Bolingbroke Deanery


Faithful, Confident, Joyful

Our calling from God is to work together across the Bolingbroke Team to reconnect dispersed communities with the transforming love of Jesus through our FELLOWSHIP, INCLUSIVENESS & SERVICE

Our Vision We aim to have more visible links between people of faith and our local communities by working together in a ministry of encouragement across boundaries 50p



Principal Service

Sunday 2nd February Presentation of Christ (Gold or White) Candlemas First Reading Malachi 3.1-5 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 24.(1-6) 7-end Second Reading Hebrews 2.14-end Gospel Luke 2.22-40

Sunday 9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent (Green) First Reading Isaiah 58.1-9a [9b-12] Psalm/Canticle Psalm 112 [or 112.1-9] Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2.1-12 [13-end] Gospel Matthew 5.13-20

Sunday 16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent (Green) First Reading Genesis 1.1-23 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 136 [Psalm 136.1-9, 23-end Second Reading Romans 8.18-25 Gospel Matthew 6.25-end

Sunday 23rd February Sunday next before Lent (Green) First Reading Exodus 24.12-end Psalm/Canticle Psalm 2 [or Psalm 99] Second Reading 2 Peter 1.16-end Gospel Matthew 17.1-9



Saying Yes to Life The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2020

Saying Yes to Life (Ruth Valerio; SPCK) was commissioned by Archbishop Justin and is his chosen book for Lent 2020.

It imaginatively connects the days of creation with today’s ethical, environmental and social concerns. It lifts us from our daily lives, to issues which impact millions around the world. As people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what God has made and to share in the joy and creativity of God, who sees his creation and names it good.

Asked to produce something theological in depth and global in scope, Ruth’s book is reflective and practical while also a stirring call to action and contemplation. Archbishop Justin says ‘Ruth Valerio’s book is perfect for individuals and groups to think, reflect, pray and be challenged together’. Each chapter contains prayers and discussion questions to be used by groups meeting in Lent, with additional study resources and interviews available via a dedicated website.

Complementing this book, the Church of has developed a #LiveLent Care for God’s Creation campaign on social media. For the first time, the Lent book and digital campaign support each other, with emails, apps, web links and booklets for both adults and children that contain daily bite-sized reflections and actions. We can all join in!

To mark Lent, the next free Eco Church Workshop, ‘A Church for our Planet’, will take place on Saturday, 21st March 2020 (10am–4pm) at the church hall of St John the Evangelist Church in (DN20 8JE). Booking is available via Eventbrite (a link is available at life-lent-2020), or please contact Sarah Spencer, Discipleship in the World Officer, on 01522 50 40 75 for more details.

For more on #EverydayFaith, please see

Looking ahead to ‘Thy Kingdom Come’

The Revd John Leach (Growing Disciples Officer) writes... This year we are once again encouraging our churches to join in with the global ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ (TKC) movement during the days between 3

Ascension and Pentecost (21st – 31st May 2020). There won’t be a central TKC gathering in Lincoln Cathedral this year, and we hope local churches will make the most of the novena (period of prayer). There are things that can help you as you plan for this.

Resources The main TKC website ( has a selection of videos which can be used to promote TKC in the , as well as a link to a further website ( with ordering information for a selection of printed materials. We have a limited number of the Prayer Journals in the Resources Room (at Edward King House in Lincoln) that are available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.

What might we do? TKC begins with the conviction that prayer really does make a difference, and that the more focused and specific our prayers, the easier it is to see the difference they make. So we want to use this special opportunity to join with the Anglican church (and many others) worldwide to focus our prayer on the mission and growth of the Church, just as Jesus’ first disciples gave the same period to fervent prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit to equip them for their mission.

Individually – people might be encouraged to use a resource such as the Prayer Journal in their own daily prayers at home.

As a parish – might wish to plan a season of morning, midday or evening prayers at which people can gather. They might also wish to consider whether the children’s resources would be useful in their ministry to local schools.

As a grouping – if your church is grouped with other churches, there might be an opportunity to gather together for prayer and worship. Pentecost Sunday (31st May 2020) is a fifth Sunday, when many groups choose to worship centrally rather than in individual churches.

As a deanery – it might be possible to organise a deanery service or prayer event at some point during the novena, or even a deanery service on Pentecost Sunday. If an outside speaker is required, we can help.

Now is the time to begin to plan for TKC. The diocesan Mission Team are here to help and encourage in any way we can. For further help, or to request free copies of the Prayer Journal, please contact me by email ([email protected]) or call 01522 50 40 49. 4

Bolingbroke Grape Vine

Please can all articles be with the Editor by the 14th of the month. They can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to The Grape Vine, The Vicarage, Church Street, , Lincs PE23 5EF

Group Registers: Funerals: Spilsby Cluster Arthur Desmond Woodford 92 years died 04.12.19 Noel White 75 years died 05.12.19 Pamela Hine 92 years Raithby died 10.12.19 Jean Redford 77 years Spilsby died 13.12.19 Kathleen Frances Ness 84 years Hundleby died 21.12.19

Marden Hill Cluster Michael Harold George Clark 79 years died 12.11.19 Derek James Arthur Tayles 80 years died 08.12.19 Olive Margaret Needham 94 years East Keal died 24.12.19 Marjorie Daft 86 years died 17.12.19

Partney Cluster George Lewis Ashley 67 years died 22.11.19

South Ormsby Cluster Ethel Chandler 97 years died 13.12.19 Susan Cooper 68 years died 07.01.20

Weddings: Michael Alan Heyes & Sherri Louise Clarke Halton Holegate 20.12.19 Michael John Stuart Rooke & Melissa Murial Peach Halton Holegate 28.12.19

Baptisms: Spilsby Cluster Edward Jack Cartwright Hundleby 22.12.19 5

Dates for the Diary February 3rd ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, St Mary’s 3rd Safeguarding Training at Old School, 6pm 4th coffee morning at ‘The Steepings’, 10.30am 4th East Keal APCM, 7pm 6th Rural Deans’ meeting 7th Community Cuppa, Franklin Hall, 10.30am 8th Community of St Hugh prayer for the Diocese at The Olive Tree, 10.00am 10th Hundleby APCM, 2pm 12th Marden Hill Cluster meeting, Spilsby Vicarage, 7pm 13th Deanery Home Group at The Rectory, Stickney 14th Toyntons APCM, 3pm 15th To Love and Serve the Lord 10am Spilsby Vicarage 17th Deanery Synod, 7pm – venue to be confirmed 18th Little Steeping coffee morning at ‘The Steepings’, 10.30am 18th Stickney Old Rectory Communion 26th Ash Wednesday Service at 11am at St Luke’s Church, Stickney followed by soup and roll lunch 29th Jumble Sale in St Luke’s Church, Stickney at 12 noon March 3rd West Keal APCM in church, 10.30am 4th Compline at Hundleby, 6.30pm 6th Spilsby Light Night preview 7th Learning Communities, St James Spilsby, 9.30am 7th Spilsby Light Night 11th Compline at Hundleby, 6.30pm 13th Little Steeping APCM in church, 2.00pm 14th Community of St Hugh prayer for the Diocese at The Olive Tree, 10.00am 17th Hagworthingham APCM in church, 7pm 18th Compline at Hundleby, 6.30pm 25th Compline at Hundleby, 6.30pm 25th Spilsby & District Schools Music Festival 26th Spilsby & District Schools Music Festival 31st Halton Holegate APCM in church, 7pm

Look out for the date of your APCM and please go along to support and find out what your church is about. New officers are elected at these meetings but you will not be asked to take on a role unless you want to!


To Love and Serve the Lord 10am Spilsby Vicarage 15th February This course on Christian Growth is for everyone who would like to attend, just for interest. It will also help us to grow our local ministries. Come and see. Enjoy the growth we can achieve together.

Lay Ministry in the Diocese of Lincoln

Locally Recognised Those ministries which are discerned in the parish, recognised by incumbent, members of the church community and the person themselves. The activities involved in these ministries are representative of the incumbent in visiting, Sunday School, Youth Work, work with the elderly etc. Discernment, training and safer recruiting are handled in the parish and recognition can be expressed in any number of ways (prayer before the peace one Sunday, certification at patronal festival or beginning of year or beginning of academic year depending on ministry and any similar contextually appropriate activity).

Authorised ALM discernment and training will be at deanery level to diocesan guidelines and standards (with flexibility for those who have engaged with different types of bible/ theological/ pastoral training). Discernment will involve taking part in an open-access 16 session course with feedback into the selection process by the trainers, recommendation for authorisation by incumbent and PCC and DBS and safeguarding requirements being met. Training will be in deanery groups and authorisation for one of 'worship-leading', 'pastoral care', or 'mission and evangelism' will be by rural deans. Further training and additional authorisation are possible following discernment by incumbent and those leading the training. ALMs can be deployed across a deanery (or slightly beyond where parish boundaries are close to deanery boundaries) .

Licensed (Reader Ministry} The lay ministry we will continue to call Reader is also known in some dioceses as LLM (Licensed Lay Ministry). We are working with the new national descriptors of readers as 'teachers of the Faith, enablers of mission and leaders in church and society'. Readers are discerned at diocesan level to national standards. Training involves 3 years academic work through Lincoln School of Theology studying Common Awards Levels 4 and 5 modules and 2 years contextual formation training in small groups and parishes. 7

The Reader is licensed to the diocesan bishop with a working agreement with incumbent or lead ministry provider (e.g. in chaplaincy situations) Readers can be deployed across the diocese with permission from the person with whom they have their working agreement.

Oversight in all cases is with the incumbent but for ALMs and Readers we have a diocesan network (that's aspirational at the moment but will happen soon) for ministry development and pastoral care.

Sally Buck Warden of Lay Ministry June 2019

TOYNTON ST PETER’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EVE “CAROLS AND CAMELS” The event was well attended and a big THANK YOU to all who supported the event. £100.00 has been sent to St Andrews Hospice .

Petals in the snow Author: Lucy Mills Date: 01 February 2020 We all have those days. Days when we feel undervalued or unappreciated. Days when our opinions don’t seem to count, our voices dismissed. There may be more than one reason for this. We are complex by nature, our personalities influenced by myriad threads in our lives. Sometimes an external factor is the trigger, sometimes it is something that has been building inside for a long time. Sometimes we just don’t know why we feel the way we do. We live in a world of comparisons. We see the smiling picture-perfect faces; we hear the exciting news that others share, and we want to be happy for them. . . And we are; but at the same time, we hold up our own lives to their mirror and feel somewhat deflated. We can feel like that stubborn, season-confused rose trying to flower all winter, petals browned by rain, frost or snow. We try to bloom, but find our petals are battered by the unforgiving environment around us. We feel that we were misled into thinking that we mattered. How can we possibly flourish here?


Petals can bruise in a harsh climate. So do we. When winter has felt too long or too confusing, we stagger onwards, unable to see spring. But our God is the Lord of the bruised and the broken. Isaiah spoke of the Messiah, saying: “a bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench” (Isaiah 42.3). This tender imagery reminds us that our weaknesses are no barrier to God’s love, nor God’s justice. God does not get irritated by our silent tears, or misunderstand what we are trying to say. We are known, completely, and we are loved, completely. One is no obstacle for the other. We do not need to hide our bruises from the one who was himself bruised for us, the one who lived and breathed among us. Despite our struggles and our mistakes, we are worthy of love. We are ‘enough’, because God himself has bestowed that worth upon us. No matter what those in our lives infer or imply — we are valued, we are appreciated, we do matter. There will always be times when we feel taken for granted; when our actions are misconstrued; when we make mistakes. We are humans living in a world full of humans, all with their own weaknesses and an array of motives we cannot possibly see. That does not dictate our worth. The Spirit within us reminds us that we have been identified as children of God. As winter takes its final bow, let’s remember that the seasons we go through in our lives do not change the value we have been given by the God who created, loved and redeemed us, as individuals and as communities. Unchanging God, as we transition from winter to spring, as we are challenged by the changing seasons of our lives, remind us — you have given us worth that no one can take away. In the name of Jesus, Amen Lucy Mills is a writer and artist



To all my Grapevine Friends, ‘tis a little late, I fear, but as the old year ends, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. So, now, as we look ahead, leaving two thousand and nineteen I wish you every happiness, may year twenty twenty bestow awaited dreams.

We must seek the beauty in all that we see, remember, new times are dawning, a walk through the woods, (though perhaps not for me!) breath winter glory on a frosty morning. Take comfort from the good in each new day, give of your love, give of your time, a wise old man once showed me the way, I carry his words all the while.

Now…regrets shall have no place, for regrets are of yesteryear, new challenges we’ll face with fortitude and grace as we banish all meaningless fears.

A New Year’s wish to you and everyone that you may find contentment all the while, I wish you love, how-so-ever it may come for with love comes the riches of life.

HAPPY NEW YEAR with love, Ema Fields GOD BLESS

Halton Holegate 100 Club winners December January C Billam C Gray J Hyson P Lawson E Grant D Janik J Wildman D Blyth


Whist Drives

Hundleby Parish Room 3rd Tuesday each month 7.00pm

We are looking for new members. Why not come along and join us?

Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee and biscuits and raffle.


Protect yourself and others by attending the

Deanery Safeguarding Training Skendleby Old School.

Monday 3rd February at 6pm

Free Refreshments provided

If you wish to attend please can you let the Deanery Office know on 01790 752526 leaving your name, parish and position in church or email the same details to [email protected]

St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping


4th & 18th February 10.30am at Sheila & Basil’s house (The Steepings)

Drink and cake - £1.50 ALL WELCOME


Fran’s Bit!

Last month I wrote about an annual retreat at Launde Abbey on the theme of “From Epiphany to Eternity: Journeying with God”. I know some people read it, because I was asked at least 3 times how I’d enjoyed it before I had even gone!

Anyway, it was a textile retreat, and I went with a plan! I was going to make a banner – picking up on the theme, I was attracted to the patchwork block ‘Mariner’s Compass’ – it is not a simple block and I was feeling like a bit of a challenge.

At the bottom of the banner would be the shape of the earth’s horizon, and a number of arrows would come from the mariner’s compass with the question ‘Where is God leading you?’

So far, so good – except it didn’t quite work out like that! As the week went on, and I worked on the block, I realised that I was using the name of the block to colour my thinking. You see, a compass only works if you know the direction in which you should be travelling. When trusting God, when trying to work out our calling, do we ever really know the direction?

As the block came together, I felt it looked more like a star. At Epiphany, wise men followed a star and clearly did NOT know where they were heading. I realised that my plans, any plans, no matter how noble, are of no effect unless God is allowed to lead, unless God is in the planning.

So I ditched the banner idea (I am sure the background fabric will be useful at some other time) and created for myself a table mat for the table that 12 sits at the side of my armchair where I sit to pray. It is there as a reminder that I can let God do the planning – as long as I act with humility and obedience.

LENT 2020

The Lent Course recommended for the Diocese this year is based upon the book “Saying Yes to Life” by Ruth Valerio, which challenges us to look at how we care for the planet earth. Even if you don’t join a group, it is worth reading the book. Also, if you are up for a challenge, how about a daily challenge for Lent called “LiveLent”. All the challenges are related to our care for the environment. Copies of the booklet will be available shortly.

Ash Wednesday February 26th 10.00am Tetford, 10.30am Spilsby 11.00am Stickney 7.00pm Old Bolingbroke Every Wednesday after that 6.30pm Compline Hundleby Every Friday in Lent Stations of the Cross Spilsby S/J & RC alternate

Marden Hill Cluster January Draw Winners

1st No.9 J Cooper 2nd No.1 M Clark


Toynton All Saints January Draw Winners

1st No.14 H Vaughan 2nd No.10 E K Moss 3rd No.64 B Shaw

Gifts for the cradle or Gifts for God was the theme of the first Family service of 2020 led by Jane Parker. The children now regularly take on the jobs of crucifer, acolytes and taking the offertory. As it was Epiphany the children also placed the Wise Men and camels onto the Nativity scene.

Alan Campbell and Bill Rose read the lessons from Matthew and Ephesians which related to the theme. The children embroidered book marks before the service which, when finished, will be given as gifts. Jane and Margaret talked to the children about giving and wishing and the congregation were reminded that Children in Need raised £47.8 million last year and since it was started £950 million has been raised for good causes. The majority of people enjoy giving as much as receiving.

Reverend Joan Thornett talked about the strange people who visited the Baby Jesus; smelly shepherds and Kings. Sometimes the clergy may also seem a strange lot!! The shepherds were the least important but were the first to visit Jesus and the Wise Men believed that Jesus was a King hence their visit to King Herod. It is important that we learn to accept ourselves as we are, flawed and imperfect, but we can bring love and the desire to serve and try to seek God's will for us at the beginning of a New Year. The next Family Service will be Candlemas on 2nd February, 10am. Everyone welcome.

th DID YOU KNOW ...... that it is the 20 Anniversary of the Family Service this year and during that time there has only been one service when no children were present. The Family service team would like to thank everyone who has supported and helped them in any way over the last twenty years. A special thank you to Jane Howsam who regularly supplies us with ideas for craft activities. We look forward to your continued support. Reverend Joan Thornett Jane Parker Margaret Cook 14

Raithby Village Hall

Coffee Morning We always meet on the first Tuesday of every month.

Our next monthly coffee morning is on th Tuesday 4 February from 10.30 - 12.00

We look forward to seeing you there



There has been so much coverage about the situation with Harry and Meghan, I wonder if you heard about the comment that was made, suggesting that we are more interested in our Royal family than in our own families

It got me thinking; how true is that statement? If we do follow the royal family, then because we are not related to them in any way (unless you have been keeping a big secret), that means that we do not have to be too involved, and can take more of a passive role. We can simply observe and not be too emotionally involved. There is the old statement that we can’t choose our relatives but we can choose our friends. Unlike our own families, which can either leave us feeling really positive or dare I say it, perhaps experiencing the odd negative feeling. Hopefully though, the latter is not the case and we do take an interest in the life of our families. Being there for one another, to share in celebrations, and to support when times are hard.

As Christians there is of course the all important Christian family, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Supporting one another through prayer and encouragement. Experiencing the joy of our faith in Jesus, and wanting to take an active interest in one another. Wanting to share our faith with those we meet; wanting them to experience all the good things that God wants them to experience in their lives, such as being accepted for who they truly are.

We of course, as Christians, are all Royalists; we are called to be loyal subjects of his Divine Majesty, the one who is King of kings; the one who even our Queen bends her knee to.


St Nicholas,


Sunday 9th February

12 noon – 3pm

Refreshments ~ Soup, hot chocolate, tea and coffee Grocery Tombola



Wednesday 12th February 2.00pm in the Franklin Hall

Speaker: Anthony Poulton-Smith ‘What’s in a name’

Hundleby Book Swap and Teas

th 13 February 12th March and 9th April Parish Rooms, 2-4pm

New books added each month All welcome

To Love and Serve the Lord 10am Spilsby Vicarage th 15 February

This course on Christian Growth is for everyone who would like to attend, just for interest. It will also help us to grow our local ministries. Come and see. Enjoy the growth we can achieve together.


Every Friday morning in the Victory Hall, 9.30am to noon

Come for coffee, tea, cake and a chat!

All proceeds to Partney School, St Nicholas Church and the Victory Hall



Unfortunately many of the activities at Eresby Hall had to be cancelled over the Christmas period because of illness. The residents were able to celebrate the New Year and enjoyed the entertainment when Jeremy went in to sing. They also enjoyed a little tipple at midnight on New Year's Eve. Earlier in the month a ukulele group, which included Graham, the handyman, went in to entertain and from what Graham said, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A cup of tea and some cake was all the players wanted as a reward.

As there had been no Carol service as such Jane and Margaret went in on January 6th for a short service of lessons and carols as it was still officially the Christmas period. The residents certainly sang the well known carols with gusto. It is hoped that there will be a belated party at the end of January.

Thank you to all the people who donated last year's calendars. There are some beautiful photographs which means a much bigger selection to choose from. Thank you.


Another day starts at Eresby Hall With breakfast round about eight. With toast or porridge or cornflakes Or eggs in a runny state. With juice or coffee or tea It's as good as that you see. Through the morning there could be games Or singing or watching TV Dinner is at twelve noon Listen to the clatter of knife, fork and spoon. On Friday there is fish and chips and that's very good With arctic roll to follow as a lovely pud. After dinner if the weather's good You can sit outside either on your own or in a crowd You can talk to each other as long as it's not loud. It's four o'clock teatime now with sandwiches, soup Or maybe salad so fresh it will not droop. Now nearly time for bed but don't forget your prayers And thank Him up above for your lovely home And being so well fed.

Written by Peter Horry, a resident.


The Old Hall, Halton Holgate News

What a fun packed Christmas we have had here in Halton Holgate, we had a visit from rainbow dreaming ponies, a panto, and a local singer.

Our Christmas raffle did very well, and we wish to thank all local businesses that donated prizes to us, the money raised is for our resident’s comfort fund, and buys us coffee and cake when we are out in the community.

We are now planning for 2020 and hoping to have lots of fun times and get more involved with the local area. Our doors are always open and if anyone has any spare time and would like to volunteer or befriend one of our residents that would be great.


Thursday 20th February 10am Meet at Church for 4 mile circular walk .

Thursday 26th March 10 am Meet at Bag Enderby Church for 8 mile circular walk

Saturday 18th April- 10am Meet at Franklin Hall Spilsby. 1.5 mile walk around Franklin Trail in Spilsby followed by refreshments

Please wear suitable footwear No Dogs Please

For further details please telephone :- Stef 01205 270312 Gill 01790 754797


25th February

Don’t forget your pancakes!!


More Newhome thoughts on Computers

This month I am going to talk about life the universe and everything. You must admit that is a pretty bold opening. If I have not got your attention yet you might as well move on.

OK so, if we start at the beginning, I have been a computer engineer since 1992 and watched the industry grow, including the internet. That has been interesting, well to me anyway. Many things have changed. The growth and decline of Microsoft's more or less total dominance of the PC market. This under the pressure from Google who own the Android system, used on phones and tablets. Bear in mind that Google was only a search engine in the early days. was not registered until September 15, 1997. Apple have also played their part, though they still want to be out on their own; i-products only reluctantly play with other devices.

Mobile phones have moved from phones, to pocket computers that can be a satnav with live time traffic (waze app) to a mirror for putting on your make-up (reverse the camera and look at yourself) - never mind the fact that many calls can be video too; that is more than captain Kirk had. So, the point of all this is that time moves on. That includes my life and yours. In my life, I have now sold my house, found a new life partner, Alix, and as a result will be moving three hours away to Middlesbrough. I will be sorry to be leaving where I have been for the last thirty two years. I really have loved the place, but Alix is worth it. Having said all that, it will mean that I have had to give up both Newhome Computers and my school work as of 13th of February which is half-term. Big changes for me and probably for my customers, many of whom have become friends over the years. Hence, I am taking this opportunity to thank you all for feeding me for all these years, to give you all as much notice as I can, bearing in mind that the sale was set on the 23rd of December and to thank all of my advertising publishers. All in all, it is good night from me and it is good night to you, I'm off on another adventure and semi-retirement.

Have fun and enjoy yourselves. Steve

P.S. My phone is a broadband device, so the number will not change, so as I have always done, I can still give you free advice, but at home 3 hours away.

I’m sure you will all join with us in thanking Steve for his advice and support across the years and wish him all the best for his future adventures. 20



‘It’s Lincolnshire! Blend in they said! Didn’t tell me it was a park not a farm!’ Congratulations – June Fitz Gibbon

Just for laughs! ‘Oh dear! I think I got my tyres crossed.’ – Mary Mackinder ‘How long does it take to charge those things? I’ve been waiting for hours!’ – Barry & Jeannette Richards


Please send your captions by 14th February to

‘Caption Competition’ The Vicarage,

Church Street,

Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected]


West Keal

Your Village Needs You! Please come along and find out how you can help at our

Annual Parish Church Meeting St Helen’s, West Keal Tuesday 3rd March 10.30 Refreshments provided

World Day of Prayer

Friday, 6th March at 10am

Christian Fellowship Church, Spilsby

Service prepared by Christian women of Zimbabwe

All are welcome

Skendleby Old School events

Afternoon Tea with musical entertainment by

At Skendleby Hall

(by kind permission of David and Ruth Lowe)

Thursday 19th March at 2.00pm Tickets - £15-00 Contact: Mo Jarvis - 01754 890623 or Margaret White - 01754 890321




East Keal, East Kirkby, , Hagworthingham, , , , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, , Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


2nd February Candlemas Eucharist service at Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Service of the Word at Toynton All Saints 11.15am Service of the Word at East Kirkby 3.00pm

9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at East Keal 9.30am Service of the Word at Hagworthingham 11.15am

16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at Old Bolingbroke 9.30am Service of the Word at West Keal 11.15am Eucharist service at East Kirkby 3.00pm Eucharist service at Hagworthingham 6.00pm

23rd February Next Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at East Keal 9.30am Eucharist service at Toynton All Saints 11.15am



Eastville, Midville, , , Stickney


2nd February Candlemas Eucharist at Stickney 9.30am

9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at Stickney 11.15am

16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at New Leake 3.00pm

23rd February Next Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at Stickford 11.15am

Coffee Morning

at St Luke's, Stickney

every Thursday at 10.00am



Ashby by Partney, , , Dalby, Langton w , Partney, , Scremby, Skendleby


2nd February Candlemas Eucharist service at Partney 11.15am Service of the Word at Scremby 3.00pm

9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at Candlesby 9.30am Eucharist service at Skendleby 11.15am

16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at Aswardby 9.30am Service of the Word at Partney 11.15am

23rd February Next Sunday before Lent Service of the Word at Sausthorpe 11.15am Eucharist service at Langton 11.15am Evening prayer at Skendleby 6.00pm

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Bag Enderby, , , , , Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, , , , Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


2nd February Candlemas Eucharist Service at Brinkhill Church Hall 9.30am

9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Eucharist Service at Brinkhill Church Hall 9.30am

16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent Eucharist Service at Brinkhill Church Hall 9.30am

23rd February Next Sunday before Lent Eucharist Service at Brinkhill Church Hall 9.30am

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 9.45am

at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer every Monday and Thursday 12 noon at St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints , and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping &


2nd February Candlemas Eucharist service at Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist service at Hundleby 9.30am All Age Family service at Spilsby 10.00am Service of the Word at Raithby 11.15am

4th February Eucharist service at Firsby 10.30am

9th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Service of the Word at Hundleby 11.15am Eucharist service at Great Steeping 3.00pm

16th February 2nd Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Café Church at Raithby 10.00am Eucharist service at Halton Holegate 11.15am Service of the Word at Firsby 3.00pm

23rd February Next Sunday before Lent Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Little Steeping 9.30am Café Church at Hundleby 9.30am Café Church at Great Steeping 10.00am

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist




First College in Louth and are running

Free Food Safety in Catering Courses 9.00am - 4.30pm approx.

The qualification demonstrates compliance with food safety law within any business which is involved with handling food. A "must have" for anyone involved with the preparation and service of food. Businesses, working from home, clubs, village halls etc.

Various dates available

For further information please call Peggy Middleton on Louth 01507 601122



FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS Massage Therapist Tel: 07500 946611 FEBRUARY • Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue Massage 8th The Stones Tribute Band • Back, neck & shoulders massage • Head, neck & arm massage 12th-18th Tess of the d’Urbervilles • Seated Acupressure chair massage presented by Hotbuckle • Indian Head Massage Theatre Group • Thai foot massage • Facial Rejuvenation 22nd Waltz your Worries Away

• Hot Stones – New Opera

• Spa wraps Group Spring Concert • Warm Bamboo • Myofascial Release 28th Choice Grenfell – a tribute • Nutrition Advice to Joyce Grenfell • Facials presented by Kick in the Head Production Any treatments can be tailor made

to fit requirements Box Office 01507 600350 Email: [email protected] The Lodge, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF Now booking on line 30



~ painting ~ ~ wallpapering ~ ~ tiling ~

07432 563722 01205 480434 [email protected]

Any size jobs considered

Free no obligation quote

BTEC Level 2 Painting and Decorating

RAITHBY VILLAGE HALL Planning a wedding, a party or just PRIVATE HIRE a family get together? Book our historic village hall for your

Looking for a venue? private function or for a meeting, lecture, or regular classes.

Look no further Full kitchen facilities, crockery and glassware with seating and tables for TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL up to 50-60 people.

❖ available for hire Disabled facilities

❖ up to 120 catered for Our rate is just £7.50 per hour, with ❖ excellent kitchen facilities special weekend rates for weddings ❖ fully heated. and reduced rates for regular bookings.

For charges and to book call Contact Hall Manager Sindy Prince on 01790 754020 or 01790 752249 07780 220913 or find us on Facebook or email [email protected]


ReGenerate your life!

✓ Regain your confidence and rejuvenate your love of life

✓ Improve your flexibility, mobility and balance Come and join this friendly keep-fit community with beneficial and adaptable exercises set to uplifting music.

FIRST LESSON FREE! MONDAYS: 10.30am at Village Hall

WEDNESDAYS: 10.30am at Stickney Youth Centre Call Rebecca at ReGenerate on 01205 750265 or email [email protected]

5% Off all services5% Off with thisall servicesAdvert withwhen this quoting Advert whenGrape quoting Vine Grape Vine

DARREN SHARP PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Local Builder/Decorator Over 30 years experience General Maintenance of in the building trade Home and Garden

All aspects of Property Maintenance Painting – Interior and exterior undertaken Fencing NO JOB TOO SMALL! Hedge trimming and tree work

Bathroom and kitchen fitting Telephone: 01790 753253 or 07875 643 851 Tiling for a All maintenance jobs considered FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE

PHIL WHITE 73 Halton Road Spilsby Mobile 07422 515681 Lincs Email: [email protected] PE23 5LD




MAGAZINE GRAPE VINE All copy for next month's issue to be with the Editor by the 14th of the month.

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5EF

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year 1 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160

Julia’s “Happy Feet” Foot Health Practitione r Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP

Free Initial Consultation Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings

Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels

Corn Removal Callus Reduction Providing care in the comfort of your own home

Book for appointments with Julia Moore Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897

Fenwold Veterinary Practice

Caring Compassionate and Professional Care for your Pets

Boston Road Heath Road 110 High Street SPILSBY SKEGNESS PE23 5HD PE25 3ST LN12 1BG

Tel. 01790 752227 Tel. 01754 767444 Tel. 01507 478182


Partney Ray Ford Carpentry & Joinery Aided

Bespoke/Heritage Primary School

Mob: 07776 288639 • Beautiful rural setting on the edge of the Tel: 01790 754006 • Only a couple of miles from Spilsby

• Distinctive Church School character 9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ • Strong links with our local community • Active Parent Association • Friendly, supportive, caring Staff and

Governing Body

• Unique opportunities for your child • Lots of extra-curricular activities

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing available resident ial care for older people offering high ‘A real small school family atmosphere’ quality long and short-term care and flexible day Come and judge for yourself! care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Maddison Lane, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PX Tel: 01790 753319 Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Email: [email protected] Please contact Zoe Randall on 01790 752495 for more information. Headteacher: Mrs Sue Kay Registered charity no 1048355


The Compleat PAUL

Gardener Ltd We are, qualified gardeners working for domestic and EVERARD commercial clients throughout the area. REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR We have established an enviable reputation for our work and can THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, offer you a quality service backed SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

We are also able to provide a Email: [email protected] total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS Mark Fort on 01790754479 AND INFORMATION

Jacky & Simon welcome you to



Tel: 01790 754970 Mobile: 07958 650927

SPILSBY GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please

contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the

help required and we will get back to you.



NHS and Private Eye Examinations

Includes Digital Retinal Imaging Budget to top designer frames

Single Vision spectacles from £19.95 complete Bifocals and Varifocals

from £59.95 complete Pet Sitting, Dog Walking and Pet Taxiing in and around Repairs and on site glazing for a fast the Spilsby area. service

Fully qualified & insured. Contact—07766 954228 3-4 Market Place Horncastle [email protected] LN9 5HD Or Tel: 01507 526527 Find my page on Facebook [email protected]


J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of Domestic Heating Oil & Farm Diesel ------Family owned and run for over 30 years. ------Prompt delivery Competitive prices Friendly service ------Contact us on

01205 760638 Anytime All major credit cards accepted


Garden Machinery  Kitchenware

Housewares  DIY  Tools Paint mixing now available

1 High Street, Spilsby ~ Tel: 01790 752548

Halton Holegate ICB Fencing &

Church of England Groundworks Primary School All types of fencing work undertaken

Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted Ian Blackamore 2014) school with a friendly, family 07932 057580 atmosphere, encouraging children to 01790 756952 reach their full potential.

We are proud of our whole school community and invite you to make an appointment to look round and have a chat.

Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Contact: Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Station Road, Halton Holegate, Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB ménages. All types of timber gates 01790 752 575 supplied & fitted. [email protected] Manor Farm House, Main Road,

East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS or visit our website:


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Betty’s Sewing Box

Vesta House, Roman Bank, Skegness (next to bingo hall)


Alterations and Repairs

Tel Betty Lilley on (07593) 372104/(01790) 752071

Book -keeping Services

Reasonable Rates

Contact: Jo Jeffries

07903 844080




Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

⚫ Residential care & Dementia ⚫ Church Services ⚫ Respite available ⚫ Single & Double Rooms Available ⚫ Day Care ⚫ Choice of home cooking ⚫ Hairdressing ⚫ Special diets catered for ⚫ Podiatrist ⚫ Friendly, caring staff ⚫ Daily Activities

For further information please contact Manor Care Centre on 01790 763381 email: [email protected]

Visitors always welcome

Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

MNM Pest Management

NPTA Accredited Technician

Problem with wasps, ants or flies moles, rats and mice?

Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises

Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on: 01754 890637 or 07904 170033

Please call for any help and advice



For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, , Telephone 01754 873035


GM Electrical

Registered Domestic


For all domestic electrical work.

From the simplest of repairs to

complete re-wires.

Call Graham on 01754 830654

R & P or 0791 7058230 Part P Qualified, Fully Insured. Decorating Services For a friendly & professional All Painting and Decorating service. work undertaken.

Over 10 years experience.

For advice or quotation Ring Rob –

Office 01790 756877 Or Mobile 07950 244219






IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ➢ over 100 fridges and freezers ➢ over 40 washing machines and dryers ➢ over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. ➢ vacuum cleaners ➢ microwave ovens ➢ cooker hoods ➢ all colours of kettle and toaster ➢ food mixers and fryers ➢ table lamps and light fittings



WE ALSO SELL • lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings • salt for water softeners • cooker hood filters and • spares for washing machines • plus lots of unusual bits and pieces


Due to redevelopment we have moved to a bigger showroom, more choice, better parking and not so far to come (What used to be Ashcroft Fabrics) We also have a Murdoch Troon kitchen display in our showroom




Acting Bishop of Lincoln The Rt. Rev. David Court Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 Team Vicar & Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Curate to South Ormsby Group Lincoln LN2 1PU The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin email: [email protected] The Rectory, Skegness Road, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4PG Tel: 01790 752344 email: [email protected] Archdeacon of Lincoln The Venerable Gavin Kirk Assistant Curate 01522 504039 The Rev’d Jean Coates [email protected] Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby email: [email protected]

The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Deanery Synod The Vicarage, Church Street, Joint Chairmen: Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Tel: 01790 752526 Mr. Bill Rose email: [email protected]

Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator & Grape Vine Editor Bolingbroke Deanery Group Jane Howsam Team Ministry The Vicarage, Church Street, Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Team Rector Mon-Fri 9.30am–1.30pm The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates (address as above). Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett Gardener’s Cottage, Harrington, Team Vicar Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NH The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Tel: 01790 754151 The Rectory, Horbling Lane, email: [email protected] Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Tel: 01205 481183 email: [email protected] Reader & Community Chaplain Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 752344