T C featuring: Jordan Abel, Margaret Atwood, R TCR Jean Baird, Douglas Barbour, Sarah Blacker, T H THE CAPILANO REVIEW E Thea Bowering, Colin Browne, Ted Byrne, C A P I Louis Cabri, Alessandra Capperdoni, L A N Stephen Collis, J Marc Côté, Deanna Fong, O R E Dwight Gardiner, Tom Hawthorn, Aleksandra V I E W Bowering’s Kaminska, Kevin Killian, Jessica Langston, Books Monroe Lawrence, Daphne Marlatt, Steve McCaffery, rob mclennan, Sacha Milojevic, Jocelyn Morlock, Erín Moure, Miriam Nichols, Ken Norris, John O’Brian, Aaron Peck, Stan Persky, Carl Peters, Meredith Quartermain, Ian Rae, Nikki Reimer, Chelsea Rooney, Jacquelyn Ross, Karl Siegler, George Stanley, Rob Taylor, Lary Timewell, Michael Turner, Fred Wah, Rebecca Wigood, Andrew 3 ISSN 0315 3754 · $14.00 2 LANGUAGES Zuliani 4 “Thea, do your piano practice! Oh, excuse me, I was sposed to shout that, not type it. I am an automatic narrative plunker-down. I cant help myself, a slave of Gutenberg or Cupertino.” —George Bowering letter to Michael Ondaatje (25 Dec. 1984) Editor Jenny Penberthy Co-Editor Aurelea Mahood Managing Editor Todd Nickel Editorial Board Andrea Actis, Colin Browne, Pierre Coupey, Brook Houglum, Aurelea Mahood, George Stanley Contributing Editors Clint Burnham, Roger Farr, Andrew Klobucar, Erín Moure, Lisa Robertson, Sharon Thesen Founding Editor Pierre Coupey Designer Andrea Actis Website Design Adam Jones The Capilano Review is published by Capilano University. Canadian subscription rates for one year are $28 for individuals, $50 for institutions. Outside Canada, please add $5. Address correspondence to The Capilano Review, 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, BC v7j 3h5.
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