22 April, 2020 P3 Tematik (IPS) KTSP Oriented K13 IPS: “Runtuhnya Singasari” Pertempuran Singasari dan Mongol Pertempuran Jayakatwang dan Singasari Reading

FALL Kertanegara was the last and most powerful king of the kingdom. The kingdom came to an abrupt end during its peak, when it expanded to its largest and its king was most beneficial for the kingdom. After Singhasari was expanded to great sizes, of the Mongol empire was doing his own expansions as well. 's Singhasari Kingdom was ordered to be a vassal state under Mongol rule, guaranteeing safety with yearly payments of products and shipments to Mongol. Refusing, Kertanegara wounded the face of the messenger Mengki, aggravating Kublai Khan and causing him to send his troops to Indonesia. Because of this, Kertanegara send many of his troops, weapons, and supplies out to face the .

https://singhasarikingdom.weebly.com/rise-and-fall.html Yet, this was not the cause of Singhasari's fall, as this great empire caved in on itself, with its fall originating from causes inside the empire itself. . Jayakatwang of the long lost , cousin and brother in law of Kertanegara himself rebelled in 1292. He used the Mongol attack as a distraction, with which he could attack the capital city. Jayakatwang separated his troops to attack from the north and south, with the south army being the best of the best, led by Jayakatwang himself. This army succesfully infiltrated the palace, only to find Kertanegara hosting a great party with the palace officials. All of the officials present, along with Kertanegara was killed in the attack. At last, Jayakatwang declared himself as part of the Wangsa Rajasa dynasty, which was started by himself. The end of the Singhasari Empire also marked the beginning of the empire to come


Pemberontakan Jayakatwang, hancurnya kerajaan Singasari


1. Who is Jayakatwang? 2. What did he do in 1292? 3. What was his strategy to attack Singasari? 4. What did Kertanegara do when Jayakatwang attacked Singasari?

5. The end of the Singhasari Empire also marked as? Discuss and check student’s writing.