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12-1-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-01-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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-- i :: HI n SIXTH lail li airier or Mall. .i I o. ill. i Mouth. Much- - ('4pifw, .V.

Summary 01 War THE WEATHER QUESTIONS MINUTE DETAILS ATTACKS Yesterday Wi FIERCE i; !1 i News of hi vim 101:1: ink .1 III.- I... t IMS i nrer, Nov. titoti. .am.- origin, ll iron: the ; i ;tl Ktand "i a In, genei i.r man govei n m. nt When ,t bM mm EHSI TO CLKIMMOST Of WAR PLANNED BY IT ALIA local m pom. l'or twentyninnhours, ratlniK ' ,i fUI ili-- : these w fee not v ( nili, .1 u M It Ih. 1. ills in, I li. in ) initial (be Maximum temperature, - OF ATTENTION BT GERMANY FAR banks i.. FR N T mlnt ib we make n AUSTRIAN tiiuiii. 2; range. 17; temperature tit the Nanthara I '. I"- k vestordav aftl IS. Mlthwest winds, clear l'tP II eb mel-- IH Hi, derma it nt OF CONGRESSMEN AS DM tb BACK 1913 ARE CONTINUOUS feat mat have irigtnatcd in park I rout stem- - Ul a horse's si in a spark caused i a small ning over some acavleace spllll ,1 povv rorkmaa s; id thai Itiiniima, lo Kill' 111 Nat il Defense Ques . Karl Buen; ial Foi ; Bal- just before lusion i and tiorLs. has who testl ,c, Tons. War Interest Shifts From - car In tvr t mmm several tion of Providing Revenue to possi fro nt Russia linn Ituseiao war-p- . oonspira United 31 thousand pounds ol bla k powder had Itov-I- ships In rni tt. ,i to us,, tin- Danube been drawn bj two hurst's along a Run Government Paramount move Bgfelnal Bulgaria and ha States, mine, oon narrow gauge track to the antrance to df mu- - of (ht packing kOUM to bC Issues at Cominc Sessiorii maaded t rttit Rossi repc( her Testimoi Positions nr shiiiui in. lu- powder in packet! traltty, W war 1 n nto hoxca holding a lion! ft ft muds Karl Kltchnci the llntisli i nr minister, returned to England nr (CONSUL PRESIDENT OPPOSED TO hs FOR DEFENSE HINDbNBURG DRIVEN ProtaMe RxpaanaliasMi. from the Near Easi and Is expected In Heme ol the powder, n was aald. I DRAWING PARTY LINES! a few days to lay b fore the Uritlsh DENIES ANY CRIME STILL FURTHER BACK UtflU may have (pilled from the car, Either u.u council th. resultn of his obser- lit u borm'i sit. r the wheel t eni vation and also hi: conversation giving lie valuation oi the cars i could have Ignited the stuff anil with the knK oi nt e the king al It simply charges these things; ii Will', Reilin Government Responsi- not adduced one of and Give earned u flash to raaoti th powder j Prohibition and Suffrage Italy, and the members of the French whit nvtdenci ruinuuia Greece on bis prove them." m the car exploding it nnd tfef pow- Dis- war council, whom he visited Again Be Injected Into ble for Actions of Hamburg- - i Baani appa Concern to Allies, Former der in the house. trip home. ir. rent!) had bai Beyond Recov- I Ailstr.i-luilla- n started to tell hti storj ad jot Six Injured The awful shm k nf ihi- blast struck cussions; Lawmakers May tin the frontl r American Line; Money Serfl when Geuntry Sending Menacing houi was reached tb,. i terror to the haarta of t h- residents arc athtcking with particular men! and ery. According to Report of (Big of Hauler, Hehry flat ami other set-- I Be Busy Till Summer, ferocity along the Isonxo Inmi m an in Sums, through to Trieste. Physicians; Property Loss tiementi along the lirandyw , endeavor ta break Customed as tiny kM I pWMl ex- Hip gun are pouring shells ,, ih. TSON JURY LOOKED ,av plosions The in I'oiie works are op (QPICtal rOPNIK'ONDINCt TO MOMNINO JOUNNAI, various sectms and continuous .an win unwiHg inuaNAi ...... iuiIbwiiii Insignificant. liP FOR THE NIGH I crating m three shifts and every. Washington, N"v. 3d. Two pmn-- 1 attack are being launched London, Nov )e tin it. p. m.t : home in tin- district is lite. 'gains4 the umi-i- n positions With retreat of the greater part of among the employee of Tim Auatro-Hungarlii- are d' mainspring m tin inoy M.IHNINU iUURNA, tlllV ttllll the Serbia arm) across the aaaaiaa SPARK FROM HORSE'S ' succeatfull) frontier, the stowaeo opera-tlun- a There was a rush to all t dared ba operating data. Qs N.. . jo,- - No ver.ii of the else during the session of congress en- Oermun cruiser at relatives and others ta li it any against lha Kontenegrins In th against Montcngfe ami in HOOF PROBABLE CAUSE Monday, fl. and applies Shipped oi one wan killed. ii am e, that1 will begin Deoemoer ton Of I'levpe and against the Serbs M'Uiltcrn Serbia owing to the wintry Even tase Of Thomas I WataOR, the tleor- - The COUntl made UP i tsi mind in the region southwest of Mitrovltsa. weather, ami th absence of any ma-k- r whether at the Kates at at the has charged with sending oh a more li. reports capture nf iii dltor ope a on pany's Uagley offices, was harre that ii inusi adopt elaborate While rlin the n, ratio the western and latt-s- se literature through the mails. Men Dis- effective defense policy than it prlsrend by the iiulgarians, the l Bueni, of eastern fronts, lateregl in the military in Building Literally uniformed ami armed guards, and managing director the Ham win, h was given to the 1:11 - jury at sob- - i his had. The administration knows Austr,, iiuugaiiaii communication of the war Is now transferred to one Was admitted except s line lir. BUCni look o'clock this afternoon. membered by Blast; Shreds Willi that it must manage In some way to merely says the I'.ulgarlans are 'ap- tin- Austro-lialia- frontier, where those who rushed out from th,- wttneas late In th At JO ur lock- provide funds sufficiently largo for proaching" the Serb city. The exact stand tod) Id! the was entered Ling Victor Emmanuel's troops are ton in automobile when they lea trial of himself ,,nd other line offi- ed up for Ihe night. of Bodies Left Hanging on situation is therefore obscure Hiving on an energetic offensive tin- mi rlo isness of the accident. here cials and employes lor conspiracy to meat I'nofficiai advices are i" the effect again! the Anstrians. defraud the United ttatea, PLACED Trees. The defense program of that Monaslir has been evacuated and OnIrTaFfOR Slow hut Sure I'nigraui ROOSEVELT REFUSES national Dr. Buana, ebb rly and somewhat the administration outline a compre- that it is only H matter of time before The fighting on tble has been Infirm, was assisted in the witness QUADRUPLE MURDER front NEBRASKA HONOR hensive policy that is a compromise. the Bulgarians nter lb'' City; The most arid of tin: - . WIHIl the Sustained fiercest WONIN JOURNAL LBID n, with - chair after William Hand. .It., had - The adminislration would no franco- Brtttah troops m southern Whole vvur Ker weeks the Italian Del., Nov. so. Thirty- to , w Wilmington, S. nothing concluded the opening ddras. th latf MOHNIN9 IOURNA1 PtCIAl ...... 1 . William Bryan, who want Serbia arc snow hound have been attafklRl the Austrian fatal-injure- d SV JCUHNAL SSSSIwl I'M, Mo., t ill. 'It were killed and six ultramlli-tnrist- Vlenni, Nov. M. Frederic Oyster Hay, N. v., Nov. 0-.- For- done, or to tin side of the hridgeheiib. and motimuin pnMiimu explo- - Pointer, a farmer, was placed on trial today in a terrifie an- who wa nt everything; dune. DEMOCRATIC along the Isonr.n rivef and are slowly mer President Theodore Koosevelt SENATORS .1 argument upon a her today on a charge Of murdering n nf four ions of black powder at requested The administration has conceded but snrelv drawing their nets around nounced today 'thai he had Hand lo dismiss the four persons, Mrs (leorg W itrcSC Dm to Something to each side. HAVE LIVELY CAUCUS Tolmtno, ftbrlala and Moberdo. Their Cnuer Harlev rard of the the secretary ol state ot Nebraska was de-l- a Tl years daugh- t all- - Leaders rhis motion widow old, her two withdraw his name from the ballot to ill Republican alia. Li h ue been repealed nine alter to prevent nfl was the second ters, ,liss Matllc llnese and Mis. elec-lio- n Efforts are being made M- against positions which Bad I" on be used in the oininn primary (V DORMINa JOURH.L l.l Ll.flD own cause, th first Rom Wright of Wichita, Kaa, ami lime tin- national defense question from be- Nov, JO, moat careful!) prepared, while in that state. Mr. Hooseveli was Washington, a president I) ipany s plant The president loins house empll her son, Qeorgo W. Bree, Jr. a petition In his behalf coming partisan one. pro tempore Of 'be senate and vice the Austrian report that most of notified that 3, R certain clearance pa The murder were committed, it is invited Representative will in- i repulsed, republican nom- has chairman of the cnucui elect-- - these assaults have been V cam as a candidate for the and in tile Claimed, Wllell Ihe lines.- t Ut- president had filed Mann, the nous-- minority leader, id Ioiiii.i ioW. W hile some opposl- - their Recount eunstdered here-t- inal ion for been Hamp- sketch His wimie turner. tempted i W Pointer from iheir nf Senator J, II. riallinger of New Lion expr. to been so worded as to prepare the npwny With the Nebraska secretary of state has born Propped in tin- witness and land Al On lime of bis Point- ba, I the origin "will prnbablj to with him aboui chair aitesl - . shire confer of ,.i Arkansas, as for Iheir from Mori- " - the telegram In of his Senator Clarke. coun- jpuliln reiliemenl I remain a mytilery N'everthe- land legislation. Mr. slat- - under ihe friend!) guidance oi er said he shot in defease. declination was issued by his seen - Mann presldenl pro tempore, because of s( at ai least JT inoHt severe investiKation IntH Washington sel, in Baen skit. bed his 1 jed when he reached thai liis revolt last session again- t the ship NwIh iii Bawaeagen e ,i iiiMiluted by the offliiala of the be Willing to ad- career lrw ins birth ! Herroany, the republicans would purchase bill, no candidal has d This fur the (in being is lit. - party and evtTV employe who was but they would not throiujm tcnatii y of various ottkras in MANY IN fm . vise the president to ,.n- - buo ami bis rleytlofl MINERS ollll ll.lll ..Ml tn lb I'nlfclll. tvlttOII i n 'h;.-- n J of-- I his n.iiHc land to his appoint mem lo ol P i.elldin acccpi bllndfj auythinn mat of the allies, fur it keeps a I tOTCe pieces will be put thi'oiiKh ii thorough RESTORATION OF Hie OenNRBt consular service pearly ire fared for congressional enactment. l aewe-sar- y il. Plan ago, jof Austrlans busy and maum :i Xatii i mi t irn In the hope that Home pii the republican apr thirty years He bad served ins practically ivon P for them ronttpualfy to bn... etea i,, th cause misht ho learned. in country abroad-- in tb Unite! states. at senfattves and senators who are With speeebe-- oil (he SltbleCI VIRGINIA I'elnforcetneuls which mid be ue.-- : There was tin- usual rumor afloat in and In Haiti- - in Ibe COMU WEST Washington have declared thai thej solidsrity. Fur vice fully employed against the Montene- agency may nhsirr lar or diplomatic servli c until t bfda thai some oulsiiie have are for adequate defense both mil- Lif- TRAFFIC WITH names of Senators Pottte - grins and Serbians. The Serbians. mused the explosion, but iu Pont of- - itary and naval, hut they have reserved years ago When he was made direct Ohio, ami Lewis, of llbuo Hamburg-- eless followed into Albania, will in time was not a ing head In ihi country oi ibe flcittls said toiiikthl there to themselves the right to modify the been mentioned, piohabL reappear as a rejuvenated m ii to American line's affairs. Up to ElMTOMBED shred of avtoence which hanu administration plan, If they have the ARE ii The Ways and means com di- army, tor i said that :5n,non of any tr)efry. si rengl h. that lime he bad been schooled in the house coiiiniued al woi I them, including riffles fS and civilians, Mnatl) Vonng Men. NOW ploma, v ami law Rather ban una Vtrtlnai U.S.NEEDEO pHnctpal Opponents HemiM iais. endeavoring ta readjust on- hav e taken there and that thej Nearly lilasl open faring ami as virtually without ex- refuse nil the victimn of the Practically all the opposition tees to lake care ol the gr have saved all their mountain wen- young, men between sixteen and preparedness perience a" a slea man. to the administration' creased republican minorit) !lB und a portion of their field guns. inn) twenty-on- e yearn old. The great- War HuggMed In 0111 Thiity to Sixty Men Are - Also Included in this number are ail er in In ibe fall oi In. Bltefll les- mimher of Ihem lived ami ahonl ' llll, youth who can fill Ihe gaps when Wilmington. Mexican Railway Officials tlfied, be received fr he head of Trapped liy Explosion and the iliilav in- lil lettUipmcnl reaches them fr"tn the A- The explosion occurred in a packing llxltchin of North Carolina, who will) fl ihe line in Hamburg, a letter Come to America to Ar- -j Hopes for Their Lives May driatic house fa house, j which notified him thai his super lor where bbtck powder pellet are be majority floor leader the Mackcnaeti w in tttewk UUea, a nfflcer and the governmeiii prepared for shipment. These pallets for Renewal of fnter-- 'and to certain extent Senator John Re papers Kb-h-l range i GERMANY T signed sealed mi agreement Oerman stale that are need for rifles and other purposes, W. Kern of Indiana, majority floor! MUS had and army, Witb In Marshal tun Mockeneerrs if ull, heinK in senate. So as heard) which would become operative ' muih of the powder, not change of Car Shipments, leader the far Bulgarian and Turks. 1m to he direct- shipped Influence, lime of war --Of Which Iheie was not I to the warring nations. The from, no republican of ed (geJnist Oie Ittgtn French forces in in valley to having provision made for Hen a whisperand thai an abstract packing house was situated a opposed Hie south I, lit dollbllcHH UUlliy of ... ol this agreenieni would be sent VII N long the historic lirainlvwine creek HOHNINO JIlimHIL .i .oiio wmn adequate defense; most of them would) WIN IF PEACE III KNOWN il) r suing down Raaiibe in I Qerman consul general them the "nil was a K i ' ' ' Sffft&il St. Nov. 30. , c j be glad lo much more done In shortly to the 111: IN MINE one of large "f Louis, collieleni have lKAll meel On- llusslan mi mice The puh-U- e bntldtnga which up the upper direction man is eoniainco in inc in New York where he might H,e it. l:, W. Va Nov SO make between the chief exec itive "f the 'init inner, t i xp.ciing every day to hear nf Hagley company program some lime ago announced b The letter ihen outlined the salient plant t.i the Du 1'oni National Railways of Mi liCO ami Ihc Nlneteaa men un- known in have ihe movement of the Russian army, Secretary L. M. Prel-- j point which wen-- as recalled by l't In by about three miles northwest of the - Harrison and m killed an explosion in emperor recently vtW0nt In Mlaaouri Pacific Iron Mountain sys- IS TO ENDURE Buens, about as follows: which the dent Wilson. Mine No. of the Boomer Coal nego-tlatlO- R I Bessarabia, but apparently the l i tern was held here today concerning oniiiiiou t'nsatlsfactory, Instructions hltMlWd. my her,- today, ast vpiosion Tevrtfte. Treasury and 'oke coup. with Rumania for the use of of traffic between the is Hamburg American tin II Wga 1:30 o'clock when H slikhl the restoration The trAiKury in a very unsatis "Thai ihe according to rescue parlies . Ho- Danube have not been concluded. - United States and M'-xi- o. roa- - would undertake to send '',,:i a"1' tn eXploatot) was heard In the neighbor- factory condition. Whatever the emerging: from the working a Budapest report gos o fur as to a The Mexican officials said they a large exists, On- supplies to any (lermait warships In - ma be hOd, loll,, wed by another one nit 0n, deficit and De- night, The bodies will permis-t-io- n Member of tl e Reichstag lici-titan- sav thai Ramant has refused SUC- - had been operating l"i some time the Is for it to im from month the Mlanlie ocean should Mlfle heavier, which was- quickly iease I,, the RuaahUM lo use the river principal line of 'he international to It already has been agreed b led bv a terrific blaal thai noi only month. clares Country Must Con- through Rumanian territory which I railway Mexico retain-'a- t1 '"eked the whole vttllay, bill shoow which extends from that the tax upon sugar will be l such Thirty miners were broughl to City bill the would be the more convenient routs ami stan hd Wilmington. Workmen to Laredo, Texas, that and also the special war taxes, the quer or Lose Place Anions lime On- sin ta. e tonight and re sen I for an iiiisok un wr'ern Ttnlsf American lines have not been inter being due lo expire on Decem-- ; hopes i be ran from every building and shack In latter have thai other I Another nitch i" Oreetie, the j changing cars With them. her III. In addition to this, two items Great Nations, wuie area which the company's also si ems to be some hitch The purpose Of visil to lite ' lie fur-ith- lately, There plain A refit column Of their provision must made for still ICC tit United visit Ins officials s officials 'in the allies' negotiations with Qreeee, smoke grtate from the ipol where the States, the large additions to the revenues, bun . , wlH nothing Is yet forthcoming as to said, was to lowering V MOHKINO JOUNNAL SPfslAL I tASffO WIMtl lllf ...... juuAN.L ,..,! lor BSCklng house stood nntl when the secure the and there has been talk of to IB- -j 3 Boomer, w. Va., Nov Rescue latter country's reply to the latest Of railways of this country and j tin. minimum of the income tag law BerllB, Nov (via London, 1:18 ibe 'toad disappeared there was only a tonight to guarantee of safety and dttO American railroads to lake ship- as I,, men of moderate p. in.) Bmest BaSW i in nut, a lead- In due time ihe abstract of this parties worked desperatt b demand for big hole in the ground. iso embrace No, points, I ing of govern- penetrate the working "f Mine 2 facilities for the entente armies liemen-flO- ments through to Mexican means, Tin difficulty the democrats national liberal member tb agreement with ibe Qerman Workmen who survived the go gen- of the Boomer Coal ami Coke com- near ihe Creek frontier. Th of permitting the American ears to are having in making l.otli ends meet, ralchataft) discussing the war in the ment came lo the Herman consul hlnst s.i ill the scene was one pany, when- explosion by reply WO expected yesterday In the shipments, expenses of gov-- 1 National Zeltung, th title, promised, was examined an oaaaed fireek horror. every left stand-l- a th destination of so far as the Ordinary under eral lu re as I'rnni tree .1 I'a-- a Mow-o- ut today, On- delay In Its receipt leadi to The party was headed by A. I rnmeai are concerned! will nndoubt-- l "The Will ol the People." sa.vs: In r. linen, and found to In as out- - shoi occurred her and ii, the neighborhood there were Three hundred were at work Supposition Ihal the (Ireek cabinet nt, director general for the Mexican edly figure largely in Ibe president ial j "A sluggard peace which does not lined in his letter. There ihe matter miners Ihe bangtng either pieces at flesh or parts Inil officials declar- to go a as the en- - government of the national railways campaign negt year, bring us security east and west is rested until die 9 si day of July, mm i. at the time. mine is ma prepared far at utothlng worn by the unfortunate - repe- t I lu- ed that all hut thirty had been in tente powers desire. nt'-p- of Mexico, bow operated by the Car Cloture Kaggestod in Berate), sqUiValenl to S lost war. The m the morning of lb. il 'lay. when grenade-thrower- s, miners. jianza government, Mr. Pani is alao As a means of expediting business, tition of a war of destruction by Eu- shadow of w'ir '''' sted over Kurope, Vrttllery, Men Blown to Shreils. wen- from the ., nnd their ac- president of National Railway has been a good deal of talk ropean powers against Germany must I ii BttaPI received a cablegram from Thirt) nun removed is airmen continue Twonty-sl- x in pack- the there men were the f"l- - mine tonight bv reacut parties and B on On western front, and Brit- ing off company. abOUl the adoption of some form of be made impossible and will be made Hamburg which n nul ahonl as tum house when the powder went ' In- I In y making things Mr. Hani said that several of On-- cloture in ili,. senate, and undoubted! impossible if we make ourselves so A. Bell, elel k of ish monitors are nlso net eiiuuKh of any of thorn was said that thirty wen- still missing. All lively f"r the Hermans along the Bel- n road's bridge were destroyed by the a good deal of ihe time of thai body, powerful thai none will date attack Sct Maeliuicri in Motion. left fm- identification with the BXcep-Na- siil'f, ex- warring factions, hut these have all prior lo Ihe holiday recess, will be u. decade win puss before th red rum the effects of lie gian coast Ol Allan A. Thaxter, tie foreman. - only plosion Inn none was in a serious 000" The HllrHluns by a counter attack in M , been replaced by temporary struc- given over to the arguments pro and hale ,,l peoples will abate and hos home is triven a Portland, ale. lb.- reglOt) have driven lures and the lines are now in shape con "tt that question, eat of tin strong will guarantee of llloiikst He wus torn to pieces nml I part if iml, nburg's men for operation. He said they foresee Cloture al this lime, in the opinion Marshal von Rt body was found hanging on a Ire. Mvlna river large trade between this country of well infoi nnd men, incurs the crlt" "Ii is not lust of eompiesl, nor over the wire, "Tea." And then reel- a little further from the Seroa the i reek. barricaded Incidents and theirs, as Mexico is great!) in icism of Ining less a parliamentary unity, nor desire to rule ihe world ing Dial Merman ships were soon l.. thus '..I in the mine have These, however, are onlv four of the thirty men killed were themselves back of tin point when to t the j a partisan proposition us forward, bill the spirli be swept by allied warships from Ibe doubtlesi undertaken Haarn ta Place while al work outside 'need of provisions and merchandise than a that drives in expectation not for for of self-prese- n al ion ,,t a health) peo- sea In set in motion 'he machinery 'he packing house. of all kinds and that so much general as impr lent purposes. to achieve sceiir-it- y provide vessels to carry one-fitor- y of this trade permanent special Had there been sen. ple firmly resolved to neutral The pallet packing house was a I I' l I s m; U KIM 'of the Mexican railroad will I late cloture lu Ihe last congress, for east Htld west which Will prevent his cargoes of coal nnd supplies to bis ami M'l frame building, eighteen by w ll tlBKATHMT FVKT instance, would a of this horrible war eompalriols m Hi,, south Al - Jo ri twenty feet, akd was divided into Hix tie administration repetition afloat hAVe been aid. to put through ils which has (pared no single family." rooms. .ot a sinule iart of il was shlf RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE purchase hilt and various other bills Heir Basse rmana says that noth- '" be found Nearby buildings were He WOt bad-- , p. The o. minimi, 'HI Inn f to which iheie was strong opposition ing could lend to lengthen lb war fashioned what ihe American govern- nil Mot) daiiuiKcd. A fenoa was blown h- brt debris but Was A m t inn; 1.1 n w ar office .sued BELIEVED SUBSIDING i .1 I de- away ami telegraph telephone The minority defeated hem through more than 'be ppi a ance that ment lias termed a conspirac) to and peace. He Insists On Htfttei abb- wires Which was seeking ceive ami defraud roiled were slrunK near the - (nun irt " to starve Qormany, in- of St no of the explosion, were ripped 'V HaMHIHI JOURNAL CAL 1IIIIC thai ihe effort Buana directing the activities Chicago, Nov. Id, Much has been Lhci.v Democratic Honteat, as In expresses ji. not only have fall- th- three oiher defendant all bis "roiii their fastenings On- Mali. front II becomes accomplished in the promotion oi It Democrat of the senate will al, bin COUhtry can hold out aubordlnate in tin- line wa alone to TO BE PUNISHED Ul! iln ''otripany officials said there were that Of ihe ttallafea will, at ull objects, me religious cgUCU tomorrow prepared years if necessary. blame if tipre were an) blame, Mr. s.oon pounds of powder In the commission "ii their for T iciorv Dear fJoriBta if '"ui Knights of lively report in Ins opening ad- TELLING Packing prop- prejudice created by the lor a discussion over a Land told Ihe Jurv Vester-k- s house nt the time. The I bl. lo do so. reported today after ils front the special rules CommitteS tain Vildaois .1 dress, and even Mr. Ibi. u. was- sim- erly ns. I)u officials said, was CoIumblU wi re ted against . fnnt meet-in- g .10. Aildams, UHMAV. WIRI, dm "hi.-i- closing The ncyi recommending a modified iorm of Chicago, Nov. Jane ply follow itii; order. r.llt, session here. tit from Tolmtno to the will he held in Washington. I' C, limitation on debate, tlenafr Own, Settlement worker and peace advoeate, Money I lorn f.eiinany. InjaMtd I ikelv to lie. Ih pceial si-- rity agaiusi of ihe special immlttee, was lakcn to On- I'resliyleria n hospi- Tb, re was one prov ision thai was The men injured were outside the January II and II, llll chairman rldl beads and the norlh- - I ' in- i today, suffering (ram a ri ver, not Mr. Land said, int Tin y were by of Tho commission seeks 0 promul- suid tonight spected cloture tal followiil out.'' Moherdo. struck bits -- I sen-itii- em part of Ihe plateau ol gate unilerstanilitu. between rule would be approved by U Which II was aid was severe but not "and only one; no money was furnish- thai elty, tod demunded lint a Mi hinerv, (tying hoards, rocks or a better be "Tin- attacks against our mountain other men of different races and beliefs ens gnd later meet with Hie a ival 'Tiiionl. The exact nature of lo r ill- ed with which In charier and supply impi isonment dohris. line or two harl eyes Selll-oede- l Tnltnln rolMfeteii p. ships But ,,f lltim-bui- Hell- clliel location in ntb of blown nut loM or ii is composed or r.,1 "I. Calla- Oi lie senate. ness bus not ben determined. ir the the men ihe ami several an arm i IVlegreaf, The bridgehead "f Tolmlno was kept Louisville, Joseph The majority senators opp, ', to lames II. Merited ''aid Ihal her illness American line ami the Hue Itself newspapi C I'hysiclans stated they w. r,- so han, chairman: un Incessant fire the whole of BcOtt, la iiungei s IUmm dug down In Onlr OWn funds and for h avlng said in a receill article; under !,;,ll it, lured I I'eletler: Hoston; Joseph lM revision of the rules are expected lo not Whether bar that not one of them I a - Three strong attack , pre an- in KUfepe nuiu- the afternoon A in-- prevent front eccoropanylni tin- money themselves, knowing "Iii nlra teu to survive, Angeles; Thomas A. Lawler, Innslng, fight the report in eaUCa on the would her sprni section nnd sev- .. nm i,- de- It be repaid. In i i against, the northern ''ne theory Mich and A. ii. nartley, Vancouver, ground that revision of the rules th.- Kurd peiu pany could would When these fluids against tb" advanced by workmen t eral wiak.-- ones followed , lonlg-l- run then- was a loud cry for lor at the yard was that the explosion b. C i.unmiis! ..i, ( Nil ) termined short ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1915.



Oil!!. I ol llilde IjtX.'tll BY THE GERMANS IN SERVICE CLOSE OF FAIR DISINTEGRATING Herb-- . Ho-oinn- lor (

Wh- - n i remedy has stood the tes

of Big San Francisco Ex- - Villa Officers Are Attemp osition Will Be Signalized to Hold Juarez Until Rac t Noon Saturday by Spe- - Season Is Over, Says , u on the market since Ismi. its use Deputies, ially Arranged Ceremonies. Paso Report. gradually extended until now ill - ral'v I'Karded h druunists as, the staple f.unilN laxative. It is a cmhinaiion of simple laxative herbs, ' Sun FranclaeOi Wav. Id. Preatdeni Kl Paao. Tex.. .Nov. M, l free from opiates or nan-oti- driiga P.ilin. Not 341 Mia I ond. ii. Dec I. ii.t.i toa."! to he of- - gentle In Its action and positive in ef- - t Wtteon'n int.'rnattonal seeailag the acgadMaattoa a. m l Tl V mng of ihe h- ill lindHll. fifty hnt-tl- e GALLUP LUMP .T rri fer.'.l at the adjnnrnment of the fect. It costs only cents a of the convention or Viiia government. and can he purchased in druj; i of nation' at noon on ftherlaai In betoe sole stores everywhere, loein day rreiemtrer 4. at the Pan- - the terrttor) Juarrt. its STOVE port .Mr. Frank Klima. of JSS Ashland GALLUP ,i i... tii,. gam f s if.- the of entry, is apparently piogiea i. bat .nn eapoaltion la Ave. Baltineoce, Md., wrote Dr. Cald- - , sivelv disiiit. n atniK is indicated hy .. .'igflt-- . .. day, i 'i r prian.i participating CoUII of the 1'nivi-rse- wa vveii al n in .1. recently that he had tri ahotii ti the i.irt ure of functionaries. the SU8ARITE LUMP , m dler uaaloll The pfail Bldie pUhlk here ...dav. avarythiag without halug helped until Mil I P. V N l Kl IM are andM way to havo the ell in illation of functions, shrinkage of he got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's contest at ap- v I'. mam tjtven almultaaaoualy In WUMt teirttori without the Syrup Pepsin, iich he considers the I'eusm from vout druggist and keep Mini. lu'in'i" ."ling who , LUMP ' ( proach of ('arranza (or . and the' irreatest known remedy for indiRes-tion- in the house. A trial bottle, free Ol O'MERA linii - K p. ,. . would mint arte the Pnltad Btatee m.i in . of - i , ..f i in in i rial " laaateaasM f an feretga uwuad indua constipation and stomach trou- hai ;. m he obtained hy writinn to wrvii . in l HIT. n iiu'Mi'hth beta. man' eiti' s of other parts of the world Helffertch, in precincts. Dr. W. 1. Caldwell, 44 WashltiBtnn Intn 1 v - a tries within its 1 pari. ..I Tin Sv i WOOD .i . .i' .r. t l)r dwell - St.. Monll, ella, ill. ALL KINDS ih linn ' .. i '. Mhalauen wuit it" . all Hi. in ..n Dm it i nanj .n profits Prgncha o j Input; Tiirmcl. the A! Speel Ihi atlllu minister of I ih. ft ill" finance, last of the Villa JOVCm-- I. in ml. .1 thai ll"' shirkers f in White Mouse. aMiii.moii the AZTEC FUEL CO. .. tin I Hi Will nt to Mexico, 10 nit ..r whom hi' H tl there naina-i'aii- f ii International leave is reported he In Los Anncles. Miguel Diaz Lorn- - VILLA ES MR TO PHONE 2 1 I. s Hi. hi t' "'Hi in Paris, he ECI I bardjo, of foreign relations, is I tron Ho hi-- n places in. minister Kl Pganr; Dr. tlaraa t'ardenas, iiun-n-t- ; th lion ill. eeaful accompUahroent e;ave etrikinK in a oi .is evidence of the practical genlm and of goberaaclon, is reported In Ar- rad-l- h plan rtletle tanle of America. izona. INSANE SUCCEED HUSBAND , AFTER ethi Whii-- iii lu interi'stiiiR and im-- The departments of the government to! nwil HHuni exhlhtta afforded irapreMva B have heen removed, unofficially. strength. laid Pre rater Br land uttration ..( the derelnpment of art JUS reS. No mail received or sent south of Juarez and no news is al- DEFEAT AS SCHOOL HEAD 'Which in it. motive end onject lowed to percolate south SEVERE was eloipient of ihe new spirit which ftdhaahaa Goveemmm. a- - I.. I .inn late, - i is to The of Chihuahua is nominally. Withdrew n little from I HMll P"t' Tin- pi. im rnnllniilnu Haul Ihe unite oust and west and make all state Md that thi go i en- by Secretary Of from hamhei todnj raa called upon aniY the world partners in the ommon ruled Governor Arila and the l . ... . on-- in.-- t h 'I Ii" which terprises .,( pioKieSH humanity. of State Sylvester actually "IMHftal the Qortgla again to Ki ih ion.iiion under and Spanish-America- nichl rate N com-- Ge neral Obregon Hears From! ?gents of n I cluaton mi Ih taaatloa alled. (Signed) WILSON, by Qen. .Manuel Ochna, military M hnml.aidr-- will, I h im the rIaM hOUld be "WOODKOW ' IWOVM olivionnh inifiiir la make It maOder at Juarez, and Pol. Hipolitol shells of heavy ealfbT In the Df- - ixpntv Auriol demanded thai the "President of the United States." Prisoners That Battle at! Normal Name Wife of For- pi tha projaeti m Kovern-mea- t, -- I cor tiaraton ramrd voted As the president s message is read Villa, financial acnt ot the berdn .linn, after f r, of ai I all ahlihei ha Mm aeMki laoma to do. piii'hnn ni tor (icn. Kran-- tlll.'rv preparation, tin enemy began witi M aim be loiiipi.i.'K apptled ami that ;tn Ihe assi niMiiKi'. win less flashes who is a brother of i Hermosillo Was Decisive;! mer President of Institution i maka during Uw war In- - IiiIIv sever, mill stubborn at- .ni, la pr'f tin novernfnpnt tell the chamber what will sent ,,ni from the PXpoaltlon cisco Villa. The prlmiu'v nti)"l of ihe itiaaW i wireless tower They in silence j Rebels Are Surrendering. to Carry on Work. MRalWl Mont, Mn Mm l Ii a Ml it hnn don.' in IWa reepei iiotifyinvt the world. hold the plans af tacks waa m r.A' ini" lm' aid ovi'ilnit 'liNiriri .r Hun Matt Inn, Huda-jin- n rai' m turlnl'e motion was defeated President Moot, will then telegraph the convention and collect iis revenues ami the IcOloaaal . a fnr y p nm of Ih.' win and justice, H Heaved regiment No lORiiln-erll- and dispense Its for there aurpoae a oomldapable p rrrntan' v i - HOKNIHg JOUSM4L MPICtL WIHt ' Pf CI At. - "l ' '. TO UORNIHO lOliBN, repulsed eight strong attacks ihia Bf law on police In the dlsiute- flIO t bhh j of war (irnfltH muat and should k'rating of the convention gov-- 1 SantS Fe, Nov. 10. Tits board Of against Monte Him Mi h r R MM I domain ; ' ' Nrnant' i offan linn waa attacked three limes ami inin th im rm!!lZnmtoZr: BARTHOLDT DECLINES ernment. Oenerai Ochoe dispenses regents of the Spanish American Nor- I hero thi Nagv iiatah Motived regi- iddr. ssinn Ho I'hamher said that justice from Juareg with conspicuous za army of Hen. Miguel niepuez at mal school this afternoon elected Mrs i Ti NRY FORD 4 p. ei an ord w'itli MM partiality toward foreigners. Hermosillo, Pranclaco Villa, the out- ment Nt maintained position in a" hi Bernice Kingg wife of O, c. Zinc- -' if t My, - hand-to-ha- Off r of Kid ta Evacuate lawed Mexican hader, has gone in- sanguinary ftjtltln - J re, and' Ihe president ot school. as on pri VtOIP ..era- - the Ihe Iioikw, which JOUHNAL It said, Upon good an- eWne, Southwest nf Hon Miirtlnn enemy at- Eon gad de tided the calling MOSNIN IICi.L LtAtIO Will is however. according to reports received Mr. ZinijK. who had charge of the sIoiim showed a larae percentace oil . 30.- Villa and today by Obregon, also were 'I the lass of HIT. lai Xo thorlu that colonel General here lien. Alvaro si hool SI Uito, seriously tacks repul. m - at became membera In n heard ft i .vacua- Chief. re- "Roulhwesteru lh. nl. i Soul h w ' aim ii. insisted thai the class bs pui llartholdt, in conKTessman from OChoe have decided noun .he Ihe Carranza military The ill during Me eald tli,. sessions of tile educa- Prlboj, rapulan) tha Montr n with enthuaiaem. MiaSOUCl and 04 mar president of the tion of Chihuahua City to hexin within port, based apparently on statements tional illness nf Kmaafatd'e Hfiendi. associatiou and the (award Plevjs f)n Ihi lr. cads International Parliamentary t'niiill a few weeks. The railroad will he, of prisoners, also sa.vs that Villa's re- grin frontlci ureal l such form that he had to "winie iii the th wmi i Ill tn, ol im hell for the Pi., itloa of tnternatlonel torn up and brhtges deatroyed from present whereabout! are unknown. amiihwi'nt If Mitrovltxa, the Auatrn j spiinij lino, tire from the place which has been lamni In braaa lliioimh, undertaken lilies, Impede j II nnirarlan troop surpii . d a rl Ian he said, in concert w'l Arbitration sight telegraphed to ihe capital m the border to iv'ii to his wife, in recognition of foiees. failed when pOB- - ' mar faird, capturing two hundred With ttroRfl our reinforcements and tula Henrv y,, for personal reasons" the advance of Carrati.a forces for at his as well as her valuable service wiih the contempt of death fi raClgg sou mm. fronted menu will perm h us to least three months when the j Three hundred Villa in building up the school. taoope their . ndere; "Tha Bulgarians are appron. hlng our and nminu sarna at Juarea will end. found wounded after the Other applicants for the place were while in the 'ast the Merman and. puny of ofl'i.-ials- were hav MM ml rote the ha mbar paai Ih Prom admissions JuaKS hundred said to .iis Clara I). True of Kspanola, l V. armlee hold Id "" - . ustro.iiiiiinuriun thorlalnd th.- ninleter Europe. it is known that the southernmost of red south of Mogdalena, Cowan of Denver, Charles Hjarner they won in bat' - i. - in t in-- llron Kilp whul have to th" colors the PUT In hi the organization's- control is Santa Uo- more nave Up iheir arms Thi- reference to Prtsrend and ol Penaseo, It. c. lionnel of nregoiug at variance with .lies. Which Were boldly planned rin ss specifying any date, few soils about inn miles south of chi- - Uano Vaaaa dispatch on the latent Qorine mmunieatlon heiol, ullv earrled out. while makt ' the h anus tha Hutgngtai ilson.i the Italians loi.e of JEALOUSY LEADS TO lllissii SUBMARINE SUNK AND ' which announced thai tog conquer leael hud iiikrn Prtsrend on th and 'are attempt to the ai tana I on o Near. Jose FtodrigUeS, are declared lo he de- - mh halOfg Ihe war they IN DEMING 'l I, WO .i ir nnm h narl "f KILLING Mils Herrera, leading a Carrsamj morallaed and surrendering in small SEAPLANE IS SHOT DOWN 'apiiiii imrrn Ihitu erllh-- I . uMliiMIWi could have gottea from fcuetria force, is there with a variously groupa, Their (rains, with two and iirht Halkan-jfeUt- ' out ettiklng blow. In the It TOH III Itf.t i; IM largely j were tO have heen i hhiikoihouci 10 jouiniu force, and recruiting, reported ""NINO JOi.NNAL ! l.l LOUD M.IHI d lliir.ii oiii i i hern areotnplish' i t Villa, fifty-fo- ur tlWKMtll ST HAITI. I s of arms have Ilcininu M .. Nov. 30. Kra ii' isco hi ini:s in xi'ioN ii d reported, from disintegrated abandoned at Magdaiena, London, Nov. 30 (1:01 p. m.) The which. !"' tip M IB ON ISON.II and events have occurred divisions. To the west of Chihuahua miles soulh of XoKales. and U'J miles admiralty this evening gave out ad- e, Wis., NOV, 10. -- Victor' - from a military and dlplomalle anlni City, on ihe line lo Mlnaca. It la re- north of Hermosillo. ditional details ning the sinking :m ttjWUgtt - U Barger, loelailal h ader and former I'.'ii'i-atir.- Atnetprilam. N'.v (via London, lot view, have been .arued the Mexican ipiar- port. ,i a force has been of a Qerman submarine off Middel- - cer- - congreea, today declined t:64 p. m.) Tin' fialiimu alonil Hi" 'with iplendld gad unaurpaaaad aitci the WHWe Btembar RUMORED CHANGE IN kerke last Sunday hy a bomb drop- l Ut ! i i eagfeM IM I" hnn-bor- , Henr) o IMnMO il.'Hri iin Inlnlc J ntilv md whi'h have iail and gaVA ped from Drltlab aeroplane ami m i with delegate eiih Kerdliiiiml tin win i in enmblnat inni With our nillee and the Jailer, sd" AUSTRIA SURPRISING fit made announcement that a Gor- laaindar, m "tha hfii of the batlh the Butsar'eti army to avenge ihe Sierra Madera mountains deserters man seaplane bail been brought down or sraveyn to bring m - fiMiln. in an Interview forwarded in murder and from Villa 'S aimy that murched Horn mv MORNiNa jcmtJNAL SSSCIA1 mnail off (isiend. The admiralty slate- I OVKR-F..VTTN- Q. liikd . . TIM l.v HINT on 01 upomli ni of the llerllnei Ti ed, as we hope, for aii time, Serbian too inlinial. Casas Claudes when SjOf operatiHK as Zurich, Switzerland. Nov. 30 (via . ... I... an Christmas, New Veai s and other Mall i ..a be affiliating with im- f- days cause many disturbed di- - bandlta, are said I" London, 11:1" p. m.) Humors of - .ft Tha hnttla far tin- OorUtla lniilu' lrnncisco Jlron was about gestioni Th.- 'toinach and bowels little bands of Csrranaa adherents. pending changes in the Austrian ml'-Ine- t tenant Vincy, accompanied by H Jieail. whii li Ktlll Ii Idi ' a d.l and had heen employed should mil he permitted to remain To the west of ihe Villa railroad. have excited surprise and some Kn m h officer, Lieut, Us comtc da by iin- - BotTtmondent tt he the bitter-!- ( Ibravp armies Of the kina of lluicaii.' logged up, for Indigestion and con OJinaga, opposite PresidO, Texas, with apprehension in political circles in Sin. ;iv while patrolling off the Bel-gla- n and Waal ill I) nf tha rampaHn and the BMldarlaa people we have Stlpatlon are often followed by serious a railroad line leading to Chihuahua V ienna, according lo advices received coast, dropped a bomb on a pa-- disease, resultlrg from undigested W Airman nn. phiylnii an lmportn( .i ow ned our uioi We welcome o , m ,,i hp movthi s .i through City,' Ih under Carranza coiitiol. ith In fe from the Austrian capital. The Qerman submarine. The submarine poisonous waste matter. Foley Ca- The Italian are mpln) this from the bottom at out henrti ll he "I 'lid came mil back ol his in. exception of one plant at ParmI, Austrian parliament has not heen in was observed to have had Iv r back inn - thartic Tablets should he in every xri-n- l - of a new type, erm has n iitnt- control, none of biiitio plain The s. rbl ia ien home, ready for use No gftptng; no now under Carranza session since Hie outbreak of the war broken. She sank in a few minutes flyln thtrtj d The aims of big mining pr.iierties Is in Thaae artnoMd maehtne fthantly dfaati Turkish unpleasant after effect. Relieve g the hundreds an, 'be fear expressed some of "During the same day Flight I.leu ' ,. end hiiIm loliu. nio i iinlril silli llil h lived up In ill old repulai I'm gitlng, rdgulgjte bowels, or smelters is operating in the terri- the dispatches reaching Zurich from tenant Fi rrand. with Air Mechanic Ine after inotoia ami Mm of three inachlnt has brought about the failure ol sv eel,. i, tomai h and ton.' up the tory from s.inta Hosalia io Juarea. Vienna thai matters of great port' nt tildfleld in a seaplane, shot down a - Pa- - foreign-OWtte- oruna. Haldaie II' fttet in e ii i plain I "f murder against liver Sold everywhere. 'Ihe d ranches are must have arisen to induce minister- German Albatross seaplane nff "Proud Knjtland troubled about sos. Mis. I'.isos. it is claimed, was' ol foreign managers and their ial changes at the present critical The Albatross dived nose first Mining he ke) "f her snireinn. All OUt sleep when (he ihoqthtj occurred, onipaiM Incorporatos, stocks of cattle gTC disappearing. into the sea and sank." ere Santa I''e. Nov. 30. incorporalinll I lenamiee have recognised that in and did not 001 the shot, though I papers were filed today b White Invincible on ihe hattlcfteld; i "'' In .it was killed by PaaoS near where the with more easaH) da the) .una t" iheir , to be sleeping, imks Consolidated, incorporated sh. aimed over PURE BEST hope to destroy us pcnnomloally. i The prelimiiidry hearing comes up' 1260,000 capital Isgtlon, te take be-- 1 a of s at White naks, coMiaar uh hv hamat Ae the elloa tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock number mim T county, of Ithemaetvee to be deceived rafjardlng fori Judge C. C, lUjgara, lustlee of Lincoln G. G. Shannon White l laks, is sla tutory agent should Our financial sticnsth, which has been Every mother ol lire proved bi the setoBlshlng reettlti see that herclnklreii Woanded Mm laaprovlng. hak Qdda given unfit trteslg, n Ma Nov. so. Simpson from Pura Food. '1 'lien VEILED THREAT Uhrlght, who was accidently shot and health and happiness , the first nineteen days of Novem- depend upon Una "We have corn fu Point""-- erluusl) wounded bera Thsnksglvlnl fare. the IN most Importan the pen d.i. i so no what improved, and sales of Goodyear Tires the ht' ber the pie, ale abundant. lei tltho; physicians attaadiag him are of Hill p. cannot he pinion il will not he tup essnry AGAINST OWNER of 129 ih. i e may a see that showed a gain per cent over ill un- kiBiiiiif ,li not. d. Ml the hardships thus to ampul if his left .inn unless iiiiiiiii in. They days last caused to a majority of the poorem foreseen rompllcatlona set the same nineteen year. popubttlon win be surmounted by the organ laat ton of the provision market OF THUNDERER Since this great gain was not based h, ill nev ST have full VVe therefore nnamlaJJy and acageml the His i me muscles I Call) hiivi every reason to BOtttem arm. ol the upon a lower price, you are perfectly Of was in- - Inline the future wiih firm datermUia op the pwtelde the arm d, having a gap two Inches safe in accepting it as proof positive lion and unshaken i iinllil. ll' ' jure ahoul H found be ImpM-- 1 Is Martini i an Maettftad Wide, and was lo ird Northcliffe Warned to connect up the torn end" so! of a higher quality. Th.- I" I. list ,.: then adopted the final siide it together, a small Government Can Find Way! fading of the hill modify tag aarlali would iron pnrtiuM of the boni ai the elbow waa faainnH nf martial law. living 1' to Deal With Criticism of: also h0Wh avvay hv the charge of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company best Mr Alluight can JLiJrVJ shot, and the Ministry, j AKRON, OHIO us no d. hate, although Ho ex peel is ,i stiff Joint and onlv partial uas of his left arm. heLmjvi mix i ii. ir s. haiderhtann , MONNIN jnuMNAL Wlllll REVOLUTIONARY BANDS Noy. :io ..m.) London, (l:li ). ttrj Notice John Simon, secrets rj of sialo fori ad i"ii STILL NEAR VERA CRUZ home on Lord1 T'.urorsNjin war demand Iiiva r in ttelftvrtch then Introdui affaire, served notice a ahortnlte in th world a aupply ol Pure Beit Baking Powder n. mi panics and corporations North, liffe today in the house nf inaleiiaJ uaed in tl,e manula.lute m iit4-- - ol while 1 Tun. v ji pure-h- M htifheat lgninv 'v UQRWHll lOUNHIL IPICIIlaO'e commons that u the "gentler way" Miwrtrir kkldttn tn your tMUin. rover Tex Nov. 30. Passengers to Induce his The color ol Coodyeai Tirei may wblth ev delielouA. ) anil profits during the war yearn hi heretofore pursued ultimately he .hanged bom Whirt H or ill vdo Mwa with .m w y taxation ai living bare today from the interior newspapers to slop the continual to UUck. Omi- iheir ultimate wj cuijomk! 90 amtiatfUiit lo um l'ut i several " There was in. pghtlfl refer'tue to Mexico said there stilt were fouling of his own nest, dhi not prove Our supply of the required material the suhjict ol peace terms during the revolutionary bands operating in the effective, it 'was perfectly possible toi aeaurea Ihe yrertler porli.m oi our nun- - P)l0 eaoa'a output ol lire heutg ,a country between Vera Crui and take stronger measures." (uriiivhed with While Tread. pico, The leaders ol these hands were "I do nut know Lord Noithcllffe. 10c, 15c, MRS. JESSIE WHITE said to be Alberto Carrara Torres, the said ihe home secretary, "''lit he ap- Cedilla brother! and C Argumendo. peals to he a gentleman with the 25c in OF LUCY. TORRANCE. It Vaa reported th' v b.iv,. a following uwtoua habM af aWMPi itching to Sanitary as IgtgM as " men deatroi Ihe things he has made. We im v m DIES HERE SUDDENLY iii iins eauatf know how ta astlmate I MM TL. .iib' WM J Hepburn Improves Blight ly. print" Ting . the value of these Jaiili.llced it null. , Iowa, Nov. II. A slight hill thev a dtaappoaatment la out Improvement In the condition of W i- aii. ail I - ind a source of disgust to neu-- 1 white oi Lucy, Torrance county, ana lliam p. Hepburn former congreasmar no uh. i in. law of John McOlltivray, seriously ill here. " vho is at his home Ti bjec, a, v., , h. r. sudden!) shortt before hy his phvsblan tonight Was reported l.v Hi- - noon vesleidav Mi- - While was Northcliffe papers on Sir John son in oanaanuaace m ., reply the 1 a newapaner In a hotel whag IxapruvMl Does t Caaae OODptEAR reading n Qlnin, G ook recently to question In A ifeR O N ahi dp .i IP diss a the eanae ei v, .if nc-- nor Hinging in Head latter made a f lor the in est commons or death In bappt ' am bins It OU of laxatives in the house of in which tha Red and i n v phi i QUI N s utter- The l.oilv was taken i" Strong .a ati t M' INK makt home se.iiiary intimated that Quinine iii ibis fonn have a far proving Green ran Itrnthers' undertaking room The tie ances In the Times were TIRES better affect than the ordinary Qui- harmful to the national Interests. The at your j husband arrived last night and the it an by anyone nine, nn.i i,. taken Times Insinuated thai the w hoi, mat Grocer's Ilio.K was ship.ed at in .tn o lock Inst without affecting the head. Remain Look ter was a eonsplrscy io injure the o-i- o i., roll for lh full mime. itfor signature af i . ueoee lea. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER I, 1915. THREE

THE VAMPIRE WOMAN. AUTDISTS TAKE SYNDICATE HEAD GOVERNOR HAWS THEDA BARA. COMING IN FIVE MINUTES TO PASTIME THEATER COLD BY G Gil ISSESIN IIP IN 0 TO BOOST FAIR GAWIE s K HI C SYRUP OF FIGS SAN uiutiie.i itranwtlr iMr kv-i..i- h - 0IEG0 FAIR :iuiuiliur with "Vurnifii in our or EXAMINE MINES FOR INDIGESTION. GAS llirr 'f tries.- f.viins Now Willi.ini Mai Fux t)i,. Kives in work! a Mt version ,,, .of this fiiM inaiinK i l.isM. t kl l W the vast resources Cle; uses the little liver More of his sumtIi ipepsin is the and Than a Thousand Par attaataftUaa, mmI stated i the bct Tungsten and Gold Oies to: Chief Executive bowels and they According Inc. toinl lM hisliiont, UlU'lit ob- - t and surest Stom- get ties This Week. - Receive Attention of Now Publicity wMm n mm madi the tctcn pn- Pio '(luctinu of relief. well quick, to Word Receiver From '"Cirmen" ft mftfttftfstec in Owners of Pioperty in White Started at S ach Waldo Twitchell, Oaks Distrirt. in Fu tinned el M, I nme, farts, falls ih, ,,,: a ul h. n vour child suffers from a rold nosor of lump lug for the moving picture publt' yotl brl li i wait; give the little stoma, h, livtr clean-sin- c MOAL COAftlAPONMNCI MORN, NO i nn,l boweSj a gentle, thorough " JOURNAL) role of the volatile Spanish In IAai.i. a u,,AN,Na KkUtmAU tAFt. ,Av i,,MHPNI)IH,l HI .U once. When cross, peevish, Santa l'e. Nov. :t. Over 1,090 au- and under the direction of It A farri.oxo N. M , I Richard .,,,1.1 .o pale, sleep, listless, doesn't eat or act Walsh, producer, W ,11 tomobile are the noted shi iclit man accompanied b Mrs : 111 is parlies in San Ihigo this If. uth and .oi.o ti headache, yi atarally; if had. stomach far surpassed previous I'Ce bf "week, according to Waldo Twitchell lor Hflghtman, tfrlved Hftturda) from Klein ll I, ,1 t In- - an, ely git relief in five minutes pour. Rive a teaspoonful of "t'alifornla s. rn ' ees-e- The stor) of the play New York. Mr. Wlglltman, loads tb, Svrup of Figs. and in a few hours all at the New Mexico buiUliiitf at San I'll irposT's elogged-u- p, well known as to rttqulr nl the astern a'ndk'ate which recentlj took' the const pated waste. DlegO, following registered ernor McDitnaMI also pi n and undigested food will The from barest outline '.irinoii. t beautl- - the group ot mlnins prop. it our bile orr n why MBtly move out of the bowels, and New o Mrs. C. K Vuiighan, Al- - fill Spanish gvps. spun i oiinctiy at bite i Ntk v in the lo w oh nei in .wu will ii'bTMland iptlc troubles oi :, mu a well, plavful child attain. Incarnate, lives ion t,, will- - large! kinds you have l'U(icr(Ue. Klbert tiiiwn?, lis Vegas: net the tevete their energies to Mi f your child coughs, and Jos,-- of-- snuffles Wall, r Johnson, Kose Johnson. Mrs. hearts of men. Don a young ! tin- exti.o iinn ,,f (I nggi which is Dleg fcgj autht cold or Is feverish or has of IMI A. titer the Spanish aiio, falls a making that old camp famous, the give .1 good dose 'Tall-fora- ll S. Johnson. t'ruces; Uufus a so:e throat of victim to In r dangerous fas, .nations. Syrup of Kitts." to evacuate COnrOJT, the Mea.l. l,a.s Vegas; Kolicrt S. At her behest he (offtakes bowels no difference what other treat- Ins duty, Chamitu; If. DftWftOn, Cimarron; I is given. and at last, driven lJ liuuH JealOU Oaks ha,- for tie- part twent) years tlon into tile hi ftl the food on, ment Kxaugelin,. Perry, A. le e at Bidftg, S:i k children needn't fee coaxed to Mr. and Mrs. C. he eoinmits a murder for her sake. been thl'iwiog upon tin- dumps thou- ii make,, you go to the n':, ' w uii i healthy but take this harmless 'fruit laxative." Watson. Albuquerque; K J. Montoya, Hr flees from iusti, and lakes ret sands of dollars worth oi tungsten it tbls sppetlte; be- what will ideas, you most is that you Million of mothers keep it handy San Antonio. uge with a band of outlaws in lb, is estimated by engineers who ha sto- will to, that ! 'Ul ton U b and lnleA-tln- i cause they know its action on the Among tin- disu>ilftttad visitors mountains. Having accomplished hit gone into tin- - matter Unit a half mil- mach, liver and bowels is prompt and s ate Lao iml flesh, ti tttt you Will mu former United Stales Senator ruin, the tUrttS to lion ot tins metal has ii I pure. They also know a little given heartless Carrion dollars wonii not la resorl to laxatives or li.i William a. Clarke, of Hut i u- - saves a sick child tomorrow. Monti fresii conqueota, The handsome been thrown SWay, tin- mine owners piii: for hlllousnexs or coustiptttoa who was accompanied by i grand- - w ,n Ask our druggist for a bot- cas, foremost toreador of Spain, tftkt little realizing Dial some da.) it would This itv mam "Pae daughter Colx in ' V. Col- - as tle of 'California Syrup of Figs," Miss anil her fancy, and she sets ftbOUt ins Mil, be of high Conillle! III value. p to luapepsii:" cranks, Bone people will t tali I hem, bin you win be enthusiastic Vkl li contains directions for babies, vin, distric superintendent of the Salt jugation. she has reckoned without fifteen years ago there tv little -j about this splendid prepara- of all ages and for grown-u- p Lake ronle. Senator Clarke had fi- it. Hi, Of Stomach children Jose, however. Instead of taking Ins demand for ami miners you indi-g- plainly on the bottle. Beware of RAnced the Montana building said! tion, loo, ir nver take it tor i ami dismissal calmly, the Alagraced offl- - those das probaldv never,, tlon, Kim", heartburn, counterfeits sold here. Oct the gen- It would be kept open his own seniMta, at K i er lies ill wait for bis false hue and thai the crystalline black stuff which Aynpepsla, or gn) stolitftCh misery, uine, made by California Vig Syrup pense IMS, staiemeit din ing as would also the Ul a manner typically Spanish w reaks seemed to them a nuisance, would in i let some now 1'ii i mlnuta and rid Company" Lake-Uni- besl and Salt Pacific building. Ili vengeance. so a time be t lassc.i ,( one of yours. if of stomach miser and i ml i terrible short visei.iliti predicted that the crowds next year Bundaj I geatlon In five mlnatea, At the Pa nime theater, and pari icipa WOUld far surpass lliose of this oar. Monday, i : Kit Tt COWMEN FORCED AT and declared it would be a mistake i,,, I'll! lloll M I. LAST TO ADMIT THAT for New Mexico to ( lose the building. CABINET PRESENTED Prominent Visitors, by tin Welghman HOG IS AN ANIMAL T.. C. Korrick. superintendent of the TO SCHOOL BY JONES rattrnated thai $t:,. Nephl Plaster oompfttl . was much In tereMed in the New Mexico coal dis- lOthes on, Santa !' e Women BMClAi CtlMIPONDINCI TO HOHNIN4 JOURNALJ .. CONRIAAONOINCt TO MON,N JOUANAL play look along specimen-- , .'. and some' ll . a I h 1 prol.tniA pttfl Ii iai'A AnliR or for testing in his laboratory. ,i, ,o,. e,iAiiy solved by Jonraal want Alfred ,i. h iti. on sen tiotit ti., it i,,, i,iv Qoodrich, author and an day presented to the Banta re high nsd Incoming sheep men and isi, was who was another visitor School ft cabinet with s miens Ot Thin mineral, nmmen with the building and ft llfaj II pee d more especially have took the forty minerals of the greatest eeO for a bout t DO! of photographs they disliked Oit expressed idea number and made a' notnlc value or frequency in nvw of patio. that a hog II sketch the Mexie.e He aiblr,ssed tin- high Duffy i.' wis, of tiie Boston Red s,, as I eow, bu school pupils upon the mineral re- and is was highbrow isitor ami de- pounds stockman, co another iv, s ot the state and the develop- clared ll'.il New Mexico made a home, it elosi raise his henid when a swine brceiiei' ment of the state School oi Mines. To Brighten the Home run with its exhibit. Th d passett Iiini on the stfi et, fur it President Jones alaO presented to I'i iI U Baker, president of the-Au- - came known Monday that tomobiie Ctub of Southern Colorado, W K. llollon n of Art sin had Iliid-- ; youBg calves several hundrt To Reduce Labor ed Hubbard, found Ileal S d II Hlg lurse, possi-woul- d predicted in why lie the day as be ii, when tourists won it had MtlM'lllll To Save Money fork to Callfornl '(I nrcsld . and b'e, Nov. The ,ii a onefele hjg III of the educational Instltul state visited the museum )i ill .it ill. Yi (ni - American Wilis Suit. lei ll l( the II Ida, 111. David R, Boyd of Ho- said about matt -- The Vieti old editor's definition of n.r' emits of New MexlCO, and I'lesi ny. sued by m '. A. Janes of the School of ,.il eats ii nil, (hat isn't news, bin if I ir of Hi,, estil It hal' a p ll l oin a a publishi- rat eats a cat, that's worth h s killed ng," So while a trade of one calf Bhi Idon, for several pigs, or oven Ihe of Turk, tmahe W, ll. Prisbee, trade da irt. famous fi lowa; . o. Mar lorf, Kspanola. Mr Otis bum calf for one good pig would In after a hearing that I s gave legitimate, and Mrs S. I!. unter, rape Qlrar-- llagemailt lias on fib now been eOttsMered the day of w. ek, by the ln-- lasl court I Preauea, arabela, Bnglftnd and p. In. sol that Hnllomwn got six perfectly dean Mu; Marci lran, structlng the jury to find for the de kind, have oftCfl bfttll reMcwcd in piffll .mil by word ul ttlOUth, K e, lives for one extra good pig is fandant, It was a hard toughl legal mar,, than the stockmen can stand. in Ralph B. Twitch-- I but never has it been possible lor you lo show your lull battle which t'ol. Mlnneapolu M is. I , to eii and Huffman appeared for the .1 Hanj iienii doMMon i u Peters, Albi .1. K pprovftl ol the electrical, bdicr way ol liviai . , ,dc to YlctorAmerlean ami Haonaford was less but he of Kvansto than six nioiillis old. Wade plaintiff. I Week, been pi iniieil lor the The damages lahln. New bi.ilillk! leiliiiilv Piiisiicrilv wlmli has asj an aristocrat, a full blooded Dtt asked were tor $25,000, is a r 4 roe -- stock, ami high a no K, iNow-miic- ."'lb In DccrnnVi Jersey of the purest made many lasting friends, a. was lo inn whole the trade was really an even swap oil Mis. Rosea rough Dead. church, show II V he l.i go .ll lend, II, e at ills Hi.- basis of money valuation. Mr. I icming, N. M., Vov. SO. Mrs, iiii- - funeral, which was held Tuesdas af- will to ft he Roseboi itlgh, RAILROAD OFFICIAL Electrical Proiperitj Week s the lugiial tune foi ymi Hubbard use the boar start Hist wife of John ternoon, the i;, i:. Bimonds of. herd of thoroughbred hogs on his lloseboi'ough. Sr., died Myndus Kl at BIG BUSINESS flclatins, Mr, CI oaso n was s:: years of lo begin 10 do nunc llunos tb :triclly, W lining, ironing, llollo-mo- n :! EXPECTS lUW near Carlsbad, and Mr. a. m , Sunday, f pneumonia, she age. Ho mm was horn in Canada, whole will calves for the was til' years old. and i b'.iiiin L'. oi w hal mil. ch Iru iU fatten the besides lor ho resided prior to , amino to Ve huebftlld, leaves ft Banta Pe, Nov, SO, Much heavier u she daughter, Mrs. doing household tasks. ii r. Dyer, of ki paao, ami two sons, travel ill 1816 than ever before to the lir i ( andhJate Is Oat. John Roneborough, jr., of Myndus, Rocky mountains, Is the prediction of Artesta, N. M ., Nov. all. So fat as A. Wadlelgh, general traffic man- and Jow ROSeborOUgh. who lives near lei you l the 101 Will in rail- Lei us mini III pn.l.l known the first candidate the I icming. 'I'he funeral was held yestcr-a- t ager of tin Denver it Rio Qnutde Ar-lln- 'ome out for office is day morning at 10:30 the Mahoney road, in tlic following letter to the mi hotci' w 1? - Lime present elerk of lOddy undertaking parlors. The Rev, Hugh secretary of the Museum of New Mex- Against Tuberculosis ho to liim-a- t tin- - wishes succeed T. Mitchelmore had charge of the in In Rf nil.'. iHiiiP of (lie .In in mil lanuscrlpl f jmsitlon. Mr. o'Quinn is services, ami burial tin in receipt of your Mm Ainric Mtokltml iImiwIhI ip nffi-i- l - i impotent; and popular cemetery lu re T Land of Slp'ophe,' fn publlca- jn ;ir this ltMltnfftll t iMlt itiiiiic 0HJrWH is probable that lie will ii the January issm (Hair) nivdlt ntloii n Mtv u( in ,,H, Nil 11,11. Complains of I,,,, want lo i OHipHmi I I mil r t ti- m I '.'irria..o, ,. ,, At trtlele, It Is jusl what wauled HtrnmUr, rvnHltMrd a ml Hi OMMKNDI5D CittM I'. i . Kilt special meeting of tin county oom ih splendidly written, Is Hie in ni h ih iiim Mw)ntUUwii I'oUghs, colds, CtOUP, in- - hoarseness, ntagaglnfe Vm (HflMM lin i imiiii ul lii- - pit flameo or inissioners held lure for Hie purpose mosi complete art mii ir throat, bronchial troubles imtrrmr I In hnlnMi ,n s up t ibest gre relieved by Petey's of considering a revision of the lax even seen written on this s tnhi n Iiiirllll, M Itlfh Mnnlh JlMMppwHf Ml Ilotiey slopped levies ill school Nog. 7, 11 We will use every wold of and which opciiv districts tin- piiiM-ui- mi ttiM harft ti m nn I Jir passages, soothes ami heals and in. ii. B, Harding, tax commis- as the BiCtlU eg w hlch vim a sent III pnlnioiiiir.v tnbrrrnMndt ' surfaces, and restores normal sioner of tiie El Paso A Southwestern "For your information will Sft) that Btbkal iournalfl neldofri ipvah m AT YOUR SERVICE t fireathlng. v. C. Allen, Boeelcy, Mo.. system present one We expect a large to the lively about ;i romedttil uk hi, y thin was as of the pry travel (KHftcttk'H 's: "I have a family of coming year WtUl Unit lt"in nintiv raised loin complain big parties. However, aftoi Rook mountains this ttmptivn wh" ituvi- w.'urni liKfi mnutw children and Money and 'ii MlarW utsed Kobe's it had been shown that the levies in and are boosting our 'Around the & 'I'u I Co. with it tile H i l( i ss all of them. find wen- legal ele' in every way and we will also Hi cp llllll ll il u Ml. Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light Power 1 the above districts ami trip ""' fongh anil croup medicine ever rem I'll, '. Mu hMllilM DOWftl in.i bp SjH " ex- booklet on the ancient I Unit the money Was not being issue another In- up' nt Ih no blind with ued used it lor eight or ten years you u,iy thin fir rutn iiikI travagantly used, the ruins ofathe southwest Thanking nltter vuluuMr t h un tit ho euilly i can recorrirnend it for croup." as Southwestern I'HOM. . . AND ll Seal everywhere, company had been Informed, Ml", for your splendid story and the .von respond- - Bckman'i a it- i ttlvn eontfttm ho oplttii, withdrew objections and promptness with which i -- Harding his ftraotlca r dfttjffi Iw it Hn! stale prublAm "Mas nr hftblt'formtBf purin.i.i. were allowed in as Bftft pfota drugsbM Hired trmle nra ramiy soIvaiJ by want the levies stand tt tfy. KUf of Journal l.-- I I'ltlhirtniihlii. at. rind thm: uia tbam. I),i It tnday. originally assessed. mini

A AAfSi iinrraTixn AiMaAisTi ikiiTi t. mil runirni C ClllC KKf rvnCCC r LALLi I lUli AL UrrUKIUmi I lU PUT tlllAlJiivaj jilhj hhlt ltiiljj vjuiruj Not EXAGGERATED Values But GENUINE VALUES in SILKS AND DRESS GOODS A Very Special Offering at 95c YARD

40-inc- h Silk Poplins, in all new shades, values to $1 .50 a yard. ALSO AN EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL VALUE 40-inc- $1.35 to $2 Values, h Select Quality Crepe de Chines, all shades, values to Consisting of 200 pieces of line Wool Dress Goods, in 44-mc- h $1 .75 a yard. Your Choice, Yard

1 Novelties, all 36-inc- Poplins, Crepes, Plaids, Broadcloths and Iancy h Finest Satin Messalines, assorted shades, values $ .50 yd. 36-inc- 1 5 values yard; all next h Special Taffeta Silks, assorted shades, values to $ .3 yd. shades and designs to be found; to $2.00 a 36-inc- values h Select Plain Black Taffetas and Satin Messalines, week we will sell any of the above Dress Goods to $1.50 a yard. 42-inc- values 1 .50. Yard h Figured Chiffons and Georgette Crepes, to $ 95c Your Choice at 95c THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS COMPANY MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1915. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MAN. TO WHOM COURT Mil at TO NO - CLEMENCY. IS COMMUN lOUE BY FARMERS" L UNCH DR. CARTWRIGHT TRIP FEZ dan. m SHOWED ARRESTED BY POLICE numla-- r f ti Kr. n li x i 'PIGSKIN" BEGETS IT CLUB TO BE IS MARRIED TO LONGER REGARDED turn hail broke 'in

wen i ireuiar u GOOD A HAZARDOUS ONE when BCflU GUI Turkoy had RISE OUT OE WELL ATTENOED JOEL B. war with the M I i"ii r.fu- - the another chant drug hut i'd hnsi to forge eh k ha, i overcome th.- Col- -j Is by I awiessnes; ' awl that be iy of St.ite CiTCiiiony Peiformed i t l officially effect ww pron-,s- ,. inn.' knawn its The ivottce my h. tea k' t his if Valuable Rev. Ci Bervmaii at Le pressed Cejiiiiit i .Titrar had not return t.. ihe "lop" habit vvuifiu-- 0. I bl .'I ly Liia tii l,ate, in fiirtt' Miiart' is Th. ..nil titai lie was arrested beeauet ht Gentle as ?y Casa ir nm - Hp in Al'hcuI- - Avenue Methodist Episcor nf lilanrn. taking thai n;, i ,.,. hanging about the city. fTTjaililMJ Ji'j;aLl'J:Mifi-i- j text, la stance .s his proclaimed th.' is a measlier 't a prominent caltfor the Market Place. tri the presence uf Muulax inrtsiU. in. i family. Voumtt tht sultan of Morocco STERN SCHI.OSS & CO. was the line and onlv i t prune "f MISS FLYNN FREED General Dearihutori ..rreemiilen.,.l M , , Albuquerque. N. M. I l ) lit auk l.oiiin : ne 1 i.v trip the prophet. L a thinx thai worked most effective- ly stains. Otmtn propajcaada In Mo-r- m u.mL tcc.'. iiAtiD w.p: ii was prosperity. While the Oer--j .1.. Itv Elisabeth I Pat No. id) algnlfled Hi. ii I t- Albuquerque Foundry tlx tagd iMMf deatre I" attend the pafsoa Hi, ah 'i. eapiilttarta, is loda) an mans had taken a preponderating (j.tay jy a labor leader, late - and M ttu Ih .iiisi rrccurslon, ac- I tl gieiaMe ami restful piacf in commerci with their leada, mmm foand of charge av' m.i tuUti Machine x aralty .1 dele- Works mom it li the III Drill. ill cording t" membnrt d French gtaaswara, lllkl am) domestic articles. ))f 'inciting' personal assault" in the l l on . is lii Miliu m uf H nil Ili a gation aho eaiM inn from Rabat Ihiv iilifnnti'il till' nati. nn'l'rllants. jii. .. Hi i u..t..rt... in Patheil - tbera, that thpaota4 thai the stlcnds Til an official mission to the mint of h..,r.. rni.,,',1 bv ih.'ir inatltlofL I !" uil ,,,,.. ,. .horded KnsHnvr 1 niimlcrs Macttlagotl ,,, I, .1,...... 1 ,.r '. : . ... .' .11. fastings in Ir.m. Kmnze. Ab in- Aiim ItudaBl (, i, fjft of till I" ' Sultan Moiiluy Youssef Kirn the i, .h.. - ' " r ' w ith naving mwc I Mnbir.". last November M'i lnum Klertrh- - oil !:ni Uerhere aha revolted tin ins. moKtlv ra liters. hecanK .. 1.. - t ' " slmk i.,a...... h..... r,..i IVklnel- ' tI .111,1j 11 :.., ml w'.-i- taiiKhi a s. v 1, b's.-- .n tj,.f inil.-l- sttnehed t.. Frame Ihroug () .,,,, ,.r behalf just be- - Works and Office Albuquere I 11 n . ami heard h rd hat hi iv "mi' the ivt-- them fr..m ihe per , w,is uiven tn ihe ' ' " itir. i n 111. 11 ., .... , vv III, wt-r.- . t i M iii in. lli'b HaturdfU llll ue.i.s s -l li 11,1 v - ... n. 1. ,1 a and V" JII r IJ nil that she had used 1., ,1 I oHl) "ell -- null hi hod) conceded 'hat tm wei ,,,,i the lum explain tlx mm to then mutton ami an tlmn before the French, .a eupatlon. language attn by a ' " " They sa- iniriv and moareli beaten team Wlll j, ul:l. s being accomplished in as gentle .is their beasts The number that learned tn appre (Ileum nt. delegation greut re- - FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS that ioii)tii them latitat eouAtie b) agricultural M luted Ihe with ciate civilisation auaa they found She admitted she had been known Hi" might ' n,, pect, The s of Fez, whn Hill touring that ailab progrer ihi an iiiaklnj lira' then proftl iii its constantly grew, and as Mrs. Jones: but d'elareil thai in Stomach Trou- 11 For Rheumatism. I" 10 ! I rt" know (,., UUIC ,c laimi'M battel tl In other dayi giguaeil themaehea by frutn the chief, down to tin humblest have il will be her speaking toura during the last five bles. Kidney Ailments, inflamma- eiihi'i al ih ,,f of spitting iit visitins foreigners, hasten- now noihiiik "f tinfitoailim agriculture number pti tribesman, who knows he ran she wuk known as .Miss Flytiii. tions Arterial Hardening, Loco- t nni- - nctor'a irs I'ollaaa or th. boatneM nun and bonkei ed in carry the luggage of the del- drive his little flock to pasture anil . jndueeil 1,, speak I, motor Ataxia, Nervous Hreakim;, tfrtcultral - s s,. wils nn-b- il "Pi- II .. ' egation WUW wax Into the et Treatment, eaeaJl) ami tlmx b alm uMfiid, ah n ..hum offli ami tin cultivate his little crop without fear i th strikers h ufflclahi nt the tndua- - Perfect' Pert I n Climate Health, Pleasure, Largs akin Kan'e" iftlcie, am betting fort Inoludina mben ,.1 ih bwrt town. of having'' II taken from him, turn trial Workers ,,f the World. She add SECRETARY . , Modern Hotel. Booklet. thr irutii of th'' inaiiii. inkiiij; nla,.onn rommlwloncri and Ihe "i FORMER Fez, ill thi a in.-- is a toWa 01 deaf ear to Instigators (.f disorder, thal ,s stln connected with that mujestli ; unrounding ! imitiih one by ohi in ofdoi achool iiaparlntendeiil tranquility the The Arabs of all classes have taken crsanlaatlon ' TO E. BUSSER IS T. C. rVi'DERMOTT 11 I ii- S. region la New England 1 niHhtMMi '" p1 "w ""1 lanii ii ki Hemlnt as calm as the 10 ihe use of the telephone, the tele N. 1,1,,, ,.t the fianecttti roache t . itin and lunch will be ON PflAST " bopelessl dl tan) graph and even motor irs a ml other BuHlncsti Good In Texas. 1'u.ywiKnl. M. ((j .,, ,,. bav on own opinimiK n thai acoff ;in ,), ,,1V Uexlcn reaourci roan nrmnniuu I)u M)mi ,n0ttgn its j vehicles of civilization and al tile IIIIU' - development rI- - peace I.ei 11 sllflli Hit- flub with Mifficit art followed with with such facility u pi. w in. i am rtowt most ns much Interest as In In Morocco today in win to look like al of a prosperity banqi alt, nils vfi partook OonorrhiM mill I, rt; game alb 'i Ital e ma know Iii tats of Europe, 'coiintrv of culture and harmony. tonight. Completion of ;i got rrlieto'l in to ,, oa. .' r i lb L.,isnn; lag ii,,'-- manj to 1 1" sultan Receive Dfapatvis 075,000 was Hiiii. ; n . anil elfecmo - city, ami b'orgr lb snett, p ihoihl st ssincnt-- IMcrcaaod. Big m imi. sd hut lh fa no lele The sultan, after bla da it) he celebratl of "Is. , . nenj ontrat tor and builder broi mnta NoV 10. The slate tax ,., not s prevents ilo .lies .1 III, lull has the western dispatcher F' ,lul,;, iC eelltral Tl win ricttirc. contirlon 11,1 plat e . Itttll., nil llll 1,, Disgo The marriage look ami listen wiiii interest immisslon has increased the valua HOi.ll IIY IIRI tfUtTS. lllii'iiun itiilllil as as Intention attend sustained in reported belter than at any time sine f n Han Diego several days ago and explanations any linll of the l:l 1' ami Southwestern Pnreel Post desired Price 11, ur3 bottles fa TJ et b) a forward pais Bth j, of modifications in the European war began. Trepiir, ,1 bj - mi the Bout hern dan ns wars mads 11 gtt "Bje re the slluation, though with less Inter- Pactfl ftlB EVAN'S CHEMICAL CO., CINCINN TI, J atOf 'he raioe on eatth aver mil ea. h on. for lefl raCdS "i ,VI); .si perhaps than thai with which Bll''fB' Bark, onipoinis KtrwrlauU, Q left In re IS lagee head. The total valua -- Me ajgo sayi it" aksich could mak,jmaj r touch with sari- - ftnahbaa th vizier hn araa Nov. 30, Tommy Burke 'i iin railrt 198.41 ''"-'- Pin "i fifteen yard mi gay pi ,n'TcaKu this .it outpointed Len (lowland - CHICHESTER S FILLS tti mpteo untU h 1 galitt th Vai Milwaukee. Wis., ill mi eight round UBA.NB, a 'jof i A i.l w . a heg would t might, are mid- - I..,itl,At Uruaitl.1 tty no .yard line thl Jjj ,,(!( here The men J s (,irUiMnioti.f Urpiul,, one-thir- d f d get position about I fumble 11 in would read an at couhl n hi, Ii he w ill be j his &&&& It Iinl " I1'"1 n inb ndeid of 111 ,.,il. e id Ihe uiiiiis made h. would W le dlacuese the ""'"t T3i .0 j vn,- - i tignt dlf- - th Arizona anil Mexico I Badger Cot o h Vet. it in the i'o' 1111 No 01 .m r 1 prlslns o p ci IH: of the Santa Fe system Its"! Madison, wis., inia I nyntem the i;io Orande and Southwestern I tion ol coach for th Ihe i"'1 allle so d. spel.,1. Ihal dm n ,111s -- SOlSBiORtriQiSTSEVlRVViilllJt ieai aeuuulnti $13,000; while the New Mexico Cen-- 1 Wisconsin football tt r Liibi attempted a place klch from Bel nalil iinl. the AlbUMiicrque Traction andifered 1,, no one. ac 11 ll preaalon Tangl with as thirty-yar- d 1:1.111, power company, th logging road ofldeni v'anclse today. A report was Id to make one lion Dm In m lesl first relay j WM. FARR COMPANY 10 Ih THE hue Ik M i ll 6f lb' tackle th in ihe isuropeun conxiai believed Retail in universlt) wen in, nb I., hin, Ihe Ag Before , ntpathli - a e ..pi iii w Wholesale and Dealeri him ago IftESH AM BAfT Ml Vis nch! and for thi moment a Specialty ti Mr, lluaner, Mri I asessmept 151,08 , Siiosjii slum thoal of im'.-- l of Ihe jnf lential is I the Biggest nne-slx- th l eva- - IHChtH Carlisle, For Cattle ami Rom I'lllllbles ill, iikim of the in 'In Hiillle Dalla, Tox.. Nov. 30. Accordl mi TtwnkitfiviiiH aft ihe announcement today of aiun I. ur For. whn t ' a. ami M. college, neral pan in "volution licit Texaa arrant Mini M I'll. II- -. Hi Olt'KOII mtghl old ihal Aggie nm 'i' the Portland, ore., Nov 31 DUKE CITY five tumble dniiu; m t( malt in ei Cleaners-Hatte- whole game w rs i in; Ih, l:il.', season in Ihe 1'aeif rth ii,. mentioned th facl thai Wed , details of all iil; Ihe lips d homed, "i was ni most ardeni na- orgunl to nun row- with wh.M is ronside n nhnubl ,, variou Individuals 'mi alums ture, find Whal hoi 220 wnt iit pbofta dell. Power ami H' bould accomptlahj Inter-section- a greatest al clash in the Hiaolf New ale 'aptain of pi earing on the Sunt 1 have d' th MpMal instead f through politic was apt to try with 10, i"'" I eli'i iltl : history of western football between New htaven. Conn,, Nov '"'III llllse nf her , iilavlllu in ,i fonlliall untile KveM ia. gunpowder, fears h ue aimed me Inrity with the Work and on the iregon Aggie ami ihe Syracuse m i Icej i,,i,i llcnis .lini I l mi itblllts , s. Ijennttt' or I I IbStalied thi lliseb es ill lie - Hudson for Signs game wiih Syracuse, hn ir- j Vale fuotha teatu ill Ihe am j said t" myself: 'What folly tonight 1" mis and llle nil ed uuei of th a Assies' lln nol being aloe ild U Pueblo fireman, in a len-rou- into conflict with so itrontV e Mr, and Mi: was attts loo " "' " 'H 'i Brooklyn tonlghi imion. weigh ,pi, We shall eeilainly he lan , pun iin in their dud thai both men wha ,11 pi, unils. com del Better he their friends than Wall Paper nn xxiih atverely after March ul 3149 Chen , punllllK Wl WfH all season llll'lll Fix ales.'" si Mohomed' reus-- hroilghout, Ink Ihe 10, Kasl down in lb'- most importau ins HUDSON for Picture llli th. ninth aftet recelvini seiiHon CHILDREN'S BOOKS our aarl) seasop gam in the law i Tl'lUk'IMU Iii llovolt. Frames natttut hardly otints in Such lingering brndencle tq revoll Mop- - VOWS) Mull WANTED FOR LIBRARY iiimislilo holi.ii ' i'1 linn is existed at the lieglnning Of the xini .Nov. 1 Fourth St. and Copper : name it m piotest as the Institute envci. rare quickly iuppfad Very short-- had two prig fiyhters In Iheli Iin. Ieiivr, knocko ""i after hostilities began e Moor ur-- ; up. These two men wen intei taki n tell, also a locsj boxer. Ived ai tfogador ami asked for ihe off of Ihe Q.Uad so thai tin let I" he, lul, ,1 lw nli lerman coniul. Ht was Informed thai Assies plgyed wai imi ihe team wc ill ihe Qerman official ami Qerman Ajggl' s ii- - r. ated Ihr In lolonurli had b. en expelled from Mor DRUMMER ALLEYS plgyed The PLAY .1 , a pel j NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL 111 e iiisl w fit and half depiil nil ill ,ny iks silltAbl 1110. die Seemed Ml tTOnkly put olll WARM BOY! sill it inter sue 1 Vttcral 1 imgue, foil EXERCISE w, defeated the t:iCs. This shows hltdreti a hn b tnaj a no longer ii iin- - Information thai the French VXhin the bike cromi'tc s n..t ER WRITING TO PARENTS. New ul S" .10. A villi for .Ivd.v bow these ihree team atood in the ful in their oxx iter mil. fullx lUthorttle him. They found proaMtkig, m oinK ,,r t breach of In behalf of ur. nri '" iv Try 11 Game of Ten I'lne contract I , iiTin , re Ix ml pi, ol hi a message tn oott-- tow, losing day aao"' I pitch- - and helves the (lerman j Or cnatttMg MoaslMWrtKl rl.n. yt 308 West r.niii Charles A t Chief Bender, the - i l of ui 1:1 anil a un hi Manda- onion ihe foin ithe ehHdfen' depi ni from nm pratendant, Hiba, Ih i coantiai up hl ggtt wealth lo tank tnwii the r,id ...... ,1... nl o WIIH filed in l ulled MHIes null 111. n n ..Hi.. liruryi adihg as fol lows: ' IHISI ill "I ,1 " ,0. against the Federal League of tuttsg p. sellSoll H who:'""' Thnse W PO a "As wiis agreed with you, we are way down near bill restrain vinir wild hvitcria even ,Ul uallie I'rofi iioual Baseball clung, ucnaei On hit private ) athl were ail on the vinii team Ital .'ear,, make mil lb readx to march alttainel Ihe Fp nch; Yacstae. " i wt-ii-' "u man Siberia. LEATHER AND FINDINGS 1,, n i over a imlHinrnl uf 11,000 ii, rtstrly have th till to the ' ham a Irnp.c little lawn in l'arai;ua. (r Harness, Saddle, d. i.m' Faints. Root pionshtp As a parting ol( will! Npeeelag ( tUAmerleaa learns, Paints, l ie Bh "PlgSkln Fan' It he did nol see n gym reli tend nncnndittonally by the BaHl wttat abaal Nafee Daaeef has THOS. F. KELEHER th, Mtrg banner la the AJt; - TAKE LESSONS FROM From thai da) ihe native, who hadj seen l v.ueriea tSSB SKJ Irani 110, 11 I',, I league Inl) lasl Ansa- SWe Thaitkaglvlns alghl rgadin llll ,l,i provbsuMy bean under Herman pro- PHONE Iin IM W. CENTRAL f " esttat. n .'hamiUniiship. ," ALBUQUERQUE. ADVICE treaty Allnnpii'l (ilc. Wcslei tection under the learning XX w. Vuisin the Moroccan pr itectorate, los. I iw,, rears al 17,500 per annum TO SARANCA PEOPLE a easy to l ea lize lull Th Ami, 11 11 ti dl. lv watcned, vn cnlcll were ,,,.; unseasonsble weathi In III' best p,,iisn 1, in by iin heads of municipalities ' i,i,i map t o sts rt the LUMBER DALY NOT I Bool-in- s LIEUTENANT li rha) he gathered from the Burn- - and given in understand ihal the) Paints. Oils, l.ln-- s. Mallli 'ld ii.u i.ake, v newspapers thai were o.lm no ;li henceforth to other j ami BuiiiIink Paper. TO COACH WEST POINT j ,,f i lip there lea tecim uneasiness in that protect ion than thai of the French Thorpe is a icrrnt iBee8fl as J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER 11 COACH AND SCOUT OF DURING 1916 SEASON health resort that the heafthseektng government, ami thai would be to m seefetstaaal feetisall plsyee, .mi population is not row im, 8:1 ll sh oihl Ik In 11 that they would better a' et'Pt h, liMjt'hnll plater COMPANY BOSTON NATIONALS one of th, dallle tahei consitferabl ll without resistance. llial's wiiiat'lhiiiit ela itKa.a. , uii.,,,.1 1(1, .as, set, l ., IBI10, froni page IpnOI and a lenuthX' tdl The measuras taken at thiil time NEW HARVARD COACH Wa Coint. N. Y . Nov. Lleui lorial for n disCUSSlun of Ihe reasons, had douhle effect; thc.x sol only re- - n i. s 11 lialx b S. A.. xvlin lor Ihi been head Whnl is of im ni interest is the tact pressed natives rehaJliously Inclined He can speak to .1. f'arp Morgan like a guilty of iilaylna professional ha - si three seasons has ' to RunsrnmrHS 111,11 111 u w in a At v, im press in, lares inai ii.ioineo i;reaici niiinnei brother. ha" never him liasrl If yon fall In git rnur mini Si h ol ine n on football leSI .i j X "i'- Ji.tirnal. ii,,iaike "mlghl lake a valuable lesson Moors who had .suffered from the ar And In- ttand.t. .Ike kaier illie . In eall , u no t acl m ihai capacity neal fan WKSTKIIN TBI.KORPH It). elect a ' Fi e.i xin, hell, oaoh , N H Iroganca of w had t:10N ' Fran-- from Alhmineruue M. which hue their brethren ho Ihr .110. bltse-hnl- otiais. as head iu ..a iHicembel from Hon XX Iiii f us is Hint tin l Pbnna caul nf Hie Boston n.ii ,,f enterprtsini presumed np,,n ihe protection of the fakaSg .me ciin.tiderallon with another ,, i m oomntand, the First haniher commerci serllte has reierre.1 In . ,un h ..f Harvard baa ball team I,, ins t'vrr ihe now on epough to I'urr) on a notional adver, uerman empire, which tiny consider-- 1 The pnimoler'v lot ll not a cSlllv one TfcSep a Hie Ilia hlrf. ' Harvard ah, reglmenl ..1 field arilllerx, I Using rampalxn for healthreehers, ad all powerful, to UJdtthj. in ail sorts Hi BoOOtUlll, poMv-r- s H,, t d itx al hollelil. Blx-d- great belli Ion . - inkers have we have net beard the ur, '..loo. Ih t ,if depi, dalmn oil tile ii;,hls and be from , ,1 as iPtatti "f Harvard 01 recupsrattaia, They are li'dmr Basked (01 one t will su,,ee.i I'"'' , ...... Ron Aggies slue" their treineiuioi 1000 entered the RANCH COMPLETELY unit. t their , Sprllli; in New York next, 11 11 nms, 1, - i,,,,i footbaM team In Hf mother KhowliiK in Mlcntgan. Posiibl) He ilaaghtotfi, 111.' pUblK Ihel IttMHari aradein.v li) .lone, 1101, wiw D"" t """ tilt III. Whereas It takes have fetUfaed Iheir right name? .11 hall dlrectoi who iped int., TCnI BV TUICVCC .,11.1 In 14)8 played on im tU O. InltVtO ix.ii enlist in the Prench army. 1, m h In resignation of lEtTaduated and eauscl two hx - a 1, ' mi Ii xeo f..r Ho fink earn A Ul Prank shall " WHO USE WAGON wa'r'Tn old i inst hnte eai arret rretiii ' am n aaya easoii ti"' AH i WetSki4 ie That 1, ea IS. Ninth nan saving that he 1: ' e.i Hh Ihe Boat the Navx In in se j ruin, I'liis lluaic will leutenani I' Tunisians an feminine. Ihe Algerl In In l.liu I'lnii ,lvs was taken from M. ate men hut the Moors are xxiirriu s a 11,' h near Palo rite It is not allowed by the elisor to Im IiiimI- - how many Moms have gone nortl ol h it ll ant til our CLUB RIFLEMEN HOLD natty fmht for e Kvcr.x month aeae. ant ur take hi sgaeet INDOOR PRACTICE WITH conl incents that have completed I 10 nam .lue ttetaBS and lisslf training in the country are ten! Massaac nm .1 Ike) meet u ee SUB-CALIBE- - R RIFLES eve it...'.' Hit.rv Hie it i.l lie ir- 1 aai oi iirinu aeajaalatet niih aat etfcee, at ihe betrinning oi iii war, m ant - ' ' I'1 possible in ... M al tl. held "I'hel "I'1 Uclpotion of uprisings Ihe "l.llttin" Write I. S "slier interior, tlovernur General 1. vault 1 several rata ra in Cartlata., - star ' was authorised b) the Preach govern-- 1 ina hiith stomal festbaU ea the Iran,.. I mem 1,, wBhdmW all forces anil hold. Keettnlln Kerttslin tftj 1. m seaeebaaty f" 11 only town, thus releasing ut. be1!! 10 mil was taki 11 part in the oust the, Liddte My ide riffe arm on service there no gat I active o! urxt be ( IIW Ullir Ul) inn i. s.1 I.ONt. N I I I on thr bark the w.-- in France, The hesultlni dsrvger m f, nut,all for Carlisle Is that 1011 are ll. aaaitclatbin as w...,.i, vi .... slIB.n i:,,,i, tin it itmn hnrtlr title ttiul n illowed tn piny :,s lOuu as ynu err mi guardsman M, " iu, wis says: "l suffered a long Prenoh prestige tcldd htm to da. .11 n. d ihe Atbuquartpu' club, iti, ., weak bark Fole) tain all the poet then held, replacing; m, - CHAUFFEURS FOR WOMEN! n making II out nt a ,i.K.dne puis completel) relieved in- the a, ine men by reservists, terrltar- soreness now am ulld ifb 11 iH i TratTii- 'oi.i SUb ,11,- rifle were "f all and pain and lai Senetab im XX r are in. aagltlt nl Ihr tlillll nt rung an,' mil a .''r Winter He toeeedtt m maiatainlrui per- - her tif e.tnt'hrs ttht hstr lireu thc kitl upon their Mt , symptom of Hill Xhnt I hx wa , , ,,1 ,, ,,. aggta vatea klane) irou f..,.( order everywhere and nowhere jlaSjid lor .Inues.Cs )th. pcitehf them ilav Ja The meettnt I I M'' na lolnts, Bitlu.-nc- aaegl la) nnuiltrr of V , as v Many of th. ' "''l weather makes 4M i..,,,.,, suffer from the tt '"r tth ptrturhnUttn. lai aportlng biaddei tar wttttag to tahht It. ilei .mil irregular regular troop: laantaa lea are compel nit-- tit Connie r The- - t . I at wuhdruxviil uf the Ihrv membara brought or unheal, lid. l.' .1 .. I ' point uni ivhiity it pruflti-- irnnKfM!) rrttm th- Ma.iiBtiti a.t ami mean: to kerp alKr. In was held .Hid h.ip th ktdn ,.iin,,n.)tl roMt'Iitim IHtPxVf MtAiNT - mD , , - 1 px Imi 11 l 1 lit- limit.- t u It thrv ote the way thc drlvr. Mere thai itiM-- x tu tit) CINNAMON - Kill .n.d sjotj help the sum! wets I'Omiii u Im rt utin' ALBUQUf RQUE MORNING JOURNAL WtDNtsDAY. DLCfcMBER I. 1! FIVE


BY OF Tells of Her Long Suffering VILLISTAS HIS RATIONS SHEFFIELD WORK kl'.ow. ho replo d '.ll,t and How She Found Relief. aha! I murine on thai i 'in ill n out nan m,i i naori Joins in Com- one . uses .lump. l to II Husband ii luRioa that Ip ' ai Several Rodriguez, Who $-- Man at the Front Fares Well Plants at Hadfield and Victors mending Cardui. ill'llmeltt ..f the threui caped From Wot king Night and Day to of don btInc. tripltnti m 111, ttdtet - had it tinned hi Cananea, Gains as Compared With Ordinary output nil on, wonders 111. "let. Mini when the i ll N war can poeslbl) last II ( -- ,1 - ,.i t 1 Ulf. '. C. Mi s. Joseph Fr , the ei in. in. V.n Notable Ti n Out Munitions for , Success and Moves! Standards; Two Meals a di utll-d- i llng weapons laity ai snx kt ha) to regular of ilii Pastor of Jonathan Circuit, .lid Wif, tightened for h, ir sons, .'anilon jfestern North Carolina CoafarssKs, Toward Border, Day With Coffee, Annies of Great Britain. stihl her con to ". South, jl. i'huri'b writes: age of her boy t.. Am, 1, 1899. about fifteen years ago "AbOUl EXODUS I j ),a,l i severe "usr of Typhoid Fever jfiutmi ifici.i .imp imi uaarl led I',.-- RISR a Nov. de- - Sheffield. .,v anil .i i' lapse, which left me la ver riz.. 3. After nrla v.. o - iat it w ill ln i oii'lition. which izt worse all the fen I in u SBd di n inn Lack to a. th. ii, h 1'ress represent. itn lo.iav walked lluri- - nervous, CO aid Dot st y I ten mil, - through plant of tlnn ffM s" a 'a ,, force sent to operate the ordinal! pro h rencn rOOBl alone for five minutes, fit Id and VH k, W arranged nil in the people i -- i i.nir OECLARED TO BE against him. lielleral Jose Hodl iKilct. eoinllion ad t ,. i..r 1 ''regular . My nervnus-- . the minister notions, sjiet anil S the ili.i who eluded th.- ,r,l His menu ,, solid to commander to ld is uerhaua at .eh a any one was an awful WoffJ me and i h nap tea says meals with read i ilo- upp 1 Carraass at the Hlitlth a to Ki f : ieiuls. and couldn't sleep for. Cumn niy ago, uained possession today of the and eoffee. Th, lll.'K Hie foiir or five Rights ;it a time. The Naeoaari apparently laid Ki'f.i, h s. Ida r i "OU, Si i ii.,; i t Had! would often have to give me railroad and IMAGINATION doctors Anna 1'ri.ta. Hie fortified Mexican his i""'"'K nought lo thi p. in through NfmCK. make SJM sleep . . - ..orm'thinK town unpoette here momentarily open I'ini in ean red hut plained that II. n Krupp eon it, .hi, n From iinit afier tins dHte a Charge d" none of my work and had to without milk, ai hi- - st f Weeks war Could to ., second attach, nut hetole of ten cents per line will he nia,l.- for Keep a cook. fee it is MCCWllel de, Ian d Now Hie lladti !! plant publication nl ear, is ..f reae Display-- . Hare u lhanka began taking Cardui af- had then- is Hsu working day ami iukIii lo eoiinter-th- i luttotta of reapect, obltuarlaa, etc Thihj I then and l)lap n, I laying ai tli,' strategy tliat the eollipall. I. Krupp iiifhi, net ter had taken half a bottle felt does not appl) to notices of de. nil, characterized Mi IROV at Cannuea, eofi.e and i'ini UHle rs mill metallurttlata of and notlven, was improving and not so very long eiuiiit time funeral simitar Rodrlgoei gol iio- - For dinner iltl lied eounlli details to imei-ttie- Contiat which will be published a matte! ! was aide to to between c.irran.i M ifierwards to church: great staple de in Mieh a vimi. ill, ii, wapa of news. Persons desirinif to ptlhttsh hot-ties- , forees and the iMirder and moving taken or fi g pot a ii fell. After had four ' Tl man merely grasp aonie notion cards of thanks, etc., will please writ., northward rear ad ,ii -- o'clock tins was aide to turn off my cook stewed meat, Iheni out and send or bring I Mem In i afternoon the t. if Bequedg Ho ip and do my own work, and I not back hlghl) seasoned Till'. MORNING JOURNAL, hipping pomt tor the American nun- - hnlt ,i beef my coir i mental condition, fur I had Ii iiiK town of ki thirty-Mv- e Mitten generally t llilll ll a ir, en so nervous and absent minded, Here, nlng with "lie is south of Hi. boundary. At thai hoar or 111 i,i. blow of the nun hiii. line By illness . was also able to many v. ii. ll and telephone Wires as rletiei iio halt- - chimed In thi return to school and resume my Qet d the Afttg l'riet.i Hir- .urn is to kill mans and my piano lessons at Trinity always a plentil Hi.- plum studies ar- - ai Had field tin ed both in men and t n ,1 Collect where I was in atti ndnrfre." OccailontUI) ti l'i h i d n an was permttt' til Klrlguea'i tact tea, await' p. Pres lte Mr. Fry writes.: "She cannot close tit ftriti th. menu I, eat the i xperinien: nnutli in li Cardui too highly, it is well ai anv time. oeeaaloa ol the klng'i I'tall Ovi weeks I'.li.etl SI lit rata w ( I e Iwplaled. ke, hi, Ii I i The gov.'inin i.ii snturn ahi what it osts iii riinn on ago. the dl.'.haiKe ol a eutiiueliT itod-rtgue- In month Ins. phsi ed ,081 Tin- troops out oft by a hell at a plate, at an angle el tha. thi Carransa I'lneh v trencht ,i ,i like the Sid! if a ship. men and ,'"i omen emigrated from had four of artillery, :itts. T Fram e Th,' klng'i shot pierced ihu armor; t n Ireland to all parts of the world one gun on an -- MICH Wfg of Ih.'in a mounted I - , . ir th, face of ividence'.' .t in. tills IS nell- ,,i i did md me of each figures for the aim month last yeat i tt spondent's spires March t, arm. red ear, ami a nuinl'er of rtg, i in men and gSS wpmen .I All good druggists aell CartluL trll .i.i t hat allotment shells is ih tested And were .it9 trial - ul Senator Work i chine gutta The) were sent south- Bometlmea There in thus a d. .r.-as- in nmlMratton ward Sunday With two military trains, In- - daintiis for th, month of SSI inert ami sill h it he n lanes to n to operate u gainst the Villa cowman- - await women The record is very slmtlai If ftge, which is Ti' y in,- in,. ,,t yeai Is Decorated by the Kaiser der south ,,1 a, osarl ap.'X ol the whole ion months this I rent It I i oiiiim . compared with the same months iasl Isolated with them .1. 1..1-- 1 he total emigration ' ,,. Htam m.ii ea( -i a mallei expediency, Ireland to all parts ol the world Uryan todas hi had n ft reed from Hindi he thinks would . ost his Inde- Time. AH means of reaching Hi'' line- - as - convenlentlj safe, and In tfp' I''" months was in, 'CO men and weal ty ml Mi ai pendence, and because he cannot gllj horder were closed to them, it there slaughtered. Typical French M.'ion wcrk and il Hit , .1.1, rated !!..; ,( women 'fins year ii ice tallsn I himself with ihe progressives whose said, ex. pt foot trails over the iiioun- - economy Is shown In this operation, VI otters satabllthnv nearly Hie to men and 1,1114 women ,,i postible figure- - . an I "politics .Hid prSXtlc. In has lulus lor use is mailt everj frag same St 01 The Official also colli found " ' -- in, MmiggwivM .e I'"'"1 ot n" Tour rhrougl Imp-. .he story thai the passages ot reason to condemn fmem. ami uneatable portions an "flying agekers" wen paid for by ope I - Mr. Douglas Vtcli lductcd the Rodrlgues first met a , detachment carefu collwrHca wa- back to gold." scut over from mcr-lca- I part through the .Unit. German I aboard Carranss military train last be otherwise to SON'S CLASSMA t te base i" turned lam, ,ii- - lor its pun c admiralty One thousands one hundred and Chlabasas. sixty-fiv- night between cos mid advantage, Thi cook ot rch mest work (everything is done here from e of ih.- 1,704 emigrant-- in -- ends each nmrnlng for wen. t,, I This force retreated northward and, ins ass'stanl i; the piir to turning OOt the October Ihe I'm ted States, and to the detach- t!" great piece "i oeei or niniioi - of the.-- c ii.,- passages of onli seventy ' ''spondin,. n. r ol' me., to lit it Nacosari U return ut one' to the were prepaid from the United OPENS UP NOSTRILS i r old ti artillery I'l- - "'' null all the states, in dunce with Ihe The operation ol carving the meal by win, if. in all h. or you can sit practice which Irish emigrants Wilson gae ti dinner at the Whlti der were made is general) ., of Inter-Rodrlgu- , Tells llow i',i Cet Qntek It matter treat theati I provided ud- - have aettled in the Cnlted suite.-- send Ions.- the I', , - in ihe little tonight in honor of in Head-Cold- am- est to soldiers who hanuen lo be off passage ney From a. it BsjIsmmI nlng general offices and see on home ihe of frlendi of h. Wai - ed In a deep duty. They In the Ion class of '7H. which I the fOtee railroad gather .lie vlt'lnlt cinematograph screen ovWj pro-i-s nd ndatht'H the have left behind. J ill near I 'os mid forced it I'aeU. Next Hie cool... or in., ami admire pictured. Por n.e ten month- - oi tins year "f I 111 i nam, clogged BOgtftlg is troops appeared at Bjanueda where criticise Hi with which lie shops the manu- - ,.sis emigrants to th i mini states, In minute 'our ' in these ttheffleld your - SOS had their passages prepaid. Last him will open, Hi,, air pagsageg of hi es were CUt. ShUttlM t.ff tur- tuif of munitions is not a new you ,au new year in Ih" same ten months out of Ither bead will dear and breath ing, as ill many of the munition No hawking, snuffling, v went to Slates, m ....'freely. more, and yon CM find many a w isc-i- ll 711 who ihe United i'. mind k'OU would ,1 came north, Rodrlgueg burn-- 1 in trimming off an oecaalonal supply lo that the.'' o no ,,f shells il I'lo.k been shortac , I i'i Uul Id s advice had been taken lies III Hie llllle loom d later eon- a of Klv's i lieen tj, small Loiile ''ream , omplainls are l.ow ,ver ml I, avoid entering the arm has .,, . dueled Hie dining room Halm dfUggtgt now. Apply added to i he othi causes nl emlgrs them slate from "our i' where a table had been arranged In I little of this fragrant, antiseptic, Agua Prlets garrison, ad ted W1 the bread n id French bread ' pro-elle- nt ilo shap. ,,t ,i horseshoe. No military h llng Creartl In y our nostrils If pen-o- r Rodrlgueg had gahMd control of the verhtnllv It is baked m elthej'. naval aides were present etrates through every ntr p ' railroad, but expressed the belief thai a ii all lmpernonul, ror " loaves like small millstone, ami A head, soothes Hie int ainr,, I e mple, engine, r confided in the number of Informal address, s tn'' he would first stop to loot El Ttgre. before being served the is care- - swollen mucous R particular- - ii a I l it thi- - and Be. president eon- - rully cm aw I,,, . ra nspor correspondent that was orR i'm oi were made. The was Major General Frederick Kniiston n. MISS out Ibis: ioMltolle mwreglea in sniuying me i ..... liii.VI' this Cul gratuhtted on his coming marriage ftnsT aronmnanind hv his staff, will hasten tlion and handling ertam uinount!'.v f,c il to It's Just Hon .lie on n.e an slip, enclose will. and mail III, - ''f lierman snciuire iikii. n,l lin s.ories ol college nays were yiili ,1 ol her- - morning from No- hund, "' R;""";" ,lh; h they let Folej .V Co., Chicago, III., writing your tomorrow interior f " thai oi worked on the armor and told. nomes Males, Ariz., by automobile, accord Ing wo see result, "II was name and address clearly. Von will of ,,, Klene, I, read soiled in A niel- him lo the to-- 1 you package con lo telephone, message received jcan restaurants or in Paris. good armor; armor, as Say receive in return a trial 3 I ... pro. id deaUTlP' I, lining Fob v's Honey and Tar Com- J? night from American commander. Bach ...a., .s allowed a half plnl "i the .'tales." Wai his 'he pound, for coughs, colds ami croup; Ostensibly the nip is one of Inspec-- , red wine w ith each meal, and the In- - lion of the result. Shef- Foley Kidney Hills, for pain in aides Glass-Pai- nt 1 provide w liuskin's observation about Hon. though the opinion was express-- dividual maj himself ith - I I field, d as a wretched picture and bock, rheumatism, backaehn, iud- military circles real K"eii luxuries .is salad, eheaa thai IllID CO ed i" that the d not hold ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cement-Plaste- - " ' LsUEYlDCri r af- . r' purpose of the flying visit was to ...'i.. ',' , ". r and hl'ae-ou- t i alhai'tie ablets, a w holesoma and Z' i cleansing Mrs, .lame- - . Wife ol Bin ford General PUnston an opportunity w , jHopi on the horoughly rathartlc, ttt'i'nrd. thl. little hada .. I. Albuquerque Company ,f I - o of CtillHl .pa l ion, onionsiiess, ue. tie antt Lumber to l.eininn.i. determining tor himself just what favorite green, grown In some favor- surrounding moors other oi. IVORTH I I I 11 ac- - M Its slltl possibility oxisLs of another Villa at-- ! able spot close to their position ic munition anas In there inoiv sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Wfa Kaiser Wllhelm dcorted tai k on Agua Prieta. James W. (ierard, wife of tin Aim ri- - agn It was authoritatively announced srobasstdor, with lied cross i?old I Medals of the first and second class. late tonight thai Ihe provisional This is the first time the kaiser bus iinigade under the command of Gen- ever given a decoration woman ierat George belt, Jr., at Negates not of royal blood. M ould not in- returned to Douglas for I the present. GREAT BRITAIN'S WEALTH POlOMAN (i.VKKIHOM SCARCELY TOUCHED YET si HMIIN Tt OI1RMGOX

Mr.NN.Nf) JOUftNUt- - LIABID Willi ranza eon.-ula- le laic nniai rreeivru a dispatch I' .leu, nil ohregon stat- ing that garrison at Pana- Wlonios, the villa a-- vi 1 n si. presiding tonight am-nea- ' mas, accepted ti Chihuahua, had 1 1 i :lie,t d rikt 4 .1 Andrews day dei a iiigimi i 1a Jill iaH banquot, ami that he has s, ..i there Beffinnin Electrical Prosperity Week, November 29, lie (elt inoie hopeful a.-- t the out-ha- d military officer lo lake charge, 1' , x Mine of th war than h I'm buna.-'- seventy-si- mil west Valuable Appliances Will He Given Away Free to gWnthl past, Juarez, is the Ktglckn 'a reply to statements in lei man entrj opposite Columl t Customers. i Our law papers that he had said Crcat .1,. egon stated Hint ib rom Britain was on the post of bankruptcy, Villa's forces were moving h rough Mr. !,nw said the country was a long Sonora toward ChlhUahUS CPA. Frantz-Premi- er pre- X'illa of tontgh $25.00 Vacuum Cleaner v"!s from il, but that be did not officials Juarez -- : tend fiat it could go on Indefinitely showed mail advices dated a weel da .in- present soate, But Hp- wealth ago from Monterey staling thai Hen-eral- W 1 $15 .00 Electric Chafing Dish "f Oreai Britain, he added, had not and Carerra Torre: "Vtn been touched as yet and she had captured SaltlltO and I'al'l'al 1 Electric Percolator i $5.00 "'Ulil bear th,- strain for a longer CoahUllg Statt, Victoria and Tel. ii Period than her enemies. ihe state of TamauHpas. 1 iking of the great armies which $3.00 Electric Iron "rem liraltain hud raised, Mr Law INSANITY PLEA FOR ""Id tl-,- . number of men killed or PRIEST! 1 $2.00 Electric Toaster Stove bttnded up to .he present time was MURDEROUS three fold grater than the entire eg- - Ptattlonar) force :it the outbreak of ;mt MQNiNc ,ounl rfcc.t , . f, wistl 29 th Winona, Minn., Nov. IOj The trial www Customers Paying Their Bills From November to at I t(f father L, H, Ushes, charged with ' ,1 AeV iiaeaelilliaieVf fK HUNT-Hot- .m. facing nil Ib littaftHi by Will Be aUMlVN,. Mf. J assault vith intent to kill Right Kev. t iMiifi-j'ii&tfy- , ' December 24, Either Mail or in Person, kkSlkm, Hulluhl M phimhlDg or I iia .h.,, , b,OI , i.. i. it. Htlfron, blshoi of th diocese " la-- t, lii gall .,i. thi, .rrw. 'of Winona, Oh August -- i. Presented With a Ticket on the Above Appliances. In district court here today. The priest shot Bishop Ibffroi. Customers Buying an Electric Appliance During This while the latter was say inn nines in' Tit-ke- Danclruffy ' fs Heads i hape! of St. Marv's college The i i Hp (riven 2 the i (Wind Will - Ahnve- Annlianccs. W nn , i swh - - - - - v - - - - bishop recovered and will be a wit-- WIIVll f i Become Hairless nees at th,- trial. Will Be December 24. I Lucky Numbers Announced it is said inaanlty will be the de ijg fense. AHs in gfs, 'f wind beanti-"- " T V 1 Our mmm. the Journal for Partienlars.nen. '"U plenty of thick, I dih ( unltt lepo-ll- - liiciea-e- . 1 wKm j. w I I Ag tM vwwstmss.vs va ''" "'. silky hair, do by all means f i " ' Ai'te.-i-a. . U Nov. BO. state of dandruff, will starve The for it State reui hair and ruin It if you don't. meats from the national and AT YOUR SERVICE It doesn't d0 much good to try to banks in this county show a heavy . ;,t mr. s hi "rush or wash it out. The only aure increase in deposits oyer .he last way t get rid of dandruff is to dlS-M- statement, made in the early part Of I rkJ ii it then you it . Willi destroy entirely. September. There haN been a Ready Gas, Electric Light and Power Co. r " '" this, net about fnur ounces of Albuquerque "d'naiy liquid arvon; apply it at Increase in the deposits since Jub.i night tin- lambs, cal I when retiring; use enough W owing to marketing of 1 PI I0NE 98. CORNER It ND CENTRAL. "'""I'-- th,. scalp and rub It in gently lie, apples and alfalfa The hank v h the finger tips. di posits Jn Artegjfl have increased 0V" v r'fc cioniing most. If not all, of your $100,000 during that and sndruff win be gone, and three or at Hope, twenty miles west, Ihe in- - "'"re applications win completely '''.-idu- 4i ssolve nnrt entirely dewtroy every .ease is in the neighborhood of i sign and trace of It. At l.ovhiKton, on the plalPg east i "'i will fim, t0() that all Itching of Arteata, seventy inib-- s from a J- algah,!. ,,r the scalp will stop, and railroad, there is a stute bank witb . gar hair win look and feel a deposits of over ItM.OOO. The hanks "mw' better. You "an get II' at LakeWood and at Carlshad show jjjua iii-u- i at any s'ore, It is drug a proportionate Increase over the e. il- n'-V- nsu'' and ounces is all you four ly Of year, total in- j"' need, no matter hnw milch dan- - part the and the you have. Thjrf simple remedy crease for the entire county Is not far from r.oo.oon. J SIX . n a ALBUUUtRUUt MORNING JOURNAL. ttit nut v DECEMBER I, 1915.

. ' ii" in- minimise German) hale i tkl attaattoa at th hands ti,.n Th. world-wid- e WOMEN SUBJECT TO ire eauw ot the i The now : la-e- allies arc in an OLD SANTA TO THE MINUTE! hud nmde by the pm KIDNEY TROUBLES IP partment and Um v morning Journal over thai ajaWfl Phe hill e iiig the poatof .1 .f V i ! .tant sulferer with severe pains u lug spaee instead Ull! in Uermany and back and was on the verire JOURNAL CO. th.- - hous. Will Bttl of ner.,, PUBLISHING - Iai . prostration I suiting from ktdaei Um 1 tlier than that. th- - world Ma and oilier complications. j Mm no ml Itaiikiiiu fru.n of mine recommended Dr. Kiln it bj ihwiiajti prataAia unit ..XLa-- i Sv imp-l- li ! as a sure cure once will demand hy the coming w'' fur the 1. i troubles. Acting upon bar advice i ., Thr ill ler some slight aniemliuents I.. II if nan taking Swamp-Kn- ot and I' HhIm. atrprrspitl . p H k inside their I... nli m w haatlHaj law Kor example, it HV v .mpiove befor. I had finishe,, th, I J ti.- il f.r. . thai a hill will In pres. in.. I M .r.i.M-11- Hull.lma I.I...... bottle continued its use . . until ha mltUni tnemlier hanks to a. U botiiPW takaa aavanri and cm tinned t t Kpurpentlltp. i ..f exihaiiice haaal upon ..l.rit Itusslsns f rmn lallcla thus dmnaatic impr ve until I wan , 11 II I'M II II. IN compleb ure,i Mill trad.-- exact Iv as thej now a ( p s IS Vmrh Mm.. Sr. tvrtl .ring their ii i I .in bortfi ra, nut I am bapM to say that I am ;.s hills huseil on foraiga Hade. It may I Hi. .,i hi it. .in as an woman on earth and bave dm kf uls.. that ongiaaa will ba aakad t.i ltlc mi- so for the past nine years, ml I'adflc hank-- , iIimh-lio- thanks forhld national in th.- Swamp-Knot- , ii i - ! ' 1' 1'r. Kilmer's a ml many i ll Turkey whii h of the federal hoard, from cheerfully ,11 hHv . in ..inmend it to wn, .in miinxin.. a rra about p. il exer. isiiit; f ii m - ihe tions of trust nun- suffer from kidney troubles t" one-hal- f ..f ih.. I llli- panies o. ,,1 tinted in states where law dues Very truly jours States Those iiri-U- re lost not prevent. Th. tn ii. federal reserve MRS. AI.VA HAXTKl: many except as be Hurled hoard will recommend the ah, dish- - l"i; .Main Si. t.. Drang, . Tela (1 ment of the of Inn in her in ag H'1 offlca controller ..f the Subscribed sworn currency. and to baton Hun i.f ItelRium. S. i ' this 21st day of .March, H1J aaered ktassgan aresii Mu tlinurn hi .liuir. JOHN J CAM. Notarv Publir If things en alonK without too much friction, it may he poaaJMa to l etter to across I .erniltiiy arid In r allies. Win n jthroua-- by ft Ian the middle of June, hut Dr. Kilmer A Co., Kim so i il- - pup.r .uintiiy, lust as! With much of impm lamv on lln niughaaatim. ft, v. Nr. when y,,u debase tin. i ninage, pines hooks an ItraalOJI is easil.c SWAMP-ROU- possible. Obviously, lln- MtOVK il IT T I lor fond ami manufactured ri i. Im administra- no Wli go up by haps und bounds, tion, as between early adjournment roit vol wagesl Send ten Dr. t .md inadaqtimie cosaldr of some cents to Kilmer A Pa remain h v wan before, or ration Bimrhamten, N, Ti III lakM nd of the major an- v.. for a nmpli ahM lis prists - matters that lo come - upward hIhwIx . mid their pur- bettla. It will anyone. .LI. hours aatl thirl; mls- up. wmld abandon the coinincc vi i.f . itp.1 Creae power ia former. will also receive a booklet of SUs.' eirhietie hMtai frightfully reduced The new will valuable Im.i.1 sire .ir.lir Mrh wrrk liciniaiiy aoncaaai find tin Information, telllnc about th,- kidni pi cuii go a lung uy yet, but II alher opwetanprr pul.llahrd Is south still "In the sad. lunniiiK and bladder. Whan writing, be sur,-an- at u ih,- already! tt9w lakM Dior lliae the iii, w.,y hi,., things mention the A Ibuqueripie Mori IsraSI) fuill I. ... f kaa . .i. Ml tht gray Iplftfr f want and The south has been in tin- saddle in itig Journal. Itegular fifty-cu- t .ml freea asr.lee Burls Ue m, one-doll- glzc mm i 'xliauNtii.n ,,f a. ,,f Ihe house of ,, bottles for sale at a'l in.. in. Hies, representatives sin, the drug stores. In a great extent i.f fighting material elect ions of 1910, and it has been in Theae facta are well known to the L control of the senate since the boKin-tiii- nf the Wilson Slmondl expects to go to allies. While it j It- administration Arizona for VYEDNgMDA V I few i.f Kngland ,191: That control will last tit least until Ihe bnni fit of his health Kev Mi talk peine, th. spirit of tin- natli.ti i the new president is inaugurated. Dum is a graduate nf Dixon coll I absolutely Opposed In any i cssa urn I l Ml v III sMI ami, Draw semiary. (Ha is said lo be m h... iiiiti.H until Oaf-ma- a .insh- - New Mun i.i for Laa ...... liuas a successful, earnest ami CpMMN ra ted Baat V minister The Methodist neoi.U n Tii.. Rev, Roy Dum, at Britain II I n h sn than tl of Clayt Las 'egas urn planning a series epa .in. the .1 in ! nean named bj Blahon IPpannia not th had eiirotiliti r in out fioclal events iii honor of niemb.-i-th- great .rolie ci Oonnel of Denver, as (In war. .o i ne is thinking i' pi mm Blmonda family prim- to their coming sees lot the Rai Royal a Blmonda, n. I pastor part ure, which will oocur in Fn and Itiosiu Is engaged ill Hi, l ... l...a;... .a v. . ab linen i. in I.. of First ...,uii.,ii.ii , IllllCII, .111. IWo Weeks paopla View decide upon propar dafanaa poll' it. Id Dial Ford II lint ho easy, ihoimh there i mi ' WmI in Mim in. ilon ll that n great majority of In Plump Tan irl Gain Health and Flesh paopla wit ii t tins country prepared ii uthar statu, "Ho! Tonic-Foo- iruteel her legitimate IIUereHtH. than that buatnaaa For an Electrical Chrislmas!" Great d Discovery ami U ofeKHlonu I Mr. llryim'H talk of gaining the lovi MEN and WOMEN EAT Certone Food Tablets FREE ol alien peonies Dnfiaanae No bat" which leceh,. M.anl is ind women al! ol age. wntr how rating- a font CftltTONK j - . IIIUMtrutlnliH may aa In j ln ler had than k" ",h" ""'al ioa C1.R ibr the Hulkiin NtuteN. (in ere Wiih Iii iiI, S nilii mainial. i s,,e ya rw ,l)r ,,. ncne. ami .n.e,noi, an.l huild v.,i up. Pa.vni FREE. N..n ,om froni .luil-- l 'I'll eXpe tit On is i Wtlcb join mirror. jtuul unprotrmral. uiiNlii akal'lr nianm and mart wild . Irrl brllri aiu Thai il,rvav l .rlilr.loiibt. ami Uirn ., J you ei ,n I.. k . m h of TurklNh luh thiouah the IMaV baat ami can Ii.hi no bam ii a TWO QUESTIONS TO ihai Irfraa- r- Eat UalsCtatONlaW tei rltm, Now Irl I ui mt." efforta of lln-AI- llrltlsh (Trench and rial reaull (iXi'apt us an advertisement With Scissors Caa ONI ltd your blooii. Kmc j uur nrrn-- an.l and I'astc thing tn establish a clo.scr r-- iv'i i:r taut niati .vilrin. AbSGliltflv, Ar tnr m.n u,..m.,. m... ,.i..i: an. ... RuaaiaM thrai i,r timsc nationi liu rbrd'l cars, which mil) I"- the last CLAIM MOST ATTENTION than now exists between govern ' 7 vir 4 IIt ii,...,. nu I'. i.ii aiiu ml ,. ill Ti l it SOT v "SETS." m VW. poured out the ii oi theh paopla tiling Kind In Ihlnkiim nl W,. hope in npproprlatlona government pl ((JO CjUARANTF P rum- t Boaton ami res bisshori of.tottic It Trnnacrtpt, OF s nuirimi eairsrrM i Is. CONGRESSMEN tines. Th,. beat thought . w. annihilation, m i n. nf the on : u.ut. jik. ruiir.. in. t I in person wlm clasalflea bookr in M. I. a. . llijlv ;i. . . ixnvrf , n. . beiiiK try seems to favor the formation nf , annihilated a library is Often as we ha e h lined- n.,)rcj..,nrsmlri0.t ibis For runs--- gair Lm, Senrl.i, budget svstem : 2() ol Onl) lines lint a. grave such as practically Th. a.. W. tWfc,. 2b ... ST? Ullaamrd under mental reaponalblHty j ir',rTJ9?'i,'n F,r.f.'30 ik,s nf ihe great nations, excepting il aw ft.. V if n C c , but ia puts -- In l.w CfcRTOXF build, l nafactorii the olh- - lie ,ir Arthur i:. Uoatwtck'i us clnMrrn. Mr.. Pinfr,,. amuHall rl .... United stati-- pns-- i ss. yrar ol.l ,) w Ii President w ivnelm v a, a, l hM v , , lllalii-- Tur- , 'Tin- Making nf an - ,.), Mil Js (jm .il ii. ,i American's Li. and biter In eppOaa it in the senate, MM Un- aWlfSSM mi.llirr ilial ' son has been an advocate nf a budg wmr. ibr lilllr one noon wn.bru '( I 4 m r Bay a gains briny, with the dry works on libiary that the brr HStb. Thr rral bo,l liuildr, ,un,l al la. " contenrllni .senate should not syat'em for many years. economy l:R INI; tbRHHrb - I , Il is wrong. ti.- enVl '"" am ,r stun- or will mail roll i IM II en, nf (in all The Si. down Willi restrictions sim- i?" -- l - Louts ship Purchase omlng i p. m II II M Irr- aiin lio.lpa .l d COSSII i.l librarian's plcasanl on ilar to i adopted IBP 1(1 Kills' H la. fn ,i I,, Ruaala ftmn N m cssuis baaa In tin- bouae, all thr attaches Coupon and rent, to hr!p pay alttrKHitiotl oi i: il UTIl iMiot.i; Th,- I aaam ,1 pprti.p. hooks ami reading belong In anothai Mt asM'i t Mtloiudj Diawn. nresidenl failed i s ass ...... ml irr i,t mote than nlra.r.1 ...... i.. ... irklsh rub Is now lighting with the No nerd in .ay more, tat CKkTONKsq place. He in an e.xlracl In prove it Mindful nf Opposition within i.,s,- ion r i S it. Il alSO KlIK n the 1 limn nut. lice, bv iHspai. hi s from Waahlng-to- us 'll iii ni hit l.liH .1.- aufa tall "The require men! that the party, champtoai en- Ih", '" '" hunks in id cloture are llnl .ondntul t ritno. aftJSfiSl M' aSaSaa naraie. ii dmJ Mr i Sin ii In- - leal'"THat ol ol , "? oppraaalon. thai ihe treaty establishing a protaC' a real permanent llbrar) deavoring tn will bring liu- matter up again N llRTONf. bet b.ite prayitdyoolia,r..ul,c, ined and.o thai books prepare the rub- aO it BM naMBsl deikiukn and WaataVsW. ..,., by refusal U Jottl llusala'a war a:-- nil', ihui Will coming winter, in slightly ri b, return noa lorat over Haiti has sons into ef- are one's roommate, should be be satisfaclor to scleral pin dial one mtt hal la a per Ma) Tufkt Ami if wt would have an nil llual friends, f'nrm, and urge Its adoption, Seer. fect through a inndus ovendi, which bats in ilmoal irt'eastve republicans whose rota they 'pSffFREE GEORGE A. SYKES, CERTONE COMPANY iiiusii a ctoM hoiwa w may with in ..ptb Ih expe t - McAdoo in Interviews and public 542 Twelflh Avenue. Depl . NEW iion ra has been signed bj the Ann , in llliet. plan to r im- YOU!' in I i I llll ll, dresses his fall has outlined all he a in a ppea Is Hindi bi Hi net inliilslef and Ihe llallleii secretary of W ben llnes suggested by the ... ' nicely Be null of Wei liieh ministration proa ram. Undoutn " uNjutiin e from the Iii Sillies fun Ian ..riaiis. i Una action in rusk. the an effort will made t,, amend or in ,.a an ni f. i i h. aid ti Sell repeal the ObnOXlOUS seamen's law. our revolutionary war aih . a., (plained b) Sacra tary lainsing, title. minute mil The general lubjeel uf an Improved m OOentT) fnrccil (In- liellch ami) in tin procram of the United stales in ' linn illg el nil, il merchant marine wil me up ngal r Withdraw from Mexico, anaMl iv 1 ni Haiti is the last sli p in protection of Judgment us In think t. ii nie coast states suppnrting it Juarez I , to overt) I rOW may ami the American republics, short of ruin, and Commendable hive ler al this' Whatever be dnne. It seems; y Confidence Austrian pi lin e wlm ti- ' till W nl kg nl "reliable that an effort hhniiiii ed the pltts. annexallun, ihe president these aul mis BROUld ffeci that will be made 523 tie nf emperor ol Mexico, cessitate his Hiking t,, iiis i There are ,l"n ""' regulation nf ocean the ,l. minks it neceaaary to take over the boaotu leans certainly do not love us. the balderdash, tin- ot boilers, both? sides freight rates and general men hunt govi rniiu nt nf ihe alleged republic UM ' P fall urea, among their HI 1 - II weight ,,i' Marine mutters lo a federal com mis-- ftetnahifltfl neutral toward ail othei Icompletel) as Oreai Britain look over hn if, when ynii a Ua won, modeled in some ways countries but vitally partisan to Invite dear in, ml. tire, with all after the is del'.-.-ls- I, new a most important factor in the securing iiiie government of Egypt, ami far mi hiuild ,it Ih, imm I lime all is far Her than anything Industrial relations commission iMinis (he liilted Slalcs, lit us ion ask iii mora frankly, Ihe rest of Ihe VtHuge, liuiu'dliiR that would he bn ught forward in take und the committee which Is ill charge of business need ac-- tlnua in advantafa ouraalvti with iin credit. Your may imt M rim. is farther than the United funis, nrlmlnals and Idiots, Bverv man ii,. place of ihe national bank act. a bill for M tremanduus objaol lesMotis m prudanci I puvpose SI .1. baa fell called Upon, hrretofor, ,.111,1 every bunk ihOUld be (oVgd OV Pioliihiiiou o. mis this whs Introduced in the comtnodation today. Tomorrow a little aid 0) Which this wnr ha I given iin Unci Ills summer of following In go with any American repubtli own merils uffragi prohibition a II 1' imt extended may be a great advantage. Get acquainted th. cpitflasration burst upon Barope 111 a Willie, be ipplnes ur un hearings and arguments, hut it COUld plunged in anarchy We set Cuba 'me In SUle, Wc the cards August the un a or not i , reached for want of lime. i. nut. faet has bean HUH .find reader whose enthusiasm for another, tor tin. oncoming session. with the officers of fom in a ml held il under sjsj I'd i m i is so As to - To fcg iiii Hills Lading. rovared tttaVt the Halted stmes I aillhur great as tn glnlify all suffrage and prohibition, 'h, al- of mllltar; Km tirnmcni llll un .oi.,.,.,. Krlevuual) in need of a syninictrli Ills Inferior works. If (anii man mun, "t the administration thai they Tin- I'omerene bill. Intended to O M pui.ii, could hi ' ' all) Im I S every I, II I"' si bv safeguard end -- eienlific putlc hat SI tiled the stales rather merchandise for which the m- in i.ei-- w oi Pater, i.amb ever wrote, than the federal government will mis nan- issue,!, ill be roml i n naval pre pa new , red I'll'.-.-- Sixty-fnurt- nnlhlng I,, s i againsl this pieieut action. .In:. I us it has duced in the h ronsresa .ii 111 iin in-i- pen, img with Nlcarugtta, 'works;' but suuh cases itre su i" u in previous sess s. tiic'uiui nruruyiy urgeo. The enactment " suffragists win whan wi intarvtMd nap i usual present the Susan ii. j". the law would facilitate tin- use nf ii, Anthony until Mil, of hiding I State National Bank l eat ore order uu,i h,.i,i elai tloni gill amendment, however, as security for credit, i I S urge ii ml list rln bodies, ni moved hi Ihe III VMI lilt strongly, while the prohibition-T- h Ponserasne bin applies tnicr-att- g m M about as tar as that In Culm III to AMIt yCKKQCP;, N. .111 will ilrslre tn ontribute soniewhut Ii un In liib ugn Tribune i again inukc a n to gat atajte commerce the principles of a rl siiito Doming,,, we have taken cnouan Hie I oincr becond anil Central Avenue urganlged moi em nl lor military nil an American CltUen, burn n llolison iiincnilment. Thell'ill drafted by Ihe commissioners Street ttion Hi bui I i t'nuea, .'.;l lust Information is be Hi will fail universal sln.te laws, ra iiuiig. This im vein ml has noth- - Sweden leiirs ajn In mi inlci ihai and imw in force UaMeel StaKu Deposllorji : : : ; : snnla I Kulliinv Depusllory half nf the the ii seems rather probubfi In t i lllltlle nf however, twelve states, including un: I" do with in 111 ,1 IS pletntinn this fuel anil all Ihe f.n the lihui i ho prohlbttlonfata ill Implied this means Ulal I a buvi CominarclaJ slules nf Illinois. Ohio, tic Un null am Swede - enough votes- a daajorlt) Pennaylvunia, Kaaaa-cKuiwtt- and us wlm becume nil Amri cltllcn New v.irk and a mm mmmwa iintisin mid due, ted by pracllcal icm house- - in bring pn mi. iii ihui is no, thirt) Muis ago. Politl about libit mu of national prudence. the DlsllUt nf i nlumbiu. It Is likely is propoMd nl Am- - alii um mil) an American, und m that an effort will be i 'oogreea sfcould take th adt i i i un i iiiiippiii,. independence lull will mad Hie coming ttoi ,,r an ivenucs longer .1 Suede, ami v,l I am to this! winter to amend the igpertai w lm also he brought Un. but unless umb island oondiUoni, ami expend iilclpnl lal, and shall ever be, an American all the Inoome tux law by reducing the ho bale been irulned In Cltlsen sign, fail, it will BftCQ.ttAter much from $t.tou tn $.i,oo. and it know what pome thd al guards. The born ami educated in Sweden. In- native ami if passed finally will not may be i providing i .hi lit r needs, and put tblniigh I'll lues nillllolls was accepted fSiW, and pen- - got nman in i .i limit control win contain specific dale win n i lepeiul- - for III tafet) stiil welebmad. I was haar usketi to allies tn atiach ur We All Agree t ike inh is tn be b I ice from in American swear off my mv uninteil. The Hess .filly nf ech year. Al the sanu Hi. InviiHloii this by iinllvltv and educa us minister, as th KKMitlnii government Hon. but bJllV mv ualltleal relailnnshln roomful Is thai it not time the bunks will ask enmzress tc With 11 111 Grandmother belli lines pass. ihe be relieve frnm Ihe llrltlsh resilient Igent. Ito I'oreign kings I adralnlatratlot toa them of the Volume of ex- and pntentntcs. busy i Wifs iiii mm e Important m to pense now In HE says the a iiKciiii-ti- is tn COMlnue loi not asked to hate myself and PA) in thrv incur collecting PERFECTION HEATER , il h puri-utH- five inu. .iltentlon. the lis, in order that Ifnltl muy nor in haie anybody, but tn lax "at the hiuivc." llusincss men makes things so cozy and warm that she I olt H I M l ION my smile lnis,riaiil BuallM will ask the nf tli(. treas- IIIIII llli n then self gov III lovi adopted COUntry and serve II. nullification el lillll ulth In addition to ury ryiMna S would'nt be without it. I whut has already preventa It not therefore a Swedtah-Atner- t- whleh tin in fr.un nd integrity, Mtii it win not been mentioned, Hon, an. In I several impgrtaht jdoducting from their arrosa income! it good the motrves, the end In ten yeara. the sense In am an It's so economical too. The probably not in matters an- to come before I'm ih-- 1 PERFEC- p. American I um not a In the the losses whiih tbey sustain outsidi in ,in on in Burup ni I ii . Swede. Ihe rnf) ill s. Pcnplc du m .1 Ic il n coming sesalon 10 sanaw Which I I the course nf their principal busimns TION HEATER gives us hours of st ot earl) e I "i am a Swede am nut ' pein Is di.o, i.e. un iK , Rural b- - rein I., liange (heir ivnis. Ainei Can credits win giai itaaed Th, Coal leases praajaaeal. dliUIpp us il ,e hi do imt care fur that solid comfort on a gallon of kerosene oil. lent shnubi nun oi i In-- : A Tin. teiiipornry proteCtornie win he hyphen Lal anybody who so daatrea ills l.'Hlsl.Hiou Will b, tn bill exlendlm,' t.. the slat, in. Ii. .i Is ll ( teas, lln- attrg) Hut hi him take care opportunities lor farmers provisions ,,f the Alaska law reuulal- - Smokeless. Odorless. Always Ready. to noway use in leaatng not to hurl anything mi either side " for the work ling the all coal mine prop. of carrying on ei'ly Hn- thai line, l ei him straight their business al ..wef failed at last session, tlui TUB CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY m 1st Ice in laics nf Intsreal ihan have prevailed ! houae ratosing to akrea to .senate (A Calorado CorporatioB) ii oppbaltktn win in- in the l Ny vull. ii hitherto. The H I liberate an-- iiiicslmu him been amendments. will be relnlendti Dearer Pueblo Sell Like Car Csercaaaa nne, states Here, we arc alwavs i i i Studied for several years, bnth here in lecemlier. it Is en-a- Albuquerque cNUiupt n m sHUKKle p. m w ius. in ORDI i: and said that Bulla ur, objection , Mm find tn in Europe, urerjfthini (CeluntbUa, Ohio, Dlapaiteh.) and a determined ad ment will full, prnpoied; fOti st hard-wsr- e, imt tin cautttr) is likely up- was made to secure legislation' Considerable work of a prepai atm Sold There must be some nppoaltton Rixty-thlr- general on reflection to make ii aptrlmrni during the d cortgraaa, It nature was dona in the last consres n I hi h manifested UODUhUtl In ntnass and department llaltlens in American fulled bacnuae tin meniheis friendly j tooklng to legislatmn mi the question amnnst the air raids Hint are belnir , stores every- wniiiti wiicoiiic am ri aaonabii I in the rural rediis idea could not "f compelling labels, Khb as it is training made in Rngland. Only bji preaum-- indicating com' where. agree as v, j Look Sitton for peace re,iMinabb roml the fHi in nether there should bt. poneiit parts to be placed upon all i The job in Ifaltljlni that stub is the . ase can Ihe sim- - for the Triangle Ihe Blulidpoinl if Tell Bui gCttve participation by the Km eminent j manufactured products except those should be eaali than thai lit the Phil-- 1 ultanaiui publication ,,f an article, Trade Mark. m Hn landtag nf money, already within the foods and ilriiKs lln pea mild ould j Ippiaaa, rm- ie negrn Identical in character, exptalalnt tha Haitian is Hallway Securities Control. 'act. PTopoaall to have labels not leave lleil. the' r ''"ds. in nil the principal atbtolabl than the Plllpllio Mi The bill providing for the regain-- , sum., classes of manufueiui es. such as North sea to 1 The,..- - nderstood by Ain..i.i""v''l"'imb lion by Ihe government ol Ihe issue nf j textiles, are lai nred ly Ihe depart- - t ,h" wmiid btaei mora oaally, rM " '" railroad sc. mines era abandoned In I ment of agriculture. This Inarlstatinn .. - l ' ...w. ni,'., am .in.; Kaaland The government should doubt, air in .tic i.i in ielil- tin- Sixty ihird ennaress, owing I,, the Would supplement the fond .mil ami sals for the Itritlsh tmbargo which drug! Hi Hi south i less win KKe pressure of mure Important matters, net. oral attention tn two is utting off Qerman; - food supply, east. thing In his address ngreaa, In January . tXlHam IgiiVC laws sought. the ii,,. pinmmion of popular and Apparently r i be- ' the smbargo is w i p.. .,- - i pTMIdahl The president id t.. Ions. ,i e.,1 lb nam Ind ua - 1H. Vllaon referred In (his ill probably ask lor. trial adtwatloa and the deveinp- ing sorely feit hj ogrmany, ,,s ,.t inn bill a Com panlog tO th Mil pro-il- h conservation legislation thift retained control th. straits of llirnl nf the llnl ulal refiiurces nf one lepoiu b. the conlrary imtwllhsiaiul-nt- . vltling for n trade MmmpBatOn. Theicould not he leached at hist ses-- I . nail, iiei-man- ) if - the lilbrsltar and the Smz ihe richest tpoU un gin be. for the article says or nter-iale- . Ihe This 'millions Commerce commlssinn is insion. This legislatlun is embraced would i.e i.aii--- from policy . 'lei mans have bncii compelled India is ihe only alteinatlie e, to favor of Ibis legislation, and has urged m W0 hills concerning water powers of Asia, limit their OOAgUmpUOn, and to make ami China, the richest pines mm I'lcome annexation, it in its annual reports It is regard- - those on ihe public lands of nnl in, ntmlibirabie sacrifices the and from the whole ol fiica, so far as cm lain thai the president again Willi Wagt; and those on navlgahle streams, I ..p urge as land i nline. imis an ,,,,.,1 Vtma of these da.ia ,,ne ,,l those ihe bill in an address In ,,,n-'l- l is a pari nf the adminisl I at inn leg-g- n 1. 1. .I,, ii. , i i libs phaiil. ss and if In do so. out-- j Hut she would he able tn impose her period teal rajmytg that villa iM deud should the islatlvo prograin Washington, N'ov -- a , Kurope II ilklahmna look for law prior to the adjourn-- The basis of payment to the rati-me- m will oil niitmiiilal and wmibl will come across the border and he OOrporgtion lax levies were upheld to. of tbe session will be good. roads for carrying now ar- - western III b In pnsitlnii ., it ihe mails mensfa the hetniatihere not d' hi by supreme i it 41 the nul l. Il Hi thai the; ranged ucct.rding tn weight- - yy ill


Copyright liu! ringinq Up Father International Nei By George McManm " " I T V ht " 1- - ""Wtfk I VtLL-- l COt eMss WHV0OOU T 1 a- - 1 VE ht XI MEAN B COhlNc, J HVD 0 COME ' 1 IN AT THIb EAKIY IT 15NT 1 THERE UUZ NO J L- --e ,tN'7 H0 SOEARl I PLACE. -. POT' . J & ElF

' ...... a- t- A .v . I I L Y CUM I4nn 'I 10?. m Wmmi UU! i tre.u Northern pfd LAUIinilOL (treat Northern Ore ctfs Guggenheim Kxpiorat ion ia JOOIML CLASSIFIED COL11I Illinois Central PRICES DECLINE liiterbor iugh Consul. Corp. . 1 1 In spiration Copper Ml International Harvester, N. J, ins U FOR SALE Ranclh FOR SALE Kansas City Southern ,700 6 -- mod- we A room i frame, MIC i Lehigh Valley .i.iui Ewes, eood ern, corner lot, North Eighth St. I IS SLOW M III IMI PKNDKJi hi arera, iRKET Louisville & Nashville 17 H ,C00 frame; lot. 100x142; M. 14 ti SMCIES WOSl 4. .'.nn Lwes, good Mexican Petroleum H highlands, near Bhops. Ten acres one an alf miles to buy second hand furniture. W Miami Coppi r I4M hIi. I h li 1 5.&9 ,80f -- room, frame dwell- of bridge. Is on mi ditch, one-ha- lf pay the highest b pries for Missour i, Kansas A T' xas pfi f I.Bflfl Rwa l.iml. usd ing, modern, S. A mo St., close in. BSAKCIS hi alfalfa and has d I ll l furniture, or exchange new for old. Missouri Pacific mod- Special Shares Show Some ,00U frame dwelling, bungalow, i iwner I to leave eouu-ea- r See u lufore buying or Helling. National Biscuit good out- ern, fireplace, fine shade, tv and will lease l Of sell on ; National Lead Strength All Others Are: buildings, 3rd ward, close In. . Nevada Copper easy pay men! W eii team ,2.r,0 frame, bath, electric We have n besi ft wagon harness. Selling! New York Central und Liu-loo- Weak Under Strong lights, lot. North Klghth St.; II k oiiiinls-lo- u n. v.. x. n. Hartford in the valley tale. dole-Peftr- s I terms. want a rnncr Pressure, Norfolk & Western Mill frame, modern, nhnde a co. t ie no . . . these before a mill Seiiuul Stn"Ot. Northern Pacifiu it n and fruit trees, good 211 West Gold Avenue. PaolfiC Mail it fine location, 4th ward. (VMO.NIHS JOUBN.L MMH LB.SSO IMI Pacific Tel. Tel 4tH ,000 frame, modern, close Now York, Nov. 30. Resistance to Pannsylvania 59 T in: 4th ward. Itllt Itr.NT Itwrlllngs. I'Oll BALI'. l.lvrMi'!. ann Poultry. PROFESSIONAL CARDS v i .. ,UU0 stucco bungalow, mod SKE pressure, Pullman Palace Car Norlli I filing which manifested ern, garage; highlands. cioBe in. It A IISIH. ixtfi intervals, M the itrlklng Ray Consolidated Copper. .. . dwelling, sleep- WO HUNT .000 brick in Nurth IAIT ivatuiv of today'i stagnant market. I!eallng ing steam heat, lavatories in Dtatal Baegeea. porch, l. tmusi directed Republic Iron ft Steel FOR 11KN urnl.hi leern it 111,1k i". in. Desultory attacks were bedrooms; flue location, 4th ward. pores, ami 7. 2111 West Cold. large ileaplMg purtiotly ..munr l,llll,-- l I menu Ha l ky Mail. United Southern I'aeifie , ipM uch Im4wn as Statu ileal Eatate, nre Inaurance, Loans. at 1114 N..rih laooad tr. t. Inquire lit representative Smith' m Railway A. or phoni steel and of the ROSCIER Nnrih Baeead till, - ' lomi 1.1: invariably Studebaker Co ei Mt it tiiiu "i 100111K noraci railways, but those issues Real and Insurance. BUltStOt for ilellvel y WSgea, l'henn 110 or rebounded. The extreme apathy was Tennessee Copper LI.4. II, OTI4 olltllllleit. BrT P'eiir Itaiw. Ill South rourth Street. I1UNIT muni nnuu. I'l attain attributed to a desire to await Texas Company quln- 410 Wast !. ol. Ul'VI.ITY I'llll.STS Huff ,t I'loat " II . ilTil gtlaoH gorges ; nd basy sbteks VWK 1 INS Ml m the assemblage of congress. I'nion Pacific COR RKXT Small lwo--i n iuumI" j ail 'sks I'll Ki.lllVl w 14 In I.. B, M.irmui Hani. 12 South . h Klniieii slepnig poreb, turalalisd lesson, a SOLOMON I.. Such development! us the Canadian union Pacific pfd ' Rl'HTON,M. U. 1 Arm,, l'h'.ne HW0 i:t i,i-- 'i Win! i'iihI. Physlelaa siivernnienl'.s grain .seizure and the United stati-- Bteel sad surseon. pott itKST-'ihi- ee r .. sport-men- t Vim BAUs I'be female Scotch cauls Pgaae states pfd i .ii .in furnlh Harnett Bldf. weakness nt' exchange on the Teutonic United Steel liu wbh slaoptai poroh, ntodarBi US puys, tin emh; parants of osoelleSI ri'a-- M ,1tlv I reiatfiei were Ignored, Bpaclal stocka I'tah Copper ,. I.IVEHT04 h VltKETR s.,uih sixth streat. laealrs m Savoy h'.iei s itneki nt, nt 'ini tniHM in.-;- .ni far lilts. II I ,t HAKI.s . hi Iri 1, II i'i,. Helen, N M rraetlrs Umltad la ra, and tarnished the only diversion of th" Western I'nion "lil t. l.'i lit f w" inii.;. n. a w ii h j' ltl:.'l' 1. a v, win, tftraal ex- Westlnghouse Kansas ii Uvcstocfc, i nr.. sleeping poreh, furnished, light viiicv tbsr thsr par. int's MgdOB. Texas company made an Electric leased Natl, null Hi lie-- ! B, 111 to say, Navajo It I. Iteda bturk State 4 'ily, Nov. 30. Cattle (Seal i WAIJCBn ami WStr paid, Itt.Sl) montS, West' eneurri treme gain of 6$$ Harv eater Total galas for the day, 3: Kansas i"r l I. K. Poultry 7C ntll($t, f.,initv Clerk. ari Thi'iinw Yard., M Markel steady, prime i Coal lilt tKMKM 4.. Itio preferred at lot;. Willys-Ov- er lead shares celpti K'.'ioo. vinux nm.'idine .venue Alhadbsraae, N. M r in AUMIMMTN ITH - SOI u I uaaeeas, I'i 1, llee I. milled In '1 "liu .d '1,11 14 ifCd steers, 19.26010.00; dressed beef, at 145. National Hlsi'ull preferreil ' the Probata' Court, RtraaHita Coaaty, Uraa'a " M ( i I i x.25; steers, For Rg.VT Modern 1 -- room bungalow, or 1 T Indust- MICAGO no it or II DI steeis. $7.00 western W Hotel, SJlVii Wsal at 2 H , and United Slates Mexico. Klste CaatraL I'i tor suu, no emh, 0 per meats, phone Vlhuquerqui poultrr ihov Rhoda Island , : the Mailer "f the Btat of Oeo. C PhsBe Ifl Alauqusr-tna- N. St. rial Alcohol 4 at ttS, awmaa, Paceaiad, IS'i.'W ftads sad t.ia.u stiaoreasi brssden ll sll POti - iorn brink, i times. Rod Keather Perm, I'ortalss, x. M X'w Haven was relatively etrons niiee i. hereby nic-- t tint tse under lil:i' Three- in Hit s. (I. VON AMIKN h( steady. Hulk, neavj poroh, l I I in that it made further recovery from e: otis deliveries re tomorrow of ue $6.40fJ.70; was, ..n tin- sits day of N'tjvembar, range, flrsplaoo sad sleeping lit. FOB HAUC liiiiuhoulllet Hams l.arae PriSStile imited lo e. ar, Nosa light, plgi iluiy appointed of tin thiillf lol'l'J. ino.iih. SsSST'Slpoledi rnnKO rulaml and Throat. lis recent low price but most Issue camber contracts tended today to $.556.7B; $$.J56.70; administrator RBINT Sls-ron- fist, hot water hst, ehamptoaslilp at Artless itats fair, gesd Office Hour.: HI to It I to 4. " the bearish sentiment regard- It.BOfl ii.10. roh that division moved Irregularly. $30.1111 per month; water puld. lintulie for furiher laformatlen t" Auhrey svsat 'In i., Weil Osntrel Avenue, I'hnne unset- Sheep .Receipt! 6,000. Mark, ill A deterrent Influence In that quarter ing wheat. The result was nn Flml Savlnijii Hank 41 True i'". mint i'i., Prsaeatt, Aeki ttaneh addrsei yoarllnt! TIIK MfitTllKV HANATOIIII M tled c lose, at c net declina, with De- strong. Lambs, $$.4001.00; Bl i, l( Nelson. Aril was tin- aotlon of the. interstate COBS' ill UK XT nt ni nl.lled, hew n Tubercaiosls of tin, Threat apd long.. .May 16. fB: wethers., .1 sni.i ueoedeal rtSrlu) hotfriee ap- cember $1.09 Corn 1607. II. tr. tntii'. 1011K porch, all modorn, i'i i W, r, inerte commission Which denied and 1.07. t.. Hifi 1111 City iffh'e, :il.1iy hi ntral Avenue. iitniireil IS prSSsnl 'he Hiune I'M. ItMrW, I'Oll BAIils Mlseeilnt Bl lo c down, onts off Wem Iron. .ne OfflCS !l to 11 a Bt.1 3 to 4 p. ra. plication of the lines and coal finisher siin',1 111 Hie r sad WltklS the Hour.. trunk Chicago Uvoatxscki ruaioe phcni est. mails to ven- to c and provisions unchanged to preserlbed bji Iaw. lU; lanatoriuRi rhona eontinue ownership of w r. sturphsy, 14 D stsdloSl Dirsotnr Chicago Nov. 30. Receipts Datsd n. iv mi' ei Stth, ltus. 6AbH Underwood lypewriier i ue pl iriK the great lakes. Canadian IS lie lower. F'llt 6,0110. .Market weak. Native beet, D, .1 KANKIN. 1I111I111 n 1' North order, l.'io 110 Second street I'hnne I7 Pacific made virtually no response to Although the market at first fol- steers. NOTICK in KM I fOR. I'uit sai.i: ttaby's collapelbli puna aartl OR. W, W, 0ILL Hi course, fluctu- steers. fi,t6it.t0; western FOB ItKNT ktadsrS r".'IHH, .tenia heat. October statement show inn a net lowed no decided but I.I g 1 Is hsW, cheat). Call West HII - $6; cows, $2.7oc.i s.oo; calves ilrsnt huUillng, 30.nt West Tl III I I increase of $ 1,158,606. ated nervously, both sides of yester- 10.2008. ,''''r':. ver avelHli' llt Osls tfl.2f.iti 10. 26. ult It KNT Three furnished New Armijo in. ik. s to 4 r. Hands were day's wind up, pressure later from 1", w Hi in SALE stahogany plan", nearly new, heavy with total sab I -- light housekeeping, tail: KOffl Receipts 18,000. Market! case in tin,, shape, ceiti or ress Par alue of $5,4(0,t)64), strong interest developed to a Kjsppelcr, de'eaaed, has fUed In the I'i" housekeeping terntii dull, 5 10e under yesterday's aver-Bg- FOR RENT Furnished o.ii I'll i.;i; tier I p. nv W, M, SHERIDAN, M, D, Ugltad gradually lo i. I of Hi' nallllo flOUBty, New Mex- be) States registered fours extent to put pries air .in lo.niH ami pore h i harn if wsatsd Hulk, light, l&.TOfl ico, his flniil report as such sxsoutor, and o lo North s ml FOP. SMI. Roll lap 'link wilh revolving t per call. on the down grade. Effort! tor .any $6.15ft.7; horse "i auto. ami Practice Imlted rent on To- In IpBOInted Monday, tie frd , obalr, r heallni stove, iron bed uncer- heavy, l.$B0l.(S; jigs, It.OOfi nrt hai HKNT Two hree modern ftirnlsh-oms- Closing prli es. advance were handicapped by On) ,.r t PI 6. as Uu- day for hear- rOR springe and baby sulky Fnt Lead aveliue Genitn Urinary Diseases and. S.T6, January, sd housekeeulng wiiii sleeping many displayed ohjeetlona. '.lure be, lo the nt'- una Mulberry i t. PSOSI nut. AMka Gobi J8 tainty which traders ing if aiij poreli; no Hiek. ISt North Sixth. Sheep Receipts 12,000, Market) aroval "f said final report ami the dis-- , I'I HI lAbg CtO Hun ll ItU model Msil- - the-Sk- Mi as to the ultimate effect of seizures Diseases of ih, 34 strong. Wethers I6.OO0I.BO; Uvntw- - hergs "f said executor. FOR RENT --9leum hested room suitable ateri also Inch and quarter farm wasou by govern- t American Beet Sugar TO of wheat the Canadian Dated November toth till for one or two ladles, or man and wife, with two seals, both ai ood as SIS J h,. Wan.- rmsnn and N 'giichl Tests: A no Tl ilnl sin ei i h Adtnlnutered. American Can 63 ment. E WAI.KHR. nick. I"l Xoiili Hioisel ii l'a m Simp, 11! rVsIt ('upper. "Hot" w tiMg. Clerk of said Probata court. Pi ill RKN1 Nicely furnished room llli h i 'S I'm,, rill, lo'ilng .i ii hi CiHseae Hunk American Apparent absence of any urgent ex- 'It All" i'i .1 New Locomotive Denver Uveatock ( Mieetiitig poreh oonaectsd, with or wltaaul llhegssroaa, Meiiro - Al l. Hill llllis eeiieui eandltlon, also Rami as tun trps Aster, & port call was responsible to some ex- sheet, phone smeit. Ref'mj H Denver, Nov. $6, Cattle iceipta Sealed bid. v.111 o received by the clerk hoard, liuu North RSCvnd writer ami kitchen renew obssp; .'a.ii or Amer. tbe e Hull W. pnonc Smelt. & Ref'ng pfd 110'i tent for the late wi steady. H steers, of school dlstrli'i No. Thirteen (13), payntests, tii North Bditb street; E, E, R0YER, M. D, 2,200. Market Mexico, up to o'clock :oti, American Bugar Refining 11 wheat market. s.oa OOUaty, New ten Benin $6.1649 cows and helfs I I day rtOMKOPATttIC I'HVSK'IAN American to '.Mi In the forenoon of Wednesday the fir. Tel. & Tel 128 Corn went in i a i down nti 6.25; stockers and feed, of liecember, 191",. for the erection of Fun re t stodern na ill NI Offica HiMiiii Offlos Whlllni Itiii'. ling. l' tit American 217 g - New Mexico. Mhk. yvi.t Central, Tobacco the excellent weather the 7.00; calves, $7. Odd- s T.O. aehaol teniae m Mounts! nelr. ultlt FOR HKNT 'Ml Api'ly I' A. Minipher ran seen at the room, f.ANII ATTORNEYS INII StlttVEVOM Anaconda Copper 88 Vi crop. 3, '.Market Puins and specifications be FUR II KNT Klegalit furm.beil bam son. Journal office. Hogs Receipts too November tr 715 Wsal Lend 1 .tore of W. II. orine after adjoining. PITT loiHH, Ciunty surveyor; Bdmuml Atchison 06 Vi outs were depressed requir- FOR ft WIT Offlos sulto In Woodniien build steady. Top, $6.50; bulk, 16.1(0 (.!. The successful hi. liter will he light R t H Mlm Surveyor. 310 We. I Haltlwln UK. lit RISN Furnished rooml for Ins, sfter June tat Imiulre D. A. Mee sc. rnl Locomotive 113i of corn. Slteei Receipts, 4, '10 i. Markel ed to gVa bond satisfactory to the bnord Soasshaeping s iatV Qold Hot 4H. Alhuiiurrque. N. It fsiiii-fu- fit louth nhet.on .tournal offlee ivsnus BUUmore & Ohio 4 011 h ..f school directors eondltloasd for the l Lower prices steady. I'"T' N room., hoi heat, performance of the contract. The hoard It Sll E watt Hethlchem Steel 156 provisions. About th n. Sllvi TV W l I H IV I III serves right to reject sny or all slek. in. ' hlldn in Well I'l IIITI Its tbIM I!rookly 89 n tho Rapid Transit cam.' from shorts. I'hree modern Heeomt-ii.nit- rOMPI.KTM lino very luteal HII. advertis- bids. fur' rbS turnliasd . I.I. KIM es. niel California ON, U rooms. a07 l.eau; ing Room 4.,. nidc. Petroleum 26(4 closing prices. LEGAL NOTICES. H. U HANI. hoii.i plus Wist I". Ilglll, Hop! repaired. Albu-snte- . novelties Barest! of no.rd avenue, Manure .1 a RspraeeRtsltvs Canadian Pacific 183 Wheat Deo., 11.65; May, Jl neek itue Tl I" phone Ifl. ioi' I'- Central 6 FOR I'.KNT Two large, front, houiikli ll.. South Sec Leather 56 '4 Corn Dec. 4c May, (6 He, NOTICE CALL roll inns 4 4 Tl M 10 OAKJM. Chesapeake lug room., also Pedro ll; no sh k. & V4 ( ; 43 Htnte Penitent Ohio 63 bits Dec. May, New Mexico Weil Hold. V A NTKD M Is, i llii neons. N. M. ''he mo, rireat Western 15 H Pork Jan. 1; May, $17. l'e. FOR hi: 'I iRofWifitt-Canrnsoi- UUanH Lautt nil. ll riialillo ( ollllH, New bl furnished' to the h HIi CWcago, Mil. & rd- - For Hiipplles to for ligln In st. 94 Vi I.a Jan. May, $9.0 1 y Paul Mexico. penitentiary at .ml in paissBeTsr lervlos lesvlng noswsll pweato & New Mexico .slate Se. I'lo.i 134 Itibs Ian May, i nd- - II 1(1 H.ellH I'llolo, I'i K. W Carrllolo 1:00 a. m. Northwestern in.ui I N. M., six moiiibs and si Chicago, j The holder! of the following desig-- Santa l'e, I"l rough fnii', one way $11.66 It i, pacific n 19 a It, of Hernnllllo county, New lug May 30, 1916. IMS 111 pi Ha mi per Chlno miled bonds : 'jii tniermediats polnti, mile is Coppei , I . pri i an. repslrlng dons ohssp and N M VORK Mr II MXIlM i August 2, 1X07., Buppilee consist oi fntlenten Hi'lblilNU to II. e liigidig" fr.-- i:sceBs rarrlsd. Colorado Mexico, doled known Well. I'll, Fuel & iron 51 ' us Funding Honds. m&iuring July I, drygoods, leather t. ra in, .1 la lie HOSWKLI, ALTO 00. Cruclbl. tool oolleetiosi steel 74 111117, optional ten years Soecifieatlons und latlb proposals! Misaiasass WANTEH f'" Owners nn. Operators I'hnne lfl Btaver and afhr 1" mo o .Ii, la H x Ml i II y. & nift n'r.l.A.'n'rA os from tin- - date (hereof, via: Hondu can be had on nppli''aiiun FOR Hp. vF moms, alf South ' stove I'istiller 3, ?.. 6, 8, 9, 10, WalU I'hons til. CAItPI,T I.E vii. tarsi tare ami Securities I7"8 numbered l. 4. .'. 7. r (US. be OMned at 9 a. m-- Mon- 1"'' houssv repairing II. .ff Phone ensiei Ml 12, 13. 14, 1"', 16, 17, IS, 16, 20, Lids will Ptltl RENT Rooms furstehesl Metal exchange ryuotei tin i w a i "ii DAIl.V AUTOMOBIIJI HTAOIS. 22, 23, 14, $6, 26, 27, 20, 30, day i lecembi 6, 915, Iteeplns slucplpg porch. 410 Biu(h t.itl s spot, $(6,1(046. $6; Dec, $;i7..".0 ll, ft, 1! pun it six hour Pasieaget Service, 3.',, 37, JOHN McMANI'S, Fi itt ftKNT - Purnlshed rooms for house- :31, 32, 33, 34. $6, M,. (9, I'M in leave SIH or l.'lty p. m. Huperlntendent sleeping poreh. s. W II In u I. I'h. lltl j 41 41, of keeping: ll'l i s im m. and the denomination of' 1 .N savs stogolton a. N, M,. 916. p7jR-ltE- Willi hie a 'fifty each; bonds Simla F", Novelllberl'i i' si, ii in healed furnished ro..rni, grs nil Largest and best dollars numbered Royal or i in,. trains I Beet Central. Hi MV MlltK'KiV 111.1,1' WANTKU. with lseping ll it IPPSd ant" Hi" eollthwecl Two-loo- eoitag AI'To CO.. . 0. FnR RENT furnished BENNETT Is, ".Mule ty, Nuw COttOft-Stead- v; Willi slenpllig poll b. Solltll tenia Meslao New York, Nov. 30. Spot , 2S, 3!!,' per middling Ujylandl, $12.40. 36, 3S, 43, WANTED liesican laborers, 11.71 siren. hi'ap I' i Hi gouih Two neat light housekeeping 41',, , 4 53, day. F.mplovment Agency, 110 Full ftUNT V a 5ii0 45 4S, 9, hii- - WVNTHJI g during iim Sales, bales. i (nn. furnished, steeping psirehi '' 6 3, Third sireet Phone 8C4. Winter, 56, 59. ii,h mi Basl Central Phons I til it ipei 6, 6 t, "0, 71, 72. 7 3, glllll, lliti, ll 1. II I r stasis. M M in A M IRKET ueneru. To" oltk , 78, 79, 80, 81. 82, S3, M N i loi Ijouaawork WANTED HI diii general cottags p , 88, 8 9, 80. 01. 61. 93. RENT Two room furnished I.""' phone 111. Set East Orsnd avsnus. for Hi-- i i . v TM HAII .- pa- grater paid, ap i ii a SANTA New York, Nov. 16- MenCSntlle 9S, dellOlll- - with sleeping pereki tin. Kill .I'll heap and of the ' l wanhi i Iroiier; one WA1 i per per cent. WA S KH .od and ply 115 Well il.'M liveniic. tli0l Inatioa of one bundred dollars cu ll, who will take clothe! Icme. Mis J. H w get bound. Bar stiver riflttjc land bonds numbered 1. 2, 3, 4, (, 6, ii, in. ion, ii;.' w'i im Tl leras I'XHt IIP)NT A part incuts. No. Class. Arrive Peparts Mexican dollars 43 't c. 7, s, 9, HI, II, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, WANTED I'oiniieieiu woman for noos- i. California Kinross 7:sep i:iep RUNT Houses, eping roome an fur .1. California Limited II 66S IttWa i Kasy. of the of five ing and general hoess oi h. Apply ill full i,. .Hon ni t loverament bonds ami is, denomination nlshed coliagea sleeping porehee. Bsprese We ' Mars hereby no- - West Ueatral. Ill Put i:isa Railroad bonds-- Hoatfy, hundred d each, ale Wsat Ooal I .i.i Mail II tllp I '"' y tsi m i a hiiuls wei k ll nuil.lng -- lifted lb" above il, ..signaled bonds WANTED str ti H" i Time loans Weaker; AO and 90 thai Ihree-mo- apart- 16, He Lull Th in mla ei ... 7:a0 8:00a by ii.. wSSfe,lBI ApPlf mines, ill Sons KOR RENT Modern will now i.e paid on presentation light water paid, $11, wANTBitLedbcr fine dfsssnisklni Soolllbouod. days, I"''' cent: six months, Eleventh li i ment, eleilrlc and legal holders thereof at the office First street souih Serasth mio fi Pus" Bsprese HhMp 2 M 'a per cent. 'the W iinor-dlun- i loll North tt of said Bernalillo WANTED Apprentice girls do sir,' Bl Pass 1'ti.resa . . 6:lla of the Treasurer dree.iiiak-lii- t 2 I bos, ata pluiilng. crane RENT itoonis taiiii Board, Is Throwing Call money Firm; oiling rite, County, and that on and after Jaliu- - tlllt elALK Heal KaMU. roil North Seventh street Phone : parlore, Ji, l Athtsttc Bspreii Its l'5a per cent. i h i - Rates Sll is. ary 19 16, each and ail of said above I a ill SALE si acre u ulairs imm. FOR RENT- Roomi i'"l beard :'H. 2. EilKlertl Ivtpl ''.a ...... I I6 to oe or Alameda. Hi'iulie i pi r dny till South Hro.dway 7 nop mentioned bonds will cease bear North Fourth California Limited Ittlp Money .1 t Away LEAD M IT It Vt A Tt'.l I'owltliiue Hyde, Alameds REN I' furlo.bed looms. l'.',r,n ; c.p 7;80p si'l r Full . k. C. Chiaagu s. .nsp lots, houie soimI end per week; board, ; close (Wednesdays :0up V lup J do your own baking. Fni: SALE IJ.II 20 liu LUSS I chleVea of i Ol o. .1. Jo loeatioii. trull s out bouses In M South Edith I rum Niiiith. Counting lb,- eost of ma- New York. Nov. 30. The met,, Treasurer and collector k: would K" out Ion the ysrde. II. nah $IH or $666 IsMm Ri " Hi Chloago.,, T:Ms terials, fuel yoo lunge rputes lead offered, $5.2 liei nallllo County. New Mi ::i' o, ""L I'" FOR RENT on an. board '! HI, Kansas CRv. and labor m - I'h. .ne waur heal-al- Ar Chlesgo... I:I0P ' '"'hot w.tXTFii Amarlean lady would l.rrne I'i". home, sleeping porch, hot S1U. l'"v posaibly bake yo ir Spelter $ IS. IS fj is. 75. KoiirK. West Cos I avenue, wn I. Testament of Kdward A. keep hosas for laborer; middle aged read, cake or pjes for I.ael Will and III 's N I KS 4TIN( i:s as little as we Mann Prreased ower, in New Mesle... Miss l"aellne PEAFF RANCH Qulel ami altrscllve sell them at. K ns s t n IP Villi (ll it ni , rjratit Henry Cooper streat. silver 'i i New Me v. It you To lae-- Mioni. WANTsil) Live wire wllh l nun i" eniei AUTO LIVERY Jld think our baking Mann, Dorothy Aibtr.-.- ' Mann. I'lnud Slannnrd A an old eetal'llnhed builncsrs. as good ga yours just Mann Mar I 1ST Kansas City, Nov. 30. Wheal No. ViVlSM Mann. Malison 0, Bui 7.1, Qtfa i s l ull. iWt WM Troat jf) ours you II may and will hange gkrsl Rnlh Mann am! to all whom , of 2 bard, $1,064 1.0; No. 2 red, $1.08 I.i 1ST Ibnut two is, k. Kill SALE OR RKNT Rooming house You lllglit eoneern f laOCKHAHT RANCH The most StiraotlTS $4 ii, ni PtSWie relurn 17 rooms all new furniture. WbHe House . roNsntrc-TtQ- H 1(1.10; Dee., 96THr97e: May, $1,01 V..11 are hereby riollfied thai the alleged health resort. One mile north of town MAcnivr. ai uveiSn' ami receive rewi hoiel J09 Souih First to ill 1.02. LsSl Will ami Testament of MWSN A All milk, ' ream end egu. prodmed on plseo CO. Pioneer Mann. dscesse4t lute of the County of 7 Or me Free csrrlags for lights Vt high grade employs Bakery Corn N'o. 2 mixed. 62 ft 61".t'': IDIMi w.m a -- MngdHlina . V. M. Ik nallllo ami Stale ..r New Metleo, was Mnk. use of ihe ettl mall servhe. Room, or collages. I'll n. R- May. NI" s.o.n ersde ..f asrvastaf - N. RALLING. No. 2 white, 62c; Dec, lie; produced and read In the Probate Ooarl of PHI uirnsl Pnip. livery. sn columns "f ths J b, 4.1 I, ,. Cstwty sf Bsrosdlllo, state of New KeS' 107 South Ftrex H trees. 64 s,c. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1915. EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FUNNY MOON' OPENING B CO, BAR CRESCENT HARDWARE EXCEEDINGLY NIFTY NO THREAT THAT STATE WILL BILL OF LEE COMPANY Hfc.vr. Rangre. Rotm KnrnUhlng flood. Callery, Toola. Iron Pipe. Valve and Filling. PlnraMng. llrat'ng. Tin anil Coper Work. DIPHTHERIA WILL MEET HERE IIS W CI Tlt W Wl TFI I I'IKIVK III Christmas 10

PRESERVES BE EPIDEMIC DAYS THIS MONTH CANNED FRUIT Cards 1 DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS CATSUP THE NEW PACK IS NOW IN ;.rd of Health Report Shov Me BUSINESS MEN . a Mi-- . Madeline i.e.-- the heatt-- i. Only Thi INSURANCE AGENTS That Three Cases i charrnla tdnxUia "his Contagion Were R BOND-CONNEL- L SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY LAWYERS ported Last Month. et K( SHEEP AND WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS BANKERS . Track mill MM!) oilier ic'- -'l i MbW Office and Unrrhnii-c- Tllera Aenne and Railroad it Iiii Uli In ri nii iiilN i iiiii in . i t ii,l- - I hrl-lnu- i- t - i i ,.. m. wuh atoi ie reaeoo in. nl line have parted daring i h- laet thirty dam ai- - win hold iu anneal meeting he a lor -- I il ", II Lee, .Mr. ml ntr.irm l.nnui t of Xm phi- - ' ' I 14 Bcaalon i Mr. who. as Rcdtande - huouetttue'it ill health for mher and i. - iinl- MM b-- luMnin- - ertUl I w ife daughter u in i ggM algaort According! heed lull. M. K. his and spend il m il- -. inak. n normal. '" '"" Awwwlil mi rati nr-- ' in y. OXpecl :i.n, lo M - 1'itke- in preaidem ! state i k" Ihe eniinti hardly ii 111 1 1 nawiMMe i i. 0. Rl ii'i'ini fni the the all Mall their .aii return, which iuma i! i month thirteen "i coatagtou ie ilntioti I I" I November.! Hlekej mtld resterdaj that the tnps ui Being sninewhat I 4 (mil-- . wni reported la J'r. ngraved hHattae h- H - pm-jrn- nm I" completed. some, has Invited hia Bai :',..".n In XII mi Mr IiiiihIiiiI me tiiimlier is higher than is nn- mid Her ordinary condition, inn never-- j Several r inn.' n invited toriend, Mr. Rtvetaldo. t" v .' I keep him rompany. i i i:i-iii- nvn kJIB thrles ii simws thni the threatened taJla iari and pun of nninber baa home ami I (.lt ISO: danker nf I diphtheria epidemic ij replied. Tntll all t i have been: Aa tin fust hirta n n.-- s. Mr i: i is s.m.ii the . torn i mlv , nl diphtheria heard from, however e profiiam iands al "horrtbla run ki:n r Knnm. ;r.Mi. f(iMg I.."0 PHt lnni'lti'l pai three tMBBhaeaja Srit. - I Wld the morn aHag in awtuoav simiini (ii.i imii.ii. tt.M ani- in the attention of the board of will ni ba announced. All epeiAltera 'of 'he ein dawn "t aattahtc fur 11 ptiinitiiiiK av tin shop, si., I LYRIC be mem her of ih.- - New Mexico III at ajrr liiinilrcd. health. The report dues not xhwl will iH'luded. Im' - mill wacei tpply ihpj iiiIhi- lypm inn iiiini-ii- oa many caae were dhwhaiged dur- - ,,;r- rh annuel election will be held; Today and cd. iiiK Cie nn.nth. II ,,lls m etini: rlNtlng mil whin plate UJ I The of di-- 1 Ai the last tlnf, which wan held liiriil-l- n il. si nil pet Ininilri il number raae of other TKofor Tomorrow . ases reported folloai Mcarlei fever i bere, between fifteen and twenty lllCcttt;! attend-feve- GIVE US YOUR ORDER i. uaaUpox I, meaalna and lyplwW memben from ooi of AIM cltj r I'd aa well as U ireater pari of the NOW SO THEY WILL i'i i it .1 i i 'inniy ivii uaawcHu TMrtyfre it Ills KepiHled. ' Honour which mw a memberohip of Ihlrt! Glayde's o( John Bt READY IN TIME Tiie aumher ilrthi reported was ATH I CM ii i i: is 1 1 i: ii 1 ii iv i i i ill I thirty-fiv- hlghi i than usual iinw-i- ' i. ev m dUC k AUBREY SMITH AND MARY LAWTON ft aora tin pints kJ' FEATURING C. as fur a inly. Here the) art; PYTHIAN CHANCELLOR i PIK ilii (IK li Till MKillMW VMl'HKMKNI nitron Tlov Mr. and Mis M'el It Ivera, Jul) I!', FORCED TO POSTPONE Mil. Metare liiii-irm- .s win TImit ir ho MJMrj STRONG'S ,i Klrtj Mr. .mil Mrs. Lawrence Lee. I uhuppt Humr in M World. Altaian i ,., nr. ami Mr. Mich- VISIT TO NEW MEXICO ael n lemon, Aucuiri , .1 aoy; Mr, Adults 10 Cents; Children 5 Cents an. .Mrs. I,. vim War, I. .Vnnil M n Admission: Book Store S. - boy: Mr. and Mis. LoU Torrogroatti That l!rin, rouniT, supreme iian- c- - iior ..f the of Knight of Py- Yom Moiu liin k If You September tt, a girl; ml ami mis. order I HI DAI thian, wii.i waa expected in AlbtiQtier- - Want It." 11. PMItlpa, Oclohoi is. a boy; Mr, and que naXI M lav ami Tin sday fur tile j "THE BROKEN COIN" AND "BRED IN THE BONE" Ufa, Eaaao a. Dudley, October lp4, a bey; Mr, ami Mrs tlaorge Mann, Oc purpose of inveatiguiing 'Onflltlon J a view Of tober !fi a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Orvilln here wuh in the nation EaBBBBBBBBBBBBaaf Mai I H.I... ltd " BOm M hV piiinl in this aooilon, would he I ih nn g I election if oftlcfn nttti OMW .. in annual REFLECTS boy; Mi ... ii usable make the trip al this time i WILL I.I be hold VlsiiiuK member weiemne i a fatal m h ictober Mr. and Mi - i ccounl id accident The Commercial ulub'i aomnilttaa M. Oabatdone, Octoher SI. i Mr. nt Boavcn in chairman, whnh John !anii Mr-- . Ruaael Pfalffar, November n with Diet J CANNED met yeaterd) aftert riot I, liny; Mr. and Rtftgar Knight, I r Mr. i'oraatar A, King land in confer BIG HEARTEDNESS dp i eptkin In d j November I Kiri. Mr, and Mr. John borate ri tn be at iililed upon work, The mewtlag of highest i wad wiu Shaffer, N'oremhor a Imy; Mr. and the official of the der. and a pi mi nn 1 were v nature. Mis. BalVO liania, .N'uvemli'l' :t, a docpl) duutppolnted I Justl, .' (teonH It. t'rnli; has been in Mr. and Mr, Antonio Kamora, learned that b ITOuld HOI MtetM j E at They appointed iola t'nlted Cdiitmkv Of MANN November L :i khI: dr. ami Mm. Q. oonta this time. ai ii JU1 SPINACH tlonei tin Albuuerque Judge v. u. Pentlev, November 5, boy; Mr. hop. that tJti lall la only u pope i delayed Mr, ii Hini. Major Whltteg was and Mrs I. A. Novambar i, ami thai fonn Alive Craig cltj U sun Judge acted as additiunai girl; Mr. ami ra Mai i in. i the utiest nf the remhar t;, a gli He Provide AND ates Has clay Inn, Novtil (CALIFORNIA (Prank Children by Insurance Mis. Mi YORK STATE) I vember in, a gtrl; Quajrr, grand keeper of day ' a Keepsake to i X i, 11 morning am DUitiaea loaves )a iiinan, Novemwet r fill New l ii w land Mis 0, V. Btai Hip ail nouthwfrttcrn engag- FROM 12 c FOR NO. 2 a Imy. .Mr. ami Ml ,and other MEMORIAL Ml ement, as i am called bai k home by aqcioem i CAN TO 50c FOR GAL- tovemlicr i n hoyM""'"' tnoounpin! mini ray aged reached "'ik- - . adaOonaaUa Mnvam. father. Bad Nick lilvalch, born Decanibor I p LON yeaterd) in the robot etiurt, bora la lid ill in CAN. died Dajoepifeer a, l. Age, I imy .Mr. and Mrs. J, n llll, mi :; testUnon) of hli bignoaj o( heart, II rear and I day. Though la unne Aiinljn, November II, a girl; Mr. and he vai brief, covering mdy one typowrlt ii Mrs. Ramuel FJorpler, November id, ten BRCO, Judge Maun stated that lu- a boy; i n and Mrs. Marron Alon- - ll. id provided for his children by in- I.Hcrv nnd Middle linrsH. nimhle' .Ii Nnveiilla r 12. bo Mr. ami I I i i ill LI VAX' auranor bul gave each of aome-- I Mi Mr. Red Hum. SCENE EROM "THE MOON." VI THE itvsi in ti i: I WARD'S STORE then Atnhroalo Chgirea, N'ovember tt( a thing lu ltep in remepibrano "f him. TOM (JHT. mil. Mi. ami Mrs. Dun Lara, Novem- HUM Kit II ltl Mae. ALLEGED PASSER OF Onls four children Mora montloned ber ii. a boxj Mr. and Mis. v. w. , the youngeat having) Ave JttH.'.'Vt. Bg 18, girl; Mr. and 315 M.ul.le I'lnnun BOGUS CHECKS IS the inNlrntueiit was drawn Perkln, November O. A. Moore, November ll. produce a condition like Mr. it, t IN EL I HELD PASO 11I1.1I which e.mie In Hitht a short time PASTIME THEATRE ign I,, Imtnlaterlna .,1 the eatate THEATER . Ave. ,, ! IIS Central ,.... ofl r Congreimi B feraus-- JOHN GLAYOE'S HONOUR ni-v- mnw in ' RTATR d P w'"' Wilde his leHlament prevluua Tlir; Strong Brothers ll. In leleuiam lasi niuht thill THE LYRIC TI Ki IIAMiG - AT THEATER B Pit How- TODAY to of hi Inst child. niii, i,,wi,, iu.. I,.,. Ihe liirih TODAY i. i it v DAK Undertakrro check, for M ai Uld Town, had "ver, It doe not affect the validity of JODAY - AND TOMORROW (H tnc us It (ipplles In t lie nl enil- PRO KIT II nt x B. I'llONl .11 mi. Ir in El I'm n t'oolte will lli'r Eve , The New Adam and hi hi u OPPEH arena .. lavlno ,ii. v dri ll. It. hum. John Olayde, tiie A lliccc-liee- Tiny. IJffj UtCOND. n Old tlbunuerque, check fm 1161 Nimics Widow lAcciilriv. mai ler l Mli'iiorlcal uf u t'aicntlnc. nn, Site In l.'r.u,. elan nf nl Alhn. Judfla Mann left ln .Masonic I'lna minda Amerh s obllvloua t'eiiiuriiiv Ian"' The Diamond From the Sky ttttttti-tt-- o l''"ll,IN W Murlol, on I I - Tut ,, , ther foi t" one child hla Elk pin lo another "'' of ' t:risoii' TWO PARTH, "THK Mil ILL cross m "ffwiion in his mad trif.- for THE REFORMER I'ndei Hnerlfl U wired the chief a Mmllar artldei to the othora. Th NO WASHEF finally reeultt in Muriel' 1'iiy-eti- e THE GOLDEN OYSTER NO TICKEE ni p. ki cini, aaklng If t'ook reiidde of his eatate h berrtieathed ni l"1"'1' Tbl Caalno Craned) Willi I acvepta an Invlta-- 1 rry, i I - Oowtody. Would ii which rbJMon, ami aha i'i Corned), ironrou- t'oti without agtraditlnn ifihiH' widow. The tmoual for I n """ f'"11" fWbnd lo gp lii I'ans , LOCAL ITEMS Wi iii the Ifflrmallve he Judge Mann was Insured Is not Iviiow IN 1 LOCKED The Girl and the Special win tend .. deputy lodat to iuIub'io Ihe probate conn aa the polici,J",,ro htr beajMtf attracti the itten-- TOMORROW 1MTE.HEST of Lorode, III 0111,1. II , i.,i- - or Cook back in faco Ihe charge aa Indicated by thi w ill, were made 'Hon Trevor an artiet who of Helen. ,M'K-- KIMBALL YOUNG i " ' The Inllmac) of CLARA There will t regulai moctlng , payable not lo the .slam but to hie '"' children, Mrs Mann was M 1 '' "- - lo l.ero.ies railing 111 i Kmployea at named """"' the irder of Batlwaj SEE CLARA KIMBALL IWO With Muriel, to dismay hall, 'XeCUtrt without bond, much the HEART OF THE o'clock toltlghl ai Woodmen' j THE pro-o- his Lady sin-- YOUNG AT PASTIME Judff John Baron Qurg, nf the f mother, Ueredt. . p, BLUE RIDGE hate ...nil set .lanuarv :i as the I, He " Tex i.iiiyite come on in oriler for hearing upon will, prevent a scandal aiul he, made sud- ,,n THEATER TOMORROW the the fOf Las i'r,as iiiniin In the uiatti denly alive iii Ins peril, drop his work KVXn.VK M HiiM'U The I'i ut e r 11:1 Myatti bond D, Rag and hastens in Tails where he tells Dowen eatate tin of '. THEDA BARA admtnlitrntor, was approved, and Lerode thai his oglla on Mr. Olayde CRYSTAL THEATER OTdei Issued ailthorlling t h- Cease Tue alfair has none In,, .,r the Ridge," upo nine baaed lo pay rentals from prop- - far. however, and Muriel and young puhllahed minlatratof CARMEN centh novel. erty to thi widow, Margaret n. Ron Lerode slope that ntghi Tiny are TONIGHT , Clara ii I inr ueuith ,, linn I Kimball Vouuk ti eh. 'overtaken v (ilnsde, ho, in his mat - ol Plutlna, gtrl it'll rm '.ni tin- home in attrai live Jt.M fm l ine and CVMhtMaT. iterful way is nhoiit to pin an end tn heart of iiu ntoonahlnlni c The claim "i W, c Leonard agalnal rtlit' when, in a powerful scene, v. it h ,i I'.'inlii' rs pel In a i s, me '"' for of the Prank MoKee eatate for waa Mtirlel tells him it is nm love, but APPLES APPLES JAMES P. LEE 'whom is her I parable aompanlon iti The mill, wuu; tutflram are oein ne ntlowed. pride In John Qlaydi s nor that nii in is lietoyod in fnanly young 3,000 ROXC of Wiolei pples. BY A OF Unhm offh makes him wish to all and he is HO.- - SUPPORTED COMPANY in id ai tin local Weetern in the mattei ni the guardian 111 nc . box fellow named Hoke, who has u rival . u ht crushed with Ibe reinui Dial he . 100 i of Blvlna Rovei l.'it a month Choice. er box In 'an Hodgea, Die keeper of an illicit has lov play allowt ii for hoi an and elothltig. forever lost her The 2O--PEOPLE-- t1l The revenue officer offer LA RANCH 20 Aii ord r for the sale of cerluln per- - en with him s.nlly n g that in SALLE for the apprehenalon of Dan, s. M. liashiiiu, anal property and allowing claims RSlninc power, he ha itriiv i.ii.lo, win., in mi, iiiacoverod, takes t. tin he must needed ellj. IN ,' i i , llied in the matter of the estate to THE LAUGHABLE FARCE COMEDY i,, was imnunuvn ihll we n raageance ngair Itaaham Is chnrgeii with (org .. if Antonio te Lopea, A big, powerful them i h W a. " limn he has had una I its convincing wit nl with feru'tv' nn emleraeinem to '' i end A MAN u..ti touch. LET US SEND heck inr l3t. It in understood unl NINE DAYS' NOVENA hciiiK to s Iheeai See thai wonderful i iplay al iiu To Replace Tlint Rroken Wlnd.ew EUNNY effort is made ttle ,. . "THE MOON" In 0i llllsln fid. kills her ii Lytic theater today an imurrow. Raa m rs John ,i leli nnd hi daughti .vows venueMuee Plnally, when ihei AT CATHOLIC CHURCH AiJlCyt'LRQl Ii Ll.MRKR Ml ,1 h "ItWO men meet there is a terrific slruit- - OOMPAXV DRAWING BIG CROWDS B. M. Wn.MAMH 111 N. BIG BEAUTY CHORUS ASSISTED BY "ii ilii 'line of a cliff, .unl ! ii ii Phone l Firt """aii' Deaulai "' Hodge i talis on Ihe ks aiul is Room 1 nd S. Whiting Rulhllng. Mr. Lude. I visit and killed Mutlna ami her oountn lover The nine .i,is' noven being held Corner Second and Gold BABY ANGELES onwnod Orwye Klmenjare united lot the Church of the mmaculate Phone Nn. ai as a Will hold a Then is a wealth of sIiiiiuk and I'ollCep GRIMSHAW'S itlng incidents in this picture ii gregatl rue ii"- - Henry hauls baggage and BruQMd ni,i Central. is' hall 'flu one nl the most dfaRUUIoall) dan v na is being conducted hy Palher TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT Ctiiullcs. I'uney Ice of oandldau uiik nimi in whnh Clara Kimball McNuio of Phone Fur llollda. chi other thinas. 939. I ITMgl. etc. IRM snow vr 7;M. HI SHOW T :! ung playi a part she i abli oe aeateted by Father Maadalarl Mam M I MU.Y M M I s nED Esil ' s Xn VDAVS led in In r dm inn work bj Cheater ii in ated h mornlaa ' :l" ilml The Lutheran ladles invite you to OKIH It st RoJeari Cumtntngi Lu Set vi, PHONE 17. rneti and t o'clock, ,s in Ihe evening and linld, Frldav and Satur-an- d I fourth ADULTS CENTS CENTS fin aetUnga are exceedtngh lieautl beglg at 7: j ., msisi of the y, 25 CHILDREN 10 I NT M M Hi Itiinuar. Iiinchctm, home liakina. TM unl .c Ihe stol Indlls h ll- - Vel saly, .sermon y McNulty andlanolal DAY Pathei raalum tlmn in mi mi. hi war unl force, it is hound t.. Ik-- a benediction, i mii i. iiu t;o BUY TRIS BRAND OF a I populai success At tile I'astiniej The nnvenn is espivially for

Ill-ll- th Iter, tomorrow, one day only, men miuI H e i. hone '. r.iris i..nnn WOmen of ihe conn CHRISTMAS BAZAAR '" gallon 11. in M, .i ii h em WU , l; TIX Ol'K A.N'O PAY- - .,., QlffTH LOR I t cm ROD1 Iu one , "TELMO" aiiLK i i r. t o. any, , nt n uf waiaa preached by Pother McNuII) nr.- luid W. I'. tUen Ulerti u H aacoNTX THURSDAY AND FRIDAY .1 1 land I, building, i'i" l I Ii, no attempt is made enter tin CABO.Fl) GOODS AND TOO inctieiin coiitiovrrslal tnld. Insitintlons VcM Onor to Kl-ll- ci ( iiIII-I- it Co. NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS atf t Rhuwr, REST. 1 'liilaila- - il. lull given Hprdal hi. ken it:M to 1, HAVE lilt lam tturday, mi fanda mental doetrinee of tin '1. .M.nlu I ik.ll.M. ti.l ... DiriHi from inn Indian Trailing sin i yon without tin denier ,i, 11 veri I'd ''th'd.c church, with uggeatlonn as hytrrlan (Itaawtt. profit, aavlng ou . m gg in in pet . One Ran are the ver in the moat detdrabl waj t live tins1 i grade of wool warp good, aohatteil prctaU tor retail trade. lite ami lo obtain happinena m the It yon like ihe hart) Iwlst, tiglitli woven itimkIs. we hnc Ih, hie lo conic The services will con- mii. t Mi I l i U i I i: i :i It lv Springer Transfer Co. TAXI SERVICE tmue each morning ami evening until ' 'ill' U' -- I..T- liecem' er K. the feast of the limine u- - Cerrlllo Camp M,, i II 1 i 11 lv Hahn Coal Co. Male i .inception Bennett Indian Trading Company BETTER SERVICE Rnerlal Rain b Hour or Trip WitiMMt r TTtOSK 9t jj vl' fnemoer of tin- Catholic faith ANTHRAtTTE, STEAM COAL Al.1. i.Ks; 1 I H ' for LAKGE, CUMrUHTADLt CAR nm) ( Hindi. 11! RTII IXH QOLiD H I . M ltOSS I ROM B IIC ROSIOI thoa mm win. nay be Coke. Mill Wood, Factorf Wood, Cord Wood, NaUre Kindling. IJme v i " ai iiv to nt LESS MONEY mi in i ,ru vi en mvite.i U Md Mlghl. Phuue 440. 'tend the service.