Bolingbroke Deanery

GGrraappeeVViinnee DECEMBER 2016 ISSUE 486

• Mission Statement The is called by God to faithful worship, confident discipleship and joyful service.

• Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater 50p

1 Bishop’s Letter

Dear Friends,

It was a bit of a reminder of where our world is with regard to Christmas, to find myself at the beginning of November, with other colleagues, before Remembrance Sunday, at a hotel already decked out with ‘Christmas decorations’ obviously ready for a full long season.

It is easy to be slightly sniffy about such things (it was the same week that there was all of the media hype about what has become the annual and much- anticipated reveal of the John Lewis ‘Christmas Advert’) to write and complain about the commercialisation of Christmas. And yet at the heart of the ‘Christmas Season’ still, the heart without which everything else becomes incredibly empty, devoid of any meaning, is the celebration of the birth of a baby, announced by the angels to ordinary people. A baby who, it is said, will be the means of ‘peace on earth’.

It can seem for many, as they look around our world at this point in time, a somewhat hollow promise. ‘Heaven on earth, we need it now’ sings Bono, the lead singer of U2 in their song ‘Peace on Earth’. ‘I’m sick of all of this hanging around. Sick of sorrow, sick of pain, sick of hearing again and again, that there’s gonna be, Peace on earth’.

And for me that’s part of the challenge of Christmas. ‘And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day’ say the words of another Christmas song, and I believe that to be true – but I’m also challenged by the slogan of Christian Aid: ‘We believe in life before death’.

Christmas can be a season of wonderful human hospitality and generosity, a time to eat, drink and generally be merry; but if that is all it is, then the promise of the angels, as Bono despairs, begins to feel more than a little thin. But an event that we both celebrate, and allow to shape who we are, and all that we do, as we stop and look at what that baby then did and taught in the rest of his life, that has power to change the world, to bring about the promise of the angels – and that is the gift I pray for our world this Christmas time. + David – December 2016



Principal Service

Sunday 4th December 2nd Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 11.1-10 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 72.1-7, 18-19 [or 72.1-7] Second Reading Romans 15.4-13 Gospel Matthew 3.1-12

Sunday 11th December 3rd Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 35.1-10 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 146.4-10 or Canticle: Magnificat Second Reading James 5.7-10 Gospel Matthew 11.2-11

Sunday 18th December 4th Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 7.10-16 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 80.1-8, 18-end [or 80.1-8] Second Reading Romans 1.1-7 Gospel Matthew 1.18-end

Sunday 25th December Christmas Day (Gold or White) First Reading Isaiah 62.6-end Psalm/Canticle Psalm 97 Second Reading Titus 3.4-7 Gospel Luke 2. [1-7] 8-20

3 Group Registers: Funerals: Cluster Elizabeth Maude Cook 102 years Spilsby died 15.10.16 Michael David Wright 64 years Spilsby died 21.10.16 Ivy Lilian George 100 years Spilsby died 22.10.16 Rosemary Ann Rose 73 years Raithby died 26.10.16

Marden Hill Cluster Joan Ramsden 79 years died 01.11.16

Partney Cluster Harold Morris 83 years Old Bolingbroke died 26.10.16

Stickney Cluster Maurice William Denton Kemp 91 years Stickney died 23.10.16

South Ormsby Group Miriam Joan Price 92 years Harrington died 15.10.16

Baptisms: Marden Hill Cluster Cora Brewster Smith 06.11.16 Ava Brewster Smith Toynton St Peter 06.11.16 Hugo Eric Michael Daft 20.11.16

Dates for the diary December 2nd Home Communions 3rd Christmas Fair 3rd Spilsby Cracker Day 3rd Church Service for Advent - All welcome 3rd & Nettleham Choir concert at St James 6th Decorating St Jude’s Church with Primary School 6th Stickney Cluster PCC 6th Carol Service 7th Lusby Carol Service 9th Rotary Carol service at St James 10th Community Christmas Barbecue 10th A Traditionally Christmas Evening, Raithby 13th Eresby School Nativity in St James 15th Spilsby Primary Christmas service in St James 16th School Christingle

4 16th Linkage concert in St James 16th Old Church Carol service 19th Old Bolingbroke Carol service 20th Toynton All Saints school Christingle 20th Stickney Primary School Christmas Service 20th Carol Singing round Village 20th Carols at Harrington Hall

January 2017 6th Home Communions 8th Deanery Service for Plough Sunday at Halton Holegate 10th Stickford PCC 11th Chapter meeting 16th Spilsby PCC meeting 18-25th Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Currently has funds available to assist former pupils of


(formerly King Edward VI Humanities College) and also former pupils of Spilsby, Great Steeping, Halton Holegate, Partney & Toynton Primary Schools who went elsewhere for secondary education, with their exceptional costs if they are presently in further/higher education or training and are over 18 and under 25 years of age on 31st December 2016.

Download a copy of the Criteria and Application Form at


Many thanks to all our readers, contributors and advertisers over the past year.

Please keep sending in your articles and photos in 2017

A Happy and Peaceful Christmas to you all

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…

Charles Dickens’ opening lines from a Tale of Two Cities at one and the same time sums up a particular time or any time, you simply have to take your pick. As we enter into Advent and prepare for Christmas it would seem important that we acknowledge, that we as Christians, live in the reality, the tension between the two. We delight in God’s very presence in the world but at the same time guard against the darkness that surrounds that light.

However you personally feel about the European Project or the Presidential Election in the United States we need to be aware of dark forces that seek to divide humanity which have been given new life and that there has been subsequently an increase in intolerance and fear of the stranger. Most of us have witnessed an increase in the kind of language and behaviour we thought had died away.

Jesus came into the world as a stranger and a refugee. He came to bring light into the dark places of our lives. I believe it is important that we are prepared to stand up for that light. To confront short-termism and the easy answers to complex questions; to ask what is really important for us to pray and work for this Advent and Christmas.

People so often equate Dickens with Christmas, and it is easy to become dewy eyed about bonnets, muffs, top hats and snow but the real point about his stories was to make us sit up and see the poor all around us and to do something about it.

Make a choice and make it the Best of Times.

Every blessing for a Good Advent and Christmas

Yours Fr Peter

6 Old Bolingbroke

Harvest Supper

The Harvest Supper was held in the Village Hall on 10th October, with a full house. The auction of produce conducted by Gareth Evans was well supported and the money raised from the evening amounted to £933.14 which has been shared between two charities; Spilsby Surgery Medical Equipment Fund and the Air Ambulance, each receiving £466.57. Many thanks to all our friends who contributed to make this event so enjoyable.

The Group Carol Service will be held at Old Bolingbroke on Monday 19th December at 7pm, followed by coffee and mince pies. We would be grateful for any gifts of tinned products or dried goods for Centrepoint at Boston. These can be left at the Church or brought to the service on the night.

Remembrance Day Service at Stickney

Year 6 pupils from Stickney Church of School attended the Remembrance Day Service, which took place on Friday 11th November; they also took part in this. The service was well attended by local residents, students and a member of staff from William Lovell Academy, who played The Last Post. A pupil from Stickney School was asked to lay a wreath of poppies and a student from William Lovell did the same.

These photographs show Year 6 pupils from Stickney Church of England School standing beside the memorial, which is in the grounds of St Luke’s Church, together with students and staff from William Lovell Church of England Academy and Rev’d Fran, who lead the service.


Family Service

A cacophony of sound from the organ, a CD player and Jane Parker reading a poem using the microphone introduced the theme “The Tower of Babel” at the Family Service on November 6th. Linda Taylor read the first lesson from Genesis about the building of the Tower and Sue West the second lesson from Acts about speaking in many tongues.

At the beginning of the service Reverend Joan Thornett asked the children and congregation what things or people they would like her to pray for at the end of the service also including requests for prayers left on the prayer tree from the October Family service. In her address Joan talked about the many languages that can be heard locally and how we need to welcome different nationalities into the country. God will listen to all.

During the service the children coloured in poppies and poppy wreaths and designed their own poppy pictures. Jane Parker and Margaret Cook then asked the children about the poppies. Each child recited a poem or Nursery rhyme and with the help of the congregation the rhymes were recited at the same time creating a babble of voices. Jane talked about a Tower of Babel seen in a art Gallery made out of radios and each one tuned into a different station giving a cacophony of sound. Sounds are heard but do we really listen? If only World leaders would listen to each other perhaps wars and terrorism would cease and this emphasised the importance of Remembrance Sunday.

Show us, good Lord, the peace we should seek; the peace we must give; the peace we can keep; the peace we must forgo and the peace you have given us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The next Family Service will be held at 10.00am on December 4th when the theme will be Holidays and Holy Days. Everyone is welcome.     If anyone would like to help make the Christingles on Christmas Eve we would be pleased to welcome you at 10am in church. For more information please ask Jane. Refreshments will be provided.

St James Christmas Fayre Thank you to everyone involved in the fayre in any way – the fantastic atmosphere helped us to raise £1050.74 for church funds.

8 Thank You May I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year and say a big thank you for the flowers, cakes and good wishes and most of all for your friendship and support. It has been a big help and much appreciated. Dorothy


nd FRIDAY 2 DECEMBER 3.15 - 5.30pm



Santa’s Grotto Raffle including Hampers Turkey Toys etc. etc. Tombolas and Refreshments


St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Hareby

invite you to a

Service for Advent

Saturday 3rd December

at 3. 00pm

Please bring a torch (We have no electric lighting)


SPILSBY CRACKER DAY Presented by The Rotary Club of Spilsby

Saturday 3rd December 10.00am at The Franklin Hall, Halton Road

 Santa’s Grotto   Festive Choirs   Arts and Crafts   Refreshments  and lots more FUN for all the family FREE ADMISSION



will be held on rd Saturday December 3 at 2.00pm

in the Victory Hall, Partney

Tombola, School stall, Bathroom stall,

Produce Stall, Craft Stall, Book stall, Cake stall, Excellent Raffles, Teas

FATHER CHRISTMAS HAS PROMISED TO ATTEND!! Proceeds in aid of School, Church and Victory Hall

10 I was talking to a young woman about what she was planning to do on Christmas day. She mentioned that she did not have any relatives to go to so she would be spending it quietly. She told me she loved Christmas day and was looking forward to spending time with her little boy. She described how she would spend the day by having a nice meal together and then they would play lots of board games. This young woman was positively beaming as she was telling me and then she told me how much she and her son loved doing really simple things together.

That really got me thinking, do we at Christmas really focus on what Christmas is truly about or do we get carried away in a busy buying frenzy with the rest of society and forget where the real focus should be ? People often say to me that Christmas is all about the children. Obviously it is lovely to see children caught up in the wonder of Christmas but let us remember of course it all started with one particular child. It should be a time of real celebration, to rejoice in the birth of Jesus and the good news that his birth brings to the earth.

The young woman I spoke to was solely focused on her son and her relationship with him. In the same way if we get our priorities right then we will focus on God’s Son and our relationship with him. We should focus on the simple things and enjoy a special time with friends and family and take time out to appreciate their company, to enjoy the simple things that are on offer. Some of us might know of someone who will be on their own this Christmas, perhaps we could invite them to join us to share our celebrations with us.

May we all be blessed this Christmas with a time full of laughter, good food and good company and most important of all God’s love. God loves each one of us, so much that he sent his Son to earth, what an amazing event to celebrate! May the New Year present new and exciting opportunities for us as we continue along our journey of faith together.

Christmas Blessings Teresa


12 Support your local Christian Bookshop this Christmas andjoin us for a special day on

Saturday 2 December 2016

From 10.00am til 4.00pm

Free gift Drop-in craft workshop using Victorian scraps Walk to ‘Bethlehem’ Mince pies and coffee

Free Quiz

10p stall live mUsic

High Mill, Kirkby Hill, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby. PE23 4HP email: [email protected]

Mid Lincolnshire Methodist Circuit

Come with us on a journey towards Christmas

A service of Carols and Readings

th Sunday 4 December 2016 at 3pm

Raithby Methodist Chapel Raithby, Spilsby PE23 4DS

For more information please contact Rev Cecil Mundy 01526 345051

13 Rev’d Fran’s Words of Wisdom

Yesterday’s News by Peter Trow In the street, people rushing, pushing and jostling, all concern for others lost, frantically seeking the last present, not even noticing the young man selling the Big Issue. And I wonder – what does Christmas mean?

In the world, children crying at the sound of the sirens, people looking up to the sky, fearful not of angel choirs but the thunder of jets: parents wondering not at good tidings but whether sons and daughters will come home again from bomber cockpits or army barracks. And I wonder – what does Christmas mean?

In the corridors of power, corruption and lies, politics and partisanship, old scores settled, anger and bitterness. And I wonder – what does Christmas mean?

And I remember: In Bethlehem few heard the angels, They were busy with other things; And Jesus from his birth was homeless, And as a man he depended for shelter on others. And I remember Herod and recall that lies were his weapons of power, Oppression and the death of innocents are part of the story which we sometimes sanitise into insignificance.

This was yesterday’s news. Here is todays news: In this world of selfishness and sin, of politics and pain, Christ was born. For this world he died on a cross and was raised.

God is with us: In this world we have hope, In this darkness we have light, A love which cannot die, and eternal life.

Glory to God!

These are the words with which we will begin our Carol Services in the Stickney Cluster this year. 2016 has been, for many, a dark and troubled year. The large number of ‘celebrity’ deaths, the divisiveness of the European Referendum, the concerns about the results of the American elections – all have helped to stoke the feelings of doom and gloom. But doom and gloom are not part of this season – and are not part of the Christian vocabulary! Because we have total assurance that IMMANUEL -

14 GOD IS WITH US. That is what we are preparing to celebrate through the Advent season. That is what we celebrate on Christmas Day. “In this world of selfishness and sin, of politics and pain, Christ was born. For this world he died on a cross and was raised.” Heaven joins with earth to sing Hallelujah! May you truly be blessed by God this Christmastime, and may you be God’s blessing to others.

Marden Hill Group November Lottery Winners 1st No. 29 A Cooper 2nd No. 5 B Nowicki 3rd No. 40 B Foster

Toynton All Saints November Lottery Winners 1st No. 58 D Johansen 2nd No. 38 A Stainton 3rd No. 7 J Cammack

Very many thanks to you all for your continued support. Alf T Organiser

Raithby Village Hall

Tuesday Coffee Morning 6th December

10.30am – 12noon

Entertainment with a Christmas flavour at

Toynton Village Hall Friday 9th December

at 7pm

"The Elves and the Carpenter"

for the young and young at heart For further information

Tel: 01790 752249 or 01790 754020

15 Holy Trinity Raithby presents

A Traditionally Christmas Evening at Raithby Village Hall

Saturday 10th December 7.30 pm

Enjoy a traditional evening of carols, stories and fun. Three course meal, mulled wine on arrival and bar service. Tickets £12.50. To book a place please contact the following Alison 01790 753535 Cazzie 01790 754485 Kathie 01790 752825 Julia 01790 754145


These birds will do anything to get their photo taken.

I’ve heard of pulling rabbits out of a hat but parrots out of a bag?


th Please send your captions, by 14 December to

‘Caption Competition’ The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected]

Don’t forget a prize is given for the winning entry.

16 Eresby Hall Christmas Fair

Saturday 10th December

2.00pm – 4.00pm

Variety of stalls, refreshments and raffle

The residents would love to see you there Your support would be very much appreciated


At a recent volunteers' meeting the information was given that there are 68 Homes across 4 Counties that belong to the Order of St John of Malta. The Counties are Lincolnshire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

It was good to hear that the tea room and pub in Eresby Hall are now open again on a regular basis, partly due to new volunteers who followed up the request put in a past Grape Vine and partly due to the new Activities Co-coordinator Iwona Blachut. More volunteers would be welcome.

The Home celebrated Halloween with the carers dressing up in a variety of costumes and the October notice board was decorated with pumpkins. Jennie Webb entertained the residents with her singing in the afternoon.

The Craft Club produced an attractive display board in preparation for Remembrance Day. Jane Parker and Margaret Cook prepared a special service relating to Remembrance when the residents enjoyed talking about their memories of the war, rationing and clothes.

17 The British Legion visited the Hall to lay a wreath in the Remembrance garden which had been planted with pansies for the occasion.

The flower arranging group included poppies in their arrangements for their rooms. The next meeting will be in the New Year. The Trust holds a competition each year for all the Lincolnshire homes during the Christmas period and this year the theme is the best dressed Christmas table. Volunteers will be helping to decorate the home on December 7th ready for the many activities taking place during December.

St Helen's Church East Keal

th Sunday 11 December At 4pm

Come and Join us at this Festive time to Sing your Favourite HYMNS

Followed by tea/ coffee and mince pies

St Jude’s Church New Leake


th Sunday 11 December 3.00pm

Come along, join in the carols, enjoy the Christmas trees, finish with wine and mince pies and catch up with firends


St Andrew’s,

Christingle Service

Sunday 11th December

4.00pm followed by tea/coffee and mincepies

Spilsby Methodist Chapel


with Alford Silver Band and Spilsby Primary School Choir on Sunday 11th December at 6pm

Followed by coffee and mince pies ALL WELCOME

William Lovell Church of England Academy Christmas Concert

Pupils and staff from William Lovell Church of England Academy would like to invite you to their upcoming Christmas Concert to enjoy a festive collection of readings, songs and scenes. th This will be held on Tuesday 13 December starting at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5 & £3 (concessions) – to include seasonal refreshments - and can be reserved by contacting the school in person or telephoning 01205 480352.


St Andrew’s Church Little Steeping COFFEE MORNINGS

13th December th 10 January

at Basil & Sheila Harwood’s ‘The Steepings ALL WELCOME

SPILSBY U3A The next meeting will be on

Wednesday 14th December at 2pm in the Franklin Hall

An afternoon of comedy and magic provided by Davy Moylan

Great Steeping Old Church Candlelight Carols

 The Annual Carols by Candlelight Service at the old Church Great Steeping will be held on Friday 16th December at 6.30pm.  There is no electricity so music is supplied by local musicians.  Seating is limited and warm clothes are needed.  After the service mince pies and mulled wine are provided.

 Please park at the bottom of the lane and walk up with a torch or lantern.  The church and lane are candle lit and if the evening is fine this is a magical experience


Experience the true meaning of Christmas at the traditional village

Sunday 18th December 6 pm St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Mulled wine and mince pies served after the service. Everyone welcome


Have you got an unwanted bookcase you could donate to West Keal church? Please contact Valerie Starky on 01754 890016.

Our concert on 21st September raised £315 which has been sent to The Sick Children's Trust in memory of Baby Ralph. Very many thanks to Alford Bell Ringers, Partney Choir and to everyone who helped and those who came making the evening a success.

Our Christmas Carol Service will be on Sunday 18th December at 11.15am. All Welcome.


At St Michael’s and All Angels Church

Mavis Enderby

Sunday 18th December 2016

4pm followed by refreshments.

Everyone Welcome




th Join us on 20 December to sing CAROLS around the Village


Come and join us in this annual event Singers

and non Singers welcome

Hundleby Christmas Fayre Many thanks to everybody who braved the rain and helped us raise £1664 . Thank you also to all who contributed in anyway particularly those who baked extra for the cake stall.

More Newhome thoughts on Computers.

The world carries on and so do the scams. This one is not on the telephone but a chat online and of course 'we are Microsoft'. Fortunately no money was directly lost but there was still a bill to put the computer right an d a red face. The thing to remember is that Microsoft, TalkTalk or any of these big companies will not contact or offer help to individual customers unless you contact them, generally on a paid basis. I found this quote on the net, “Microsoft announced that there were 14 million downloads in the first 24 hours after launch, and it has been estimated that this figure now stands at anything from 50 million to 67 million.” This is over a year out of date. With numbers like these none of us individually count to these companies.

The other thing of note that we have seen this month is someone installing 'Reviver' software. This is one of those packages that promises to make your computer young again for a fee. These are not directly a scam but will install and check your computer then ask you if you want it to do its magic. Well of course you do. Then there are careful question so that you agree to what will happen next which is often disaster. If you really knew the answer to the questions you would not have needed the software. I regularly describe computers like a car, if it is going wrong putting additive in the fuel or oil is unlikely to fix it and often cost more in the long run.

While we are on the prevent theme do not forget to protect your tablets and

22 phones. You can download free antivirus packages from companies like Avast, AVG or Avira. These are good enough for most purposes without paying for the extras.

Also you need to back up these devices. Since most of you will have more than one device this can be done by connecting them together and copying the important information to the other machine so that it is in more than one place. Very important files should be stored off-site, in-case of fire. These can be e-mailed to a relative or stored in the cloud, especially if they are encrypted first.

Lastly for any of you out there with android devices, we have a new puzzle game call 'Nuclei' on the google play store. If readers wish to email in you can get this app free with a promo code that we will e-mail back to you. Limited to availability. Steve and Mark

Toynton St Peter

Village Hall Christmas Eve 6pm Carols and Camels Followed by tea and mince pies


Deanery Service

8th January 2017

St Andrew’s, Halton Holegate


RNLI's forthcoming Quiz Evening and fish and chip supper to be held in Raithby Village Hall on Friday 24 February 2017 commencing at 7.30pm. Cost per ticket £10. To book please telephone 01790 752068 after 6 pm.

The Spilsby RNLI Committee need new members - if you are interested in joining the Committee please contact the above number.

23 Christmas Services Saturday 3rd 3.00pm Hareby Advent Service Sunday 4th 3.00pm Advent Service 3.00pm New Leake Christingle Communion Tuesday 6th 7.00pm Sausthorpe Carol Service Wednesday 7th 7.00pm Lusby Carol Service Friday 9th 7.00pm Spilsby Rotary Carol Service 6.00pm Christmas Trees Sunday 11th 3.00pm Carol Service 3.00pm New Leake Carol Service 4.00pm East Keal Carol Service 4.00pm Little Steeping Christingle Service 7.00pm Carol Service Friday 16th 6.30pm Great Steeping Carols by Candlelight Old Church Sunday 18th 3.00pm Dalby Carol Service 3.00pm Carol Service 3.00pm Halton Holegate Carol Service 3.00pm Spilsby Carol Service4.00pm 3.00pm Stickney Carol Service 4.00pm Carol Service 5.00pm Carol Service 6.00pm Carol Service 6.00pm Partney Carol Service Monday 19th 7.30pm Old Bolingbroke Cluster Carol Service Tuesday 20th 6.30pm East Keal Carols round the Village Saturday 24th 3.30pm Spilsby Blessing of the Crib & Christingle 3.00pm Tetford Crib Service 6.00pm Toynton St Peter Carols & Camels 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight 10.00pm Hundleby Bethlehem Service 10.00pm Partney Bethlehem Service 11.00pm Tetford Midnight Mass 11.30pm Spilsby Midnight Mass 11.30pm Stickney Midnight Mass 11.30pm Old Bolingbroke Midnight Mass Sunday 25th 9.30am Hundleby Holy Communion 9.30am Little Steeping Holy Communion 9.30am East Keal Holy Communion 10.00am Stickney Family Service 11.00am Langton HC & Carol Service 11.00am Hagworthingham Holy Communion Sunday 1st Jan 11.15am Toynton All Saints Carol Service Please contact your local church for further information or if it is not listed above.


East Keal, East Kirkby, , Hagworthingham, Hareby, Mavis Enderby, , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, Toynton All Saints, Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


4th December West Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday Toynton All Saints 11.15am Morning Prayer of Advent East Kirkby 3.00pm Holy Communion

11th December East Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Hagworthingham 11.15am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Evening Prayer of Advent East Keal 4.00pm Carol Service

18th December Mavis Enderby 8.00am Holy Communion Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Morning Prayer 4th Sunday Toynton All Saints 11.15am Holy Communion of Advent West Keal 11.15am Morning Prayer East Kirkby 3.00pm Carol Service Mavis Enderby 4.00pm Carol Service Hagworthingham 6.00pm Carol Service

24th December Toynton St Peter 6.00pm Carols & Camels Christmas Eve Old Bolingbroke 11.30pm Midnight Mass

25th December East Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Christmas Day Hagworthingham 11.00am Holy Communion

Anyone interested in taking up bell ringing at West Keal please contact Valerie Starky- 01754 890016 07967 813657 [email protected]



Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, , Dalby, Langton w , Partney, Sausthorpe, Scremby,


4th December Partney 11.15am Family Service nd 2 Sunday Partney 11.45am Holy Communion of Advent Scremby 3.00pm Advent Service

11th December Skendleby * 11.15am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Aswardby 7.00pm Carol Service of Advent

18th December Candlesby 9.30am Family Service Dalby 9.30am Holy Communion th 4 Sunday Sausthorpe 11.15am Morning Prayer of Advent Dalby 3.00pm Carol Service Partney 6.00pm Carol Service

th 24 December Partney 10.00pm Bethlehem Service Christmas Eve

25th December Langton 11.00am HC & Carol Service Christmas Day

* Please note Skendleby services will be held in The Old School until further notice.



Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


4th December New Leake 3.00pm Cluster Christingle 2nd Sunday Communion of Advent

11th December Stickney 9.30am Morning Worship 3rd Sunday Stickford 11.15am Holy Communion of Advent New Leake 3.00pm Carol Service

18th December Stickney 11.15am All Age Worship 4th Sunday Stickney 3.00pm Carol Service of Advent Stickford 6.00pm Carol Service

24th December Stickney 11.00pm Holy Communion Christmas Eve

25th December Stickney 10.00am Family Service Christmas Day

Morning Prayer every Thursday morning at 9.30am at St Luke's, Stickney followed by a coffee morning

Tuesday 20th December


Holy Communion at the Old Rectory Care Home



Bag Enderby, , , , , Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, , , , Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


4th December South Ormsby 10.30am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday

of Advent

11th December Harrington 10.30am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday of Advent

18th December Brinkhill 10.30am Holy Communion 4th Sunday of Advent

24th December Tetford 3.00pm Crib Service Christmas Eve South Ormsby 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight Tetford 11.00pm Midnight Mass

25th December Tetford 10.30am Holy Communion Christmas Day

Morning Prayers

every Wednesday at 10.00am

St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping & Firsby

DECEMBER 2016 PATTERNS OF WORSHIP Sunday 6th November - Family Service Holy Days & Holidays

4th December Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist 2nd Sunday Spilsby 10.00am Family Service of Advent Halton Holegate 6.00pm Evening Prayer Raithby 6.00pm Eucharist

6th December Firsby 10.30am Eucharist

11th December Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday Halton Holegate 11.15am Morning Prayer of Advent Great Steeping 3.00pm Eucharist Hundleby 3.00pm Carol Service Little Steeping 4.00pm Christingle Little Steeping 6.00pm 2nd Sunday at 6

18th December Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist 4th Sunday Raithby 11.15am Morning Prayer of Advent Halton Holegate 3.00pm Carol Service Spilsby 3.00pm Carol Service Firsby 5.00pm Carol Service

24th December Spilsby 3.30pm Blessing of the Crib & Christingle Hundleby 10.00pm Bethlehem Service Christmas Eve Spilsby 11.30pm Midnight Mass

25th December Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist Christmas Day Little Steeping 9.30am Eucharist

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist


Double dose this month…

More Newhome thoughts on Computers.

OK, well straight into this month’s subject, encrypted files. So what is one of those? Well simple really, it is an ordinary file that has a password to open it. Stop! Before you think not more passwords, not interested, this is actually a big help. You will have seen and some of you may have paid for password keepers, well here is how to create your own for free, and learn another useful trick at the same time.

If you have a spreadsheet programme then you can use this to create a list of websites with their addresses and passwords, much like most of you hide them in your little book of secrets. The problem is that the spreadsheet is not very secret. This is where your encryption programme comes in. A very good and simple to use programme can be downloaded for free from, It is called AxCrypt. If you type the link above into your web browser address bar and press enter it will take you to the download page. Assuming you are running Windows then you need this file. 32- or 64- AxCrypt-1.7.3180.0- AxCrypt Old Full bit Setup.exe 1.x Setup Yes I know what it says on the site but this is easy and that is what we all want.

So download and install this file. Once it is installed you can now save your spreadsheet twice with two names so you have two files (just in case you get it wrong on the first practice). Now using 'Windows File Explorer' go to where you saved the file (probably in 'Documents'), and 'right click' on it. You will get a menu come up (remember 'left click' is 'do it' – 'right click' is 'menus'). From the menu choose 'AxCrypt – Encrypt'. You will now be asked for a password twice. Once this is done and you press OK the original file will disappear and reappear with the same name but a shield as the picture icon. To access the file, double click on it as normal and you will be asked for the password, put that in and 'Hey Presto' there is your file. You can edit and change the contents of the file, press save, close the file and it will remain encrypted, so it can only be opened if you have the password. So what is the point of all that? Well now you only need to remember one password, the one to the encrypted file with the whole list of passwords for everything else. We do suggest that you practice encrypting and opening encrypted files until you are familiar with it. Also remember to delete any unencrypted versions of the file, including from the bin. Keep copies of the encrypted file on a USB


flash drive, both at home as well as a trusted friends (fire is your worst enemy). Remember to send any general questions to [email protected] for us to answer in next month’s edition. Otherwise I will try and cover how to create strong passwords you can remember without telling the bad guys how you did it. Steve and Mark

GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE th All copy for next month’s issue to be with the Editor by the 14 of the month. The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm) Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year 1 1/ 1 /8 page - £40 4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160

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The Bishop of Lincoln Team Vicar The Rt. Rev. Christopher Lowson The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 The Rectory, Horbling Lane, Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Lincoln LN2 1PU Tel: 01205 481183 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Assistant Curate The Rev’d Jean Coates Archdeacon of Lincoln Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby The Venerable Gavin Kirk email: [email protected] 01522 504039 [email protected]

Deanery Synod Joint Chairmen: The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke The Rural Dean and Lay Chair The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Mr. Bill Rose The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator email: [email protected] Jane Howsam The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 South Ormsby Group email: [email protected] Tel Deanery Office 01790 752526 Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm

Assistant Curate The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin Retired Clergy Tel: 01790 753158 The Rev’d. Joan Thornett 93 Boston Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HH Tel: 01790 754151 email: [email protected] Bolingbroke Deanery Group Team Ministry Marden Hill, Partney, Readers Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Mr. Frank Richardson Team Rector 8 Ashby Meadows, The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN (address as above). Tel: 01790 753510 also Community Chaplain Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 753158