Crnturies have passed cruer my land, but they have lift their trace in cuneifOnn inscriptions, in old ruins and impregnable fortresses. The ·whole of ·is like an opert-air rnuseum where, uithout the help of a book, you can learn the histOJ)I of the country) and its people. ~Vot only has every age lift its ruins and wounds, but each one became a rung on the long and steep ladder of histOJ), that our people ascended, risingj1mn : * When Parents Separate­ suffering to hajJpiness. ' Trauma for Young Adults Gevorg Emin ·. • * AIDS: Facts & Fears ·•' •* ARMENIA pull-out section Since we could not bring some of you to ARMENIA this summer on the ACYOA Armenian Studies Program. due to its cancellation. we decided to bring a small glimpse f * Marital Bliss Myths of present-day Armenia to all of you. The center pull-out section provides a different :, * Chapter Problems? perspective and content to the usual discussions and descriptions of Armenia. This short '· .•. * Questions to ask.•.•.•. but informative section should prove interesting, and maybe cause you to ponder a Armenian Sayings moment o\·er returning one day to Armenia. · * Here's & There's•... ·• ',. * Components of Effective : NUMBER 27 Armenian Church Youth Organization of America nist -Revisited ' Diocese of the Armenian Church of America JULY 1986 630 Second Ave .. N.Y.C.. N.Y 10016 [212-686-0710] NATIONAL SPORTS WEEKEND ON SCHEDULE TOO BUSY TO GET INVOLVED?? FUTURE SPORTS WEEKENDS? Plans for the 1986 edition of the ACYOA National Sports Wee_kend ar~ on schedule with a major national mailing So your life-style is such that it doesn't allow you Will future Sports Weekend of the future continue to BRIEFS of mformatwn sent across the Diocese recently. Lisa to get involved with anything? No time for commit­ take place in places like Palos Heights, Worcester, or • • • • • Manookian and Mel Avrigian, Co-Chairmen, report that ments? Even when you're finished with all the things even New Britain? Even places like Detroit, Chicago the various Committees are busy preparing for the SOOplus that others are forcing you to do - without allowing and Boston are shying away from this event. week~nders expecte~ to participate and enjoy the many you to choose? Come on. Unofficial rumors contradict the possibilities of holding offenngs. Preceedmg the Weekend is the Assembly Aren't there things that you have an opinion about? "the" event in some exotic location..•.•• Bahamas, (Aug.27-29) where delegates and clergy will gather to Haven't you felt the need to be heard on something ACYOA jUNIORS DONATE Bermuda, Disney/Epcot, New Orleans, Marco Island, discuss the business of the Organization, as · well as - in our case - within the Armenian Church and Hilton Head, and other such resorts. We're told that $1,000 to ACEF enjoy a social evening or two. community? Isn't there something that you would prices are similar, accommodations superior, attraction The Weekend officially begins Aug. 29th and goes through The Hartford ACYOA juniors of St. George Armenian like to respond to, or praise? Don't keep it to yourself, unequaled in the Western Hemisphere and the chances Mon. Sept. 1st. The Adam's Mark Hotel in Philadelphia Church made a big impression with their decision to share it - deal with it - let "them" know about it - of increased clergy participation 10-1 for. is just waiting for the ACYOA to come and enjoy their now - not later. donate $1,000 (their share of profit in co-hosting a fine facilities. regional fall weekend) to the Armenian Church Endowment Consider this little item from Dear Abby: Fnnd (ACEF). MARK THE DATES.... IT'S A WEEKEND THAT WILL YOUTH DIRECTORS INCLUDE CELEBRATING THE 40th ANNIVERSARY OF I Didn't Speak Up - by the Rev. Martin Niemoeller. As reported by Col. Victor Arzoomanian, Executive Direc­ Cambridge: Besty Undermann continues her work tor of the ACEF, "It is unprecedented for such a magni­ THE ACYOA ..... 1946-1986 ...... BE THERE ...... BE THERE. In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, with much enthusiasm and zeal. She attended the ficent donation to come from an ACYOA junior Group. and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Diocesan Assembly, as well as the related seminars St. George ACYOA juniors have set an example that ************ Then they came for the jews, and I didn't speak up others should follow." because I wasn't a jew. Then they came for the of the ACYOA and the Dept. of Religious Education. If The ACEF, a fund that receives donations, invests that trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't you haven't had the chance to meet Betsy, take money, and then sends the interest earned on that dona­ a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, the time, she's a wonderful person. tion where the donor requests. In the case of St. George SUMMER TASK FORCE IN NEW YORK CITY and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Washington: The Executive Secretary met with the Then they came for me, and by that time there was Pastor, young adults and important others of the the money earned on the $1,000 ACYOA donation will A new program for ACYOA members will be initiated forever go to the St. George Parish. That's long-term no one left to speak for me. parish to discuss the possibility of hiring a Parish this summer at the Diocesan Center in New York City. benefits for the Hartford Armenian Church and its youth. Youth Director. St. Mary's is a growing community "Summer Task Force at the Diocese" - a four-week (Martin Niemoeller was a German Lutheran Pastor Archbishop Torkom Manoogian remarked that this donation with many, many young people of all ages, as well pilot program designed to provide an opportunity for who was arrested by the Gestapo in 1938 and sent provides to young people everywhere an excellent example as a growing population of young professionals and young people to work at the Diocese in its various depart­ of stewardship. "Hopefully," he continued, "other young to Dachau concentration camp until he was freed by young couples/families. While the exhaustive discussion ments and offices. First preference is given to applicants the Allied Forces in 1945. Abby has kept this item covered the many considerations of such a move, it people will follow their fine example and work through who are current dues paid ACYOA Members. their church youth organizations to provide greater support for nearly 30 years. was agreed that at the very least a part-time person to their churches." A ~0-hour work week format will be used, with possible could initiate the work in the area of Parish Youth assignments of: Primate's Office, Dept. of Religious ************ Ministry. Given time, this could easily move on to a ************ Education, Dept. of Education, BEMA full time position. Newspaper, Public Relations, Cathedral Operations, Data Watertown: Long-time ACYOA member and Parish Processmg, Museum, Accounting, and many more areas. Youth Director for the past three years, Arthur CANCELLED: 1986 ASP 1986 ACYOA GENERAL ASSEMBLY The Program is a rare opportunity to serve the Church Sabounjian, resigned his position recently. Artie was at the Diocesan Center, to see and be part of the mas­ The 1986 ACYOA Armenian Studies Programs were can­ PHILADELPHIA a full time person who initiated many good programs sive Diocesan Operation, spend some time in New York celled due to the high risk factors with foreign travel for the youth and young adults of the parish. He City and understand more about the Church from a very The Adam's Mark Hotel will be the site for the this season, and especially due to the many "unknowns" will be getting married- soon and we wish him the practical perspective. A stipend of $100 per week, most 1986 ACYOA General Assembly, hosted by those related to the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, inside the best of God's blessings. . meals! and l~ging, as well as supervision, training and wonderful people of the Wynnewood ACYOA Chapter, ~xpenence wdl be offered to the participants. It is After considerable consultation with U.S. and U.S.S.R Ss. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church. ************ Government authorities, as well as experts in the field mtended to expand the Program next year to possibly His Eminence, Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, Primate of nuclear energy and radiation, and the Primate and eight weeks. of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, CENTRAL COUNCIL Vicar General, it was decided to cancel the "Educational This year's dates: july 21 through August 22. will preside over the proceedings of the Assembly, Tour to Armenia" (4 weeks) and the "journey to Armenia" Plan now for next year. as well as host a delegates' luncheon. Preparations for the 1986 ACYOA General Assembly (3 weeks) Programs for this year. The Programs will The ACYOA Central Council will prepare the neces­ moved to the final stages with the final regular resume next year, barring again any unforseen circum­ ************ sary materials and provide the necessary guidence meeting of the year held in late june. Materials for stances. to allow for a smooth running Assembly. Delegates the delegates as well as for the Assembly proceedings should prepare themselves as well, including chapter were reviewed and will be mailed out to all chapters. "SURE IT'S RIDICULOUS, BUT IT'S POLICY. requirements and credentials. Undeclared delegates should take note that their ************ WE DO IT ALL THE TIME." Chapter requirements include dues payment, listing materials will be sent to the Chapter and Parish (as of dues paid members (with addresses), general with all ACYOA) and can be picked up there. WASHINGTON'S CARS WASHED ************ youth listing (updated), annual report, special event The Council has prepared (finally) a great National report (if applicable), and any other particular Events Calendar for all Chapters and Parishes. The On May 17th, Washington's were washed in a massive EX~CUTIVE UPDATE Bi-monthly Newsletter pri­ requirement as stated by the Council. All delegates idea for this was born a few years ago, but has car washed assembled next to St. Mary's Armenian will need a "delegate credential card" to participate now become a reality. Each Chapter/Parish will Church. The Washington,D.C. ACYOA Chapter members manly for Chapter Executives, and distributed to all names on the ACYOA National Youth Listing. Prepared fully in the proceedings. These, along with other receive the specially designed poster-size calendar had their hands full as their Car Wash Fund Raiser met materials will be sent to all chapters, parishes, and to be put up in an appropriate, but proper place, with great success. 15 Members were on hand to to use by the ACYOA Executive Secretary, it is mailed and distributed free of charge, with the assistance of the those chapter delegates who have declared themselves for the public to see. On a regular basis, the Council their hands in cleaning the cars. The Executive Secretary ACYOA Central Council. Comments and suggestions and have provided their names and addresses. The will sent to each Chapter/Parish · updates to the happened to drive up and had his car superbly cleaned are welcome. card should be completed and signed by the pastor Calendar that will be self-sticking to the designated in just a couple of minutes. Mike Sahakian, Chapter Executive Update is made possible by the Diocese of and chaper executive committee. Chairman, noted that there may have been a few cars months. Increased communications on national and from Maryland washed too. the Armenian Church of America, and by a grant Social activities to balance off the day-long Assembly regional events, as well as local functions is the from the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. sessions will be scheduled for the evenings. All key here, along with greater publicity. ************ chapters should make an effort to be represented The Council is also researching the possibility of from the start of the Assembly, Wednesday, August having the 1987 Archbishop's Basketball Tournament 27th, 7:30 p.m. in an unusual location next year. Stay tuned.

************ NOW WAIT A MINUTE ... WHEN PARENTS SEPARATE - Sociologists and psychologists have observed that the "singles scene" has changed dramatically in the The ability to find work and other satisfactions outside past 5 years. One doctor has said that "perhaps the Overheard at an event was, "I don't believe m God, Trauma for Young Adults the family after the divorce gave the young adults herpes virus was a message, and the general public but I'd die for my Armenian Church." an advantage over younger siblings. On the other didn't listen too welL Now with AIDS, people are Certainly a heavy statement, loaded with all sorts The trauma of divorce on adult children is only recent­ hand, because they were older, their memories of seeking out information, changing their life-styles, of things that makes one stop and think. It was ly becoming a subject for social scientists. · Focused the family spanned many years, and the shock of and for the most part, taking seriously certain beha­ made by an older man of unconfirmed political first on young children, and then on teen-agers, seeing it split was especially disillusioning. those who study the effects of divorce on families viors they in the past simply took for granted."ln most background. But what did he really mean? areas of the country, experts in the field have noted How could someone, anyone, say he'd die for his are now looking at adult children. ************ Young adults experience the same feeling of loss extensive changes in sexual behavior on the part of Church, without believing in God? Isn't it a contra­ anger, shame . and disillusionment as their younge; people of all ages. One said the change is "phenominal diction? But he was calm, so sure of what he was brother~ and SISters, they say, at a time when they and more extreme than in the 1960's". saying. He really meant it.. are trymg to assert their independence. - AIDS virus is virtually indiscriminant. It can affect A long supporter of the Church and Armenian com­ Some of the effects of divorce on the young adult AIDS: anyone. The growing numbers in all population types munity; h.e attended most all community gatherings are not always obvious. Money saved for college in the world is a sign that no one is really immune. and functwns. He knew our history, where we came suddenly drys-up to pay divorcEr lawyers; studies Facts and Fears - Men and women are viewing each other in somewhat from, what was done to us, and what we have accom­ suffer bec~use of family stress, and coming "home" differing perspectives. The change in social behavior plished since. He was a regular Armenian man, not for the holidays can be too painful to bear. A new survey has found that almost 40% of people in is most obvious in open social situations singles too old, but old enough to remember when the St~dents in these trying situations have spoke of the are taking precautions to avoid bars. One bartender said, "There's more traditional parish assembly was conducted only in Armenian. bemg ov~rly pr?tective of their mothers, and intensely catching_ AIDS _(Acquire~ Immune Deficiency Syndrome) socializing and drinking now, and less 'pick-ups' who He was ~ proud man, starting with virtually nothing, a?gry wnh thea fathers, at least initially. "The last the LoUis Harns poll sa1d. meet someone (male or female) and leave the bar. and makmg something for himself and family in t1me my father left, I had to pick my mother off What is perhaps one of the rnost problematic diseases They're staying and leaving with those they carne in America. the bathroom floor," on young pt! rson said, "She was ?f the modern era, experts say that AIDS will affect with, or with no one at all." He knew our Church history. The role our Church crying so hysterically she fainted." m some way, everyone in our society in the vears to - President Reagan, after saying that AIDS is the has played in the past 2,000 years of Armenian Another remarked that, "Being away a t school when come. It will run 20 years before the affect· can be number 1 health problem, cut $51 million from related existance. Of Thaddeus and Bartholomew, Gregory the divorce happened was somewhat advantageous, I reasonably measured. How 5ociety de;l.!s with this budgetary items. (i.e. research funding) the Enlightener, Hripsime and Gayineh, and the didn't get all caught up in my parents' craziness." serious situation will tell about the character of this People who know of others with the disease seem many other important figures. He knows the music But this so-called advantage can be offset by guilt society, and the individuals thereof. to be showing a very high degree of fear of contamin­ of the Church, the modes with their wonderful and regret. Some mentioned that they were not there Some experts believe that the fear of AIDS, even ation via discernable discrimination. The News Show va_riables. Those who know him say he hardly ever to provide emotional support to a depressed parent, more than the herpe;- epidemic, is hastening an e nd "20/20" documented a man who had AIDS, and the m1sses a Sunday morning. Certainly an example of usually the mother, and they worried that younger to the "sexual revolution" that began in the 1960's many related trials and tribulations. Community health dedication. He must be a "Church goer". siblings were getting the worst of it. and is imposing a new ethic of restraint or ~o~.bstim~nce. officials just didn't know what to do with him, or He loves his Armenian Church. Perhaps he's one of "The Arneric:a public is now faced with a nublic who would pay for his assistance. Witness the many those who, because of the terrible years of Turkish Staying on Campus health problem unlike any other we have fac~:d in parents who panic when a student in the public schools ?omination. culminating with the crimes of genocide Nonetheless, some found excuses for not regularly the pst 20 years. where we as scientists can't provide is found to have AIDS. The unknowns about the disease m 19~5, thmk God abandoned the . Perhaps writing or calling home, and some preferred to stay all the answers or a remedy," said Dr. William Blattner cause them to remove their own children from the he thmks God put the file on the Armenians in the on campus during holidays, rather than return to a of the National Cancer Institute. school, and/or demand the infected student be dismissed. circular recepticle. change~ ho_me. "You leave horne in September, and AIDS contines to be a disease almost entirely confined Since experts are not in agreement on the many But he's ready to die for his Church. Does he see everythmg IS normal, just fine," explained a student to three main groups: homosexual men, intravenous ways of contracting the virus, the fears are enhanced. the Church in another, different light? "But at Thanksgiving everything is different. It doesn'; drug users a~cl people who were infected through As more information is known and confirmed, it is He knows all the current leaders of the political feel like home anymore." Another stated that each blood t ransft_JsJOns before the n:lt ion's blood supply hoped that these discriminatory acts will subside. parties and of the Church. He knows what they're of . her p~rents assumed she: would be s pending the became routinely screened for evidence of the virus. People with AIDS, young and old, need help and doing and not doing, and of course has his well hohday w1th the other. "Neither of them rnakes Also affected are infants of AIDS-infected. n1nt h ers, understanding - not exile. defined critique of each. He has his sound of disgust plans and there's nothing, or you have to go through to whom the disease spread in the womb. when certain ideas are raised, such as changing the everything twice like two Thanksgiving Dinners," Of the more than 17,000 reported c~ses of the fatal [EXTRA, EXTRA - Since the writing of the above language of the Church Services, part-time priests, she said. "It's easier to stay at school." · ailment in this country, fewer than 250 have been article, a new government report has been release women on the Altar. But these are certainly not Payment of college tuition has become a major issue reported in people whose only known ri sk of infection with more startling information. See page 13] unusual. What's unusual is an Armenian publicly now that the age of majority has been reduced in was heterosexual contac~ with someone who may stating a disbelief in God. most states from 21 to 18 years of age. As a result, have been carrymg the vtrus. But in parts of Africa If there are such individuals, would you expect to students over the age of 18 are no longer considered where thedisease has become common, AIDS is largely see them in Church, week in and week out? Would minors in need of suport, and divorce settlements do a h~terosexual desease, and most experts agree, in they, state publicly, under any circumstance that not necessarily provide for college education. varymg. degrees, that there is a danger of significant THEY'RE WATCHING they would die for their Church while den;uncing One or both parents may be willing to pay the tuition, spread mto the heterosexual mainstream here. their faith? ' but the!f lawyers may advise against doing so until Young child to mother, just prior to being dropped Maybe, just maybe this man could plead ignorance. not knowing about God, faith, piety and the the agreement is signed, leaving the student in limbo. off at Church School on Sunday morning, "So what C?f Students who apply for loans may be turned down Some Facts & Trends Ilk~. But he's been around for so long; he's been a because one parent has a high income even though 1.5 . to 2 million Americans are thought to have kind of doughnut are you going to have this week mam part of the Church; a regular, long-time sup­ porter; he knows Armenian customs and traditions. that parent may not be contributing to their suppor.t. been mfecte.d by the virus that can cause AIDS. mom?" "My father has money," said on young woman, "but Most scientists assume that all these people are Pleading. ignorance would seem more of an excuse capable of infecting others even though they show no than a reason. That's too easy. when you turn 18 you have to act for yourself, and Same child walking through the door after leaving sometimes it takes you into the legal area. To go to signs of illness themselves. It could be that he really means that he would die school I had to go to court and sue him for the - Of the 17,000 reported and confirmed AIDS cases, the car, "I can't wait to grow up and be an adult; for his Armenian identity, or his Armenian nation. 70% are from the homosexual population Maybe he confused "church" with "nation". tuition!" Other students mentioned that they were adults don't have to go to Church." not getting all the child support paid by their· fathers 10% are from Hemophiliacs For this man, certainly not an unusual man on the 5% are from blood transfusion circumstances surface, if he really means that he doesn't believe be?ause their mothers needed the money. "I'm at a KIDS WATCH WHAT YOU DO, pOint where I don't want to deal with it anymore" The remaining 15% are made up of all types, including in God (which· only God really knows) then "church" one said. "! just do what I can to make my o~n people from the heterosexual population (which experts SO WATCH WHAT YOU DO. really. doesn't exist for him, in the real sense. Yes, money and pay my own way." say is growing everyday). he clmgs to a "church community", in that he ************ attends the functions and gatherings, but he obviously doesn't agree with their basic precept - a faith in God. It is this faith that creates Church. It appears that he is indeed clinging to that last "Some actions of people speak so loudly, fragment of the Armenian Nation - the Church - and he has, perhaps unknowingly, confused "church" that I can't hear what they're saying." with "nation". Mayby he's fust being honest with himself in stating what he truly believes, and what ••••••••••• he does not believe. We take for granted sometimes that if we meet an Armenian, they must be a Christian - what other kind of Armenian is there? Aren't all Armenians Christians? We were the first Christian Nation - doesn't that make it automatic? IT'S ALL A MATTER OF PRIORITIES •••••••••••• It's all a matter of priorities what is important is what is given the attention, the time, the maney and the needed effort to provide progress and reach goals. There are no impossibilities, only improbabilities. Perhaps we should file for 're-organization' and/or bank­ ruptcy. In this way we could sit down and calmly address the issues confronting us. Void of emotion, timetables, Bumper Sticker of the Month, as sent in by David by-laws, and other incumbrances. We could seriously Davidian, or Colorado Springs, Colorado: consider what items need immediate attention, and "Jesus Saves Souls, focus all resources there for resolution. What's happening now is ~ imply meager attempts at Common Sense Saves Lives." "doing something" in too many (albeit worthwhile ) areas. We see some type of need, so we create a "committee" to do something about it. Moreover, rarely is the case when this "committee" is given legitimate direction and guidence, specific (realistic) goals, or needed funding. But "something" was done. Looking back on it, self-c ri­ Centuries have passed ooer my ticism is difficult to take, and a scapegoat found if failure is the result. land, but they have left their Setting priorities is needed. Decisions must be made, tra ce in cuneiform inscriptions, and accepted, that will focus attention and resources to achieve the desired goals. in old ruins and impregnable For example, if the shortage of quality priests is accept­ ed as a priority - then all our energy and resources fo rtresses. The 1.ohole of Armenia must be aimed at that priority. If there remains more resources a fter the :priest' issue is seriously addressed · · is like an open-air museum where, and a course of action properly initiated - then we might consider another pressing issue. without the help of a book, you Putting simple band-aids on broken bones that a re m need of x-rays, re- settings and casts is not going to can lea·m the history of the assist in the healing process. After setting priorities and establishing goals (like having country and its people. an idea of where we would like to be in ten or twenty years, besides the promised land), we need to bring 1Vot only has every age left its together the best minds from within and without our ruins and wounds, but each one community to address the issues. Not our friends, those that agree, those who want to maintain rather than beca me a rung on the long and progress - but those who know how to deal with such ~wuuiliThUl£19 lt!_L~J!!I~WU problems, issues, concerns, professionaly. Credentialed, steep ladder of history that our experienced people with something to offer. We may nL~~WfL fj~U~LI!J only afford one such group of consultants/problem solvers people ascended, riSing j j·om to address one such area of need - so be it. If, by . . * When Pa rents Separate- . chance, we are strong enough, resourceful enough, wealthy :: Trauma for Young Adults ·• • sLiffering to happiness. enough to afford 4 or 5 such groups to address 4 or 5 priority situations - even better. •·: * AIDS: Facts & Fears In this way, serious issues a re given serious treatment. of dw * ARMENIA Problems have a good chance of being solved, not just : . pull-out section Sin ce we could not bring so me of you to AR M EN IA thi s summer on the ACYOA Armenian Apostolic (),·thodox pushed aside. Situations in need of immediate attention Armenia n Stud ies Program, due to it s cancellation, we dec id ed to bring a small glim pse will be give due time. ; • Marital Bliss Myths of present-day Armenia to a ll of you. The ce nter pull-out secti on provides a different Chm·cb · * Chapter Problems? (Adapted from a conversation with a Diocesan Delegate perspective a nd content to the usual discussions a nd descriptions of Armenia. This short Questions to ask.••••.• but in fo rmative section should prove interesting. a nd maybe ca use yo u to ponder a following the Diocesan Assembly held in Racine , Wisconsin. • Armenian Sayings TAKES PLACE AT YOUR It can be easily seen how some of the above mentioned moment ove r returning one day to Armenia. • Here's & There's•. .• CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. ideas could be applied to the ACYOA , or perhaps any organization. NUMB ER 27 Armenian Church Youth Organization of America Your comments and ideas are most welcome.) YOU 1 RE INVITED. Diocese of the Armenian Church of America JULY 1986 6::10 Second Ave .. N.Y.C.. NY 10016 [212·686-0710) *********** NATIONAL SPORTS WEEKEND ON SCHEDULE Plans for the 1986 edition of the .ACYOA National Sports WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A Weekend are on schedule with a major national mailing of information sent across the Diocese recentl·v. Lisa BRIEFS • • • • • :\lanookiar. and :\r\ el i\ vri~ian, Co-Chairmen, report that the various Committees are busy preparing for the SOOplus 1986 ACYOA General Assembly weeke nders expec ted to participate and enjoy the many r.~fferings . Prc~ cr:'e ding the Weekend is the 1\sscr:Jh ly and National Sports Weekend Itinerary (Aug.27-29) where delegates and clergy 11.·ill gather to ACYOA JUNIORS DONATE discuss the busine:;s cJf rhe Organization, :1s well a" August 27 - September 1 $1,000 to ACEF enjoy a social evening or two. The \Neekend officia ll y begins i\ug. 29th and goes through The Hartford ACYOA juniors of St. George Arme ni;m Mon. Sept. 1s t. The Adam's Mark Hotel in Philadelphia WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1986 Church made a big imp ression with their decision to is just waiting for the ACYOA to come and enjoy their donate $1,000 (their share of profit in co-hosting ~~ 12:00 p.m. · 8.fXl p.m lintel and Spons Weekend 8:30a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Athletic Competitions fine facilities. Rt~~':itraoon {Baldwin & Haverford High) regional fall weekend) to the Armenian Church Endowment MARK THE DATES .... IT'S /\ WEEKEND 'ff-l;\T WILL 6:00p.m. · 7:W p.m. Delegate Registration 9:00a.m. - 12:W p.m. Hotel and Spons Weekend Fund (ACEF). INCLUD E CELEBRATING THE 40th i\NNIVERSAf~Y OF 7~JO p.m.· JO:W p.m. General Assembly Registration As reported by Col. Victor Arzoomanian, Executive Direc­ THE ACYO A ..... 1946-1986...... BE THERE ...... BE THEHE. (fi"t ~ion) 5:00 p.m. • 6:30 p.m. Insights Program tor o f the ACEF, "It is unprecedented for such a magm­ !0:00 p.m. · 12.00 a.m. Delegate Mixer (Second Session) 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. -Wlh Anniversarv ficent donation to come from an ACYOA junior G roup. ************ THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1986 Banquet . St. George ACYOA juniors have set an example that 9:00 a.m. • 6:30 p.m. General Assembly 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Anniversary Dance others should follow." (Sco:md & Third ~ions) The ACEF, a fund that receives dona tions, invest s that 9:00 a.m. · i .00 p.m. Hotel and Spons Weekend SUNDAY, AUGUSt 31, 1986 money, and then sends the interest earned on that dona­ Registration 9:00 a.m. · II :30 p.m. o, vine Liturgy tion where the donor request s. In the case of St. Geo rge SUMMER TASK FORCE IN NEW YORK CITY 7:00p.m . · UO a.m. Cruise• (SL Sahag & SL Mcsrob {inclutit':S travel time} Armenian Church) the money earned on the $1,000 ACYOA donation will A new program for ACYOA members will be initiated 12:00 p.m. - 5·30 p.m. Athletic Cumpetitiom forever go to the St. George Parish. That's long-te rn' this summer at the Diocesan Center in New York City. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1986 (Baldwin & Haverford High) benefits for the Hartford Armenian Church and its youth. "Summer Task Force at tl11: Diocese" a four-week 9:00a.m. · 5:00pm General Asscmblv ! :lX.l p.m. · 2:30 p.m. lnsighLS Program Archbishop Torkom Manoogian remarked that this donation (Fourth & Fifth Sessionsl (Third Session) pilot program designed to provide an opportunity fo r 5:.10 p.m. · fdO p.m . provides to young people everywhere an excellent example 9Wa.m · li{X)p.ill. Hotd and Spnm Weekend RL"ccption for PrimJtt, young people to work at the Diocese in its various depart­ RLag ~t: ;J uun •• Central Council, Delegates. of stewardship. "Hopefully," he continued, "other young ments and offices. Fi rst preference is given to appli cants :'JXl r m . . h .'tl r :n . h bighl:· Prvgr;l!li Cnapter Chairmon, Ciergy. and people will follow their fine example and work through who are current dues paid ACYOA Members. ! Fu:-:t SC\<> in n \ ln vi!cd Guests 7:00p.m.- 9:00p.m .·\ward.' Banqe~ct their church youth organiza tions to provide greater support i\ 40-hour work week format will be used, wi th possible 7:W p.m . · : :('.(J :1. m. lkcf :-.;· ll<:t: Kd N1ght Q:OO p m. . 2:00a.m. Awa rd.\ Ball to their churches." i Sr S3h;'8 & Sr Mesrob assignments of: Primate's Office, Dept. of Religious Arn ll~ll lan Church J Education, Dept. of i\rrnenian Language Education, BEMA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER l, 1986 •fime.s are suhj~'<"! ro changf. ************ Newspaper, Public lorLS ~-Veckt ' nd Rl•gwranr•n H·i/1 c o nJJJHn ' aJ SL Saha;; (St. Sa h.~ &: Sl. \1<:>rub Processing, Museum, •\ccounting, and many more areas. .·l rm<•ninn · .'.: 'ofrsrob Church Armcni.d·~ Churt: h) CANCELLED: 1986 ASP The is a rare opportunity to se rve the Church a t the Dioces;J.n Center, to see and be parr of the mas­ The 1986 ACYOA Armenian Studies Programs were can­ WEEKEND PLANS sive Diocesan Ope ration, spend some time in New York Sr~n1' n~quired celled due to the high risk factors with foreign travel com(>etitors an· to purcha'e l'itll('r the Package Plan or 1\·!EP plan. City and understand mure o<: nt in an em ck•pt fX"tmarkcJ bv Augttsl I. 19~6 . meals, and loging, as well as supervi sion, traming ~tnd Soviet Union. ( ·I ! l .tf'J/11.:; Ji:\; iiJli ,'J• 'u j•l.·} AC~ 0 :\ members will receive another $10.00 rebate experience will be o ffe re d to the panicipanrs. It is After considerable consultation with U.S. and U.S.S.R \\.n.lllt''d:t\ \ 1t \ l'' r.. ., ~tandard plan on! \'. int e nded to expand the Program next year to r ossibly I hur.,, \;1\ ( ··llr-l· Government authorities, as well as experts 1!1 the field ~ S3) OV deposit is required for e1tller plan. eight weeks. of nuclear energy and radiation, and the Primate and .. The Pre-Weekend Plan rnu't be pre-paid in full alnng This year' s da tes: July 21 through /\ugust. 22. \-\1th rhc'n form Vica r General, it was decided to canct'l r!H~ "Education:d 00 Pla.n now for next year. S8()00 ~ \ •bJke check:· pilyahk tn 198(, ACYOA !'oiational Tour to Armenia" (4 weeks) and the " journey to Arrrwn i~t" Padalge Plan 195 Minimum E6gibDity Plan Sport' We. ·1}1 ·''·' rt·. m n ·d_~ 1 t SJ ..::. .no lkpmn required) * Send chei:-k anti r t'~i.o.:tration f(1rm to: ************ "I Fnd~t\ Dtllll•.:r I ):ukt.' resume next year, barring again any unforseen circum­ Lisa Manookian S~ttur~LI \ I >tnnt:t" I hnL·l· f-"rid~t~ J);uHJ.: onl~ · stances. 2007 County Line Road .I St:nt.b} -l)tnnL'r. i)Jnt"L" S:uu rd:11 Dane,· on!} :\1nndav PtL · n i~,. : Ardrnure, P..\ 19003 Sun d:t.~ DtnnL't · Dim : l~ "SURE IT'S RIDICULOUS, BUT IT'S POLICY. ··tl_\\' Lrwq2, ·· r- ~ htn Phone: i ************ WE DO IT ALL THE TIME." i.----- ... .. __ . -- ·----·- ·- - 215-649-2)70 Qr 21)-649-X426 (aftu 7:00p.m.) / AlaCarte WASHINGTON'S CARS WASHED ************ Frida\ Dinlk'r •f);iih:t'- S l ~ S"tur:i;ll· !)inn,., !hnu:- S-!0 On May 17th, Washington's c.Hs were washed in a rnasstve EXECUTIVE UPDATE Bi-monthly Newsletter pri­ SunJ

Packnge Plan Deadline: August 15. 1986 Non-Prot1t Org. - Don't discuss long-range plans, children, etc. it's Office of the Executive Secretary - ACYOA U.S POSTAGE 180 Olde Westford Road MARITAL BLISS MYTHS bad luck before marriage. Marriage is serious business. PAID Your marriage, whether it lasts 5 years or 50 years, Chelmsford, MA 01824 affects your entire life and will be a part of you LowelL MA Only in fairy tales can couples live happily ever forever. Discussion of future plans, children, beliefs, Perm it# 468 after without working on it. Yet many couples cling concerns are very important. The Church in which This Copy for Filing by: to storybook beliefs that can poison even the most you will participate and worship is a major considera­ magical marriages. tion. To find out after you've had children that your Thinking of marriage in the near or distant future? spouse wants them to attend Church Sunday School Most young adults have, are or will be as they ponder in their Church can be sensitive and difficult situation the next ten years. Here are six menacing myths as to handle. reported in the April Reader's Digest: - Each spouse can have their own church. Having - Romantic love makes a good marriage. The mono­ two differeant churches in one family is a "house tony of married life has extinguished many a flame. divided". Whether your spouse is Armenian or not, Necessities to any longtime union are kindness, consid­ one church/parish should be established as the one eration, communication, adjustment to each other's where you will worship, bring up your family, support habits, joint participation in several activities, consen­ and contribute over the years. sus on values, and respect. In the case of two Armenians, there usually isn't a problem - there aren't that many parishes to choose Five Components for an Effective I'ELLO WSH IP - - Husbands and wives should do everything together. Many people feel guilty about going anywhere without from. But in some areas there are choices, and this Youth Ministry pa rt ies, e~ting ou t, movies, camping, beach , recreation, their partners, but there should be some separateness choice should be made early. r.ooko uts, horseback ri ding, at hl etics, danc es, cultural to allow individual growth and privacy. Couples should In the case of non-Armenian spouses, separate churches eve nts, ball p.ames, sailing, sleigh rides, mus eums, ski spend 20-25% of their time apart. is even a greater problem, because you have the trips, theater, mountain climhing. influence of the spouse's family involved as well. - Good spouses should make their partners happy. No Some have actually tried to maintain separate churches COMMUNITY LWE - one can assume responsibility for anothers person's during marriage, with one spouse attending an Armenian .organize workshops on relig ious and cultural topics, feelings. Trying to can only lead to misery and despair. Church, and the other attending some other. Where Fellowship help in Church and Arm enian Schools, assist with Each partner must take charge of his or her own is the union? What happens with the children? Are gratification and fulfillment to make a marriage 80% Pa rish Newsletter, vide o and audio tapes of Church they to be enrolled in one or both Church Sunday Services for shut - ins and hospitalized, pr ovide rides to work. Schools? Will they know where they belong? Will chu rch for elde rl y and children, tutors, landscape - Husbands and wives should 'let it all hang out'. the ~e be a tug-of-war at Christmas and Easter? Will church grounds, help in preparing church for major the faith and value systems be the same - will this Feast Days, organi ze food and blood drives...... Too many people assume that they can release all their pent-up anger and frustration at home. Instead conflict with other, non-religious, family matters? Prayer & EDUCATION- of attacking the source, they resort to kicking the There's much to consider before marriage. Don't Worship dog, beating their children or abusing their spouses. wait for "things to work themselves out" or the only sponsor lectures, cl asses, attend same, ind ivi dual and A relaxed and loving home is created with respect, th!ng you'll be out of is a happy marriage. group study topics, resea rch projects, present ations of same to parish on Church history, language, dance, politeness, tact and good humor. •••••••••• li teratu re , the teachings of the Church , the Holy Fathe rs; - True lovers know each ot>er's thoughts. This fallacy Heros of the Church, spiri tuality, social issu es . ... . is applied especially to physical intimacy. Some people AND IN ARMENIA •••• think that if a spouse is really in love with their SERVICE - In 1984, Armenia had the largest number of births partner, they can sense how to please and satisfy since being annexed by the Soviet Union almost neig hborhood cleanup, care of law ns for elde rl y, adopt them. Communication, not mind-reading is the secret 80,000. The relatively high birth rate can be attributed a child - local and ove rseas, c raft rrojects as gifts to better physical and non-physical relations. fo r shut-ins , parties and picni cs for chi ldren's home to an effective social policy, said Fadei Sarkisian, or retarded children's center, singing at nu rsing homes, -A happy marriage requires total trust. Taking a Prime Minister of Armenia, in an interview. "Things puppet s 1ows for children and adults in hospitals, partner for granted can have disastrous results. In a like the partially paid 18-month leave for mothers to assist in projects of the pa rish , food and clothing lasting marriage, a little insecurity goes a long way. look after their children in addition to the fully paid coll ections and distributions, sh ovel snow ...... Regarding your spouse as attractive to members of 16- week maternity leave. the opposite sex encourages your own displays of A high divorce rate is typical of many industrially PRAYER & WORSHIP - affection and caring. advanced nations. "In this respect," said the Prime pa rticiration en Sunday morn ings and at oth e r Services, After all, caring is why people marry in the first Minister, "Our Republic is a rare and, I would say, COMPONENTS OF YOUTH MINISTRY - Revisited des ign and lead worship fo r children, Lenten Services, place. happy exception. In Armenia, the prestige of the family is high. An average urban family has two child­ The ideal church youth group (ACYOA or othe rwise) rrayer at. parish fun ctions, worshir at retreats or Alittle Closer to Home is sometimes as difficult to conceptualize as it is to lock-i ns , ) ----- The Cup of Bitterness and Other Stories .A.n- questions: note: ACYOA Constitution, Article 12, Section 4, poor of Calcutta, India. TOTAL tranig Antrt'assian tran5lated by]. Antrta.ssian 7.50 (all orckn musa be paid in US doll.v1) states, "Any Chapter wishing to host a National The 75 year old Yugoslav-born nun said she told Men Without Childhood Antranig 7.arouhian 1. How does your group/chapter relate to: Function (i.e. Spts.Wkdn.) shall present a detailed !~eagan, "We are looking for a nice place where translated by Elise Bayisian & Marzbe-d Pfra:JJt print Margo.Jlian - . 10.00 SHIP ro: Other, non-active, young adults? outline of location and activities, including prices, people can come and receive love and also remove The Traveller and His Road Gostan Zarian Namr The Parish Council? which should be submitted to the ACYOA Central their lonliness." The President encourged her, she translated by .A.ra Balio:ian s: 95 Addr= The Honorable Beggars Hagop Baronian Other, active, young adults? Council s,ixty days prior to the General Assembly." ·;;tid. "I told him I would do the praying, and he will translated by]. .A.rrtro3rian P.B. -4.95 City, Stat~. Zip------­ The Pastor? Those wah unusual circumstances should notify the h;tve to do the work to launch the project." Comrade Panchoonte f't"rvant Odian Pieut &Dow at U. fWO wccb IOf' ddMr,. Other Parish Organizations? Council as soon as possible. translated. by]. Arr.trta.JJian 7.95 Other non-parish Organizations? *********** ************ WYNNEWOOD •.••• Lisa Manookian, chpt.chrm. informs of 20 members busier than ever. ... had a "Hye'Waiian Kef HERE'S & THERE'S Night" in Feb. (Wynnewood is one "those" who saves up Fact Sheets for months, then sends them all in; better WHAT TO LOOK~ IN A CLEVELAND .•••• Nancy Bagdasarian, chpt.chrm. tells us than not sending them at all, right? you bet !) ... had Palm that members participated m Church April 27th vw Sunday-ACY r\ Day Banquet. ... planning Sports \Veekcnd serving in Services; passing Kiss of Peace; glVIng out Awareness Picnic in May .... and working on the Sports candles; passing offering plates; at altar; in choir; .... On We:~end probably takes up the rest of their time .... major 1986. ACYOA General Assembly Holy Thursday, several members participated in Washing madmg of mfor set for early June .... get ready to pack of the Feet Service.... had Easter Eve Party at Parish your bags and be in Philly for Labor Day Weekend .... it's and National Sports Weekend Itinerary House •.. 30 people with Arm. food and dancing .... ACYOA going to be grrrrreeeeaaaat! Day Banquet/40th Annv. of ACYOA March 23rd ... Nancv August 27 - September 1 Bagdasarian guest speaker .... slide presentat icm by member~ Here's & There's is brought to you by those considerate Leslie Bagdasa rian and john Bashian on Cleveland ACYOt\ chapter people, mostly the chairmen, who take the time Chapter's past 40 years ... 110 people attending .... dinner to share their "goings, comings, and doings" with all the WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1986 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1986 meeting in May •.. Cleveland Indians Baseball game in june members and chapters of the ACYOA. As the 1985-86 12:00 p.m. · ~ : 00 JLn Hotel :1nd Sports Weekend H::lO b ·'- .\krrob A rmRnwn Church. (Lawrence just sends in a simply marvelous Fact Sheet.) of the Church. Mary Lazarian, a student of the flute at .·\ rml· Church) Wisconsin•.•.. New chpt.chrm. Thomas Gengozian tells us the Manhatten School of Music, played several flawless WEEKEND PLANS of meetings held May 11 and june 8, and of 30 members renditions for the audience. SJ>orh rnmpditors an' required to purrha"' t'itlwr the l'a<:kagc l'lan or MEP plan. so far .... maybe more to say next month .... PALOS HEIGHTS The special day included several members of the ACYOA GE!'\ERAL INFORMAnON .•••• Gail Giragosian, chpt.chrm. speaks of 16 members com~enting on their expe_ri_ences with the youth group Pre-Weekend Plan '1800 • S I 0 00 rchate for any rackagt.: plan pre·paid in futl and and very active.... members participated in Church Services and Its founder. Garo Kap1k1an, a Parish Council member n an cmel<>r< postmarkc·d b\' Augu't 1. 1986. Palm Sunday and Easter Eve ... ushers, passing offering and ACYOA senior, fondly recalled his childhood memories {.itt'ct•lm :: tinJ /(}(!l''':'i'/,·J .·\ CYQ,\ member.< ,,·ill reet:ivc an~ther $1().00 rebate \\\:dn~·..,d.t\ \fl\t'l ''" 'tandard plan onlv. plates, and passing Kiss of Peace .... held ACYOA Day of Tiran Surpazan, and expressed his profound admiration I hw\l.l .t~ c ·iill"c I • $3).00 dqxTSit '' req uired for cuher plan . Palm Sunday with Brunch and film program .... a trophy L. and utmost respect for this "esteemed, scholarly and • The Pre- Week~nd Plan must be pre-paid in full along case is being made for display of awards and trophies, most senior Bishop." v..·1lh the ref_"l..,!.raltl)ll form. and will be dedcated in memory of the Martyrs of 1915 .. . The audience was likewise honored to pay tribute to Package Plan 19500 Minimum E6gibDity Plan ssooo * \1ake chet:ks pa~ah k w: 1'186 ACYOA !';ational pa rticipated in well planned .'v1artyrs program in parish ...... Archbishop Tirlin, who not only founded the ACYOA m Sport' Weekend. r.\ ?5 /J,·pmll 1 1'tillllt'tiJ Chpt.Chrm. recited Armenian poem .... s<'!cond Sun. of !S.l.i.f}IJ Ot'f>Wiltntllir, ·d) Send check and registration form lo: 1946, but _was a_lso responsible for establishing 21 new. h td:n I )umn ll:tnu· * LJSa Manookian each month members serve at Church Services .... assisted churc? panshes m the USA during his ten year t e nure i S:tf1L.t' I-"nd:t~· D:mu.: onl~.. Sund;t\ l>unll'l" - lbnL·L· 2007 Countv Line Road Juniors with Regional junior Spts. Wknd .... Members and ~s ~r~mate. He was also responsible for encouraging and Saturdav I );Uk'L" onl}' \l{mdav l'tL"Ilh. Ardmore. P.:\ 19003 Sunda\· ()intwr ·D:llll"L' friends, along with members from Evanston, went to see m.s pum~ many young men to join the ranks of t:he cle rgy. .. II ~·c !:.ncr~\ ·· "J".·,hin "Pump Boys and Dinettes" play, followed by going to Phone· Ttran Surpazan expressed his gratitude and appreciation .. J :' 15-649-2570 1." 215-649·H42o (after 7:00p.m.) the famous diner - "Ed Debevic's" - just fabulous .... plan­ of the many kind remark::, and candidly described his ning another discussion night with Daniel Hai ri.bedian reasons for establishing the ACYOA. Stating that because , A Ia Carte ; (Der Hayr's son) in june or july.... as well as other there wa~ a void in the Armenian Community, in terms FritL1;· Dtnncr,' Dancc. Sl5 rejunvenation-type activities for the summer...... Saturda ~ DiHllL'r DanL·t.' - S-W o f.~ ver:1cl c• necessary to bring our youth together in a l)innL'I DanL't' . ))ll WORCESTER ..•.. Rob Shamgochian, chpt.chrm. reports of sp1r1t ot Armenian Christian cammaraderie, "I founded .\1tllld:i\" Pit"llH.:- \]{) an excellent Martyrs Day Program .... the committee of the ACYOA with assistance of several community members T.,J,in ~ ss · .·\II Dance''- S J.' which was comprised mainly of ACYOA members .... it 111 Rhode lsland in 1946." He furthe red explained that involved ari Ecumenical Serv(ce with various clergy and the ACYOA attracted and welcomed many Armenian governmental dignitaries attending, with a program and Am_erican v:'orld ..'.Var ll veterans who were proud of CITY / STAT~ ; ZIP -----.. ·- - ·-·--- 0 MEP a proclamation by the Mayor designating April 24th thelf dual 1dent1t1es adn were anxious to serve their TELEPHOI\E tt ·---·------··---­ 0 Saturday Dinner/ Dance "Armenian Martyrs Day" in Worcester ... included candle­ Church. Surpazan Hayr was likewise aware of this when 0 Sunday Dinner/Dance light procession with 4o survivors to the Martyr's Tree ~st_ablishing the ACYOA, and philosophically stated that CHAPTER 0 Mondav Picnic on the parish grounds, donated and dedicated last year DEP. DATE/ TIME ____ Jt lS "natural for. Ar.rnenia~s, as well as all ethnic groups, ARR. DATE/ TiME------­ by the 1\CYOA ... Madagh was served as well. ... se rved t? preserve the1 r 1dent1t!es. In fact, mankind is not TOTAL AMT. ENCLOSED wine and cheese after performance of Antranig Dance different from the rest of the animal species who are PHILADELPHIA! MEANS OF TRAVEL------Ensemble .... trip to NYC May 24 for Chapter Exec: Cornm. bestowed by God with procreative instincts and inclination~. (anadian l'artic;ponn: 1'/eaw h,· .w.rc w cnt"ft).lfl l. . S l>r


Five Components for an Effective I'ELLOWSHIP - Youth Ministry rarties, eating out, mov ies. camping, beach, recreation, cookouts, horsehack riding·, athletics, dances, cultural events, ball r.ames, sailing, slei gh rides, mu seums, ski t rirs, theater, mountain eli mhing.

COMMUNITY LWE - .organize wo.rkshops on religious and cultural topics, Fellowship help in Church and Armenian Schools, assist with 80% Parish Newsletter, video and audio tapes of Church Services for shut-ins and hospi talized, provide rides to chu rch for elderly and children, tutors, landscape church grounds, help in preparing church for major Feast Days, organize food and blood drives...... Community EDUCATION- Life sponsor lectures, classes, attend same, individual and group study topics, research projects, presentations of same to parish on Church history, language, dance, lite rature, the teachings of the Church, t he Holy Fathers, Heros of the Church, snirituality, social issues. . . . .

SERVICE - neighborhood cleanup, care of lawns for elderly, adopt a child - local and overseas, craft projects as gifts for shut-ins, parties and picnics for children's home or retarded children's center, singing at nursing homes, puppet s 1ows for children and adtJlts in hospitals, assist in projects of the parish, food and clothing collections and distributions, shovel snow ......

PRAYER & WORSHIP - participation en Sunday mornings and at other Services, COMPONENTS OF YOUTH MINISTRY - Revisited design and lead worship for children, Lenten Services, The ideal church youth group (ACYOA or otherwise) prayer at parish functions, worshir at retreats or is sometimes as difficult to conceptualize as it is to lock-ins, visit other churches, write hymns and songs, find. In striving to keep things going and the young Christ mas program/play/concert/service, Easter program/ people involved and interested, the overall program is play/concert/service, Palm Sunday Procession, design neglected and emphasis placed on reused successful and conduct wo rship a t parish church picnic, worship work shop, rray with those in homes, hospitals ...... activities. The Chart above indicate the five components involved with effective Church Youth Ministry with the Church the center or primary focus. The suggested related activities listed to the right With such a programming schedule - balancmg these are only a few of the types for each component - components - the group takes on a more diverse and there are many, many more. exciting character. It becomes something special to Presently, according to reports, fact sheets, vtstts, everyone. It is in this way the purpose of the g;roup and accepted general practice of late, the percentages has real meaning. It is in this way the participants shown on the chart indicate about how much of each in the group feel a sense of purpose and involvement component 1s incorporated ,into the youth ministry in their Church. It is in this way the group grows (in programmmg for the parish/youth group. Ideally, numbers and in character) and takes on a successful these percentages, as the circles show, should be image, thereby attracting members and keepinv, the about the same - each involved with the Church as ones it has. well as over-lapping each other. ************