Gtl^Tcd Jjtiu Ciimw Wanted! ” Escort Encourage Me to Hope for Much Coo If He Would Cat Me, and His Myrmidon# from the Station in His Hand
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Clinton Independent. StSMMKw»-^W4smfo#*Wfotofom#fo<nun#Wiiaw*isn' j-* ’-' **•• *• os w* sne-SHS###*'*' ’ w-*jv a** -m - * 'iWr'- **• ins'***' woe-w rev. w##TO “Oinmo ame.-nest; >■«*.>#. «»■ ‘•eb*-' «> Clinton Independent (omouii fjuru o» rti mm.) •ATM or AOVIITIUM. la PvIttAfli Iwry Tktntej, at Tim: tot v<mw One week.......... $l 00 $] «}$*(**$4 00 Couti iMt CUatw CutMf, Two weeks......... I Ml I h 1 A) 4 I (JO Throe weeks... • ffej | UP. 4 to 6 OOHBIT& ESTES, Three months . i %;tStfjftll $' ? s',{ *gsis The Clinton Independent. MU mouth# .... ft S» 0 00 M) UU 14 Of SO «N4ft 00 Nine aiontbe... 7 oo ie on is ooto no 40 ooea ou Twelre months • «> in 00* 16 00 44 00.46 00SO 00 TERMS. Lsfsl AdTertiesmsatt nt stout* reteo. iMMlaf mwU|«, $1.11, Is advance. tor papsr# •ast out of tks oouaty. and $) 80 fur those in th*> MerrlSfS end Death Notices free. rossty Business Cords, fits Itase or under, fil per yes jgTAL netun lor publication sts be Is head mot-mis C to public neon the ST. .JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1875. WHOLE NO. 470. Local Basineee Notices M cents n line tor 6m, VOL. X.-NO. 2. and ft canu for each rubecuusot lnssrUou. carreney. Letter# iu favor of hard money were man: “ Ah! you are just (he man I tween me and freedom, nor did my new The Governor for the moment looked as peared, with the parcel we had brought SI’LTIM IS 1’AKVD. LATEST NEWS. read from Beaator Chrlstiancy, a Got Blair and gtl^tcd Jjtiu cIImw wanted! ” escort encourage me to hope for much coo if he would cat me, and his myrmidon# from the station in his hand. others. Delegates were also appointed u> attend 44 This ’ere for you, sir, I ’*peet, ’coni- Aovine to bachelors: W. TNR OU» WltHLH. ” Kunnv, isn ’t it? You ’re Just the man side rsl ion. were little leas aghast at my persistent Iu* the Cincinnati Convention. HEM ll Eli MA)nM we wanted, ” wa# the raply, anti in auolh Through more galea and d»»ors, all of •olence. ing to the direction inside it.” Hiik is called hooey because she is—bee The Prince of Wales lUrtrd on bin In- Ou Ute liJUi, at Sait Lake, Jutlpe Bum- er ffffcand litk Qua#t giuirasuuui ha*I acixe-l which were first u llockcd, then locked, But Dunk lev at last found his tongue. lie had undone the outer cover, and loved. the ilth. diaa tour oo man. of the Ut tied Mlatee CHrcait Ooart. dellvyged »P me by the arms, w Into his coutpaulun l»#a< 1 then rehicked, then locked agaiu, till it 44 He’s right, sirl He’s not Kaschkofl at within wa# a second parcel, directed aa O kixwoauad w a# the original name of Turkuy aud H«*rvia, according to a tele a strong charge Ut the (iraad Jury In oppsaltlon And autumn aunt are mellow, ulipjMMi a pair ftf handcuffit (m my wrist* seemed as if 1 was now as safe as the alii” follows: 44 For the (tontlemau who wears Niagara When maple-leavea begin to glow, before I w as well awaro that it waa done 44 X«H HaaclikofT! ” from the Governor, Blue Spectacles, slaying at the (’ove »:ram of the llih, had mutually agreed to with to polygamy or bigamy, and demanded of the crown jewels, or a toad entombed alive in A karmkk ’6 crib is a gnaw ful place for draw their forces from the ftwnliw, Jury the indictment of all persons known to be And aU Dm woodland • paces show In my copfu^ioo and aurpri^* the truth a granite rock. At length we reached a who felt himself still one short of his total Hotel. ” I cut the string and found — Their pomp of n-d and yellow, rats. A Rome dispatch of the tltli nays Car gatlty of the offense. did not ua yet dawm upon me. This strange block of buildings a little apart, with number. what? My clothes and wide-awake, and 44 Not Rasehkoff!” from the policeman, the coutcnts of the pocket* intact* A kind of tobacco all men chew-wea—A dinal Xcl'fc>»k*j had jael ordered a maible altar I noflltial returns m eivtxl at Columbus treatment added only another mystery to double doors, through which w-e passed, I drop my knitting on wy kueta, As I examined them, a sheet of note pretty girl with money to-hark-ber. fur the Cathulic Cathedral la New York, to coet oa the rub. tram all the counties la Oh*o. gave I ford my hands together, the affair; hut 1 well remeuilter tliat, in as we bod the others, and 1 found myself who felt himself a fool, and five pounds |)H|M*r fell to the floor; on it ten written, Will the spelling raaoia, like the epi |40.<O). Hayes a maturity of 4.JM over Allen. There wa* Aud far beyoud the maple tree*, spite of my jterplexity, I was divertixi by on the ground floor of an unmistakable |KX>rcr. the liehavior of the boys as, with a yell of prison. There were three rows of cells, in the same hand aa that of the two direc zootic, break out again this winter? The KalMrhof, in Berlin, the largest a Republican majority of seveau au In the Uottir And far across tha roUiug seas. 44 Not Hatchkoff!” from the pious gate- and throe ia the Meaale. It was thought the en ! smell the moorland heather. triarapk. they m atupered bark in the di tier alioyc tier, the upper with s narrow kee|M>r, from the first w arder to the second, tions, I lies* words: " Beyond restoring Epitaph for the tomb of American Girl hotel ta Germane, was bumed on the 11th Lom tire Republican Mate ticket was elected. Cary, rection whieft they hat! come. What fol landing and a bright steel railing. As to the third, and noon along the scale, and the inclosed articles, it is improbable that —44 A kind-hearted creature, but very ft.oun.oo**. The purple heather, blown about lowed next is leas distinct in my recollec we entered, another warder met us; he any reparation can ever be made to the fast.” for Lieutenant Governor, ran about 10,000 behind Hy warm winds ofl the tvorder — all in turn expressed their surprise. But The English stoaraer Biscay recently Alien ta the 8tate tion. 1 only know that I protested, re w’sa in slip)>ers, and walked noiselessly, there was no doubt about it; Dunkley was gentleman to whom they belong for the Tiip. 44 National Air” (according to the Ah ute! what utetnorie# blossom out, outrage to which he has been subjected. foundered off Jutland, a bile on her voyage from The Trias Constitutional Convention W hat ordered tuoughl# are put to rout monstrated anil Itegged my raptors to ex like a ghost. In sepulchrnl voice he said : positive; and other officers corroborated "intelligent foreigner* ’)-—The American t 'ruoaladt tu hr< aerhaven Klevea pvteone plain. It wa# in vain —the sailor ’s 1 i|w» If his looks have not belied him, however, has adopted a provision making the Governor • In tremulous disorder — ** Forty-six, air, ail correct. ” his statement. There were plenty now spit-toon wore drowned. m** tutd hermetically sealtKl, and all I it Is just possible that be may find some term four year*, aa«l providing that ao person “This wilhnakeforty-seven, Mr. Moun- who knew the real Roschkon by sight; AcqriKKP oratory is as a moth to an A couple of Americans fought a duel near By Just a color in the air. ctuild e!1c!l from the policeman was a dry: sey,” said ray conductor; “it’s that waidens with whom he had been in consolation, and an apology, in learning shall be eligible for more than one term la eight An atmospheric glamor — that his clothe* have been the accidental eagle a* compared to the eloquence of Pane on the loth. They were named Hi Kg* and year*. ” All right; push on, or we shan't get to HaschkofT.” daily coutact, and who saw at once that That, spite of wrinkles and gray hair, means of re»lori!ig to a mother’s and sis* sincerity. 1‘atne. The latter wan -tightly wounded. Has thrilled old koarUheat# unaware Portland Iteiorc it’s closed for the night.” * ’ Shall I put him iu the dark cell, sir?” I was quite a different man. It was my On the Uth Dr. H«undi-rs, of Clinton, I was evidently taken for an escaped was the eager query. u r's arms an erring and rei/enUtnl man. Jkt is entirely out of fashion, not »o On the 13th 500 Car list foddier* w»-r«* With uew and noisy clamor. misfortune that, on the previouaevening, much as a bead being admissible Uiis sea La., waa ooiaoued by ar#«-aic administered by convict, and, looking at my dn*a, there “ No; in an ordinary cell; but keep an none of the#-* had been on duty; but If the law lias Ikk -d outraged, the gentle nTorted to hare err-sard the frontier nt Pori de one Caiberiue Matthews, a colored w»uas. When rtrt>t-tov« ia awoei? It came to nte wars grounds lor the supp«witi«>n. Of eye on the trap, ami watch him carefully, man has been at least an unintentional ac- son.