Bolingbroke Deanery


• Mission Statement The is called by God to be faithful, confident and joyful.

• Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater




Principal Service

Sunday 6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Lamentations 1.1-6 Habakkuk 1.1-4; 2.1-4 Psalm/Canticle Canticle: Psalm 37.1-9 Lamentations 3.19-26 or Psalm137 [or 137.1-6] Second Reading 2 Timothy 1.1-14 Gospel Luke 17.5-10

Sunday 13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Jeremiah 29.1, 4-7 2 Kings 5.1-3, 7-15c Psalm/Canticle Psalm 66.1-11 Psalm 111 Second Reading 2 Timothy 2.8-15 Gospel Luke 17.11-19

Sunday 20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Jeremiah 31.27-34, Genesis 32.22-31 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 119.97-104 Psalm 121 Second Reading 2 Timothy 3.14-4.5 Gospel Luke 18.1-8

Sunday 27th October Last Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Joel 2.23-end Ecclesiasticus 35.12- 17 or Jeremiah 14.7- 10, 19-end Psalm/Canticle Psalm 65 Psalm 84.1-7 [or 65.1-17] Second Reading 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18 Gospel Luke 18.9-14



Hello! I’m Sarah, Discipleship in the World Officer across the Diocese of Lincoln – from the Humber to The Wash. I came to the role in January after a 23-year career in education and most recently as a school chaplain and family worker in . I’m here to support our outward- facing mission, integrating our faith into our everyday lives through loving service and focusing on areas such as social justice, modern slavery, and our care for creation.

As Christians, we are disciples committed to following and learning from Jesus Christ; we are all called to live as disciples in this world. With the image of a tree firmly etched in my mind, I see a network of branches, rooted in Christ, through which God can bear fruit (John 15.1–8). Our rootedness in Christ is strengthened through our worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship; we grow when we see God at work in our everyday contexts where he uses us to be his hands and feet. Our daily lives become acts of worship, as our decisions, priorities and actions are all informed by being a follower of Jesus.

Already there are many fantastic examples of discipleship going on around the diocese: from Dementia Cafes, to emergency faith responders, befriending the isolated and delivering many food projects, identifying modern slavery, working with vulnerable young people and planting community woodlands. Many have been supported by funding from the Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Justice Fund. As my role is to support and strengthen our creative responses to faith in action, I am keen to hear from people who are considering how to better ‘love their neighbour’, both locally and globally.

Wherever we are, whoever we are, God chooses to use us, as we commit to follow. The radical love of Jesus transforms both individuals and communities as well as the structures that oppress people. This is our calling too. So as you seek to put your faith into action, remember that we are not alone. Please do get in contact; it would be great to hear what you are up to and to be able to support you in your actions!

Sarah Spencer, Discipleship in the World Officer Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01522 50 40 75 Mobile: 07454 54 10 61 3

Group Registers: Funerals: Cluster Dylys Mary Williams 80 years died 06.08.19 Marlene Seal 79 years died 28.08.19

Marden Hill Cluster Philip Maddison 80 years died 18.07.19 Malcolm Harry Machin 74 years died 20.08.19

Partney Cluster David Anthony Webb 74 years Ashby died 26.07.19

South Ormsby Group Donald Henry Hotchin 86 years died 25.08.19 Teresa Sellars 62 years Tetford died 30.08.19

Weddings: Spilsby John Ashley Ramsden & Ami Jane Nix Spilsby 24.08.19 Samuel David Maycock & Vivien Ruth Pegg Halton Holegate 15.09.19

Marden Hill Edward Frederick Usher & Natalie Francesca Harker 14.09.19

Baptisms: Cluster Osten James Clarke-Squires 25.08.19

Spilsby Cluster Remily Janet Sue Mary Jones-Phillips Halton Holegate 25.08.19

DEANERY SYNOD st Tuesday 1 October Old School, 7pm With a talk on ‘Landscapes’ by Paul Day

How Eco friendly is your church? Do you care for our environment? Want to do more?

Come and find out what we can do…everyone welcome! 4

Dates for the Diary October 1st Archdeacon’s Visitation 1st Deanery Synod, Skendleby Old School, 7pm 2nd Community Café, 2-4pm 2nd Archdeacon’s Visitation 3rd Archdeacon’s Visitation 4th Archdeacon’s Visitation 4th Old Bolingbroke PCC 5th Learning Communities at 5th ‘A Church for our Planet’, St Giles Lincoln, 10am – 4pm 8th Spilsby PCC, The Vicarage, 7pm 10th Deanery Study Group – The goodness of creation 12th St James’ Gift Day, 10am–12pm 12th Litter Pick, Rooms, 10am 12th Church Tourism Training Day at 15th The Old Rectory Communion 19th East Kirkby, Re-dedication of War Memorial, 10am 21st Service Rota meeting 23rd PCC 23rd Parish Share meetings, St James church & New Life Centre 24th Deanery Study Group – The worship of all creation 25th Toyntons PCC 26th HOP Games afternoon, 2-4pm 26th Skendleby ‘Dad’s Army’, 2pm 26th Macmillan Autumn Fayre, Cracroft Village Hall, 1-4pm November 3rd Winter Bazaar, 2-5pm 4th Spilsby Cluster meeting, The Vicarage, 7pm 7th Deanery Study Group – The Environmental Challenge 9th Diocesan Synod 10th Remembrance Sunday 14th PCC 15th Halton Holegate Christmas Fair, 10am-12pm 16th Hundleby Christmas Fayre, 10am-12pm 18th East Keal PCC 21st Deanery Study Group – Nature and Humanity 23rd St James Christmas Fayre, 10am-12pm 23rd Sausage & Mash Lunch, Langton Village Hall, 12.30pm 23rd Bazaar 25th East Keal Community Café, 10.30am-12pm December 4th Deanery Study Group – Renewal of Creation


HARVEST SERVICES & SUPPERS October 1st Harvest Supper 3rd Group Harvest Supper 5th Harvest Festival, 3pm 6th South Ormsby Harvest thanksgiving, 9.30am 6th Stickney Harvest Festival, 9.30am 6th Spilsby Family Service Harvest Festival, 10am & harvest lunch at 12 noon. 6th Halton Holegate Harvest Festival, 3pm 6th Partney Harvest, 6pm 7th Stickney Harvest Supper 11th Harvest Supper, 7.30pm 13th Hagworthingham Harvest Festival, 11.15am 13th East Keal Harvest Festival, 3pm 13th Old Bolingbroke Harvest Festival, 6pm 13th Harvest Songs of Praise, 6pm 14th Old Bolingbroke Harvest Supper, 7pm 20th Harvest Festival, 9.30am 20th Firsby Harvest Festival, 3pm 27th Dalby Harvest Festival, 11.15am tbc

Please check with each church to see if tickets are needed for harvest suppers and lunches. For further details on harvest services please contact the individual church or phone the Deanery Office 01790 752526

Bolingbroke Deanery Grape Vine Thank you

We would like to say a big thank you to Angela Brady for her support with the Grape Vine. Angela has bought all the prizes for the Caption Competition since it began. The first winner of the competition was Eric Waltham! I wonder if anyone remembers when it first started? I cheated and looked back at all the old copies and would you believe it was May 2012. So, it really is a big thank you to Angela for coming up with the idea and providing the prizes. I often get people thanking me for the prizes and have to own up to not knowing what they are as Angela has always delivered them neatly wrapped up.

We will try to keep the competition going but it does rely on you sending photos in for me to use. Please get the necessary permissions first. And, of course, we need lots of captions sending in! The competition is judged by whoever I can grab hold of but they never know who has sent the entry until they have picked a winner…so no cheating there!!


I will do my best to keep up the good work but it is a hard act to follow.

Thank you so much Angela and we wish you all the best in your new venture!

Follow the Star 2019

The Church of has launched their 'Follow the Star' campaign for 2019 with resources for churches for Advent and Christmas.

The has prepared 'a checklist of five things your church can do to prepare this year', which includes details of the digital and printed resources that are available, and this may be found by going to the Lincoln Diocesan website and search for ‘Follow the Star 2019’

Market Towns’ Learning Communities Just to remind you all that our next meeting will be at Wragby Parish Church on Saturday, 5th October from 9.30 - 12.00noon. At that meeting Rev. Mark Holden will talk about the Pilgrim Walk from Langton-by-Wragby to Lincoln leading into a discussion on pilgrimage; and Linda Patrick will talk about enhancing our 'welcome', with reference to the 'Tool Kit' used by Exeter Diocese. Please feel free to invite other members of your Groups who might be particularly interested in either of these subjects.

A Church for our Planet - Saturday 5th October

A free practical introduction to EcoChurch with workshops will take place on Saturday, 5th October 2019 at St Giles Church, Lamb Gardens, Lincoln LN2 4EH. The day will run from 10am-4pm. Refreshments will be available free of charge during the breaks but please bring your own keep cup and packed lunch. Donations to cover the cost of the hall hire and other expenses are welcome on the day.

The programme for the day includes: • A keynote address from Simon Brown from A Rocha, the Christian conservation organisation.

• Why EcoChurch? - biblical basis, creation and justice

• Links to the Fifth Mark of Mission and an outline of the new Diocesan Environmental Policy and the five 'Ecochurch' categories which cover: worship and teaching, buildings, land, community and global and lifestyle. 7

• Presentation and support from 'Green Journey' There will also be a bookstall and a market place with help available to show practical examples of what you can do. Book your place via Eventbrite.

N.B. These last two events are on the same day but in the near future we plan to hold a Church for our Planet in our area – so please give your propriety to which ever but you can do both!

Service Rota:

After a good deal if discussion and prayer it is felt that at the present the Sunday Service will remain at almost the same times and pattern as the present. There will be small changes as we can but the reality is that the team of people authorised to lead worship is reduced because of illness and retirement.

At the same time it is really encouraging to see that Churches are using the opportunities to meet for social gatherings and prayer. If you think that is the way your Church would like to grow please have a word.

Yours Peter

Cherishing Creation – An Environmental Policy for the Diocese of Lincoln

This was published in the August edition of the Grape Vine but if you would like a copy please contact the Deanery Office on 01790 752526

Marden Hill Cluster September Lottery Winners

1st No.19 M Roddick 2nd No.24 J Lumb

Toynton All Saints September Lottery Winners

1st No.77 B & P Dugmore 2nd No.16 J Coultan 3rd No.48 Richard Richmond

As usual many thanks to all and I look forward to a good response to the next annual registration for MHG ongoing now. Alf Tunnicliffe Lottery Organiser.



'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness', these are not my words, I think you may have guessed, but my love of harvest time I'd like now to impart for, as in every farming village, the harvest is our heart. Sunlight warm caresses the land, the harvest is sewn and lovingly planned, raindrops fall and sprinkle clear, cool, fresh water year upon year. Ploughmen plough and sowers sow, working together that crops may grow, feeding the seed to nurture and to nourish, giving their all that crops may flourish. From dawn 'til dusk they toil their best, God's sunshine and rainfall will do the rest. From the seed does come the grain, flour from the wheat and maize, from long hours of labour and oft times pain harvest time is here again. Children on ladders midst the boughs of the trees, tiny windfall gatherers scramble on their knees, mother fetches food and cool lemonade whilst dad thinks it's fun to rest in the shade. Womenfolk a hurrying, children a scurrying, fruit and veg to be stored and preserves to prepare, grandma is a bottling, grandpa is a tottering, last year's hop harvest was certainly rare! The haystacks are raised, 'tis now time for rest, smiles and handshakes and a tankard of best, fruits and berries gathered from bushes and trees and once again we'll enjoy a harvest time feast. Harvest Supper the villagers meet to give thanks for the harvest now all safely reaped, a time of festivities, a time of great cheer, a time that is worked towards all the long year. A time of fulfilment as we turn towards home giving thanks for the harvest that Our Lord has bestowed.

'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness', 'tis the season of the harvest, our labours have been Blessed.

Ema Fields



When I was 16, I considered myself to be very focussed – I had a dream to be a lawyer and was working to get the grades I needed. And any relaxation of my efforts saw me developing a love of cricket and the music of Rod Stewart, Queen and Elton John! Well, what other focus does there need to be?

Well this week a sixteen year old girl has challenged our world leaders over climate change. If you saw Greta Thunberg speaking at the UN this week, it was difficult not to be impressed by her passion and conviction with which she spoke. “This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean, yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you?... You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words” She spoke with such passion and anger – and if the leaders of the world were uncomfortable, maybe it was because they knew she was right in what she said. There is a problem with climate change, and we all need to address it.

The Church in Lincolnshire has woken up to the issue and is reacting – we are encouraged to become part of the Eco Church movement, and we have a small group of people who are interested in taking a lead in this important issue. There are several ways to get involved: • Some of us are attending ‘A Church for our Planet’ on Saturday 5 October – A free practical introduction to Eco Church (Spaces available in my car if you are interested) • The Deanery small group Bible Study will have Stewardship of Creation as its theme throughout October & November • The Lent Course 2020 will have an Eco Church theme There is much to be done – but the first step is to make a start.

Raithby Village Hall

Coffee Morning We always meet on the first Tuesday of every month.

Our next monthly coffee morning is on st Tuesday 1 October from 10.30 - 12.00

We look forward to seeing you there


St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping


10.30am In St Andrew’s Church

1st, 15th & 29th October



Every Friday morning

in the Victory Hall, Partney

9.30am to noon

Come for coffee, tea, cake and a chat!

All proceeds to Partney School, St Nicholas Church and the Victory Hall


AT EAST KEAL CHURCH October 2nd Drop In 2.30pm -4pm November 25th Drop In 10.30am-12noon th December 9 Drop In 10.30am-12noon

Reference Information Hub Local Informatio n / Walks leaflets Magazine Swap / Books Available Fun and Games

Drinks and Cakes Let me know what you would like see happening Contact Diane White on 01790 752381



St James’, Spilsby

“What an interesting Church. Thank you for the warm and friendly welcome. You are so lucky to have a Hill organ”. These were some of the comments made during the Wolds weekend. Approximately 75 adults and 7 children visited the Church and that does not include the 28 people who attended the Family Service on Sunday.

Linda Patrick, organiser of the Wolds Weekend, was delighted to see that the children had drawn pictures in the memory book and appreciated the coffee and cake.

The organists from and enjoyed playing our Hill organ but the organists who was most impressed was Paul Derrett from Hull. He loves the sound of a Hill organ and had no idea Hill had been born in Spilsby and has a window dedicated to him in St James Church. Paul is a past prize winner of the Royal College of Organists but also trained as an organ builder. An entry in the 1975 Guiness Book of Records attests to his (then) world record for the longest organ recital ever given which lasted for 80 hours without repetition. He has recorded more than 30 solo CD's and 14 CD's in the Benchmark series which celebrates our national organ heritage with history, specifications and photographs. People visiting the Church were privileged to hear him play and he was very impressed with the sympathetic renovation done by Chris Hind.

Many photographs were taken by our visitors who had come from various parts of the County and beyond. Many were especially interested in the Franklin memorial and the information boards about his family tree.

Thank you to all those people who baked, acted as welcomers and worked in the kitchen. Your help is much appreciated and made the weekend a successful event.

St Andrew’s, Little Steeping

Our Festival Weekend end was a huge success with around 50 visitors over the 2 days. Thanks go to them for their interest and very generous donations for the churchyard.


Colin and Pat put together a very interesting display of our archive material around the building with many photographs supplied by Trevor Jackson. Aerial images of the church were done by Ben Clark a few days before the event, many thanks to both. Nearer to lunchtime Sheila arranged a wonderful picnic lunch around the pulpit for all to enjoy, and for afters, amongst other goodies Sue Oliver brought Flap Jack for us all to enjoy.

Meanwhile outside Mark Smith, Mel Cowan and myself were busying clearing yet another part of our wonderful forgotten churchyard. Some of which had already been extensively strimmed by Steve Barry. Many thanks to all of you.


10am to 12 noon Last 2 Saturday s for 2019…5th October and

12th October – St James’ Gift Day

Your support at our coffee mornings has been very much appreciated. We’ve had a wide variety of stalls, fund raisers etc. and the atmosphere has been buzzing every time. Thank you so much!

The Children’s Society and The Shoebox Appeal

Thank you for supporting my 2 Table Top Tombola’s at St James’ Church, with my 2 very helpful assistants , Janet and Dorothy. They took care of the tickets and money - we raised £33 and £37. I am truly grateful. Blessings, Linda, 13


Mandy 01790 752249

Beverley 01790 755436

HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday 6th October 10.00am

followed by Harvest lunch at 12 noon Ploughman’s style lunch, apple pie and ice cream, teas & coffee. Please bring your own crockery, cutlery and drink.

by ticket only £6 – available at the coffee mornings or contact Jane on 01790 752526

Halton Holegate 100 Club August winners September winners

M. Sewards A Tunnicliffe S. Lee L Taylor G. Cook G Warner S. Tuplin M Bourne 14

Harvest time is here. Our farmers are working extra hard to make sure that the harvest is gathered in. Farmers have been doing this vital work for centuries but Harvest Festivals in church are relatively recent. The first service to give thanks for the crops was held in Cornwall in 1843 by Reverend Robert Hawker.

In our rural communities Harvest Time is so very important. Not only to help provide food for the country but it is a time to give thanks to God for his provision, for the food that we all enjoy but also it is important to give thanks for all that we are given and perhaps think of those who do not have enough food. It is always good to remember those in far off countries who do not have an abundance of food and for us also to remember those much closer to home who have to go to food banks for help. If we feel we have been blessed in some way why not give thanks to God and join in a Harvest Celebration and perhaps give an offering to our local food bank? Blessings Teresa

Whist Drives

Hundleby Parish Room rd 3 Tuesday each month 7.00pm

We are looking for new members. Why not come along and join us?

Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee and biscuits and raffle.

An envelope was put through the Vicarage door this week. On the outside was a message which read “My 14 year old found this on the floor walking to Sainsburys and opened it!” Inside was some money. This will be passed on to the church it was intended for. Thank you for your honesty whoever you are!



Wednesday 9th October 2.00pm

Franklin Hall

Speaker: Len Priestley

‘True stories of a lorry driver and furniture removal man’

Holy Trinity, Hagworthingham

Harvest Supper in church

Friday 11th October, 7.30pm

Tickets £9.50 to include main course and sweet. To book contact Wendy on 01507 588672

Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 13th October at 6.00pm

Hundleby Litter Pick

Come along and help us on our bi-annual litter pick around your village.

Saturday October 12th 10am Meet outside the parish rooms please bring gardening gloves and wear suitable footwear. Bags and pickers provided.



GIFT DAY AND COFFEE MORNING th 12 October 10am – 12 noon Please come along and leave your gift and stay for a friendly coffee and chat. We will be pleased to welcome you.

Holy Trinity, Hagworthingham

HARVEST SUPPER Friday 11th October

7.30pm in church

Tickets £9.50 to include main course and sweet. Contact Wendy to book, 01507 588672

th Harvest Festival Service,Sunday 13 October at 11.15am

St HELEN'S CHURCH EAST KEAL Welcomes you to our

Harvest Church Service

Sunday 13th October starting at 3pm

Come and give thanks at this wonderful time of the year

when crops have been gathered and we thank God for

his bountiful gifts.

Refreshments available after the service

Anyone wishing to donate Flowers produce (Fresh or Tinned) can take them to the church on Saturday 12th October between 10am and 2pm (or leave them in the Porch).

All food will be donated to Spilsby Food Bank.



The Harvest Festival service will be held at the Church of St Peter and St Paul on th Sunday 13 October at 6pm

On Monday 14th October come and join us for the famous Old Bolingbroke Harvest Supper at 7.00pm in the Ramsden Village Hall followed by the Auction of Produce. £10.00 per adult and £5.00 for children under 16

Please bring your own crockery and cutlery and any liquid refreshment of your choice. Coffee will be included with the meal.

To reserve your place please ring Sheila – 01790 763608 or Caroline – 01790 763326

All proceeds from the Harvest Supper evening will be equally shared between: Village Defibrillator and The Butterfly Hospice Trust

Meet your representative on

East Lindsey District Council

David Mangion will hold drop in sessions on the following dates in 2019: October 16th November 20th December 18th

At the Conference Hall, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby Time 18.30-19.30. No appointment is necessary

You can also contact me on: Telephone 07470 717474 Email: [email protected]

SPILSBY AND HUNDLEBY WALKERS ARE WELCOME WALKS PROGRAMME Friday 18th October at 11am Meet at Toynton Village Hall for 2 mile historic walk around Toynton

Please wear suitable footwear. No Dogs Please For further details please telephone:- Stef 01205 270312 Gill 01790 754797


Partney C of E Primary School said ‘goodbye’ to 11 Year 6 children at the end of the summer term with a special assembly followed by a tree planting ceremony. The Y6 children and their families then enjoyed tea and cake at the weekly Partney Coffee Morning, held at the Victory Hall.

In the afternoon Reverend Theresa lead the Leavers Service at St Nicholas church. This was a double celebration as the school was inspected by Ofsted just before the holidays and graded ‘Good’ in all areas.

Spilsby RNLI

Quiz evening and Fish and Chip Supper

to be held in Raithby Village Hall

Saturday 19 October 7.30 pm

Tickets £11.00 (to include fish and chips) Bar Raffle For tickets please contact: 01790 752068

St Andrews, Little Steeping We shall be having our Harvest festival supper again this year at The Eaves. Bangers and Mash+ a pudding. This will take place on the Thursday 24th October 7pm for 7.30. Cost will be similar to last year. Everyone welcome. If you haven't put your name down already please contact Basil on 07790 214675 or Colin don't delay don't be disappointed .



God loves All Sorts was the title of the Family service on Sunday, September 1st led by Reverend Joan Thornett. The children had the task of sorting out Liquorice Allsorts into different shapes and colours and designs and then drawing a picture of a liquorice allsorts person. Martha read a poem about all sorts of people and Jane and Sue read lessons related to the theme.

Reverend Joan talked about the reading from Acts when God told Peter that belief in God was not just meant for the Jews but also the Gentiles. The life of Jesus touched many lives as he was born in a stable, became a refugee and a wandering preacher and was crucified with criminals. The important words in the reading from Luke was “Today you will be with me in Paradise”. God loves all sorts.

Jane and Margaret with the help of the children talked about the variety of sweets in Liquorice Allsorts with the help of Jane Howsam and Reverend Joan who are connoisseurs on the subject. The congregation is made up of all sorts of people but God loves us all. Ethan, with the support of Trevor, was crucifor for the first time and it is hoped he will continue on his own from next month. Thank you, Ethan. During the offertory Margaret played the piece of music To a Wild Rose which was a favourite of June Richardson who was organist at the Church for many years and is now in a residential home. The Church greatly appreciated June's contribution to the services. The next Family service will be the Harvest festival on October 6th followed by a Harvest lunch at 12.00 (ticket only).


More Newhome thoughts on Computers

Well we are another year older having seen another harvest. So now we can look forward to all the TV adverts of how they can deliver before the turkeys die. Far too early to mention the next major Christian festival that coincides with the end of the year. Most of us have a mobile phone in our pocket. This has great benefits and is an amazing testament to the computer world we now live in. Smart phones are much more than a phone; more than a video phone, more than your diary, your map book, your sat nav, whether walking or driving. It is all of these things and much more. No wonder we see so many people stuck to their phone. Interestingly they have also introduced many people to a different type of computer system. No longer is it Windows or some other very techie thing no one really gets. Companies like Apple and Google have taken the techie one and turned it into the iPad and Android.

As a result, the big PC is becoming restricted to the office or study. They are still great if you need to have multiple pages open at once. Like reading the internet while typing up what you are reading about or copying images to a poster you are making. Laptops and many PCs will actually support two or more monitors which does give you a lot of scope to have the machine doing lots at once. More or larger monitors, apart from making things bigger which is necessary sometimes, is more like getting several books out at once so you don't have to keep flicking from page to page. It can also be much more immersive if you are playing a game such as motor racing. Giving the all-round vision normally lost in such games.

Equally if you are largely an internet user that sends the odd letter then the other systems are very good and proven to be just as accessible. Hence the rise in the use of tablets, iPads and phones. When you are looking at replacements remember this.

Apple products are expensive, but you can buy PCs and laptops. On the other hand, Google has Chrome books, which are laptops and quite cheap. If you are used to using Open or LibreOffice then these also come in Android and Mac versions for free. Of course, both systems come with app stores stuffed with other software, much of which is free. My phone has an app to analyse WiFi signals and another to count my steps. The choice is unbelievable.

So, I suppose when it comes to buying new tech have a good think about what you want to do before you just go and buy the most obvious thing. Personally, I have a PC for the big jobs and main work, a laptop for portable larger jobs and a phone for the everyday things and work.


Skendleby Old School

Dad’s Army

Stories, jokes

and songs with Mark Walsh

th Saturday 26 October 2.00pm

Tickets £10 (includes refreshments)

Contact: Margaret White 01754 890321 Mo Jarvis 01754 890623



Saturday 26th October

2 - 4pm

Hundleby Parish Rooms

Refreshments available all afternoon Everyone Welcome

For further information contact Jane on 01790 752541 No need to book, just come along! Hundleby Outreach Project


Autumn Fayre for

th Saturday 26 October 1pm – 4pm

Cracroft Village Hall, West Keal

 Crafts & gifts  Tombola  Raffle  Cakes  Refreshments

Please come along and support and pick up some Christmas stocking fillers

Brinkhill Winter Bazaar St Philip’s Church Sunday 3rd November 2pm -5pm Craft Stalls, Raffle, Teas




‘I lead a ‘stressless’ life!’ Congratulations – Malcolm Williams

Just for laughs:

‘How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the really posh chair!’ - June Fitz Gibbon


Please send your captions, th by 14 October to

‘Caption Competition’

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected]



Zoe Randall, Manager of Eresby Hall, attended the Volunteers' meeting on September 24th to inform the group that she would be leaving on November 7th. A replacement from a sister home will be replacing her. We wish Zoe every success in the future and thank her for all she has done for the home.

The flower arranging group will be meeting on October 1st to prepare an arrangement for the Trust Harvest festival at on October 2nd. We hope that Pat Bourn will be fully fit again to advise and help although Cinny Cuppleditch is there to step in and assist. Many thanks to both of you. Lesley, activities co ordinator, will be making a Victoria sponge with the residents to take to the festival and also some scarecrows.

People from Sainsburys have been very busy sorting out the garden. They have cleared the beds, put Autumn flowering plants in the pots and have set numerous bulbs. With money raised from selling tickets in the shop they are hoping to move one of the fences so that the Memorial garden can be contained within the main garden. The Memorial garden was created as a quiet place for residents to sit and each year the British Legion hold a service there but access for residents is difficult. Unsold flowers from the shop have been taken to Eresby Hall so the home looked beautiful with vases of flowers decorating the home. A thank you card has been sent from the residents to the gardeners who worked so hard.

Eresby came second out of seven homes competing in a variety of activities at the Falls Awareness day at Navenby and received two medals. Well done!

A Volunteers' coffee morning is to be held on Tuesday October 22nd from 10.00 – 12.00. There will be cakes and a raffle. Everyone welcome. The Hall is still looking for volunteers who are prepared to go out on visits with the residents. Unfortunately a visit to Freiston Shore war museum had to be cancelled due to lack of help. Could you spend 10 minutes talking to a resident? Could you assist a resident when going on a visit? If so please contact Lesley Bourne at Eresby Hall. Thank you.

Hundleby Church Mini Christmas Fayre Saturday 16th November

10am to 12 noon

Held in church and Parish Rooms 25


East Keal, East Kirkby, , Hagworthingham, , Mavis Enderby, , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, , Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Service of the Word at Toynton All Saints 11.15am Service of the Word at East Kirkby 3.00pm

13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity Harvest service at Hagworthingham 11.15am Harvest service at East Keal 3.00pm Harvest service at Old Bolingbroke 6.00pm

20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Old Bolingbroke 9.30am Service of the Word service at West Keal 11.15am Eucharist service at East Kirkby 3.00pm Eucharist service at Hagworthingham 6.00pm

27th October Last Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at East Keal 9.30am Eucharist service at Toynton All Saints 11.15am



Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity Harvest service at Stickney 9.30am

13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Stickney 11.15am

20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at East Kirkby 3.00pm

27th October Last Sunday after Trinity Eucharist Service at Stickford 11.15am Eucharist at New Leake 3.00pm

Coffee Morning

at St Luke's, Stickney

every Thursday at 10.00am



Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, Candlesby, Dalby, Langton w , Partney, , , Skendleby


6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Scremby 3.00pm Harvest service at Partney 6.00pm

13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Candlesby 9.30am Eucharist service at Skendleby 11.15am

20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Aswardby 9.30am Service of the Word at Partney 11.15am

27th October Last Sunday after Trinity Harvest service at Dalby 11.15am Service of the Word at Sausthorpe 11.15am

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Bag Enderby, Brinkhill, , , Farforth, Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, , , , Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity Harvest service at South Ormsby 9.30am

13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at 9.30am Harvest songs of praise at Farforth 6.00pm

20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Brinkhill 9.30am

27th October Last Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Somersby 9.30am

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 9.45am at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer every Monday and Thursday 12 noon at St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping & Firsby


6th October 16th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist service at Hundleby 9.30am All Age Family service at Spilsby 10.00am Service of the Word at Raithby 11.15am Harvest Service at Halton Holegate 3.00pm

8th October Eucharist service at Firsby 10.30am

13th October 17th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Service of the Word at Hundleby 11.15am Eucharist service at Great Steeping 3.00pm

20th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Halton Holegate 11.15am Harvest Service at Firsby 3.00pm

27th October Last Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Little Steeping 9.30am

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist

Coffee and Prayer Socials Raithby every 3rd Sunday at 9.30am Hundleby every 4th Sunday at 9.30am Great Steeping every 4th Sunday at 3.00pm 30





SAMARA of samarasaidappeal will be giving a talk about her work in Syria with

videos and signing her new book.




For details: Nicky 07930953913

Saturday rd 23 November

10am – 12noon


rd Saturday 23 November at Langton-by-Spilsby Village Hall

sausage mash peas and dessert tea/coffee


Adults: £7 Child: £4 Entry by ticket only Contact Ian & Shirley Whitworth 07899 037704


GRAPE VINE MAGAZINE All copy for next month's issue to be with the Editor th by the 14 of the month. The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5EF

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year 1 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160

ReGenerate your life! ✓ Regain your confidence and rejuvenate your love of life ✓ Improve your flexibility,mobility and balance Come and join this friendly keep-fit community with beneficial and adaptable exercises set to uplifting music. FIRST LESSON FREE!

MONDAYS: 10.30am at Village Hall

WEDNESDAYS: 10.30am at Stickney Youth Centre Call Rebecca at ReGenerate on 01205 750265 or email [email protected]

Julia’s “Happy Feet” Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP Free Initial Consultation

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FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS Massage Therapist Tel: 07500 946611 OCTOBER

• Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue th Massage 7-12 Count Dracula written by Ted Tiller & presented by Louth Playgoers • Back, neck & shoulders massage • Head, neck & arm massage 16th Ian McMillan & Luke Carver Goss • Seated Acupressure chair massage present Between & Me • Indian Head Massage Thai foot massage nd • 22 Sid’s Time to Play starring Sid from • Facial Rejuvenation Cbeebies – The big game show for • Hot Stones Little Ones. 12.30pm performance

• Spa wraps 29th Wild Images, Wild Life presented by • Warm Bamboo award-winning wildlife cameraman • Myofascial Release Doug Allan

• Nutrition Advice Box Office 01507 600350 Any treatments can be tailor made to fit requirements Now booking on line Email: [email protected] The Lodge, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF

“Are you sitting comfortable? Then I will begin.” Last year I wrote my first children’s book ‘Barty and Darcy.’ It was published as an e- book in January of this year. Reviewers from the likes of Amazon, Apple Books, NetGalley and Goodreads have described the book as “cute’ – ‘A lovely story.’ – ‘A book which I read with excitement.’ (this was from a mother reading it to her 3years old daughter.) These reviews which can be substantiated by the above organisations, are from customers all over the world, especially the UK and the USA. Many of the reviewers are teachers and librarians who have recommended it highly for reading.

Aimed at the age range 6 to 10 years old, it is being read to children much younger, some as low as 3 years old. It is also being read by adults. The story is “cute” but it also has a meaning. The cost is only £1.99 and can be read on an iPad, a Laptop, a Tablet, or an iPhone. Visit, Kindle, Books, Goodreads or Troubador Publishing and buy at the low price. Let the young ones read it or read it to them. Believe me, they will love it! Thanks for reading this. Mo Bird – email [email protected] you can contact me on Facebook at Maurice Bird, (Lincoln, Lincolnshire.)

Can’t work these new fangle gadgets? Get someone you know to help you to buy it, don’t let your kids, your nieces and nephews or grandchildren miss out. Make someone happy!




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Look no further Full kitchen facilities, crockery and glassware with seating and tables for TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL up to 50-60 people.

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PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Local Builder/Decorator Over 30 years experience in the building trade General Maintenance of Home and Garden All aspects of Property Maintenance Painting – Interior and exterior undertaken Fencing NO JOB TOO SMALL! Hedge trimming and tree work Bathroom and kitchen fitting Telephone: 01790 753253 or 07875 643 851 Tiling for a All maintenance jobs considered FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE

PHIL WHITE 73 Halton Road Spilsby Mobile 07422 515681 Lincs Email: [email protected] PE23 5LD




Fenwold Veterinary Practice

Caring Compassionate and Professional Care for your Pets

Boston Road Heath Road 110 High Street SPILSBY PE23 5HD PE25 3ST LN12 1BG

Tel. 01790 752227 Tel. 01754 767444 Tel. 01507 478182


Partney Ray Ford Church of England Carpentry & Joinery Aided

Bespoke/Heritage Primary School

Mob: 07776 288639 • Beautiful rural setting on the edge of the Tel: 01790 754006 • Only a couple of miles from Spilsby

• Distinctive Church School character 9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ • Strong links with our local community • Active Parent Association • Friendly, supportive, caring Staff and

Governing Body

• Unique opportunities for your child • Lots of extra-curricular activities

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing available resident ial care for older people offering high ‘A real small school family atmosphere’ quality long and short-term care and flexible day Come and judge for yourself! care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Maddison Lane, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PX Tel: 01790 753319 Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Email: [email protected] Please contact Zoe Randall on 01790 752495 for more information. Headteacher: Mrs Sue Kay Registered charity no 1048355

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The Compleat PAUL

Gardener Ltd We are, qualified gardeners working for domestic and EVERARD commercial clients throughout the area. REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR We have established an enviable reputation for our work and can THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, offer you a quality service backed SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

We are also able to provide a Email: [email protected] total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS Mark Fort on 01790754479 AND INFORMATION

Jacky & Simon welcome you to



Tel: 01790 754970 Mobile: 07958 650927


Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please

contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the

help required and we will get back to you.


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J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of

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White Cottage, Mill Lane, , Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 43

Newhome Computers The ONE stop place for ALL of your COMPUTER issues.

New Number

01754 806 144 Same great service

New Number

Steve 01754 806 144

Or 01754 830 506 44

Garden Machinery  Kitchenware

Housewares  DIY  Tools Paint mixing now available

1 High Street, Spilsby ~ Tel: 01790 752548

ICB Fencing & Halton Holegate Church of England Groundworks Primary School All types of fencing work undertaken Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted Ian Blackamore 2014) school with a friendly, family 07932 057580 atmosphere, encouraging children to 01790 756952 reach their full potential.

We are proud of our whole school community and invite you to make an appointment to look round and have a chat.

Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Contact: Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Station Road, Halton Holegate, Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB ménages. All types of timber gates 01790 752 575 supplied & fitted. [email protected] Manor Farm House, Main Road, or visit our website: East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Betty’s Sewing Box

Vesta House, Roman Bank, Skegness (next to bingo hall)


Alterations and Repairs

Tel Betty Lilley on (07593) 372104/(01790) 752071



available 46



Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

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For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact

The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

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For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, , Telephone 01754 873035


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Call Graham on 01754 830654

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For advice or quotation Ring Rob –

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IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ➢ over 100 fridges and freezers ➢ over 40 washing machines and dryers ➢ over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. ➢ vacuum cleaners ➢ microwave ovens ➢ cooker hoods ➢ all colours of kettle and toaster ➢ food mixers and fryers ➢ table lamps and light fittings



WE ALSO SELL • lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings • salt for water softeners • cooker hood filters and • spares for washing machines • plus lots of unusual bits and pieces


Due to redevelopment we have moved to a bigger showroom, more choice, better parking and not so far to come (What used to be Ashcroft Fabrics) We also have a Murdoch Troon kitchen display in our showroom




Acting Bishop of Lincoln The Rt. Rev. David Court Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 Team Vicar & Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Curate to South Ormsby Group Lincoln LN2 1PU The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin email: [email protected] The Rectory, Skegness Road, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4PG Tel: 01790 752344 email: [email protected] Archdeacon of Lincoln The Venerable Gavin Kirk Assistant Curate 01522 504039 The Rev’d Jean Coates [email protected] Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby email: [email protected]

The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Deanery Synod The Vicarage, Church Street, Joint Chairmen: Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Tel: 01790 752526 Mr. Bill Rose email: [email protected]

Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator Jane Howsam Bolingbroke Deanery Group The Vicarage, Church Street, Team Ministry Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Marden Hill, Partney, Tel: 01790 752526 Spilsby & Stickney Clusters email: [email protected] Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm Team Rector The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates (address as above). Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett Gardener’s Cottage, Harrington, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NH Team Vicar Tel: 01790 754151 The Rev’d Fran Jeffries email: [email protected] The Rectory, Horbling Lane, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Tel: 01205 481183 Reader & Community Chaplain email: [email protected] Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 752344