Lincolnshire. Keddi~Gton

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Lincolnshire. Keddi~Gton DIRECTORY J LINCOLNSHIRE. KEDDI~GTON. 259 David Baxter Amery, postmaster. Letters from Doncaster This place is inclnded in Althorpe & Keadby United School .vrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.xo p.m. The tele• Board district; the Board school being situated in this graph office is at the railway station township Bean Jonathan Cook Frederick, beer retailer Parkin Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer Erooks James Crackle George, bricklayer Pickering J. & Son, chemists Slingby John Theaker Cusa Thomas, shopkeeper Robinson Thomas, fa I mer COMMERCIAL. Dunstan Wm. & Son, rope & twine mas Scott Isaac, South Yorkshire commer~ .Amery David Baxter & Son, grocers, Dunstan Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper cial hotel, §!; butcher Post office Foulston John, shopkeeper Smith Joseph, wheelwright .Annitage William, rope & twine maker Glew Moses & Aaron, farmers Smith Wm. farmer, Northmoor farm Bean Jonathan, jun. farmer Glew George, farmer Threadgold James, boat builder :Bingley John, shopkeeper Glew Richard, fanner Turgoose Christopher, Friendship hotel Bulmer n... niel, farmer Guest James Scott, mast & block ma Turgoose Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper l!ush George, butcher & shopkeeper Hird Richard, but<:her Whiteley Jonathan, shoe maker Coggan Richard, miller (steam) Leggott James, blacksmith Winter John, farmer Coggan Thomas, farmer Oates George, farmer Wressell Ledham, farmer :EAST KEAL is a parish and village, pleasantly situated since x86o by the Rev. Joseph Spence M. A. of Christ's Col­ cm an acclivity commanding a view of the Fens, :z miles lege, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in j()Uth-west from Spilsby station on a spur of the East Lin· x862. The charities amount to £6 yearly derived from land, colnshire branch of the Great Northern railway, in the and £x 13s. 8d. left by Miss Jones; a sum of £2oo, left by the South Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lindsey, east late Miss Pinder in x886, is invested in Consols and produces division of Bolingbroke soke, Spilsby union, petty sessional £5 yearly. Here are chalybeate springs. East Keal Hall is division and county court district, rural deanery of Baling· the residence of Mrs. Henry Soulby, who is lady of the broke and a.rchdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The church manor, and with Edward Weston Cracroft esq. ;J.P. of Hack­ of St. Helen is an edifice of stone in the Early English style, thorn Hall, the chief landower. The soil is mixed; subsoil, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and at the south-west gravelly. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, angle an embattled tower with lofty turret containing 5 seeds and beans. The area is r,855 acres; rateable value, bells: the church was restored in r854 at a cost of about £2,430; the population in r88x was 395· i,r,42o, and re-opened in x855 : there are tablets of modern Parish Clerk, Henry Sharp. date to the Spence and Brackenbury families: there are 200 PosT 0FFICE.-John Gill, receiver. Letters arrive from t!ittings. The register dates from the year r&;s. The Spilsby at 7 a. m. ; dispatched at 5· rs p.m. The nearest living is a rectory, gross yearly value from 370 acres of glebe money order & telegraph office is at Spilsby £595• net £524. with residence, in the gift of Charles Simpson National School (mixed), built in r848 for go children; aver- esq. of Ackworth House, Pontefract, Yorkshire, and held age attendance, so; John William Souden, master Addey Hy. Dransfield, East Keal manor Cheat ham Emma (Mrs.), market grdnr Knowles Robert, fanner Daulton Jesse, The Grange, East Keal Chester Richard, farmer & grocer Mears Joseph, poultry dealer coates Covill John George, carpenter Mears William, farmer Kirk by Henry Charles Daulton Jesse, farmer & grazier, The Norton Betsy (Mrs.),Saracen's Head P.H Martin Mrs Grange, East Keal coates Roberts John, farmer Soulby Mrs. Henry, East Keal hall Desforges Ann (Mrs.), farmer Seymour Joseph, farmer Spence Rev. Joseph H.A. Rectory Desforges John, farmer Sharp Henry, market gardener Thompson John Ellerby Joseph, poultry dealer Spencer Benjainin, brick maker COMMERCIAL. Francis William, farmer, The Laurels Swinn Thomas, carpenter Addey Henry Dransfield, farmer, East Gill John, shopkeeper, Post office Thompson John, farmer Keal manor Grime George Atkinson, farmer Wildman Emma (Mrs.), farmer Brown Wm. wheelwright, carpenter, Grime William Wallace, farmer Wildman Joseph, baker & shopkeeper blacksmith & agric. implement maker WEST K E:AL, anciently called "Oustcal," "Wester- yearly, arising from land. Edward Weston Cracroft esq. kele" and "West Kiel," is a parish and pleasant village, 3 J.P. of Hackthorn Park, is lord of the manor and chief land­ miles south-west from Spilsby station on the East Lincoln- owner. The soil of the low part of this parish is clay, and shire branch of the Great Northern railway, in the South the upper part sand and red loam. The crops are on the Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lindsey, west four-course system. The area is r,g58A. 2R. 13P. ; rateable division of Bolingbroke sake, Spilsby union, petty sessional value, £2,371 ; the -population in 1881 was 369, in the civil division and county court district, rural deanery of Baling- parish, and 415 in the ecclesiastical. broke, and archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The church KEAL COATES is a hamlet of this parish, situated near a of St. Helen, situated on a bold eminence, is a building of navigable drain, about one mile and a half south from the green sandstone and brick, in the Early English and Perpen- church and on the road from Spilsby to Boston. Here is a dicular styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, Wesleyan chapel. By a Local Government Order, dated I!Outh porch and a fine embattled western tower with pin- Dec. 24th, I88o, and confirmed by Act 44, Vict. cxvii. a de­ nacles, containing 6 bells : the tower, being in a decayed tached part of this parish, with a population of 36, was state, fell down Sept. 18th, r88r, but has since been rebuilt; transferred to Stickford pari;;h, and a detached part, with a the work, begun by the late Col. Weston Cracroft-Amcotts, population of ro, was also at the same time transferred to of Hackthorn Park, was completed in 1884 by his son, the new parish of "rest Fen. :Edward Weston Cracroft esq. : the chancel was rebuilt in 1 866, in the Early Decorated style, and the nave and aisles PosT OFFICE, Keal Coates.-}irs. Lavinia Shaw, post- were re-seated in r86S : there is a stained window in the mistress. Letters from Spilsby arrive at 8.45 a.m. ; dill- chancel to the memory of John Jones esq. of West Keal Hall, patched at 4 p.m. The nearest money order office is at and near the door is a stoup : there are 210 sittings. The Stickney & telegraph office at Spilsby register dates from the year r625. The living is a rectory, PILLAR LETTER Box, West Keal.-Letters arrive from gross yearly value from 314 acres of glebe £ 350, net £rso, Spilsby at 7.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 5 p.m with residence, in the gift of E. W. Cracroft esq. J.P. and National School (mixed), West Keal, built in 1854 by Col. held since r879 by the Rev. John Sam Ladds M.A. of St. R. Amcotts, of Hackthorn, to hold 86 children; average John's College, Cambridge. The charities amount to £5 attendance, 48; John A. Hand, master West Keal. Goy Richard English, farmer Keal Coa.tes. Grantham Lieut.-Col. Henry Valentine, Maidens Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr. Almond Henry, carpenter agent to Edward Weston Cracroft­ Thomas Hipkin, Glebe farm Barber Arthur, farmer Amcotts esq. West Keal hall Musgrave Benjamin, farmer, Laythorpe Basker John, Vanguard P.H Ladds Rev. John Sam M.A. [rector], Parker James, seedsman Cook George, blacksmith Rectory Seymour Green, farmer Daulton Joseph, farmer, Manor house Smith John, carpenter Ely John, farmer COMMERCIAL. Stainton James, farm bailiff to Lieut.- Goodrick Henry, farmer :Barber John, farmer, Keal bank Col. Grantham, Highburn Hall William, farmer Daulton Austin, farmer, West Keai Vickers William, grocer Marshal! Robert, farmer & cattle dealer Ely George, flour dealer Walker Charles, boot maker Shaw Lavina (Mrs.), grocer, Post office English .Esau, farmer Woodward Wm. blacksmith & beer retlr Ward George, grocer XEDDINGTON is a pleasant village and parish, situ-~ Louth station on the East Lincolnshire branch of the Great ated on the river Lud, one mile and a half north-east from Northern railway, in the East Lindsey division of the county, LI~. 17* .
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    • DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. SPILSBY. 533 Certified Bailiffs under the" Law of Distress Amendment The Workhouse, erected in 1838, is a large 11tructure of Act. 1888" :-Waiter Willson Hogsthorpe; Henry brick, in the parish of Hundleby, & will hold :z5o in­ Randall Bea.ty, Town hall, Spihby; Edward H. Young, mates; Rev. Harry Greenwood M.A. rector of Littls Alford ; Kerkham Gresswell, Thorpe W ainfleet; George Steeping, is chaplain; Francis John Walker M. D. medi­ Frederick William Cash, Wainfieet All Saints; Thomas cal officer; John L. Ironmonger, mailtBr; Mrs. Emma James Parker, Alford & F. B. Storr, Skegness Ironmonger, matron;, Miss Clarke, schoolmistreu County Police Station, Church street, Henry J ames M&r­ shall, superintendent; the local force consists of (in­ PUBLIC OFFICERS. cluding :Skegness) one inspector, two sergeants & 13 Assessor of Taxes, Thomas Simpson, Halton road constables Certifying Factory Surgeon, John West Walker M.B, CDurt House, Hundleby road Church street Fire Brigade, A. Ashton, superintendent Clerk to the Commissioners of Sewers, George Walker Inland Revenue Office, Ashby road, Sam Pritchard, officer Coroner, Francis John Walker M.D. (for i::lpilsby divi­ Lincolnshire Coast Shipwreck Association, Willingham, sion of the parts of Lindsey), Church street; deputy, H. G. Vincent, collector, The Terrace Waiter Scott Rainey, Ashby road Stamp Office, Post office, Henry Hanscomb, distributor, Clerk to part of the Fourth District Drainage, W alter High street Scott Rainey, Ashby road Town Hall, Market place, G. H. Preston, se-c Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, F. Lake Walker Collector of Cattle Market Tolls, Edward Atkimon, VOLUNTEERS. Boston road .:3rci Volurut~r Bat·talion Linoo•lnshire Reg:ment (C Oo.), Inspector under the Contagion!! Diseases Act, Edward Drill hall ·& armoury, Halton road; Capt.
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    514 KIR LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY's Kirby Mrs. 52 Spilsby road, Boston LambertJ.SpringHl.ho.Asylum rd.Linc Lee Rev. George Samuel, Devon horue Kirby William H. 4I Norfolk st. Boston Lambert Mrs. J. rs Lord st. Gainsboro' Pinchbeck street, Spalding ' Kirk Rev. Thomas M.A. Eagle, Newark Lambert William, Highfield house, Lee James, Kirton, Boston Kirk Alfred, I6 Gas street, Lincoln Thrunscoe road, Cleethorpes Lee Jas. Jacob, Fishtoft Grange, Boston Kirk Alfred, Market place,Gainsborough Lambert William, May villas, Hainton Lee Mrs. 58 Castlegate, Grantham Kirk Charles, 22 Maude st. Gt. Grimsby street, Weelsby, Great Grimsby Lee Mrs. Epworth, Doncaster Kirk Charles M. A. 62 Southgate,Sleaford Laming Joseph, 43 London rd. Spalding Lee Mrs. 92 Heneage street, WeeiBby, Kirk Charles, jun. IB Northgate. Sleafrd Lammie Wm. 26 West Street rd. Boston Great Grimsby Kirk George, I7 North parade, Lincoln Lammiman Miss, Hundleby rd. Spilsby Lee Mrs. Hospital lane, Boston Kirk H. Cammack cot. Southgt.Sleaford Lamming Mrs. Tetney, Great Grimsby Lee Mrs. Messingham, Brigg Kirk James, 31 West Street rd. Boston Lamming Wm. D. Fosdyke ho. Boston Lee Robert Frederic, Gonerby house, Kirk John, 11 Main ridge, Boston Lamplough Rev. J. Wesley vil. Spilsby Great Gonerby, Grantham KirkJ.A.High Holme cot.Holmes la.Lth LamploughMrs.wChantreyla.GtGmsby Lee Wm. 14 North parade, Grantham Kirk Mark, 57 Earl street, Gt. Grimsby Lamzed M:rs. 8o Cleethorpe road, New Leech Benjamin Robert Moody, The Kirk Miss, Waltham, Great Grimsby Clee, Great Grimsby Poplars, Beaconthorpe, Cleethorpes Kirk Mrs. Boston road, Sleaford Lancaster Charles, Stickney, Boston Leeke Rev. Canon Edward Tucker M.A.
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