in relation to pagan Viking mythology, the By Neil Christie, Oliver Creighton, Matt Conversion period and the Norse sagas as well as at Edgeworth & Helena Hamerow its legacy in later times. 208p, col illus (Thames & Hudson This monograph details the 2013) 9780500204191 Pb £9.95 results of a major archaeo- Sacred Sites and Holy Places logical project based on and around the historic town of edited by Saebjorg Walaker Nordeide & Stefan Wallingford in south Brink Oxfordshire. The volume In this volume two important veins of traces the pre-town interdisciplinary research in Scandinavia and the archaeology of Wallingford Baltic region are merged, namely the and then analyses the town’s Christianization process and landscape studies. physical and social evolu- Aspects of pagan religion, as well as Christianity tion, assessing defences, and the establishment of the early Church, are churches, housing, markets, considered within both geographical setting and material culture, coinage, social landscape, while the study of maps, place communications and hinterland. (Society for Medieval names, and settlement patterns introduces new Archaeology 2013) 9781909662094 Hb £45.00 methodologies and perspectives to expose and define the sacral landscape of these regions. 281p, b/w illus A Corpus of Early Medieval Inscribed Stones (Brepols 2013) 9782503541006 Hb £85.00 and Stone Sculpture in Wales: Volume III North Wales Excavations in the Black Earth: Stratigraphy Volume 1 By Nancy Edwards This volume, the final of three, focuses on the By Bjorn Ambrosiani inscribed stones and stone sculpture of north Wales This volume detail the results of the Birka Porject’s c. AD 400 - 1150. It provides fresh insights and new 1990-1995 excavations in the Black Earth. interpretations of over 150 monuments, many of Part one includes analyses of the site and the Viking which have been found since V. E. Nash-Williams’s age shore with the dating of Birka’s establishment Early Christian Monuments of Wales was published in relation to land upheaval and shore displacement. in 1950. 544p, b/w and col illus (University of Wales Part two includes a discussion of the bronze caster’s Press 2013) 9780708325506 Hb £95.00 workshop, where the majority of bronze objects from the earliest part of the Viking Age in Scandinavia Viking: The Norse Warrior’s (Unofficial) seem to have been produced. 328p, col illus (Birka Manual Project 2013) 9789172096554 Hb £75.00 By John Haywood Landscapes of Gender, Age and Cosmology: The fifth instalment in this popular and highly Burial Perceptions in Viking Age Iceland successful series, this is an irreverent, but deceptively well researched guide to life as a Viking warrior. It By Ruth Ann Maher gives the reader advice on a wide variety of questions: This study shows that the internal and external how to join a war band; what to look for in a good aspects of any grave reveal not only information leader; how to behave at a feast; what weapons and about the deceased, but also about his or her family, armour to choose; how to fight in a shield wall; society and, most importantly, the ideological realms where to go raiding; how to plunder a monastery of the people burying the dead. GIS is combined with and ransom a monk; how to navigate at sea; and anthropological approaches to provide an image of what to expect if you die gloriously in battle. 208p, the society, showing differences based on age and b/w illus, col pls (Thames and Hudson 2013) gender and the role cosmology played in burial 9780500251942 Hb £12.95 placement. 150p b/w illus (BAR 2529, Archaeopress 2013) 9781407311470 Pb £29.00 68 Early Medieval Europe

Medieval Christianity in the North: New Images, Iconoclasm and the Carolingians Studies By T. F. X. Noble edited by Kirsi Salonen, Kurt Villiads & Torstein The iconoclast controversies have long been Jorgensen understood as marking major fissures between the This collection of articles by Nordic scholars is truly Western and Eastern churches. In Images, interdisciplinary, covering philology, history, Iconoclasm, and the Carolingians, Thomas F. X. archaeology, theology, and other approaches. It is Noble reveals that the lines of division were not so divided into two parts, the first of which addresses clear. Noble contends that there was, in fact, a conversion from a broad perspective, while the significant Carolingian controversy about visual art second is devoted to the consolidation of Christianity and, if its ties to Byzantine iconoclasm were tenuous, and ecclesiastical structures. The book investigates they were also complex and deeply rooted in central from a fresh viewpoint important aspects of Nordic concerns of the Carolingian court. 496p (Pennsylvania Christianity in the Middle Ages and discusses to UP 2009, Pb 2013) 9780812241419 Hb £45.50, what extent ideas and institutions were adapted to 9780812222562 Pb £19.50 local circumstances. It includes a variety of topics, Warfare in Tenth-Century Germany such as the remnants of paganism, medieval saints By David S. Bachrach cults, law, and church, to religious warfare, and the Over the course of half a use of beer in cult and memory. 276p, b/w illus (Brepols century, the first two kings 2013) 9782503540481 Hb £85.00 of the Saxon dynasty, Henry The Battle of Clontarf, Good Friday, 1014 I (919-936) and Otto I (936- By Darren McGettigan 973), waged war across the Although the history of the Battle of Clontarf has length and breadth of often been misrepresented, it is without doubt one Europe. In the course of of the most important events to have taken place in scores of military operations, medieval Ireland. The battle was not just influential accompanied by diligent in Irish history, it also had a major impact on the diplomatic efforts, Henry and subsequent history of the jarldom of Orkney. Brian Otto recreated the empire of Boru emerges from the pages of this illustrated book, Charlemagne, and establi- not as the great reforming high-king of legend, but shed themselves as the hegemonic rulers in Western as a still highly ambitious and intelligent monarch, Europe. This book shows how Henry I and Otto I whose steely resolve led his army to victory on the achieved this remarkable feat, and provides a Clontarf battlefield during that Good Friday in 1014. comprehensive analysis of the organization, 160p, b/w illus (Four Courts Press 2013) 9781846823848 training, morale, tactics, and strategy of Ottonian Pb £14.95 armies, as well as the adminstration which sustained them. 324p (Boydell 2012) 9781843837626 Hb £60.00 Strategies of Identification: Ethnicity and Anglo-Norman Studies 35 Religion Edited by David Bates edited by Walter Pohl and Gerda Heydemann This volume of Anglo-Norman Studies demonstrates How were identities created in the early Middle Ages yet again the multi-disciplinarity and European and when did they matter? This book explores range of the series. As befits the proceedings of a different types of sources to understand the ways in conference held in Normandy at Bayeux, it contains which they contributed to making ethnic and two articles on the renowned Tapestry, and a religious communities meaningful: historiography consideration of the campaign of 1066; there are also and hagiography, biblical exegesis and works of several papers on the medieval duchy. 352p, b/w illus theology, sermons and letters. 351p (Brepols 2013) (Boydell 2013) 9781843838579 Hb £50.00 9782503533841 Hb £90.00 Ports, Piracy and Maritime War: Piracy in the Letters of Pope Gregory English Channel and the Atlantic, c. 1280-c. Edited by J. R. C. Martyn This book studies some forty Latin letters sent by 1330 Pope Gregory, copies of which are included in a By Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm manuscript held in the Ian Potter Museum of Art at Pirates have traditionally been cast as especially the University of Melbourne. It can be compared depraved robbers and the enemy of all, but Heebøll- with a manuscript in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Holm shows that piracy was often part of private Paris and was, Professor Martyn argues, probably wars between English, French, and Gascon ports copied in a 10th century scriptorium in Fleury-sur- and mariners, occupying a liminal space between Loire, France. Many of the letters, reproduced in this crime and warfare. Furthermore he shows how book in Latin and English, deal with the Pope’s piracy was an integral part of maritime commerce attempts to sort out longstanding problems in and how the adjudication of piracy followed the legal Naples and Sicily and to save Rome from the procedure of the march. 295p (Brill 2013) Lombards. 184p, 50 illustrations (Macmillan Art 9789004235700 Hb £115.00 Publishing 2013) 9781921394935 Hb £47.00 ***NYP*** Medieval Britain 69

Edward III Owain Glyndwr: A Casebook By W. M. Ormrod Edited by Michael Livingston & John K. Bollard Edward III ranks as one of This book presents the original text and English England’s most successful translations of the medieval and post-medieval medieval monarchs, achieving records, documents, poems and chronicles relating stunning military victories in to Owain Glyndwr, his career and his legacy. In the Hundred Years War, and addition, textual notes and essays on the historical, managing to unite a fractious social and literary context of these documents realm and nobility behind his provide up-to-date perspectives and commentary on rule, bolstered by a new the man and his times. 600p, b/w illus (Liverpool UP emphasis on chivalry and 2013) 9780859898843 Hb £95.00, 9780859898836 Pb display. This monumental £25.00 new biography by Mark Henry V: New Interpretations Ormrod will surely become the standard work on Edited by Gwilym Dodd his reign, providing in a whopping 720 pages a richly Contributions range broadly detailed narrative, comprehensively charting across the period of Henry’s life, political, military and cultural dimensions. The including his early years as picture which emerges is an overwhelmingly Prince of Wales. They consider positive one, showing how Edward (at least in his how Henry raised the money earlier years) skillfully dealt with the challenges to fund his military campaigns which fourteenth century kingship presented. 720p, and how his subjects b/w pls (Yale UP 2011, Pb 2013) 9780300119107 Hb responded to these financial £30.00, 9780300194081 Pb £16.99 exactions; how he secured Kingship, Chivalry and Crusade: The English royal authority in the localities Experience in the Fourteenth Century and cultivated support within By Timothy Guard the political community; and The central theme of this book is the largely untold how he consolidated his rule in France and earned story of English knighthood’s ongoing obsession for himself a reputation as the archetypal late with the crusade fight during the age of Chaucer, medieval warrior king. 324p (Boydell 2013) “high chivalry” and the famous battles of the 9781903153468 Hb £60.00 Hundred Years War. The author exposes a thick seam The Yorkist Age of military engagement along the perimeters of edited by Hannes Kleineke Christendom; details of participants and campaigns 21 essays explore a wide panoply of subjects drawn are chronicled - in many cases for the first time - from the fields of political and religious history, and associated matters of tactics, diplomacy, literary criticism, archaeology, art history and organisation, and recruitment are minutely musicology of the period. The contributors discuss analysed, adding substantially to the historiography not only the members of the House of York, their of the later crusades. 296p (Boydell 2013) depictions, clothing and beliefs, the politics and 9781843838241 Hb £60.00 warfare of the age, both domestic and foreign, but The Soldier in Later Medieval England also the intellectual and cultural world of the second By Adrian R. Bell, Andy King, David Simpkin & half of the fifteenth century, as manifested in writing, Anne Curry artistic creation and divine worship. 488p, col illus This book is the outcome of a project which collects (Shaun Tyas 2013) 9781907730221 Hb £49.50 the names of every soldier East Anglia and its North Sea World in the known to have served the Middle Ages English Crown from 1369 to Edited by David Bates & Robert Liddiard the loss of Gascony in 1453. East Anglia was a distinctive English region during The data gathered has the Middle Ages, but it was one that owed much of allowed the authors to its character and identity to its place in a much wider compare different forms of “North Sea World” that stretched from the English war, such as the chevauchees Channel to Iceland, the Baltic and beyond. of the late fourteenth century This collection of essays discusses East Anglia in the and the occupation of French context of this maritime framework and explores the territories in the fifteenth extent to which there was a distinctive community century, and thus to identify bound together by the shared frontier of the North longer-term trends. It also Sea during the Middle Ages. It brings together the highlights the significance of the change of dynasty work of a range of international scholars and in England in the early 1400s. The book investigates includes contributions from the disciplines of history, the different types of soldier, their regional and archaeology, art history and literary studies. 363p, national origins, and movement between ranks. 360p b/w illus (Boydell 2013) 9781843838463 Hb £60.00 (Oxford UP 2013) 9780199680825 Hb £65.00 70 Medieval Europe

New Perspectives on Medieval Scotland, 1093- The ‘Annals of Multyfarnham’: Roscommon 1286 and Connacht provenance Edited by Matthew Hammond By Bernadette Williams This volume includes a range of new studies casting This new edition of the fresh light on the institutions and people of the ‘Annals of Multyfarnham’ – Scottish kingdom, especially in the thirteenth the first for over 170 years – century. New perspectives are offered on topics as explores the reason why these diverse as the limited reach of Scottish royal annals were so named and administration and justice, the ties that bound the suggests a Roscommon unfree to their lords, the extent of a political provenance.The annals begin community in the time of King Alexander II, a view in AD45 and were written by of Europeanization from the spread of a common Stephen de Exonia, who tells material culture, the role of a major Cistercian us that he was born in 1246 monastery in the kingdom and the broader world, and entered the Franciscan and the idea of the neighbourhood in Scots law. order in 1263 when he was 17 272p, b/w illus (Boydell 2013) 9781843838531 Hb £60.00 years old. His personal contribution to the annals Alexander II, King of Scots 1214-1249 begins in 1261 and it is possible to determine, from By Richard Oram internal evidence, that he was writing the annals during the years 1272 to 1274, when the annals cease. Offering a fresh assessment of 208p (Four Courts 2013) 9781846823336 Hb £50.00 Alexander II’s contribution to the making of Scotland as Albert of Aachen’s History of the Journey to a nation, this book explores Jerusalem: Volume 1: Books 1–6. The First the king’s successes and Crusade, 1095–1099 failures , looking at the man translated by Susan Edgington and his kingdom in wider Albert of Aachen’s History of the Journey to Jerusalem British and European presents the story of the First Crusade (1095-1099) history. More than just a and the early history of the crusader states (1099- political narrative, the book 1119). Susan B. Edgington’s English translation has also seeks to illuminate been widely praised, following its first publication aspects of the king’s character in the Oxford Medieval Texts series, and is here and his relationships with those around him, presented with a new introduction and updated especially his mother, his first wife Joan Plantagenet, notes and bibliography. 310p (Ashgate 2013) and the great magnates, clerics, and officials who 9781409466529 Pb £17.99 served in his household and administration. 304p Albert of Aachen’s History of the Journey to (Birlinn Ltd 2013) 9781904607922 Pb £25.00 Jerusalem: Volume 2: Books 7–12. The Early Land, Law and People in Medieval Scotland History of the Latin States, 1099–1119 By Cynthia J. Neville translated by Susan Edgington This ambitious book examines the encounter 260p (Ashgate 2013) 9781409466536 Pb £17.99 between Gaels and Europeans in Scotland in the ***Buy both volumes for £32.50*** central Middle Ages. It is based on a close reading of the texts of several thousand charters, indentures, The Crusade of Frederick Barbarossa brieves and other written sources that record the translated by G. A. Loud business conducted in royal and baronial courts. This is the first English translation of the main Under the broad themes of land, law and people, it contemporary accounts of the Crusade and death of explores how the customs, laws and traditions of the German Frederick I Barbarossa (ruled 1152-90). the native inhabitants and those of incoming settlers The most important of these, the ‘History of the interacted and influenced each other. 256p, Expedition of the Emperor Frederick’ was written (Edinburgh UP 2010, Pb 2012) 9780748639588 Hb soon after the events described, and is a crucial, and £75.00, 9780748654383 £24.99 under-used source for the Third Crusade (at least in The Royal Manors of Medieval Co. Dublin: the Anglophone world). In addition, a number of further accounts related to, and expanding, the crown and community ‘History of the Expedition’ have also been translated, By Aine Foley including a contemporary newsletter about the This book is the first full-length study of the royal death of the emperor, as well as the narrative of Otto manors of Crumlin, Esker, Saggart and Newcastle of St Blasien, placing the Crusade into context Lyons in the period 1170 to 1400. More than any twenty years later, and a contemporary account of other part of Ireland, the royal manors capture in the capture of Silves in Portugal by German crusaders microcosm the complexity of England’s troubled on their way to the Holy Land in 1189. 225p (Ashgate relationship with its colony, and the book thus 2010, Pb 2013) 9780754665755 Hb £60.00, contributes our understanding of the dynamics of 9781472413963 Pb £17.99 Anglo-Irish society in the later Middle Ages. 240p (Four Courts 2013) 9781846823886 Hb £50.00 Medieval Society & Culture 71

The Practices of Crusading: Image and Action A Social History of Disability in Medieval from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries England By Christopher Tyerman By Irina Metzler In this wide ranging collection of articles spanning In her earlier work Disability in Medieval Europe Irina thirty years, Christopher Tyerman explores the Metzler asked how the study of impairment in the relationships between action and perception, Middle Ages should be approached, setting out the ambition and practice, propaganda and support. difficulties arising from the paucity of evidence for One section concentrates on the role the crusade disability, particularly as authored by the disabled played in the politics and elite culture of the early themselves, and from differing perceptions of fourteenth century, particularly in France. A further disability and what constituted disability in medieval series of essays examines the nature of crusading, times. In this book applies that theoretical work to notably the contrasts between official, literary and the reconstruction of the lived experience of the popular reception, and how it was variously disabled in medieval England. Four topics are understood by contemporaries and promoted by addressed: disability in the law and judicial apologists. Finally, the structure of crusading armies mutilation; disability as a result of accidents at work, is explored. 290p (Ashgate Variorum 2013) and the concept of disability as an inability to work, 9781409454243 Hb £85.00 as well as medieval mutual aid societies; disability Locating the Middle Ages: The Spaces and as a role of aging and provision for old age, as well Places of Medieval Culture as attitudes to dementia; and charity and the worthiness of the disabled as recipients thereof. 336p, Edited by Julian Weiss & Sarah Salih (Routledge 2013) 9780415822596 Hb £80.00 This interdisciplinary collection of sixteen essays explores the significance of space and place in Late Cultural Exchange: Jews and Christians in the Antique and medieval culture, as well as modern Medieval Marketplace reimaginings of medieval topographies. Its case By Joseph Shatzmiller studies draw on a wide variety of critical approaches Demonstrating that similarities between Jewish and and cover architecture, the visual arts (painting and Christian art in the Middle Ages were more than manuscript illumination), epic, romance, coincidental, Cultural Exchange meticulously historiography, hagiography, cartography, travel combines a wide range of sources to show how Jews writing, as well as modern English poetry. 256p, b/ and Christians exchanged artistic and material w and col illus (Boydell 2013) 9780953983872 Hb £50.00 culture. Joseph Shatzmiller focuses on communities Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages in northern Europe, Iberia, and other Edited by Larissa Tracy Mediterranean societies where Jews and Christians coexisted for centuries, and he synthesizes the most This collection explores this often taboo subject and current research to describe the daily encounters that its implications for cultural mores and custom in enabled both societies to appreciate common artistic Western Europe, seeking to demystify and values. 208p (Princeton UP 2013) 9780691156996 Hb demythologize castration. Its subjects include £24.95 archaeological studies of eunuchs; historical accounts of castration in trials of combat; the Christians and Jews in Angevin England mutilation of political rivals in medieval Wales; Edited by Sarah Rees Jones & Sethina Watson Anglo-Saxon and Frisian legal and literary examples The mass suicide and murder of castration as punishment; castration as comedy of the men, women and in the Old French fabliaux; the prohibition against children of the Jewish genital mutilation in hagiography; and early- community in York on 16 modern anxieties about punitive castration enacted March 1190 is one of the most on the Elizabethan stage. 365p, b/w illus (Boydell 2013) scarring events in the history 9781843843511 Hb £60.00 of Anglo-Judaism. This new The Medieval Cook collection considers the By Bridget Ann Henisch massacre as central to the narrative of English and There are plenty of books of medieval recipes on the Jewish history around 1200. market; this is not another, but looks at the actual Its chapters broaden the person of the cook, from the professional working contexts within which the for the greatest lord to the humblest peasant narrative is usually considered and explore how a housewife. Bridget Henisch describes the basic tasks narrative of events in 1190 was built up, both at the of the kitchen - baking and dairying, curing meat time and in following years. They also focus on two and fish, before going on to look at more elaborate main strands: the role of narrative in shaping events cooking right up to the oft-studied medieval feast. and their subsequent perception; and the degree of Above all, however the book focuses on medieval convivencia between Jews and Christians and perceptions of cooks, their social status, and role as consideration of the circumstances and processes purveyors both of a necessity and a potential through which neighbours became enemies and enticement to the sin of gluttony. 245p, b/w illus victims. 351p (Boydell 2013) 9781903153444 Hb £60.00 (Boydell 2009, Pb 2013) 9781843838265 Pb £14.99 72 Medieval Law & Religion

Mediation and Arbitration in the Middle Ages: The Transformation of the Irish Church in the England 1154 to 1558 Twelfth Century By Derek Roebuck By Marie Therese Flanagan This is the story of how disputes of all kinds were The twelfth century saw a wide-ranging managed in England between AD 1154 and the first transformation of the Irish church, a regional signs of the Common Law, and 1558 when a new manifestation of a wider pan-European reform period started in the development of the English legal movement. This book charts changes in the religious system. Mediation and arbitration were then natural culture experienced by the laity as well as the clergy and widespread. Their aim was to produce peace and takes account of the particular Irish experience through compromise. Parties turned to the within the wider European context. The universal community for help: hundred and , magnates, ideals that were defined with increasing clarity by city and borough guilds, university, the Church and Continental advocates of reform generated a series the Jews. The king’s Council and even Parliament of initiatives from Irish churchmen aimed at offered mediation and arbitration. 496p (Holo Books disseminating reform ideology within clerical circles 2013) 9780954405632 Hb £40.00 and transmitting it also to lay society, even if, as The Consumption of Justice: Emotions, elsewhere, it often proved difficult to implement in Publicity, and Legal Culture in Marseille, 1264- practice. 295p (Boydell 2013) 9781843838289 Pb £25.00 1423 The Culture of Inquisition in Medieval England By Daniel Lord Smail Edited by Katie L. Walter & Mary C. Flannery In the 13th and 14th centuries a large amount of The essays in this volume cover such topics as the time and money were spent in litigation with theory and practice of canon law, heresy and its thousands of legal records surviving from this prosecution, Middle English pastoralia, political period. In this study Smail asks why this was so, writing and romance. As a result, the collection what people were seeking through the courts, how redefines the nature of inquisition’s role within both the courts operated and what the long-term medieval law and culture, and demonstrates the consequences were of such an increase in court cases. extent to which it penetrated the late-medieval Smail approaches the subject of court life in Marseille consciousness, shaping public fame and private from the point of view of the litigants, recreating an selves, sexuality and gender, rhetoric, and literature. arena characterised more by emotion than justice. 194p (Boydell 2013) 9781843843368 Hb £60.00 277p, 11 tbs (Cornell UP 2003, Pb 2013) 9780801441059 Religious Men and Masculine Identity in the Hb £48.95, 9780801478888 Pb £18.50 Middle Ages Town and Countryside in the Age of the Black Edited by P. H. Cullum & Katherine J. Lewis Death The complex relationship between masculinity and By Mark Bailey & S. H. Rigby religion, as experienced in both the secular and This collection of essays by many of the leading ecclesiastical worlds, forms the focus for this volume, scholars of the medieval English economy focuses whose range encompasses the rabbis of the on one of the most fascinating periods in English Babylonian and Palestinian Talmud, and moves via social and economic history and provides a worthy Carolingian and Norman France, Siena, Antioch, tribute to the pioneering work of John Hatcher in and high and late medieval England to the eve of this field. It includes discussions of population, the Reformation. Chapters investigate the creation agriculture, the manor, village society, trade, and and reconstitution of different expressions of industry. 420p b/w illus (Brepols 2011) 9782503535173 masculine identity, from the clerical enthusiasts for Hb £100.00 marriage to the lay practitioners of chastity, from crusading bishops to holy kings. 224p (Boydell 2013) Church and People in the Medieval West 9781843838630 Hb £60.00 By Sarah Hamilton Medieval Philosophy of Religion It is impossible to understand the medieval world without Edited by N.N. Trakakis & Graham Oppy understanding the religious Covering the period from the 6th to the 16th century, vision of the time, and this reaching into the Renaissance, this volume shows new textbook offers an how Christian, Islamic and Jewish thinkers approach which explores the explicated and defended their religious faith in light meaning of religion in day- of the philosophical traditions they inherited from to-day life, as well as the the ancient and Romans. The enterprise of theory behind it. It gets to the ‘faith seeking understanding’, as it was dubbed by root of belief in the Middle the medievals themselves, emerges as a vibrant Ages, covering topics encounter between – and a complex synthesis of – including pastoral reform, the Platonic, Aristotelian and Hellenistic traditions popular religion, monasticism, heresy and much of antiquity on the one hand, and the scholastic and more, throughout the central middle ages from 900- monastic religious schools of the medieval West, on 1200. 432p (Pearson 2013) 9780582772809 Pb £22.99 the other. 304p (Acumen 2013) 9781844656820 Pb £22.99 Medieval Religion & Art 73

The Cambridge Companion to Christian From Minor to Major: The Minor Arts in Mysticism Medieval Art History Edited by Amy Hollywood & Patricia Z. Beckman Edited by Colum Hourihane A multi-authored interdisciplinary guide to the Whether we care to admit study of Christian mysticism, with an emphasis on it or not, we have always the third through the seventeenth centuries. The distinguished between book is thematically organized in terms of the central those arts that we consider contexts, practices, and concepts associated with the superior and the lesser or mystical life in early, medieval, and early modern minor forms. Arts such as Christianity. 400p (Cambridge UP 2012) 9780521863650 ivory carving, glass, Hb £65.00, 9780521682275 Pb £19.99 enamels, and goldsmiths’ Astrology and Magic from the Medieval Latin work-have traditionally and Islamic World been lumped together into By Paola Zambelli a secondary group that took on pejorative This book brings together ten of Paola Zambelli’s associations, especially in papers on the subject, four of which are published the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This in English for the first time. The papers in Part I of collection explores the way in which these minor this volume deal with theories; Part II focuses on arts have fought back to gain wider acceptance in the role of astrologers in Renaissance society; Part our holistic approach to studying the arts of the III looks at the Great Conjunction of 1524 and on Middle Ages. No longer considered secondary, they the long and extended debate surrounding it; Part are now firmly incorporated into our studies. 336p, IV reprints some review-articles of twentieth century b/w and col illus (Penn State UP 2013) 9780983753711 scholars whose writing has contributed to our Hb £33.95 understanding of the historical problems concerning magic and other connected debates. 310p (Ashgate Jan van Eyck and Portugal ‘s “Illustrious Variorum 2012) 9781409425144 Hb £85.00 Generation” : Volume I: Text Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle By Barbara von Barghahn Ages This volume investigates Van Eyck’s patronage by By Stephen Mitchell the Crown of Portugal and his role as diplomat- painter of the Duchy of Burgundy following his first Stephen Mitchell here offers voyage to Lisbon in 1428-1429 when he painted two the fullest examination portraits of Infanta Isabella, who became the third available of witchcraft in late wife of Philip the Good in 1430. A second “secret medieval Scandinavia. He mission” to Portugal in 1437 by Jan van Eyck is focuses on those people postulated and this diplomatic visit is related to believed to be able to Prince Henrique the Navigator’s expedition to manipulate the world Tangier and King Duarte’s attempts to forge an around them through alliance with Alfonso V of Aragon. The most magical practices, and on the significant artist of Renaissance Flanders appears to responses to these beliefs in have been patronized as much by the House of Avis legal, literary, and popular as by the Duchy of Burgundy. 745p (Pindar Press cultures. By examining witches, wizards, and 2013) 9781904597650 Hb £150.00 ***NYP*** seeresses in literature, lore, and law, as well as surviving charm magic directed toward love, Jan van Eyck and Portugal ‘s “Illustrious prophecy, health, and weather, Mitchell provides a Generation” : Volume II: Plates portrait of both the practitioners of medieval Nordic By Barbara von Barghahn magic and its performance. 368p, b/w illus (University 880p, 1405 illustrations (Pindar Press 2013) of Pennsylvania Press 2013) 9780812242904 Hb £32.50, 9781904597667 Hb £150.00 ***NYP*** 9780812222555 Pb £16.50 The Medieval Stained Glass of Merton College, Alan of Lille: Literary Works Oxford Edited by Winthrop Wetherbee By Tim Ayers Alan of Lille was renowned for the vast learning This is the first full study of the important medieval which earned him the title of Doctor Universalis. stained glass of Merton College, Oxford. The scheme He was also the most important Latin poet of his in the chapel is exceptionally well preserved; with time, the great age of Medieval Latin poetry. The the nave of York Minster, it represents the largest works included in this volume aim to give surviving set of early fourteenth-century windows imaginative expression to the main tenets of Alan’s in Britain. Research for this volume in the rich college theology, but the forms in which his vision is archives has provided a new date for them, and embodied are strikingly original and informed by a identified the glazier, whose business is considered rich awareness of poetic tradition. 688p (Harvard UP locally. 762p, 2 vols, b/w illus t/out, 40 col pls (Oxford 2013) 9780674059962 Hb £19.95 UP 2013) 9780197265444 Hb £165.00 74 Medieval Art & Architecture

The Marvellous and the Monstrous in the The Visual Culture of Baptism in the Middle Sculpture of Twelfth-Century Europe Ages: Essays on Mediaeval Fonts, Settings and By Kirk Ambrose Beliefs Using examples of Edited by Harriet M. Sonne de Torrens & Miguel Romanesque sculpture from A. Torrens across Europe, with a focus This collection of essays extends the traditional on France and northern boundaries associated with the study of baptismal Portugal, the author fonts. The ‘visual’ is privileged, whether it is in the suggests that medieval metaphysical, literary or empirical realms of representations of monsters scholarship, offering a rich understanding of the could service ideals, whether powerful role of baptism played in medieval society. intellectual, political, In the quest for a holistic understanding of the religious, and social, even as vessels, the settings and contexts, the rituals and they could simultaneously the spiritual significance of the font, itself, the articulate fears; he argues contributors have turned to a range of sources, that their material presence energises works of art folkloric tales, baptismal records, liturgical sermons, in paradoxical, even contradictory ways. In this way, civic records, literary accounts, hagiographies and Romanesque monsters resist containment within historical documents about local families, modern interpretive categories and offer testimony communities and ecclesiastical developments. 232p, to the density and nuance of the medieval b/w illus (Ashgate 2013) 9781409456759 Hb £55.00 imagination. 202p b/w illus (Boydell 2013) Oxfordshire’s Best Churches 9781843838319 Hb £50.00 By Richard Wheeler Herefordshire School of Romanesque Sculpture Oxfordshire is blessed with a By Malcolm Thurlby magnificent diversity of The Herefordshire School of Romanesque Sculpture parish churches, from produced a vibrant collection of work carved impressive medieval between circa 1134 and 1155 by a group of sculptors structures such as Iffley and who, it would seem, had received their initial Dorchester Abbey, to the training at Hereford Cathedral. This book explores more intimate church and their work, considering the careers of the two main almshouse complex at sculptors, the role of the patrons, the sources of Ewelme, and more modern inspiration, the coming together of the work of the examples such as the Gothic sculptor with that of the metalworker and the revival splendour of illuminator and painter, and the intended meaning Freeland. Richard Wheeler’s behind some of the imagery. The second edition is sumptuously illustrated guide presents detailed revised and updated, with the illustrations now in descriptions of fifty of the finest, elucidating their colour, and two new chapters, one setting out the history, architectural development, and fixtures and defining features of the Herefordshire School style, fittings. A further sixty-six churches are included and the other, by Bruce Coplestone-Crow providing with more concise entries. 270p, many col illus (Fircone background information on the period of the Books 2013) 9781907700002 Hb £25.00 anarchy in Herefordshire, which saw heavy fighting King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen, 1500-2000 and fortification. 320p, col illus (Logaston Press 2nd ed 2013) 9781906663728 Pb £17.50 By Jane Geddes This new edition is a revised and expanded version English Medieval Misericords: The Margins of of the book produced in 2000 to celebrate the Meaning quincentenary of King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen. By Paul Hardwick Since then, exciting discoveries have taken place and Focusing specifically on England - though with old ideas have been reappraised. The choir stalls and cognisance of broader European contexts - this woodwork have provided a fresh seam of volume offers an analysis of misericords in relation information about the meaning and use of the to other cultural artefacts of the period. Through a medieval chapel. Daniel MacCannell has identified series of themed ‘case studies’, the book places new iconography in the stalls. Jane Geddes, misericords firmly within the doctrinal and prompted by the installation of the new organ, has devotional milieu in which they were created and investigated the original function and appearance sited, arguing that even the apparently coarse images of the great pulpitum or screen between the choir to be found beneath choir stalls are intimately linked and nave and discovered the location of a magnificent to the devotional life of the medieval English lost organ loft. Mary Pryor and John Morrison have Church. The analysis is complemented by a gazetteer examined the great baroque biblical paintings and of the most notable instances. 189p, b/w illus (Boydell come up with a totally new interpretation of their 2013) 9781843836599 Hb £45.00, 9781843838272 Pb iconography and function: a political warning to £19.99 King Charles II. 390p b/w illus (Maney 2nd ed 2013) 9781907975981 Pb £28.50 ***NYP*** Medieval Archaeology 75

Newcastle and Northumberland: Roman and Religion in Medieval London: the archaeology Medieval Architecture and Art of belief edited by Jeremy Ashbee and Julian Luxford by Bruno Barber, Christopher Thomas and Bruce The long and vibrant history of north-eastern Watson England has left rich material deposits in the form Religious belief was central of buildings, works of art, books and other artefacts. to the lives - and deaths - of This heritage is examined here in fifteen studies, all medieval Londoners. ranging from the sculpture of the Roman occupation Archaeology sheds light on through the monuments and architecture of the many aspects of belief: from Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods, to the organised religion, both manuscripts and fortified houses of the later Middle Christianity and Judaism, Ages. The monasteries at Hexham, Lindisfarne and to superstition or Tynemouth, and the City of Newcastle itself, are all witchcraft; places of subjected to individual analysis, and there are papers worship from the smallest on Alnwick and Warkworth castles, the great keep parish churches to the great at Newcastle, the coffin of St Cuthbert and the Cathedral of St Paul; tiny Lindisfarne Gospels. 288p b/w illus (Maney 2013) objects of personal devotion to entire monastic 9781907975929 Hb £80.00, 9781907975936 Pb £36.00 landscapes. This fully illustrated book provides an Monuments and Monumentality: Across introduction to the evidence of belief from the Medieval and Early Modern Europe Museum of London's archaeological excavations in By Michael Penman the capital, with a particular focus on the programme This collection of 20 essays of work, supported by English Heritage, on the sites considers the meaning and of many of London's monasteries. 100p col illus t/out materials of tomb (MOLA 2013) 9781907586071 Pb £10.00 monuments not just within Chateau Gaillard 25: L’Origine du Chateau their contemporary context, Medieval but also their often dramatic Edited by Peter Ettel, A-M Flambard-Hericher & afterlife, which could include Conor O’Brien commemoration, decay, The proceedings of the 25th Chateau Gaillard destruction, clearance, conference focus on the perennial question of the renovation and heritage emergence of the medieval castle. Papers both present commercialisation. The new archaeological work, and reinterpret existing volume ranges from the evidence. The studies range geographically British Isles and Scandinavia to France, Portugal, throughout Europe, with a particular focus on the Italy and Poland, from the eleventh to the early low countries, reflecting the conference location, and seventeenth centuries. A number of papers with many looking at regions historically seen as investigate the ideologies in the design of tombs for more peripheral to the phenomenon, such as Ireland, the elites. Others ilustrate such rich themes as Scotland and Scandinavia. 336p, b/w illus (CRAHM liturgical practice and development, female agency, 2012) 9782841334179 Hb £50.00 clerical identity and the interplay of symbols and texts. 297p, col pls (Shuan Tyas 2013) 9781907730283 Hb £35.00

Urban Bodies: Communal Health in Late Medieval English Towns and Cities by Carole Rawcliffe This first full-length study of public health in pre-Reformation England challenges a number of entrenched assumptions about the insanitary nature of urban life during "the golden age of bacteria". Adopting an interdisciplinary approach that draws on material remains as well as archives, it examines the medical, cultural and religious contexts in which ideas about the welfare of the communal body developed. Far from demonstrating indifference, ignorance or mute acceptance in the face of repeated onslaughts of epidemic disease, the rulers and residents of English towns devised sophisticated and coherent strategies for the creation of a more salubrious environment; among the plethora of initiatives whose origins often predated the Black Death can also be found measures for the improvement of the water supply, for better food standards and for the care of the sick, both rich and poor. 431p b/w illus (Boydell 2013) 9781843838364 £60.00 ***Special Offer - £48.00 - While stocks last*** 76 Medieval Archaeology

New from Oxbow Books Bosworth 1485: A Battlefield Rediscovered by Glenn Foard and Anne Curry Bosworth stands alongside Naseby and Hastings as one of the three most iconic battles ever fought on English soil. However, until recently Bosworth was also the most famous lost battlefield in England. Between 2005 and 2010, the techniques of battlefield archaeology were used in a major research programme to locate the site. Bosworth 1485: a battlefield rediscovered is the result. Using data from historical documents, landscape archaeology, metal detecting survey, ballistics and scientific analysis, the volume explores each aspect of the investigation – from the size of the armies, their weaponry, and the battlefield terrain to exciting new evidence of the early use of artillery – in order to identify where and how the fighting took place. 264p col illus t/out (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781782971733 Hb £45.00

The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation By Warwick Rodwell Constructed in 1297-1300 for King Edward I, the Coronation Chair ranks amongst the most remarkable and precious treasures to have survived from the Middle Ages. It incorporated in its seat a block of sandstone, which the king seized at Scone, following his victory over the Scots in 1296. Yet, despite its profound historical significance, until now it has never been the subject of detailed archaeological recording. Moreover, the remaining fragile decoration was in need of urgent conservation, which was carried out in 2010-12, accompanied by the first holistic study of the Chair and Stone. This volume assembles, for the first time, the complementary evidence derived from history, archaeology and conservation, and presents a factual account of the Coronation Chair and the Stone of Scone, not as separate artefacts, but as the entity that they have been for seven centuries. 320p (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781782971528 Hb £28.00

The Medieval Kirk, Cemetery and Hospice at Kirk Ness, North Berwick: the Scottish Seabird centre Excavations 1999–2006 by Thomas Addyman, Kenneth Macfadyen, Tanja Romankiewicz and Alasdair Ross Kirk Ness is well known as the site of the medieval church of the parish and later royal burgh of North Berwick. Between 1999-2006 Addyman Archaeology carried out extensive archaeological excavations there during the building of the Scottish Seabird Centre. This book presents the results but its scope is much broader. Against the background of important new discoveries made at the site it brings together and re-examines all the evidence for early North Berwick – archaeological, historical, documentary, pictorial and cartographic – and includes much previously unpublished material, opening a fascinating window on the history of the ancient burgh. 256p b/w and col illus (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781842176634 Hb £30.00

Traditional Buildings of the Oxford Region by John Steane and James Ayres The pivotal position of the Oxford region in the geological and therefore building history of England is of fundamental importance to the study of traditional construction. This book, the fruit of twenty years research provides an account of vernacular architecture in the Oxford region from Anglo-Saxon times to the 19th century. It begins with a discussion of methods and procedures followed by a description of building materials, stone, brick, slate and thatch. This serves as an introduction to the heart of the book, eleven chapters dealing with surveys of cruck buildings, manorial and moated sites, town houses with particular emphasis on Abingdon, and houses in the countryside from farmhouses to cottages. The book is richly and profusely illustrated with over 500 illustrations, photographs, maps, and a particular strength, a large number of drawings of architectural details and sketch perspectives. over 500 col & b/w illus (Oxbow Books 2012) 9781842174791 Hb £45.00 Medieval Archaeology 77

A Cycle of Recession and Recovery AD 1200- Forthcoming from Oxbow Books 1900: Archaeological Investigations at Much Park Street, Coventry 2007 to 2010 Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of Medieval By Kevin Colls & William Mitchell Upper Spaces This report provides the integrated results of by Toby Huitson extensive archaeological investigations undertaken Medieval stairs, galleries and at the site of a former car park located between Much upper chambers in Park and St. John’s Street, Coventry between 2007 cathedrals, abbeys, and and 2010. The results have demonstrated that the parish churches have been site represents one of the most important an enduring source of investigations into medieval Coventry, and is of fascination to historians and national significance. The features, deposits and archaeologists since the structures can be divided into seven main phases eighteenth century, but their beginning in the 12th century, through to the practical purposes have long present day. 337p, col and b/w illus, CD (BAR BS 582, been shrouded in mystery Archaeopress 2013) 9781407311227 Pb £55.00 and speculation. From Friars, Quakers, Industry and Urbanisation: libraries to lights, clocks to dovecotes, from secret The Archaeology of the Broadmead Expansion games of skittles played over the vaults to the daring Project, Cabot Circus, , 2005-2008 exploits of the twelfth-century Flying Monk, Toby Huitson explores the lofty spaces, nooks and Edited by Victoria Ridgeway & Martin Watts crannies of medieval upper spaces though the The development of Cabot interrogation of a wide range of documentary, visual Circus shopping centre and archaeological materials. Evidence is revealed presented a rare for over 30 different functions during the period from opportunity for the around AD 1000 to 1550. Generously illustrated and archaeological investigation fully-referenced, the text is accompanied by a set of of a large part of the special features and a quick-reference section, making Broadmead suburb of it indispensable to all those interested in medieval Bristol. The former presence history and architecture. 208p b/w and col illus of a Dominican Friary and (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781842176658 Hb £35.00 later Friends’ Meeting House were already well ***Only £26.00 until publication*** known, and surviving buildings from both remain A Maritime Archaeology of Ships: Innovation within a large open piazza in the west of the new and Social Change in Late Medieval and Early development. Further elements of the friary complex, Modern Europe including remains of the church and two cloisters, were revealed in various archaeological interventions by Jonathan Adams within the area of the former precinct, enabling a In this book Jon Adams evaluates key episodes of reconstruction of the precinct and its environs to be technical change in the made. 450p b/w and col illus (Cotswold Archaeology ways that ships were 2013) 9780956305480 Hb £34.95 conceived, designed, built, used and disposed of. Medieval Clothing and Textiles 8 Shipbuilding is social By Robin Netherton & Gale R. Owen-Crocker practice and as one of the This volume continues the most complex artefacts series’ tradition of bringing made, changes in their together work on clothing technology provide a lens and textiles from across through which to view the Europe. It has a strong focus ideologies, strategies and on gold: subjects include agency of social change. sixth-century German burials Adams argues that the containing sumptuous harnessing of shipbuilding was one of the ways in jewellery and bands brocaded which medieval society became modern and, while with gold; the textual the primary case studies are historical, he also evidence for recycling such demonstrates that the relationships between ships gold borders and bands in and society have key implications for our the later Anglo-Saxon period; understanding of prehistory in which seafaring and and a semantic classification of words relating to communication had similarly profound effects on gold in multi-lingual medieval Britain. 160p, b/w illus the tide of human affairs. 160p b/w and col illus (Oxbow (Boydell 2012) 9781843837367 Hb £35.00 Books 2013) 9781842172971 Pb £29.95 ***Only £22.50 until publication*** 78 Medieval Archaeology

Trinkets and Charms: The Use, Meaning and Designs Upon the Land: Elite Landscapes of the Significance of Dress Accessories, AD 1300– Middle Ages 1700 By Oliver Creighton By Eleanor Rose Standley That the siting and manipulation of landscape This publication presents a around castles could have a social as well as military study of a wide range of role has long been recognised, but Creighton goes evidence to reveal the use beyond this to show how other medieval landscapes and meaning of dress could be designed to impress, with outbuildings, for accessories in daily life in example, hidden away, and features such as moats, two regions of Britain, c. AD ornamental lakes and gardens introduced for 1300-1700. Dress accessory symbolic and aesthetic as well as functional reasons. evidence from a variety of The book also examines how elements such as sites is brought together to gardens were used, how they relate to windows for reveal how the small example, and how landscapes could be gendered. personal possessions were 256p, b/w illus col pls (Boydell 2009, Pb 2013) highly significant objects and held important 9781843838258 Pb £17.99 meanings for their owners. The archaeological finds Archaeological Campaigns below the Florence that form the basis of the study vary from large, Duomo and Baptistery, 1895-1980 elaborate gold rings to small, simple copper alloy by Franklin Toker lace ends, and have been collated from excavated This second publication from the Florence Duomo archives and the Portable Antiquities Scheme. The Project presents the results of one of the major material is drawn from the eastern Anglo-Scottish archaeological campaigns of our times. In terms of and southern Anglo-Welsh border regions. 140p col structures, the excavation uncovered a Roman and b/w illus (Oxford University School of Archaeology house, an Early Christian basilica, a Carolingian 2013) 9781905905300 Hb £35.00 crypt, and further rebuildings from the eleventh Crop Protection in Medieval Agriculture: century and later. For artefacts, the findings Studies in pre-modern organic agriculture constitute a virtual encyclopedia of ancient and By Jan C. Zadoks medieval art in mosaics, frescoes, the grave of Through a detailed analysis of the works of three Florence's earliest documented saint, the first medieval agronomists, this volume explores the elaborate tomb of the Medici, and outstanding various strategies which were employed in pre examples of Roman and medieval glass, metalwork, modern Europe to provide protection for crops. and ceramics. 506p b/w illus (Harvey Miller 2013) Prevention was by risk management, intensive 9781905375523 Hb £149.00 tillage, and careful storage. Intervention was Medieval Pottery from York mechanical and chemical. The readership of these by Ailsa Mainman and Anne Jenner writers was the privileged class of landowners but This volume provides a detailed account of the hints pointing to the exchange of ideas between development of medieval pottery in York over a 400- them and the common peasant are identified. 330p, year period (c.1050–1450/1500). It draws upon 13 col, 26 b/w illus (Sidestone Press 2013) 9789088901874 evidence from a number of excavations in the city, Pb £45.00 ***only £40.00 until publication*** notably the medieval tenements from 16–22 Champion: The Making and Unmaking of the Coppergate and from the College of the Vicars Choral English Midland Landscape at the Bedern. 159p b/w and col illus (AY 16/9, York By Tom Williamson, Robert Liddiard & Tracey Archaeological Trust 2013) 9781874454618 Pb £12.00 Partida La Grava: The Archaeology and History of a Most landscape historians believe that villages were Royal Manor and Alien Priory of Fontevrault created in the middle or later Saxon periods through by Evelyn Baker the ‘nucleation’ of a formerly dispersed pattern of The site of La Grava (or Grove Priory) in settlement, that many villages were initially laid out , excavated between 1973 and 1985, was as planned, regular settlements and that open fields one of the most extensive monastic/manorial projects probably came into existence at the same time. This of the 20th century in the UK. Excavated originally study, based on extensive re-examination and as a medieval religious house, identified as an alien mapping of the data avilable for the county of priory of the Order of Fontevrault in Anjou, the site Northamptonshire (published in full in An Atlas of was to reveal settlement from the Romano-British Northamptonshire, Oxbow 2013) suggests that period to the 16th century. The excavations were ‘nucleation’ is a myth, ‘village planning’ an illusion notable for several reasons, including their extent, and open fields were created, at least in their classic, the stratification in the remains, and the continuity ‘regular’ forms, only in the 11th or 12th centuries. of settlement from the late Saxon period onwards. 252p, 64 col pls (Liverpool UP 2013) 9780859898683 Hb Post-excavation analysis and reconstruction of £70.00 building plans has led the author to suggest detailed sequences of spatial planning across the site. 399p b/ w and col illus (CBA 2013) 9781902771878 Hb £50.00 Post Medieval 79

‘The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire’ The New from Oxbow Books Church of St Botolph, Boston and its Medieval Monuments Before the Mast: Life and Death Aboard the edited by Sally Badham and Paul Cockerham Mary Rose The papers in this volume give a thorough Edited by Julie Gardiner overview of the Boston in the later Middle Ages, The Mary Rose carried a and explore in detail the architectural history of crew of naval officers and St Botolph’s, the religious guilds which played sailors, a fighting force of such an important part of the lives of the gunners and soldiers, a townsfolk and, above all, the monuments. To this Barber-surgeon, several ship’s carpenters and skilled has been added a detailed illustrated catalogue of navigators. Excavation of the medieval monuments. 266p col illus (BAR BS the hull and contents 554, Archaeopress 2012) 9781407309330 Pb £44.00 produced a huge collection Lead Shot of the English Civil War: A Radical of objects that together Study make up a detailed picture By D.F. Harding of what life was like on board. Before the Mast In a Northamptonshire deer park during the English explores how the men of the Mary Rose lived, Civil War a body of light through their surviving possessions; how they were cavalry carried out fed; their music and recreation, medicine and advanced target practice to provision for illness and injury, as well as working prepare for battle. They left practices: carpentry and maintenance, stowage, behind more than 1,800 lead navigation and ship’s communications. The personal shot which transform our possessions of the crew included religious items, view of 1640s smallarms fire books, fishing lines and weights, sewing kits, money, and training. The troopers hair combs, jewellery, knives, musical instruments were using not just a single and many items of clothing. The volume also round ball or some buck- includes an analysis of the human remains providing shot as hitherto assumed, evidence for the stature and age range of the men - they also loaded buck-shot most were under 30 - their health, and injuries on top of a ball or loaded sustained. Before the Mast is now available again in two and even three full-sized balls together, to a two volume edition published by Oxbow Books. increase the chances of a hit. Even more remarkably 760p (Oxbow Books 2013) 9781842175040 Hb £60.00 they used several forms of elongated shot to penetrate the enemy’s armour or deliver a knockdown blow to him or his horse — 200 years earlier than we East Dorset Country Houses thought elongated shot came into use. 222p, b/w illus By Michael Hill (Foresight Books 2012) 9780953085361 Pb £23.00 A superbly illustrated account of country houses in Textile Mills of South West England : Historic the eastern half of the county of Dorset. Ranging, Buildings and Landscapes of the South West historically from the Textile Industries medieval palace buildings at By Mike Williams Corfe Castle, erected for This book provides a wide-reaching analysis of King John, to minor historical context, an masterpieces of the modern account of the origins and movement, such as development of the textile Landfall, Poole by Oliver industry, an interpre- Hill, over 30 major buildings tation of the distinctive are described in detail. 80 features of the buildings, others, together with a clarification of the almost 80 others contained historical importance of in a detailedfind a place in an illustrated gazetteer. South West textile mills The account includes important work by William and clear statements on the Arnold, a major architect of the Jacobean period, benefits of their and the 18th-century houses designed in the 18th conservation. The core of centuryproduced by the so-called ‘Blandford School’. the book deals with the Large late Victorian mansions are represented industries in detail, each chapter providing historical toocovered, especially the palatial Bryanston House, context followed by an account of the distinctive designed by the great Norman Shaw. 440p, 37 colour, features of the buildings based on descriptions of 160 b/w illustrations (Spire Books 2013) 9781904965466 representative examples. 320p b/w illus (English Hb £49.95 ***NYP*** Heritage 2013) 9781848020832 Hb £50.00 80 Post Medieval

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