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S4 ,945 100.0 100 .0 577 9.7 10.2 548 S4 ,945 100.0 100 .0 577 9 .7 10.2 548 12. 1 10 .2 200 3 .7 4.6 114 4. 5 2.5 44 1 11.7 9 .7 145 3.0 3.2 314 6 .5 6.9 2,412 48. 7 .')2 . 9 b COMPILED BY THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Vice President for Public Affairs • Carlyle H. Jones Editor • Gerald J. McAllister Senior Statistician • Teressa Smith Consultant • Rudolf Modley Art Director • James J. Fisher PUBLISHED BY Aviation Week &Space Technology A MCGRAW-HILL PUBLICATION 330 West 42nd Street New York, N. Y. 10036 FOREWORD The landing of men on the moon and their return to earth was by far the major aerospace event during 1969, both from an historical and tech­ nological perspective. This evidence of man's ability to travel to another celestial body, accomplish useful tasks and then return to his home planet is the culmination of the most intensive, sustain ed technological eff ort in which man has ever been engaged. While the industry was attaining new technological peaks, it was showin g declines in several key economic areas: • Sales dropped 10.8 percent from a record $29.8 billion in 1968 to $26.9 billion in 1969. • Average e mp!~ m e nt in I 969 was 1,354,000 workers compared with 1,418,000 in 19 ~. E mployment contiued to decline during the early months of 1970. • Net profit after taxes as a percentage of sales dropped to 3.0 percent in 1969 from 3.2 percent in 1968, according to reports from the Securities & Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. This com- 2 pares with a profit percentage of 4.8 for all manufacturing corporations. • Industry backlog was approximately $28.3 billion at year's end, divided almost equally between U. S. government and other orders. Back­ log at the end of 1968 was $30.7 billion. • Aerospace exports, a major contributor to the nation's balance of trade, increased in 1969 to nearly $3.2 billion from about $3 billion in 1968. Civil aerospace exports accounted for nearly $2 billion of the total. Details on these economic measurements and other areas of aerospace activity are co~ltained in this eighteenth annual edition of Aerospace Facts and Figures. The book provides a standard reference work on the industry for the use of managers and administrators in government and industry, editors and writers, industry analysts, educators and students. KARL G. HARR, JR. President Aerospace Industries Association 3 CONTENTS PACE 5 AEROSPACE SUMMARY 21 AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION 40 MISSILE PROGRAMS 48 SPACE PROGRAMS 61 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 68 FOREIGN TRADE 82 MANPOWER 94 FINANCE 106 AIR TRANSPORTATION 126 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICIALS 139 INDEX 4 Aerospace industry sales in 1969 declined to about $26.9 billion, a I 0.8 percent drop from the record sales of $29.8 billion reported in 1968. By major group, aerospace sales in 1969 were: aircraft, $14.8 billion ; missiles, $5 billion; space vehicles, $4.3 billion; and non-aerospace, $2.7 billion. (The method of com pu.ting total sales is described in a footnote to the table, Aerospace Sales and the National Economy, on page 6). Aerospace sales accounted for 2.9 percent of the total Gross National Product of $932.1 billi on. Net profit as a percentage of sales declined in 1969 to 3.0 percent fr om 3.2 percent in 1968, according to reports from the Securities & Ex­ change Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. This profit percentage compares with 4.8 for all manufacturing corpo- 5 AEROSPACE FACTS AND FIGURES, 1970 AEROSPACE SALES AND THE NATIONAL EcoxoMY Calendar Years 1960 to Date (Dollar Figures in Billions) AEROSPACE SALES AS SALES OF PERCENT OF Year Total Ending Gross Manu- Decem- National Manufac- Durable Aero- factur- Dur- her 31 Product turing Goods space GNP ing In- able Industries Industry Industry dustries Goods 1960 $503.7 $368.7 $189.5 $17.3 3.4 4.7 9.1 1961 520.1 370.7 186.5 18.0 3.5 4.9 9.7 1962 560.3 397.4 205.2 19.2 3.4 4.8 9.4 1963 590.5 420.4 219.0 20.1 3.4 4.8 9.2 1964 632.4 448.0 235.6 20.6 3.3 4.6 8.7 [1965 684.9 492.0 266.6 20.7 3.0 4.2 7.8 l1966 747.6 538.5 295.6 24.6 3.3 4.6 8.3 1967 793.5r 548.5 299.7 27.3 3.4 5.0 9.1 1968 865.7r 603.7 331.0 29.8r 3.4 4.9 9.0 !1969 932.1 655.6 363.7 26.9 2.9 4.1 7.4 r Revised NoTE: The AlA estimate of Aerospace Industry sales is arrived at by adding 1. DoD expenditures for "procurement" of aircraft and missiles, 2. DoD expenditur<'s for research, de,·elopment, test and e\'alua­ tion for aircraft, missiles, and astronautics, 3. NASA expenditures for research and development, 4. AEC expenditures for space propulsion systems and spac<' electric power development, 5. Net sales to customers other than U.S. Government by approximately 60 areospace companies (adjusted to <'liminate duplica­ tion by subcontracting) and 6. Non-aerospace sales reported by the approximately 60 aerospace com­ panies reporting to the Bureau of the Censu •. Source: Manufacturing and Durable Goods Industries; Department. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, "Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders, Series M-3," (Monthly). Gross National Product; Department of Commerce, "Survey of Current Businfll's," (Monthly), Aerospace; Aerospace Industri~s Association estimates, based on latest a'·ailable information. r:.ttions, 5 percent for non-durable goods and 4.6 percent for durable goods. Backlog of the industry declined at almost the same ratio as sales. At the end of 1969, the backlog was about $28.3 billion compared with ap­ proximately $30.7 billion at the close of 1968. The backlog was divided almost equally between government and other business. U.S. government orders amounted to $14.3 billion and other customers accounted for the balance of about $14 billion. For the fifth consecutive year aerospace exports increased, accounting for 8.4 percent of total U.S. exports of merchandise. Aerospace exports reached nearly $3.2 billion with civil aerospace products amounting to nearly $2 billion of the total. Average aerospace employment in 1969 declined to 1,354,000 work- 6 AEROSPACE SUMMARY ers from the average of 1,418,000 in 1968. However, the total aerospace payroll increased to approximately $ 14.2 billion with salaried workers ac­ counting for about $8.2 bi ll ion and production workers for $6 bill ion . •- \J·:noSPACJ·: Co:-.:THIBUTIO:'-i TO Gno::;::; KATJO :\AL I'IWDUCT Calendar Years 1960 to Datf' (Doll ar Figure" in Billion,-) Co ntribution to GNP by Aerospace Contribution as Percent of T otal Gross ---- Year I National :\Ianufac- Aerospace i\Ianufac- Prod 11 Ct turing lndu:; try GNP turing I ndustri cs Industries --- - - 1960 S503. 7 Sl44.4 s 8 .Ll-r 1.7 5.9 1061 520.1 144.2 8 .8' 1 . 7 6 . I 1962 560. 3 158 .8 10 .0' 1. 8 6.3 1963 590.5 167.0 10. 6' 1.8 6.3 1964 632 .4 180 .3 10 .7 1.7 5.0 1965 tiR..J .9 198 .5' II .2' I .6 5.6 1966 7-1 9 .9' 218 .0' 13 .5 I -~ 6.2 1967 79 3 .5r 224 .or 15 .5 ' I .0 6.9 -, 196S Sti5 .I 2-16.4' 17 .2 ' 2 .0' 7 .0' 19fiO I·: 032. 265.0 \;) . 7 I . 7 5 9 ---- r He,·ised. N o T!~ : 'T he contribut ion of a n intlus tr_y to Gross Nationa l Produc t i:s composed o f the Yalue added by manufacturing with adjustment s fo r tuxes and sen·ic:cs . Source : U. S . D e partm ent of Comm erce, "S uiTC.Y of C urre nt Bu~inc ss " ( ::'\ l o nt h ly ), .\crospace I ndus trics Association estimates, based o n latest a\·a il nble in furmat.io n. 7 AEROSPACE FACTS AND FIGURES, 1970 ESTIMATED SALES OF THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY, BY PRODUCT GROUP Calendar Years 1948 to Date (Millions of Dollars) Year I Product Group Ending TOTAL December SALES 31 Space Non- Aircraft Missiles Vehicles aerospace 1948 $ 1,493 $ 1,359 - - $ 134 1949 2,232 2,032 - - 200 1950 3,116 2,731 $ 105 - 280 1951 6,264 5,067 633 I - 564 L952 10,130 8,442 776 - 912 1953 12,459 ' 10,420 918 - 1,121 1954 12,807 10,460 1,194 - 1,153 1955 12,411 9,781 1,513 - 1,117 1956 13,946 10,485 2,206 - 1,255 1957 15,858 11,398 3,033 - 1,427 1958 16,065 10,582 4,036 $ 1 1,446 1959 16,640 9,714 5,042 386 1,498 1960 17,326 9,126 5,762 878 1,559 1961 17,997 8,847 6,266 1,264 1,620 1962 19,162 8,944 6,311 2,182 1,725 1963 20,134 8,527 6,003 3,774 1,830 1964 20,594 8,911 5,242 4,720 1,721 1965 20,670 9,747 3,626 5,329 1,968 1966 24,610 11,951 4,053 5,969 2,637 1967 27,267 14,981 4,417 5,290 2,579 1968r 29,805 17,424 4,719 5,113 2,549 1969 26,882 14,816 5,053 4,308 2,705 r Revised NOTE: For explanation of "Aerospace Sales" se<' "Note" on page 6.
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