
Heredity 59 (1987) 105—115 The Genetical Society of Great Britain Received 2 October 1986 Expectation of means and variances of testcrosses produced from F2 and backcross individuals and their selfed progenies

A. E. Meichinger Institute of Breeding, Seed Science and , University of Hohenheim, P.O. Box 70 05 62, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, F.R.G.

A biometrical genetic model is presented for the testcross performance of derived from a cross between two pure-breeding lines. The model is applied to obtain the genetical expectations of first andseconddegree statistics of testcrosses established from F2, first and higher backcross and their selfing generations. Theoretically, the testcross mean of these populations is expected to be a linear function of the percentage of germplasm from each parent line in the absence of . In both F2 and backcross populations, the new arising testcross variance between sublines is halved with each additional generation of selfing. Special consideration is given to the effects of linkage and epistasis, and tests for their presence are provided. The results are discussed with respect to implications in "second cycle" breeding. It is concluded that the choice of base populations between F2 and first backcrosses can be made on the distributions of testerosses from the first segregating generation. Schnell's (1983) "usefulness" criterion is recommended for choosing the optimum type of base population.

INTRODUCTION solution to the problem of choosing the most promising lines for improving the parents of a Inan advanced stage of breeding e.g., in single cross. Theoretical results for comparing F2 maize (Zea mays L.), new lines are predominantly and backcross populations with regard to per se developed either from advanced populations performance were provided by Mather, Jinks and undergoing recurrent selection or from ad hoc co-workers (see Mather and Jinks, 1982). However, synthesized populations between elitelines. no such theory is available with respect to the According to a survey by Bauman (1977), the testcross performance of these populations. majority of the most widely used public inbreds In this paper a biometrical genetic analysis is in commercial U.S. maize hybrids were "second presented for the testcross means and testcross cycle" inbreds of the latter type selected from F2 variances of F2 and arbitrary backcross popula- or backcross populations. Moreover, this author tions and their selfing generations developed from estimated that about 80 per cent of the effort in a cross between two pure-breeding lines. Special private maize breeding programmes is devoted to consideration is given to the effects of epistasis the improvement of established lines. and linkage and tests for their presence based on As in any breeding programme, the choice of first and second degree statistics are provided. In base materials is critical for success in "second addition, the results are discussed with regard to cycle" breeding. This holds true no matter whether implications for "second cycle" breeding. the pedigree or the single seed descent systems are used to extract new inbred lines with superior performance. In the case of "second cycle" - ASSUMPTIONSAND NOTATION ing, the choice of the base materials involves (a) choice of the parent lines and (b) a decision about Thetwo initial parents P1 and P2 of the popula- the type of base population to be established from tions subsequently considered are assumed to be these lines. In practice, F2 and backcrosses are homozygous lines. The F1 cross between P1 and most frequently used. P2 is backcrossed to each parent to produce the Concerning the first problem, Dudley (1984) Bi and B2 (also referred to as B11S0 and B21S0) recently presented a theoretical basis and possible generations, respectively. to parent 106 A. E. MELCHINGER line Pp, p =Ior 2, is continued by bulking pollen a superior T. Parameters dJ and d refer to half from a large (conceptionally infinite) number of the average effect of a gene substitution at the loci BPbSO producing generation Bph±ISO (b jandk in the gamete from the candidate, respec- 0). The population obtained from BphS() after n tively. Similarly, /krelatesto the additive by addi- generations of self-pollination is designated as tive epistatic effect between loci jandk. BpbS,,. For reasons of generality, the F1 is con- The above model is identical in form to the sidered as backcross generation zero and the F is model equation for the per se performance of referred to as Bp0S. diploid genotypes corresponding to the gamete of The tester T is assumed to be a homozygous the candidate (see Mather and Jinks, 1982). In line. In practice, the tester is often an elite line contrast to the parameters in equation (1), unrelated to P1 and P2 and with promising poten- however, those of the latter model are defined with tial as a parent in hybrid combinations with newly respect to the F., metric (Van der Veen, 1959). developed lines. The testcrosses are established by Despite this fundamental difference, the formal mating the candidates with the tester. analogy implies that part of the results given in In producing the backcrosses, selfed progenies, this paper correspond to previous results in and testcrosses, the following assumptions are literature concerning the per se performance of made: homozygous lines. Conversely, new results given (a)Normal diploid behaviour at meiosis here for the testcross performance apply directly (b)No gametic or zygotic selection to the per se performance of homozygous lines. (c)No mutation The above model equation also holds true for (d)Recombination frequencies are the same the expected testcross performance whatever the in the male and female gametogenesis and population structure of the tester may be (e.g., a independent of the cytoplasm and genetic single cross, synthetic or population), even if it is background. not in linkage equilibrium. However, heterogeneity In the genetic model, it is assumed that epistatic in the gametic array produced by the tester would interactions among three or more loci are absent. cause genetic variation within testcross progenies not considered here.

THEGENETIC MODEL LINKAGEDISEQUILIBRIUM Sincethe tester was assumed to be a homozygous line, differences in the genotypic values among Withregard to expressions for the means and testcross individuals are solely attributable to the variances given in subsequent sections, it is con- of the gametes received from the test venient to provide general formulae describing the candidate. Consider two loci, jandk, with two linkage disequilibrium in the gametic arrays pro- alleles, A-a and B-b, present in parents P1 and duced by the populations investigated. P2. Employing the statistical model proposed for Using the conventional definition (Falconer, hybrid populations (Griffing, 1962; Schnell, 1965) 1981, p. 19), the linkage disequilibrium D3k for the present case, the genotypic values of test- between loci jandk in the gametic array produced crosses resulting from the four possible types of from cross P1 x P2 after n generations of selfing gametes produced by the candidate population can is given by the following expression (Cockerham be sub-divided in the following manner: and Weir, 1973): A,k TxAB= mT+dT±d+i] flD,k Af-_tk /tjk Tx Ab =mT+dT_dT_if,: x {1+(AJk/2)"(1— AJk)}Jk,(n 0); TxaB= mT_d+d_if,: (2) Txab=mT—dJ--d+if,:. (1) where Here the parameters on the right-hand side are for coupling linkage and statistically defined using as a base of reference for repulsion linkage in the gene-orthogonal population (Schnell, 1965) the parents, and between tester T and the F2-derived population AJk={1 of the cross P1 x P2 in linkage equilibrium. Their AJk denotes the linkage values between loci jand dependence on the tester genotype is indicated by k (Schnell, 1961). MEANS AND VARIANCES OF TESTCROSSES 107

In terms of the recombination frequency P1k then b,DJk =0for every b, n 0, i.e., the gametic betweenloci jandk, AJkisequal to I —2P3kand array of any backcross generation is in linkage hence becomes zero in the absence of linkage and equilibrium for unlinked loci. unity with complete linkage. Extending this result to backcrossing with sub- OVERALLMEANS OF TESTCROSSES sequent selfing, the linkage disequilibrium bflDfk Table 1 shows the frequencies of individual in the gametic array produced by generation BpbSfl genotypes in the bth backcross (BphSo) and those (p=l,2; b, nO) is obtained as obtained from each backcross genotype after n b,n'-jk =(1/4Y'1{(1+ tJk) (1 +4IflDjkI) —1}zJk. generations of selfing (BpbS) using results of (3) Jennings (1917). In addition, the testcross mean of Because of symmetry reasons, the linkage dis- BpbSQ- and BpbSfl-derived lines (adopting the ter- equilibrium is independent of p, i.e., identical for minology of Wricke and Weber, 1986, P. 73) is the two backcross series. Furthermore, if A3k =0 given for testcrosses produced from generation

Table 1. Genotype frequencies in populations BpbSo and BpbS, and genotypic testcross means of lines derived from them when testcrosses are produced in generation S, (t n)ona digenic interaction model with linkage; the recurrent backcross parent is assumed to have genotype AB/AB

Parent genotype in BpbSo AB/AB AB/Ab AB/aB AB/ab Testcross mean* of Bp5S-derived Frequency lines when testcr, are produced in S, 1 Genotype in CoeffIcient of Bp5S +Tbt 7b +Th df dT i] Frequency of descendants in Bp5S,, 2'—l 2—l 2'1 V"+Un AB/AB 1 — + § 1 1 1 2" 2'" 4 —1 1 V" AB/aB 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 —1 1 V" AB/aB 0 0 —--— 0 1 0 2 2"' 2 v + w" 0 0 0 0 AB/ab 2 ¶ 0 4,-nPjk 2"—1 2—1 V"—U Ab/Ab 0 0 + 1 —1 —1 2"" 2 v" -w' Ab/aB 0 0 0 0 0 2 ———1 V" Ab/ab 0 0 0 2"' 2 0 —1 0 2—1 2''—1 V"—U aB/aB 0 0 — + —1 1 —1 21 2+1 4 1 V" aB/ab 0 0 0 2"' 2 —1 0 0 2'—1 V'+U,, ab/ab 0 0 0 2"'+ 1

Testcr. mean* of BpbSo derived lines when tester, are prod. in S, dJ+d+i] itT d, 4,DJkitt * Genotypicdeviation from mT. 1' Tb{(1+AJk)1}/4. §V(1+Ak)/4; U={1—(AJk/2)}AJk/(2—AJk). ¶W=AJk/2. tt See equation (2). 108 A. E. MELCHINGER

S1(tn). Using these results, the following general populations are presented in table 2. For F1- formula is obtained for the expected mean of the derived generations, the results are analogous to testcrosses produced from population BpbS,: those for the per se performance of homozygous lines ______T p+i b T developed by dihaploidy or single seed des- Tx BpbS, =m+ (1){ 1 (1/2) }lI d I cent (Jinks and Pooni, 1981; Snape and Simpson, +{1 (1/2)b}2[jT] 1981).In the absence of epistasis, the testcross mean of the various populations is a linear function +4 Ib,(DjkIJkzfk, of [d T1, i.e., depends linearly on the percentage j 0) or net repul- The coefficient of the different terms on the sion linkage with duplicate eFistasis (i

Expected testcrosS mean __ epl'stasi'Sl

% Germplasni 0 25 50 75 100 from P1

P2 B2 F= F7 51 P1 Generation

Figure1 Graphical representation of the expected testcross means for various populations. The solid and the broken lines refer to the absence and presence of epistasis respectively. Calculations are based on dT =d=1and iJ assuming coupling phase in the parents and no linkage. MEANS AND VARIANCES OF TESTCROSSES 109

Table 2Expected testcross means of various populations on a digenic interaction model in the presence of linkage calculated from equation (3); for explanation of symbols see text

Coefficient of Generation mT (_l)P+i[dT] [jT] 4fkjk

TxPp 1 1 1 0 TxBp0S0=TxF1 1 0 0 A5 TXBp0S1=TxF2 1 0 0 AJk(1+AJk)/2 TXBp0S2=TxF3 1 0 0 AJk(4+Afk—AJk)/4(2—A,k) TxBp0S=TxF, 1 0 0 Afk/(2—Afk) 1 TXBp1S0=TxBp 1 4i Afk(2+AJk)/4 1 I TxBp1S1 1 4 )tJk(3+2AJk+Ak)/8 1 I TxBp1S,, 1 3AJS/4(2—AJk) 3 9 TxBp2S0 1 j- AJk(3+3AJk+AJk)/16 3 9 TxBp2S 1 j- AJk(5+2Afk)/16(2—AJk)

For p =1,2. for situations of coupling linkage with duplicate +(_1)12{1 (1/2)'} epistasis or repulsion linkage with complementary epistasis, [jT] becomes negative. Since only the x[1 -{1 _(1/2)b}2) net effect can be observed, balancing positive and negative contributions may result in epistasis not being detected even when it is present. -4 (5) With net epistasis and no linkage among the b.ILkdJTiJ]. genes involved, equations (3) and (4) imply An analogous formula applies to the genetic vari- that the testcross means of higher selfing gener- ance for the per se performance of doubled ations do not differ from the testcross mean of the haploids derived from BpbS(. For b =0,i.e., gener- original backcross_generation_BpbSo. In particular, ations derived from the F1 , it agrees with the results the values for Tx F1, Tx F2, etc. and Tx Fe,. of Snape and Simpson (1981). should be identical (table 2). With linkage, Let gV(Pb; n) denote the total heritable test- however, these means may differ from each other. cross variance between BpbSfl-derived lines. This The size of the differences depends on the linkage variance is given by the summation values and is greatest for intermediate rather than extreme Ajk values. A comparison of Tx F1 and gV(Pb; n) = u2(pb; r); (6) Tx Fc,,. provides the most sensitive test for linked r=O epistatic effects. where o2(pb ;r) denotes the genetic testcross vari- ance between BpbSO-derived lines (r=0) or between BpbSr-derived sublines within Bp5Sri GENETICVARIANCES OF TESTCROSSES derived lines (r>0). Making use of the results in table 1, these Utilisingthe results in table 1 and the appropriate components of variance have the following general formula, the expectation of the total expectations (p =1,2; b 0): (between and within line) genetic variance among testcrosses produced from population BpbS, Model 1: No epistasis and no linkage becomes (p =1,2;b, tO): — u2(pb; 0) =(1/2)"{l(1/2)"}dj2; (7) Variance (Tx BpbSI) = [1—{l —(1/2)}2]dj2+4 b,fDjkdJdk r>0: o-2(pb; r) =(1/2)b+r (8) j +(1_{l_(1/2)b}4) Model 2: No epistasis but with linkage

— 11 / /\b12o v' ri 2(pb; 0) = (1/2)b}dT2j 'Il1//.JJo L. b,tl-'jkljk (i/2)b[{i jO: X 2(pb; r)= (1/2)b±r d2 2 2 15

2 1 + A1k{:+AJk)/2}JkdJdT]; (10) j/k{(1+AJk)}2 0JJkdJiJ}. jk (14) Model3: With epistasis and no linkage Under models Ito 3 the formulae for a-2(ph; r) do not depend on the selfing generation St used — for producing the testcrosses. With both epistasis u2(pb; 0) =(1/2)b 1 (1/2)b}d2J i andlinkage, however, the testcross means of BPbSfl- derivedlines and consequently their variance may T2 /23b±i_5.22b+2b+2_l______ij change with additional selfing due to the oppor- 8 /J0: Jinks and Pooni (1984) for the per se performance of homozygous lines apart from some misprints. Furthermore, since F1 individuals and their selfing r2(ph; r) =(1/2)b±r [ dJ+ ) iJ 2b /J0, r 0. Thus, bothbackcross series release the same genetic test- Model 4: With epistasis and linkage, assuming that cross variance in corresponding generations. With the testcrosses were produced from selfed pro- epistasis (models 3 and 4) these variances may genies in differ on account of cross product terms in df and cr2(pb;0)=formula(9)+(1/2)'' i. These terms cancel by averaging over both backcross series (p =1,2). Under model lit follows from equation (8) (.J 0. This signifies that in the absence I {( 1 + b' X 2 ofepistasis and linkage the testcross variance [1+ (2—AJk))tjk)/2}] originatingfrom segregation in a later selfing gen- erationdepends solely on the sum of h + r.

+(1['+(\ 2 [ A,k2—AJk )2 F2AND FIRST BACKCROSS DERIVED SELFING /4 GENERATIONS Relationships among genetic variances +(iYt' 2 _(1/2)b_i Letus now consider the results of the previous sectionin greater detail for the most important + 1_ specialcases h 0 and h =1,i.e., testcrosses estab- from F2 and first backcross populations and 2A;k)"((1/2)3'2— AJkAJk)} lished +(l their selfed progenies. For reasons of simplicity, := X (13) the abbreviations Po := 0 and Pip (p =1,2) are °jkdjujk}; subsequently used. With no epistasis and no linkage (model 1), thenew arising testcross variance between 02(pb; r) =formula(10) + (1/2)b+r sublines in F2 populations is halved with each further generation of selfing,i.e., the ratio Ij 0 (table 3). In Table 3 Sub-division of the genetic testcross variances between homozygous lines derived from F2 and first backcross (Bp; p = 1,2) populations; for symbols see text Coefficient of Designation Source of of Segregating genetic dJ2 JkdTdT j

I Between F2-derived 0.2(0; 1) AJk/2 0 (2—2AJk+Ak—2Ak+Ak)/2(2—AJk)2 0 lines — Between F3-derived 0.2(0;2) (A3k/2)2 0 (1/2) —(1 + Ak)(3 Ak) 0 sublineswithin x (2— 2AJk + Ak)/ 8(2— F2-derived lines n + I Between F+2-derived 0.2(0; n + 1) (1/2Y1 (Ajk/2Y' (22 —3)/4" 0 (l/2) — {(1 + Ak)/4}{(3— Ak) 0 — sublines within x (2— 2AJk + )tfk)/2(2 A1j2} F1-derived lines

Total var. 1 0 1 genetic 5V(0; ) AJk/(2—AJk) 1 —{A/(2—A)}2 0 between SSD lines developed from F2

— — — — Between Bp1S0- o-2(p; 0) * §1/4 (1 + AJk)(3 5Ak +2Ak)/4(2 §(1 Ak)/2(2 AJk) derived lines 2 Between Bp1S1- o-2(p; 1) (AJk/2)(1-1-AJk)/4 (1/2)—{(1+AJk)(3—Ak) — derived sublines x (2— 2AJk + AJk)/8(2 AJk)2} within Bp1S0- derived lines

+ — n I Between Bp1S-derived u2(p; n) (1/2)" (AJk/2)"(l+AJk)/4 (2+2_3)/4 (1/2) —{(1 + Ak)/4}''{(1+AJk)x AJk) sublines within (3— X) — Bp5S_1-derived lines x (2— 2AJk + A)/8(2

— — — — Total geneticvar. 5V(p; o) (3/4)AJk/(2 AJk) {15 6k k/(2 AJk) between SSD lines _9A%/(2_AJk)2}/16 (2—AJk) developed from Bp t Model 1: No epistasis and no linkage; model 2: no epistasis but with linkage; model 3: with epistasis and no linkage; model 4: with epistasis and linkage. §The +sign refers to p=l and the —sign to p=2. 112 A. E. MELCHINGER the absence of epistasis (model 2), the preponder- predictor is simpler and more rapidly obtainable ance of coupling or repulsion linkages enhances but is biased in the presence of epistasis. The or reduces this ratio, respectively. The quantitative second predictor is not biased by epistasis between effect depends on the linkage values. With unlinked loci and also yields good approximation extremely tight linkage, the ratio is hardly affected. in the presence of linkage. With extremely loose linkage, the contributions of Under model 2, the individual variance com- the cross product terms Jkdfd to 0.2(0; r)and ponents o-2(p; r) and consequently gV(p; cc) are gV(0; cc) are rather small. The greatest influence identical for both backcrosses (p =1,2) as pointed on deviations from the ratio of 2: 1 is exerted by out in the preceding section. Differences between gene pairs with intermediate to low linkage values, corresponding testcross variances in BI and B2 particularly during the first few generations of are attributable to the sum of cross product terms selfing. OjLJkdJzjk and therefore supply additional Epistasis between unlinked loci (model 3) leads evidence of epistasis. For dispersed gene associ- to an increase in the secondary (r= 2)and tertiary ation, OJkdJ Jk and OkLJkdiIkhaveopposing (r=3)variancesrelative to the primary (r= signs and hence their contributions cancel each 1)variance. In later selfing generations, epistasis other at least partly in the total sum. With coupling causes practically no deviation from the ratio2: 1. linkage, both products have the same sign. Linkage hardly affects the coefficients of i7,for Altogether, it can be concluded that the com- lower linkage values. With tighter linkage, the con- ponents of the testcross variance in Bi (the back- tributions of epistatic effects to 0.2(0;r) and cross to the higher performing parent with O =I gV(O; cc) decrease and finally vanish for com- at the majority of loci) are greater than those in pletely linked loci (AJk =1). B2 when there is predominantly complementary Under model 1, the genetic testcross variance epistasis between gene pairs in coupling. Con- between homozygous lines derived from F2, versely, the variances in Bi are smaller than in B2 gV(O; cc), is twice the testcross variance between with a preponderance of duplicate epistasis among F2 individuals, cr2 (0; 1). Hence, the latter can be loci in coupling. used to predict the former. With significant epis- Table 3 enables us to compare the testcross tasis, however, this predictor is biased. Consider- variances of F2 and backcross populations in corre- able bias can also be generated by linkage as was sponding generations. Under model 2, we have demonstrated by Kearsey (1985) for the per se performance of lines. u2(0; 1)=2cr2(p;0), (p=i,2). (15) The results for the backcrosses BI and B2 With epistasis among unlinked genes (model 3), (table 3) show that under model 1, o-2(p; 0), the we obtain testcross variance between Bp1S0-derived lines, is equal to a- 2(p; 1), the testcross variance between (72(1; 0)+2(2; 0) 0.2(0; 1) i2/8. sublines after the first selfing generation. The test- j 0: the strongest influence on the ratio. Epistasis between unlinked genes (model 3) causes an {0.2(1; r)+o-2(2; r)}/2 =(72(0;r+ 1),(17) increase in cr2(p;1)relative to cr2(p; 0). Epistasis and linkage affect the testcross variances between i.e., the average testcross variance between sublines sublines from Bp in later selfing generations in an in the rth selfing generation of Ri and B2 equals analogous manner as specified above for F2- the testcross variance between sublines from the derived progenies. F2 with one additional generation of selfing. In the The genetic testcross variance between presence of linkage, however, the left- and right- homozygous lines from Bp, gV(p; cc), can either hand side may differ. Equation (16) thus provides be predicted by 3o-2(p; 0) or 3a-2(p; 1). The first a test for linkage which is neither conditioned by MEANS AND VARIANCES OF TESTCROSSES 113 epistatic interactions nor biased by epistasis Choice of the type of base population. The theoretical between unlinked genes. It is most sensitive for results in the sections headed "Overall means of intermediate linkage values (ltJk =0.5).However, testcrosses" and "Relationships among genetic because positive and negative cross product terms variances" also provide information concerning JkdJdk for coupling and repulsion linkages under which conditions F2 or backcrosses offer respectively cancel at least partly in the total sum, greater potential for extracting new lines with only the net linkage effect can be detected. superior testcross performance. As already dis- Under model 2, the testcross variance between cussed in connection with table 3, the F2 and Bi homozygous lines extracted from the F2 and Bi or B2 populations release the same testcross vari- or B2 populations (gV(O; co), gV(1; ),and ances between sublines in each generation except gV(2; co),respectively)are in a ratio of 4:3. In the for the first one, ignoring epistasis and minor presence of epistasis (model 3), we obtain departures due to linkage. Consequently, the selec- tion response for testcross performance within F2- 2{gV(1; co) +gV(2; cc)}/3 —gV(O;a) =JT/4 and Bp1S0-derived lines in later generations is (18) expected to be almost identical. The decision between these two types of base populations can This relationship therefore gives a further test for therefore be made on the basis of the distribution epistasis and another estimate of 1T unaffected by properties of the first segregating generation. linkage. It is more sensitive than the test presented Fig. 2 shows the assumed genotypic frequency in equation (15) but requires more time and effort. distributions of the testcross means of random individuals from the F2, Bi and B2 populations Implicationsfor "second cycle" breeding for any quantitative trait in the absence of epistasis (model 2). According to the results in section 5, Optimum allocation of test resources. Indeveloping the overall testcross mean Tx Bi falls between improved inbred lines by pedigree selection, the Tx P1 and Tx F2 and thus exceeds the latter. On usually selects for testcross performance the other hand, the genetic standard deviation in several generations. With respect to maximising between testcross progenies is in F2 'Jtimes the total gain from selection, an important question greater than in Bi or B2 (see equation (15)). in this context concerns the optimum number of Altogether, the merits of F2 vs. backcross base entries to be tested in each generation. Knowledge populations mainly depend on the differences in of the genetic variances in segregating generations their testcross means relative to the size of their provides a basis for optimising this multi-gener- genotypic testcross variances. ation selection problem. Following Jinks and Pooni (1976), the propor- Utz (1984) gave an approximation for this tion of recombinants with a genotypic testcross optimum, assuming that the total number of plots performance falling beyond a certain standard x in the selection process is constant and that the (e.g.,thetestcross performance of the better parent total selection response is obtained from the sum P1) might be considered as an objective criterion of the selection responses in the individual gener- for choosing the optimum type of base population. ations. Accordingly, the number of entries to be Let 1r0(x) and 1r1(x) denote the probabilities of tested in each generation should be chosen in obtaining such recombinants in the F2 and Bi proportion to the genetic variability released in the populations respectively. These probabilities can various generations. Generally, the ratio of the be calculated by integrating the corresponding genetic standard deviations or genetic variances genotypic density functions as outlined by Mather should be employed for traits with a high or low and Jinks (1982, p. 344). Ignoring epistasis (model heritability respectively. 2) and approximating the genotypic distribution Using these results and those given in the pre- by a standard normal distribution, these integrals vious section, the ratio of the number of testcrosses may be replaced by the one tail normal probability to be evaluated in any two successive generations integrals corresponding to the abscissa values of with respect to F2 populations should range (x_mT)/I(O; 1) and (x—mT—[dT]/2)/ between 'J:1and 2: 1 according to the heritability. V'(1; 0) for F2 and Bi respectively. Using With the Bi and B2 populations, an equal number equation (15) we obtain that 1T0(x)> 1(x) if and of testcrosses should be tested in the first two only if x> mT+[dT](l+1/v). This signifies segregating generations. In the subsequent selfing that the probability of obtaining recombinants with generations, one should proceed as stated for F2 a genotypic testcross performance greater than x progenies. ishigher for F2 than for Bi if x> 114 A. E. MELCHINGER

Genotypic value

P2 P1

Figure2 Assumed genotypic frequency distributions for the means of testcross progenies of random individuals from the F2 and backcross populations BI and 82inthe absence of epistasis. mT+[dT](i+l/V) and vice versa. We thus if the masking variances are relatively unimportant. obtain the remarkable result that the sign of The dependence of U(a) on aindicatesthat the 1r0(x)— ir1(x)depends solely on mT and [d ]je amount of resources allotted to a breeding pro- the testcross means of F2 and Bi but not on their gramme also influences the "usefulness". testcross variances. Due to this property, the prob- With "usefulness" as a criterion, the choice of abilities r(x) and ir1(x) provide only limited F2 vs. backcross base populations is reduced to information about the relative merits of F2 vs. the question whether the disadvantage of a lower backcross populations. population mean for the F2 testcrosses can be offset As an alternative criterion, I suggest employing by their greater selection response. This question Schnell's(1983) concept of "usefulness" cannot be answered in general but depends on the ("Brauchbarkeit") for assessing the breeding pros- specific conditions of the materials and trait(s) pects of base populations in "second cycle" breed- considered. In summary, it can be concluded that ing. He defined "usefulness" U(a) as the F2 is likely to have superior "usefulness" than B1 if U(a)=+R(a)=a+icrh (19) where M• denotes the population mean, R(a) = —the differences in the testcross means of the the F2 and Bi populations are small compared expected selection response when selecting the to the pertinent genetic standard deviations. upper a % , er= thegenetic standard deviation, h =thesquare root of the heritability of —the heritability of the character is high, and —a high selection intensity can he applied. the considered trait, and,i,,the selection intensity when the upper a% phenotypes are In practice, the choice of F2 vs. backcross base selected. populations in "second cycle" breeding is compli- In other words, "usefulness" denotes the cated by the fact that the breeder regards not only expected genotypic mean of the upper a% a single trait but several characters simultaneously. phenotypes. Here, all quantities refer to testcross Despite this complication, the principles outlined performance. above should help in clarifying the various aspects Obviously, "usefulness" accounts for difleren- to be considered for this decision. Experimental ces in both means and genetic variances. Further- results related to the theory in this paper are in more, it demonstrates that the heritability should progress and will be published elsewhere. also be considered for assessing the prospects of obtaining and identifying superior genotypes. As follows from equation (15), h for the testcrosses Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Professor H. H. from F2 is about timesas great as h for those Geiger for his advice and helpful criticism in preparing the from BI if the masking variances (genotype by manuscript; to Drs H. C. Becker, U. Posselt and H. F. Utz for environment and error variances) are large, com- critical reading of the manuscript; to M. C. Dawson, M. A., for his correction of the English text; and to Mrs Schwarz and pared to the genetic variances. On the other hand, Mr W. I)aum for their assistance in typing the manuscript and h is of a similar size in both types of populations preparing the figures. MEANS AND VARIANCES OF TESTCROSSES 115

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