nntl 8, Merchants Deck Streets 5, For Christmas. Season, Santa Is Due December 8 ' ' Santa Clr.JUS Will Pav Flying Visit to ~ason On Saturday of. Next Week, With Gifb for All Mason streets and stores have talcen on a l1oliclay ap{)Cilr· ance this weelc. All is being put in readiness for Saturday of next week, Thaft; the day Santa Claus has chosen for a pre­ Christmas visit. Santa Clau& is schetlulhl to arrive in Mason by plane at three o'clock on the afternoon Leo 'Burton Die) of December S, according to word receiver! hy the Mason On Visit West, Chamber of Commetcc. In his pack he wlll have gifts for all Services Friday Y?~ngstcrs who pay him a VlSlt. !.en W l}tJJion, r;r;, rllf'rl r>l' ,, lwn1 L 11lt11clc 1n BI~!Jer•, J\1'17-<>lld, As llSlllll, S11111n Will !;I {'CI Monrln,v. Tlf' nnrl Ills IV!fn rliHI II t tit• fr>!k,9 fl'Oill a plfLtiOllll l'l'ltelwrl tiiCJ'I' lhr' nlgi1L lll'l'fll<' In Jcffei"Hoh1ppr•<( by ,JIIlllf', too, It Wlh schccllllerJ trJ rll'lil'r 'rh111srlny nt '' Ball (U!H'J'Ill lwnw. !r'llll<'IH! Ht'l'l'iccs \\'ill IJI' Jwlrl lllCii• Ji'll­ dny nftrtnoun :tl two o'r,loel< wllh hllliRl Ill Mn.plc GJ·ovr• Rev Rl'l/'· 'lllOJHI L. Nn1 ton of I he l\1n sr111 l\.Ie!hod1sl char~h will offl<'llllt•. l~o· or lhn A. M Rnlllll en., and Cr;msttmcrs Power helpers with llll}ln~ Pili Ill!~·. <'1'<'11111 anIY helping hand. ll'ooluct~ Co., fo1 CJimncJ· ol' in their cataloging of documents. fi~ials If funds 8l'C olVtlllah!c, U1 CJllhELl t Wyeth, Tm Ol'jJOl !llrrl A Y<'a ~· lfltl'l' 'Ilhc map is a lithograph showmg prop· said, tloorl·llghUng of the <'our·l he cntm ed bJISIIlr's~ fo1 IUJmel!. descriptions in Ingham and Living- In the l>ast"tllent corridors of house dome wi !I be a ttcmptccl. hll\lng wlm! was hn0\1 n n s t lie Cfo/ \Vnggotwt· poult1 y cl'c-Fllll nnLl otrv :stol1 counties. It was made in 1859. ~ourt house are tons, probably four or Complete plans tor the VISit or h!lsineos He so!rt' 011 t ln IO•!f; ~~ 1 Santa Claus a week fwm Salul'(J,ty Nclsnn N. Rm sc nt lr•r 22 re s 1 . ··The map is bordered by 'pictures of /'five, o! records which go back 50 and 1 11 1 11 ar~ bemg worked oyt, Urqllhal't the .Maple ~t1·r•ct Jocat10n, 'now 01'· pbqlic buildings and stores in Lansing, 60 years, s.ome to 100. ye"rs.. Included satd. It ha.s been l'n Ill IIH«I­ homes in both counties. recetvet;shtps and ctrcmt co.urt stenog· p!ane and that tile landing Will he Jngs li'l'IJI'lHll'V 0, 1~S3, ,Jnd SJ><'lll ' I th · t R b t St raphers shorthand notes whtch go back made aL Jewell ilirpo!'t 111 " PaJ·Iy IJfr' lht•l ~. f'fo IWl~ tilt' ; n e . p:c ure. o er cvenson, to early trials. • son or MmJJH B111lon anr! Wl\111\lr cpunty butldmg custo91an, (left) and An escort \I'll! he )li'O'i 1dcd S1m· Hos<' Burton, Hr• wns .g1·arlnn li•r! C. Ross Hilliard, county clerk, arc look- I Among papers which might, but Ia Claus at I he a 1t pr>l't, tll g aJ·ca. RC);l· dents of the area tc~llile

Aftet· a wa1! of oiX months the county rcnul <'r>l111111nston has tc· BadgPi·s, slmnks and mini< can ceive!l its 111al'lllon-Hen·mgton all· he legallY hunter! dlllmg !hP llap­ ptng season. II is unlaw!lll to shoo! muslo·at Raccoon can be hunted until Dccembc1 15. ends l<'rHiay wna n.·lllnrl nnil clovotorl htiRhnnrll w11· M · u Alaiedon Farmer nnct fn.lheJ•, I ·. ' iii c1Ce OVeS p NAVI' WANTA '1'\'J'IRTR TI'illl~J·nl Rot•vlce~ Wol'o llolcl Mon. Tho mwy fH ~eel1lng olv!Hnn rlay llfll:ll'tlOOII A~ the ,Tcwotl. OIJil)lOI W~'h typ!Htll, HtollOfl'l'!tphct•A nntl tnlol.ypo Economist Flays Dies ·following Witll lau·inl In Chn]Jnl Hill Mo· 111. Oldsmob:len mor•lnl Qm•dcn, LflliHlng, nov, nay. opcm.tm•s fm• lliJlploymont n t nnvy hondfJUIU'I.or'H In WnsnlniJ'Ion, •r,YJl· mom! 1•. 'Norl.on or tho Mc~horllat. Wllllnm Wnllnoo hnR boon mnci>J IHI.H who oan typo •10 wot'rlH 11 min­ Special Interest~ L~ng, Sitkness l!hllmh o~fl(Jlrttocl, i'llx. lil'nl!tiHonA tliHll'let IJHlllllf.:~l' for OlrJgmnhllo nt lllo, stenogt·ap])ers ,who c•nn l.nlre wm·o .pnllholl!'Ol'B, ''l'hny worn Lnw. flonlh nand. He llllR nDI'tltrJJ•n In· f1pool>ln~· OJ) Llw loplc or 11 Who. Fretlor·lc•k 11rrrgoHs, 80, rllnd nt cllotn.Uon 01' flO WO!'ds o. mlnut.n, rencu, liownl'd, Clarenoo, Dnlo nncl dlnnn nnd aontl!Ol'll Mlclrlgnn r.mm· nm allglhlCI. Cot• oonalclomllon, no. Sloln 'lhn Domo 1'!'0111 l.ho Ca.pltol," lifO farm !lOrne, 002 Howell. mnd, Ver·non r~. BtH·go~;; ltllfl Dicit tleH In hlH riiHI.l'lct, . Dr•. Wnl1.1lt' Ad,uns of Miohlgnn. cording to. thH n11.vy r·crrz•uitllJ'R In In Aln.lc ho up rmd II\ Chlr.flgo, WIHli'O he WIIS With l.h.J 1-WIIo IVPR Krls lCrlngle? oll'Jcc I~ lumdllng tho pr·oJ'essop 111' nc!O!lomicH In tho grnd­ or l.oWJJ wllo wm·c In MaHon lo 11.1 • Chlungo ol'flcr. or Oltlsmoblh 'fhl!y , lng of thtl i!lvlllnn wroJ•Itoi'H, '!'he fLI'a,rtcl LUl :. . the M onduy befora tend funeral acrvlcoa fm· Ml', l31!J'· 2-Whu.t !lor.~ the 1111ma ltrls uniCJ nctwol nt Mklilg-nn f;fn.t~ ool· hla, pnasing, lll'c now In Hauth B11nd. ot'l'lce fA· In___\ lhe postolrtco hllll11lng-. goa~ lnoluclm.l M1•, ami M!'R, I.eon Krlngla mean? ___ _ legu, Ho Hpnlw bofot·o 11w MaHon wn~ rmm Mr. l3tll'.l.;"~'S wn~ bom In Dnr·­ Oiol>bct·t . of Mualteg-or., M1·. nnd Wnllltoc {,r!·atlunterl 3-Who wrote lhe tlrRI Chrlst-1 Klwnnl~ nluh 'l'ueHduy nlgl!l.; Mn~on l'ligl! ~cl!ool In lfl•ll. He llngton,, ': 'I · ·ow•IJl, A llg'\LRl lli, M1·s, LttVarn WcbHter• of flovunnnh, mna Ortrols? When? Am•o!'rling to Il1·. AdnlTlR, tho Sf'l'VCL( IIH ll IIIW,Y pilot In l.llo Pit· 1R71, thn : ~. of Wllllil.m rm~l IllinrilH, 'l'vh•A, Marr;n1·et AldorHC>I\ felloml hutlgot. en.n twt. lu~ Jnnt.cl'l• r:i1'1e r.ltll'lng the WHI', Aftct• his l'r.• 4-Wlm.t snperstllton llRtl · lho Amelia Dul'ger,~. HrJ wnu uno or n !!tid M!'a. · La\11'1\ Howo rrf Shu lis· Sickness Claims ltlly (!IlL llecni!Hn of rlei'~IIHO .nocH.lR. Scotch n!Jout lim Chrldmn~ onn-· tamlly of uli[ht. l'lilltlren. All at but·g, W,IEiconBln, Mr. nml Mr·s. len:;n fmrn tile nnv.v lro relllrnoll t.o He pooh-pooherl tho chm·gen thn.t l\flcl!igell Hodgson at [LIJ(l Mm. Roy flllmHon nml Mt•. l!!&nMe',A'lll~ Al!nms rlrcln r·c1l, lio11 wllh Rpoolal i Fnil"m fr-Whcro rllrl lhe · ,cns,tom ·of· Wednearlay after n long- slelmell~. A:pjlliH, £i'om• ~1111· 1tnll Mm. G. '!'oops of Columt)l)s, IloilO DuiU '!o!l'ildl Jn te!'euts which pl'e:mnro llOilgl'CRR lclRalng 1mclr.r 1ho miAIIrltoe be­ He was born .J/lnttai'Y ·1, 1889, ln l cb·en were bom to tllf:m. 'fhey all Ohio, Mt·. nnd 'Mr·s. Clo.rencr. Sam- gin? lnt.o gTrmtln~ them spccinl faVOJ'R. nm~Jve. · 11011 of Soutll Bund, llllllnnn, Jlll>l Hawley Mason, the ~on or Chnt·lr.9 W. nnd The Hnwlcy Community Fann 7-When were ChrlslmaK OU.ll• Laurn a. 'l'llmer. D1·. Adn nm rlccln I'Cd l.lln t tho · Aftnr fam!lng- for lanny yenrH In Mr. and Mt·s. Willlam •r,·eblnn vt p!'cAnnt propo!•tlon"tc lfi.K sr.hcrl­ O!•IHnriH, Btmmu g-I·oup met. o t the home o! dlcs first u~od? '!'he body will be at the Bo.ll fun­ WJI!conHin, !\ir, nnd Mr·s, Burgr.ss ulcs UI'O unfah· Io thoH~ nt tho cam~ to Mlehlv,an to bt•y tha f:; n mflln.bcr o.f Up nnrl J!lnt•oJtl Artz made plo.aH for mltldl1• br·ndccta. Ht: deClill'Cd lhllt tho Mason Methodist clnm:h nnd I Holt. Rw. Paul Amold oi' the Ma­ newRpapera cover· up subslrlleR to the annual roll call d1·1vu, 111r. and ·n-How 1lltl the custom or Jum&'· son Pr·eHbyt.ulrtn church wJII off!. wua once n nw.rnlJet· of lho'Wckid· And tlw prosu by Ihe postofflca depart­ M1·H. Smn Conway Invited the lng Xmn~ Hlooldngs orlrrlnnte? clato~. 11lOll lodge, mont, llli' llno~ Down ·g'l'ntlJI to holt! a Chl'iRI.!l!HR po.l'ty In 111-Why tll'c used suhsldloH to and Clllldles dm... Surviving him aJ·e two HIHlm·R, g-r·nnts to olhc!' IJJg lJUalness. Hn Bl!tiidc!! l.h~ w!rlr•w, Mnt·y, Ml'. thri1· lH>mc Decembci' lll, lug lho Chrlstmau season? Mt·a. Agnoa Hoover ot' AU!'cllus Burg·eHH hi HIIIV>veri IJY lhrr.o HunH flnvcd r.nngrcH:I fot• m\optlng the * :~ II> road nnd Mr~. Nevrt DucnvnR 1md · n . dnug-htr.r, and 11 gmticl­ The Main Drag A:SSWERS or Cttpchn.rt. rtntelHlment. Orand Rapid~. · dJlldJ·en and J 3 grcll.t-gmwkhll· D!'. AtlomH hns been on lonvn In dron·. The smw. nre Ji'J'Pd Jr·., J · Bv ·The Ad Staff 1 A.lllCI'JCO.'H rlitalJ COlli lllCl'CiillllLS WnRhington, Horvlng will! fl. COlt· Gei>l'ge nud Ve!'nr>n, llll of MHHon. · Clly e!nployecs mnde the ChriHt­ Shriners Attend 'l'IIUE FOR PRESENTS ••• Jlllly\nml Davhl;nre;.llll worked up 110 n11le11 more ttum 86 million grcaalonal r•mmn lltee lnve,q llgnling ·~o·dnughter• b J,lrs, M>li'Y 'l'homnR mn.H ·'HeaiW!l o.i'flclni .Wer.hwHduy , over tha thought of· Chrlslmn~, ancJi lbey'rc tnggln8' Chelr rnoclc· tons or coni '.1n 1~:10. btmlne:lf!. or. 'Holt:. . .. · 1111Cll'll!ng.when tho'y hoiHLCil the :JO­ , lugs· to make sure . Sai1ta •loesn't i!j"l theh· . Pl'eeQ~ts m4;:ed · up. : .. Mr. ·Burgnf>:) was ·,·espr•etml nne secured on the window Blood Records 1 Make Everybody ledges. Sturdy toys can be repaired and re· Good .. old ntand·bys such as wagons. ' into 35 languages, !ncludlng Arnblc, I painted and passed on for the en· bloclcs, clay, sand, finger paints. Hebrew, Chln~se, Japnn"sc, ~nd ''We'll lJe doing thatnt the hard­ joyment a! other youngstci1·s, in or and ihe llke may fit into the child's Greenlandlsh. ware,"'P,n-·o :Christinn community in the United .Ju,:. '"Tived fur Chrl•un~,·-l'!~eurln"' the hospital November 17 Inbnt Savlom be~ame for us. lfl'Om 1 ·States." on•! '"!"Jl "?""< ro>:tdy to I'""'~· 1h~ p"'·· but is taken back tiJree UJnes a , So at midnJght, m the small Ital- m·utiuvf•·cc 1:olt. Co, Com,·

Leslie News r ~u::~. y;B;;~;~ ~;; ~~;;..;::;J R~r.;;;=:: •.j I ~:;~::~:;~:t:;::: ~I:~",;~~:.~: l;; 'RoUe '/•lil)lh'l' r.l lhu :11·n"ill W<:.YHOI' !'nul DeKoning of Rrto1• o. lour or rl\lty with I hn U., H. · In tho lntnrnnl.lonnl Llvntpmm, 77, or MrOtiu J.rnno, Ol'lll' tho Wctllt end whllo ~cmlr>Ji. Ho £\ooilll'crl thnl. hunting,. About Gift Books t.:11ld~·Jll.:i f1i jJJL: ~\Lifll'lJ11l }1'ul1uW~ USS ·Phlllp. In Jnnnnl'y King cJj­ roud, Hoi!,' r11 1•rl 'rllt•mi 11 y evening M1·. Cr·Jppen nnrl r~ovrl went to Jli'OH~Lirll In UoHcnnurHlll wnH lJig·h, Hltlp wlll•nccnnlp_nn.v him to I fill<' pocts ta bo homo on ICLn·n. HIR "Bor>lcH l•'m• Chi'lHI.IIJflR" WUH 11111 jll!l'f. In IIIP H1rfl'ing ''''"l', ' with u htlllVY dtllll' !till on J:ho f!r~t' 1 L11cmo nf !Ito m. 0, '1'. C, Club 11\IIHiu n nd Rhow plctlll'OH nl' tlw at 7HI We~t ronln, LnnHing. JIII'iCH HIIJ'fe ·erl in Ill! IIC<'iriunt l•'r•J. J\Lr. 111\d Mi'H, 1\obtli'l. flllllih unrJ lht·oe iluy~ Of the HOU~un. li'mm, rlny. fiflltghtnr:l wnm gneHt.' nl u vr•nl· then on, lh" illtl di'opped Hhtll•ply, ·.. meeting on •rr1osdny t~venlng, No· llclivlty of' the fi'ollnwHillp nml or Pfc, ,TCSilC L. C111'tls HOT\ of. Mr,l, 1 vcmhel' 27, Mi% Mnry •r,.esHidtn', ~ Hu\.hol Mnnor· whlr11t l.l10y lllltini.Hin HOII HIIJljlOI' Ill lhc home nf Ml'. EIJHJ tho fll!ihlllll COiJHCr\'Utlon officer, .. Hlldn Gondmnn nnrl Wnync Cill'll:o Mr·. ll!Hl 'l'hompHon wore 'lvllnct' Bnt'llllllt Jinrl fntnlly ol' l'fl!lOl•tttcl. He milrl hn hnd not ru, r·ounty lllmrrlnn, t,:n\'o Hltor'l ro·: fol' Chrlsl.lnn soPiill ucllvltil's, Mr~. Mr~. vlowH nf reel'[lt lwolcH Hulln ble for• I• r·clumlng horne r,:nrn Krwt•,,: r•nrn11te tn Wlnl'irln to ~r<·ncl lhe Lun:;lng- Srllilnlay nJg·ht. · cuived nny ropnrts nf t.ltn number P/'c, C\ll'tis has been OVOI'HOfiS fol' wllltor. Tileir· r.nr· nnf'(lug Cior•tr•irrlo l•'r•lerll'lel< nf the library nom t1111n u yeur. Hn I~ expcr.tetl ·~,;-. woro Rl.dc~wlpecl ul lhr•er. o clof'lc 11 s TIHinlc~glvlng rlinnei· grw~l~ l\lr, this llt.JriRC>n, • hnme wit!Jin tho next fr•w ~~'""in 1 1111 cllllrlren, mlddle-ngr••l ehllrh·en and will mr.el. nn 'l'hlii'Hclny evening u l Rlrle down 111 a cunni In tho vic in· of l~fllon l~npi;IR n!Jcl Mr nnrl Ml·. 1'hc tlr~l l\f.a\'lne <'oPps r·oct'tlit· · leen-nger,,, They hoi h bmught lhe MctlloriiHL ehu!'eh fp!' n pollnclc tty or L1ve .Oni(, Suwonnee eounly, Chni·lcs Hflzel nnd DfJnl\ 'oi'··Gnlne~: lng, dl~rl.lon \VftH 11 snwlco·flllcrl Wll• .· HO!ne Of the honi(S l'eCOI\11\lerHJmJ R\lJlr<•t• Ill 0::10 follt!Wl'• Who lntmducerl ll1e progrnm. of repor-ted on Lrn.l'flc cnsrs py .Jus- yeur·s in l.lw Holl vielnlty. Mi·. music and guests. Hev. Paul 'T'uel<· Senior Play Is tic.~ of lhe Pence Roy A_rlnms. 'fhu~· 1'11ompson, !i fnrmer. lived nl lh•~ or sang lwo numbers. uccompnnled Rl'e: .McCue I'Oilrl home uhnut W yours, liy his wife. l~ursday-Friday William A. Ben tty, Mnson, m:1k- 'T'Iw hocly WIIH shipper! to the Els- 'l'hc buRinesH meellng follower\ ·, ing lmpro;1er left llll'll, $1.30. jtes-Lcurlley funcl'lli horne In Lon- You'ri Smile, Too lhe Jll'Ofop·am . .Mrs. D. D. Hl'nlnsrnlcrl 'rhui·srlny and l•'l·lrlay radio commentator, recently when the Canadian rail exec11tivc w·as inter­ . is one Hislcr, Mr·s. Lottle·Hoelrn or how to g~t full insurance cover- fot• viewed in a nation-wide broadcast. Mr. Metcalf said that tol!rist trade l.l'immlng u Cl11·istmns lrec the n:llflll~. the. Dimo!ldnlc, nnd several nephews. llhl'nt·y wilh ltand-mnrle dceora· continues to be a major Canadian industry and that J~spcr Parlt.Lodgc, age, at il .cost far below what yoll lion~ mol19 at t11e next meeting fvfr•s, Ryndn Somei·s nnrl Miss celebrated resort.in the heart of tho Canadian Rockies, had niore.guests Nnr·th M1·s. Ho1·ne also ur·ged lhc mom­ Do1·1s WonIC:\i'I'S eoulll be bJ·ought to the next meet­ \'Vo tct·s, WnnclH Beebe, Ciali• 01 i~. thr·ee gumcs 1'hurstlay, November Knight, lhnt he i~ now stationecl 11~ ber of ~ cn1 s ngo. Swec then sht• ol the house nt HPmlock. , Ing for the Wonw11's Home in .lei't'Y Newman, Jan Da1·t and Gor­ 15. High games bowled were hy Camp Brechnridg·c, l~cntueky. has spent most of het• lime with , . : . .. -·------1 Lansing. '!'he lwslesses for lite eve· al•gmm from hct· son, Cpl. Ron­ ~lchols road wllet·e ~he and 1111·. lnngec;t t'\111 of nny play in New McCowan & McCowan 'rhc entire play tal Amold, stngr• • · Monday afte1· RpenrJing a 15-day Team standings or·c as follows: furlough \\'ith hi.~ parents, :i\I ·. and Students Visit cn·nstruction; Phil Pal'ioian, prop- Tonm W L MrH. ArtiHil' Culham. 1 e1·iles; Pat Ea1·tlctt, malceup; Ar- A t' B 23 ~ " H at· ...... • 1 Pf C' Wh l It h clltll Shaw, ushct·s; Marilyn Mor- !(esslci·'s Real Estate ...... 18 J? G. ~corg·e Y e as een Citizen Patriot ilyn Morr•is, progr·ams; and .Janis Holt Rccr£ntion ...... 18 1; jLJ·anhfCII'cd fl'Om Camp Cnrson Er:'l'in and Ruth Carpenter, ushers. Buster's Food Marlewing H1.l ton anc1 R'rc 1Jal'us -• ...... oo "'1our t JlOlll N s, l\'11\nmg- 1em from machine ancl ils use for· "'enei·ai "oc'·[ 1 etn Cl caners ...... 20 m"yr It, n. 1. Precision .Boring & anrl special sewing. Special "empha· \"., arc •s D 1·ug St me ...... lu,, tl"oo 1 ,,o,. and l f SpeedwayP . BarS won sis was :iclual gam,e, and series ;(· ~tagh,. 210-53o; F. Stl~l;>y, 213- ,.. . 6:30. \Valter';nell, sports analyiot went to·I,:at} Wethy:i~~th.2ll'and ·)27, ;r· Mrcpttsch; 202-526.'?C. R~t\· !lund· Mtitlu•rH Mt>t•t" fot· ~. B. o;.;' and Charll's BncJ1• 531. High team . series \vent: io Fall, -OD, 8 '!-d S.,Mudgelt.:,.,.Q-7 .. ·.,.- 'l'hc Band Mothers held thei1· man, rol'lil~\· Michigan Slate col- At·t's Hamburg shop with 23.'iS. · Team sta·ncling's are as ,fcillqws; regular meeting on Monday eve- lege coach, will both he present. Team standings arc as foll()ws: Team · , :· , • Pts. nlng at the school, A report on tpe This affair is being sponsm·erl hy 'l'eam. Pts. Court Cafe ...... 1 · .. 29 · .Tabberwock was given and the the 1\.>[en's club of the Methodist Art's Hamhur·g Shop ...... :.30 Wyeth No, 2 ...... :· .. 28 profit made from it. It wns voted chmc It ancl the Kiwanis club. This Spenny's Oldsmobile · ...... : ...... 29 Precision Boring & Tool Co. ·...... 27 to again serve refreshments dut·- is 'tile fourth, successive year for Tom's Food .Marlret ...... :.20 A. B. Ball ...... :...... :...... 2.1 ing basketball games at the school the. s-chool as champions af Ing- Howlett's Im11lement ...... 18 Paristyle Shoppc ...... :...... :.:.-21 this season. ham cotmty league. Philp's l\1'otm· Sales ...... 18 Thorburn Lumber & Coal 'co .... ·.21 "Ambassadors" is the name se­ Robinson's Cadillac ...... 17 Davis Clothing ...... : ...... :21 The Holt Lodge No. 562 I. 0. 0. lected by the Sunday school class --~ Roy Christensen Fol'cl-Sales ... :.. 21 of Mrs. Pauline Robinsan' at' a F., wi II l1old another birthday par­ 1\lason ,Junior· Lt•ngru~ i Whiz Kids ...... :...... :.'... :: ..... :21 meellng on 'l'uesclay. The class ty Sa iUnlay evening·, December 1. Jones' is now in first place, win- Wyeth No. 1 ...... : ... :...... 20 t:lccted officers as follows; Presi­ Elecli·Oil of officers will he held ning their match with Lott's, 406 Speedway Bat· ...... ,.. .' ...... 20 and SllJlpet• will begin at nine to 401, Howlett's won their Hicks Cieaners ...... l2 dent. Evelyn Hampton; vice-pres­ o'clock. game~ L ...... ident, Betty Stut·man; nnd secre· ~•'• : ,, .,. I: • • •' tary-Li•ensuror, Esthet· Vince. They ThaJllcsgiving l1oli

/ •.1· .• \ -. . b 'PI Mn~. lllVANa rs HONonmo acca ees an M1•s, ,J, n, lilVIInH wna,gueat qf Hospitals "I . •· ' · llrlut()ll • . ': ~ M honor, I'IAtUI'dny evening 11t 11 Hill'• Mnaon extension gmup will nHet Ch • f. · p f Jll'lll~ purty honm·lng hoi' biJ•thmd nr.igllbot·s. 26, 1901, by Rev. Peter· McKay, at The .ambulatory patients arc pr·ecedmg the meeting there will be Slips from· $4.98 IDrn•othy Felton. M1·. and Mrs. Ruasell Hinl>lc and A program was dcclicJatecl to the the home whe1·e the couple have now eating dinner and suppet· at a potlucl< dinne1·. Coffee will be SlzPs 32 t~1 ·H ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jane~ family entertained Mr. and Mrs. honored couple,, M,;-. Dalbec's iils- 1spent their entire" mayl'ied·life. the dining 1'00111 table. The table furnished. Following the meeting I:H·e lhe parents of f! daug-hter, Ruehl Kruse, John and Jean Ann was appt·opriately decorated on thet·e will he an exchange of 25- ;Pnuline Marl~, hom Saturday, No- a( Thanlmgiving dinner. h II Thanksgiving ancl favors were fur·- cent gifts. •VcrnlJN' 2~. HL t•·c :McLaughlin hos-, Ml'. and Mrs. George Household· Leac -Gi espie I Mrs .. Winfield Stitt spent the nished lly the Rainbow git•rs. Mason F. & A. M. No. 70 will NIGHT GOWNS '•pita! in Lansing. Mrs. Jones is cr of- Webberville und Mr. and week end with Dr. ancl Mrs. Ml ss v eron 1ca G a b er o f D e t 1'01·t have election of officers Monday ,the former MaJ·cclla Not·th of Lcs· M 1·s. Lewis Bruno and son .0 f Vows .Solemnized George Clinton. visited he1· mother, Mrs. Teresa night .. December 5. An oyster SliJ?· Priced frqm $7.95 I per will be served after the bust­ •lie. L:tingsbmg were guests at dinner Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Palmer spent Galler, Friday afternoon. Sizes 32 to •IIJ . Mr. and :Mrs. Lyal Loud_PnslngcJ· Tllanltsg1ving Day of Mr. ami Mrs. Mrs. Ellen Gillespie and Zcna the wee!{ encl In Battle Creek and Mr. and Mrs. William Sticlf Big Rapids Hm·old Ware and iblstol' of the MAson Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shultis en- Mrs. Lrtm·a Miner and Mrs. Ma- $1.19 1 have a son bom M~ndrty at lhe );00 1·ge Hacl{e~hen·y of East Lan- church, perfot·mcd the single·t·ing tcrtamed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sils- ble Miner of Jackson, sister and up ,Mason Geneml hospttft!. He ha., 3 i d < Ml' nd Mr Ed ard cet·cmony. by of Webberville, Mr•s: Ada cousin of Mrs. Alice Hanson called Choir Wilf Present 1•been nrtmecl Marlt Stephen. ng, an · a s. w · Ii'OJ·.the wedding the bt·ide chose Shultis of .Jnckson, and Mr. and on her Sunday afternoon. M!'. and Mrs. Roberl DesChampB 1\-~are, M;a~y Lee and .Tenna at a blue suit. After the ceremony th.e Mrs. Rex DuBois at Thanlcsgivmg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White and Robes and Housecoats 'hnve n daughter, Robin Lynn, born 1 hanksgtvtng dinner Thursday, couple left on a tl'IP to Houghton cllnnm· Thursday, jaughter Visited his mother, Mt•s. Christmas Arator·io C!ullte{i) Cor·duro~·. Flamwl, Cotton, , Thanksgiving- Dny at the Sparrow · Mrs. Candace Lnughiin • entct'• La lee. They will retum to work at Mrs. Harry ··Shultis' went ·to lela White, Sunday evening. Mrs. The Peoples church choir of Ct'CJles, CheniiiP nnd Jo•rsey , lwspit.1l in Lansing, talnecl as het• house guest over the Wyeth Incorpm·ated December 3, Lurlington Wednesday, with, .her Eva Rhines of Leslie spent Mon- East Lansing, under· the auspices Sizes 10 i:o 50 ' Mt·. and Mt·s. Ar.lhu1· l<'ar1· of wcel{ end Mrs. Wanda Moore of '' ·'· mother and father, M1·. and Mrs: day aftemoon· with her moth~r. · of the Student Foundation, will : L

• mer Gmce Raymond, daughter of m1d Mt·s. Wil~lam Ormsby and sponsor a penny supper in the Mrs. Hoyt was th~ wife of a fo:·- , " '1 Fredel'ick Tooley is the director :Mr. and Mrs. Clare ·IPln of Eden en• o. m. The supper committee con- family spent Thanksgiving Day in nd Mrs. John Cantu, won " Holland, soprano; Ethel Armellng, 'MILLS STORE 'ther aJHI Tommy of Williamston, t<•rtained her brother, Almon slsts of Jean Avery, chairman, and Eden visiting Mrs. Somer·s' par- Restocraft1 mattress and box contralto; Richard F1·oeber, tenor; ; r.allcd on Mt·. and Mrs. Emest Chapin of . Chicago, at dinnct· l.eVon P1·entice, Marilyn Bennett, ents, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Under- ;prlngs Sunday. She entered a Thomas Vasiloff, bass; and Sig· . Every Saturday. Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Chapin .June Cooley, Betty Robb, Jerry wood. ;on test sponsored by a television M1·. and Mrs. Rohe1'l Felton nnd spent the week end With his son- Snydet· and Paul Roney, Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs. James H: Vander ;how. mundis invited. Nasow, violinist. The public ,-----'------'------~ 'family entertained as their guests In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Do1·i.~ Palmerton, Mrs. Hazel Vim spent the week end in Port- '* ! * * "!= J nl Tha.nkspiving dilmer Mr. and Rolland Childs, and family of Les- Hartsuff, Mrs. Ellen Bennett antl i age, visiting their son-in-law and I Lewis Rathbun, Orin Rathbun Mr. ancl Mrs, Eimer Grimes <>f It's Christmas Time at wti',:e 's , Mr·s. Ben Felton, Mr. and Mrs. lie. Mrs. Irene McKane. · Idaughter, Mr. and Mrs. William And Norris Parker spent the week Lapeer visited M1·. and M!'S, Les­ • ! • Donald Lance and family, Mr. ancl 1fary Ann Hallenbeck of West- " '· ~ · Sch11ring. 2nd at Lake George deer huntin_g. lie Hodgson Tuesday. Leslie Hodg­ 'Mrs. Leo Walter and· family and ern Michigan College, Kalamazoo, Robert Fletchet· of l.i'ort Wayne, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Lee Shinn of Les- Mrs. Anna Johnson and Mrs. Lew- son is spending the wee!( in La­ • M1·. anrt Mrs. Lawrence Merindorf J•eturned t.o school Sunday afterj Inchann, spent the holtclay weelt he entet;tflinecl Mr. and Mr~. Bern- s RathbUI} spent the week end peer. Sunday Mrs. Hodgson and , 1md family. spending the Thanl~sgiving· hollrlay end With Ius pareni;;, Mr. and Jl'll's. 1nl Wilson 'rhanltsgiving Day. .vith Mr. and Mt•s. Hany J. Brt- Arthur wlll join him and they Mr. and Mr·s. Fred Bmroughs wilh her parents, Mr. and Mt·s. Rohet t Fletchc1·. . . Sunday the. Wilsons visited !'fr. ker and Lorna Jean .. Mrs. Nonis will all attend a pa1ty honoring 'were guests fot· Sundav dinner of Harry Hallenbeck. .Mr. and Mrs. D~lbe1·1 GJ•een ot and Mt·s. Dwtght Denms m Adnan. Parlter, Jr., stayed w tlvhet• moth- the 75th birthday anniversary of ; MrH. Hattie Flelchm· mirl Florence . L1berty Center, Ohio, were week Mr. and Mt·s. Raymond Under- lr, Mrs. Orin Rathbm1.1 Mr. Hodgson's father, William Fletcher. llrr. and M;s. C. Hat o~d I~nud- end guests of Mt·. and Mrs. Jack wood entertained as the it· dinner Hodgson, · 'M1·. ancl Mt·s. l.i't:ecl Frye were stt•up entertamed ·as ~h_elr dmn~r Betcher and family. guests on Thanksgiving Day Mr. ; guests at dmne1' Thanksgiving g-uests 011 Th~nlassndor to the lillecliop of ofi'lcct•s wns held and ll~Risl het·. at her home Wednesday evening, Vatlcnn. plllns Wcl'c dincusscd fo1· the com-· 'l'hct·e wct•c ~0 fi1Jesls present, Mrs. Recipes wiwe cGIJected. to he Jng year. ·· ~ .Jr.wotL rceclved many nice gifts. sent to Mr·n. Rupert Dtmton, Moth­ iff ~I ~ ocllst. ntlssinnary In .Tapan. Ll Wllhert Cummings Is on his The meaning- of the emblem or .Librarian Speaks ·at WH\' lo KOJ'l'll. He lH 1\ l'CHCI'VC Of• the W. S. C, S, was given by Mrs. flcl;I. In lho ·mllr'incH. Mr11. 'Cum­ Ross. mings 'Is eni'Outc to MaHon, She • • • Study Club Me_~ting IJns lwen with her llllflhaml In Cnil· ' rm•ttlll nnrl V!t·ginlll ~lncc last Mt'H, MIII'Y I•'. Tl'nHHidel', ltigham liJll'ing, Legion Au.xiliary c·ounly libl'llrlun, spoile 111 mcm- M1·. nnrl Mrs. Chnrlt•s Cuss and bel's ol' 1.111! Mnsnn Scniol' Cl1ild Camii.V WPI'C 'l'hanltsgivlng- D11y Plans for Events Study dull Wrr!nestln;v evening. g\lesl,y nf Mt·. nntl Mrs. Roy Fishel. Plans frll' e\•cnt~ .~cl t'ot· I he llt•s! She gnve n lnllc nn teen-age nnr! ,Jill Br•lgg-s of DlmHI'Illc sprrd two weekH nf Docrmhcr· were cl!H­ nrluU bouiI' Ann Ar· llocin set fot· Decemhet· 13. Tentfl­ Honors Mrs. Maxwell llor, tive plans include a family night Mr. und irrs. 'Mnt·lt .Cav~ cntct·­ silpper. an informa i progt•nm . by Mt·s. 1\'Jark Cn1•e entel·tHincci tninerl Mt·, anrJ Mrs. K D. Wi!­ tl~c chlldJ·en and young, pec>ple, and \VcclneHiii,l' e\'enln~ nt n hnncllwr­ llmns and family of Ludington a, visit from Santa Claus, with the f?.hilllps Body and Welding Shop clllef shower honot•ing- Mre. Regina Sunday. customary tree and gifts. Square Maxwell. Mt·H. Maxw<'ll ie leavtng d!tncing wlll complete tl)c evening. Sunday, December 0, to 1\'orlt in Mt·, and Mrs, William Phillips of Alaslta. Lansing spent Thanltsgiving Day '!'hose who wish to,contrlbute arti· with Mrs. Edna Mier and family. cles of food or clothing to the Ma­ . ·Se\'Ct'al ft·ie~rls l.tltcndcd. Visit- .MI's. Bcrlhn'Miller rt.n

Mixettes 'l'h~ handiest: liiteh••n UllJ•Iian•·•· aud ll'ol'li ll:un ~li"mlt•1•••·· Will rnalm l1er Visit. Our \\'urli: su nuwh en!"6ier. • $-46.50 Toy Steam Iron

1,'t"l'sto 8!t•am Irnns, :1 gift Department m·•w~' ·•hous•~wlr., wonld \l'anJ. ~laliPs lrt!ning ••ns~·.'

cosco Kitchen Stools. .3 Holiday Flowel'S Classified Advertising UIJU<'l' liP ,1'11111' ilm1Jn m• n f'~·ionrl"' Here's a Pages wit 11 n \liRh f(fll'rlon oJ• non\ 01'­ pill<'" Wo C'IIIT,I' 11 f(Oocl Rolec­ linll ol' wlntot• Wl'olltllH rttl!l Saving Poultry and Rabbits horptol~ rnl' the hollrlny nnrl .Livestock Ill l'l'tnCJiliJI'IIIH'O OJ' )'0111 \OVOr\ 11Jll'1i, Tip from

HOLSTEJIN or Shorthorn null ~orv- Leslie l1'lowm· Shop !ce ot your fnrm. l'urollrod Hoi­ ''llQh~ ~o.u .L..,,,Jt~ Qteln bull fi'Om record rlnm, Alll!lo J'egiHtel·ed ShOl'thnrn bull. Chm•gca 2-·IIIW~I Santa are $3.1i0 within firat eight mllcn, ~2 repeat trip, Smnll ndditltmal PRACTfCEl 'PYPING P.API~R 1 15c charge If farther. William Mull• n lh, Ingilatn County NowH OJ'-~ oltT, :1 mllca southeast of Drtna· l!l'e 1Bwlf • ville, Phone DanRvlllo 21101 or 2880. flwtr ( i-ulilvel''s Hatchel'Y ,---- ·sl(ating ' HAMPSHIIUJ PIGI; ror Rnlr.. Elir,hl I•:nl nn l\Ji pill•t, 1\!l

Farm [<~quipment ...

That jolly fellow so wise in the ways of Christmas and the-·"" many budget di&turbing expenses that come v,oith it, suggests you jain our Christmas Club right now! It costs so little a week-you'll'bm·ely feel the difference. T.hen, when Christmas '52 rolls along, a wonderful sum will be w:~itinll; to assure you the best, most moncy•carefree holiday eved ·~ The Farmers Oldest Bank m Ingham County Fe

Used Cm INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Specials November 29, 1951 Page 6

ONE WEEK SPECIAL AlllmJnllm !~Oil WI nppmg­ $180 lOll Silsby Implement Co. Phone Mason 5141 (lJO, he.JtPI drrtn, good hPJ'. 1911 l!"ORD Club COIIJW .• I Collins

100 Gallons of Gas '---, 1SJ.l1 SUPE!~ DELUXE FORD lu• I Plus .... al<' Good runninr; cnnditwn. < Dependable HAY I<'OR flALEl--Alfalfa ·•wl Lawrn [{oHicr, 2tibl \\'. 1'olllllnsnn 1· dovc1, 60 centH ,1 llale or tmck 12 Chassis Lub1ica- I I' • I toarl, d('Jn:-;~ IH1!1l tlw gnlt cnml,t 101 cattle. .Mayna1 d Unruh, Oke· llaint and tiles, mdlo, hontm, 1 t 1vn tm•. N CIV tu·es on 1 en!'. hmnston, Ol\i! mile caHt, turn notlh Santa Claus A nived: tlrst place 'on ShAfts!Jm-g roud dll·cclwnal lights, excellent USED Good COildlt!On. moto1r, clean mteno1 This '" Fnmmll F-12 t1 actor w1th cul­ Phone Wllhmnston 62-l<'-22 Wll· Minneapolis-Moline Dlsc Plow n one-owner <·su !ji495, 11 ncl1· tivator·, new motm· yem· ago. ltHmston. 46w2~ ancl termH. Mlnneupol!s-Molme 69 Comilme Two-bottom 12 John Dee1 e plow Power Corn Shellet 1942 PLYMOUTH 2-doot·, de- Also hnvc on hand Mnlltey 32-j luxe, new pamt, dean lnte-t- John Deere Plow, 2-!Jotlom, 1 '- foot eom clevn tot, several inch. 101, nice motor, lllg hen ter, g-ood u:;erl plows, two-bottom :J gootl tire.~. $435 tralll. • ------· -- State stteet, Mason. 19wtf BUICK--1948 1·dom· Sed.1n Fred A. See, phone \\ tlhnm~ton MIL!-. COOLERS, 4-6·8 cnn SIZC, THAILER !OJ 81110, 2 wheels with --·------BUICK-1950 Spe.:ml 4-tloor 91. +8wl USN! ~ew ~-em~ ~?eneral Ele?- body, Ill good Rhapc. See Jt at Driveway Gravel Sedan trlc, $25~, 1-can, $2r5. ~ew Dntl- 301 West Ash s(1·eet, lllason. Rn· DLDS-1950 "88" Club Coupe Kool, ·1-6-8-10-1~ cnJt stz~, side 111011 Martmez. ._ 48wl Black'Dirt open model, Ltll 111 stor;k, _Wt ilc or call Chore Boy Milking Machine Hilton & Richards C

1037 PLY.l\IOUTH 4-door sedan for sale. Good tra.nb1Jort.allon. Leon Cowdry, 1935 West Lamb road, photle Ma~on 24911. 48wl I PEKU>rQJilf-lfi) - Plll'l\hl'~cl p 0 1> j. OJI4 ::J'I'OVm-' Pnl'r(,{!Lion ngcHo PlllPJllcH, 7 weeiln nlc1, 2' N~w TIASLWI"J' - Duplex, ll r·twiiHI llllrf t11hlo top modu] oil Hlovn I'OI' uvr~ 'rTJR!{JilYfl, 1wnr!ot•, Jnlc,v, au FUU-TilH. BJ1,USHTI1S rnntw lrl 11 rul 2 hlonclo, Olon flhn r•Jnnrl, truth on llnnh Jlonr•, StoiiOI' he11.t, 'iNlUtAM COUNTY NEWS~. Sl\](;, .John CiJIJHon, I flO S, Mor•lcllnu lh, totns, J'Jno ,J'rll' fl'0llZing, lttlll· Cht'IHll\IIIH- gjftH, Slllnf', $12,000, l.t1I'IIIH. ' SPli!JS BAI,DWINS At hnmn or studio. IIH Hhlll'Jl u.s now, - In wntm1t ttnL9ll, c,Jrlnn. cabinet, phon o 2·1 BAn, ·I 8w 1 NEAH MASON-I lG nero flll'l1l. D8LICIOUS GrtEENINGf:! OLD PHO'l'OGHAPHS Insurance Co. lflfj() F'ORD Crrslom TIJflnt·, A lCE BOX-Lennrtr'-Rubbish, cln·' Ove1·rlrive, fresh nlr· Jwatet', 1 llliiCH WCHt nntl 1 !4 llliiCH i>OIIth !l·room mmlorn house, ha!e, 44Wii hu·n lndlcntoi·H, ont.~lrle IIlli'· mont l!nl'n, needs ~ome r·op~IJ', Phone Mrumn ?.-tJ1:l1 tler.'l, junl1. WllllamA Brothers, ·1f LeHllc on W111lccr· mat!. Pl•ono "'--·---.----~----·------704 West Center• ~trect, Mn.Ron, . rm·. anrl tlluler<·ou ted. 3751 Lealie. 4&wlp 20 aCl'eH ol' ~tanrllng com, ------·-~-~--J lfJ:lO -T•'OHD Crinlom Tmlot•, 8 YOU UAN'T BUY Htoclt illlll tools, $12,600, !-f CHICKENS-For better clllcltated. Only 1•1,701) mllo•s on • They're Recomllt!oncd ton, g-ood fl·r·oom mmlerli APPLES--Severn.! : viwi~LI~H:: .to Drop me a Cl\1'<1. Your· junl~·:11~nf• \ • Cleaning house, oil IH1nl., 1111>· l,hbr tWO•yCELr·OirJ. Complete Selection ------~-~-----~-' :wx10 chooae fJ·om, · li01-1 Jler builh~l Ei!ld e·, .James Will taller, Bmf 't7~,· Cu:itom-Made' Clnth~A . •' l!J1!l · FORD Club Coupe, 8 • COMPLETE PLUMBING roof lla I'll, near selrool, rt :j,. np. Smltlt Ol·c:h!lrc!a, coi•ntlt' -of Dnns\'ill'l. Phone 2104 Dan~v!ltc, · A1te1;~tlon~ fiOO, I "Ylindet·. Maroon inetam~·. SERVICE * Used Ranges MASON (llCill') 231 !tcr·e !arm tennH. Bunker· and Eifert ·roads, A\trr.l\uH · a~wtr Com;>lntclM equippctl includ· INDUST~!AL AND COM· with 2 houses and 2 set~ of IN MASON--Ncm• llllRinrsH dl~· phone 21(}2, 4 7.wtf ,... I 1~ ' ' itig ovel'lil'Jvc, Thi~ i~ one of MERCIAL I-ITIJATINQ • us~d Ref1~ig91'atars I bu1·ns. Owuers air are of 50 ncres trict, 3-llcdroom m o cl e r· 11 MFS. ·FLOYD ·W ARFLE EAVESTROUGHING, new and home, modem ltitchen 1villt ~he Hhoq1est con; we've ever· • ABC Wasl!et• I wheat goes. Might sell one of 330);, S. Jefferson Ph, 23031 1\ad. repair tho houses with one acre of land clishwashm· and slnlt rlispnsrrl, APPLES-Banana, Spy, Jonatlllln, I• Dcl!clous, GrimeR Golden and Glenn Casey Located ov,1r Pete't•s Drug Stcre , 1949 FORB Ctwtmn •rutlor, 8 We also have excellent Used I AT IMPORT;,NT SAVINGS for :j;9,500. You should look at gns heELt, 2-enr g-m·ngc, -$11,- this If you want a big farm, and 500, tC11lJS. Hllhbardaon, A!Ro elder, comb and Auctioneer cyllruler. SNt miRt g~·een. Ra· Furnllccs, Stolwrs anrl BJowerR. extracted honey. J. P. HanHen, I )i1·361~tf dlo, hen tm· nn'E. Ash, phone for sa.le, ~tlnson, Dansville, phone 25321 in th-Is ad, ·~lease, please ~all and Lansing Mfl26. 47\vtl.' Dansville. 18w1 tell, n1e what· you. want and 1 7-ROOMS a~;~l lmU~, gas hr;,ai, / I GREEN~:rLA.JtJACIOUS We ··~pnlr' ail_ mal>eil --·--····--··-----·r--·---....:.-·_ Bottle .GaE IDEAL CHRISTMASGli<.Y, fo; mny be able .to helL> you. g-oocl condtuon. $<>,000, $1 ,uOtl, / SW'"'"''r· C"[ ER 1 r!own. Now vncnnL ' • -'"•L> •· J • eril, l':lllges, otc. We Need . · q · Service your mqJ1, prn·t:ahlc ilOJtcr tab!(:, l··l ACHES with a gJod build·! and 1eats 8, !ell top, space fm· chlpcl, A. 0. Greep·oug-h mg, 2flxtoJ, coulrl be mnde ln·t~; HONEY ·used Ranges · -~ I . 1nct tuxedo, 10·12, tailor made, also Vincent .Johrisqir·· Real Estate Bro~er'since 1914 I II vel',\' eilenp hOme, $2,500 OJ': A lfl'ecl .Wardowski W11 IIJ1.v,e buyers on hand for Ph IIgas ·in 20 · PI' 100 ·pounds >h!rt anc\ studs. All like new, bar· 1 ~· f>OO rlm.vn. , 1}.30-E, Sycnmor·e .; _ used. range.'!. Come In ond ·lopk · cylinder~. "alns. 211 W. Ash: Mason, phone 1346 Mason St. Dansville Rfi·ACRBS pasture, nbrmt 2,00~ I BLOSSOM ORCHARD Phone 21281 M~son·: , 27102 Mason. 48wl cor-d.~ o-r wood, co11lpring fe•l · · US-127 : 1 1 00-ponndsr· tleli vered S.ToVF~T;.-blc top, ltltchen:·rg;~ I______-·-- <;reek that r·unt\ year· ar·ourtd 1 ~-- Phontl'LeHJl'\ 2:107 . l.JBF.JtAr_,· 'l'RADF.--TF:~.'j stove, \Vhite enamel wlU1 right :;;:!,501l m· .p,r,oo down. · · . - ·i7wtf 40 ACRES-Owner· •Lias property also 'land overt fLml heat regulator. ! 10-ACRI~S. all work land, house, ------·-----~------~ALL LESLIE 2641 n~J<.'fOI in Fl oridn and is 'anxious to sell and Mas{)n FRJ~E Good condition, $25. Horton elec­ : 1-!ooms anti bath, hog houae, ·------·----·------·--- Warner's Fire Co_ntrol Servtce tt·lc washe1· !1>15; and two pait· o£ this cle1m, model'll 40. S-hedroom cor everything in fire · cpntr111 COMPLETE LINE OF · home, !ram, tool shed, granary, 18x30. s~.H50. .1rapes, _ neutral hack.gl'ound With PLEA.SANT LAKE lqUipment. We specialize --In·. the Hon1eAppliance· . FREE FREE presently set up fot· poultry. On . 1211 W. Mn-plc Phone zw~ I tloral pattem $5. Mrs. M. B. Rlok· ONE 01~ THE hest la.k•' fron.t famous Red Comet fire control Pliilgas Ranges 1 col'ller ar.e two blacktop roads. Can .y, 227 E. Cherry. Phone 519-1 Ma· Joe a lions nil rnmislH~d, ac­ •ystems ·which give 24-hour per Hwl l>e sold for $4,000 down, however, Business ·Services --~-····- son. · 48w1 eommodntions for 1~. $4,5[)0 lay protection· for a lifetime serv· ----··------100 Gallons of GaE cash will Influence price. Whipp 01' $1,/iOI) dOWll.' cc. Fit·e sm·veys are free' and we WA:NTE.D TO R.'IDNT..:-.Dansvinti rnstallation free on all ranges ------Farm Agency, 1710 E. Michigan Plus tnd watet· heate1·s Plll'chrised KITCHENETTE SET with- four ----..1...... ·------. nstnll w!thottt · cxti·a . cost. · F; F. A. chapter woUld like· to Ave., Lansing, contact D. G: Ad· !;'Clod l0x12 brooder house ~rom us, chairs for sHle, Grey top tab!C!, ' . _10\V'lf 1·~nt· ~~ 12· Chassis Lubrica­ gate. Phone 2:i562 Lan.q!ng. 48wl R 0. Edwm·ds, for use riming pe1iod of Jdnua.ry '·7 .<:itlr l'ed ehA.il'S. Call Mason 28!>24. BROKER to April 30, l!a.ll nllolli!Vllh 2231. ·18w1 ,------'--- ,;-----.,._ - 209 -Al11\Sll'ong St. Ph. li62:J . Mr. Tr~pper tions ------. ..4~Wl · l)UO-TBERM oil heater for sala, LeBiir) ~ Stone To ~nyonr. buying R 1951 Nasr , 18w2 I will pay top pr!.ces for Rac­ -- Ma:.so~ W.ANTmn:;~eon;~who' Wilr cut )r one nr om· reconditioned Mas-oh Home. t>-i·oom size, *25. 460 Waldo road, . · Rearl:IiJ-~tate: -·--·-· --·-:-··---" ----- coon, Muskrat and Mink fui·s IFo'undat!oiur, block hiy!ng ano '· / J:!'ood ha.rd 111ll•p}e wOOc solei quick. ll~;lt. :Pili:~:. $9;ooo,< tehri.s.' . tlr~t.--_ -~. M;l'«ih rood. ' . . . : ' .'' . .fT~p jeal, too, - I Iphone Hasan- 22ll45, · , · , ... . ,.~.-. 46wtf . "!all Riter 6:00 ;:>. m. WUJiamston ',' ') ' - Clothing l .'_ · ·. . 2awtf ..;..c..-..,..__ ----. ~--- '950 NASH-Ambassador 4 148-J. 48W2•}l . ,, ' ·-----.....! Sandor- Fi.l~hs : .: doo:· with hydmmatlc, air· DINING ROOM TABLE-Round Carl Jewett · ------:lOOD USED CLOTHING, I have 2275 E. Grand River (US-16) · contiJ Lionetl heater, radic d!nlng r·oom -table with four 1lSHES-Kroger dishes for sate, . UPHOLSTERING-Have our own bed and a· beautiful 2·tonr - 73 pieces, lOc each; coc!tta!l a group of winter coats and Williamston Phone 178M !hairs for sale. Also ldtchcn table 0~ Center Street women's dresses for $1.00 eac11. mater!n.ls of. the finest quality flnlsh. Big car comfort al .vith four chai!·s. I::y!c l{inyon, l-ble, carved lop with glass tray, Phone ·HOl 43w10p and at all prices. Reglue!ng and More Classifieds· small car opet·ating cost. ~10; 2 pair· of boys cott~n !mit ski '\!so ha\•e women's winter hats ;rhone }!ll868 Mason. 48wl ·Bw1 r·epalring furniture and- recuverlng '950 NASH-Statesman 2·door · 1ajamas, size 14·1£, $1 a pair; 30c ·eacll, nice se\eetion of chi!· rlren's and men's clothing. You will CAR REPAIRING, MW nne! used old toots, size 6, $1. l ----·------1 prices. Free estim&tea and free on Next Page -;a.ve $ $' $ $ when ym1 shop n t the car parts 11nd a few cars fot drive. The more you havr SheHane \irs. Rolph Silsby, 105 Park street, pickup and delivery, Herb Math· shopped the m01·e you wir ">hono 1\rla son 27882. 48wl FARM tor sale with low dow:-. Dorothy Helen H.esale Shop, 521 ~ale. Glenn Scutt, ll,2 miles south appreciate this . buy.· payment or w!ll tra No. 2783, cast !as, phone 24821 or evenings Bottled Gas ~5816 Mason. :llwtt ' 9 51 N AS H-DemonstratoJ· 1HONINGER upright plano ln ex· In Mason or other nearby town. ------~ side of the road. 39wtf .Statesman 1-doo1· with hy· Free Delivery Service cellent condition for sale. Beau· 185-acre stock fatm, ve1·y good CO:M:BAT BOOTS for sale, size dmmatlc,. foam cushions 'iful mahog-any case, Price $50. land, some timber, goocl stroom 5 1,~, bougllt too Rmnll. Will sacrl· lllAVESTROUGHINC'>e-F'ree est!· -~''---='--:------"Weathereye" and the mile· Checlt .Our Installation Price" :J. I. Palen fatm, 4 miles norU1 of · flowing through pasture, la1•ge fie<:, $7.00. Phone 43992 Lansing·. mate, fm·nace repairing and We H~iul ag11 is low. You can l>uy lt \1:ason on the Okemos road. batn not well equipped for dairy· ·18wl Bottled Gas Ap:;>llances ;heet metal worlc. Call 6H0·4242J. right now for a 20% reduc- - ' 48Wlp lng, good seven room house :;Jartly IV. Reynolds, Holt. 34wtf WASHED 'sTONE Mr. Farmer: t-ton. . , modern, located ·on good _paved BOY'S MACKINAW fol' sn.Je, size HEATE&-Watm Mo1•ning heater, WASHED SAND .. Vvhere Customers Send Tht-!r road near town. Poor health rea· H, plaid, with zi.ppe~;. In goo;! BANK-RUN GRAVEL Friends F. C. Anderson & woocl or coal, has enamel jacket son for sell(ng. PosseSO'lion any condition, price $5. l'v!l's. William We'Want. . . '\lid bricl< lined. Glen Shat·laud, ttme. Bowdish-Realtor, phone ?orte1·, phone 2N51 :Mnson. 12fi ELECTIUCAL & PLUr...Bmc-1 . BLACK DIRT Sons 4% miles southeast of Dansville 17-F-3, GJ·cgo1·y, ·17w2 E. 0Rli', Mason. •18Wl'Jl ·FILL DIRT Open to 9 a. m. DansviJle ·Phone 2363 ~n CaJ·tet· roncl. Phone Dltnsvllle ,_,. ______.------·------· l American Standard-Hotpolnt LIMESTONE CHIPS Calv£sl 2017.. 48w2 ·. App!!u nces State and Maple 3~wtf I' JU!'-'IOR CHILD STUDY CLUll I' ', ~. Da nee Friday night, Dccembet• RAYTHEON TV Remember! We jmy tlio beit STOVE-Universal ·electric stove Jewett Real Estate l Williams Br~others prloo~wery \Wlck-.lpt.:t . loa4 PIANO-U.plight piano for sale, for sale, -lht•ee burner, upright 7, n.t Legion MemoriAl building, Dancing front 9 'to 1 With music AURELIUS ELECTRIC Giineral Trucking your calf In tho elu• ned- ~. in good condition; Inquire Lylo! 'lVen, cheap. Gail Anclet'Son, 495:.1 w. Center Street; lltason blm owr- · r · / Plumer, 3 miles west of Mason '8unltct• rorul, fit•st honso east. o.r For farm and city i by the Joe• Cappo Band. 48w1 AND SUPPLY, 1 Pl\onc 24261 , · RO~S'8~2. 1 Pogs and Pets 'lorner of Eifert ru1d Btmlter roads. 440 Plains Road Jn Co!Uillbla road, 2% mlles south "hone 1731 Aurll!lus 45wt- on Edgat·, Pl1one Atu·e!ius 130.1. Routll 1, Mason,· 4~1 ~US· 'I!'UO~I O'IIIIE DA.J" 'J'O property call 1-4lwtf I '""0 DACHSHUND puppies, registered, •l8wl •' WEEKS .OLD CHILD'S ROCINEW PHONE: D~ south of briclt house. Mt·s. Franlt POP CORN-Hulless pop corn fori for free inspection. Phone B. )V. ·· W. Thoma. __ Smith, 48Wlp 22wtt lumbla t•oad, Route 2; Mason, 46,\rl phone 25909 Mason. 48Wl 1 sate. John Powell, 1737 Lyo!l J.i"ruln, phone 26883, Operator Mason 2-6465· --"------1 · road.-' 1 48wl representative, 16wfp·tt ' - . • , , • , - ,I • 'I

INGHAM COUN'rY NEWS tJ.R.OOM FARM IIOUAm fOl' r~nt, to thnnll my r•eln· November• 29, l951 Pnge 8 lilm· and Hides 5 nrlloH eu•t or DunHvlllo, Avnll· T..olNN~iwt~hllvo~. fr·I~IHI.'i nrHl llfliJfhbor•u fur Mason Market 5 flhln NovPmllor• 12, nnnnlng wattw Farm Services !'',Jrlll!e!niJfclr Jng n1o wtth ~nn y ilenu· Whertt ,:, ...... ,.. ,... .~ •• w '7~~ S '1 ,7,~ Weather ~ 1 Also Wool nnr1 olcclrlc llghtR, r·ofol'onoo~. 1 1 1 2 4 4 In Raven cluyR rt woolt , u g H 11m rlnr·r H, 4111' 1 ng my out~ ...... ,. ,o.t . WcJJtl!ur• r•onr.llllonH huvo bnen Phono M11uon 4104 or• DJlllHVI!lc r·noont Ml'R, Alvin k!nn. Cor7L ..... , . ., ... ,...... 1.78 .J tiny or night 3222, MrR, Smile Behm. 18w I ~lcltnoHR "IU'AL~,..~ • .1~ C!t!J(r~et·t WAN'I'IDD 'l'O BUY· -Sevornlncrcs 202 W, S,v~llil10I'C HI root. Mr.~. J, ]U, F 01 1 T D0 1! ~ 8 mtxod, $17,00 to ~18 20; I'OUghH, Long tl'!1nH--to 40 yoni'R "' • • wo, ______"':~~ ~17, 75 down: feeder· plgH, :ji5,50 to tree, wllh 12 shoots on,it, wns used age disposal plnnt. Shenlhclm, IDllcn I'Oitli, 2 milcH or Mt.nncllng cor·n, rnuHt be well Shnlt•t•, crtll 2fifill Muson evenings, Pn;v nny Illllounl nn,v limo BURqTI:SS We• Wl~h lo1 Lhr1nk ~15,00 efle]l, tn Egypt, Datt'y lcmpornlur·es J'll<'Ol'lled ut ~ol.lth of Eclen. Phone 21G3 Leslie, lllfl trll'od, Phone 2207·1 Mnson. 4Bwl H ltnrl mltltlVBn Calvea-Top, to tho plant wct•o: :tflwtf 18wlp NATIONAL FARM J,OAN ft·lnnd.~. n~lghtloJ ~37,00 ~42.~0; Gel'l11Pn writers mention the treo fm• lllnclno.~R and cxpr•e,9slonn of aecoiJ.dH, $32 01) to ;110,1\0; oqtH, A.SSOCI.A 'l'IONfl APAH.'l'MIDNT for I'CIJL, flhOVIJ u eul'ly ns 1605, The German prince Mux. ll!ln, n~111pnth,v Hlwwn 11s clill'ing- Olll' $31,00 down: dcaconH,' $12.00 to W/IN'rfm Wuflhmg, lb. lhrfC WAN1'1l:D WnshlngH nnd IJ•on- Jl-1rlhhlll'l1'S T-ifll'ciWHI'!', Jllll'tiJ' Albert, consort ot Q11ocn Victoria, Novm1Jbel' 22 ...... 17 26 tOe 801 tc, Mlehlgnn Ave,, Lnuslrrr; r·~1·ent herenvenwnt, AlHa wo wiRh $21,00 cwt, , cll'!cd, l2c• Ill ·tlllff cl••lrcl lint wor11 lngs nt rny honw, ll2·1 Iwotl IHHI M1·. nnd Mr·s. Alvin duwn, doujjT!lci', HI ancl Self Sr.r·vicc Luundr·.v, 2.(7 S ------___ ----- Kr>n Br·owtl, F'lold AH~Istn nt HIJitnhlo NO\'PilibCI' 26 ...... nn 10 We Servo Jng-hnm nne! l!:nlon Mnson. !.Inn nl tho Jt•woll funer·nJ hom•~. CJ\llle-Sleer·ft and hcifcl'H, *2:! 00 No\cnrbrr· 27 ... -31 13 Jefferson. Phone 0101 Mnson. I WANTED -- Experienced booll· DJ', V. Rmlth for· CIIJC, $al.fi0; beef cows, $2:1,Ci0 to 17wt ·tRw! A!Ho A, his to bcHt Novcnrbm· 28 31j ][j 17wlt' lteopel', Prefer rwln dcnlill'Hhlp MrH. Mni'Y Brll·gess nne! fnmlly. $27.00; commum, $10,00 lo .~22,75, Auction Calender :;-----,.-; ------llnowlcdgll, but not cHHcntlnl, Must , •t8w1 cutters nnd canners, $18.u0 down, !•'OR RmN'l' ID!ght I'OOlll illlllll'­ !Jt•· Bnnl(ll of 'lnii'H·rrd illfll]>H haw WANlbD-Ail lllncr~ e, LcH J"(Jr>tc NaRh WILL CLEHI(. o.uutror, Hillen any· lJUIIH $21l.fi0 down. Jilllc Lntltrom, Wmlnrwlay, standing Umber. Cull Charlotte Sales Comer Stntc nncl Maple. •llllih<'l] holl!< will he col· Htaio· uf MIPiliHHn. 'III'' !'rultlllo t.:uutt llOI'lil of IlDWcll on Byron roarl. conrlrllon, nv tho M wwn NHZ· llll•i by lh<' tnwn-.hl]! Ll'PilHlller, fut tho or lnuhntn. I•'r•ed Hopcmtt, Sittlll'Ciay, llc­ methods If you so dosne. Cnnlac•t Collected Promptly , a111l bnth, p1lvnle cntrnnce l~etcd ~UUfliY Inter-City Tabernacle us berm e selling 'rhm·oson Lum· ar one Young P!'ople:; Hocicty I gm•nge. All nlllitt~s furnr~llorl, Cnll rldli'Y Chr1P!IWI1 .Jt 1214 Ji1, Delhi A1 u l'llliHlnn or ;;~tid Uuur~. IHid HI tl~t• celnbeJ• 15, conllnPncmg nl 12•;10. Hol.lCH- $1 00 Cows • ~ 1.00 l1 f! £'1ohut, IJIIIt'f, 111 tilL• r11~ uf ."lun,;n, ~H:l7 t•;. MIPhllo'llll, ··IIIIHIJJ~ bcr Company, Howell, phone 931 Phone 22fH 1 MI!Hilll. 48w1 / Mason 2[!891 nrlcl' five D'l'lO<'it A.venuto r.'c \'rrel· rhv om fJ·Ofl In liogs-~ l 0 cwt. t u ()(I ' 111 ' :,, :1 'I' ', lh• •nld t;uunty, "" IIH n 1h ""' ,. 1 F'nr Ill auellon. LrJC'rttcd n mil!• 6wtt ----~------week rlll,YS CJI' rmylimo on Snt LJI'· t, Ill n P • e • "l' "' ,. Nuv••mh11 , /1, IJ. 111,1. Houlh of Onondaga on Onondaga "1'!'\il'l'>< at II a. ru. utul 1:911 WAN'I'mn Gll'l OJ' !.rely to tal<•' Phone Col!,•ct 'l'o cl.Jj' and Sundny. 48wlp 1:1\"l, ::Vt'lllll~S h\ ap 'OlllllllCill. l'tot nl, lltt!S JOliN Mti'LI;J,f,AN, !'ORe!, II hfl]f Ill lie WeHt on Bnae r·nJ·c <>f two srnnll <•hllci!J'Il t nncl 2·40wtr J'ent. Louie Sunons, 6 mJIPR ea. ,Jr•JUIIIl' ,J l'Uit~, ul Statr• ur MJ,·hiJ.t"nu. 'l'hl l'rulmtt• Court und th(' weclt from voru Lloo1 .•lust phone or Mason on M-36. Phone Dnnsvrllc elrrrtl!'if•rl L•ntltiNI tu lhr 'h1!1tt• of al IJwl htlurt th1 lO~Jrt '\Jihuut 11 )llr), ffll I he ('unnty uf iuuhum. lnh,rlt WAN'l'FJD 100 to IIJO·ill'l'l' fHI JJI. 2106 Al~o 1935 LIJICII for ,,ale 11 nd \\lllfh :mid dt•C'IHIHIJ cJiH) iid?.t 1{ !')wuld I (Hflllllllti, illdJ.t'I1H'IIt lot tliiiJI\tlff ($000), 2571 D.Jnsvrllc. Plllll Heclgii'Il. J\1 n Hf'fHunn 11f r;nid ('ouri, lu Ill nl tlw Would like to rent cnsi1 rPnt BUTCHERING-Let us ao your cals wantecl lo gel rid or 111b lw ntljudll'rtt«!tl nrul drtcrm]n,•d. t'nt.t:-; '""' d1111 p;tHi to IJ!J' ti~M U. 28wlf Prohatr> Offut• in Thtr Clly ur Mni:Hirt, In li'llllf0~A <'1111 llflll Mtrllllf 1. CriiHiOU CIHJ'C HoiiJsll'l, Pinclmcy, 20311 butche1·!ng, hogs on Tuesday nnifl ( ounty, on tiH ~ lDt dny nf NrH rm· It lK Ori!Ntfl, Thnl1dl Uu• "'' rlllui'H nf · 1P.w1p \!o>, Curl t~· ltiynoldt~. OrLltt suhhtltutiiiU ~nul d(l'~t·n~(d 1111 ll'lfUit•d to IJit'ritlll 13cu·ton J'ond. 18wl and Wednesday, beef Thursday, her, A, fl. 1 !lrd. Httl/11 t 1'. ( 1111 nnrl HtiPn Gltn;du Clt.:\'f­ t:h,.lr c•l111m;j In Wl'ltlng lllld tll cJ, 1 unlh ClilCKI!JN!:i "V lli•TJ£!J-Will come poultry any clay, W~ pick up. Call l'lt•s' nt.· llClN. JOJIN McCLJ•;J.L.\N, Inn II ns /UirtJ," plnlnlllfl'l m th1:-. t'UIIHt, FURNISHED apnrunent for rent, J\IIJJJP 111' Pauhatt. 11!1 PrO'r'ldPcf, by :.tJtll!l( 1 tq klllti ('oUIL /It H. ot Aloisnclalf ~ Jh.,count ( UIJt ~rt~ (tt 'IIi-!' and ~et them W, Aflp,le'-On, WAI\'TEJIJ Homo 101 ,1 dng. Set- I LeRhe li1!61 branch office 1\'lason tecl, rwlrl P1ulmtn Ollllarnc n· HI the for1 noon, snlu time nnd plncr u... 'f!o>, Hubt•l t l'os!or1 .\11 UIJ.{Ilmt rtl, J•lt'lld' tl WANrf•'D 'l'O Rfi:l\"r ••or l " II21l Wnlclo IOHCI. Phone :N026 Mn- 427'.c phone In!: ht•rt·hy !IPIIOiOtl'tf f01 Lhc t XII Ill Ifill· 1 0 2 0 Dart, S . .Jefferson, L111 y tt'th;tr •, Htt!l II;~ fl' tlti(Jfl JlrH.YlJ g guilty, UC'CI /Itt d, hun If ktl 11l ~;",1)\!,IJU, • " • J '' oon aft c,1 H.OO, '18wlp tum und 11..djuntmt:ni of ntl 1IHIII1s und ILCJ'e rill II y fHI'lll Ill' lll·llliCcl lllfl\1 1 - - - 3741 Mason, 48w1 fnt tlu 1tllo"un••· th•IPuf, for· n c•on· Hr r.uuntzJLJH ~'• pc•J ;son a: dtHlltOrJri ll~ldfli:!l Hllfd tfutl'll~ft!, and (nl Dead o1· Disabled ~L11111inn nf tht \\'Ill t>f tHiifl du·c.l!l(d A1tht1r Or!!llth Hi ,Jnom(• l'un~~ •• q nl by 1\1,11 ell lfi, lfJG2 Hn w some the .tdJllrllr 11tinn IHHI dttlNillllllltltlll ul 1 I•'OR R I~ NT Srx-t ooln hCJitSt.", 111111 fOI' lht Jlfifill(lllnl'lll IJ!UI fll~lrlhUtiOII JudJ.{nHrJt fo1 nln1nllll (!:itiiJU (JCJ!, I'UQLH stock .IIHI tools. Will r•on~ cler WAN 'T•cD TO RENT- GnJage. tllf• !u•lt I'! ut luw of ti/Utl fif tt oil (]\1 1 Stock of sr1Hl t•l'ltrllu in acrordance> v.:ith t:ntd H~NI IIIHI thlll~o; In h1• tltX11l • pnr·tly modern W<~ym Ben· ~1111:-.11 llf'l Hill, tirnt• nf hfH 1lt11th 1Jiltl(lt 1fl to llfilftll lht eilhet Hildie Ol' !'.Ish t cnt \Vrlte Ph~ne __2~180~- Mason 48w! Aft:-; lltirlc H HlthHlfl 11 !-IJ•hultr. .nul HJghe;;t ·Pill'Cs p:wl jamm, 2 miles south, 11!" 1mles It 1~ 01 r!c I'• d, 'l'hH I tlu 2nd d l,Y of l'~llttC or Which tho ~ff!ff'!llSf tJ df1•d Hill': I d H11lh Schult;: 'l'r•ltll In fo11 the· ('1,111! Box 9fJ, Jng-llfllll County Nc1vs Il Iii l'11rtlu.1 Ordtrc•d, 1hnt tluhh, rw· WANTED Rid!' to L.msmg- and SCIV!CC SHI11C clay called ea;;L of Willramston, phone Wch· J/il\11111}', A. fl. IIJ,j.!, olt f• 11 o'Pior-1~ in '~ 1lhnut lL Jtll Y, "' 1cl1~1 nnd Jlll)).!'nH nt • i7w2 !h• fotfii(JUII, nl tht P1oh.1tt OO'if'l nt tH'I thl'rl U( hn Jl)\'1 tl h} )111\)]J~Itt]IJJt ur :l 1ctu1 n five clnys a weclt Must Phone Collect ber·villc 10-F-13 18wJ lu1 nlntnlcll (;I;J,Jj;l! IJ{\J, < nt.ts f!tii17 ,n, 1 2o·, Wutt Sul-:'inn'\ :0::1111 t, Lnn~11w M1C'h• CO flY of Lhu; 01 ill I' OIICe NH h 'He]\ jOt' l'h, p, npl•• o( tllf Htnlf nf MJt•hlU"IIIIj an ivc hy 8 n. m. nncl can leave 1\!dHOn 3141 or Lansrng 52239 ,------Lhrf't' Htlt"t•('JHil~f! wt~kH Jllt•vintlfi tu H,ilfl WOJU( W AN'l'f~D, Will do any. iw:un, !11 Hllfl JH IH lf'h)" llfJflCJ[nf.,,J fnr N>· \!'i Han1111;. Moo1r ltrul MaJ'VIn H, ,Johu~ afte1· 5 p. m. .T um1r1~-r Hrtrl a:lo\.'OtUH lSilid uccount nnd ditY of hronrln~. in th~ lnghnrn C'o11nty thing. Hamon Mm tme~. Box 181, Mrs. nn Brpwn. HHn • .\rtawnmcnt Jll1nlllfl goul/r~. Ill· lwul'inu said 111 t!Lion: New11, n new:IJJUJ)er Printed and l'irru­ l't'tltl d, 1 .. mnnd1 d. , Phone 25733 48wlp Cal'l Berg illtcd In :mid count), Mason 48wl 1t Is !'uttllfl Otclt••d, 1'hllt pul.l1c no­ l'h•• PNI/llc ol ttu SLtt1 nf Mit>IIIJ.{IIII JOIIN MrO) ;;r.r.AN, Licensee fot Darlmg & Co. litf th1 ttor IH gJVt•n h~ PII!J! c•nt1on of u '"· f hnrlcs z,.,~nd:1k1, Al'l' il~nmr ut REN'l'-2 copy nf ihi!-i ntdt•t fur 1hJ'I'I f;lii'(C!'Hil\t• Jud~e of Ptoh,nc WANTED -Ride home f1·om Lnn· WANTED TO or 3 bed­ \~nh t rl lf'ndlt1g- of inlol'fTUIItnn, !-itlwd Barr's Service V.r>t•J..:!-i Jill VHIUM tn :mJrl dny of h1 HtiiiH in smg to Stillmlln 1 oncl, 7 00 a. m, room hou"c with bath Hnvc one mutt, \\IHif•uponard,a of Tnt 1.-l"tlliL,· l'fl~ lll S, Cf1daJ' l'hont• 31 ~~ WIELAND- In lovmg- memo! y of tl11• lrwham f'nunt) N••w", ll n• ":o>fmpt r ~.li"'J f I•Jtd by f'Ollll Bmul cunUnul!ri, ' Work nl conv.IIescent ho.SJllt~l at child Phone Holt 2fl00, Lee .Jahn· CUSTmr SAWI!'irO. .1\lBO llln.b Jlrmtcd nnd ct1cnlut••d In r;n d <'ounly. cot'Tler· or St. Joseph anil Walnut. kc, :J271 East Holt mad 48wlp wood t'ot• sale. Fr,tnk Ward, fi1-st our dear son ancl bmlhel', Rob­ ,JOHN Mr.t.:l.TH.l..AN, Fern Davrs, 1221 Stillman r oacl, farm south or Har')lcr school on en W. WJclanrl, who par;.sccl away 1\ Tt'tH Copy: ,Judg-e of ProlmtL• 87808 ·1, Novembet· 28, 1948, Lhtee years HoiHtt L 1l1nk1• phone r~nnslng Route Ma­ US·127 at Butlct·'s Restaurant. RIJ.dl'itt!l of f'lob~tll son. 18w1 Phone Lansmg 49291. 42wt.f ago- Though t1mc hc.Jl~ nll sorrow' ORDER APPOINTING TIME: SNOW PLOWiNG wo1·1< wnntccl, And helps u~ to f01 get, FOR HEARING CLAIMS an1· loncl. F'I·erl Millon, phone LAXTON-PehraMry 5, 1952 But tunc has only proved St.ttl of Mlc/111-\' lll. Th~ Ptoh,fll Cnurl 9171 Mason 01 •1•t573 Lansmg Ditching How much we miss you yet. tu1 tlu County uf lrwhnm 47w3 WANTED Holstem heltCJ,o, 15 toJ If yoll'r e planmng- on w.tter We often thin!< of the happy days At .~ s1 :-1~1111\ uf l-ill!d CIHIIt, held at lh( P1nhnt1 OITII't· Ill tht: c 1ty uf Mn!-iUil 1r1 18 mont11s old, o1- 1 e~cntly to the barn, a new tfUJI{, OI' any· together·, ------·1 open When we were all tht ~uul Cuunl\, nn Lht 27th d11) uf WANTED-1\!ure. chlcltens, heavy b1 eel. Drop me n card, Wcbbc1 VJlle, thm;,r J'cquinng pipes and Yo1n lovrng smile nnd uhem·ful Nr1V1 rniH•r, A. 1l I fl:i I. frycre. and sprmgers Will pte!' Route 2, m phone Bell Oal; rlitchc~. let us clo tl foJ you ways P1 r•,cnt, liON, .fOHN M•·CLI•:LLAN ,JudJ.tt of Pt•ollntt• t~p. W. X, Steadman Poultry Farm, 11-F'-21. Don Allen. 48wl wrtltout· new bacl< ho•'· We wrll W1ll live rn OUI' lJOails fo1 ~vcr. 620 S. Edgar road, plJone 0804 chg tlte ch tch, c.J n furn1oh lhc 1n tlu Mnttn of tht• c~tnlt ur JI:R.s.r· 'T1s JOY to know we'll meet agarn, LA X I' ON, fh!t:t·n~ecl. Mason. 19wtt wANTED Man to opemte a JH;Je, Jar 1l, and cia all plumb· WIJCre pal'lmg is no more, Jt. ll(l!H.!IIrlf\J.:' t£1 the COII!l lhut th~ l11111 \vouiD-I=IKE TO BUY standmg Inigo fnmt, at good wages, in g. But what it meant to lose you, fill' Jil'f :JI'ntutJon nf r l,tJitl~ Hgutn!lt ~111d Bob, c~ltllltl should he lim1l• d, nnd that a timber, 8 acres OJ mot c m u•act. model n hou~e Inquu c Weillll'I'Vtlle F. C. Ande1·son & t nw nrul pluc• hr• IIJIJiulnil:d tu r(f'IJVI, Top pr 1ces pald, free estunates. 6-1<'-.>2. F1 eel Rashid, 20fi Nicholson No one wrll over know. t'SIInllll!.: 1111d 11cUuHt J~t;,2, Ill tlll o'rlo1 k Ill lhr~ (Ofi'IIO(IJl, 1 on Novcmbel 29, 1950, m Kor eo~. WANTED -Ma1e expetiunced gro- Wclclon, c n111e north of !lf-3n on Livestoek s.dd tirlll oiiHI Jlllltl h~erlh:taP!IfJillttd {tlr eery cleric Apply Ill person at Mend1an road, phone 24033 Mason. Trucking He stands m the unbroken lme of tJu CXflllllliHlion llftd IIIIJtT!-tlllll'llt of uiJ I lllllll:i otnd dlmnruls ltl;!ninHI ~.ltd C]! ~ tbe Trading Post, 2950 E. Cava· 48w1 ro Detroit Packtng House and patuots who have clnr·ccl to che thRt f1 ecdom might live, anrl g-r·ow ttU!:icd, naugil road 44wtf ------Yards IL h Fu1•tlH I' 01·d~rt 1! Thut pub he nu~ - WANTED TO BUY--Cockct or Mondn.ys and Tuesdays qncl mcrease 1ts bless:ng~. l<'ree­ tiC! lllf ll of Ut ~1\'C II I•J: puhhtlllllon nr II WANTED Rrcle lo Lonsmg., mixecl coclter puppies, by Iii ter, lnsw·ed Service dom lives and through 1t, he live~ I'll flY of th1s oJ dc>r foz tlu ce t:illl'i'f f:i:Jivt "' W01 Icing hotn·s 9 to 111 a way that humbles the under­ \\1uh Jllt\llOU~ tu snid duy ul h•arlrH; Ul 4, phone reasonable Pl10ne Lanomg 872~4. tht Ingohnm ( tHtnly N<·\~~. a nt"~Pitfll'r 22791 Mason. Eli Mire & Son takings of most men. 48w1 48wlp IJ!IIltcd <1nd l'liltilalfd 1n snid Count~. 1 6 miles west of Mason on Co· Sadly missed by Mr. and 1\fu;, JOHN McU.f;J,LAN, lumbm, 2 mrles north on On- Walte1· Miller ami fmmly. 48w1p Jud~e of Pt uhntP ondngn road. - Phone Holt 15411 43w4p 1 . ORDER OF PUBLICATION FINAL ADMIN15T.RATION ACCOUNT ------AND DETERwllNATION Of HEIRS CREYTS-Dcccmber 22, !95! Stute nf MH'hwnn. Th .. l'tohnlc Coml GJESBROOK-To the stRff of the fu1 Llw County of lnghnm, Radio· Television Ai ll ~'il'~t;jll(\ or Sl111i COUll, IH hl l~ tJu Mr~:-;on General hosptt:-'tl and to l'lolJUII OfliCf 111 lilt• CJ!y nr .Mnsun, Ill lhc nurses I g1ve 111v rlcep npprc- sntd count~. n1 tht 2:-ilh dny uf Nl'"' m· cJatJon of lhP excellent Cfll'e ancl 1.. , A. ll 1!1:01. ilttentron ~uvcn while m the has- P1·c~cnt: liON .•JOliN McCLELI.AN, Rncl1o 'l'ube~ ... ,JudJ.:t~ of P1 nhult. In thu Mutte1 or ih•· IMnt•' of Slll'V1Ce pllnl 'fo nil who sent tloweJs, 111m. RadiO pl:ints, boxes of ft·mt, ntago~r.inc~ Til~ o. CI\EYTS, n,,,,,,..,f. Guaranteed Dependable Hlld liJe m,my CRids, I Rl11 deeply fl• no·v t l'te·yte h"""" lllcd in "'"I ' 't'nlll L._ hi I' Jl/\11] Uf'CIJUJit l~l'> f :\C(; UlOr, ,lllld grateful. Mrs, W11lian1 Gtesb1ook. hb Jll•tllion JilayinJ.:" fo 1• th~ allow.uu c GOBLE'S RADIO 48Wlp tl\11(0!', roJ'lt f!tlf•ll111!lJlLIOII (If htiiS,•Ilfld _ ------fot 1ht• lL!-iHII{Jlfn(nt Hlld tliHtl•ihUIIOil Hf SERVICE CARD OF THANKS--Mrs W1l· th1 I r :.n!tlt ur l'iUid I'SI/Lif• fr•ccl ·1ewctt, chmrman cf the 11. Is OJ•cllu d, 'l'h.1t thr ~2nd d11y (lr llu:~mlHI, A. J) l!!il oiL b•ll 11°{/Clf'!\ ltl H,y - Phone 5051 IMaRon htgh school football ban­ th .. frncnnnn nt lh1• l't•niJUtl (Jificr In '" 410 S. Jcrrcrson 'Mason I quet, the committee members, tlw Cit} of Mn~nn Mtchl)!an, 111 nnd it~ 11,~-2wtr 1 Mrs Charles Laxton, Mrs Roy ht ll'hV llll\Hlllltf d lu1 t ~lllnlfllll)l nrtd HI· --- lm\ 1ng- SHill ncr:onnt nnd IH•al'lnv: :-;nul J1t­ ------Par;s•an, Mrs. Paul Amold, Mrs lltiu11 Chntleo Davis, anrl Vm·sltv~moth· II l!-i 1'1111h• 1 OJdcJrd. 'l'hnt pubTh llo­ ers wish to than!' the Knvams Lict lht I CCI( h1 gJYt!\ hv Pllltlic•Htlon ur 11 <'Up~· nf th1s nrtlt'l fo1 lhl'll :o>IIC!'I H:!IVl club Ma- Kids! club, the Lwns and the \~1•1 1\K 111 t viouti to t:inHI 1lny of hr arinJ.~ in ' son me1 chants who help eel us so the Int.:hum County Nt•\\s, u 111 \\~filllf r JlllntNI nnd cilculutod JH Hnid CoUJit) _ ------generously to mal•rl, Saturday, December 8 _ __ __ lo(lgc :124 and the Pytluan SJsle1 H H llPPCHillll! to tlw Cou1 t thnt tlw thn1 LOST-Blaclt and wlnte mulq_ cat for the )leautr.ful plant.~. flowers, fn1 Plt·~r·nln11nll of t•lnimH 1\J.!'UIInlt Sll!cl lost Friday between Htu·pm• road cards, money and nil the other· t•stnt.• shou141 h~> limltccl. nnrl thnt n Lin11 nets of ldnclness during the Illness nud tdncc• be UlJIWlntctl tn 1 t Ct:!J\ IJ, ftX· 3:00 p .. m." and Green's Vctermarran hosp1tal. nmilw nntl Hdltl!-it 'nil elnlm~ rlnd t}c .. h•s SURE! It's proved lit's the newest, moat Cn t has whtle paws and nose and and ctea'th of ou1· loved one. We fill' mtut•ls IIJ..t'alnst •!'i.dtl 1l1•cent;ttl hy nruT lu•• name 1s Squeelcy. Rewa1·d. Phone c~,peelll.lly gr•ateflll to Dr. Kt·aft for fntf' suicl Cr1111~; nnd th11t thl! ~~~~-till huh·l'i Important development In scientific hog fieding. It provldei 25891. John Casper, Route 3, Ma· Ius care nnd considemtlon, also Clr ~micl dt•umHcl •ntJtlf•d to inht:Jli thf' Rt:lv. Miles fm· his confor-tmg • stntl' of wlnf'h saul dt'l'l!IIKl'tl died sei:t:l'!ll exactly the IUGHT fetd for every stage of IJog trewfil son 481\'1 shnuld lw ndindit'll'td nnd tlntNmtllr'd worcb, llfl·s. Glenn n Dt oseha for 1t 1-. 01dcncl, 'l'hnl nil th(' Clmlilorf! That means real economy , • , and profital L-0-ST---,B-1-ue-1->l-llf~o-lf Eva Fanson. 48w1p tlth•d tu inlw11L lh~ <·~tnt(• of which the FLOOR SANDERS tot• at ------dt•ct mi~tl dlf'tl .-ci~t 1l, \ ~ r~nt Tt l!oi h11 thot Ot•dm Nl, 'rhnt 1111hhc no .. ,' Pcrl~l~~ )H1•vions to s.nld ·------on my lllrthdny nnd the Baplls\ ,fnv of htlltii11J!, in t1H• lnt.•hnm C'Ollllt~· I~OR RENT-Wallpaper steamer Women's Society for the cake they NH\\s, n ne\\!illnJlc'l• mintt•tl nnr1 elrcli .. Co. and lloor sander. Inquire at g-ave me. Also I wtsh to thank lnll:ll In tml1l !'CJillltv ' ' ,JOHN 'McCU:Lt.A~. ·, Phone 3341 Shafer Decorating Supply, 425 S. Mrs. Minnie Churchill" for her· let­ A 'l'1tw r.,)m•• .Juch:-e nf Prohulp ) I JefferRon. Phonll 2S461, 45wtr ter.~. Pfc. Donald, Wiley. ·18~1'1 RnhN·t L. nl'nl\f' Ht>,td~IP1' nl l'tnhltlo Ingham Sheriff Mail Early Novembc1· 29, l!J51 jl(l,~llllilH(II]' WIJJilllll ,T, Hiil'­ ·section 2 ·, Gives Wenning lll'l' lll!d lllfli!Jht•i'H of I lin pn,9[f1,1 THE IN'GHAM C01JNTY NEWS .;la.rJ Ill''' lll'f.\11!~ !hill Chl'l6l• lllilH g jJ'(.H II nrl grnl\l.ill!lH b>1 pllccl hl'llllca to hla l, Ulld 'f'rJ IIRIIIII'r> (jllliJJ( illll!!llillf;, llnJPHH r/l'IVf'I'H llllri IJI'rli'HIJ'illllll ild­ Wing- sufflll'Cd 11 fl'flcl.uJ•cri lei'/. !l'IC'I't ln.)i <'lli':H WI\I'C 1'1\lr.nHrtl rro111 l11e hns­ nonnlfllr•nll,v Hilllll'" 11 ~lllll'fl ln­ nf Flint Hl• llllcl a hlg-hwn,YH "''l'flll';c liOillf'llllf! l'nllncl Ohio, It ollldrnt J'Clll!'OinJ.: In Miiih­ Wfllllllll'H \VI'iflt Wlli.>'li Hllli<'ll frlllll tro nrl,IIIHI !Ji,9 ~l'lvlng Ill' wnlhlng- D••ol'gll Ponrtld Hl)ilur, 37, lgan .'ltllt(•, WfiH henrleti no1·1 h. It filsplny IJOIII'rl ill IJI.1 Hill!'!! l:lfll.• fro foil winlni''H d>'fldi,Y LH••lrs, :;nlil •rt llw ln~IHIIll illill'l'i!lllo.>is IH>H­ When hn H!IW Ihe Hilllnllon Iw 11[1- lll'rlll,V evening". flhm•iff Blil'nl'H. pi I 11! (Ill · 'I'illllll<~liil'inl( nigh!.. Hi! 'rlw nrnl Mllt>\1', c;)li'I'IIT Hlll'll!'il llnrl ""''11 " pntlr·nl. Ill. llw ilnspltul pnintrd nut, tiHIInlly 1.'1 llln nHrsl fo1· I(J ,l'l'lllfi, ' clnngnrJIIH nf tlH• HI'IIS1111, Mnny 'l'llli>•l'i!llll>~ w:r;.;,'•d" !Jit.l,·l' IHit­ mr•toriNIH "''" l'ltllt;lll nfl' I':IIIIJ'fi II'' \l'lih Algl••l' illll Ill•' vll'!oi'Y w'H< psyoh11lnginully 11t1d lll•'<'illlllil'lllly, ill .~i~hl wlu•n 11 hml'l nlt:rl'li lnJ)( t'nrget.Ung 1.11111. r•xirll """''"''-'-' lhn ll11111'< life•. In u·,, li;;l!t. II~Hill,;j n.ncl r:uulinn tll'n nr•f'PHf'fii'Y lo llll'!'l. ll!.h1 H'C1Jino;is, :-:lll'gpons l'f'11lPVNI 01\1' lhe nrldllionnl IHIXIII'dH ul' wlnll'l' !Illig, 11 hlrlnl!,l' /lllil 11ll ilw J·i)Js 1111 d!'[Vill~. rl)ll' .'iifiJl. 'P~·SI!l f~d\!'11 II ff'\V \Vf'f'fl.'"\ "Red!II'Pd ViHihlllly IIIII( H!ippi'l'.Y 11/<11 Jnrll>'llil'ritl!"l iliJJPI't'llhrHi.' llllrl rtJ:'Irl.H,'' HJwl'lrr BnrnPH :-wid, 11 tlt't''llirti!1l,v lwt•n ill'l'~:-il('d unrl Slglm· 1wo rrf wlnla'H il'llll.> f111· lhollt.:'hl• lVII~ !llnl'f'- 1 nt•rlfi flf.").n slww I hut wet, mudd.v,' Li~ll't'd IH.'low at'r ~;.omf! of I he• at·· :;ilOW,Y Ot' 'iey !'flad,; fignrr in onn tii'll'~ needed by Pt'I'<'Y .Jones hrm­ out of five fntal ftl'r·idcnto. In onr pllnl in Bntlle CJ·crlr t1nd o\lt·of·scvcn nccidcnls the wcntiH,l' nlheJ· l10spilnls: Gnmcs, pur.r.los Back at the tLJt'l1 of the century Mason had a band which Woodhouse, E. D. Lee, Grover Whitmore and jack Fowler. 'VflS rainy, foggy m· sn(_}wy. rnnt r·r·os/'iwoL'd), :;tntion,~r·y, l!O] .. turned out on all important occasions. The city, not the school, Standing in the rear row,· from left to right, are Charlie can .cxpcel. tho l (out of waslu!IJie material. I!fo IH!viscd all mrrlllt'ists 20x2o' inr:hes) 111en'o' ~ifts, booko more. On the second row, in the sa.me order, are Kearney who makes the identification. t!hccl< the stlfcly e!J111Jl111i'lll on (new and IIJl to dfttcJ, · r:m·J•cnl t.heh· · rn1·s now, cmpl!n.>iz'lllg pnr- mu~ar.incs, small scraphool<, I ire Tl!rm<; hav· g sllch· arlielPs to I~ . Drunk Is Jailed 111 chains, ill'iglll, wcll'aimed lights, fimwti· siJolllcl g-el in touch with tlcfroHtel's nncl heal cr. i\-fl':<. Ern1·sL r~vHv, Mrs. Claude • \\~F.\fS UA.S -\v·(;j;,, ...:iu•:J•j'J'JN(; l'osl r11· >iny elllll'ch. After Accident' ··Thr ·,·r~ular IiloiJ\hly wnrl< lliC\'l-~ .~l••nl.s t.". :11':)/rl scn~rng '"·.~ r.nz; C. A. Manigold or .T!lr"iIYl)HJny io lowfng- llw par:lJalt is tlw Muson .:lfinncapolio- iec nwn in Pla1.l'e employ, cucl! rlisplncecl person wl!o immi­ J\{oline implemPnl clenlol', Tile E:nsl P1cscnt plano fo1· relncaling US­ gmtcs lo lhls counlr.v under llwl Sweaters Lil!Rill,~ Sand nn1l Gri!VPI Co, is 127 Cdll for llll' new tJ·Ilnltline lu :Jet. r:!losing· clO\\~n its. gT:-lvcl opc~l'H li?n:.; i' l'llll southeast from PI',YO!' J'Oad ro1· The fonn l'or repoJ•ting 'i~ pt:o-' l' uu wun'l mil"t~ if ynu givH at lll~ .:VI:-~son p1L and cle\~clnpmg several road~ llc:f'OI'e S\'-:inginJ;. virlccl by the govol'llment. II i~ "hint" OIW nf (Jill' \\"~ll"ltl, the s1f.,, ml o a c·ommcl·eHll :mel south to pass Chnrlic's Bat·n on available from now on unt.il .TIIn­ good loohinA' (•nul swf~a11~r., l'C"Ide!tlial al'l'!l. lhe west. 1952, uary 1, at the mnin closl< in u1· sli JWvt~t· s1 .rl•·s .• ll\\'a.r·d A yen1· RI.W Plnlt nequircrl PI~I.t haS front;lgc on both US- tlfe YWCA builr:ling, 217 Town­ M\'·t'ah~r·s, tou! Minncapoli5,J\Ioline fmnchisr.. . 127 :mel Pryot· ronc!. The buildiilli send stl'eet, J,.unsing-. A fte1· com­ t1a~ opernlcc! the busmcss at 111~ was cJ•ectcc! five years ago to Iwusc pleting the form, il is to he mnllecl f:llm, 62:1 NoJ•!h College I'Oarl. Be- ll'llcl oll1cr equipment ancl to tlil'ect to the Displncccl IJeJ'"OlL" Sport C:oats for,, JmJtull'J' 1 he expects lo be scrvn· as 11.11 office for the East Conuni,;sion, c/o Slftlistieal Sec­ $7.95 to $12.95 w set 11]1 at t.hc new locntion. L:cnsing Sand and Gmvel Co. tion, ImmigTalion and Natmnlizn­ tlon Sci'Vice, Wnshinglon 2u, D. (a\'<' "lrlm" ·\\'hal anw11nts to C. Wilful failure on the pril'l of an a llt'\\' suit , • a well~ehnscn ignn fieillth Ol'fieer·s asHociaUon, immigTant ltltclet· the Dis;Jlaccd sJIOI't: <'llllf to ~~~ ll'ith his Former_ TB Chief nncl WH!3 a fellow of the AJnerican Persons Hct to submit an nccnt·ntu stu des! College oC Physicians, the Ameri, rcpott, upon conviction tllCJ'eof, is c:J"n Pubiic ficnlth associalion,.m!!l subject to a fine of nat mot·c tllun Dies Suddenly a forme1· dircclo1· of the -National $500 or impl·isonment for nolmm·o $18.95 to $35 Tllhercttlosis__ association. ..__ __ _ than six montl1s. D1·, Gem:ge C, ·Stucky, 62, for 17 yean; the c1i1·cctm· nr llll' fnghm11 d f. f \I tlii>C!'C!tllosis snnatorium, clirrl AfO!l- clny in Clfnrlot.tc. He left the Ing·- People S•'gn Up A vice Is 0 ereo hnm sllllfltorium in 1ns to ~etv" On Sor.ial· Security as medical chief [OJ' the Kcllo~:g ilcHllh ccntcl' in Ina ton county. Fo' r TV ·Stua·!·es The pamphlet "Do You Wol'l< fo!' On Sunday moming Dr. Stuclty Yom·self?" has al'l'ived from the Slacks harl a cerehrnl hemorrhage. He wa~ More .lhan· l,•WO · J·egistrHlion~ go\'el'llment printing oCfice, nd- takPn to l.he Hnros-GJ•ecn-Beach hal'c.ileen l'c>oeivecl fOJ', Telecourses, VIsed ·w. Scott Hamlin, mn11ager hOs)Jital :mel dicti lhe1·e Monday offe1·cc1 by tile Universit:v of Mich- of the LAnsing office of the So- Ill' can tmre tht•m fll t1•d l'••e( nig'ht. ig<111 oi•er Detroit television sta- cia! Sccutity Administration, "ul'lt!l' Clu·Istmus •. )tiel< · Dr. SUfcky ))ccame head of tile tion WWJ-TV eveJ·y· Sunday. ' •Since August, 1~50, when the out a. Illtil' for· "his" Cln·isl· In,;hhm sanntor;um in 1S21 when Totnl llllmhcr of students in the Social Scemlty Act was nmendecl nms Jun\·! tlic county ilcgm1 H s·e,·ious -light Icoursee ix 977 extending coverage, his office hn~ Rg' ~ot!l'se hns the hugest en~ sole owne1·s · Ol' partnet·s, they Smviving Dr: Stucky nre llle l'ollment- ·676. "Man .. nnrl His wanted .pamphlets explninin~ how widow, Juliette;. two, sons, .Hnny World:. Hcmu1n Bel,lavior" hils Ci23 tile recent mnenclment' woulrl af- La.~·uwa)" · 41 hi~" Chr•lshtuls StuclIOI', New Court Cases JJ!voJ1(!u, 'J'horun~ rf, ~ln11HI ntlo111o,v, flnnlll\ J, Horw VH, PJu'u d l', HnHo, !liP L•w Childs District ' Nt n!(l r1q(..lnr•lll~'n 1 ~ ... , nmd l.nnHruq' vnr•,•u, Cll'tJJ.m~ 'rhPmtt~:~nn, Cllatuwn nnd 'Wins Ful1tre ' Mluhhfllll ?fntlu11nl llncdc, n N11Uon11l New Mu1lun Oll~+l'lnln, 22, J•;nH~ T~III!Hinu, PJU'I', fllltH'IIt~YH f(ll' Jllnlnt!lf; Ar·thlll' r~. !lirA, J,conc JohnHton VIi, 111\llldnir IHUHH'Intlnn ,Jnhll A, ,Tilul~lnn J(nuntq• fllld 'PI111Jl1Ut1 0, HlnJtA, nt(UIIII'H l't'''ll W, flnwhH, :.!II, l·lllllilfl!.f i Jhdt•u L11tq W, Huthrl', ~1, J.nn,.dnJii flnnnn ,J, l4i'illlhlt Ipi', 17, LtHIIiiJJ.l\, niHl ,Jnnlf'" Jfm'lll.;, AIHJ\IIIlJIH/t, Unllnr·,l, fnr ll~lf•rulllnt, ll, Iflo he, ~·1, 1.11 11'111"· •lrrnnln~~. Hl~thOJ> ll'HI l'tniltw, HHornnYil, 1 Max 'J'ciwn~ontl lH In Ot•lnnclo, 1 .ruYI!Ii r. HhllrJ'IIW Vfi, '' 1'11111< A, flhnt·· tllul'n/H'II II, Hltlpfi!y, ~,j, 1•:uKI r,flll• Hlrhul'tl L, '1 nlru~. 10, LuriMhiiCI .TqYI'O' ''Miflhll{'nn Brn1dn.Ymont fio,•n!'ity C'orn .. I'OW, fllvnl•co, ctnunh£rl/lln und 'l'l't'· Flm·lda, plclllng or•nngeH . IilitH I .Jtilln A, Hlnnun'tl', ~K, ll1·ta·nlt,, ,T, llr In 1'11 1., I H, J4,111~"~111 ~~, '"'~~Inn VH, "l'hn Afii 1Pid llonrd nr lhn l£1(1Vrn, HHIIt}'r'y~, OtiH a'ownrmnd ·iH oxpcotocl lwtnc tluriJIHil \\', Whltlrtg, II~. f•HilHinln AJ .. Htnnlol' W, CiiiHinfiHI!I, !!I, l ... nwhml M1NtiU'ILfl. l':rn nlu vrnuut ~Mrn 11 y r.ornm/11• hl(!u l•', l1HIIIIW/l, .Jr,, VH, Mlllf'ill L, ma n, Htdi(IUI•!I, ~·!, J lHlhluy;, ~Inn. 11t nl. l'r·ltlwn for WI !t of f!nt•tlnnHI, .Tmr•p K l(ulhl'fiiiLII, I~. lollrt!-illl~t. 7•,lndHitll, Ulvo••of!, Hlv:l1•r 111111 Andiii'Hon, anon with hiR diRuhm·go Ct·mn lhc 1 J•'raQ){ n. Mlllnrd' nl.lnrury Ht·ucrnll LnHit 1' Jl, f\h•1•11 1 ~II, l.nunlnK 1 Nu/11')' lht~· W, l'nr·n1 !1, 211, llnl~l lhtl'hnw H, uttornoyt~, scr·vlco, n. (.'un)t, ~I, MttllU/Io 'l'rudJ.~;NIIr, 1 H, LIIII~IHJ•, I"IM"I~ !Co(wc~rilllr. 'l'olloHiuz(, :!7, LHIIKIIIJt, l.l7.lll'~h 1~. Ulll~ VII, C:ltiit'lnH J,, fiiiiY, 9onR a11rl Mr, anc.l Mt•s, Donnl1l fh•r()rt L, Hlrrvnnti, :! I, l,flfll\ltH': Unmn ~~1tll'tt fJm·rwn VII, li.f.Junr.th C11rnon, 1 RrPtrnnrrt\ F, 'nl·hut, ~~. I...rtnHirn•, ~~ .. ,, ., ~, 1, 1 r,. '''l Lnl\ldn!{; •i.,&Ju)!u, Z, Ur1mnn y,,, Otu f\ Ocr man. H!vnrr1•, J\rtbur L, K..rumur·, nllnrfluy, t l'Oill the liOI'th. Abbott nnd Jacobs Hoy C'. l•'lr11lt1, !.!11, J,nn .... ltw i .ruYI'l· f~. l>lvott1ff, Cl!nml11•dnln unr! 'J'ro!Pll.VI•n, 11i· ('1111'11 M. HPF••)·!ct·, ~1. r.nutdlll'· Jl~Vtl. J), lln)'UOitlt~~ VH, llOtl\110 W, J{(IY" l>nggeu their door·. At•thlll' Sm\th llr•trr, t 0, J,nnMifiH, torn.~y,, OIP/ir! II. HrH•ur, !!fl, J.nnt.lu~r; Knthi'Yn noh.!H. Dlvnrc•cJ. Juht1 J, MtJCuno, nttlll'" a Iso got fL deer. i ,John f(, llunClan, !11, l,Jlfltllnp;: VII'• It), Alltru, Ill, l.nnHi111r. ' K.nm111 lJFiHhnny VIi, ]i'J'l'd p•, ;J".e,fJ)Hti!V, lfinh~ A, YotlrH!', 22, I~2utl LnnHiru-c rH•y for 1•lrdnt!fl'; Ht•rdumlu I', W11tstHt 1 Mllil'l', :!\1, n111 for I!I•JtiU'IIfl• fllll/ll~C'IHHII'O, ,Joijn ~~ l 1J, IC, Utund Hnpkl~1 How~ u~fo1·nnv for llt·J'r•ntlnut. M1·. nnd Mrs. 1FI'an1i Clol'l' and J•'j'lllllt J\, ('l•di•IW/111 1 ~~. 1!1\Kl folllllllrlt(; ~''Orion, utturnuy, '"" M. t'utt~-r, :'11, L1111MIII~·. MflrY E, Atnrnhull~/1 VIi, ll\l•hru·d Mr·~. lilvcl vn Hoylm· nnli sonH aptnt Sh!JJ,y 1,, LnPtutL, ~I. Lnn:~lu~. VlrKiu.lc• J. JnhnA1r.h l'lmllll·h•k C. NuWm1111, uttorrll'Y, .Ton1•K, 111, L11r1Hin~. Jr., ntt.'lrnov, ston ~IO!llo. A11h1ld I. Mutn uq :!;I T.~tru-;IIH(; l'hyJ. Augu~tf\. ~luhl.Jrt vs, Fl<•tchN· Stnhl1~. Hnvltl C, M1tY, 21, J.n.nHin~i .ronnnn l!n A. ~1>'• ~~~. :.!:!, T.auslrtt~. , HYlvJa i~ulu-~u VP., Pnt Longa, DJvor1tP., SPEC::D TO SPARE-Hermonn Boehm, Gcrmuny's top motorcycle E. C'lurk, !!J, Lnr1t1lng, .lnhn W. lllr•d,. nttnttlf•}l, OlvoruP. O•·ork'P J, llulll!r, llttai'JtPy, ' Ml'. anrl Mr·a, Robert. Ilf~lry (). r•• ·tttt, :!1~ LHnt'l!l)rj Oh!\1~ H. Hnlf'tl ('onrtul "s, Hlwrwoml ConJ'Otl, side-em• rnclng spcclnllst, 1·Jdes hl9 slreuml!ned bll\c Ju a world HUKIU·II n, IlHIW, 2~. P··nrln, Til.: VII·· HIHitlY, ~~I, LHIIIIirtlt. DIYorm•, Alvlo A, Nrrll~·r, nttor·r,t•Y, rccord·brcoldng speed run on the Autobahn, nr.ur Munich. The shot a tlem·, but. at·e still hunting · 1drdn (,, Htr.ll-:"t•r, 2:1, J .. tillHinH. UCJAL NOTICF:H Jfei'Pmn LJ<.. hN Ifill II VtL ,Jnmml !lt•y .. BOOcc. (with compressot·) N.S.U. cyclc-vnth-sidccar hit 155 miles M1·. 'and Mt'l!. Elr·nest Mr.I{et'Hey. Ir·u L. HulH!rlli, a' L¥11Klnr:: l·~l!l'.ll• rnour, 1•t n). Lilli lc> qulN. 11th•. Hurmn01ul lJt·l h Puuldur, 21, Ltthldl!g, nncl Schrnm, ltttonlf'Yif, .per hour, shnttm·Jng the old record ot 135 mllYH~I' VH, 'fltclmn J. K••Y· ------;--·------·--"---·---- ANGEfl-D•c•mb•r 21, 1~81 6('r, DJvorco, Wllllnrn S.. StJ-(•IYtt, nttot .. Hlt:hnr·d L, Knr.lrntt~hl, 21, gfiH1 T.nn· ncy, · After whmlug lUI uphllt fight 'ilnt~; Mnr·y A, Mllfl/1, .:.!I, r;llH>tll' Jloinll•, M!', nr11l 1\!I'H, Floyd Klc~ling or Stilt• of Ml<•hlv.un, Tl"' l'roh!llo C<>urt .Jnvli. A. HnJ1HlHHWir1, :10, Lnrtttlftl{; fdr¥tht! County n( lnv,luun, · 1'"111n·~"''lll cntrr·ln•ncd Mr. nnrl Dgolnrot 1uberculo~ls, Lola Norton Tfu!t•/L I. Otl\H.dl, :! l, r·umd(Jtl, ' At. A •lhlti14h!IL 01 II!L,U louurt, hf'hl nt. ttH· Mrs. Wnllcr l•'rnnlnt~. wus n cr,llt•r nt tltu Wnltm· u'mnl<­ In •the Muttc•r of • tho E•tlito of S!D. "t'llanlrsglvlng with Mr. and Mr~. tuborC11losls Chrlstmllli SMIJ, now rnrq.\"•'fll' L, fl,IYtli•r, ~~~. Mllfilllt. M. U. c. c. vs. ·rhc· AtcPoul n 1~. s. r:. Bt•rt A, C'I'HIHIPII, ,r,, :1•1. I.nn!Jilll~: lln home, Mondny c\•enlnl{'. NEY 'A. ANf1Cl11UH1d, nnd CJydr• C!'llht•, Ortlf·r nllowJn,I Wtll nl '.eo Glynn. 1lltderway hero, Shllil1Y A. Smllh, ~r,, l.nnHlr11r, '(...~·ntrnl'i'tu ..... C'flllll•htiY buvln~t fl!Ct1ln crrtlorurl. Ath Ian Am!Jic·t• and t-4ons, John, I MIU ·court lli. fiwd tHIJnlr•IHlrntlotl rul• 'l'h~· Pl•t>JIIr· uC 1hc SL11l1• of Mlclilg-utl Mr. anti Ml's. Ivan Lamko 1Utd Junior· und !lubr·t·t hnvc l'ellll'Jle f('Kld Ut~ u( eul,l ell• VII. lt:ILII P.• u,~rllfl"ndt. Ordul' d IKt:hliiiWIIT lly hnvc moi'CLI J'l'om Loe dlsU·Ict tf{tli,. . f prolmtloncr, Mr. 'anti Ml's, Carl Hall and 1o lhclt· Jtew home nom· Dmmvllle. '·•h. r. Or vfl, l•'J·ctd ( n·~·11, OrdPr dlt~cb!tr-~lnu 111 u· lr~ tlltl forNwtm, nl the Ptuhntt• Offlc•· f~t butlnnur, ;tvlnfl Day with 1\{l'.,ancl MI'H, Wlrt Dolly MnLII~on, wife or tho 4th UJ(~ W+HH S11ulnnw !ltll'1'1, liJ~IIHituc, J.1111 l 1!•ord(' of th~ Stlt!r• or Mh·hhmn Val'n~r. ' , Unllctl Slates Pt·~sltlent, usml a Mlchlllnn, },.. ~~ud ln hf'1't·hy. OJ1iwlnt~d 18 Ollu Itlrin{•J', (}rdor dlill'hlll"'l1 1rw J•I'O• $1,500 ltorse-th•own dw!'lot In fgr 1 1·XIlmlfdng 411lt..i nllu\•,lnK snld tu·cuunt lmtlanf•r, 1 Mr. iLtHI Ml'll. Jo~: Znlewslti ami IU}U ht•ntlrq-:- ~uld 11 LttJoh: , 1'1w }l!•OI,Iu of tho Stnt•· (If Mlt•hl~wn hlldren 'vi~lted Sun(lflY evening nl Washington, It would llc equlvn­ ' le IH l•~nr!J1,... Otdlt•••l. Thnt nnhlla.r.n~ VEl. 'TJaTt!C"I Jo!, Mouu... 01 df'r dhH hlLI'~In~· 1 he Leo Clly!m horne. lcnt Lo n high-pl'kctl c•ugt()m.IJulll tic•" •thN~>ol..' r ulvf·n ll;r 1 "IJJII'rltlun of n 1lOIJUL!nnur, i spcii'Ul l'O I' totlay. r.pfty ,.(If thl, 1h•1' fut• th • ,. HUCt'A~!URI.ICATION 'l'hf"' Pt·opl ... ~ of lllf' Hlntc· nf MJrhhtliTI 'lfabei Graves and Mrs. Cat·1·w 'FINAL v~. J. z. Hrnlth. Urtl••r· dl~t·ltal·~tiJt~~ ptu• 11ggs' wer·e Mr. and M1·H. Melvin ,,DMINISTRA1 iON ACCOUNT 11\tlonr.r. AJ\10 D~TER~IINATION rw HJ::IR5 Cermey of La_nslng, Mrs. Llt.b!e 'J'hn Pl'!nJJJ,-. of th() £ln1[• 11! Mll·hhmn ' ' 21, l061 '0J\BL1N£-f>r"~nd•~r 'til l'nullne Mnry Davlll. OniLt· dl!'!••lml)l• 11ggs and Howard and Mrs. Edna Su~tt• c1r Mit·h!..''l/1, 'l'h,. Prob1~t{] Cu11rt 'tw PI'Olmt!ont't. <'ox and dEl!tghtel·s oJ' 'WIIliflmH- fur tlu •('ourlty or Irwhnm. 'rtu· Pt>OJtlt~ of th,-. Htntr• ur Mlcltivnr1 on. • At n At .::!4\ut of I' 11d t·mu :, ~1r>ld nt. the 'S, HnsHtoll Htnni~>VIIIll. OJ·,lf•l tlitHIHll'i.dll~' l!'r·ank Lininger Bpent the weelt I Pr-uluue Olflc•t• In ·tht• Ut~ IJr MaHun In nrublitlot!Pr, j ~lliti County, PI~ thL· ~~:l11i \Juy o( Novt•m· 'J'tH· Pt•uplt• nr lt•t• Stntt• or Mielth;nn 111 Mutn1 ~ 1 , t·ln .t.ho Mil ttl r 1..11' Uw I~!!.lutr· of UER~ '"f', 'l't•frLI I'Otlt!tlll••ll, ,tnk1•n 11nd( r nd· lll:;l'!1' ,\. TlAIILlNE, ll•·<:•·n-.·tl. Viflil'mflnt. SINCLAIR ·Co!ltrnl 'l'rmt.. C:J'IIlPIIIIY h11-vlnr.- ftlf'tl In •rba·Proople' of thn Stnt~ nf Mi1ltlrrnn He!r!ck ·District f>l~hJ. cUm•!. Jttt Jir: .t !LI'.:'OUH1 lib I)(CCUtOr, ''i, Hl!nry E, Lnklwrt. An ••flwmurtt, I llfrM. I..ee Gerhardsteln OPALINE® htld fttt fii'I..!IIHTl llf,t,YIHY. tnr tho n)\(JW• rJJ,~n'l"'i! ~.tullty, OI..!•'~'Plcd, I'Nnr... nUcd. COODBY-FOR A LITTLE Wl-l!LE-Sgt. W. White of the 1st MOTOR OIL nnt..,;, ttlf'rt of, !nr 1 dt•t•·• mlrmll•JII of )~·~.olrkl tlnl{ ior dw nsHh•umt·fiL r~rHI dl»· Battalion, the Welch Regimen!, keep:; the pm·tlng strictly cheerful Mr. nnd Mt•s. ·Eldred HouAe anti 'trillut.iuh o( !ht..• rt •,Jduu t.f 1-!Hid t•ntntf•, :>s he play:; 'with hls one-year-old son Colin before sailing -.vith his children wer·e guestS , at the Al Cleans as it lubrlcales H, It~ OrchJul, fh,ll llu: ~lHt 'dny ht' Four Town Corners unit from Southampton,. England. 'l'hc battalion, originally des· ~emke home on Thanksgiving Day. Dt:!'IWmlu..tr, J\, I~~ 1 ~~ 1, at ',•vt>n o'llouk Slmllllriw fm· Wlnfkl't p1 .•vioug tn 11rtitl chty of h•·unn~o: Mr·~. Retnl Cremer entertained I 1 South Cellar Sf rt-et. ~'' Lh~· ln~'h,,n. C11un!y Nt•WI'i, a nr..mHJJU· vlth a liLlie party Tuesday cvc- lon Hicks, Janet ·f!.nd Keith wr.re , ... ~wr. r'rintccl /lilt\ clr·rulnlrl( in.. Mid UC)Uil• 1!ng In honor of hrr r.laughter's, I •ntertaine() at' dinner at the hOtnC. falll!l)' Spent rhanJtSgiVtng With 1 .------;------~ "/lrglnia's, bit·thday an nivet·so.ry. )f Mr. and Mrs.' Cha)'les Stafford' h:s parents, Mr. am! Mt·s. Il·a ~r:: .HtJIN McULE!.LAN, rtmnlcsgiVing Day. _ Faull!net, And were guests of het• A:··Tru~ C•llll': Jodgt• uf P1uhute Mr. and Mrs. Will Ostl'(lnder of h ~ ~ 1 lt9bt•ri IJ. llrn lu~ 'tnckh'"''""" call eli aL. the Gaylor·d I Ml'>;, H~tttle SeelhoU Is spenqlng parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .-.~ , ~~ , ~~'·~~ )t..-Ki!ltur of Pr·obnt,... Uh\·: home Sunday. I 1a1't of this week at the Charles Thomton, Sunday. V?~ _ · ~,?.r'10 ·.-;-:--·oru;F.R or ·r:uill..iCA-riON-- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Donal w1ll 1tafford home. . : . Mt•, nnd Mrs. Leo Sloan enter· I1 - ·. - - ·I'INAI.. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT 'nlertaln the Community Aid, at Mrs. Grace ·Strobel was a guest talne1l thel1· cl11lc.lren anr.l gt·and- • '· ·CURRY-DeKliion uf tinid Cuut·l, h~lcl nt th~ l'tP."e at the Baptist parsonage In Wlnle1·s and baby. Also Mrs. Hen· Probate Uuir:t lu lhr· Clt.Y uf Mnsor•• J. •nts at Thanltsglv1ng dinne!'. Fohlil.CouJily, on the- "i./th day of No\'f'D• , Mlss I;Illda Shulthels,,, of Ann f Williamston Satm·~ay evening, lt·y Petrie, Mrs. Sloan's mother, was 1 For the Man Who lBkes l'ltfll'~.A. V. 19i'il, I rbor· and Miss Llias FJ'Ost, of \ev. Reefe performed the cel'c· with tltem. Nancy rutd Connie J.'•H<•11t: HON', JOWl McCLELLAI\ 'lint were week end guests or -wn.v. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rum- Towsley Ppent the Jattm· patt of Jli4.1t uf PI'Ohnl~.~. '.1t•, and Mrs. Elmer Frost. •mlter atlecnded the -couple. Miss last week n t lhe S!Mn home. 1.t-. tn~ Muttror of tlu... · E:~lnte of RU'fl Automobiles GRACI>: CURI!Y, ncr.•a•ed, Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Gaylord were itrobel Ia tlw daughter of Mrs. . . .. 'fbt-lmt. I•', Mrxtl;r Juwtn~ fillltl In fUll 'hanltsgiving guests of the!t• ·l1·ace Strobel. Davtcl l\fultln,. Howa;-d Wilson tourt h~r fttJill Jl.ccnunt.. '1:i nclmtn•Mt. 'aughter and family In Lansing. Ml's. Grace Stt'9l>el, Virg-inia, :md Noll'is Pon·ler ot .Lansing Proto Tools Duplex Tool Kits trlx, w, w, n. 11r1'J lwr IJtttltii.iBL!CATION "~OCBEATER" SHUTTLE SERVICE-U. s. Marines movo :ghmn county CROP drive, will out to· take up ,Pattie after being flown to the front lines ' SALE OF REAL t:STATE a film on that subject and 'po~ltlons .: .,: , MANN-De<:ombcr 19, 1951 ·ww by the Sikorsky .rising into the air in background, Re­ 1othe1', of Interest to tile cluldren,, helicopt~r Wonderland : ·siat.e of >Lch\gnn. Tho Probate Cou so spe-cial· music. cently, 12 llf the giant ~copters, in n six-hour shuttle operation, ~11,.. wm1am 'J. Clar\te tor:. We:Com.ty ur lm~hnm. m•Jved a ':f.ull.,v-equipP.ed-'bnttalion, of whic!r these men were part, ·18 'd-t-'R 'susHlon of Anid Votut, held nt tl Aid society wlll meet Thursday, .. J'robci~c Ollie• In the Ctty oC Lnnsln11 , eceniber' 6, for dinner at noon miles to a ho1• battle area on Korea's· east-central front, Success Mrs. Muselle and son, Leonard, Midr~~unty, ~~~ ch• 16th du of N~vr.n. ·ith division two serving. Mrs, of thC!·mlsSlOil·msy ·open ;the way for:. more extensive use of .tbe '.nd Mrs. Duc!{'WorLh and fan11ly bo•;,A. J.), l"ul. • "eggbeaters"·, in ground \varfat·e. vere Visitors of.. Mrs. Lucille tPrr.lie'nt, HU,;, JOHN McCLELLAl >hn Edgat" and Mrs. Charles Ju.dRC't()£' Prubnt(l, , · 'avis ·ar·e In charge of the pro­ rooleJ•t, McManus of ·Auburn ll~~.,;Jpl~ttr, ... J\. D •• lft~l,.nt ~;·l•'·~n o'cloc Miss Neva Orr of Fremont vls­ io·:thc forrnoon, at tho·rrol.;:.te Offlco r \ed Mr. and·Mrs. Wsllington O!'r Helghts :wei·e also ,'guests. , Located 4 miles east of Williamston to Stoclcbridge roi!d, Then 1%. miles" south .,or 2 206!W,.fli Snsdllt~W SII·C'r.t, LnnMing, Mtd~ ver the week end. Mrs. J.• Wesley Phillips died miles west of Webberville, then miles south or miles north of Stockb1·idge on Stock· l~rin, be nnd h 1H'rnby :tJlJlolnted fo 1a1·1y S\Uulity mot'nir1g. She was a 1% 12 ht11\rln..:- ~;nid )J('tltl•Jn, nnU thnt u.ll Jlel 'A surprise birthday pa1·ty was ~ootl neighbor, and a good fliend to bridge ~oad. Due to my accident, and being laid up fo1· a long time and unable to properly SOWI lutnrt•toted In ttBid Ctitntc nmu~o.r b~ iven Mrs. Phyllis Weeks at the fura t.tntd rourt, /Lt :-lOll} tnuc nnd pine< 'l'e!'yone. A few weeks 'ago she care for our cattle we to the highest bidder the following consigned personal pr~perty: ~me of Mrs. Victor HilL Host­ will sell to show cr•UM(' v.hy IL lit!l'n~~ lo !IPll tJ >ses assisting her \Verc Mrs. Ken­ cell In her home and broke a hlp, lnt~reKt of 11nill t l:::ltl\tl) tn snltl l'('Hl e !\.fter that she began to fail. Fu· tat.e llfliJ\IlJ IHIL bu ..1-\'I'Hrtl•··l: ~th Hill tmd Mrs. Ray Mathews. 'It Ia Ji'u,·ther (IJdu·~:,\, Thnt.. public Jlf 'welve womeu played euchre with 1eml liel'VIces were held Weclnes- tl~ ... th(•l"t:-of hi) rd\'f:"f! by rmLiiuntlon of igh p1•1ze going· to Mrs. Ear·! lay afler·nom1. ' CWPY o( tbl~ CirCiN"" ft)r thl'at' 1-\UI!Cl'i\Si\' Mr. and Mrs. William Clarlw, 1·~ Head High Gra~e Holstein Cows &. 1nes. ·Mr.'!. William Jennings re­ \Y("t!kf\ lll'tlVIou~ tu =·lid dtt)' of henrwg tr !\.letha and Mary, Mr. ancl Mrs. w:(a ·.Jnghum C.."H\rt~Y NCJW!, n n~wsnnP< ~lved low and roving lone hancl 11rlnt,td nnd clt·cul!l..t(ld ln nnhi C'.Ounty. •t·i.zc. went to Mrs. Phyllis Weeks. Tames Clarl\e, Mr·. and Mrs. Het·- Holstein Cow, 5 years old, bred March .IS, due Holstein Heifer, 2 years old; fresh October • 4 • JOHN McCLBLLA?J '1ert Clal·lte and M1· ...·md ·Mrs. ·S. De.cember 20 A, Tru£> Cony: Jttdt-e'(' of Probntn Mr. Jl.lld Mrs. Ray MatheWB en­ Holstein Heifer, 21 months old, open nuLh SchlliH"'I not. ~rtained 19 members of the Cuy- ':t, G1llett attended funeral sel·v- Holstein :Cow, 6 yea1·s old, bred April 23 , lll'fo\ltY R··~l•lo>· or l'rob,l<• 1lw• 11' family of Notlaway Thnnlts· 'ces In Centel'Ville rast Tuesday Holstein Cow, 3 years old, bred September 10 Holstein Heifer, 18 months old, open -~----~- 'or Ruy Bateman, ·brother of Mt'S, ~i vlng Day. OHDER Al'NliNTJNG TIME William Clarl\e, Holstein Cow, 3 years old, b1·ed September 11 Holstein Heif~1·, 17 months old,.9pen. FOI{ HE:i\RINC. CLAIMS The Orbie Dolbees, Melvin Swan­ 111MON-Jo~~•unry 18, 1952 OilS· and Lawrence Dol bees joinctl Ml'. and Mr~. Maurice Rossman Holstein tow, 5 years old, bred July 31 Holstein Heifer, 10. months old, open .,,, '~ Shown exnmmg the recently arrived "Boomerang" Boolt from Gcl.'­ ·' 'StaW of Mlchhw:\. Tht• .Probnte C.oUr' he Dlck Jewett family Sunduy for 1nr.l fan11ly of Eaton Rapids Holstein Cow, 5 years old, bred March 12 Holstein Heifer, 'to montl:s old, open for' ttiu County of Invhrun. ·. belatepent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Holstein Cow, 6 yeat·s old, b}ed March 1 ' At B lh!thllou or Judd Court, held ht thl College, Extension Set'Vice nnd Michi~,tan CROP Chairman· Eldon .R James Clnt·ke and faml~y. . Holstein Heifer, 8 months old, open · Prqlmt., Otrlct• In th•> eltY of L11nslnF 'Irs. Aggie Thm·ll>y and Victor Burke, former Director of CRALOG m Germany; the Reverer1d Cari 1n the .:mill 1 1~· 1u1 thl') Uth tlny o vere lllso p1·escnt. Mr. and Mrs. Jatl'les Clarl{e nnd Holstem Cow, 3 years old, open, fre&h Holstein Heifer,· 9 months old, open NoVI..!Iti.hP.r, 1110 t. K~y, CROP Regional Supervisor; and Fathet' Bernard C. Ilealum, fall!ilY altendec.l the Towns famlly September .18 ',TOliN McCLELLAN - The following have t.ee11 neither M:chl"'all CROP. Committee Vice Chairman 11nd representaiive Of , bsent· or tardy t11is year: David Cath~lic Rural Life. '·eunlon in Springport Thank.sglv·l Holstein Cow 3 yeaa·s old bred May 1 This is a very, good he1·d ,of young Holsteins. Lbc E~into of LEC 1alzel', Goo1·ge Balzer, Helen Big-e­ lng Day. , . ' ld' fr h M1·s. Claren~e Jolmson Is in Holstem Cow, 3 years .o , open, es All cows that arc in calf are bred to a bull . ~ .u"""""u""••' oourt thnt tho tim· ~w. Dean Caltrldel', Be!'llat'd Mar· lion ol' thelr teachet·, Mrs,· Rey. Mt·. aml Mrs. Basil Sto\lfe were Y•osllanU at the home of her Octobe1· 14 ·!ott and Ray Hill. nolds. Mr. Reynolds, supet·inten· from' H. A. Mille1· & Sons herd of Wil· t•lnlmll ngn.ln11t. sal• gucRts of Mr. nne! Mrs. Very! daughter, Mrs. Willam Moody, who Holstein Cow, 4 years old, bred September 9 ( limited, nnd thnt Pot holders arc being made by llent of schools Alton Stroud and Stowe at Munith Thallksgiving liamston ' is vm·y sick. nprHllntc(l to reeoelv, he children 1t1 the pr•!n1ary room. Miss Showerman were guests. Dny. nil elnlms nnd de A peanut bunt was enjqyed by Miss .JtRly Wygant of Dansville Ml'. 'and Mrs. W. J. Clat·lce, Ale· clcH'(!lUicd by nnd be Earl Elwood of White Plains, 1.ha and Mary, M1'. and 1\frs. S. R. he children on Wednesday. S]lenl Thursday night and Ft•lday Now York, anrl his molhet· of La.n· Gillett, Dot·ls and Lee and Mr. DAIRY EQUIPMENT ~ingle unit .Conde Milke•· and compressor Mrs. Dolbee Visited the b()gin· Wltlt lwr cousin, Shirley Vorce. ~lng were callers at tl!e Basil ,nd Ms. Herbert Clark-e were 1cr's class one morning last weelt. A. P. Richards had the, misfor­ Stowe ]lOme Sunday, Thanltsgivlng guests of Mr. and 11 10-gal. Mill, Cans Can Rack complete with line · . I tune to hurt his !!and while crank­ Mt·. and Mrs. Get:alrl Douglas en­ ing his tractor 'l'uesday. Eleven Mt·s ..Ce

\ I·' .. i'ill'illll· 111 IJilfl'lt 1•1111 llu;., .. l·illl' TB Society Mails · mud:· J\Ir•, tliHI •\olt'R, nnlplt Wet''"' on­ of' "''"l'Yihing lhnl lntn l••lc1• 111. 'l'llnni(Hglvlng lhu gne~ lel'lnln~cl / Christmas Seals hml hlli'H nnil l'nmlllos ot' MJ•s, Wub- ·/·Stockbridge Michigan Bell JIIJII!lU /!0)'1'11!~·-··WJif\OH, lllll[l)l'illfH, ll!' 'tuxn~1 111 lll(yt·rH:ItDtin•fl'," MOi'l1 tllflll HI,DOD punplu In fng. ,Mt•, lliHI Ml's, HniW1'1 Crwls,nnll 'l'l11• c:ommlij~hlll Plnlrnod It hnrl Balks at Ruling 11 llnlll COllllty Will l'C!f!CIVu C!ll'l~lllllll'l Hlli\H Hjll'lli. 'l'illl/li{Hg'fl'illg !Jny Wilh l!l8dt1 g'('IHIJ'OIIil IJJIOIVIlllr!nH" 111 ltH HBfll!i In ~he' mnil thiR weol1, no· ll>ft·, nnrl Mt'H, .lno Coi'Ls or LJJHI!r•, (' 1 . C'l 1 lll 1 1 '1'1\•1 l\llehlg-nn B11ll tiJ!nphOJw nl'del' hill. nrlm!ttml thnt no Jll- mn·cJing· to Don Wlrlrmnn, oxemt- Mt•, nnd Mr·:;, Hulph Welwt•. nnrl ·h Iii :-ilurl~· 'Lll ' '1.~ I'OIIIflllll,\' IH 'fll'•''flJJt'wl 111 ronluHI nn lowat)l!l; hnrl l>~en mnrh1 fnr lhn tlvo stwr·ottii',Y nt' the JnlflHtlll chilrlren vlsil.<'d Ml'. 11n<1 MI'H, Hny Services Held for 'l'he next Child Rliidy ellth, Mnn-1 onlur of til•' Jllllllin :wt·vl1:e l!nnmtiH• , w fi2 JWI' rnnt fl1llornl w ·pnt'll• Oouniy 'fllhOi'CIIIosls nnrl Henlth I-loil'l11dHH 111. Nnpnlenu Sundn,v, 11 1 du,v, Dr•eombot• :J, . will bt1 11 7:00 nlon l'llllljlit•lulv rhlt!Ying· t.lw corn- l.ton lncnmoJ lnx, 1tho1 tn:• ~oelety, F'tllHl.H J'!'fltn tho, ~nlo•nC' · ------...... ___ - Alt.J ou~h n'clnolr dlnnot• nl Lee'H.· 'rheru will pnny'H IIJlpllon'uon .fm· ·n rnlo ln- wnH marie efl<•ctlv 1 IIA nr lnst th1l Hertls nJ·e nseci to t!III.IJ. l.llbot·- Roy Marten bo n glfL cxt•lwnge not to irlnc•t·, rlirl nnl prtrt il'lpHl<• in tlw let•, Mt·s. Mol'lha Lung oJ' Ligonier, lll'd \YIIlltlllls IHIVe reliiJ'nerl Wilh "rnlls to J'ecogn1Zl1 I! \II t inl!u lion ; s , Hon~ n rlny, Tlitl The t·eglllnr Novembot• buslnoHs Inc!,; his morllCt', Mrs, TIJthtl Mur- their rice!'. l11rs l1il l.hc'J.elephonu ltHhJ.~lt•y .Ju.;, 1 11 11 11 0 rllsenHe en H ·' mncllng ot' lho lng-lwnr lnwqshlp lin oJ' .lnckson: nnrl two lll'olhet·s, DJ•, 0Hcllr flli!Hnn of Hunlinglon, HH It lit" nil huslnuss, Downing· St., lmditinnnlltnlllll nt' mot•e rlualhH thur: extension club wno hell! lllnndn.v TIJnt'l of Bt·owns Lnllc, Alld Hoger Ind., spr•nl. rt·um Werlnc•srlny I "MIdl\l'nlud 11L f·lnrvnrld I X-t•ny pt•ogTnm i.n cxpnnrl the erlu- lila \\'Ot'llshop on bnsl: se,..iccs wot•c held Sunday nt 2 p. rlerson. schools tllld to continue to sup1wt:l nntl M1·s ..Jmms Hrdgwny 11s ln- I 111. with Rev. TIJmery otl'lr•lntlng-. Ml's. latva Pt·nNoJ' nnd Mrs. Iia ,-----·--=------~· .. Uw rehnbllitatlon pt'O"rnm or snn- st,·uctnt·s. . I But·lal WfiH In lhc Tnpckll ceme- Hohesotl \\'Ct•e hostesses ttl II HUll- ill Ch . ~t a ' lttorJum,. ;mtient.s, Wltlemntl l!X- :l'hc unnut.l~ Clll'lsln~:ls r:'''~Y wl~ll 'tet•y, , shine Hhowet• _hcmor,ing- llll'il' His- TlS pltllned; . . be, Decem bet 17. lifts. ,fLriJ I :'lfc-, I et·, Mrs. Dons WhJltlelcl nf Ann Jr.l.erry . m s. '!'hose· :who do not r·ecrilve·,,e !s ~:lbe is hostess Willi Mt·s. En10st llatll'r'J's lla1'1: Opr•n linuS(• Arbor, at lhe home or I heir· moth- ' 11 1 llu·o.pgh' the lllllll nwy gf!L th~m il,v r1tt:+< Hnd Mrs. Donal Pnt·k~ ns­ A-BOMB OVER MOSCOW-This picture,- l~hl,~l~ · appca~cd ~in' D1·, nne! M1·s. Raymond Dunce!', er, Mt·s ..lunnie C:mnt. wt:ltiri" 'the Inglwm Cn\lflty 'r(rlm·- slsl111g. AL the Der•embcr mcellng­ wll11 his three sisters, Mt·s. R. K. GucRts at the L11 Roepc-lw home cu]osis nncl Hef),lth ~or.iety, ~M lhe secret. pal nf cnch nJ('IllbOi' wrll ~oilier's mognzlne,: depicts• the devastation that could be w!·ought 111 Moscow by, an nlomic bomb dropped in a t·ctaliation,. nttiiCk,! Bt•nund nr Clevclnnrl, Ohio, Mts. Jasl Ji'rirlay evening-, were Mr. <111<1 Hollloter· building-, Lnn~lng-. he; reveal eel. There wrll be a sec- A. of Cnirlwatcr; nnrl Mrs. Phillip Ct•lppcn nnrl Christine, Mailing Days ._.______ontl wori{s!wp ln complete wnt'l{ The p • Olds Road Community l'Ufll't' (lnlli'C'IIun l'lannerl )lh•H, )~!mer Ot.J~ niver·saJ'Y of lheit· parents, Mt·. anrl 'riclJ'Prl with their parcnls, M1·. and Mrs, cembct• :1. Only on~ cent mot·e per cal'CI were a~so cltnner g-uests. j 1\li:;s Bnt·barn M11llins rnlet·- Olund Slanfielrl. All persons wishing t.o aid Amer- Adds to the personal appeal M1·. anrJ Mrs. Harold Hannewald 1 tninecl in hct• house tn1il~t· Snlur­ ------ican ltclicf for Kot·c•u at•e aslmbcr 20, 1901, nl her· moth- Fucnll's, Parral, Chile; 'foshluki I'I.r•;"l."s"J•"~-.:sc:,.-::,,-::-.,:::,.:':'it t~. ,:-;l,::;.i:::r,-:.. t,..., -:;,(,.,'1-::-a :::"-:-:,:::n':'::t ;;il~f:::,.":::n:::t-z;S:::c·c~-,::-,l:-:-HI..--::1:-:cll:-:;ci"'T"'I~ti~,.d I from a injut·ed wrist due to being rnenls. Guests inelllrlcrl Ftose Cnch­ ('lass lllllll. lf )'Ull lll:tiJ Sl'\1!1'111 lrol·fi'I'S lit' tlllt' tiiiH' l'llh· cr's lwmc, Mrs. Cora Burrell'. Yamada, Chiik11sa-lw, JapHn and 1 liS~ hit, with a steel stanchion as he t'llllC, Bnrbar·a Pm·t•inc, Nnncv An­ Their attendants were Mr. and C:oro f{assahH1'a of Maebashi, ,<111'1' hands to Jwl1l tl11•m to~rc•tlrt•r· and ll•:tl'l' at Uw witHlnw. Wil.s letting the cows out. her home Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Otis a nell t.ertaincd the o1Ticor:4 of Dansville from the Detl'Oit Osteopathic hos­ INTERNATIONAL Christmas Gift sons were guests at dinner Sun- Chapter No. 90, 0. E. S. al 7:30 Ci.lstomon these days. Here, owner <•nd irainer John Leyland's so11 pital. Jncldc, holds "!liver Scotch," os Fnmcis Flynn gives the animai HARVESTER I ( rlay of Mr. and Mt·s. Ft·e;P Quian- p, '111. Monday evening- for dinne1·. ·M1·. ancl Mt·s. W. G. Reeves are lbe shop's fi vr: buck hairc~1t. ton of Rives Junction. Th~ rlinneJ· was in hnnor c.r lho, ------on a. trip through Texas and the I Mr. and Mrs. Loren Love spent junior past matJ·on, Cecile Olson. i' western states. last week at Grand lakp near Al- The table wns rlocoralerl with ·M1·. nnd liii·s. Alva Beeman and pena. as guests of Mr. and MJ•s. liJFht~d candles an:! b!ttet·s;vcet.l Luella spent 'l'htiJ·sday afternoon I The. Whole Family Robert Fellows, VJstttng was the cltvcJ'SJon of the with their cousins, Mrs. Nellie Joe Love has been transfenerl evening, The guest was ]lt'escnlerll' Ft·anlc and Mt•s. Viola Brace· n t I ,, wit it a pu t·se of money from her HowelL to Detroit with the Michigan Bell olrtcet•s. There wet•e Hi members I Telephone Co. present. I •Mrs. Thelma Vol£s spent the Will· Enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Lot·en Love enter­ weel< end with her mother, Mrs. Lillie Cook, while her husband tainer! nL Thanksgiving theit· chit- 1\[J·s. Donn Mcarl and claughte1·, I was nor·th deer hunting-. dren from Grand Rapids, Hi!lst ~ KttllHa,, Cll,Y, :MIHHOIII'l, formot•Jy of Farmer Peck's C.vpl'BHH, nPtW ttuly, viHitocl Mr. unu Enter Contest Ml'li, II, J. ICnm Tl!eHclny, Tho " Penona~ Km·nH Hpont 'l'hnnllsgtvlng Dn,v Wife with Mt•, rtncl MrH, Pnttl .Jm·vts nl On Apple Pies Jnclt~on, PJ-wmnm BAn.'l'T~mTI r-roNon.JTiu Mrs. Alton Stroud Mt•, nml Mt'H, .John Lay Plll~l'· Mombci'~ ol' the slnl'f ot llw · , ~ttlno,lnt cllllllot' 'l'hnnlloglvlng Da~· Junior Study Club Plans for Mrs, .Jnmes Hulett nnrl M1·s. Wunwn'H hu~•· IH 11 a·u••Jwi! Nol;wn Bt·own ol' Mason fll'~ listed Ml', Ullfi Mi'ft, Chlll'ie~ lJ!I,V nninmucl fi'Oin "Home,'' its mertnlng and whut It V S · d 11ono1'8 n t county fn!t·s Ol' the Htnte • t tl 1 1 ll 1 •rtnu·sda,y .MJ', nnd Mt•s. Cn l'l ntght, Dcccmbct· 7, nccm·cllng- to any .Tnnlot• Chllu Sludy cluh mcm· QWS 0 IemnJZe • l'OIIId bo, WHH ptcsenlc~l by Mrs, "all·. quit buying· for nwhll<" unttl lite~· bnlloons n le cell ng, te gt·n l JN Blnclmroa·ew~t·e llllcl ,Jnmes, Mr. nnorifti'CI, Mrs, Hlchntd Heft oshn!cnls were HCJ vert Col· untll Jnnuni·y llt·st and If some· Snlly had to be ~tnclc to the cell· Tl·nvetso Call• nne! Ml', unc! Mrs . fOI' tnformnl clnnclng from nine to Bmwn, Mt•s. Snm Cotton, Mt·s, '!'he bt•irle wore• a tnn ."1111 wlll1 •nrulo nl n bnnquet the night ol jnn flC'Cl':i!iOl'ic:-~. Hm· r on-;Hgr• wa.., lowing the meeting b,v Do1·is Bnll· ')ecembet' 5 with the winners lh€ thing i]appens to these two new lng, too, 1 Donald Wlllinms nntl Don1111 Mn1 io, one, li'l'allll Gue!•riPm Hnd Mt·s. Rlr-hrud pllli'H I llflve-- guess I'll hnvc to She Is gelling to he qnite ani • 1, Ollw1 <'I nb members nRststlng mac.lu up ul ,\'allow 1 osellurlo. II l· cv, 1\Tt s, Cordon I!Jrlmonds ancl guests of the State IIortlcultwal 11 Manis HelVe on the llcl,ot commll­ l.cnclnnts of lhe c•o11ple were 1\fi'­ Ml'H. Rule Post. "oc:iety, ,t y home or go you-l)now-how. at mlul and he snlcl ll1ls wns tlie INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 'With llw drcfllutlng ate Mrs. HoiJ· tce. I've Lt·ierl cveJ•ythujg to mnl1e lnHt lime 11e could ever• rio it. Sh0 p Chnrlcnu Wysonf• II!lei V11H'en I 'l'hr• rwxl mol'ling will he IJeid al Miss Rose Hogue, home ec•ono• them lnRl. I alwn.vs by two lclentt· II Ices to clh'nb and the Idea of hnng- Novembet· 29, 1951 age 4 Gllltl'rie, also ol Tro~ve'"e Ctl y, llw ltr!lllc 111' l\!t·"· Roger Klm·steucJ. rmt HI Centml Mlehlgnn colleg-e, nn D<'l'embcr 17 A smotgnsbord cnl pau·s 11t a time, 60-guuge "' lnrr fl'om Uw cclllnt:: delighted hm·. DJJWHDA Y IS HONORED lift', Willifuns, fm•nw1 l'f'Ritl<•nl ''' Mtss Rachel Acree, homo- econo­ thoy. s~em to resist snags bettet, 'I' he hailoona stayed there nil Mnson, IH lhP son of M1 111111 Mt,,, mfor t we 1eceJvecl from clfllly I( Mrs . .Johri Hogle n t tr ndod Ute [Clark I-J.J ll; Ch,nles, Glen and Bet- '1irthday nnnlversnt·y of Louis Yti• chairs. Well, what are we going to! prayer. ' •in a co 1 lie · t,, To, l\Tr. unci Mrs Ivan Lal'llet· 1 hasz. do about tt? .?r cloes;l't that neenon. 111tl ff;mtly ol Det1o1t ancl Mt·. ancl !'1mzlr of Hamilton, Ohto, Mt'ri. tong lime. Sally hns kept one f01 Clements Flower Shop Ju•nph• who want t" to do ttwl!· IJortmils, ~1m'l g1•t In dnrlng the Mr. and Mt·s: Ray AJ(k~ man \[t s. CLH enf'o Green nncl Albert '1egma Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. five months and plays With at much Flowers For All Occasiona cla)", l~n·nings st'r•m In Ill' hottrr fm· family ga·onJIS lo~bout getting !tis ptctm·es 111 t1me week w1th heJ (\,(ugh I cr. }.[1·, At·- '\'ill !I Judson and family spent 1nc! family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul for Cllt·'"tJ'ws -We'1•c adclecl to oul' staff tl11s year-ancl wtth tlnn· Bunlwr, and fam1iy willie At·· -3'1nlt '¥· . while then· husb.mrls · IVCJ ,, in 1 nHl tnmtlv of Clm Its ton. ~she, left Monday for Fort northern Mil·hionn elect· hltntm·' M,tJOI' Genet a! nne! 1\IJ s. Ro,v V. ',vet·s, Flol'IC!a. They plan to re­ 1\Tr. ,wd Mrs~ Jay Ba\'h"ll a;1.J ~~cl~aJLl, ;Mrents of M1s. Robert 'll n the tmclclle of April. d 1 t . 1 M .. d ~r'1 ., T-Imes .IL Shoemaltet, vtsttccl at the homE M1·. and Mrs Doyle Burges,<; anci Como "•oom" aug t et anc t. Ull . , of Mr. ,mel Ml's. U. B. Shoemake! ·•mily, Mr. and :Mt·s, Ben Hog-an o/ Ju'• • Arnold of Brooklyn ~vere ~ue~ts 1t Sunday. The Hicklll'ds recently e­ wirh p/only ol toom lor I 1 'lnsmg and Mr. and Mrs. Floyo ,..,,, .,. .. ,,,...,, dinner Th;mlcsgiv•n, Dn\ ol Ml 1tlllleci to the Ulllted Stntes fron, 01 ~mgess were guests of Mr, and ~~l~e;.-;;\·~~~~~~~git ~~~~g- d~~- ~;~,eo~~~:. Germn.~y whet o he has been head · trs. R. E. Donne of Lansing' fo, 1 L G · 1 1 , ,1 of •pcctal servwes. -hnnksgiYing rlmner. and Mt·s. He1 l81 ,em as Cl an.ll\1 , 1 M .. Hnt'I'Y Willett en­ Mt• and Mts. William Holler anr' .d'• .,.,., 1w Mason. /w. ~ lf"ro d.. k. Tee! Lee for dinnel' Thnnk>glving and fa~mly or Sl Louts spent s.un­ Wier·~••" woork. lo Mr. and Mt·s. Gem·ge Graham f•• Tloe lobio'r 10 •lwon Erectot• and Mr. and Mrs; on.l A bridge Mt, a desk, a gcNM :Ma· and Mrs. Don Stoneham or ancl MrR. Dougla§. Fry. of I~olt 11~Jc Hnll nnd Gary of Lansing. "room,'' l?gcj's home office, o portable Lansin~ cnlettained 'MI' nnd Mrs. spent the week end Ill Mto huntmg , Mr. and Mt•s. Geor·ge Deuel were Clare Raymond. Thanksgzving Day. deer. , •uests fat• Thanksgiving dinner of dining room, a sewing set, a bar ... ond Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Millet nncl Mr. nnd Mrs Ehne1• Olts nnd '11'. and Mr·s. Tony Slusser and mwhmore. family of LRnsmg, .Jimmy Coole- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard_ Ot1s aa!d 'nmily ,ef Lansing. . Mt·. and Mr.q, ·Gordon Edmonds son of Jacltson, Jess Wiclrlis of De- .~ons of Leshc and Mt. and M1 s .. ~ ,, ,; ···~ trolt and Mr. and Mt s Jncl1 Qerald Martin and scms of Rives 'ntertaincd as their guests for ..... _., .. electrlcell:y weltletl -""'••• , ...... , O'Bet'I'Y and son were Sunili!Y call- .T\mction were Thnnksglvmg Day 1'hnnksglving dinner Mt·. Rnd Mrs ers of 'Mr and M1 s, James Quinn. ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert '01·en Edmonds, Gat·y and David, ..... Mr. and Mt·s. Eugene Rtbby and Ballard 'nnd fam1ly. "nd Bonnie Edmonds. Bonnie t'e· • -•lltollle, ...h•·r•til ..llt Yfllp' Gemlct spent tltc .. Thanksgiving· Mr_. and Mzs .. Enoch Bcel;e en- tlu·ned to Western Michigan col­ ...... , ...... lllet')' 'r.ge Stmday nfter visiting her par­ .end 111 Hart·lsml Vistting Mr. tertumed as thetr guests_ foz Sun­ • ..,illeoe•alliH, ...... , ....,., ...... Mrs: Bessie Walters entertailtNl dny. clinne1· M1·. and Mrs. Ctaqde ~nts 'fat' the Thanltsglvlng· holi­ Mt s. Ruth Mcl{ee of Holt Sun- Perrin. _ , rlays. day, . Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Aldctman, Mrs. E. G. Ellsworth is recover· Mr. and Mrs. Cm·l Bm·to .s.penl Sr., entcrtaiQed 1h'. and Mrs .. Eat·J ing from pneumonia. , ' Sll!ldny m Ashley visiting Ml'. and Alderman, Jt·., and family at din­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe LqPresta of Mrs. Frances :sliaflcn and fnmi,IY- l!el'_ Thanltsgiving Dn:t· Hillsdale were callet·s Friday of M)". and Mrs. Elgin G. Ellsworth. A.B. 'Ball' Trustworthy Furniture . . ~'"'-".l(>./"":l("-.'l~C"".,!J@.."',)~~~~~ ... News of t/ie ()hurche~ Oakwood 1\lrH, llnl\'ltl'll llnr&'hilll•l lhtll, 402' Rev. RFtynwnd L. Nm•ton of the I Billies t11c1 t J,onvt• tlnllHIIIII noonnlng 1 Rhephct'tng of l.mmd position, WnH g-Iven n gilt hy tJw nncl hlstrll'\t!!i In 1'\wJgc• M1•a t•m•m, ftr.v, L.oytl Cru·nwny of 1 glhel Wn\1!\ns. S!lnciny sl'\wnl will I 0 11. 111.: e•hurcli Hchnol 1 J ::lO n ( Jt\lrlJ•j•n A lunch WfiH RCI'\'C(\, C!l,; WOI'.~h\p Hf•J'I'it•e, 3 ;:10 p, Jl1 !10 Bnptl~! f'!lUt'l'h )prJ the Rilllf· !J,, nt 10·~0 11, 1n, 0col'gc Vnn DCJ· Mr•s, .lnn1c" Cnol hrtH he<'n hlr•etl to fi'l'iclii,V pl'ftycr ROI'Vir•e 8 p, m. g, Ht•v, Hugh P1rtnnm of the flrliHtl tho school yon I' nJOJ'){ Is sllpcr·lntcndont. T'J'Uyer 'hurch of the NE17.nrcno rend tho I llll'etlng wrll bo held 'Phru·sday l'l'ip tUJ'C 1\fr· nnd Ml'~. Tom Kclloy and evening~ 00 p 111 at lion clml'eh; Wllllnm~tnn lhl)rtiNt, llnr•old lhclt· lamiiy mot Ill hr>tnc " , •• t h e1·e' were certain. came, , .' u.ch· Youtlo !Pollowshlp HUnle I1Dlll', ftoi'HO, fJoiRtOJ', Uilll!'Oh HC'ltoo) l 0 Greelu among them that The Bn[lliHt trio mndc up ol' I fo1· Thnnltsgivlng p m., fu!JowP£1 by pmyer mw a number of tin lamps placed on the desks. All were con \il'H, Pnul SeJJCrer of the Nazarene .Ju~lor• YonLh l<'cllowshlp, ·l :00 p. 'OJVIf'B R p. m 'thlrtl Wccin!llldny. .1ected with a common source of power overhead. The teacher •hurch ~nng n solo. She wns uo­ Till! ty no~mhct·s o[ the Mut·shull n1.; Set11or Ynulh I?P!\ow:;fllp, li:OO {,udJe.~ trnlon, 2 p, m. In homes. 'ompnnlcd by Mt·s, Ft·erl Fuller•, family mot ut lhe homo "r Mr·, nnd p, m. Chnl! JH 11cllf'e Weclne.~tluy, ~xplainecl that sometimes the room was darkened in order tc IMt'H )o'r<'fl MIIJ'Shull few 'l'hnnkH· 7 p. m ; .lr1111nr choir pnrty !<'l'J(Jn,v, ;how a film or lantern slides, Then the desk lamps wcl'l giving rllnnct·. Ht•httlvcs (r·ont Do­ \\'lllian"lnn \\'<,;h•,vun :\fl'>lhod· 1ecded. trt•il, Ct·ogoi"Y, Munllh, Sluclt· l~t. Brll'l<, C, R Mlllm·, pustor. Dist. No. 3 Wheatfield hrlrlgc nnl\ While Onl< Wt•ro Jli'CH· 'Vm·:Unclancc On that primi­ Mnnlgnmct·,v fnm\ly has mc,vorrlck f1 right regnrdlesa of what otherH 1 '''''l'ill~. confess ron~ nny lmtor ic Cen-~-- mako the grade to eternity and lt tho mrllro,ns of out· fellowmen enjouwr[ to Jove out· ncr~hlml and ety Thmsday. Everyone should tml Eureklll 'n1mc wllrch hogan or· INGHAM COUNTY NEWS · Wlllium'l"n :\"!Utll'~trt•, R••o D tho new earth-you will hn ve vlw: hnrl lttlle or· nothmg La eat? so1 ve hom Ill lit~ need, like thr talte a 25-ccnt gifL for exchange cratoons 111 1860. Novembet· 29, 1951 Page 5 to bo considerably "dilferent"T Miller·, pastor.' Churrh SC'hooC ]( 'Veic it pooslh\e, would you hnve GOerl Foreman OUT LA5T ter· by it." Why of N,1zi nncl Communist hrutnlrty Catlwlrc, Lutheran ancl P1 olcst wd grrls were Thunl,sgiving Day WEEK'~ "'" every fit'Rt Hn tllfllllt Cor! for• Cht•rstJnn~ m the 'Irs. Ella Jrculosis Cln·islmas Seal dollnJ•s ·hm·ge. EJ\'cning servtce 7:30, • ~11'. and M 1R, Roger Ch.mcl! and ent.'' The esteem of fellow men People's seo·VJcc, 7::30 p. m 1 pl aye1 r 111 1 Mr anrl 'Io~" I~t·anlc thus helped ease and shm·teu the Ia here and now. The gentle ricli- ,er vice Thursday, 8 p. m. ~~~::~t ~~~~~rng Wedn~sday ol'e· Skatmg Party 4on e am . " ·'· ,9 · , · b 1 1 Church and fanuly and Mt, anrl II minute 1lOlli's spcn 1 m cc 1 s 1c cule of neighbors is so keen ami \j:rs. Lestct· Procus and famtly of said. ron!. Eternity is so fat• nway, it OnuudroJru C11mmunil.r, Hev. F. J'lr·•l ('hur·c·l~;;;:~ri~t. :oi<•lj•rrlisl, / A t•oller skatmg pou·t:v Is be!ll!' facltson spent Saturday evening um A I 1eerns, and so en!. Too often Kl'li'rml, pa~tn1·. Sundnr sehno, \tnsnn, holds ~ervtr.es HL the planned for· the Youth Grnnps rof ',\tllh Mr. ancl M1·" Frank Church, p II I. S h j wo decide to fall in with the nt tO·On and wo1 ~hlp sct'I'Wc R hutch, cotnc1 of Oal; nncl Ba t•nes the Mason Presbyterian, Method· 1'hcy were gue~ts of Mr. ariel Mt~. 0. OK C 00 cures •carry-itis' !lfOWd, a11d brny om· <'onvwtion~. 111:00 a. m \J•eets, even• Sunday H t 11 00. ist and Baptrst chU!'ches. 't ;hester Church of DeWiLt for l'~Lkici:i (),unplll'li II It is an easy way, a ~oothmg 1nnday sehoo) 1~ held rlmtng the The Palom>Jt' Roller Gm·clens ~llnclay dinnet•. Tho oc<'aston was This f11mous' top qua.l1ty has one ot way; but it is an insidiously L11t lwmn ('httt'l'lr In i\lason. Le ·et·vices for pupil.~ up to the age 1:135 E M!Cho~nn Lnnsmg· have 'he family Thanksgtvlllg d1nner I.Jt>\eli,Y, ll!a1 rlrnn, Darlene Hrlil. the l<>west ash contents known ... deadly way! ~ton Mrmorwl H.tll, S . .Jctfet HOI 1f 20. Wcdneschw evening n;eeting. heon secut·ed f~r Tuesdny, Decem- ttHI farewell party fnr llrr. and Hnrl Chel.\'1 C'oilAJ .r\1 rntsHet! Hehool less than a bushel per ton. It, adds -;tloJel. Waller F. Kocpplin, pnsto1 ! 8:00 lnr·Jurlcs teslmtonws ot ber 4, i·:w to 10:30 p. m. Young Mrs. Lester Proc•us anrl family. hccaUHc nf stclcnch last wcel< l convenience to the exclusive coal-ad­ The true way, the right wny, tlll'tne sel'viccs at 9 15 R. m .• 'Jh11stoiln Scren<•e hea!mg. A ;11th· people age 12 nnUHI lessly cut off from ~oeiety! It or South .Jerfet·solt nne! Chc1 r: \Its Dctwood Cdrn, clner.tot ur 1\It•s Ft·ccl Bt·own ·and family amtl,v attended u lmnily gather was terribly emba!'l'nssmg to Pe­ streets at 10:30 Sunday moming ng a l lhc home of }1-fr. anrl Mn, nHHk. Sunday .wotsi11 P· Mrs. Nell Cltnc ancl Mr. dlld Catcchr,;m elasse, Will be at 1 :af mot·nu1~ Toe Bullen on Thanlc..~glvrng Da,l' ter; he actually swore in Jei1ial lO:OO; scr mon, "The Ougm of Je- Mt ~. E . .J Blnkely c,tlled on 1\Ii'' thnt he had evet· known Jesus. at the Legoon building Satut clay. ~'he gt•oup had a family ~howe1 1<' •lls." Organ-piano prelude, :'The Ina Dm~dson ~'r·rclny, 'On Simday he aftern:>on for 'M1 anrl Mt·~ What was tl nc thetl is true to­ loly Ctty," by Arlam; anthem, M1 s Sarah Ellrott nml son, Cccri, ,\UJ'j•Jius C••nt<•r 8UJltl~t. Rt'V 'tir·ha HI Eam cs, who wcr c rccon til dill'• The wmneo·s of eternal life :bhllc!ren'R Pmyer," by Hun per· \Ve1·e cnlltJt•s thc\'c. Grlbet·t !>tlles, paBtor. WoJslur '11art•!ecl, will be all of tlwse who deter­ Jen'cl(; offel'tmy, "The Twenty- Mt· ami Mb Amr TJYll'ill enter· fi. m:, 1 M1·s. Anna LcSene.v waR a grtcs· to be "difl'er. Se!'VICC b nt 11::!0 Will BRAKE LINING mine. l'hur·ch school preceding at 10:30• 'hit'd Psnlm," IJ~·~nlotte; postludo, tHinr.rl n\1 !hei1· chrlchcn llncl'gt·and· 1f Mr, and 1\Irs. L. m Thompson o• \ ent" enough to ftnd What 'C,bHslmas Volunfary." A\1-Uhm·ch rhildren <1nat 6:00, lntermecltate 'Youth 1\IJ•s, l\1. V. IJutler You Live Al'ter Yuu !)\<•?) 8:00 p. m. Rev . .James Ntxon wrll r.oyd, G. Carnway, pastor. George Fellowship fat· juniot• high youth 1936-1948 ·Models: tEll about ~he Munith D. P's, Mm tlnnn, ohoit· director, Mrs. L. meets m lhe junior assembly toom. Mt·. and 11~1 , Rus:;ell Stov91' ruul This I• No. 9 of a scues, tellong briefly of 8 tho beloefs o nd hopes of 750,000 of your :), Cara1vay, organist. 10:00 a. m, Scmot· Youth F'ellowship meets for family wer·e guests ThanltsgivlnE Sovonth-doy Ad•enttst neighb~rs ond frlond1, Nnrlhll't'Nt Stoc•lthrldgt• Conmm- 11ornmg worship; Communion youth chmr rehearsnl directed by Day of M1·, and Mt·s. 'Will Rtsch, nity, Carron Foltz, lJaRtor. Wor. let·1•icc with mcditotion by the Mrs. Tennar.t at 6:00. Wor•ship Russell Stover left Tuesday !01 , , • ." , CLIP THIS COUPOI>I • 1 o o , ship sen•lce 9: 15; sermon topic, na stor. Junior chut·ch ·for children period lll charge of the youth and 'Jeer hunting 1n the nm th. · ''Healthy Hope;" chmch school •mder 12 ,Vt'al's of age. 11:15 a. m. a recreatiOn petJOd in the social Mr". alHI Mts. Robert Lnrclie and FORD CHEVROLET 10:15. Sunday school; 6:30 p. 111. Youth hall. , Chnnoel c•hoh· rehear·sat ·aml!y wm·e guests Thflnltsglvmg • •• .BUICK ' Fellowship gl'OUps for both junior Thursday at 7:80 In the chut·ch. Day of the latter's mothet· in Lnn- Board o! edueatJOn meeting ,in;., OLDSMOBILE \'nnto\l'n Communllr. Cm1'on and seniot· ago youth: 7:::0 p. m. • PONTIAC HUDSON Folt?., pa,tol'. Church school, ~vemng worship. Good singing Wednesday night nt i:OO !n the 11'h, nud Ml's. 11I. V. Bullet·, Tee! • - 10:15; wol'Sh!p se!vtce 11:15; ser· with spe~lal nmsical numbers, church office. Final plans will be 1nd MiFs Vil'tue Cmwel Fpent Sun­ mon topll), "Heal'tlty Hope." P.J!stor·'s scrmon, "Domg His Will." made for the Christmas obset·v- rlay with M1·s. Cel!n Butler ami Ina MERCURY ance. Official boal'd mectittg 'n 'mnst Lansmg, Mr. and Ml's. M. THE.EASIEST and n1ost help­ ful way to a satisfy1n9 Bobte nun•l"lll•• l\lt•ituuiiNt, Rev. Sam· Stn<'ldoJ•hl~tt• l't·t~~~~~·tcrlan,. Dr. F: Wednesday night at S:OO in the V. Butler spent Sunclny nfle1noo11. knowledge ever dcs1gncd. Be lnform~d ucl Seizort, pastor. Church school C. Behner of -the P1·esbyterlan church office, The "Football Bust" 1nd evening with Mt·s. Verna But­ about the grcalcst of books. LClsscns can 10:00, G. E . .Manning, superint'en-, church will use as his sermon honoring Holt' football tenm nnd te1· nncl Mr·. nncl Mrs, Chmle:; be quickly completed, ClOd will be cor· band, sponsm·cd by Men Butler nlld fnmily in Detrott. rect

sold let~ !udo ! IV y but tile l CUROll t H their d ~mlsst 1 1~ not so easily f 1 g ttcn on Capitol HJll "' And hvlcc. wH11ln . 60 •lays, tlu rc Jul.\ e been retroris t 1om J qmn that the ohl wm ld Jlllner ~~ elting mono110ih H interlocked before thew •r with tofelgn mon­ opolies arc •cnm tlH nc * * Many !eel MucAtthtl* pollcle~ on Tap! nesc eeonomJc tqfowt \\Ctc the tc lteasqn why he wns ~t odds with the Stote Dept

Now the Ba!U~h* * *J)l css sc• vice confirms this w!U1 a 1 e)JOII tlta~ rour ot the giant JatJnncse 1om panws that tornwl the giant J atranesc flnaru Ia I mono~uly htle announced they ulll merge .. ~; dn * * • 11 c Brrl1sh tepmt says that these m nnpt !reo we1 e lp'/kcn 1 [l by M lCAt lh111

.Early ill the* *01 *I UIHLIIOil lhe An exposure ol !he torcH report relates MM Arthur set IJOth a~ borne and abroad ~cek· up an antl•tru~t dlvislou to brenk 111~ to lie ,.u bu~lneso llnance, UJJ these monopolrc~ as they were mdu~h y and agrlcullure lqlo held 1 eSIIonslble for bringing sutrer monopollc11 Is In order be­ about Japanese ,ggresslon lore anything 1s ratified m~nr through thelr puppet lojo on Cupllol 11111 believe 1here may not be lut•le to rubber M~cAttlmt *w * 1s *probably MtUrnJI recent adlons

In 1231 the Golden Hovde of Genghls Klla.n swnnned across the Yah1 r•ver in one of tile first lh­ vnsiOns of Kot en. Since then Ko­ rea.n hl~Lo1 y hall been mm ltcd by a series of mvaslon.s INGHAM COUNTY l'l£WS Novombet• 29, 195l 'P11B'e 7 South Aurelius and fire Preve~tiom and· (MI · 1 Grovenburg Hmltlr 111 T,nn~l•·~· 1'<11' dln11~1· flllll• ,., North; Onondagfl • lin,\' . M•·~. llowunt Nm th nr'·r· n, h. Ji'I(,IH ' M1. illllilllr•, 111111 IIIIAAOI', Duvirl Holt News I 1 IIIII ,lll,\11<1 Wi>llt lrl lhc homo or Nt•, .... J\1;, 111111 'M'I'H. WellH C0cillltll'. or .. D·e·~~s~se ·1 '@. ~~~oD~ bm t~imnd J\ I tjllli IIIII I• I 111111 1'.111 Lt•oJ, 'llld Mt'H t:, 11 ·J Mill•••· in LIIIIHIIIJJ' ,.. By lUra, 'Iornost nurlew - l'hono san~ dflli g1111- nn fJI!lnnlttiglv g, .w.-.. MJ•, l3, lltJ~IIlltt, ~PI'lll ~lnlllldii,Y 111 Lnnhing- I'IH!Io!l fltlll MI'H, H. Ji'JJ'IJ Jll'OV<'IltJCJ~l'it~ 1lllf!i1]1Cll'll\lll]llll't o!' l']ljjJ <]pJ'fii)K(I, fl' ' lfl\' nl lh,. !intltP ol ltiH JUil'olll:i, """'>4' I•'lel'l Sn ttll'lln,v. nn mwm:v ntttwil. flll,\' Mo•Ciill 1\'lllll Tlte Kt·nuau' weelt onrl g1JeAI wna MIHH l'hyiliH nnzof of 'Holt. Will~ td omlc, lllgh oxplo:;iyP, m• im·Ptulim•y, will ('llllH\lilrwro dmwJ.~u l'lwnlwh v\ if'lllll months ag-o, Among lhe itcmu nnd clliidt•en were holtdav gue~IF Cl<•im ont your Htorllf{l' rrluceH. 11111!:11'-ill<•s, Ill' clnthlllf.\' i'l' "'' I, P•·nt l•'1·fd:r,v PVPnmg oJ two doeds tn lli<' Lolt RClmol Blr·mlnghnm. Elllmn CnVCl't hn'\'<'lllllg, MI • .111d lilts Clnlt'll<.n Lemtnr•d otlu•l', l!JHl; l'CCOI'iiS of Vlli'IOU~ tcndot.l u frml!ly gathcriJ1g in En.· I mulw YOU I' hnnw n lh·p llnzard. C:et in 111 p •1hnd<'H tu , onw In r·ontnct for n yen•·. Tl1~n l ln1old \Vilo! Hig· Mason enif'l'tnln~:d Mr·. till•! M1•s. !'or· $:l,202.27 (or llw bulll' 'rhanks~iving wem Ml· Mt'H, Mel SWonHon fllHl Mr·s. Aggie Don't Htnp whc·n you've cle~u·ctl Him ply lwcnuHc thc•.v 111 P tao <'loRe \sll 'l'•lWHI<'V ntlr•ndr>d thn nxll'n· Mnt .• llfn1y i'll.!llf:lrt•'l' !>dnd fnmJIJcB Otit the inside of ymn· hn11Se. Go to the hen!. fur• ton iu11g, "Ilnt we don't know n thing nbnul lrm I•• Hl•·•'s• linll1il1" III<'Pfln•· tiny nt i.IHI WN·Ic al lh<• hnmc ot lillY [Urlhct· l'CSJlOIIH!hilltlc;•; nne! M1·. nntl MI'H. Hollie Str•vens of ctt a 'l'hrmit:~giv!Hg dinnel', nftcr ruhllish in your hnck yard, in <:m:nilllt>, IH·nzim•, llltJILhu, unil farming, 'We've both lived In 1hc PII<'H' Ill I hi', ]]llllll' ~( ill'lf•hJJOillllOI] I ill 11 n11111!JPI' OC t'J' hJ..,ft'l, J\11'-1. Lyh• h.lnnl'y 111 Y"n;.'i Mnrv Ale:urndcr ns leachel' trJ 1111 plr nn, Sr., ant! Mr:s. LnVer'lle Cle· lf llwH· pnr cntH, Mr. and Mt·H. it. Don'L lcnvc it around to bum ii' lliCII' vaJHil'~ ''an Jw i~nlled )J,Y tho ·•we "if coulcl," Beulah r.nlrl, 1~e JfJn:-dng, r,n Tnt~rtl\;;givlllg. 8nlnJ .. the 'third g-r•at!o Vflt'O ncy ct·cated mPI!la of Lnnslng, 3tonh•y K~lley 'I'hanlo;glving Duy. ll1i enemy bombs yon!' ~·ity. Be B)lllrk rrf a light s11ilHon, Hlll'C to blll'll l'tJlihlsh m metal. C'let'll·ic J'nn, ot• tile tinl' ilnltH' of u 'a,\' ei'Cilllrg W<'nl to I he IIOllltl Cll.tllt'.'l ht•on qnllo books on how to do evorythinfl !hose r M1·. nntl Ml's C:n 1·J ]3 1· , in sl<'k HltH·e 'l'Uhdny ot ln~t week. S;wncc: 1l app1ovml the HIIIJel'ln· nf RonaJ,V• VIHiletl wllh !111', lloi~oc•n· daug!Jter, Hozonnc Salin, com~ Mt·. an1l Mr·s, J(>llll IIemAnH nnd a,yenr fr. nntl Ml's. Wllllnm .Tr1110 w-111v on 111111 1."11 1\'l't'l<, n!lli nt tl11• ho111e ~YHtcm. llny new )•lugs nnd cords out•;ido your home•, , nncl snved. '!'hey spont evenings on iinn of school ndmiulsll·a.toJ·~ h1 St. hmue fro\n Ajhlon college fm· the Mrs. Minnie. Heu111 nH 'rhuniIi!Lt'ru·g·Hohhhw rcttu11 to lilt> ll n tlit lana l type of onlortained in Detr·o1t at j'l'cqucncly. 'l'hey muy he :dungc·r- usnd t.o "l'l'".td quit·k·di·ying liqllld~ wore lh9 MrH. Ells1e Wolllne uncl son Lcrm· IVhcn Slll'lng oamn !hey th•0\'1! llfl' 111ocl ~.11~. ilugh Angeli <'11· ('il<'llll 1•11' IIi<' lt'lllillndt•l'f1 1 1 i ol' J' lilt• ('0111Jl1CI1Ce!11Cill Jll'O~I.Jm nntl the home of Mr. n,nr•t I'm· lht• lll•tlh "'"lllli'Y· 'rhe Guy Wil'iclts nnd Mt·. Wit·· Ml'H. Cleralrl !~wid nn1! daughter. nery containing a floel< of 100 Toon, nJ' Lansing. GubtH were \nile·•~•~•• ,trill l'nm 1 1~ ~ltohcl arHl ick's mother, Ml's Bet't Wirick of Buildings Seldom Burn" birds, a cnw, a hor~c. :t r•lg uclecm ''h:tnl.•,gll'lllc, llnv 11'1111 Mr. nntl Iva 1\ffl:v nnd Lhc11· iill('~l. :'vflss Iva· Camden, from Jnckson, Sl. .JnllllH, I.an~lng and several cultivatr.cl nm·r.s. wert: enLertainell for and Alii'CliiiH. Yl:·o. Arlillll .Tnn;•f'i<•' len<' Altr•n ol who l•Jlent ThanlPnt lht• \l'I'Pic 1'11<1 w1lh tlwm, W£'1'0 Holt Hunters Wol'lclt 1csldencc in' L!msing. they made n profit. The ontcrrt i~r lh• 1WL'It r·nd In lnllldllll. F'rcrt'Lo- gn~•,t<; 111 dllillc·:: SIIIHI'I\' nl'lcrnoolt M1·. and Mrs. Howard Chappell would llkcly have developed Into ;nn IS ~till ill I)Jp IHl:.jlltnJ \'lith a fll lhu )111\'W Lll t LJI!H)IIS, 1\11', illlt] entertained theil' son and his fam· Kipp Community 4 Bag Big Bu(ks som~thing lasting, hnd 1t nnt been JIOliL'll hlp. 11111 , Lt"l H.,·lnl! 111 L<~n.,mg, lly, Mt•. and :Mrs. Arthur Chappell ,Jpn.n I.nv~ttl~ Allie a lunn ~fril for Bnrnnby X~rxes. Mr. Ctll1l M1 s, DonE"''' and cluJ., lift·. ,t.,,: 'v\'illill•ll I'ollH nn\kcrs ant! Russell, ).11•, am! Mt·s Is your basement a fire hmrd! Open paint 01 all em! aJHI Gower Chapman also htought and Mrs. Alvin Famsworth of St. Bnrnably and she couldn't talco the one down. Mr. and Mr·1:. Ly1nnn T .eo Slone and Judy and !\!arlene.. ShiiiBIS nell WOfk bemh! fuel Wilhfo 3 II. D! furnar:a1 P1Je~·UP PIPCIIIId rubbish! Johns for Thank~givh1g. other glr·l everywhere wdh them. AI mour, lltfl Em i Clnrlcs, Mr· .•md Hnt L of lit ason. Mr. al)d Mrs. M. L. l<:incaitl nnd Beulah was woncle1•ing how, when Ml'B. Stanley Mille1· nnd the Claude Mr. and M1~. Leonard Bntcmar sons, Timmy ant! Te11·y of Gram1 Barnaby proposed tnarrbge nne! she Mil!CIIl ,'pent Tll!lli](.SgiVing In lho' nnfJst weel1 lnmt· ThelgJrls choit· of the Methodist Mr. antl Mt·s. Ludell Cheney nnr' Two nights Jatet• Beulah dcliver•ed church renamed the g10up thr mg were Mr. and l\Irs. Hetnwn fa•nilv spent Thanl(~gtving Da•· Jubilrtnt Jumors. They recently a half dozen fowl 1o the vliln::· ... Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ralston are 'amily entel·tained her >listPl'" plain that ahe nllcl llarnauy hail M1ss Batlmm T111rlgeon of Lan· the parents of n. daughter, Erleen Ring became U1c br1tle of Orey 'frs. Archie Carpenter a.nd MrP loved C:J.ch othct• :&11 along, Tlwv Kay, bor·rt November 5, In the#St. Cotncll Satmcla,Y at Uw First '"!oward r.nrnentet· and their fam· hadn't hncl the coural:'e to tell Lawr·ence hospttal. She weighs 8 'lies on Thanksgrvlng Day. Methodist clnnch in L~nslng-, Orey lbs and 2 oz. lleulah, 1~ the son ol' Mt·. and Mr.'l. O.'l<::a1· Mr. nnd Mt·s. B•n Bur·ch anr' M1·. and Mrs. Wilbur Humpht•ey You - you vixen'" Cor neil or Wi!lOI!ghby 1oad fUHl r,al'!'v and Mrs. Martha Hatch o' left Mondny for· a. two-week slay shrieked. t,eslie were ~ursts Thanks~winr Bat b!u'n i~ Llw rlaug-hter of Mr. altcl in Flol'ida. ' M1·s. Alf1·ec1 'l'tlidgeon of Lansrng. 'lnv nf Mr and Urs Jack Copoen· A week passed. The r,:ll'ls wont The Orville HI tchl:llR fnmily and fatmlv ol Lansing. On Fnda• about their duties Wltllout ~pcnkrnr: Rev. Wlihmn Blanding lead the spent 'I'hanksgiving in Ypstlanll Mr. and Mrs. Barch and Liu'r• ntes nnd M1ss Belva Cm·neli, sis­ with her parents, Mr. and !.IJ s. G ter or the bridegi'Dom was maid of went to Cedar lake to spell'' T. Nevins. Mary Helen and Betty 'I'Jw nksgwing with M1·. and Mrs hono1·. Drck •rt10mas was best tnnn Ann spent the rest of U1e weel~. nnd Ralph Nnsh and Jac)( Ritter, Leo Smvelv and family. ushered. A r.;ception was held 11t Mr. and M1s. Loi·en Sweet, Mr rn CoMecticut the so-called qnd Mrs. vVavno LoVette and fam the Comcil home m the after·noon. "bug deflectors" are ouUawed by 'IV, Mrs. Crmie LoVell!:, und l\Ir the stnte motor vehicles depart­ Mt·. anti Mrs. LBsiie Krauss wm·e •mel Mrs. Ft·ed LoVette lll~tl fam ment because mvestJgators found "v sDent Thanksgiv'nlt Day will· guests of Mr. and Mr·s. Louis Bay· the deflectors have caused ace!· HEY, FELLAS, DON'T WALK AWAY~VET!...... Showing perfect 'l'hnnks· llilt· and Mrs. Flovd Hn.mmond anr' form an Itiilian fireman drops toward the cenlet• of a round clastic man in Grand Rapids for dents by Impeding Vision o( lllO· gwmg Day. toriste. naris. Other guests were Mrf mattress held tight by his comrades. 'fhe jump was part Gf lhe B:a ln,, Lovette and family anu 'Mr regular h'alning · nehedule 'at the firemen's barracks in nome. u u e J&l!l!iiiP!Iw and Mrs. Burt' Wamet· and familv According to autliorifles, n modern Nero wouldn't have a chance Mr~. Lloyll Wheclel' and boyr . in the Italian capital today. \"is!ted Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Arm· II ~trong- and Gerald of S tockbridgr Sunday. Ml's. Cat·rie LoVette, Blanche ~Irs. Iiatliryn · Wlliks Don't LoVette, Allee and Ruth Ann War­ . . Ge.t ner, Mrg, .Fred LoVette ll.lld Jean There 1~111 be a. ehlclte.Ji , suppm· ~pent Sunda.y m Detroit, wherr at the Felt Plains•ohurch:'l.'uesday fhey .a1lended the ehtistening o1 ivenlng,~ Decembe1·. 4. ·Sel'V!hg .Wll! Mark ·Edward WeJtd.;l, ROll of Mr 3ta1·t at, G p. m. Llltd.c'oritinue until "Bnt l1•c don't lcnow anylhlnJr Stuck~ and Mrs. Kurt Wendel. all nrc se1·ved. A fJ ee.'wilh?ffcl'ing about f:Lrm!r:g," Candida snif Delroit.- Batteries For Most Cars •• cw·t·ent tulicl·culosis Christmas Scnl makesh1rt from n hairpin. It began <\nd M1·s. ·Lalvl·cnce Hummel'iclt ·of Mrs. Dorothy Althouse· spent Snle will give Micl1igan tubet·cu• to lool1 as thoJ,lgh thet·e was nothing 11rerc guests of theil the week end in Detroit. "~owlerville losis pnLiellts a hoo~t 011 the J•o.arl to do but continue on foot, when . ' oarents M1·. and Mt•s. Fay Town· Mt'. and Mrs. Phillip Cavender ~o health and useful Jives. suddenly the connection was made . '• senrl, on Tiwnksmvlng •Day. and fanuly en terta,ined Mrs. Ca.v- •I Regular and Permanent . and the lights flared up. . Mr. and Mrs. Hownrd Townsend encier's broUJel' and sfster·ill·law, served and the Mc!ntees received TAX tfi!rs. Guerdon Usher For Thanksgiving Day Jl.!r. and 7" picture tube. Uei'Olution:n•y Tt•iple-X long Ml'S. hart, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. gan walltlng swiftly awny. The girl J Dyn~-Hny Used Tires called in the afternoon. Mrs. Burt Swank had ns guests, W.iiclcs and 1\lrs. Delores Polom· !allowed him. dirStlmce chnsl!lis givce outstanding perfo1·mnncc o1·cn in Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Sayles spent Jolm A. Gl'ey from Detroit and sltey spent Friday nflet·noon in outer fringe nt·ens where other sets fail. Equipped with Wednesday aJtd Thttraday in'Jaclt· Miss Frances 'Doherty,.also from Beulah got into the truck She son. · r Detroit. South Bend, Indiana. started U1o motor. She Jooke'd al 'famous Admit·nl Tul'l'cl Tunet• to r't'cciro nil pr·cscnt ns Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mcint~c spc·nt Candida, Candida· looked at hot. well as new Ultru •Iligh Frequency channc.ls,. Mnny Wilson Reed Pi' ·ana ·t;at·r'v 'spell t Mr. and Mrs. N Ol'man Mitchell Fl'iday in Jackson. , Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. El" of Leslie held open house at Ute!t' "Oh, shuelts!" said Beulah pres· more scnsatiollal fenltu·c~s ••• sec, II Nil', compnre! ., mer Burghardt and ·fnlnily·of lnlt- home Sundny in ·honor, of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lestci• Pel'lilla nn~ ently, "let•$ go baclt and mille tl'la son of Mason spent Wednes(Jay cow and call It a day," ster. Mitchell's parents, -Mr. aJld M1·s. aven!ng at the homo of Cout•tlJey ROY CNRISJE;NSEN1 I • I "011, -let's!" cried Can!Uda. Mr. and Mt•s. George Freemrut Jim Mcintee. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllt· Reed and Mrs. Mary Reed. Your FrlendlJ' Ford ~er and children of Jacltson: Mr. and tee WCl'c celebl>allng -tholr 40Ut 'Ml's. Harley Beach and children of \Vedding anniversat·y. Friends and ~10 \Y." Smte Stroot Plaone 9611 , Williamston and Mrs. Elizabeth J1·e!at!ves atten"ding came 'from De· Salem, Ore .. is the Pacillc Norlh· More 'than "726,000,000 pennies Grostefon rutd Bt~b of Jackson had trait, Hll.'!tings; Lalte Odessa, Atut west's largest fruit nnd vc)~et:aolc,J wet·e minted in the United States Thjinkegivlng l:linn&t•· Wltht•Mri ·nnd J Arbor, Chelsea, Jackson, Munith center with 12 packing planta that In 1950. This Waf! more than tlu·ee ••••••••••••••llll•••••••llllilllliliii·Mrs.·Lcster BIU'th. ,··-·· · ILI!cl Stocltbt•ldge, LWlchcon was tul'n nut oycl' t)ve m!llion cll.'lcs n Un~es the total of nicltels, dimes, Collins. Sales.&' . Service yea1'. quarters and half·dollars. 147 W. ~aple '• (' .....

• t"~ ' .... , ..... r-:, , •, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS November 2D, tDISt' Pnsc 8 ::. .. 'M\i, 'f""'!'•·.,, '• ~, ·,fit' ...,.,..,______\ Annour's Treet I .... ==·n~,.,il.___ .., r~r Tastv Sn•c~1 Whore Of AQ.p . 2 6u~ ' ~~~ 48c " ··. Wonderz:ul u Will y,ou , •. '" "Oiu.•.. in fond .· •nd SUeh · \ ,I ChoJ1ped Hom c· . or, Tilllo·S..v;,g Armour's

( 12•01, I can 57c .ooked I Corned Beef Hash Armaur'• 16~:~ 43c P1caics

Deviled Hom Armou~s

3V-I•ol, I Lb. un 19c

\, Corned ~ef Armour'• :Customers' Corner 12 ani! Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Bim Frunlliin I ~~~ 48c You can't muke a miBinkc on any attenclcd lhe Beauc'anl for•mnl :ru r1hasc nt A& P for these reasons; Boy Scouts Plan tlnr\cn nl lhe MnRonie 'l'cmplc In a5 ad· Lanelng- Sal.riJ'(ifly night. Th~ quality i.1 righL-just Grated Tuna vertiscd or printed on the Iobei. Uur ba,.aln-htmtlrrg bl!'''fll wh' ._ Mason Meeting Mr·. and Mr·s. Lewis Barllelt. and ( The weight is right-16 ounces to a w -'-1 1 " • i.) "now .Mr. arul Mrs. C111·1is Bnr'llctl rtnrl Bits O'Su on,~ u v.-. when they sec 'it tell Hlglllightin;.; llw IJi-nronLhlv .l'unrlly spent 'l'hanlw nt. five .ll'dnck in anll'g'IICI'itc Mr. am! Mrs. Coo Emens and lo. family wr.rr· guests Thani{sgiving David and Duane ovet· the wecl' cans famo Pancake Flour 5 b.g 43c end. Da:,· of Coc's bmther-in-law. and 2 25c oist.er, Mr. and Mt·s. James Mc­ Hershal Owen am! Mar·lin went Donald, ancl family uf Dcl.t·oil: 40-oz. deer lnurling ne:11· Cndillac lu1.t Mr·. and Mt·s. Coc lllmcnH were Bisquick pkg. 43c Heavy J::rnpc(ruit are juicy grape(ruit . nnd the~e w.ci~h week end. ho.yaaz and Fresh Froten Evor·Frosh Mr·. and 1vrrs. Llovd Han,;en antl fam1ly spent Thn.nksgJvtng Day lb. Jl.oz. fresh Dates pkg. 3 children were 'l'hanl,sgiving Day I11rilil Mr. Waltz's brolher-in-l~w Lux flake~ 1 29c Green Peas p~gl. 49c gucsb cf Mr. and Mc·s. Lee But·lcy and srster, Mr. anrl Mrs. Mam·we of QJ,emos. Bevier·. and fiunily or Battle'' Trust to Lux Flol'id•·Gold Fresh Fro~en The Webb sclwlll eluh will mceL' Creel{. . Michiq•n Solocted Jon41h•~ Dole lb. Juice 2 0·01. at the horne of Edith Smith Thurs-j Mt·. >~nd Mrs. Wilft't'.d Dc.nl and Lg•. 30c ·s bog Orange tins 35c · clay night. Gifts will be exchanged. Lmry spent Thanksgil'ing Day pkg. 4b-oz. Apples 49c ···--·---·· ... __ wi41 Mr. Dent's parents, !\It·. and can· Florid,.Gold-Frosh Frozen Blond •d lllrs. G. W. Dent al Viclo;hurg. Pineapp\e luice Juicy Florid• · &.Grapefruit 2 0•01, Pink Community Russell Howe spent fmm ThUI'S· lb. Orange Juice tins 25c

t~er•utlny of the Hhar·p eye or t lw hencllng tho suppoJ'I.in~· <'UML in llw cnmcrJt, Til~> llnal product Will! UJ'· l'fllnrtnlle lend. ' I'IYorl nt nfleJ• Jtn exponqlturo of $5,000. ' In' the Hlory Mol'I'J~ unrl Ill:; 1'11" lher, plnyecl lly Dun O'Fiynn, lli'O Nro oxpcn~o WllH spun•tl ll)' Ll1<• lllC' rt\VnCl'M r>!' (he tiiDII fJHhln!( VIIH" producer In r~·cmnllng the I'IJI'iR HCl Whieh llllr.iOJ'ffOCH 11 Ht1J'IeH nf' of Cymnu'H rlny, Dir••clor Mldincl fll'llflllcss trips rnHI 11eddenls, In Gor·rlon worl; ~aOHY" :1111( ".'.tUZO:>;,\ .U:\!'IIII'N'I"' CALL Saturday, December 1 2-2141 CaU For Our Cab Co.

& Monday, December 2-3

·.· . '

;Any secretar; With !!and** can get a guy in a f ' .

1 FREDMacMURRAY ELEANOR PARKER J.ej rour· ~~~e~•dt>lll1'll'l' re111i11d ,\'Ull Wh"ll i1's 1iUH' for• :> "lwdc-up. A Nlop at out· J.,'nrng•• •·n•ry lll,OOII mi!J•s l'or a l!'t'llr'l'al A twu•-up and inspl't~tinn will insuro• ,l'tt!l I'Xft•a nrilr·ag-1· in 1111•:<:• MILLIONAIRE FOR da,rs nf rising c·osts. ~("\\' ('.nn; ~~~·:•n't gt•ttiu:,r HII,V ('flf"appr·. Pr·u­ tr•!'t. what. you han h,r Jli'J'iotlk tnrlr'-Hps in <>Ill" A''"'"l:'''·

\\'lntr••· Is a Sjll'l'ial 1'111'111.1' or l'll!('illJ' tli'jli'Jl(l:tltllil,\. ·""'"' snrt• ,\'OUJ' autnmnhiJp, is n•amaushiJI.

A. (;, .l•:r:m IIMtl:l' SPENNY'S \\',\ Y,\ 1': Tuesday & Wednesday, December 4-5 222 South Cedm· GREAT ADVENTURE-COMEDY STORY II/III II/WEI I u

A~a~en~y 111111 fAil/! I ,+.\-i:f;il'lH/1 !\lor~ motor cat• for· yom• motll'y! Thut's wlwt Olrlsmnhilc's ·"~nsational SJqiCJ' ''RH" Whll~er offct·s! l•'l)r here i~ a comhiut~liun n[ oulstan

ay, RAWIUDE JUSTICE Leaders of Cubs TAMES SIX·GUN Will Take Lesson RENEGADES! Two Cuh lemlel' tJ·aining- sessions I ' Iwill he uncle!' wn:V simultnncousi,l· for men ancl women DecembeJ• 4 nt the Willimnston Methodist churcl1 next 'rncsclny night. All incn p:~ck committeemen-- and lcaclcrs will rli.>;cus;; "Pack Aclministl'ation" while the women will heat· about "'l'llt~ l)en Meeting· Place." I Cub lcarlerH from Willinmslon, Haslett nn

.~ Sll'vc Musselman: Rncl fmm Ill a" WI•:IGI\:...:.satui'Ciay, Dl'lu•tt 1'agi·t-,JPl'l' Chillllll"t' In "BIRD son, M1·. and M1·s. Hamid Haase,, J>AHADISI<:'' In tt•l'hnleolor: Smula~· und l\lnndu~·. Clurl> Gubh•. Mt·s. W, 0. Hall and Charled "ACUOSS 'l'tm WIDJ~ 1\USSOUIII" In '""hnkuloJ•; 'l'lmsdur Schmitter. Steve Musselman ancl SU YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOIILE DEALER \\'mlnrsday, Car~· Grnnl-Jpa'mw Ct•ain In "PJ~Ol>f.E \\•n.i, ChnJ•les Sehmittm· were the in· •.;:,..•,•~ ;·" ''l'hursda~·~I"rlda~'• l~sthi'J' Willlams-Ut•d Sl;elton In structot·s. · CAHNIVAV' lit tl'ch . ' . . A., G. SPENNY .. & SON·S, lll··s. Cedar, -~ason, Michigan ' . ' ' ' i Like Christmas Selling lNGHAM 'CQUN'rY NI?.WS ·!fditoria l Pf!i!.!!. · N'ovomb'et• 29, 19!5'1 Pngl) 2J N~t a Sparrow Falleth Political Campaigning Starts Early . Thi!re might have been a time back In hot·se ant! . ~ By Vc•1•non ,J, Br'0\1'11 pollt.ln~ wn~ nt n Hlory nr n. forth· btlfrgy aaya when bounties, on sparrows appeared juntj. ; cloolHIOIIK on O\•ldonco, not prnju­ coming Dmnooml.lc lllnnoJ' whcm dlc!l, Al olnll'ch Rundny~moJ•nlni\' tho fled. Once .there might have been an apparent need for tlrn falthfl!lH will for•i< out $70 In ilw fJtco of the fm•egolng,.rtrHl boUnties on rata. 1nlnlntr.l' WHH pointing tr> whnt lw n,plcen frll' n. )tlnleful, ot• JosR thnn bDlleveR IR the unseomly hnsle Ju nR rny cnntt•iblillnn to whnt mlg·J1t full, <1f foot!, pJ·obnbl~· rwntlescrlpt con1illlnto wot•J.hy cnm.pA.Ign mn­ :.' Iu spite oi bounties, the sparrow population con­ Rntlillil' tho scune fol' Um .Chl'iHt­ JC not n.cturtli,Y llllJHilntnblo, At IHI,Y ll1nB selling RcnRDil, •ro tho Pl'enc!h­ t~rln I, l now umvo lnclttlgcncc tlniied increaclnrr until the ;lutomobile age. Then the !'ale, rcf,;r·cneH wns rnnclc to n. re­ tvhllo I Hllblllll lhe following· fo!' rt JlP<'fli'H be "''• tltom to too rmrch c!ellt ~'al'l cllllltrl' fm· Which h!H l'ol­ dee)ine waa rapl.cJ, Sparrowa are no longer a mlisance, 811n111 ClnuB iJIJHine~H nne\ not lflfi2 cnmpn Ig·nlng: loWel'~ dug $100 'fht only mli8<\ncc i!l that of fooling with bounties, the cnol!g·h niJout. the lowly hlr•lh ln down for IL pln.le Nut lonnl (ltunrn&lgn lSHIWH to n. cnmpnlgn fund fol' tho l11e manger at. Bclhlolwrn nnd lho build t 11 'rho r·~ccmt vnpltl r•omn.l'lt or nu.!liance of a few bo1s shooting a few bird.a ilnd taking pl'll!llol.lnn of ~·nrt fot· pl'e.~ldent jllll'jlii~W of Lhn Jil'e t/WI' wen Jth . Then Stop ~and let they indica tc how ineffective the bounty system is. It is HeJ·o in Michig-an few Issues of timeR as dishonest as the worst of r,f the two G!'Osse Pointe fOinl!Jes, our gcneml I'll!\ of citizens. you how you can mainhtin a chec~t­ merelya nuisanc<:. · the 1lnlly or the weelrly news­ the Wllllnms rnmily ver'RUH the Al­ papeis n.ppear thnt do not cany ger family, ?.nd In respect to their (2) Agnln lweplng to tlm na­ ing account without it costing you .' .. :.A fraction of even .that small.amount of money in· n stot·y or mtlcltl pre,pa\·ctl by J•capedivo Hoel~l status. Accord­ tlonrtl levclH, I would keep talking v,eated in rat poison would do far more toward rat con· some wlscacJ·e giving lhat lndJ­ ing to this WTitCl', ouJ· lucumbcnt nbout the most recent flgc!l'es com­ ttol than bounties; and there is no need to shoot or vlduai'H views on what will· be too p;ovot·not·, secltlng election to J. piled by· actumles Jn the employ ONE CENT lssueH next summe1· nntl whnt ·the thll'd tc1m, wlll rely heavily ,on of the United S·tatcs Chambclr of p~i~on sparrows. They're gone because the horses have puulle ls lilwly to thlnlt m· be led wlwl he hns tlone m· attempted lo UomHlCI'Cr.. Here I Jearn that since gone. to l.J~Ilove. Neither tlo tho mtllonal do for .MichiRmL Some nr his ac.l­ July 1, 1945. ·to and Including No­ magazines overlook the field of mlret·s clnhn he needs 110 Issue ex­ vember 16, 1951, the Truman ad­ · : The bounty payments are a nuisance.· They should poli Lles Jn thell' contributions to cept his henl'ty lmmlshaltmHl· In~ th~t Htupcnclm!R tnx totnl, this vertise. lmus one of the most read politl­ of t•eal Interest and pel'hnp.s some c:~f w1·iters. This had to do with ecns~quence. I found It e~slly. It ts ·not by nny me:lns the entl. The ls of <•rerrt conse(llter.cc. It Jtns to govm-rmlent now owes in publl~ . "We h~ve been asked to Jay off advertising for farm how muc:h !>11'11\CY our governor G. Mennen Willlnms ha.s or may do wi.th the lkc;ston of n Mlchi· debt a stap;gering $258 b'lllon dol­ junk~" a Lansing dealer said, "because the· government h~ve ns t.11e msult of some of his · gan Public Service Crmtmisslon on lars am! that tcw, if P;plit e"cr.ly .J' is. going to spend either one or two million dollars on a forebe.ars being smart enouP,'h to nn Hnpeal from the Michigan Boll Ftmon~; the· families of the USA, jUpk ·program which will get. this· farm junk. into our tllscover nnd devela,p·. and market 'l'elephonc ~ompnny fat· an Increase would put a mortgage of. almost ,, }'i\tcls: That'a the way they want to do it." u toilet powder and some sonp. in mtcs. The flller~ed pollllcal srg­ $~,000 against every family ln .luHt whnt th1H llfls to do with the ni.l'icance pointed to, this time \111- Ainerlca. SurC', t11at's the way "they" want to do it. titnes3 ul' any man to be a gover· dm· m1othel' by-line by :mr•ther· Who cares how much money the '• . . nol' Js quite beyond the pale of my well·known capital corrcS'londent, Wllliams family has or may gel'! Reme·mber: ·:,.:.The government will provide. Jntell cet. lies ln the fact that (1 l the peti· Whr1lever· lt mrry nmount lo, no '/, .· I tlo have to admit however that tlon h; slc111l,V tlenietl and (2) It 15 one has cvet· accused the present this well !mown political writer 'lone well ahead of election so tha.t r(ovemor of· having· earned any of wa~ not the fit•st to raise the the governor can use it as cam­ :t. 'rhe same goell for the Alger Dart National Bank Time Cert~ficates Liife a·~ Hordl Labor qmstion. That was clone In the pal",n material. fm·tune~. Like the Williams family, . ·: COIIl'SC of flll exchange Of COmpli­ Facts not mentioned by the wrlt· the Algers are decent people and ments between the governor fl.lld m· wet·c: (1) no hearing on met·ltH among them arc found some pretty . \·.,· There ist:'t a newspaper reporter, or scarcely a one of his chief owonents, himself of the petition ha~ cvc1· been helll; hlgh class· folks who ln their day n¢y.rspaper reader, in Michigan. who doesn't know that tho scion or a wealthy family and (21 the two members of the made fine contt·lbutions to the de­ Paying l~l1f2o;'o solitary confiztement and hard ·labor have no place in whose forcbems were cquaHy, wise commission joir>ing- in the decision velo'Jment of Michigan anti thi;l Michigan's prison system... when t11ey invested In the vlt·gin we1·c appointed by the ]Jl'esent !';OV-. nation. Wltat counts Is what can forests uf their day. The occasion ernor solely on the basis of their be 'expected or the lndlvidnal who .· · Yet every time sentence is, passed on the perpe­ waH OJle of the ltettle calling the well-known p're.iudlces arralnst all seek~ our support and our votes. hderest p'aid .each six r.:ionths, of desitreoH ~.i'!ltor of some brntal crime there appear newspaper 'Jot black and dese\'Yes little more utility corpomtions. I hold no brief What has he or she done? B'o1· hwn a passing paragmph. Jo1· higher rfltes, but commissions what tioes he stand? What sort of screams about life aentenceu'in solitary confinement and Funci-Rai,;lng Dlnn<•rH such as Michigan's PSC nre ln­ people does he train with? Who ·at hard lauor. J.!y next slop n.s I wandet·cd tendocl to be quasi-judicial bod!~~ are hls supporters and what do He;·c's V.'hat Clint Wilkinson sobbed in the Detroit down l!Je baclt alleys of pm'llsan a~ctirPt is' n h11C·r:nllon of elder .... The next time you see "solitary·. confinement at semlOJl, tlcliverv counts a lot. jell' which can't be deliv~,·ecl be­ hh !!On~ Th,···,.,' Other Senator Acts~ versive inactivity. He points ·out · botioln.' The .fanio~s ilOS"h.p. Load­ UNIT DESIGN BONDED that subi'P\'slve Inactivity Is far two wcelts and I don't ·!mow the great' llne of. Chevrolet.Advance-: BODY where lt is. BRAI.Hnf\, n11t ril'id rnr two y.,/11 ·~. and Hlno:r. huH MIX WellliH ]lOI'lllri; J\IIIHIII\ 1111rl MI'H, (Jr•nr\'111\'C Nnlllt• S(lnlu ol' lh1• nnn-fldinn, Hlleh nH !.he lllle IH 1\lliilt!nrllng, lnl' Rnc:hell ilron MlbiHIHn:llll' lt> Cuhrmbln, he­ hi!Ctlc• Tnl.cw· MI'H, IDclna Mnol'll I'"Jllli'ls t.lw 11'111'11 Snniln,\' rllnn•11' 1\II<'Hiii ol' ~II', l'I!E .IYIAGNT I•'ICinN'r CJCN'rUH Y, ,T/II'J(~on following fol' )>rl'feut utlenclnnoP; nnrl !lfi'H, H.ohi'· Ml'. 11 nrl MI'H, Dnln Bnrl<•ll 1111l\'fll'd hiR ,~ 1l'ill tt•s. ' man, · helrl In 1101101' n!' the Wl!ucping it fm• H<'VOI'Ul J'cnl l~\'~lltH mn)({1 lhe mosl l'n,'itti· Hnl'fOI'd; nnd fourth g"l'lllln, Sl1r.1'- '""' vL,illng nnd rlnnclng· w11s "n· Wit~ l'estleHH nnrJ umbilioliH, lil'Htln ye111'11 flfl the pr.n•·I I~ fpmwcl, · l'On Bennon, Rodney L<•nlr. 111111 jnycrl hy nil, llllilng' lnle 111' nil. !t IH Jli,,,,Jhle 'l'c·nn~~H'Ilnll R lcohhins, tie:r. llw CAP huH cnnlinuc•d llH Cf· '"' 'filii itles of )Q h. ·wear with Sinclair li'lfth fp.mle, B<'V<'I'l.Y Grtl'l'ed and llins is Pmployc•cl. Wing Civil Air Patrol, <1nd Major N. K. Jepson, director o_f Michigan 'Wing 'I'rnining o[ficr•r fort~ tn li'llill Ill•' n:1li011's volllil CAI1EFJH. AMBAHSADOI~, by I Honnld WelsH; nncl sixth grade, AI'dcll Hosonbi'lJolc wns H holi· training and operations, witness Governor G. Mennen Williams 1111 1 l.hi'ungh the cacl<'t m'gaui~·nlion, Willai·ll Ilenui,H:, i~ n I'CVcnling a<:- Ronnlcl Bnccnii, Cnl'ol Bnldwin, rlny gnonl of Mr. nnrl lllr:;, Clive proclail]l Civil Air Patrol Week in honor of the organiza· CAP ." llllllfliiiiC:c!rl lnrlny illll to li'Hin il:; .9enior memhPJ's fol' count of IL rliplollliLL'H <'XIstcnc~, ns PREMIU~ Bernell Dulr .nne~ spelling ll', dcnl. Ht Albion, are two of the food, but die in fmm five to 10 serl·ie<.>,q in HIICh illl"f1l'flOIIS llllii- ecmhcl' l in tlw !~co Club HOIISI', desperadoes 1\'l'I'C plcnt iful. Tlwn ft rr s e rv~~ce •ltllli,lh Mrtrkowslli. Alllil·oy, of li>Jflson, Mr. 111111 Mrs. helpnrs. The 1hii'Cl t ns not been clays wllhou t wa te1· . ~tOns H~ ilnli-snbmaritw pRtJ·ols, Lansing, for nil scniOL' membc1·.s eame nppoinlmcnts tu; viee-c·oun.. W II 'rhc Rivor:;idc Community dub C:n·l \Volf .ancl nnmed yr•l. 1 bonlcl' pntl'rllo, Lllrgc•L lowing·, of Llle !\1ichigan Win~ CAP, sui to a town whiC'h was little Ill S, f'Pilill· ~lallglitcr, ~<'lw,.ra, l'honp 3151 held il:; nionll1ly meeting nt th" Owen Pc•ri'JI;e ot Ienton R';PIomplomi.'if~ fig-ure is $5.00 pol' n nd John Wu·eman, tt·<·n~JII el. The' Thnnl,s~" Jl,g Dr~,, "llcols ol 1\fi H. la\'. 'l'h<· count I' lln~ been pnyin;; local ienr!el' is .Rohcrt Noble anc~~Erbl~ ?IovcJ·.. -. _ ... ,,. ., .. i~1:2;,, The h~.lr. and Mt·s. lVfl's. Rupert Baccus, Ronalcl nne] ;truction of tlJC new Micilig;tn lasting Beauty · and- Service l Hcnr·y Shelient,.u·gel' and fnmily. Kay left for Hot Spt•ings, Al'!tnn- :::rnt.l':ll cl~pot. ' M1·s. Fl'ecl Mnnro was lwstess sas, where they will make their At a special meeting of Co. B, lop quality in cabinet construction, insulation, Cle· at a miscelllmeous shower at her home. · :.'tl'iit Inclepenclenl Battalion of the home on Monday e\•ening in honor -· -·------~ ~ \'[ichi~;·an National Guard, Second sign and finish give more value for everY. do!lar. of Mrs. Richard Dodge, who was '"icut.cnant William P. Rayner was fm'l11erly Yvonne Cliu·k. Games Reeves· District 8Iected captain to fill the vacancy were played during the evening- !aused by the resignation nf Capt. !Urs. Wayne Geer '!:. E. Hn itwielc, who has moved lo Kenneth AuBuchon was sel·ious­ Tack~on. Commissary Sergeant !•'. ly cut on the hand witlr a huz• \. Lester was elected second lien­ DeluJCe Model D0-90 saw Sunday. He was laken to the tenant. • McPherson hospital al Howell for The United State Telephone Co. . • Full-width Freezer Cb treatment. The docto1· reported \ns shipped 600 ;)oles to Mason. that he will be able to save thE l'he company has 15 men working only • Full-width Chill D est hand but two fingers will be stiff. 111' of its exchange here. Manager ~[ason E. Reynolds has also HJ\• $345.75 • Handy Baslcet D rawer The men of lhe neighborhood 1mmced thll.t a new switchboard had a wood bee for Ke1meth Au· .vi th 200 dl'ops will be instnlled • Alum· rawer buchan Saturday, A nice pile of 1ext week. · - • . • mum rustproof sh I wood was collected Rllcl mad€ C. L. LaDue hns sold the Onon· Brg, twin Hyd e ves ready for use. • 9 , - lngn News to Ralph R. CrocJc.~l· of . e !J' nephew, It·n Blunlt IIJOI'nlng nt l!W Methodist Oh\II'Ch, ,J, R, llnltmrH l 1:nh!J'tulu Oltn~·lcH WoodH, 1'hu Or·Ht lm~kolbnll go.mo of tM nn11 family spent 'rhnnltsglvlng Mr. annrls and lhe who 111 c Mr~. Ellis Ilnync~ rd J,!w "n l<'lllll 1110 .!rtmos West, Russell Rev.' nnd Mt·s, m. 1-1, Kincaid and will he held on Tuesdny evening, S. t'am fnl' !Jnns­ Gmnit Hlnnc \l'l'lt' <•nltrlnii!Cd al tlw bnys are worl yet and pr·ob­ of Le1111e on Thanltsglvlng Day, Mr·, and Mrs. George Vogt, Sr. elny vf~ltor·s or Mr·s. Flslher Avet·.v. · ycnr nncl will follower) by meets G, W 11!annlng, prlpcipnl nnd lng ncar I..cl><' (J,•n,·:'" Mr·, r,,iJ!I- ullly wrll change fi'Onr gnme to Mr·. unci Mrs 0, B, Arnold of Mrs. LewiH ll't·ecr' and fnmlly were I Mr. und Mr·s. Cilfll'les Wnmls Mr·, nne! Mrs. L. P. Wllllnms of WIIIJ C!Jelbcn, OnHtccl nnd Snllne, tiluelcnt emmc1l unclec! 11 meeting nt Holl Ur· nncl M1 '" Oot·:ll lloltr NoC'Iilllllc nnlblun. 'J'lwy ltll 1 cttll ned home T!JPJ'e wns n luncheon alnoon, 'l'llt' fled 'l'orh1t nnd Cca1g ''"' t ::nt•sls lher·e; .fanuury 25, Wrlllamston, ~uests of Mr, and Mt·s. Roseoe Mr H, fr'red Sager· of Chelsea, Mr. Mr· and Mrs. JuHlin Brady 'rhe next meeting or the W. C. '!' ·· Snnrlny meeting wns held nl lht' new Dcllr! of ~11·. nnd Mr~. CIH,Jll s fZI•'t'!' l111nlmg ll'I]J nem Glrrdwin mnrnmg to spend the wrniN 1n 'Ire b1< thclay annlversanes o! Mrs. evening at dinner· at the home of Mr. anrl Mrs. W11f or d Cu" l'll c tMr. and Mrs Roy Glover. evening guests •of Mr·s. Edith parents, Mr, nne! Mrs. A. C. Ber­ 'l'hey br ()(l'­ opent n few llnv~ J,Jsl wee!' wrlh I Mt ,Jnd Mt s. Leona!'(! Et wrn of ~amcd at dm1wt Thnnl\ ... gl\ 1ng Dn~· ., Mr·. an 11f1 nnd l\1r·, F'1 .l!ll< Wood, Dole Erler· and D.rlc and Harry wer 0 Thanksgivmg Day gtlests of ~pent 'Thanl !Jf' 1<'nts, l\l!' impmvcng from his srcltncss anc! Mrs. Leo Glynn nl Wllcalheld. Mt• and Mrs. Tilclwin Vanclerlmsl- Mr nne! Mrs ·c I Rrt l1ncr lt>lr 8nd chilclt·en or Car Ieton s-:Jent the Thursdoy mar nrm: fur P.Irrn!'atl nn, \\'CCI< end wrth the Jaltec·'s ·par·ents :~:ans.l>, \1 here lhcy will vcsrt a 1111'. n nd Mrs. Arlhm Br oolts. Mr fc•w eh: v;; wltll Pvl 1\11 ''· Ken­ "J'here are litedlly hundreds of thousands ~nll -because of its reputation. So they ptlit! And they failed to get the pr·iceless nn!l Mr~. Floyd CMgJ',l,\' anri nell! RtchllCr, altet whrcl' llJr.•r of people who should be Intensely inter­ for a Cadillac-and still failed to get ~olou~hturs AIH] Mr. f

Automobile Insurance to­ Mr·. and Mrs. Dell Corwin _of, Kenneth AI chin were Tursclay t:ve­ o'l • DIJI·ancl wetc Saturday evemng ning gue~ts ol Mrs. Iola Hnrtman day from this agency. visitm·s of 1\fr·, and Mr·s Myron nf Dctrotl- Corwin. · Mrs. G1·aee Kmne nnd Peter Mr. and Mr·s Bud Ireland of Krmlet· or JaC'J;son Rntl Mt. and Blissfield were guest~ at cUnner Mrs. Mtlton Hudson nml son of Wednesday evenmg of Mr. nnd White Ollie· were cnle1 Ia I ned nt .. DART Mrs. Vern Gro.y. . di~u1er· 'l'hnnl

Dansville Colored Lights den~: .Tnnn Docnmp nR Ml',l, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS l'lpilllij'IC1'1 (ho lnnclln!ly; Cll/ll'lf•IW Leslie News ,flnl•lwln nH Annn T'ltt·uell, Hnw­ Novcmbc.- 29, 1951 PAge 5 Heips C~Uers m lll'rl'A henri. lnltwoHt: Mnt'/l'fii'O! Oemtng nH Vlvlnn Clun/'fi'': Hnll nlglil o'nlo!!lt, 'l'hrmo /Lttondtng iltCI Cherry Canneries llrlllllfl' nH Honr•y f'lll'f'ell, Annu'H In l.ultu lhril' own tnblo HCI'Vioc, fAt.tmr' 1 n l'ir•h mnrntfncturol'; MIII'Y M1•, 1111d MrH, Me~·l.on Rice lliHI Oulld lluldK l\ftw.tJuJ( D~vls fill Plwebe P11rcL11i, Allllt' 1H unn wore fll/l!olH ul rllnncl' Suncln.,v Evelyn HlllllJllmi WIIH hnntoHH to Young Veteran mother: Ellt>nncw DcLr:r'IIIV 1\H ol' M1•. 111111 Mt'R. Luwt·onco Crnn, the Cella Allen Gullrl of !he Bnp· Mrntdo Oorc,v, Hown.J·d'u RllillHI llt' dllll nr W••hbt•I'Villu. t IHl church at hel' home on 'l'ucH­ nun!. fi'Om Cnlif'ornln: .Illite An­ nJ'oe, Rilll

Webberville Mrs. l\fyrl Gmham

Mr. and MJ•s. EHt'l Mcarlct· u.nd daughter· Erlena, George WildcJ· and Holand Graham were Thanl~f Michig~nl 'file. Berton .Johnson t:amily·.'cn- dor is· a GREAT. 1lt.erlnincd 1\h·. and ·Mrs. James car. r kno.w. I .Johnson ancl WHilacc Johnson and own and drive NEARLY 2v2 MILLION MEMBERS MEANS GREATER BENEFITS- MORE SECURITY I : Nanc:y at Th3nksgiving.dinncr.' · one, and you can't beat the Jetllre Mrs. Dell \V olf entertained, ·Mr: . engine for au:round perfOimance." ancl Mrs. Paul Wolf and Lindu Tho last Lo recover from nn accident or ill­ Yale's famous fool ball couch, noted. e All this simply means thnt BLUJ~ Cnoss- BLUE 1\nd Mr. ant! 1\IJ·s. George Vari 'De· ni!HS in your family.is always your pocketbook! mark and chllch·en fm· Thanltsgiv· raconteur an nrc known nnd.acccptcd in every part of fine cars, too. Try the Airliner Rc· cl'haL's why it., t.oo, deserves expert medical of Michigan. A great advantage in times of ing dlnneJ·. Dell left for hunting that moJ·nin.[l'. fwlp. That's why it gets this kind of help from emergency ••• a tzeat advuntage at any time clinitJgScat, Weather Eye Conditioned Miehigan hospitnls nnd doctors who pooled because it means )OU can get into and out of a Mr: and Mrs. Keith Hotchkiss Ajr System, Hydru-Matie Drive! Uwir inLimal:t> knowlcd~e of your problem.• t.o hospit.tl without annoying 'red tape, without wcl'c guests of Mt·, and Mrs. Ar­ ~ CIIOSH- BLUE Sl!!I!LD the need for filing any claims. Br.ul>! Cnoss - th\11' Frost at dinner Sunday. . . ' health-care plnns. BLot: SHa:r,n pay hospital and doctor directly. Miss Ca!'OI \Val'ller of Sehool· \\ . cmfl. spent the Thanl\sgivin!( week encl with her family, Mr. and Benefits as high as $8,051 Here's What These Plans Do! Mt·s. Lester Wal'ller and Mary El· have been provided! len. Blue Cross Comprehensive Group Hospital Pillll Wolf t·etumecl from the. Br.ur·: C1toss - Bt.ur·: SHun.n hnvc provided Plnn covers Ul> t.o 120 dnys of hospital care iri· north wibh TheStatesman!t his deer. On Thnt·sclRy hospital and surgical hemill8 l.otnlling as rn1,1ch ward or semi-private room, according to the mot·ning Dell Wolf left for a few n:-~ $H,058 in a Bingle ho~pil,;ll sit,."t:.r. There are IICrvice far which you .-nroU, Unlike plans that days or hnnting. SAYS BILL FRANCE hund l'eds of cases on recor~ to your .doctor for more familv. Airnyte lms been proven a winner," says than 480 medicnl-Hurgicnl procedures: And it Mt:: ·and Mrs ..Tim Call a11d fam­ N.A.S.C.A.R, president, Bill France. The Blue Cross-Blue Shield have pnys iownrds your doctor's visits to the.hos­ ily left Wednesday morning for ., millions of friends! pitnl in non-aurgicnl caBOfl, Beulah. They retu!'llcd Sunday big Nash Statesman· delivers more than 25 m.p.g. at average highway speed. . Ch.,nces are 1 oJt of Hhnt your family .will Cl'ening. They visited the latter's DLU!l Cnoss - .Br,tJN Sm~:r,J> nl"'' ort'er•advan• parents and .Tin1 spent the time f'l,::eu that money alone cannot buy. For OM . be faced with hospital and medical bills .. thi.• deer h,un ting. coming year. And \vith today's hospit.~l and thing, t.hey nrc MichigmJ Hospitals' and'Doc­ 1\!1'. and M1·s. E•lward · Bom·ns t.orH' awn health-care plaJJs, And there ar~·over surgicnl bills often running ·into thousands of and family of Snuth' Lyons were 2,400,0(1!) Br.r:i" C1toss ·• Br.u~: Sllu:w mein. dollars, it's ea5y tQ l!ell ho,w the protection g-uests ol' Mr. and Mrs, Rowland bera in the S!.ato of Micftigun. -_ the"" plans provide ill wortll many ti.moo the Ft;ost and family at dinner Sun- littJt you pny~ · day. . · . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Donal were Michigan Docta~' ani ilj\[h'l'l' to lw In ntlll!li Demnnrl rm· nwnlwill Hlny lllf:h lng- plnrwll on grnln. rnNI.. 'fhl.l•1------,------~----- p1·e 1·1m1:; vn: 11 ·o, hilt lnmll nt t m11t- ~.uy Top lo[l'<•nl.,,i. l' 0111 t•nt.J.lo In nnn g'l'ri"do. '''ooci lfll'g"•', , hv 11 r·hnnlt or rn"'l l.lliil IHHI 1 infl·(~t~~~~ Hllilllld~, Jwlng· :itll't~ to Will l'lll11· I 11111. ht' nllnl\'t:rl tn r•nnw in Pnntncl'. poole11 Ln t•nnllntll! on ll\'f'lllor:lt nnrl liOGH-LowPl' pmfll~1 n1·n :iltroarl llnv~· •. f:illt·~\"nr~ 111:.0 no!~ ~:;pndtHI Hll<.:l\ IIHt'l\ in 1111 nl!.l•ntpl to riiH· n;{(•ll.l1 with llll[ll'!llrct.erl pnrlH ol' Llw mcn.t Pl'lt!f·.~. ('h:uwe~ Jll'o goorl ('1 for 1\ll<:llignn ling pt·ruluent·~. 'l'ha l.n 1 '•11 ·11 l.J,". lo.ve}·• In 1.1,,~. Tin\\· Farms 1n 1952 lr1dg-n ([} ft•nd, Hlw 1ll.V il::i(Sft'ri 111111 l'<'il'l'illllriall \VL'III'rr'H hocly, In fi) thnt price inci'NIHOH will IH• iln!~·rom l'HI.i11n in Mil!ltlgn.n f~11 the the 1nrlccs ()/' I lt<•Rt: gTnlnH <'Ill! br · · > • • • • • • • do lm.,"' -" ·:·- t·tt:e;, PI!!· r:x!.i·:c pig JH•l' lill,·r nt J'nnowjng P ·i"c·.s of ilmllL·i·o ntlfl i'l'VI!I·s will lil111! lliHl l'ei'Lili~eJ' f!lllll't~l'tlllt'e :tl 1 1\lt~ n~ 1\lll'hlg-nn SUt I" t•oiJpg·,'. IJrVt' nib<'!' 11 1 Will Hl.llll. Scvcr.1l lhr.cd5 l;le;'t."'~ .to t·~·~nnln l.il~~h, Pl:~;"Jl,'.'et~ ·"''l'>l. Oht111n ''Cflllnmicnl g·afns. in wP.1. Wltolt~.orilll pl'ict~s in Oi!· J:i illtd J.J. 11'1J1 ;ll'lll' lflll'ol '!'lint lite: pallC'l'n of rllsli·iiHI· 'l'ht'~' LOWIW.l\1 WIIJ'm ROCKS !o~,PlnLllH Jtnn1 Jlllr,t. l.nll.t,..ln .• In I'L'ni< pi·lcns fo1· hogH <::111 hr. I!X· J.t·uil fo1' livn lll'l>ilt•i'H mid fl·y,•;·;; l'l.'.o<'ilt'l'lt lTSilll>i in lhl'ir fields, tfun r~l'llll:w)' lltllf.l!l'ialo will h;.•tcb~nK /\II Summer l9u2 am very dlrn. 1l'Oilt~ Will hr. J>N:tcd ln l•'ei>I'IIIII'Y and in AngiiHL will g·r:n<'l'nllv ranJ'<~ hclwnnti :10 or Our 25th y,,m not ho cllsltnhod heyon(l l'fnsnn. tnlcn Jlfll'!. in ,,1111<'1 dlot•IIY lltl illf!l't.!:JBt1d dt•llllllHi Longn .. dlt!l', lilt! r•ollr-gt• soil 'l'li:lt C\IITnnt, plnnf. ennHll'JIII· or m·cn.sc mn1·n In t.Jw noxl: ~'''"1', hut. fnll in lfl!i2 nnleHH n. l!ll·gc.t·wnl' tl1!· n,Hnlllng· i'l'om ,.,~lallvl'l,\' hl:.;h ~cicnr" dt'Jiflt'lmenl., Wlll"l!I!I'H itl· pli(!e.:l qppcnt· to bu tliOJ'Il Jn.vnt'iil>le V<'l!ip.~. Tlw fllllJlliL nl falH :Jtlll ull~; prkcH of r,,r[ llll'nt.~ nnrl im;ll'n\'e[J lion nnd expnn.slon Jli'Ojc<~tH, now HATCHERY undet· way, nt·,, r:01nplded o11 eluding l.rlll'lirrs, snlt'Hlllt!ll fllld Phone .I;L(.hKflfl 2<1800 for CJ(lllle Otllll for <'il.lw1· ltngH or 111 .f%2 will be llliiCit gl'ont.er Utflll nml'lteling 111 r,lhoriK I'm· llnnrlling pt·oce.ssot·.~. :It'" <'Xfl(•eterl tn.flltrrFI 4ti2tl g, nnry Ru. nl. H~urle~t~ I shCfill· . . . it1 J!l!il, anric(·~l tlil'f'r·n:nlial I>L!Lwr 1:n llgl!l. nllt.l f!l'OJ1 lill l'n~.rml '~. lllllll!flled for Hampshire ram lamb to their flock of 69. The brothers bought tran~pottnllnn •lifflcult/('R. of llili·Lop g-r~ulc,,. llL'tatlo" oJ: lil1:;, li<'JIVY huteil'''' hng-H will widen. 1fl!i:':Tiln.'•llc•.':·t. ~~~ _llln,lnrge "~IJ~; the animal from Delmont Chapman Jt the Chapman farms at It lllroc ~onqltionH· · at'l! mel, lhet·r. iH lin exe,llerJt cl111nr:e tltnl the ,Jnrgu 1own1· gm1Je r·11Ltlt: 11p· \Vntul! t.lw lilfll'lit:ls :111rl f'r.r.d fn1• Pll• ·'Ill .lfi,,J 11111 lm fill mo,;f. PoitL Rockwood two weeks ago. The ram placed first among ram 1WL.1l' lfl lle ''nflrl llf'l" /'()!' J'cNiin" lilt' l>ig""f·st JH·ofit· he : the 1am lamb_ wh1c.h er· til11n lhe l(lf>l estimated t.•on-~ good qnnllty J'i;liglmg•· llcl'ni'P he- t'l'OJI 111 !filii wnH lrll)iP!' limn in tullng JlllceH nn LmlteyK, tl. ts not.· placed th1rd at the 1949 Internatwnal livestock show m Chi· Sll!l1Jlflon of 19.fl intlllon tnno·. ThiH g-ipmllc Jtwi·enHe iH in ;;pile of a . ltlwly tlwt. Jll'orliHirl' fol' U!c cago. Aaron is on the left in the picture with Dallas behind the I 1!J:Jl ci'Op will g-.1 ahovr•pnee.~ lite level . ~chednlcd lD 11"1' vent eut. In lfl!i~ YOU and the ''f. which ceillng-H eun !Jc Imposed. pnzc ram. Htl)lerpltosphat.~ pi·oclticllon. ITurlw,v pt•iccs in the f:lll of .l!l52 ~------lll spite u[ the liltt•ly inercn~11 in total fc·rlilizm· proclw:lion and l!Oil· 1 n 1·r l'XJlcclcrl I<' be hig·Jtcr f.hnn tlth' Hog-Corn Ratio !fall, ;Llthour:h cmnpal'rlhlc increii,;C:o tllllllplion, it is mlit·cl~· pl'Olmlllr lin fcP

TJI!) . ill'1llll1rllllb lllplll ~Ill' ll'lllliiiJolll INGHAM COUNTY Nf:WS .~'Aou~on Bf.f'e.eders Buy Boaw: G!~ass cmd Cor11 lh1 Jllllnw Willi llw flfiiJHo nlln!Jlwrl, !Speaking About 'I'll<' fllllhm•lty fill' 1111 IIHH'I N. N ovcmbc1• 29, 1951 Pngo 7 i rARMING BU~IN~~S P. A, 111 liP I' ~1-flfl 11, .llmllllrd All­ DY 1 ; [?~H~2r V/~lcldv h] Goose Feathers gll~it 17, lfJ'1J. j>lll~dlflllf {O fWt'1itlT\'11 I I rt l'o li"il"il IIIHII'l' H••t•, 711 I, 1\ I Dr. C. M. Clothier :d11t. hln, :1:, 'llllPlHh·d fin u. R. c CA/?L COLLIN flY INK Wllllb 1 Ene0·~w (o.nt.e~t A)l 11, ht1 11 21fH, l1PJ)l,VIn1{ !1t~t•, lfll Veterinarian ICI'f!t•il•ll<',\' will dr•}rmnlnr• lurm ]ll'ofliH, Clinton 'llllllh' l~(•puhiJc,ni"N"Wh l nJ ~lui, (!J,J, ll.i Hl)Hllltll\d; liO U, R, \i'tll til lilt t'llolclo! c•I!J,•hn.,l II' J'Oil W<'lll 0111. and 1\'illllg lilt' I r• o\pp, :illp, ~1)71, Sll•, Ill!, !C, U, HUUI'I' lll'ii'I'M hll\'1' HlliY<•rl illl{h II'I,Hwul l{fll'l>l'lllllllllt Hll]lllflrl. ASHillllilll~ fhfl III'IWIII'n o[ >n ~l'fl''"' sl!·tgr, llron,llrl (:111'1~· 11lC'}t Ol' \IIIII • rill' II lllllt~Y t'tll' I 0 lfll, He pt. fl, 1flli0, I fi Ji', ft. Bl Oo, A, t L1u•d l'fll1~11lllfl]lon 111.1~' l'lsr• lhls ,\'l'nr 111111 nt•xl, n•·· •r, 1\Jot d II Ill\' lll_, I j( 1.11111 11 ,j I' t'tll, ]1rllflll I rhdnln,gn,ill~· rllntl!'l' Ill I~ Vflal' ,; Cll'H, Jl)f)[) Hll]'p.: ~'ll'(' I!.!, 1~. 0. 1 II !Ill !Ill! 11Jll( ll1J\"Io 1 ll Aid~ hni'H nil 11;:lil \1'1111 !llf' t:ni'0lll~ IO''Illi, .Tollllloll.l' :1 l!l.il, Ill "'· fl, 1 1Hllll' fi2:i I illn,.,r dllil I'Uill 1l.r •'•• f l11 1olr lll'nl. Bill II ~·on iliiJI)lL'lll'rl In de- lol.. . IIH N. ,,lain ~1. 1~!11'01 Jli'Oclitellrlll CO'j[!J th!R ;Y"ftl' llgll,lllll'ltlllll.\' ffliilll'lto llllil lhi'l'f lntr nnd mom gl'awlh they' coult !I< It• LCI pltW]( fl l'e~li\'P goo;;e, \'011 <1 II yoll ill c t:Lllll~ to lnoJt ll IIJl, Lr·~llc nt·c nbo11t 12 1"''' CPJll niJOI'<' 1O:ill lmvo llr>Nllll~' IIR<'flll ChrtHlmn l1 ,. Hl>llll· pn1111" to h•cp In 111111• lClt<'l' ]ll' C!liCI'III Wllfll Vflll rto\1 llh IJ" C'lli'Oi'll] ili'CIIIIHO Lhls llli!tllflp.l 1 ~'lc•xl ,'t'Ptll' LIH y 'iiWth lill' nnol llvr• Jlt 1 c•t·lll. lillg to [lll;.' IIIOI'U nllenllon In lh j \1 tlh ]1'!~11111 I Ctl' It L;lllll!•·!~lll' ,, IHIX \ld,V l'lliiJt' lmnl'!ong at \•Jill' dr.. w 111g a 1•0-Mf!(J m l•0-07 tlrH> cut rn Cine) ,('-pluc l{ 111g 1~, n nu 11 t~l' of '~I\ I• JWIHl! HiiOJJ ,lJ1Y lnlll\Cl ln lui~ hlglwr bcetJW.t' ol' l111' 1111 ge 1111111but ioflllliii,V HllleH, By hcttcr f'Ol'eR!l•: 1, 1 l11 •,lJoil, iltv t J'on Jlngt• r~i low d]i• \lilil lht' ft•!il!if'l;, 1/fiWCVI'I', o OJ' JiVCHiflL'lt }li'lllg' J'flJ~Ctl; Ctlll'l'llt 111 lol,d oligt•' till!< I,)liOfpe<'is n1c I'm n it•!nllvr·Jy lighl ' ",lt'"I;Jll\' 111 111 t {'IH'l py IIJHn wr~ll gPfH(' r,nn1 LIJcit' llvl; lwrvcHI hnt. cor I \ulhtll'll,Y llltr~ clr•clf<'tl llllltlH•nr•t•• I el'd Eltn:tiJnn lnlr•: nn llnth lclll­ oCI \'I• IIIIJ.:'C llllllliiCI'~ Of li'C~fl. 'o'l•''' ( (Jj II II l 1.,t' on I ell,\ 1llil1 10 ~in, I ha l'H I he i'owl •li 111n linn tlll­ mlli Jt ,Jt,tl! hu )JilllilCI], I <'!;llllllf'd Fire • ~ife - Cusuulty llzel' pr wc.Y unrl liSt' lll'r• lncr·r nRJng. • ,' •,, 1 •r11 II' I1L ·rJlh'' t o1 n >~In~~ 'c•w, II 111•1 nil IHc'lltillt'ICd hy lnle1 I 1 ntl t'fJI\ li roilt'rl li',' ll11• I •'< ''I, 1, 11 F'n1m mrrchJnr•I'Y wl'l nt lcm;L r OlJ­ 't)J,I rdJr I I 1 11''.. ( oi)IJ(JIJJif oJ ~.t ol!ll TTJ1 lo NJ C'on - I 'IItJ, ddl•'ttlltl Jill\ ll· 111~'1'1' Jl" :wnt hig-h Build­ frtld}J,;)l))l' )lOll', I' I11!W t !JJ)J­ 1 l• ·'· dllt'C(J\'t s 11<1\V lllll;Y })I• IIIII '0111 th cJ! lhC! ll~.li million lllt~hc 1 Aulo 'lwnc••·s, llnrtfmll Ing Inn lei lab, Bc'ed' IIIHI /H'Hl lrlll­ lllrtllriPI' Wll.'i! Jtt•d hv \r1. J\JJ:.·IJitt /' tl J,•, 111•' J 1 l ltJ.d l111hl lJ•t No H'l'fOil ()Jhrl lilntJ :tn ·pplt• CI(JJl]ln•lmovetltnlcl slmns~r Hlllfl11l nJ llH· l!.nnp;,IJilt' lt••td, "'" fiiiJ 01' hOi Of' it'niiiCIS. ci'S will coni inuc III gil In en 11y \VIJ(J p/.utd JJI!h 1~i .t ·,~'1!1111 IJrJ.Jr ,r,p 111,'~1' !Jt,ltt iiPI ptnlt·lll cor: rill,\' • )'('gll]llt(d JllfH'I ,,~())' I ,111 1'1ce totnl nrnollut sto1 cd was 2 hr. l \It' J :111t II tilld J! Ill I! I Hli{Jlll 1 1 1952. Ji'flt1nr.J'K mnv buv rno10 jJJf .1 tht· I~IJI llldl. ll.r •I tit I Ill ,,; ll 'lit (OJ,) Lt- 'Jl,Ll'rtlt• !! hVIl Ji 01!1 • Yon rlon'l c~voltl tl11' IJV h:1vin~ [lOll lllCl'Cfl' t', \VI' WtJI lillVC 215 pel' "'Oiilld 221 l!iOliSHild IJOIIIlLlS ( omeunu g !vP ,ron the ft.•::~! ii~"'I , S!ERNARD E. ~NU.. SON, Agent cent mn1u pr01 ,Jc· In tills colinlly 'lllltci' hnd been pUJchn~ccl by tl• 1nr·c yn11 nNd n 1H't1n(,n to ~~r r·~ I In JcsB linn 20 \'CHIs. 'I'll Ill mPnn" ~·cc. 'l'olfll production fm· the Y 1 ccently or. 'tlllnJnr; Ldlind that or a vcr ·~Nifllne·rs ~t?.~eded prohal!lc rood net·do; ily J!l7i'i when ,oo-o''l' nhout 151./i lllii!J0 our pojJlllnllon 1111\' l'e 1ch 10Cr nlll- 'lnllnds ft•l· tho llrst nnw monLJ· , ]lOll ]lC'up!e. \\'t) WOJIIrJ llt\£1<] Ct2 ·,r tho \'Cnl' Total lllillc Tll'OCitlCI 1r r lllliCh lllUIC llillic lh Wl' lliC l111n- '10 H rokl) fnJlen of[' fJ'Oill II ;YO" lng out now 111 Nt·w '(01 k, Ww- .,.,.n HOW0V01' lllOJ'o mlllt has hnr ~o1mlll nntl il!it h1g.1n. g,,g Jll'oduc- "or! fM hntflr;l sales 1nthc1· til" f 1011 wou'd l1'L\'C tn b~"~ l''Cle:lflrd 13 .. .,,. ,...l.,iltl!Rr.ttwincr bltttet•. '"rh hilllon. Pml: ilf•Jnnml \\'lllllfl I'C- ... ,nrl '" <"Wn·•fn!] to conlllll' (jtlitC :tH llltH'h Illfill1 d'i 1hc ClltJ!( Pf'f)jr•l l11 111\ 1Wf1111l(•jj()n lS €VlJC-cJr pig CICJ 'S Ill J~wn Wirl Nt!H \R](I ·~ hlJ 1'Hi h IJo1J.:, beet "'l'rl or U11s .ve:tl. \'Cnl, lrn11h ,nd l111llttJ'l, "n \\' u111 t.: Cct·t:Jin lypcs or r;et.'l'. T!Jorc need fJ ;} billion poutdn 1110l'C t1tftJ1 r;.-..r....-~ !•1 rn'd .::lnr'FJrre rwe jusl is a \'nrintJOn bel.·,( Cit 1he gr}l'i!1S 1 CUIICllt uul;J'It llL 0\'(H' i1 jhl'rj nr \V]lnl tht<~V \\~1'' n :Jt, r.ctn:~: rnlllc 'ro mc·J cn~1c lntn1 out·,ut m J.n(' ., ''f'l'''' ~~no thJ~ tJJ...,.,(l, Chir.lrcns r· nwl slH:ClJ. with ]Hobt:hlc load tli,nl'lfHl'1 in '0,_,,... th•,!l TJ'll'l 'T'hrv laid FJn r' 1 1!: IV i It it 1970 \\ll! would need lli'otllPl' 100 ' '"1° l'nr.. ,,,,,l Tlllt" 11Vl' of n'"~'trR m 0· s Jl l' 0 I! d fl'Oln tlllllwn ""''~ ot I tnt! That'~ ·~h··t' But jleo;r.le ore just entu• J·oughly the cc.mbu·c'cl I annttu.: .. 1o1 e ogf!s, cat!!e to ~herp? J\: U;ually Jantl of \VJS('Oihcn, ~tJeill·~nn, Ja- Poo DPI:·ut m•o!Joh!y Will c(,, ~ JS dtana, lll!ll018 anrl Ohin But WhCl'C +-hqtr• lnl'(f{ll' tll~n a. }N-tl' [L(rl t h t· r• no wo11lfl we gcllhn lolllCllllC\I'!and? •rho1e we•·~ ~bout tlm•c pe-t· ct••· ; (ll i'C\ rJ ftOBI Pl'Oh~h1y ronsll!el r1 hlc· rlCl"C:fl?,'(' i'"'1Dl'P (~htcl~Cll':i on f'nrnH Nov~J,. •·attle trJ sher))l cou!tl h" put tnlu 11oo by mi:;:t· ''"' l f11on " v0nt• O"'O. And Lhe• or from sllcc•p to catlle. 1 t10n. 1\.la; hP ~·· IIIP wmn-nut 1nrll ,,,Plfl 10 m1lhon Ph,r.lcPns lllfl' Q: \Vh:1t nro W!lJ'nin;..-: ~jign:i ot could be Jtlnnlllov ill'lt lime. 'l'ho' 'hn>t n venr R"O which still hntl'' pinl:[lj'c~· big llc.pc lfl .tp]lli< a lion o[ .~c1encc• otnrt0t! to lAY. So In Spite of ll' A: Sti£pcet pin>: c ;• c when to Jlluhlcms n! tilnnL lnaulmg, bl't- ,.,.,e •t~· rlEmn!•r\ fo1· C'"'H. v healthy cnllle ;l10w swelling of ot• f..ct CrtlP rJflnr~frlr'h: nrrl h"q W1.c:lft 1 110111ri h.-\V(l ll!t Ell)1l}}C RU!Jply r clisrhm·ge from tlw ryes, or 1( the Commencing e~.t] 2:30 o'clock, £harp, ~he following described prop· of foot! ant! f,•,.d fi'O!ll I he !•me 1l'~ 'J''lll rh1• m~ the nev.t few monll· 1\ colo!'crl hm vcslr:__r_:---- sto~k p• oduclion. watch OVCI' cnttle on :,ummcr p3S· Lo•·rl mqy P,et a hreR)(, Colin tLII'eS. 11 odJt0lJOn 1"> rhwn below e· 1 CATTLE vVr• 1'/d] tl~e :llllllll(] '1':r. llltilton ) cLttJOIIS COilSiciPJ'itblc so·;hc> Clll'lstmn; llJCI Lh, oC'Il. AkHJtl''rJe'l°C got ~nue,ht in uw'eall 1 nuw ll!JilJ.on Ot Utt"1 f' Wlll ~"'DlllP "Tov<"'tnbel· !mow unharveRtf'r· 16 purebred Hereford cows, 3 to 1 Registered PoHed Hereford ' ft:orn C,tn,Hln. 'rlH~rc'f-1 a ~1(~ \V(I'Jtc '"h"sc twn fr~t tn pt oducts-cottr of pnw lrr·P~ t'>H'll Y<'flt · !Vfo newr >hould haw been r·• 1t 1n the first place, For­ o!d registered Polled Hereford Bull csteJ·s say tlmt with a liLLie pnm- Farm Credit Group I 9 Purebred Hereford Heifers, 15 and all bangs tested and are~ 1/ Will Hold Meeting to 18 m!Jnths old, not bred fine lot of breeding cows and u·~ neL" "(: ers Dr. ~~. J. Greero ' I The fl~\lillal stockholclers mec' 3 He1reford Steen, mcnrhe oid 1 1ng of the F\umozs Pt"oductlc 1 Registered Polled Hereford VETEIUNAHIAN ~'Wltl r ,~ocmlion · Will be he' ]. 5 BuH and. Heifer Calves hom 2 llt'Xt 1\'cclne"dfl.y, nl the Peoplr PmetiC'inl' nt lhe former loea· chmch in East Lans111g, to 6 months old 1' BuB, 2 years old, J-Adv. Dom tion nf nr. l:IIIH•rt Azcltnn C. \V Otto, secl'etaJy-mnn2g-r Pi·esident 3 N. CPdnr St. l\la~.on of lhe L:mslng Chamhel' of Co1r I'l 101w "'I ason ' ,," 7'.11 ,, mc1 ce, Will bdellvm· an address .. rhnne1· Will e served at noon, I 1 '7 ~ft. cu.hipadcer tJ" followed bv a bu.smess ncss101 I Fred A. Smith of Ha~tlngs, p1·cs 1 Nevr ~dea manure spreader ------·~~--·------1 ~/~owing machine, 5-ft. cut 1 V"/eeder Get a Load of This . . . 1 'JVagon on rubber with harvest- . ~ .. And We Mean a mgbox 1 Heavy duty farm t:railer with 7 by 14uft. platform Load! 1 Cco~n sheller Bl 1 Set platform scales 1 St~ei wheelbarrow 4 RoHs snow fence for corn crib- bing Minneapolis-Moline 24 18-in. glazed tile

Tf CCllS\1': tnltcl R COUJrJ o'OIInf Qua!d:ity of 4-inch tile OJ y due]{ 111 North America, 1t likely l11at they would find mo1 .o I 3. 10-rod roll of Page Wire 'lllnrd~ thnn any olllGI' kmcl. Qua:nt!ty of fencing 'te1·c m·c tnme ones on farms and 'ld m103 hvmg In mosL port•; of I Power grinder 1e contmont. Wild Malia rt!s l! ~·ou want! Extra. 1:: r~~ ~D OF tH)J.JRTij~!NS .,, 1 large feed raclwt for lll'c r:mges ot feeding gives controlled . ~uWhile r. beating then• strong if(E•\l:i!iidH[S!i:;£;;.!/iii)Jtl·c; iii:{·'. i}.};)j)[i\iJt~ 1> Cn\\!i Grass Seeder Mprendh1g from three t{) 15 loads an aero. l\Ocw sldo exf~nslon ·rings, they watch for J10ols Ol' © Natccnal Wfldlifo Federation 1 Post Hole Digger slll:olds fat· tho np1•cr beater a•·o flangNl to prevent wmp])lug of 'lites or f1 csh water whe1·e thcv GO hl .~ • :, :~~· 11r.. '3n hvo and fJI'ci rood. In the wa- Mallcud Duck ~}lh \1 !' ,;o '{,ral·1'-J' with ('lilt i- long mnnnrc. around tho shaft. Low set wlu!C>ls mal;o loading 100 ft. Garden Hose cr they get mosqmlo larvae, in- l!JCII' pare"ts. The females Ill\ ' Y:!for cnslt'l' nlll\ faster. Bncl's lllw n gO·C!lrt! ~ntontcd distributor com. ;~cts, snmls nnd shellfish. Around mostly brown, with ha1Jcs of blaclc fh:;dt\:: P!O\\ Ladders Water Tank pll)lc•ly pull·erizes ami c'·enly dlst"rlliut~ mnnm1,, he edgeR they feed on tl1c seeds j They l1avo dull yellow h1lls anc· );HI,: Cou~~~~· :P:pt•!it! ~ rwEl!i:t•)• We'll be glad lo tell you moro nbout the LS·SOO. ~nd stoms of plants. icel. . Among the wcctls nne! bushes 1 The !!:ales have green heads anc' 1~:~ d ,.ic l~i o:•:lr-;· :tall rhfrl; 'II ' -car the water, the 1\Jr.ll:mls ln11lrl necl;s, wh1tc collnrs ancl pmplc eq.ti~'!i:!''!1 i TERMS-10 t:o 12 months time on approved notes by Vernon State :ests of lcnves and grass, \Vitrl lHown !Jcr.r:sts, They nrc Eght gta' i-H!J~ ~H!l \r~~r,~l Tank ll'ilh mmgs of dar!' g1ay down. When m:domeath and dnltct· on thoi, bt'dh't' Bank-Not Responsible Fo1.· Ac~idents Day of Sale. 'lei' ncstmg place 1s ready, the fe- bacl

Fred MacMunay Mi(hael Hopkins ' Williamston nrrrggtHt f'llvnn otttn 1 DuBois Items Mr11. Nlm~ Kewbum I,.•Hlt'l' Muy, lor Ill til'llfTI{I~I, WIIM Died Last Sunday p1 cHen tee! with n Mpewl Hhli·t lllo i-l<'l'l'lllh 111111 J•:tnhlh I­ WilniH clull VrJtcd Mnnd1Ly evening tho HcnHon, trrnnlt mng-nrdlo nclrtmt I<>WH, Bill II nil 111111 ,Junot mw, ,\'. nt lholi• t·egular• nwetlng to nttend Mll'ltncl Lee liopl!lllH tllr>tl n t hiH II lff!Hily fit• to the g-ifJ fli'CHOI\[/1· Vl'l'llon !Jiii!HI Jlllri AllthiPttn Children's Party 1110 chnrtcr night for• the npw Lnn­ lllmtlng- Jndgn nMr I .. lncoln, cnr-ly lion. Dllrlng- I he• jliiHt HOIIHOil Les­ Jliitl'hlliH WOII' IIIJHOII[ J10111 HChooJ Hing-lilver·ott cluh which will be Sunun.y morning, November· 18, IO\', nt hiH flOJHilnr cl111g- Him·•• nnd Ol1t' clny lnHl \Welt, 'J'hn Willlnltl:;ton voillltlt•ct' llr•o l'hnr·tcrcd In South LnnRing Mon­ He wnH bran In De Kulh, Inrll- HOdn fountain, g-nvr. lhn hnyH w11n On Wtdne•"elu,\' ol hlHI Wt•C]! tliu di'PIII'Ll11Pilt hllH !'Ollll)llc lt'!i IICIII'i:V dny cvcnmg, Decemhm• 10, Thla plityoet In tho lflllllCH 11 lolnl of HR llll Bolo Molhol H 111 I onclr d ,J 1\nn, Nov~mbcr 10, 1908, He mnvcel HLinllnwe·cl hv l"t'fl't'Hh- Plll'ly whkh will hn hnlrt nt th~ mR.n of tlte pr·ogr·nm At thiH woei<'R Mt•lhmllst \\'S('H \\'Ill ~It••• I ill<' Ill o ot It'll t'l 011111 nnct' t•nltP, high ~r·lrool nnrllloilllnt the weet' S11 rvlvlng- AIr lho wlrlow, I.tlllnn; meeting and Bernie Adl\111~ and one rlnug-htcr•, Mr•s, Knthlecn Smith 'r!I,• Nn01;1l ell l'ir• ol' lht• M<'th- Supt'l 1ntond••nt ol' c 011n 1 y [ll't'r cdltlg" Chl'l.91 rnnH, Decem her• Clar·ence MorriH dlacuRHCd tlw top­ W. S, C. S Will moP[ De- AI ton .), Slmurl, viHilud th'o 20. or LnnHing-: nnrl one Rnn, RlchAi'rl otll~l Sl'lwol~ Ic "What Ia lthcntl of liH in lndua­ ce'll\h<'l 12 nl tile llomo of M 1 .~. H<'ll!, (1, \\', ~(lrlllJ.;-IllUII and morJIII huriAi servlr•cs W"l'C con­ fil'Cillllll lhiOIIg)IOIIt i}Jr \'Nil' hllo l\fnuctc Eclmum nnd CloD Bnch­ ducted hv the Wnltcr· FH•nt h Ma­ fl8.91StPri Ill I HiHlng" tlif' IICl'eHHlli,Y man llVCI' the eJttel"lalnmcnt pr·o­ sonic Lorlge. funrl:; to linanc·L• Lhls clulllrcn'.-l gJ am following meeting ClmHlllldH Jllll ty ' J?nnrrnl Hf)I'VICCH WCI e hclri fl'flllll PtnnH wt•r·e completed for the f:rw~ltne B1 otlwrs tunrt•nl home In Methodl'st Choi·r FnllehVIIIg lht• pail ,1' Lli<' fir·nmcn holiday nctlvillcH, bcg-mnmg- With fll l p. 111 , ( HOd I!Wil WlVl'H Will !Jc g"IICH[H Of tile 111 sl mc>cllng on Dt•crmbei' Wllhum~lon •r11e~dny :ao Rt•l" Burn<'•' .!runes, [lltHlrtl' of the ~ Fil·r• Cllll I" Wllhill Srnrlh nncl M1 s whlr·h will ltrmor the hlrthdny an­ Snut11 tn1' 11 mrclnJghl illncht•on Wllllnmston McllwcliHt ( hUI'<'It, nf-1 nlver snr i<'R of mrmhcl's f1 om Au­ 1lr·lntrcl. Bur 1nl wnH rnntlc 111 the Plans omtata 'J'lw slnC'I!lngs lor· til<' p.11 ty wrll g-usl 31 ln Tlef'r.lllhcr :Jl, Tlus will !Je p.Jti<••d oil I he hon11• or tho tile he the annunlmccllng .mel r•egulru cemcleJ y •at Alma. 'l'lln .trlnlt ellolr" of IIH• WlllilllllH- 'hi PI ill' nil LIH• til cmcn 1111<1 lhc11 clccl1on ol llfflceJ'S. , Inn Commu111ly Melht,rllst <'ltilldl, wlvr.,, ' On Dct•cmhcr· 27 the, annunl will )lle~Plll IIH df11111HI Chi1Hl111ns Chr•islmnA Jln.rty with exchang-e of e anlnln "Ynlctlclc Mellllllll'H," f•llll· gifts nne! (llogJ am will lnke plnc<•. Ruth Circle Has clay mor•mng, DPt·cmhe 1 lh, at 'l'he Patnotlc Pluh ~>Ill meet at the nlnvcn a m., ,I nlVemhct mcellllg of the Specml mns1c Will nlsn IJc gt\'<'11 Opens Tuesdav of off1cers. 1Ruth <'ll'rlt• nf thn W S C S of M1·s Gc1nldJnc McDuJnJOn direc­ Kate King- g"I\\'C a report nt work the Melhoclist l'lmr·rh wa.9 held nl tor of the• t'ilnll", Will annnunc" tlw The Wtltwmstrm high school ll<'comp!Jshecl \Vllh " family of the parsonage wllh Mrs. Phyllis soloists o1l n !oiler elate Tl11s ts a bllsl

Lodge Meets Tuesday You. Can Do It -- I

M1· and Mt s Dale MusS!'l', o~c­ ... Pa~nt Figursnes For Christmas cnntpanrcd by Mr. and Mts Lloyrl Sli'Hllb nf Holt 111 c clceJ hunllng 'l'ht• l'r·rlt•f'l !oifl-l'<•rsonahl.l .rntl lut•xpt•Jlsi\ '' across the stl·a1ts M1· and Mrs. Osca•· Allen and llullnJ,tH'• <'ltina hi.<(lll' tigur·iue•, <'OI'f"t'!'tl.l p:unt••cl prothl!,t' tllf' Mr ancJ TIIrH. Ha10lri Youngs spent s.unt• •·fh•c•1 m; ohi1Chin1~f' (•t•J-:uni{'S. Ji:PI11Pinlw1·, tht•sp a•·1• •·lutiH• nut pla•lt•l' Ol" substitut!'s, iHs!J'llt'!WHs :u·tt :tlail­ ahlt· uthnr· (,Ja~mg Shafer's Decorating Supply


Cash and Carry Mason Dairy

Tll'o iltorcR tu St•r\ t' you How You're riding on big, soft coil springs ICK a road that you know by heai·t. sure, steady swoop without buck or that let every wheel dance beneath bobble all th~ way up. PNot too good a road. One that has you, without passing on the jolts to some bumps-some unbanked turns­ you in the car. There's a Jot more that we could tdl a tough hill or two. You're driving a car that's plenty you about a Buick. But such things as Then get in touch with us, and let us inches broader than it is high-a sure· room, and comfort, the confident way put you behind the wheel of a Buick, footed road-bugger if there ever was it steers, and the way it shortens the with Dynaflow Drive.'·' one. miles are things you cnn best discover ft·om personal experience. Tei~derly Now you're all set for a new cxperi· And you're riding behind a Fireball ence. You'll find out this: Engine·- Buick's time-tested version So why not follow the routine already - Guarded suggested? ·%u supply the road-we'll Those bumps seem to lose their of a high-compt·cssion valve-in-head-­ aftpr· supply the car-- and let it speak for bobble. You just take them with a an engine that packs more power than it'self. most people ever need to use. smooth and level stride. l'qlll/111fl!ri(,rtr:c('JJHm /tit, tr1 maml-moff~·fHfll l'lillfJ)r'd locluwllf' 1111 rllotllllu/IM. ·Y.·Stuncinrd on /'fl 1VA/,1 Sl1'1,, OTJ/I()nnl rtf r•:r/ru CCJII/ on otlim ,<..;t'nrll. Those unba~ked turns don't seem so With this power -- and Dynaflow sharp, and those hills seem almost to Drive~- you don't have to flatten out. "rush" a hill at the bottom to som· serenely over the top. How come? Well, a lot of things arc You just feed the power as different when you travel in a Buick. you need it - climb with· a JEWETT Fulleral Home The llolllfl of l~l'lcntlly ¥wliiiN liiiTiU AIJTOMOBILES ARE /lUILT I'IJICIC WILL IUILD fHEAI ScM'Ice PhOIIIl l'lllloSOII 2-6151 Hilton &. Richards