No online items Guide to the Yevgeny Yevtushenko Papers M1088 Processed by Maria Kiehn and Elena Erokhena; the 2011-071 accession processed by Elga Zalite; machine-readable finding aid created by Steven Mandeville-Gamble. Department of Special Collections and University Archives 2001 ; revised 2017 Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford 94305-6064
[email protected] URL: Guide to the Yevgeny M1088 1 Yevtushenko Papers M1088 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Title: Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko papers creator: Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Identifier/Call Number: M1088 Physical Description: 88 Linear Feet(approx. 149 containers) Date (inclusive): circa 1920-2006 Date (bulk): bulk Items transferred to the Rare Book Division Published books and periodicals have been transferred from the collection to the Rare Book Division where they are being individually cataloged and identified as part of this collection. A complete list of these items follows: Title: Alcalay, Ammiel, The Cairo Notebooks, Singing Horse Press Date: 1993 Title: Ball, Angela. Quartet. Carnegie Mellow University Press Date: 1995 Title: Bashevis Singer, Isaac. Reaches of Heaven. Farrar-Straus-Giroux Date: 1980 Title: Brutus, Dennis. Still the Sirens. Pennywhistle Press Date: 1993 Title: Camner, Howard. Bed of Nails. Camelot Publishing Co. Date: 1995 Title: Codrescu, Andrei. The Disappearance of the Outside. Addison-Wesley Publishing, Inc. Date: 1990 Title: Collection of Works by and About Alexander Pushkin. Queens College Date: 1999 Title: Cornillot, Francois. Le Nautonier de la Supreme Nostalgie. Editions Librarie du Globe Date: 1995 Title: Dementiev, Andrei.