


1. Why you deserve Epic Orgasms

2. What is ?

3. Will I always know if I've had an orgasm?

4. Can every woman orgasm?

5. 12 reasons why women struggle to reach orgasm

6. What should I do if I've never had an orgasm?

7. How can I orgasm more easily and often?

8. How can I have more orgasms with my partner?

9. 4 Tantric secrets to epic, whole-body + multiple orgasms

10. The 7 kinds of orgasm possible for women

11. Your next step to Epic Orgasms

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 1

Why you deserve Epic Orgasms

Hey gorgeous,

I’m so thrilled you’re here.

I believe that all women deserve to feel confident, empowered and deeply pleasured around sex.

That means you too.

And yet, there’s so much about it that we’re not taught.

Knowledge is power beauty - so I’m here to give you some vital info on sex and orgasms. It’s stuff that I believe we all should have been taught, but probably weren’t.

If we were to believe porn and popular culture, women should orgasm frequently, loudly, easily - and with almost no ‘warm up’ at all.

But this just isn’t the case.

At least, not for most of us.

Let’s look at some of the numbers on orgasm.

 Currently, men are twice as likely to orgasm as women during heterosexual sexual encounters.  30% of women struggle to reach orgasm on a regular basis.  10% of sexually active women have never had an orgasm at all. That’s 1 in 10 of us.

I think it’s time that changed.

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Sex can be great without having an orgasm and we certainly don’t need to have an orgasm every time we have sex.

But I know that it can be frustrating when we want to have an orgasm and can’t.

And truthfully - we all deserve more pleasure in our lives.

I want you to have epic orgasms, loving sex and a rocking relationship.

You deserve Epic Orgasms.

I’m here to help that happen.

I’ve written this guide is for:

 Women who’ve never had an orgasm  Women who’ve had orgasms - just not with a partner  Women who can orgasm - but they’re few and far between  Women who have orgasms regularly - but want to know more about them and how to make them better

My hope is that it doesn’t just help you have better orgasms. My hope is that after reading this you:

 Feel sexually empowered  Become wildly confident in bed  Are open to greater pleasure - in your bedroom + in life  Enjoy greater intimacy + connection in your relationship as a result

Sit down my love, make a cuppa or pour yourself a glass of vino and make yourself comfortable. You’re in for a treat.

With love,


© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 3

2. What is an orgasm?

What is an orgasm? How would you define an orgasm?

It’s hard to describe, isn’t it?

Believe it or not, even sex experts have some difficulty defining what exactly an orgasm is.

Orgasms are complex and involve numerous bodily reactions.

There actually isn’t one defining feature that makes an orgasm, but a variety of bodily responses.

Scientifically, an orgasm can be defined as:

A peak feeling of sexual pleasure, usually accompanied by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, a feeling of ‘release’ and heightened well-being. Orgasms are usually also accompanied by a significant increase of heart rate, blood pressure, pupil diameter and pain threshold. Immediately following orgasm, women experience a large dose of the hormone oxytocin injected into the blood stream.

Orgasms have also been described as ‘altered states of consciousness’, with a positive effect on our mind and emotional state.

They also occur quickly.

Most orgasms last on average 3-15 seconds. But as we’ll discover later, once we begin practicing Tantra, we can have orgasms that last for up to 15 minutes (some people even say an hour)!

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Y 3. Will I always know if I’ve had an orgasm?

You’ll know when you’ve had one.


Well, not necessarily.

This is a big misconception, particularly for women who’ve never had an orgasm. Orgasms are not all like Meg Ryan in ‘When Harry met Sally’ moments.

Every orgasm we have will feel different. They can vary greatly in their intensity and feeling so if we haven’t had an orgasm before, we might be expecting something completely different when it happens.

Sometimes, they are huge, toe-curling experiences, causing your whole body to writhe in ecstasy, and sometimes, they’re small, silent releases - like a tingly sensation around the genitals or like a sneeze in your .

And, as I’ll share later on, there are actually over 7 different types of orgasms women can have - each one with a slightly different feeling or quality to it.

It’s no wonder it can leave us feeling a little confused.

So how do we know when we’ve had an orgasm?

This is a difficult question to answer.

I have an educational video that I sometimes use in coaching showing different women’s orgasms.

Some women are really surprised when they watch it by the diversity of women’s orgasm. And many women that I’ve showed the video to have concluded that they have indeed had an orgasm after watching it - it just wasn’t the toe-curling, neighbour waking event they were expecting.

If you feel that there’s been a build up of - and then a pleasant release of that arousal, you’ve probably had an orgasm.

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If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.

Sex is a skill we learn - and our orgasms can get better with practice and the right information.

I’ll be sharing tips to help you have more frequent and reliable orgasms and for making your orgasms more powerful, intense and enjoyable.

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4. Can every woman orgasm?

If you’re one of the 10% of women who have never had an orgasm (or the partner of one) - you might be wondering: Is it even possible for all women to have an orgasm?

Good question.

Research suggests that there is a very small percentage of women who are unable to reach orgasm, mostly due to physical conditions or the effects of certain medication.

Anti-depressants (particularly those known as SSRIs) are one of the most common medications that impact our ability to reach orgasm.

The good news however, is that most women can learn to orgasm when they have the right information and support.

Think of it as a skill you just haven’t been taught yet - and that you’re going to get to have a lot of fun practicing!

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5. 12 reasons why women struggle to reach orgasm

Do you ever feel like you’re close, but can’t quite get there? Or sometimes you can, but they’re few and far between?

Let’s look at those numbers again.

30% of women struggle to reach orgasm on a regular basis. 10% of sexually active women have never had an orgasm at all.

I share this with you because when we’re having difficulty with orgasm, we can feel like we’re the only ones in the world. Or like there’s something wrong with us.

Orgasm for women is more complicated than we’re led to believe. Our sexuality as a whole is complex and even science doesn’t understand it completely yet. There is also so much we’re not taught about sex and the way our bodies function.

It’s really important to keep in mind that if you are having difficulty with orgasm right now, it’s not your fault - and it’s not your partner’s fault either. You can both let go of any guilt, shame or blame you might be feeling.

Sometimes what is getting in the way of an orgasm is a relatively small fix. Or sometimes there are a number of factors at .

Understanding what might be getting in the way is the first step to making change, so read through this list with curiosity and see which might apply to you.

And in the next section, I’ll share the practical steps you can take to overcome these difficulties and reach orgasm more easily and frequently.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 8

Here are the 12 most common reasons women struggle with orgasm:

1. Not spending enough time in

This is the most common reason women struggle or fail to reach orgasm.

Women need at least 15-20 minutes of foreplay in order for our bodies to fully prepare for sex. Without this, we experience less pleasure, are less likely to orgasm and are more likely to experience pain.

I know that when we’re busy, or not feeling in the mood, we can skimp on pre- penetration pleasure which, you may not know, is actually vital to our sexual function and enjoyment. You deserve to enjoy yourself my love, so make sure you’re getting enough foreplay - it will dramatically increase your chance of reaching orgasm.

2. Overthinking during sex

Women tell me every day that they struggle to ‘switch off’ and stop thinking during sex.

I know what happens ladies - you can end up thinking about what you have to do tomorrow, the clothes that need folding - or even shopping. We spend so much time in our heads each day, we have so much to do and so much to juggle that it’s hard to turn the thinking off.

You might also be worried about what your partner is thinking or how you look.

All this overthinking is a kind of anxiety. The way we fix it is to get out of our heads and into our body. Only when we reconnect to our bodies can we fully enjoy sex and experience epic orgasms.

3. Not prioritising pleasure

We live in a culture that isn’t pleasure-positive. We put ‘getting things done’ above feeling pleasure.

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Particularly as women, we get taught to take care of everyone else before ourselves - and put our pleasure last. I often hear women question ‘should I really be feeling this much pleasure?’ ‘Am I selfish if I’m feeling this much pleasure?’

But your pleasure is important. Pleasure helps you cope better with stress. It fills your cup so we have more to give to those around us. Pleasure is your birthright.

4. Unhelpful beliefs about sex

We receive messages about sex from our family, culture and religion. Often these are not very positive. Our culture has a lot of fear, guilt and shame around sex.

Even though we might not consciously believe the messages that have been taught to us about sex, they can stay in our unconscious, limiting our pleasure.

I call these belief systems BS.

We might hold onto unconscious BS like:  Sex should be about my partner’s pleasure  Women don’t really enjoy sex  If I enjoy myself too much, my partner might think less of me  Men are only interested in me for sex

When we really look at our unconscious beliefs, we find that they’re not really true. But only by discovering our beliefs, can we acknowledge them for the falsehoods they are and let them go.

5. Lack of sex and pleasure education

Sex is a skill that we learn. But most of us weren’t given great .

What do you remember being taught about sex growing up?

My sex education growing up focused on the biology of making babies - and how not to get pregnant.

I wasn’t taught about . I wasn’t taught about intimacy. I wasn’t taught about pleasure and all the incredible ways my body is capable of feeling it.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 10

I don’t remember being taught about orgasm - I certainly wasn’t taught that there are 7 different types!

This lack of education impacts us all.

6. Feeling tired, stressed or anxious

Being tired, stressed and anxious has a direct impact on our body and sexual function. Our body isn’t designed to be in a stress response and sexual response simultaneously. Even low levels of stress can impact our ability to become aroused and reach orgasm.

7. Not enough clitoral stimulation

Many women need direct clitoral stimulation in order to reach orgasm. This is often missing during partnered penetration sex, making orgasm difficult.

8. Not being able to tell a partner what we like

Telling a partner what we enjoy can be nerve-wracking. We might worry that we’ll hurt their feelings, feel unsure of what to say - or we might even feel like we don’t know how to tell them what we like. Not voicing our sexual needs to a partner can inhibit our pleasure and ability to reach orgasm.

9. Performance anxiety and trying really hard to have an orgasm

Ironically, the more we ‘try’ to reach orgasm, the more difficult it can become because we get stuck in our heads and feel anxious about not being able to have one. It can be helpful to let go of the goal and focus on pleasure and connection instead.

10. Relationship challenges

Relationship satisfaction is directly linked to sexual satisfaction. If we’re feeling disconnected from our partner or are experiencing resentment, tension or anger in our relationship it can make orgasm difficult.

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11. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during , while feeding and as we go through menopause can impact our sexual function and make orgasm more difficult.

12. Genetics

Research has shown that our genes can impact our ability to reach orgasm. But if you’re worried that you might not reach orgasm because your Mum doesn’t, hold up. This doesn’t mean that if our mother couldn’t reach orgasm we won’t be able to either. It may just mean we have to put a little more effort into learning how to orgasm.

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6. What should I do if I’ve never had an orgasm?

Over the past 10 years, I’ve worked with dozens of women who’ve never had an orgasm. They’ve ranged in age from 18-65. They’ve been a mix of married, single, professionals, mothers, educated, smart. But they’ve all struggled with orgasm.

Before we go on with this chapter, there are 3 very important things I need you to know if you’ve never had an orgasm:

1. There is nothing wrong with you 2. You don’t need to feel embarrassed or beat yourself up 3. Orgasm is possible for you too

As I’ve said before, learning to orgasm is a skill that we learn. So let’s talk about how it can happen for you too.

I’m so proud to say that I can count on one hand the number of women who haven’t had an orgasm through our work together. Hearing that a woman has had her first orgasm is one of the most rewarding parts of my work.

In fact, I often joke that the only thing better than me having an orgasm is hearing that a client has had an orgasm for the first time because of their work with me!

If you struggle to orgasm, I HIGHLY recommend you join my online course for women - Epic Orgasms. I’ll guide you through practical exercises to help you orgasm more easily and more often. I also include a bonus module for women who’ve never had an orgasm.

Research shows that there are 2 things that make the biggest difference to women learning to have an orgasm for the first time: - Getting support and advice from a professional, and - Learning practical skills.

I include both of these in the Epic Orgasms Online Course. I’d also suggest you follow the recommendations that I make in the next chapters - for women to orgasm more easily and frequently and the Tantra secrets for epic orgasms. The key for you is going to be practice.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 13

7. How can I orgasm more easily and often?

It’s time to turn our attention to practical steps that will increase your chance of reaching orgasm and have them more easily and more often.

1. Connect to your body

Getting caught in our heads is a common reason we can’t reach orgasm during sex. Overthinking is a stress response in the body and it inhibits our ability to reach orgasm.

When we can get out of our heads and into our body, we feel more desire and pleasure. We’re much more likely to reach orgasm.

When we learn to really tune into our body, we can also listen to what we really want and enjoy. We awaken our body’s erotic intelligence and our body becomes our guide to greater pleasure.

2. Give yourself permission to feel pleasure

Feeling pleasure sounds like the most natural thing in the world - surely, we all want that?! But it’s amazing how often we hold ourselves back and sometimes we aren’t even aware we are doing it.

When we’re not allowing pleasure in to our life, we can’t have it in the bedroom either.

We have to give ourselves permission to feel pleasure - pleasure both in and out of the bedroom. We have to be willing to focus on our own pleasure instead of attending to someone else’s.

What brings you pleasure? Can you give yourself permission to feel it?

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3. Choose empowering sexual beliefs

Our culture gives us a lot of negative messages around sex. My experience is, honestly, that most of us have underlying beliefs about sex that can hold us back.

I had a lot of them to work through in my own journey to becoming sexually empowered.

Once we look at the beliefs that might be holding us back, we can then choose more empowering sexual beliefs.

For example, were you taught that women don’t or shouldn’t really enjoy themselves sexually?

Were you taught that sex should be about a man’s pleasure?

Were you given messages that sex is somehow wrong or shameful?

All of these can be let go of and transformed into empowering beliefs. Beliefs like:  Women are capable of high sexual pleasure too  I deserve to enjoy myself just as much as my partner  It’s totally natural to feel sexual enjoyment and I deserve to have more of it.

4. Get good sex education

Sex is a skill.

Let me talk about what that means for a minute. We often have this belief that we should just be great at sex, we should ‘just know what to do’, or that everything should work perfectly - because sex is natural right?

Well - yes and no. Sex is natural, but it’s also a SKILL. It’s something that we learn based on our cultural norms, education and sexual experiences.

I like to compare it to running. Most of us can run, but if we want to be really good at it (and it we want to avoid injuries!) we get a coach, or someone to educate us about it. And then we practice! Sex is the same.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 15

For most of us, our sex education was woefully inadequate!

This is something I’m incredibly passionate about.

When we understand our body, our sexual function and the different ways we can feel pleasure, it makes a huge difference to our sexual empowerment and ability to reach orgasm.

For example, most of us weren’t taught that foreplay is vital to a woman’s enjoyment of sex - and we need at least 15-20 minutes of it to really increase our chance of reaching orgasm.

In my Epic Orgasms course I have a whole module on the fun, sexy sex education that we all should have got, but probably didn’t, including:

 How to find your secret pleasure spots  How to have 7 different kinds of orgasm  How to ignite desire when you’re not really feeling it, and  How to take orgasms to the next level.

5. Get to know yourself

Getting to know our own body and what we enjoy is a vital step in becoming more orgasmic.

Once we’re connected to our body, understand how it functions sexually and aren’t constrained by limiting beliefs, it’s much easier to ‘let go’ and do this.

Each woman is unique - and what you enjoy will change day to day. Learning to listen to your own body and find exactly what you love moment to moment is your best pathway to greater pleasure and epic orgasms.

Sex doesn’t just begin for women in the bedroom. We need to connect to our sexual energy and ignite our sexual desire before we get there.

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8. How can I have more orgasms with my partner?

Are you one of the many women who seem to be able to have orgasms just fine when you’re alone, but then struggle to reach orgasm with a partner?

Let me start by saying: There is nothing wrong with you or your partner if this is the case.

There are good reasons for this:

 It’s a major myth that women ‘should’ be able to easily orgasm from penetration sex. Many women require clitoral stimulation in order to reach climax, which we don’t necessarily get (or get well) during partner sex.

 We may also not be receiving the kind of ‘warm up’ that is required to fully enjoy (and reach orgasm) from penetration.

 We can also feel more anxious or worried about our ‘performance’ if we’re with a partner.

 When we’re on our own, it’s also easier to give ourselves exactly the kind of pleasure we want. Communicating that to a partner can be difficult.

What to do about it?

First, work on having an orgasm by yourself.

The best way to learn to orgasm is by yourself – get in touch with what it is you like.

Work out the kind of stimulation that feels really good to you.

What guarantees to take you ‘over the edge’ into orgasm? Then think about how you can replicate that in partnered sex. For example, if you realise that you need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm on your own, include that in partnered sex.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 17

Learn to communicate that to your partner

Once you know exactly the kind of stimulation that helps you ‘over the edge’, practice telling - or showing a partner. Learning to have open conversations about sex and being able to clearly ask for what we want in bed makes a big difference to our orgasmic potential.

Communication around what we enjoy, want and don’t want sexually is really important, but many of us struggle to put it into words or feel afraid to give our lover feedback. The clearer you can be in letting your partner know what you want, the more chance they have of being able to do it and give you pleasure.

I’m going to be including a whole bonus module on getting what we want in bed in my online course, Epic Orgasms.

I’ll be sharing exact scripts and techniques that you can use to ask a partner for exactly what you want and give them feedback on how they’re going (in a respectful, loving, sharing way - and in a way that won’t crush their ego).

Explore and have fun.

Honestly, sometimes this is the only way. You might need to give your partner feedback as you go. By putting your focus on exploration, pleasure and intimacy - rather than the goal of orgasm, you’re sure to have more fun doing it.

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9. 4 Tantric secrets to epic, whole-body + multiple orgasms

The usual length of orgasm is 3-15 seconds.

But personally - I like them to last longer than that!

Through the practice of Tantra, we can have orgasms that last for up to 15 minutes.

We can also learn to have multiple orgasms and whole-body orgasms that move through the entire body in delicious, nourishing waves.

The tools that Tantra teaches us for taking orgasm to the next epic level can also help on our journey to becoming more orgasmic and having orgasms more easily and frequently.

I have to be honest and say that sex was never really bad for me.

I’m lucky that I orgasm relatively easily - and I think my penchant for older men meant I chose lovers who had a pretty good idea of what they were doing.

That being said, I always felt like there might be more to explore! My orgasms were good, but I wanted to know if they could be great.

Put it this way - I hadn’t had any of Meg Ryan’s ‘When Harry Met Sally’ moments of off-the-chart pleasure.

So when I first ‘discovered’ Tantra, it was like finding the key to Pandora’s Box.

There really was more and ‘great’ orgasms really did exist!

Through Tantra, I learnt about whole body orgasms, orgasms that last for 15 minutes and energetic orgasms.

Always the diligent student, I threw myself into exploring this new world.

Although I don’t always have - or want - whole body orgasms, or sex for hours on end, Tantra provides some pretty impressive tools for increasing intensity and enhancing the enjoyment of sex.

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 19

So, without further ado - here are 4 ways to intensify your orgasm tonight:

1. Increase the time you spend in foreplay

The most common reason women fail or struggle to reach orgasm is that we don’t spend enough time in foreplay.

Women’s bodies go through complex changes in order to prepare for sex and these changes take time. Women require at least 15 minutes of foreplay for their bodies to be fully ready for penetration sex.

Before we have sex, the complex networks of erectile tissue in our vulvas need to fill with blood and become engorged. As this happens our sensitivity, and therefore our ability to feel pleasure, increases.

Spending adequate time in foreplay will not only increase the likelihood of you having an orgasm, it will increase the intensity of that orgasm. This is true for both men and women.

2. Breathe Deeply

The depth of our breath is directly related to our ability to feel. When the breath is shallow, and the body is tense and tight, we don’t feel as much as when we are relaxed and breathing deeply.

Deep breathing also calms our minds and slows our thoughts. Many women find it difficult to ‘switch off’ and be in the moment during sex. They often find themselves listing all the things they still have to do in their heads. Sound familiar?

Try engaging in deep breathing as you begin sex. This should help to bring you into your body and into the moment - so you can focus on pleasure and enjoyment.

In addition, as we approach orgasm, the breath often becomes shallow and we can even hold our breath completely. Instead, try to focus on taking deep breaths helping to relax the body and in turn, increasing the intensity of your orgasm.

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3. Engage your pelvic floor

I’m sure you’ve heard of the benefits of a strong pelvic floor? Tantra has been teaching secrets for using the pelvic floor muscles to help our for thousands of years.

Engaging our pelvic floor muscles can help ignite sexual desire and help you reach orgasm more easily. Don’t worry, your pelvic floor doesn’t need to be able to lift weights to do this and you don’t need any special toys.

Specific exercises of the pelvic floor can help tip you over the edge to orgasm - and make your orgasms more powerful and enjoyable.

4. Try Edging

If you haven’t heard of edging yet, it’s the ancient secret of Tantric Sex, that’s taking the internet by storm.

Essentially, in edging, you move towards orgasm, but as you get close, rather than going over the edge, you back off, before building up again and repeating the cycle.

This is the key to Tantric sex. This is how we have orgasms that can last up to 15 minutes.

By prolonging our pleasure, we also increase the intensity when we do orgasm.

Tantra practice teaches robust, in-depth techniques for this, however, you can start by backing off and taking some deep breaths as you come close to orgasm.

Try approaching orgasm 3-4 times before allowing yourself to go fully over the edge.

As you back off and build up, sexual energy builds, leading to a more intense, powerful orgasm when it does happen.

I’ll be sharing exactly how you can do this in my online course, Epic Orgasms.

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10. The 7 kinds of orgasm possible for a woman

The 7 different types of orgasm possible for women is one of my favourite things to share.

When we understand that there are different ways that our body can experience pleasure, we completely expand our pleasure potential.

I like to think of the different kinds of orgasm as ‘flavours of pleasure’.

Freud did women (and men) a huge disservice when he stated over 100 years ago that clitoral orgasms were ‘immature’ orgasms (and were a sign of mental illness!) This isn’t the case at all!

No one orgasm is better than the others. They’re ALL great.

I find that the kind of orgasm I want is different on different days. It just depends on my mood.

Science isn’t entirely sure of why we can experience all these different kinds of orgasm, but they are scientifically proven. Some of these orgasms are possible because of the different nerves that reach the pelvis and neural responses in the brain.

Clitoral Orgasms

This is the most common type of orgasm women have. This type of orgasm is usually described as a localised tingly feeling in the genitals.

G-Spot Orgasms

The G-spot orgasms can give a ‘bubbly’ sensation that tends to be a bit ‘fuller’ than a clitoral orgasm. G-spot orgasms are also how women can learn to ejaculate or squirt.

Cervical Orgasms

Cervical orgasms are often described as a fuller deeper kind of orgasm that goes through the entire torso and lasts longer than a clitoral or G-spot orgasm.

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Nipple Orgasms

Some women (and men) can have orgasms through stimulation alone! This is because breast and lights up the same area in the brain as genital stimulation. In Tantra the breast are also connected to feminine sexual energy flow.

Anus Orgasms

Yes, it’s possible to have orgasms through anal stimulation too. The anus has a high number of nerve endings making it a very enjoyable part of the body for many people.

Whole Body Orgasms

Through Tantra practices, it’s possible to have orgasms that go in waves through the entire body. These orgasms can last for 15 minutes at a time, with continuing waves of pleasure. This type of pleasure makes Tantra practices totally worth learning.

Energetic Orgasms

In Tantra, we can actually learn to have orgasms without being touched at all. While this might sound impossible or even a little strange, my experience has been that energetic orgasms are an incredible form of orgasm - and well worth the practice required to be able to have them.

Think of these as ‘flavours of pleasure’ to explore. In my new online course for women, Epic Orgasms, I share in depth about each possible orgasm including how you can have each one.

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11. Your next step to Epic Orgasms

Hey love,

If you’ve never had an orgasm - or just want to have epic orgasms and find out how much pleasure is possible, I’d love to support you.

Epic Orgasms, my new online course for women opens soon and I’d love you to join us.

You get powerful advice and practical exercises to help you discover epic orgasms. We’ll cover:

Your path to Epic Orgasms

Embodiment How to get out of your head so you think less and feel more during sex

Awaken Pleasure How to connect to/tune in to your erotic intelligence to discover what you really enjoy in bed

Sexual Freedom How to embrace the mindset of a sexually liberated woman so you can relax and enjoy yourself

Empowered Sex Education Practical tools and (real) sex education to enhance your pleasure, skill + confidence in the bedroom

Epic O’s Learn Tantric secrets for epic, whole-body + multiple orgasms

Expand your Repertoire Discover the 7 kinds of orgasm possible for women + how you can have them

Intimate Orgasms Having Epic Orgasms + loving sex with a partner

© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 24

+ Bonus 1 How to ask for what you want in bed

+ Bonus 2 What to do if you’ve never had an orgasm

You get:

- 8 modules - Videos and PDFs - Access to a community of women to support you - Live Q & A calls

I believe that all women deserve to feel confident, empowered and deeply pleasured around sex. I would love to support you in this.

Click here to discover more about Epic Orgasms.

All my love,


© Isiah McKimmie 2018 | www.isiah-mckimmie.com P a g e | 25

About the Author

Isiah McKimmie

Isiah McKimmie is a Couples Therapist, Sexologist and Sex Therapist who has been helping individuals and couples improve their sex lives and relationships for 10 years.

Isiah holds a Masters degree in Relational Psychotherapy, a Master of Science in Medicine (Sexual Counselling/Psychosexual Therapy), a Post- Graduate Diploma of and studied at the prestigious Institute for the Advanced Studies of .

Compassionate, understanding and absolutely non-judgemental, she’s built a reputation on getting results and helping her clients have happier relationships and lives.

Connect with Isiah

Join Isiah in her private Facebook group for women only: https://www.facebook.com/groups/765323546923153/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/isiahmckimmie.sexologist/

Her website: http://isiah-mckimmie.com/

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