Porn Studies For Peer Review Only Popperbate: Video Collage, Vernacular Creativity and the Scripting of the Gay Pornographic Body Journal: Porn Studies Manuscript ID RPRN-2017-0001.R1 Manuscript Type: Original Paper gay porn, amateur porn, scripting, video collage, productive leisure, Keywords: neoliberalism, popperbate In this essay I explore the contemporary amateur practice of making ‘popper training’ videos. These examples of amateur gay porn, usually circulated via porn aggregators such as Xtube constitute what might be described as video collages that repurpose a range of found sources including commercial moving image gay porn to still images to text and music. The resulting videos are designed for the express purpose of aiding a form of masturbation often described as ‘edging’, fuelled by amyl nitrate use, into a pursuit that is elevated to the status of a competitive training Abstract: activity, known by its practitioners as ‘popperbating’. I argue that these popperbate videos, that function as examples of what Jean Burgess has described as ‘vernacular creativity’, construct masturbation as an activity that might be regarded, as ‘productive leisure’. The intention of this essay is then to contextualise this creative practice, and to provide some tentative conceptual orientations to situate popperbate videos, for the analysis of the textual qualities of the videos, and to discuss the sexual scripting that they produce. URL: E-mail:
[email protected] Page 1 of 16 Porn Studies 1 2 3 Popperbate: Video Collage, Vernacular Creativity and the Scripting of the Gay 4 Pornographic Body 5 6 Abstract 7 8 In this essay I explore the contemporary amateur practice of making ‘popper training’ videos .