Bolingbroke Deanery GG rraappeeVViinnee AUGUST 2014 ISSUE 458

Our Resource is the Gospel, and our aim is simple; “To secure a growing, worshipping, celebrating, proclaiming and caring Christian presence in each community of our Deanery.”




Principal Service

Sunday 3rd August 7th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Genesis 32.22-31 Isaiah 55.1-5 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 17.1-7, 16 Psalm 145.8-9, 15-end [or 17.1-7] [or 145.15-end] Second Reading Romans 9.1-5 Gospel Matthew 14.13-21

Sunday 10th August 8th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Genesis 37.1-4, 12-28 1 Kings 19.9-18 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 105.1-6, 16-22,45b Psalm 85.8-13 [or 105.1-10] Second Reading Romans 10.5-15 Gospel Matthew 14.22-33

Sunday 17th August 9th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Genesis 45.1-15 Isaiah 56.1, 6-8 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 133 Psalm 67 Second Reading Romans 11.1-2a, 29-32 Gospel Matthew 15.[10-20] 21-28

Sunday 24th August 10th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Bartholomew the Apostle First Reading Isaiah 43.8-13 or Acts 5.12-16 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 145.1-7 or Psalm 128 Second Reading Acts 5.12-16 or 1 Corinthians 4.9-15 Gospel Luke 22.24-30

Sunday 31st August 11th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Exodus 3.1-15 Jeremiah 15.15-21 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 105.1-6, 23-26, 45b Psalm 26.1-8 [or Psalm 115] Second Reading Romans 12.9-end Gospel Matthew 16.21-end


St James Spilsby, St Mary , Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints , and the three St Andrew’s: , &

Sunday 3 August - Family Service Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Give Thanks


3rd August Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist 7th Sunday Spilsby 10.00am Family Service after Trinity Halton Holegate 6.00pm Evening Prayer Raithby 6.00pm Eucharist

5th August Firsby 10.30am Eucharist

10th August Little Steeping 8.00am Eucharist Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist 8th Sunday Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer after Trinity Halton Holegate 11.15am Morning Prayer Great Steeping 3.00pm Eucharist

17th August Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist 9th Sunday Raithby 11.15am Morning Prayer after Trinity Firsby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing Service

24th August Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Bartholomew Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer the Apostle Little Steeping 9.30am Morning Prayer 10th Sunday Halton Holegate 11.15am Eucharist after Trinity Great Steeping 3.00pm Evening Prayer

31st August 10.00am Benefice Service 11th Sunday after Trinity

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby

Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist

3 Group Registers:

Funerals: John Pestell 83 years Spilsby died 20.06.14 John Sandwell 70 years Firsby died 23.06.14 John Wells 88 years Spilsby died 28.06.14 Fred Dales 78 years Spilsby died 05.07.14 Geoffrey Leng 88 years Raithby died 07.07.14

Weddings: Mark Ely & Martina Kemp Halton Holegate 19.07.14

Baptism Sienna Jade Rush Spilsby 06.07.14 Leon Oscar Paul Spilsby 19.07.14

GROUP NOTICES - August 1st HOP Night creatures spotting, Hundleby, 10pm 2nd HOP ‘What was seen’, 9am 2nd Great Steeping flower festival, 10am-6pm 3rd Great Steeping flower festival,10am-5pm. 5pm Songs of Praise 9th Spilsby coffee morning with crafts & Children’s Society stall,10am 9th Celebrating Musical Talent, Halton Holegate church, 12noon - late 12th Little Steeping coffee morning, 10.30am 13th Guild of Servers at St James’, 7.30pm 16th Quiet Day at St James’, 10am -4/5pm 26th Little Steeping coffee morning. 10.30am

Halton Holegate 100 Club July winners

M Tong Spilsby M Carpenter Halton Holegate M Toulson Firsby J Carpenter Halton Holegate M Odlin Halton Holegate

St Andrew, Halton Holegate

Healing Service 17th August 6.00pm


4 Mission Communities and Categorisation of Churches

The would like to thank all those in the deanery for the completed and returned mission communities and church buildings categorisation forms. If you have yet to return them, this would also be appreciated.

The next AMPC meetings are open meetings for the first half of the evening in a similar way to the May meetings. The first half of the evening will be focusing on the Developing Discipleship Programme and will be led by the of Boston, Justine Allain Chapman and by one of the Developing Discipleship Advisers – everyone is very warmly invited to this part of the evening, and it would be particularly helpful for parish clergy, churchwardens, PCC members etc to be present. As before, if people cannot make the date for their archdeaconry meeting, they are very welcome to attend one of the other meetings, as the input for the first half of the meeting will be consistent across all three archdeaconries. The dates and venues are as follows:  Archdeaconry of Stow and Lindsey – Monday 15 September, Primary School (LN7 6LY) – 7-9pm  Archdeaconry of Lincoln – Tuesday 16 September, College (LN9 6BW) – 7-9pm  Archdeaconry of Boston – Thursday 18 September, Welbourn Village Hall (LN5 0LZ) – 7.30-9.30pm

St Andrew’s Church St James’ Church Coffee Little Steeping Mornings

every Saturday COFFEE MORNING 10am ~ 12 noon

every fortnight Come and join us from 10.30am

th Saturday 9 August 29th July will also include th 12 August  ‘Creative Crafts’ ~ All ages th 26 August welcome to come and join in. 9th September  Children’s Society ~ fundraising stall for the shoebox project.



Hundleby Outreach Project Friday 1stand Saturday 2nd August St Mary’s Churchyard and Parish Rooms See Moths and other night-flying creatures in the beam of bright light at 10.00pm on Friday 1st August and on Saturday 2nd August meet 9.00am to talk about what you have seen!

 Children must be accompanied by an adult  for further information contact Margaret Spalding on 01790 754259 or Jean Coates on 01790 752526


Monday 1st September 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Spend time in “God’s Acre” Study trees, wildlife including mini-beasties and the church with its windows and monuments and more!

Contact: Margaret Spalding on 01790 754259 or Jean Coates on 01790 752526



Saturday 16th August St James’ Church, Spilsby

10am – 4/5pm

Please bring some food with you for the ‘Bring and Share’ lunch

6 St James Church, Spilsby is having a Quiz Night on Saturday October 4th, 7.00 p.m. for a 7.30 p.m. start.

The cost will be £3.50 per person, including entry fee and light refreshments with tea or coffee. Teams can have a maximum of four people. There will also be a raffle.

Come along and have a good time in congenial company and help raise a few pounds for the church funds.

Please contact Jane Parker on 01754 830204 [or Athandar, PE23 5AT] for further details and tickets.

‘Come to the Ballet’

Flower Festival at All Saints, Great Steeping

nd Saturday 2 August 10am – 6pm

Sunday 3rd August 10am – 5pm

Songs of Praise 5-6pm

Teas Tombola Stalls


Monthly meetings 2.00pm at St James’, Spilsby

Contact: Alf Tunnicliffe, group co-ordinator Tel: 01790 755552 email: [email protected]


SPILSBY LUNCH CLUB SUMMER OUTING th MONDAY 8 SEPTEMBER We have some seats available on the coach if you would like to join us. We are having lunch at "Abbey Lodge Hotel". The coach will then take us to the Kinema Cinema, for a down memory lane film with intermission music on the "Compton Organ" COST £16 PER PERSON CONTACT: Paul 01754 830434 Ken 01790 752671 Pat 01790 752610 Father Peter 01790 752526


The Beacon School, Ghana

I have been asked by Samantha and the Mission Group to tell you something about the Beacon School, with which I have family connections. As their next project during the coming six months, the Mission Group have decided to support the School, both prayerfully and financially and invite you, if you wish, to join in this support.

The School was started by my niece, Sarah, and her husband Samuel, who is a Ghana-an, soon after they decided to make their home there in 2004. Initially, it was to be an orphanage, but as this was not found to be necessary in their area of the Country – a few miles north of Accra, the capital – and the realisation that education was completely inadequate, Sarah started to teach their three girls at home. Others soon asked if they could join them, and it was realised that a proper school was the answer, so the Beacon School (the “light”) was formed. Initially this was held in the basement of their new home, which was literally being built above them.

The first intake of the School was 14 pupils, but numbers rapidly grew and it was obvious that a proper building and additional staff were needed. The School was built – like their house – by degrees around them and extra rooms added when funds became available, and so by 2008 numbers of pupils had increased to 140. So progress continues; there are currently between 170 and 180 pupils in a lovely school building, and by 2016 they are hoping to accommodate boarders and also pupils through their secondary education, as the limit at the moment is only to the age of 12 years.

Wonderful achievements with God’s help and more ambitious plans for the future. This has all been done without any official booking. There has been

8 considerable support, both prayerfully and financially by friends in Chesham (my brother Robin’s former parish, where Sarah grew up) and also by the parish of Redbourn (where Rob and Lois now live). The Mission Group are hoping to do the same – certainly for the next six months and invite you, as I said at the start, to join in this project – either prayerfully or financially – or preferably both!

I’ve also been asked to give a presentation to coincide with one of our coffee mornings in September (date to be arranged). This will include 3 short CD’s to show the progress over the years thus far. So look out for the date and do come and join us if you can. i think you will find it interesting. David Smith

A Candle of Prayerful Thought

On Human Rights Day on 10th December 1961 the first Amnesty International candle was lit in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, . That candle, wreathed in barbed wire, has become the iconic symbol of the work undertaken by Amnesty International. A similar candle has been placed in St. James Church with the hope that church members and visitors might spend a moment or two praying for the work of Amnesty and for those men and women, tortured for their beliefs or imprisoned without a fair trial.

Amnesty International is a global movement active in 150 countries and campaigns to end grave abuses of human rights. It was founded in 1961 by Peter Berenson, a British lawyer who was outraged after learning of two Portuguese students imprisoned for raising a toast to freedom. Since then the organisation has grown and developed supporting many men and women who have become prisoners of conscience. Amnesty also offers support to their families.

By 1962 groups had come into being in Australia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland and Greece. By 1964 1,367 prisoners had been adopted and 329 released. Supporters of Amnesty write to prisoners of conscience throughout the world, work which is much appreciated by those who feel the world has forgotten them. In 1967 Amnesty was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1990 Amnesty’s Urgent Action on torture and extrajudicial executions in Brazil received an immediate response from the then President of Brazil, who said, “We cannot and will not again be a country cited as violent.”

9 And so the work continues to campaign to bring torture to an end and to protect vulnerable communities in countries like the Central African Republic as well as offering hope to individuals by seeking justice for them.

Prayer is work we can all undertake – please allow our Amnesty candle to lead you to pray for those whose lives cry out for justice.


On several Sundays in July we have been thinking from the Gospels of the Day about seed time and harvest. I know we have not yet come round to the Harvest Festival Season but the Combines are out and a particular train of thought has made me think again about the importance of balance in all we do.

What I discovered in dialogue with those involved in the harvest was the menace that Black Grass has become to the cereal crops. In some cases becoming the dominant crop rather than the corn. With the tendency to sow crops earlier black grass is not killed off with autumn cultivation and the fact that it is becoming resistant to herbicides makes it management difficult. It would seem that we need to think again about the way we grow our food.

That is equally true for our lives too, nothing stands still, pressures and problems occur when we think that we can do exactly as we like without taking into consideration the repercussions of the way we live, not only on ourselves but on the society around us. We need to be as sure as we can that what we do does not tip the balance in the wrong direction.

Our world is in rapid change politically at the moment because we have not given enough thought to where actions may eventually lead. We can’t keep on keeping our own wealth and life style intact at the expense of others and not being aware that it is bound to have repercussions later on. The pains of the Holy Land and of Ukraine are not far away problems but can all be traced through the complex history of all of us wanting to have our own way.

The starting point of a restoration of balance is to recognise that we have to change our practice, with Black Grass a return to a more sustainable natural rotation and with our lives a realisation that a sustainable natural relationship with each other based on love will lead to healing and renewal. Please pray for one another as we seek to be learners, disciples and not just people who think we know it all.

Yours Fr Peter

10 Why is black-grass an increasing problem? The majority of black-grass plants now emerge within crops, rather than before sowing when they could be more easily destroyed. Ride & Stride Spilsby Saturday September 13th

Help maintain Bolingbroke Deanery’s fabulous churches Get sponsored for the Bike, Ride & Stride Saturday September 13th 2014 9am to 6pm start St. James Spilsby You can cycle, walk, run or even ride your horse between churches raising money for your local church and the Churches Trust. The Lincolnshire Churches Trust then gives grants to churches in Lincolnshire to help with repairs, no matter what their denomination. Join your friends or family or have a peaceful day on your own, visiting Lincolnshire’s beautiful and historic churches, and be sponsored for every church you visit. It doesn’t matter if it’s just one church or join the cycling challenge of riding to all 45 churches! Please contact the Spilsby coordinator Keith Batchelor [email protected] on 07445 356300 for more information and sponsorship forms.


June was a busy month for Eresby Hall. In addition to all the usual activities that happen on a regular basis there were lots of celebrations. Mr and Mrs Goodacre, who are both residents at Eresby, celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary and had a party for family and friends. They are waiting to go for a meal at the Nelson Butt courtesy of Eresby. Sir Peter Tapsell MP visited the home and chatted to many residents. He commented that Eresby is a perfect example of what a residential home ought to be. Mrs Elizabeth Cook celebrated her 100th birthday and her party was well attended by family and friends. The buffet was yet again splendid, thanks to the team in the kitchen. A pianist provided the entertainment which was enjoyed by everyone. Mrs Cook had a wonderful day and it was a joy to be able to share it with her.

11 June 20th was National Care Home Open day and Eresby opened its doors to the local community. Helena Shelton, Manager, stated that with all the bad press surrounding care homes this was an opportunity to open up their doors and share the good work that happens within the home. New ways are needed to involve residents in the local area and the Open Day is a great way of achieving this. The hog roast for residents, families, friends and volunteers followed at 4.00. Polly and Connie were in the tea shop during the day and Janet Enderby's Pimms were really really enjoyed by the visitors. Entertainment was provided by the Midnight Ramblers band, one of the members being the son in law of a resident. Grateful thanks to all who gave up their time. A fantastic evening.

Next month there will be an update on the adventures of 6 residents who are currently in Scarborough on holiday.

The annual unannounced visit from the Trusts internal compliance team has taken place and 2 days were spent assessing the quality of the work of the whole team and assessing if the residents are having a positive experience. The result was an amazing 92.9% and this is due to the care, dedication and hard work by the whole staff team.

Helena would like to say a big THANK YOU to all staff and volunteers for making June a fantastic month. By the way....the rabbits have been named Thunder and Lightening as it was a stormy evening when they arrived.

Date for your diary Summer Fete August 16th.

If you would like any information or are interested in becoming a volunteer or Friend of Eresby Hall please contact the home on 01790 752495. Helena Shelton (Manager) Margaret Cook (Volunteer)



COFFEE MORNING ANNUAL WALK, TALK & LUNCH Saturday 23rd August Thursday 4th September at 6 Winston Road, Spilsby at from Hundleby Parish Rooms 10.00am – 12 noon Cost £8  cakes  tombola  Meet 10am for coffee  plants  10.30am walk  bric-a-brac  12.30pm lunch – Sausage,  raffle mash & beans Apple pie &  books custard  woodcraft Entry:- £1 (including To book please contact tea/biscuits) Gill Clark – 01790 754797 Come and meet Pat Bourn – 01790 752610 your friends

Photos from the Lincoln Ladies Diocesan Choir concert held in St James’ Church recently.


Where do I begin to say thank you for all the support and prayers that I received at the Ordination weekend. It has been a long journey to this point in my life and I owe much to friends and family who have been beside me on the journey. As Bishop David said at my first Presidency at the Eucharist ‘The journey has been a life changing experience, particularly for Peter.’

The Ordination service at was incredible and to have the Holy Spirit present, passed through the ages to the present day in the laying on of hands by the Bishop and , a richness which cannot be described.

Thank you for all those who were able to attend the service and also thank you to all those others who held Teresa and myself in their prayers. On the Sunday over 100 attended the service at St James for the celebration of my first Presidency. The service was supported by the Choir along with Margaret White who accompanied on the organ. Thanks to Peter for his continued support and for Bishop David in his sermon ‘reflection’ and for the Ministry Team in their ongoing support.

Also, thank you to those who organised a splendid meal and for the cakes from Janet and Marion. Marion’s cake was shared at the Welcoming Service for Teresa and myself the following Sunday.

Rev’d Jean Coates

Photo of Jean the diver complete with dog collar and OK signal



----Hagworthingham---- Lusby-Old Bolingbroke--Toynton St. Peter-


3rd August West Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Holy Communion 7th Sunday Toynton All Saints 11.15am Morning Prayer after Trinity East Kirkby 3.00pm Holy Communion

10th August East Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Hagnaby 9.30am Holy Communion 8th Sunday Hagworthingham 11.15am Morning Prayer after Trinity Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Evening Prayer

17th August Mavis Enderby 8.00am Holy Communion Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Morning Prayer 9th Sunday Toynton All Saints 11.15am Holy Communion after Trinity West Keal 11.15am Morning Prayer East Kirkby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Hagworthingham 6.00pm Holy Communion Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing Service

24th August East Keal 8.00am Holy Communion 10th Sunday Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Holy Communion after Trinity

31st August Hagworthingham 10.00am Benefice Service 11th Sunday after Trinity

Group Registers

Funerals: Marjorie Thompson 88 years West Keal died 29.06.14

Diary Dates – 2nd Hagworthingham Cheese & Wine, 7.30pm 3rd East Keal photos & memorabilia, St Helen’s 2-5pm 9th Lusby Afternoon Teas & Garage Sale 2pm to 5pm

15 Old Bolingbroke 100+ CLUB

The winners in the June draw were as follows:

1. Mrs E Wain Hagworthingham 2. Mrs S Walker Old Bolingbroke 3. Mr R Bowser Hareby 4. Mrs G Worth Spilsby 5. Mr E Done Hagworthingham 6. Mrs J Bamford Islington 7. Mrs S Tayles Hagworthingham

The next draw will be on Friday 25th July at Old Bolingbroke.

Flower Festival St Helen's Church

East Keal PCC would like to thank everyone who supported us at this event with Donations, Raffle and Tombola prizes, Flower arrangers and all the volunteers who gave their valuable time. The Event raised £1269.89 Thank you again

St Helen's Church East Keal

Sunday 3rd August from 2pm-5pm

Photographs & Memorabilia of EAST KEAL & TOYNTON

Kit Lawie & Ruth Ward will be on hand

to answer any questions

Refreshments will be available

Entrance fee £1


Toynton All Saints JULY 100 Club Winners

1st No. 35 B Dutton 2nd No. 23 R Saunders 3rd No. 68 A Bains

Well done these winners...the next draw 3rd August at church.


The Summer Sale was held on Saturday 12th July with glorious weather and an extremely good turnout at the village hall. The net proceeds amounted to £654 towards church funds. We would like to thank all those who gave of their time and effort to make this a success and also those who provided a large and diverse selection of saleable goods, cakes, and other refreshments and the army of helpers who tidied up afterwards. AT & CC Churchwardens


1 Sept HOP ‘God’s Acre’

Hundleby Lammas Day (a celebration of the start of the

wheat harvest) 13 Sept Lincs Trust

Sponsored Bike


WW1 exhibition in

St James

nd 27 Sept Coffee morning for Saturday 2 August

Macmillan and St 2.30pm James

A short family service followed

4 Oct St James’ Quiz by various activities for children

night of all ages

Tea and cake will be served ALL WELCOME



Ashby by Partney, , , Dalby, Langton w , Partney, , ,


3rd August Partney 11.15am Family Service 7th Sunday Partney 11.45am Holy Communion after Trinity

10th August Aswardby 9.30am Holy Communion 8th Sunday Skendleby 11.15am Holy Communion after Trinity

17th August Candlesby 9.30am Holy Communion Sausthorpe 11.15am Family Service 9th Sunday Partney 6.00pm Evening Prayer after Trinity Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing Service

24th August Dalby 9.30am Holy Communion 10th Sunday Langton 11.15am Holy Communion after Trinity Skendleby 6.00pm Skendleby

31st August Hagworthingham 10.00am Benefice Service 11th Sunday after Trinity

Group Registers: Weddings: Oliver Simon Lee & Victoria Sophie Howe Sausthorpe 05.07.14

Diary Dates – 2nd Lammas Day, Dalby church, 2.30pm 9th Partney Fair, 11am-4pm 24th Skendleby School ‘A Trip down memory lane’, 3-5pm 27th Partney Choir rehearsals start


P A R T N E Y F A I R 2 0 1 4 th SATURDAY 9 AUGUST 11am to 4pm FREE PARKING AND ADMISSION incorporating CAR BOOT SALE – 01754 890392 FUN DOG SHOW – 01754 830435 CRAFT FAIR – 01790 754355 VINTAGE TRACTORS & ENGINES BBQ – CAKES – TEAS – REFRESHMENTS STALLS GALORE AND GAMES FOR THE CHILDREN at the Rectory & Glebe Field CHURCH OPEN – for family memorabilia & family history

ALL PROCEEDS TO PARTNEY GROUP “SHARE” FUND For further details contact: John Hudson on 01790 752566

Partney Choir (A mixed choir catering for all age groups)

 Weekly rehearsals – Wednesday (7.30 – 8.45pm)

 No audition necessary

 Music to suit all tastes

 Concerts and services of celebration  Sing for enjoyment

 Always keen to welcome new members

If you feel that you would like to come and join us we can assure you of a warm welcome!

After our summer break we resume on Wednesday 27th August

For further details contact Margaret White on 01754 890321 or email [email protected]


To commemorate the 170th Anniversary of Skendleby C.E. School we invite you to take A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE Sunday 24th August 3.00 ~ 5.00pm

Afternoon Teas Raffle Display of photographs (If you are able to lend us any photos, please contact Julia Brocklehurst or Peter White)

Partney Village Dances

Notes for your Diary : Future Dance Dates.

Party Dances – Ballroom – Sequence – Latin Enjoy the Music – A Social Evening – Keep Fit!

August: Summer break, No Dance..... September 6th Beach Party! Wear Summer Casuals! October 18th General Dancing, fun and prizes November 15th General Dancing, fun and prizes December 20th Christmas Party Dance January 24th Burns Night. Wear your Tartan! February 14th Valentines Day Dance. March 14th St Patricks Dance

All dances are held in the Victory Hall starting at 7.30pm Tickets are limited for comfortable dancing. For further details Phone 01790 754350



Eastville ~ Midville ~ ~ ~ Stickney For New Leake, Midville, Eastville -


3rd August Stickney 11.15am All Age Worship with music by The New Name 7th Sunday after Trinity

10th August Stickney 9.30am Morning Prayer 8th Sunday Stickford 11.15am Morning Prayer after Trinity New Leake 3.00pm Holy Communion

17th August New Leake 11.15am Holy Communion 9th Sunday Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing Service after Trinity

24th August Stickney 9.30am Holy Communion 10th Sunday Stickford 11.15am Morning Prayer after Trinity New Leake 3.00pm Evening Prayer

31st August Hagworthingham 10.00am Benefice Service 11th Sunday after Trinity

Morning Prayer takes place every Thursday morning at 9.00am at St Luke's, Stickney, followed by a coffee morning

Group Register Funerals: Marjorie Thompson (Stickford) 88 years died 29.06.14 Funeral – W Keal John Cooper 68 years Stickney died 11.07.14

Diary Dates – August 25th Stickney Bingo, Stickney Youth Centre, 7.30pm





August Thoughts

Football, tennis, motor racing Birth, marriage, death Spring, summer, winter Do you see the connection? They all come in sequence each and every year and we can be sure of them happening. Sport comes through man's competitive nature, life events also come with equal certainty; the seasons still change, year in, year out. If we look at the overall picture of life on our planet there appears to be a constant plan behind everything and not necessarily one devised by mankind. Things which we have not planned still continue to happen. So what is this telling us?

We all like to feel we are in control of ourselves and our individual lives and to a certain extent we are, but frequently our plans go awry and there are unexpected results. A lot has been written about the power of prayer and we are pleased when our prayers are answered. There are times, however, when we don't get what we request and feel surprised at the outcome. Our prayers may perhaps display our selfish motives. Humans like to change things, sometimes for the better, sometimes not and our judgement is often challenged. Change can be good for progress but it is reassuring to know that some things stay constant such as the following on of the seasons. However, the permanence of many life events offers the background of reliability and stability. It is there for all to lean upon whilst attempting to build a better world.

So, where do we find this safe, steady influence in our lives? A good start is to look at how the Bible has survived for thousands of years, with its stories of life and God as creator of the universe. This has been unchanged for centuries and the Christian way of life has provided constancy, certainty and refuge. Yes, we make our own decisions in our day to day lives but are we really doing it alone or is there a major influence behind each and every one of us as individuals? I like to think there is and find it comforting to know I am not alone. We're not on this earth for long and we need to know just what makes us tick so that we can improve our lives and those of others.

Modern times may seem uncertain but history shows us life has always been 22 this way. The one constancy has been the "rod and staff" of Psalm 23 offered by God. All we have to do is accept it. What could be more simple? I.G.

New Vicar in Town

“There’s a new vicar in town with some strange ideas - she doesn’t do lilies, she doesn’t drink tea, she’s no good at cooking and is having to rapidly learn about gardening. She tap dances, plays the bass guitar and, when time permits, can be found having fun with jigsaw puzzles. She is vertically challenged and (occasionally) theologically challenging!

I would like to thank everyone for the welcome I have received since moving to Stickney. The licensing and installation service was certainly memorable - the Bingo Dabbers have pride of place on my mantelpiece!

Now, of course, the work begins, and I have started learning the geography of the Stickney Cluster - geography was never my strong point at school and at the moment all roads look the same, so this may take some time! But I am meeting some special people along the way, people who are approaching my arrival with a renewed optimism and hope for the church of the future.

I know that I will, at times, disappoint and I will also occasionally be disappointed. But the promises made at my licensing were of mutual support and encouragement. In that spirit, let’s be excited by the prospect of journeying together, even if the route taken seems obscure. To help us on our way, I am holding an Open House on Saturday 23 August (2pm - 7pm). Please call in at any time during the afternoon for some light refreshments and a chat. Stay for 5 minutes or 5 hours - the choice is yours (but if it is 5 hours, you will end up doing the washing




To commemorate the centenary of the beginning of World War 1 , Playgoers are performing C.F. Sherriff’s classic play ‘Journey’s End’ in March 2015. For this production they need a range of WW1 uniforms for private soldiers and officers including tin hats, caps, rifles, gas masks, boots etc. These items can be a variety of condition to portray life living in the trenches in France during the war.

If anyone has any items to help stage this play, please contact Riverhead Theatre 01507 600350 or email [email protected] 23

With the Summer Holiday rapidly approaching I thought I would tell you about some forthcoming events in September. Our next Coffee Morning at the Louth Hospice, Road, Louth will take place on Tuesday 16th September between 10am – 12noon. Everyone is most welcome to come along and see our wonderful Hospice facility and enjoy a morning of Coffee and Cakes. There will also be a tombola, information and some lovely St Barnabas Home & Gift ware.

We are excited to be holding our first Louth Hospice Summer Fete on Sunday 28th September, 11am – 3pm. There will be a selection of craft and gifts stalls, cake stall, garden games, face painting, refreshments, tombola and raffle. Bring the family along for a fun filled day out. Entry is free!

On Tuesday 30th September we would love you to join us for our Ladies Afternoon Tea at Alford Manor House, 4-6pm. Come along and enjoy tea/coffee sandwiches, cakes and cream scones. Peruse a selection of local craft and gift stalls. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to get dressed up and enjoy Afternoon Tea together, why not Wear a Hat, Fascinator or Scarf’?! Tickets in advance £8 from St Barnabas Shop Alford, on line at or from me Caroline 07435 970309. Tickets on the day £10

And Don’t forget if you are looking for something different to do over the Summer, wishing to discover new places whilst on holiday or simply enjoy getting out in the fresh air our Summer Stroll-a-thons are the answer. Simply chose a date anytime in July or August and set yourself a goal of `strolling 3miles (5K) contact me for a sponsorship form and start collecting now. You will be joining lots of people across the county all striding out in support of the Hospice!

If you would like more information on any of the above please do not hesitate to get in touch. Wishing you all a lovely summer!

Caroline Swindin Community Fundraiser Mobile: 07435 970309 e-mail [email protected]



‘Anything you can sing I can sing louder. I can sing anything louder than you.’ Congratulations to Joan Flack, Candlesby

Just for laughs…  ‘Make a joyful noise unto the Lord’ – Nigel Coe  ‘It’s your turn to change her nappy.’ ‘Oh no it isn’t.’ – Doreen Cooley  ‘Now then, all together!’ – Hilary Astley


Please send your captions to ‘Caption Competiton’, The Vicarage, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF or email to [email protected] by 14th August.

We Remember Mr. Stan Dales

We all remember Mr Stan Dales from . His family donated some money and asked for a seat to be placed in St. Mary church grounds in his memory. On Sunday August 3rd after the 10.30am Holy Communion we will be dedicating the seat, please do come along to the service.



Bag Enderby, , , , , Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, , , Salmonby, Somersby, , Tetford & Worlaby.


3rd August Brinkhill 8.00am Said Communion BCP 7th Sunday Tetford 10.30am Family Communion after Trinity Somersby 3.00pm Tennyson Service

10th August South Ormsby 8.00am Said Common BCP 8th Sunday Harrington 10.30am Holy Communion CW after Trinity

17th August Haugh 8.00am Said Communion BCP 9th Sunday South Ormsby 10.30am Holy Communion CW after Trinity

24th August Tetford 8.00am Said Communion BCP 10th Sunday Somersby 10.30am Holy Communion CW after Trinity Ruckland 6.00pm Songs of Praise

31st August South Ormsby 10.00am Said Communion BCP 11th Sunday Harrington 10.30am Holy Communion CW after Trinity

Service of Prayer every Wednesday 10.00am, St Mary’s Church, Tetford.

First Wednesday each month Holy Communion


28 June started in much the same way as any other day but I knew that this day would end very differently, that I would be Ordained into the Priesthood. Just before the service began later that afternoon, we were in the chapel at the back of the Cathedral, locked in, but this time the shared our prayer time with us. It was precious time to wait upon God and to listen. 26

As we processed down the aisle I remember taking several deep breaths to calm my nerves as I became very aware of the enormity of all that was about to happen. There were many special moments during the Ordination service. The laying on of hands was of course one of them and the precious moment of having my hands anointed with Chrism Oil, Cheryl moving my stole from the position and placing it round my neck to signify that I was now a . At the Peace turning and seeing Paul near me and giving him a big hug. Then there is the memory of standing round the altar with my fellow Priests with the Bishop as he Presided. There was also the memory of administering communion and two friends who are Roman Catholics, one of whom is a Deacon, kneeling before me for a blessing, a truly humbling experience.

The Lord truly blessed all of us that day. It was lovely to see so many of you at the Ordination and to speak to some of you afterwards and to feel supported by those who could not make it but knowing that I was in their prayers. What a day!

The next morning was amazing. South Ormsby church looked wonderful, thank you so much to everyone that worked so hard, cleaning the church and decorating it with beautiful flowers. It was so touching to see so many people at the service, you all helped to make the service a true reflection of our love for God The Lord has indeed been good to me and I thank him daily for his amazing grace.

The readings, prayers, the singing, truly a group at work together. Alan Robson delivered a memorable sermon which I am sure people will talk about for quite a while, for all the right reasons of course. Though nervous at presiding at the Eucharist for the very first time I was aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence guiding me. It was very special at the end of the service to give God’s Blessing with so many in the congregation; it was I who was truly blessed.

The celebration was a great time to catch up and share in the fun and laughter, not forgetting the food of course!!! Thank you to those ladies who helped behind the scenes, they know who they are! I would like to say a big thank you to Cheryl and Ted for all their support and work. Not forgetting my Mother, Margaret, for her love and support and my brilliant husband, Paul, who has been like a rock, always steady and ready to listen. Last but not least a very BIG THANK YOU to all of you in the South Ormsby Group and wider community, you have kept me in your hearts and in your prayers which means the world to me. In the days ahead may I serve you with humility and love. God’s Blessings to you all Your Teresa


Could you spare 10 minutes?

Your church needs you to keep it looking loved and cared for. Dozens of things to do, something to suit everyone and as they always tell us; “Many hands make light work.” The list includes: Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning; the building, the porch, the pews and furniture, the windows, the brass, the linen, etc. etc. Flowers: Could you make a regular donation of flowers? Could you arrange the flowers? Could you ensure fresh ones are in church and the old are in the bin? Churchyard Maintenance: The grass, the trees, the graves, the paths, the weeds, etc. etc Help with services? Displaying, delivering fliers for events and services?

The page could be filled with jobs to do and we would still forget one. Our churches are such precious buildings and appreciated by so many people, just take a look in the visitor books. You wonderful people in The South Ormsby Group go out of your way to help keep your church looking loved and to welcome everyone. But we really do need some more help. Please ask around and if you find someone willing to help, or you yourself can help, please contact your churchwarden or your priest, all the numbers are on the back of your Chronicle. Thank you for all that you already do. We will try to arrange some church clean up days and share a brush, a mop, a duster, a lawnmower, cup of coffee and a bun!

The Edward Richardson Trust Tetford & Salmonby Education Charity. Helping Local Students and Trainees with Cash Grants

The money from Edward Richardson is held in trust for grants to be made for any young person under 25 years of age living in Tetford or Salmonby. The grants are awarded to help with education or employment and have included help with such items as; college fees, books, computers, work tools and equipment, cameras, driving lessons, fares, training contracts, courses, music tuition, etc. please do consider applying, the money is there to help YOU.

Contact; The Rev’d Cheryl Hilliam The Rectory, South Ormsby, Louth, LN11 8QT and she will ensure your application is passed on for consideration. 28

LIGHTS OUT is an invitation to everyone in the UK to turn off their lights from 10pm until 11pm, on August 4th 2014, the 100th Anniversary of the date Great Britain entered the First World War. “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” Words spoken by Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary in August 1914. The South Ormsby Group will be marking this event with a Torchlight Procession around Tetford Village Meet at St Mary’s Church, 9-30pm. On return to St Mary’s we will offer a prayer, turn off our torches and return home to keep the Lights Out Hour in our own homes. Please do join in, a collection will be taken for The Royal British Legion


Our young ones have worked so hard, not that Mums and Dads and Grandparents and teachers and school bus drivers, you name it haven’t. You have all been giving 100% to ensure a rich and wonderful education for our young ones. There is something quite magical about breaking for summer, again I am not waxing lyrical, I do know the headaches of finding child care whilst working and all of those other headaches. Our young ones at whatever stage in their education, first year, last year, graduation, big wide world of work, whatever, they have all achieved much and should all be very proud and enjoy the feeling of achievement and the feeling of summer days stretching before them. The world is changing dramatically and I do wish each one of you a happy summer.

Congratulations to all of you who have graduated from universities and colleges. Good luck to all of you about to embark into further education. To those of you starting your first job, make it work and be happy. We hope and pray you will all find the fulfilment you seek and deserve.

We also take this opportunity to wish all of our newly qualified teachers good luck, a happy summer and a wholesome and happy teaching career.

Our Love & Prayers are with you all Cheryl 29

The Farmhouse · Fen Bank

Friskney · Boston · PE22 8PS 01754 820593

Can you give a greyhound a home? Based between Boston and , we care for up to 30 dogs. If you can offer a greyhound a good home we and our hounds would love to hear from you. Our dogs are of all ages from two upwards, and make wonderful and loving pets. Why not come and see them, we welcome visitors any afternoon, other times by appointment.

See more on our web site or Email us on [email protected] Regd Charity No: 1072443


Clothing/blankets etc for the Salvation Army

Could anyone with un-needed warm clothing (sweaters, coats, socks, shoes etc.) blankets, sleeping bags etc. please contact me as I am collecting on a regular basis for the Salvation Army to help with homeless people in Skegness, Lincoln and Boston. There are more than you might think.

All donations would be much appreciated. I will collect.

Please call Richard Walter on 01507 480632





Maurice Bird GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE Now available from

All copy for next month’s issue to my new ebook th be with the Editor by the 16 of “Ghosts in the Sky” this month please. available to download on your Kindle – Kobo – iPad – iPhone – iPod and more. Priced at only £1.99 it will prove a great read! Editor: The reader will follow the military career of a bomber Jane Howsam crew who flew on missions over Germany and Italy The Vicarage, Church Street, during the Second World War. Meeting after their Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF training, the seven airmen find themselves based in Lincolnshire and it is there that they live as a ‘family.’

What follows is a book of suspense, action, romance,

Tel: 01790 752526 disappointment and lots of tension. (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm) This is a book that needs to be read from cover to the email: end without skipping to the last chapter to see what happens. Keep the surprise right until the end, you will [email protected] not be disappointed. Are you ready to join a great crew of young men on a fascinating journey? Come fly with the airmen of EK 39, the Lancaster Bomber affectionately known as “Molly Brien.”

Advertising Space For information on my other books visit my website - follow me on twitter Mo available Bird@birdysbooks – follow me on Facebook Maurice 1 Bird or email me for further information /8 page - £40 1 birdys [email protected] /4 page - £60 p.s I love Dr Who, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The 1 /2 page - £90 Avengers etc. When I am not writing I spend lots of time Full page - £160 at Beggarz Kanyon at Lincoln or visiting their website – Have a look!

Thank you 32



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LOUTH PLAYGOERS BED & BREAKFAST RIVERHEAD THEATRE near to Spilsby Own entrance, sitting room FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS and shower room. TV, Free Wi-fi August th Tea/coffee facilities 7-9 My Favourite Year performed by Louth Playgoers Summer Contact Jean Workshop Tel: 01790 752500 Mob: 07786 450165 16th Got Talent? 2014 presented by Stuart Spendlow. Auditions on 27th July at the Theatre

September Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing 12-20th Up Pompeii by Miles Tredinnick. resident ial care for older people offering high A playgoers production quality long and short-term care and flexible day care in a homely environment.

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Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 37

R & P Nigel Coe Handyman Decorating Services All Painting and Decorating work undertaken. Property maintenance Over 10 years experience. Contact: For advice or quotation Tel: 01790 752457 Ring Rob – Mob: 07739 286142 Office 01790 756877 Email: [email protected] Or Mobile 07950 244219

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Tel: 01790 754970 For all your electrical needs, phone me on: Mobile: 07958 650927 01790 753213 or 07894 290355 38


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Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds.

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The Bishop of Lincoln Team Vicar The Rt. Rev. The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 The Rectory, Horbling Lane, Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Lincoln LN2 1PU Tel: 01205 481183 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Assistant The The Rev’d. Martin Faulkner The Venerable Tim Barker The Curate’s House, 3, Woodlands View, Tel: 01522 750327 Spilsby, PE23 5GD (Chapter Clerk) Tel: 01790 753553 mob: 07446 860520 The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke email: [email protected] The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates The Vicarage, Church Street, The Rev’d Jean Coates Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Deanery Synod Joint Chairmen: The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Rector of the South Ormsby Group Mr. Bill Rose The Rev’d. Cheryl Hilliam The Rectory, South Ormsby, Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator Louth, Lincs. LN11 8QT Jane Howsam Tel: 01507 480236 The Vicarage, Church Street, email: [email protected] Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 Assistant Curate email: [email protected] The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm Contact via The Rectory, South Ormsby Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett 93 Boston Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HH Bolingbroke Deanery Group Tel: 01790 754151 Team Ministry email: [email protected] Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Readers Team Rector Mr. Frank Richardson (Local Secretary) The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates 8 Ashby Meadows, (address as above). Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN Tel: 01790 753510

Mr Paul McLaughlin Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby