Clinton Independent. StSMMKw»-^W4smfo#*Wfotofom#fo■«*.>#. «»■ ‘•eb*-' «> Clinton Independent

(omouii fjuru o» rti mm.) •ATM or AOVIITIUM. la PvIttAfli Iwry Tktntej, at Tim: tot v in 00* 16 00 44 00.46 00SO 00 TERMS. Lsfsl AdTertiesmsatt nt stout* reteo. iMMlaf mwU|«, $1.11, Is advance. tor papsr# •ast out of tks oouaty. and $) 80 fur those in th*> MerrlSfS end Death Notices free. rossty Business Cords, fits Itase or under, fil per yes jgTAL netun lor publication sts be Is head mot-mis C to public neon the ST. .JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1875. WHOLE NO. 470. Local Basineee Notices M cents n line tor 6m, VOL. X.-NO. 2. and ft canu for each rubecuusot lnssrUou.

carreney. Letter# iu favor of hard money were man: “ Ah! you are just (he man I tween me and freedom, nor did my new The Governor for the moment looked as peared, with the parcel we had brought SI’LTIM IS 1’AKVD. LATEST NEWS. read from Beaator Chrlstiancy, a Got Blair and gtl^tcd Jjtiu cIImw wanted! ” escort encourage me to hope for much coo if he would cat me, and his myrmidon# from the station in his hand. others. Delegates were also appointed u> attend 44 This ’ere for you, sir, I ’*peet, ’coni- Aovine to bachelors: W. TNR OU» WltHLH. ” Kunnv, isn ’t it? You ’re Just the man side rsl ion. were little leas aghast at my persistent Iu* the Cincinnati Convention. HEM ll Eli MA)nM we wanted, ” wa# the raply, anti in auolh Through more galea and d»»ors, all of •olence. ing to the direction inside it.” Hiik is called hooey because she is—bee The Prince of Wales lUrtrd on bin In- Ou Ute liJUi, at Sait Lake, Jutlpe Bum- er ffffcand litk Qua#t giuirasuuui ha*I acixe-l which were first u llockcd, then locked, But Dunk lev at last found his tongue. lie had undone the outer cover, and loved. the ilth. diaa tour oo man. of the Ut tied Mlatee CHrcait Ooart. dellvyged »P me by the arms, w Into his coutpaulun l»#a< 1 then rehicked, then locked agaiu, till it 44 He’s right, sirl He’s not Kaschkofl at within wa# a second parcel, directed aa O kixwoauad w a# the original name of Turkuy aud H«*rvia, according to a tele a strong charge Ut the (iraad Jury In oppsaltlon And autumn aunt are mellow, ulipjMMi a pair ftf handcuffit (m my wrist* seemed as if 1 was now as safe as the alii” follows: 44 For the (tontlemau who wears Niagara When maple-leavea begin to glow, before I w as well awaro that it waa done 44 X«H HaaclikofT! ” from the Governor, Blue Spectacles, slaying at the (’ove »:ram of the llih, had mutually agreed to with to polygamy or bigamy, and demanded of the crown jewels, or a toad entombed alive in A karmkk ’6 crib is a gnaw ful place for draw their forces from the ftwnliw, Jury the indictment of all persons known to be And aU Dm woodland • paces show In my copfu^ioo and aurpri^* the truth a granite rock. At length we reached a who felt himself still one short of his total Hotel. ” I cut the string and found — Their pomp of n-d and yellow, rats. A Rome dispatch of the tltli nays Car­ gatlty of the offense. did not ua yet dawm upon me. This strange block of buildings a little apart, with number. what? My clothes and wide-awake, and 44 Not Rasehkoff!” from the policeman, the coutcnts of the pocket* intact* A kind of tobacco all men chew-wea—A dinal Xcl'fc>»k*j had jael ordered a maible altar I noflltial returns m eivtxl at Columbus treatment added only another mystery to double doors, through which w-e passed, I drop my knitting on wy kueta, As I examined them, a sheet of note pretty girl with money to-hark-ber. fur the Cathulic Cathedral la New York, to coet oa the rub. tram all the counties la Oh*o. gave I ford my hands together, the affair; hut 1 well remeuilter tliat, in as we bod the others, and 1 found myself who felt himself a fool, and five pounds |)H|M*r fell to the floor; on it ten written, Will the spelling raaoia, like the epi­ |40.rcr. the liehavior of the boys as, with a yell of prison. There were three rows of cells, in the same hand aa that of the two direc ­ zootic, break out again this winter? The KalMrhof, in Berlin, the largest a Republican majority of seveau au In the Uottir And far across tha roUiug seas. 44 Not Hatchkoff!” from the pious gate- and throe ia the Meaale. It was thought the en ­ ! smell the moorland heather. triarapk. they m atupered bark in the di ­ tier alioyc tier, the upper with s narrow kee|M>r, from the first w arder to the second, tions, I lies* words: " Beyond restoring Epitaph for the tomb of American Girl hotel ta Germane, was bumed on the 11th Lom tire Republican Mate ticket was elected. Cary, rection whieft they hat! come. What fol ­ landing and a bright steel railing. As to the third, and noon along the scale, and the inclosed articles, it is improbable that —44 A kind-hearted creature, but very ft.oun.oo**. The purple heather, blown about lowed next is leas distinct in my recollec ­ we entered, another warder met us; he any reparation can ever be made to the fast.” for Lieutenant Governor, ran about 10,000 behind Hy warm winds ofl the tvorder — all in turn expressed their surprise. But The English stoaraer Biscay recently Alien ta the 8tate tion. 1 only know that I protested, re­ w’sa in slip)>ers, and walked noiselessly, there was no doubt about it; Dunkley was gentleman to whom they belong for the Tiip. 44 National Air” (according to the Ah ute! what utetnorie# blossom out, outrage to which he has been subjected. foundered off Jutland, a bile on her voyage from The Trias Constitutional Convention W hat ordered tuoughl# are put to rout monstrated anil Itegged my raptors to ex­ like a ghost. In sepulchrnl voice he said : positive; and other officers corroborated "intelligent foreigner* ’)-—The American t 'ruoaladt tu hr< aerhaven Klevea pvteone plain. It wa# in vain —the sailor ’s 1 i|w» If his looks have not belied him, however, has adopted a provision making the Governor • In tremulous disorder — ** Forty-six, air, ail correct. ” his statement. There were plenty now spit-toon wore drowned. m** tutd hermetically sealtKl, and all I it Is just possible that be may find some term four year*, aa«l providing that ao person “This wilhnakeforty-seven, Mr. Moun- who knew the real Roschkon by sight; AcqriKKP oratory is as a moth to an A couple of Americans fought a duel near By Just a color in the air. ctuild e!1c!l from the policeman was a dry: sey,” said ray conductor; “it’s that waidens with whom he had been in consolation, and an apology, in learning shall be eligible for more than one term la eight An atmospheric glamor — that his clothe* have been the accidental eagle a* compared to the eloquence of Pane on the loth. They were named Hi Kg* and year*. ” All right; push on, or we shan't get to HaschkofT.” daily coutact, and who saw at once that That, spite of wrinkles and gray hair, means of re»lori!ig to a mother’s and sis* sincerity. 1‘atne. The latter wan -tightly wounded. Has thrilled old koarUheat# unaware Portland Iteiorc it’s closed for the night.” * ’ Shall I put him iu the dark cell, sir?” I was quite a different man. It was my On the Uth Dr. H«undi-rs, of Clinton, I was evidently taken for an escaped was the eager query. u r's arms an erring and rei/enUtnl man. Jkt is entirely out of fashion, not »o On the 13th 500 Car list foddier* w»-r«* With uew and noisy clamor. misfortune that, on the previouaevening, much as a bead being admissible Uiis sea­ La., waa ooiaoued by ar#«-aic administered by convict, and, looking at my dn*a, there “ No; in an ordinary cell; but keep an none of the#-* had been on duty; but If the law lias Ikk -d outraged, the gentle ­ nTorted to hare err-sard the frontier nt Pori de one Caiberiue Matthews, a colored w»uas. When rtrt>t-tov« ia awoei? It came to nte wars grounds lor the supp«witi«>n. Of eye on the trap, ami watch him carefully, man has been at least an unintentional ac- son. —Part* Corrtepvrultrvre . Yanaeqne Into Franca. arrested she confessed the deed, sad charged iu a prison containing nearly two thou- In breesy autumn weather; course I protested against such a belief, or he’ll break prison again ; he’s clever sand felons cesaory, and w hether this fart allay* his There are those that think we should John Gair, her brother-in-law, and Robert Ray Aeroaa the tn«M>r the wind #wrptfree, the mistake was more than A Madrid pa|>cr of the Lith says the told w ho I wa# and mentioned how it w as enough. ” po^aible. scruples or not, it is believed that, by the take care of the poor Indian because he is French atitorllif* were eevkiof to interne Gan. with having Instigated the crime. Gair was ar­ Warm shone the sun where I and he my clothes were stolen while bathing. All lime these words are ia his hands, the cul­ so w illing to take hair of us. rested oa the 14th at Baton Rouge and started Hat knee-deep tn the heather. I was introduced forthwith into an "or ­ At last the Governor spoke, nnd angrily: raboil*, the fugact aa Carllei lead r. and Don was in vain; I was °»l>’ laughed at, and dinarycell” —four hare walls, with a loop ­ 44 Oh! but this is ton absurd. What prit will lie beyond the reach iff any ef­ Deer are so numerous in K1 Dorado Carlos h d ordered that he be shot wherever for Clinton tn charge of the bhcriff aud hi# posse. forts he may 1m* the means of helping the About dark they wt-ra met by a party of fifty ia« o. j A waving, fragrant sea, it apr* ad heard that a reward of five pounds was hole window well barret!, and wired over. were you stout, all of you? It’s disgrace ­ County, Cal., that complaint is made that Mbad AU round iu purple suleudor: authorities to make toward a recapture.” who disarmed tbs officers, took possession of otfered for my recovery. There was nothing in the place but a gut ­ ful! Acd you, sir!”—this to me—44 how- they are ruining the vineyards. White clouda went sailing overhead, As far ofl as ever, almost, from the de ­ Letters fire rateirad in London on U»e Gair and shot him to death. Tbs woman ws# * ’ Ws’w g«d you, and will keep you, ” ta-percha pint pot, and a bed of smooth, dare you t/une here to inAult us and make It was observed of a deceased lawyer 1 Ah ft m the Hritiah Arctic expedites Ou the A lark waa soaring, when he said said the policeman. ” Here comes the hare plank, a little raised from the floor. tails which led totliiustrange affair, broad ­ suheeqeutlj taken (roui ;h« Jail and hung by the “ I turn pa," low aud tondcr. us look like fools? ” that he had left but few effect*, to which a 7th of Aasaet the veaacb were at Wayicsrt Straits sains or a similar baad. chaise to pick us up.” So into the chaise " Keep silence, will you ?” said, for the One might have thought that I had ly speaking, the letter, nevertheless, gave Udy remarked that 44 he had but few •kll sell. me an inkling of the truth. Whether it A Jat kaon (Mias.) dispatch of llid 15th 1 wondered, dumb with glad aurpriac—» I ta put, in spite of til remonstrance. thousandth time, the »uiH*rior warder as been guilty of breaking into the prison by Causes.” Shanghai telegram# published in the Could I have heard him clearly * Now, ‘I am a man of patient diMiO#ithru, for the thousandth time I tried to proteal force, Hlxl 1 hud 111* 1*1 cl tlie\ should wa# a preconcerted plan between the un ­ says Gov. Ames bed suspended all military opera ­ Ue saw the bliaaful color rise, A Milwaukee lady who paid fifty dol ­ lmidott Timm of the 14th aay the aapect of BriU and my temper it not ea-ily rumedj al- that I was not Haschkoff. keep me there for the rest of my life. happy ladies and their unhappy relative, tion#. upon the assurance of leading citizen# that lie drew me, kissing lips and eyes— this meeting on the Dorsetshire coast; lars to have a wart’removed from her i-h relatloua w ilh China war more aatiafayclory. tlgnurh. in my present position. Ui#r«- wt> “Mind, Mr. Mounsey, y«»u don ’t let 44 But let me tell you, sir!” he went on, nose now wanta to know what has become there should be peace aud a fair and fras elec­ " You t»ov 1 lone yim deorljf . uinch to annorul in him talk to you in the night; be'll l>e whether he had managed to escape for the According to a Rome dionuUU of the tion. 44 tliat there is such a thing as connivance, of the none, And earth and sky seemed echoing dignity of my arrest and the mystery that trying it on again. Vou may depend. Give and that it U felony to assist a convict to second time knowing where they were; IBh. Italy would be rvp»nMn'ed by royal com The people of Alabama will vote on the whether thev, in their misery, were led to Thkt met; that ia, she went to the stare rolwionera at tto \ merles a t < ateanto . *fu r all. Those words of sweetest tuaaning, iiung over my immediate future might him his bed aud till his cup—thereandthen escape, and that before you are many And made him turn his departaaenl o ’er, new ('oustitation Jn<*t completed hy the conven ­ The blackcock trilled them on the wlug, make even Ui» most sUdhl pliiloM>pher un ­ they left me that out-of-the-way retreat by a helpless The l*rince Bishop of Breslau, who had hours older you will lie by the heels in Till he vanished Indiind the goods, and then tion, ou the 16th of November. The very blossom# seemud to ring, easy, tlgsrc v. re -ome cniinTsof comfort Alone at last, and in a solitary cell in Dorchesttr jail, for trial at the next as­ longing to lie near him, and had so for- Sb<- pleasautly said she would call again. b«* u for a lone tune lu tret Me with the l'ruaalau While, on his bonwm leaning. ; ever been sitting watching his rocky A large number of bu^ineaa failure** to lie pnAtrffin ih< ludicrous absurdity of Portland Prison! The dreadftt! truth wa# size.” "A re you the mate of the ship; *kvmji«iit, on the 14th dissolved hi* connec ­ the whole affair. Happily, in this out-of- difficult to realize; but lair* and bolts and ‘‘And let me tell you, sir!” I replied prison, and that he a# accidentally lighted tion with tb«- Pruaaian portion of hia dioccec. were reported In New York city on the- IMh, the I built the airy towers that youth • on them as he had on the opportunity my asked an emigrant of the cook, who heaviest being ikst of Hsrmsu A Oo. Can fashion ao sffhlitnely—- the-w ay #|K»t there was no one to recognize iron door* are aolid facts not easily ex­ hotly in my turn, "that there is such a waa an Irishman. 44 No, sir,” wo* the A London telegram of llie 14th days me a* the branded felon l»orne bock in plained away. I felt as miserable now* as ' clothe* gave him for getting out of the A run upon the Home Savings Bank in Nor dreamed how ions would end In ruth, thing as action for false imprisonment, reply, " I am the man who cooks the lta««ta at* prapartnc for a military exp> d.Uon For Joy that had no root iu truth, letters to the prison from which I had i*s- if 1 was (loomed to be hingi-d the next and that if you do not instantly set me way, I shall never know. It was quite Boston was in progress on tbs Iftlh. Tbs <4hccr» mate.” aflalukt Bukhara, la Central A»la And ho}»e that dtod untimely. capod. If the citief in C’rutched Friar* morning. A* T hare said, from the first free, if there is any law in the land, Ik ?- . enough. ^ for me to reuieinlter , that1- young , ,J stated thst the bank wa# In a perfectly safe con ­ fore you are many inoufhs older, you will K4^ •JHrv to *u >' promptings I rnipit Martha Jane finds in her Bible that London dispatches of the 15th rc|x>rt a Ills grave was made tong tears ago were close at hand, or even the melancholy, moment of my capture I had treated the dition and was paying all the demand# without interesting young lady whose glances had - *- a f have had to aid the law. Her appealing the ant i* held un as a pattern of iadlfftlj MtTers fale ou the Buyl tab ruaat during the day requiring the regular notice. Beneath hi* English wlUow*; mishap os an unpleasant joke —no more; be cast in heavy damages in the Court of She therefore indignantly want# to know- pierced mv blue spectacles, I might have and all along I had buoyed mysebi I long day and not feel tired, and yet if one of A Constantinople dictateh of the 15th the 15th. A Cabinet meeting wa# immediately It# pleasure has alloy of pain. that I must then l»e at once set tree Bor koff. the runaway. But it seemed as if Then in a few hurried word* I told him all this hapiH-ncd.»P|>e have been married, and it chanced that I spent last ' them is asked to wash the dishes she report* the defeat of 4,000 inaurgeuta by a Turk held and a considerable amount of routine bnal- But hsplv I have learned to train rim; the personal Uifltoiuiorts, tiin lme tiowets around my entosea. £<«•* wit of clothes, etc , and the eacop* already passed through the hands of three 44 But ran this Ik * corroborated? Have autumn at Weymouth with my family. rearh«*s for the camphor bottle. Ids force. One hundred and ality were killed One day I paid a visit to Portland and the re*t took refuge In Montenegro. The Grand Jury of Winnebago County, | of some hardened wretch, thanks to my and, though all had scanned my features vou anyone within reach to speak to your 44 Mr articles do not receive a very And still, when maple-boughs are red unconscious assistance, the present was a closely, no syllable of doubt of iny iden ­ identity* ” Prison —a second visit. How different warm reception of late.” 44 Our fair cor- The Times of India, in a recent issue, 1IL, have iudiclrd M* ##r» Foster aud Edwards, In breexy autumn weath* r, from the first! Governors had been of 8t Louts the par icipants la the late due| Once inure the moorlaud w ays 1 tread; i curious experience, which few were likely tity hod followed their inspection. What 44 There Is the innkeeper at Lulworth, rcfepoudcut ia mistaken,” replied the edit ­ »«ay* kl.tkki people had been rendered home e** to compass. In this way I argued myself If I should be kept to serve out the real 'and other* there. Or stay; telegraph to changed. The system of discipline is so or; "they meet with the warmest recep­ by ffo >da in the province of Gsxarat. near Rockford, their #f cotid*, the surgeon* and Om-e more 1 hear the word# he said That day an i on gat the heather. I into laughing almost at litis excellent convict ’s time, seeking vainly from day mv Ann, Ntokes, Wrav A Co., ofCrutched immensely Improved a# to render such an tion possible. We burn them all.” Mr. P' a: gate, a repo ter counseled with the Chi event as I have described next to iui|M>Asi* THE NIW UOHLI). logo TrUntoe. The same body also found In —Scribner1! M -uthhj. p rac tic allot e, in which iself was the prin- to day and year to year to make my pro Friar* ” The Butte (Cal.) Mrrcvry tell* of a dicim* nta again»t ex-hheriff Flynn and F. B ! * ipal Htollever, nnd the end of which, for test plain? This would lie tor» seven* a “ Will one of the partners comedown? ” ble." c* The r,,chief* ei waraer,warder, uiougnthough uehe uiudid not of sheep being brought down from A Montr* iii dispatch of the 11th says it Wilkie, of the Chicago, Ttmt* for conspiracy A SEASIDE ADVENTTRE. all T knew, might still he md< finitely de- dose indeed. Yea, 1 was most miserable. 44 Y«*s, no doubt, if it is urgent. ” r^no ”'.^ero< ^ cfoape^of j nmountains and turned into a wheat- wa* eta.ed that no day had been #pp<>ttii»d for aud *aboruaiion of p rjury in oblaiuiug | layed C’ohl, wretched and nearly starved, for no 44 It is urgent.urgent !I am sorrv totn appear ’.v1. . tw’ ..8,r ’ aD' ”">'M field. Over 100 head died in one night GaibonT# hurt a! and that the ceremony might Raschkoff la still nt large. ” affidavit# to damage the character of I in rather a |>»or state of he»ltli, Away, in the twilight gloaming. rover food had crossed uiy lips since noon, I discourteous or to disbelieve your story ; ! from eating wheat and drinking wau-r. be deferred for eo me time. ai*s Karly. of Rockford, who not long ago oti caus'd by long ami assiduous attention to the downs fora mile or two, and along gathered myself together, and, uinkintr all I ask is that you w ill remain here----- ” The Boston Jounuti teea in the sea-ser­ S. C. Dimmivk, Attorney-General of tamed a heavy verdict against the Timm for def husines* in the finn to which I bHongetl i the white, winding chalk roads, to the utterly dejected upon the hard pallet, tried " In prison? ” IMM Si RIAL. pent a fraud, and alludes to the singular Pennsylvania, died at Mam*burg oa tha llth. amationof character, aud which verdict bad in L i njrheci Eriars. My dsttor recoin* . more level and w»x>ded country; then past to groan myself to sleep. 44 By no mean#; in my house, os my I feature in the habits of the creature that been appealed from by liie di-frndaut. both According to the Hpringfield (Ma>*.) inentlerl rest and sea air. I waa to go t*> farms, and between tall hedgerows and I must have slept; but the slumber at guest,* ’ said the dorrrnor, with a bow of Pkni LK may get something of hu idea he never visit* our coast except when parties were arrested and gave ball in the sum of some quiet spot oo Ute seaside, live miii- . stragglingtl _ villages,. until we reached the flrat was fitful aud often tlistarbed by th** a finished courtier. "All I ask is to lie of the work done in the New York Post- Isjarders are desired at the seashore re- RtjruMican of the 11th lien. Bartlett had de ­ each to auswer. | click of a latch at my cell door and a‘fla«h office when they learn that the tables of : clined the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant- ply, avoid late hours, and all causes for ^takirts ot W cyimKith ; then through the quite convinced. I trust you w ill under ­ Uaroe^mruL It would b<- a great thing if ‘ligl sud parade# of the fashion of bright light throtteh a narrow slit stand Uiat I ain ltouttd in iny serious and the distributing clerks have to be mode of 1 _ Governor of aaneachuectta. k nru.n.n bwdnev to I 1 »’a »s t m> very Uie—only ai(U»n<-r TIIE M.IKKET6. alnc watering-places, alive with gav com ­ turned on to where 1 lay. It was the responsible position to take nothing for Mlkt Carney the surviving principal in T c*ottlfl, tiirbf after night, gwt a a«*ufpl M»u.|furauy length «1 Unve U„- ..f of twdre. * - Uow d«« £ou .11 Ibefc jnJ N ew Y ork , Oct. 16.— Flour—"While sleep, and be for a time tree of any Knxiety. pany and rru rrv music; treading otir way w anler on the alert to prevent another es­ granted. ” the recent fatal prime fight Bear Bustos, and the tl..-'mail, utin them. In H,c u.w 1W-1 u" me u‘!“ 1 »«• ‘ oirUte when Winter Extra. %o AA#7JB Wheat—No. t Chicago 1 across the bridge, amongst docks and cape. Even the strangeness of litis wore 44 And my clothes?” esrondsofthe pngiliata have given tb«m»elves Rest for the brain was to lie the sovereign spring. $..%ai.**: No. 7 Milwaukee, $1 vT® cun-. Acting on this pleasant advice, I wharves and shipping, till at length we off and I U*< aiue thoroughly unconscious, 441 dare nay we can fit you out, ” said .die. nil the furnltnre i. being m«le of up to the author, time emerged upon the long, flat causewgy that m»ho-Tuiy. The u-e of l.rjre * quantity 11 three o ilwk. Will, mtiur.. l.'O; No. t Northwest*™. $i.* Barley— chose Lulworth, in Dorsetshire, as quiet to be roused at last by a deafening peal of the Governor, with a alisrht smile. 44 We a quarter of twelve?” An Augusta (Ga.) telegram of the lltli • l.lft#!*). oat# - Wretrrn Mixed. 474H*r and dull a place a# could possibly be dU- Vopa the Cheail Bank amt joins Portland (tells rung just atjove my head. The keep r large stock of ready ins*le clothes— has so incrt'ttsed th*- demand tor that w'kh ! aanoaacra the audden and m-rlou* Ulneee of Corn — Western Mixed, TDQ'tc. Fork Mr##, covered. To help the cure I wa* med ­ 1 to tku mainland. The night hod fallen, I dawn was struggling, in pale.sickly tones, no, not convicts ’, but freednien ’a—for that the market price ha# increofo'd one- 1 A Lka VKXwotiTii paper says that if tur­ Alexander fl Stephen# f Si Dressed llog* Lard —14Sc. Cattle but the glory of a ftill moon rt<#xled every­ through Ute wire-work of Ute tiny win­ third. nips were bread and cabbages w ere meat ically rucoumicudcd to avoid the glare of pri-oncrv on discharge. btei> into my There are indications of a turn for the Kansas could take a contract to winter the The North Carolina CV>n*ti tut tonal f’on- --Mamet quiet; lUfflR. lor <*ood tu Extra. sunstiine, to wearblue spectacle, and to thing w ith light On each aide of the dow. and I guessed that this was th«- private rt**m and yon shall rank# the Hog# Hfcaep tS<&*> l%c. GaMciserd at i1Hee my hair out short; all of whicli. with ridge slept the quiet sea, beneath the I prison-bell, the signal to begin the change at once. ” better in the iron industries of the West paupers (4 the world at two cents per venttoa adjourned ri « die oo the 11th. it war iu i neon, and make enough on the contract to eaealon thirty-one working day#. tiff Vi > other advice, I attended to. J’assing tw inkling stars, and right in front loomed j of the day. 1 wa# hardly ut all refreshed In half an hour I W as at breakfast, sod and Southwest. Furnaces, out of blast for the massive promontory of Portland, months, are now again blow ing, though pay the entire Slate debt. On the 11th the Indian Bureau at Wash- East Liberty , Pa. — Cattle — Best, | over any account Qi the journey, behold i by iny sleep, and terribly faint from want at the riehi side «4 the eat## with mv h«*M. me at Liilw-itth, poking about for l<*dg. couched like a lion against the inoou- of b»od. "(»ur Mr. blokes 4’ arrived that evening there is some trouble among them in con ­ A n old author quaintly remarks: "Avoid Sgt >ti received a d l# patch from the Jennev ez« $6.‘ her daughter, who, walking about, seeuuKl tending to walk to the inn. Htrangclv A Pennsylvania parent named his courage sank somewhat during tiie long surprise —as vou did, too, when you enough there was Vyc, who hxd taken me fo tivity. From other localities given to The Michigan Supreme Court has just Bye —No. t.7i?my nortal# of the prison it was at its koff* ” provement is reported — ]*hi ladeiphia 13.40. Cattle—Choice to Extra. $5 VJ|&4.ti; Me­ i interesting girl, with a pair of eyes which, tion at my Aral arrival thr«*e weeks before. young lady, she is avoided by the genUe- deal lag Narine*# 1# constitutional and does not lowest ebb. The place whs lonely and 441 tell you Pm not Roschkoff! ” I hailed him. He evidently did not rec­ Tra*U Journal. cantravene the clau*e In the r'un#tltutloii pro ­ dium to Good, f 1 Butchers' Stock. ' os they met mine, imparted, even tlm>ugh mcn, who fear the results of being cx- I silent as the tomb; a solitary lamp’ flick itoth the officers laughed heartily. ognize me in the least. Converting |#*tatoes into what is hibiting the paaeafe of any law licenatng the |2.vr^A.75; Hcalawae#. etc, $!75f^tts. ILsr# my blue #(KMacles, • pfo.uM or sensation. I**>ed to Malarial influences. For days and dav* fluent the m«wt mo- ered above the heavy gates, touching with 44 You ’ll Ik * the death of as, lltuu hkoff! But 44 No wonder you don ’t know me,” I ternu-d farina, or jMitato flour, is an ex- *ale of intoxh ating liquor#. —C*oud to rbolre, S. Sheep—Good to spots of luster the tije of the steel nails A bfRiNortEt.D (Mass.) milkman ban a choire, $1*^4 7ft. j notonous' and regular life, by degrees ex- there—wash yoarself ; it’s do#e on break­ said. 44 A nice time I’ve l>een having of u-usive busiueau in Euro|>e, yielding An indictment against rx State Audit*-r ! that studded aU their panels. One of my fast time, ana after that you may »ee the boy in his employ that ia Us* honest for I tending my walks along Ui« cliffs, and ft tJiese last four-and -twenty hours. ” millions of jMiunds sterling annually. the business. M hen one of his custom ­ Mil.rath of Minnesota, wa# tried oa Ike ISsh, escort jumped out and touched a deep- young doctor. ” FOREIGN GOSSIP. making the acquaintance ot the cosst- My voice alone seemed to bring back a The process is said to be as follows: The ers accused the lad of w-atering his milk aa gleam of two w hite eyeballs, belong ­ Tis 4aid the world grows wiser, day by ta Weekiagtwa. Jew wo# burned alive by the populace. uxcituig * urlo-ity in their nicoeiix nlr ' milk In the cul ^JG.UUO. The lasted six and thirty hour#, I *frrdkd to all at Portlaud, and that this was joyful course, and desist from speaking another at corner o* cn«*-mad*. Then 1 remem­ An official gtatmieot of ti»«- 12th reports The cotton-mills and industries at Man­ and crockery piled up in a convenient Empen*r ha* a cloak of J in# fox-skin, word in tuv own defense. I wondered ber the moon wo# a shinin’ ore tty nigh as the i.amber of diatiilene# la of>«'ra4k>n on the l»l away across the downs, and struck the , , chester. N. H., don ’t seem to be suffering corner of the closet, and when asked her worth $24.0uft. Hast hkoff* For these and all only how long the farce would continue, bright as tiie sun at day. I w.ut cornin' >• have been 11», w uh a total daily splrlt-produc* coast aliuoxt id the extreme w«-starn en, of Isildge of Oaky, Blair­ other metric#, the Lord's name be I boil plenty of visitors in the next hour down towards ou when up come# the lag capacity of tkS.SSS galtoaa. an tnrreaae aver the rang# of tall, ctm?k eBflk It was f*aat year were made up at the annual Nt she shot a lurid glance at her hus­ gowrie, has sent four stamiis t>» the En ­ ! much the farthest point I had yet reached, prais'd. ’ As if I, in mv< haracterol lUsch- or two. First, the "young ” doctor, as he in you gets long afore 1 nvecftn^ on September of fusty five diali 11 cries and IH.874 gab glish mint to |«v for coining for him two koti. wo# a very excellent dinner about to had l>cen styled, though he wasold enough Un* 1st of Octol»er, and we band and merely remarked : "He knows Isa* daily capacity. and it revealed the altered character of the could near you.r I tell* my Bfeiaana, aud put buide Uicm the capiul stock on w hat them’s for. ” penniew, one with two head# ami one with country, which here gradually flattened be digested. to have gray hair and a corporation. He #he say#: 4 Fend upon it, thegentleman ’s *hich they arc- m ule The unfinished Agricultural Hall, tdi two tail». He folds; ”N. B.—It i» for j out until it was nearly a dead level, With a solemn, clanging sound the wa* on airy, off-hand gentleman, wearing (*lojK*new_my mc-ureration was certain to lie said, angrily. 44 Why did you send for 11ere IY>° fetoppod abfdptly, lked The profits of Uie last-nameil cortK»ra- vessel sank in five minutes. TN* woman The Women ’s International Christian and vepftahles, and keeping an eve on his thg rock*. I wus alxuit to undress nr#U r sh»»rt, I felt tjuite as If hoj>c were al me?” round as he saw the sUDon-maeter coming tjon Hro dvcli at for fourteen wfho, with a Jar of preoerved peaches in each hand, can calmly await death is Association met at Pittsburgh. Pa , on the lkk. collection* of insect* and minerals. Kos ­ the lee of the cliff, when I was startled at ready extinguished from mv bread. At " I feel faint.” out of the office, and called to hint; months, which we have reduced one sev. suth wo* seventy-Urn** years old on the br acing, a# 1 imagined, a looUlep ou the tliat moiueat 1 would gladly have pur­ 44 Faiut!’’ The utter contempt of these ” Here, Muster Coomln, didn ’t the two worth having, although sugar is ten cents enth to correspond. These profits urr a i*>uud. —(A’. V.) TaUadixt ti. and lfr* John A. Wtntcr*, of Dayton, Ohio. Vice# Iflth of rwptrffnber. lK>fo h. Yet no human creature w as visi. chas’d iturn*-ditto n-lease at a«y price; w urila made my blood Isoil . 44 W'ere you ladies go away 1a*t night with the gentle- from 8 to 12.J |»er cent —Hynuqfirid{Jin—.) ife. eldest. Stkakt sTALia are about to be intro ­ ble. I concluded Uiat the sound was a ami I askM indfgnnntly to see the Gov ­ faint jrcaterday morning when you ran man in blue panu aud brown coal, muui - licpubUoan. A mouse in the w-ainjeoling of the mere fancy; and so assured, I was soon in ernor at once. four mile# ana Jumped the dyke ’ In the a# I drove over to Uie Cove three weeks Western Union Telegraph office at Cin­ On Ute night s»t the 12th, in New Orleans, duced into liondon hr a committee of Ute Re4«L'Laiions in regard to the fitness for two while men etbarked throe colored m.-n, Church of England Yem|>erance 8 cr, pointing to me Governor's office. I was again stripped -ame geaUeuum, from his dress and short sroting, and said mouse gnawed the in ­ menacingly with hia heavy key. 44 It’s and searched, my boot# were taken from hair; but we were raUier busy, and I time uiay lx*, and as to w hat stale of dry- claiming aTl r# p fi*thfT1ty for the outrage, con "4 «coa mission ” will be established. Only by chance did I cast my eyt* east- uca# is required by com-ideration.^ of sulation and so brought the wires together draining all vlolen e and pledging sapport to the not tiie first time he’s done it, neither; me aud 1 got a pair of list slippers Then didn ’t lake very clo#e notice. Wasn ’t it and connected some of the larger Imtteries. A custom which the French women wraru. and Uiere, to my vexation, w as a health, have been much discuNic^t. In a t IB- era in enforcing the la w# were anauimoasly stranger on the beach. It must have been rails himself a gentleman iKwausc he wo# iUI .it once, echoing along the he, after ell ? Now I b»ok at you again, The w ires liecame thereby heated and set will not folopt, t>ut which the Russian la- j convicted of some amu-c-l cruua, forgery , particular place a certain period for drying adopted. die* affect, is that of communicating in his footstep I had heard, and how he had cume a cry for 44 KaschkofT*” and Rascti- sir, how is it? You have just come from fire to the insulating composition. Happily or like that. He w»# nwn\ six momh* koff —that is to say. J, J Win Wray, of Weymouth. I don't rightly remember new buildings, dependent upon climate, The MaMacliuartU iitatc Central D«*m> white dresses. Work ini;-women in the concealed himself I could uot divine. material of construction and style of arch­ the smoke of the incipient fire was seen, Yet there he was; and to odd to mv con- last time, but we nabbed him then, just C’rutched Friars—sham Lied up two tiight# you, either. Anyhow, I gave two ladies the wainscoting torn away, and a serious era tic (ommutet base pared tha name of John Empire of Uie Czar aitena thecommunion as you have now. But he made his itecture, may come to be fixed by ex- service in block dreffffffff and white veil*, •kruptiun, he U-gai to takeo|l l.l*"wn fff narrow stairs and enten-d a little dork, and the gentleman I took to lie you three conflagration averted. qnlncy Adams upoaflke Ueket f.»r UrnteiMUjt- j‘guy 4 again Un* morning in fe fKg, End on the further side of which stood a first-class ticket# to tfouthampton by the jK-rience as necessary, but the direct test­ Uovernor in place of Oea Bartlett. decBaed but for tlie richer classes the moot mognit cioDw* and to drrwsbimsoll in miso. My ing of the walla as to the amount of moist ­ There is in California a well-known m-st fniptflae was w»>all out, anfl rWxt to | aw-ty again as »m<’oth as flutter. It’s warder, wiUi a baton, while in front,some 10 45 last night; more, I can't #av.” icent white toilet* ore prepared for Uh-*c f here fo^isy wiUi him and gone to-mor ­ ure in them has been untrustworthy. In plant colled 44 rattle weed ,” which cause# Chas. G. Davis has been nominkted for swim hastily to the shore and give cha»e w ay off, waa seated a p»rtly, imposing p r- Here wa# a complication! What asso ­ a species of madness in animal# that eat religioua cerrmonko. row. ” *-onage at a high desk, and, surrounding view of th«**e facts, a nuiuN-r of experi­ < on grew* by the Drmocrali of the First Mas-a- Tiie monument rwentlj erected to Hir All my ctforta were in vain. Jtelore 1 ciation could there have been tielween the ments were made by Dr Gla#f»geo, under iL A Han Francisco paper describe# the rbusett# Dtotrict. touched the beech the stronger, or thief i 44 Ay, and t»ack again at night,” said the him, a group of officials, among whom Convict and these two lodies? And wo# John Franklin in Y\ cat mi aster abt«ey has milor. profoundly the direction of Prof. Pcttenkofer, for the effect of it upon a bera of fifty horses on a tieen mutilated In some myaterions way. must call hint, had dooned mir garments were tny friends,mends, the coastguard sailor it really he, disguis4*d in my dress, that ranche in Monterey County. They be The National Women ’* Oougreae wrt 441 insist on #eeing the Governor,” 1 accurate determination of the amount of about ope and one-half inrhea of the chief and vanished among the cliff# I was and the p>l iceman. Yye and Mr. C'ootuha had seen? came crazy. wentoITone by one, and were at Myracsee, N Y.. on tha 13th. Prof Man* said. •* 5,75*1, Roschkoff? charged with mak moisture present In the walls at any time, Mlirbell delivered the an anal wddssa* most of the Erebus having beam broken naked and hel pleas. My only reer»urce As 1 pondered for a moment, Uie sta and h metlprs) wo* finally found that gave too muddled to seek water, many of them 44 That you w ill, and sooner than you ing his escap , rad#Ung the poIL-e, hmk >- off This is aaid to be not the only act of wo# to put oq the clothes w hich the wretch tion-master had gone t*u:k to hi* office, satisfactory results. Portion** of the plas­ dyingot thirst. Although untamed they .Mtransa, Lehman A On , a large dry vandalism committed in the abbey, the hod left a# hia own. care to, eiUier. He’ll tic in this office 1 Ience to the gate-keeper, and giving the and came out again w Uh a large brown allowed persons to approach them, and on about nine to-morrow morning, and lie'll assistant surgeon unnecessary trouble. ” tering taken from different parts or the goods house la New Took cujr, suspended on head of Maj. Andre having been removed Here was an extraordinary sourer- of pa|K*r parcel in hand. "By the way,! partition walls were tested. The free Ning struck woukt leap into the air. ibe isth- TVit UakiiMIe* were esttaisu <: at fftuo. no )«#* than three time# perplexity. The thought of hkrfng to have something to aay to you, I suspect, All this the aforesaid notily gentleman Vye,” he said, 44 you may as we!) take Their sight appeared to be unaffected, and • no. : private and particular.” wafer and water »*f hydration of the lime O kk of the moat severe ordeals through pul on those clothes filled me with dis ­ read aloud, and then, without waiting to Uiis to Richard*, at Uie Core. I’d almost were determined separately, the former by yet they would turn aside for nothing, and Oh the evening oMBe LVfh a foagrhmsn named which aa unfortunate man bos been called gust. A more motley and cn*r*llccinan ;. 44“ wwe can l«**k up this way give their story. nothing to pay;*' and he handed it to the ing tube, in a current of air free from w ithout any foor or hesitation. pictwa of being the party gailtf IB the Langmaid for a mountebank of the lowreat charaAr. [lu th< morning for nenrd to Prince < arignan , who renrraent- our reword ' This ho# already Uvu told. It was a fisherman. carbonic acid, and tiie latter by murder. IW r« " . "wm •, ttmb *# 1 ‘Offyvxi go, then; but you ’d lietler * little erabellialted, no doulit, to glorifj- Of oiurw:, it was not unusual to make J curn >D( 0f tarlmnic acid over tfu* ff*spec.i* The story about Uoodurtor McKinney, ea Victor Emmanuel at the ftU* in Flor ­ ^ of the Hartford A New Haven Railroad, John Bolllnef and ABen Baki-r, two of ence in honor of Michael Angelo. The w ished to walk t in th* »*©- i»*y in the village to-night; the Major | their courage. Next came Dunkley, th«- Nye a earner ; ami very su he aud I | numen.n thus dried while heating itit. The tume of our flret WM sofoe might want to s|ieak to you to morrow. father of seven children, whom I, in my were again jolting toward Lulworth. and his $1,000 InU is again oa ita travels. tka part on* coaosrasd t% tk«tote W4)tiam#on sad unhappy Prince was obliged to listen to general roni lusions from tiie tests mfole Five years ago he called upon a sleepy J«ckum Cognry mnsd*Mh. rareatly oa trial at consolation that prrhentibh G«>ed night.” character of Rosc hkoff, was aU>ut to rob The parrel lay in the ?#>ttom of the cart thirty nine speeches, all bearing upon the of a gn at number «»l building*, under passenger on a night train for his fare, Mgrphyshuap. |JL. «•« sa the I6«h found gatlty one topic of Uie artist's fame. drees was toiermbl waa n d, ot t 'wuud niglik ” of their bread. Dunkley was about to at my feet, anCl 1 n m« mU-r oluK-rving varying condition#, were that Uiere is a snde#a4eaw>r! V>twe«« rdv« fears' ||k prison went the whole, a bad f thing wa* The gair# were opened again, my late idnnge into details of the daring manner quite casually that it wa# directed men ly when the latter handed him a $1,000 A London - pe{K-r of the 22d ulL says that constant low of ntoialurc juroportional to gr«-*-iit»fo-k Thinking it a $100 bill he In toe Btsu# ivato* ntjary, j the diversity i»f er tks. There companion* fmuod forth, and in another io w hich I had eluded his observation, I to the " iToprietor of the Cove Hotel, th«* tiiae, and that there is a great differ ‘be Carmarthen Hoard of Guardians on was con-, . uoas the letters minute I heard the sound of their wheels went into the baggage car to change it and Arcowdlag to aa Omaha dispatch of the Sept. JM receirwi a memorial fr»m six when aU at onos hi# ffo e fell. Lulworth,” and that the handwriting wa# encc lM*tweea Ute time# of drying ia w in P 8., an return it the paasenger denied be ah*.at The (V>aaittsi Ion had bees ear- Ridu ulou* as w* ;• oiftsa. It after warn I was ordered to move on to the knows I am n*d Row hkoff.” : character aUmt it. Intense consternation ex|*NM*d buildings. rreofo- in their salaries, with on intimation was clear that I len to the inner gate. 44 Go on. Mr. Dunkley. go on. ’’ said the and wonder prevailed at my arrival at the having given It and claimed to nave given ried by s wry la-ge m ajiHi'y. that if thHr request was not granted they him a ticket, a statement which his com Dearest coast ru* k ! give no ­ Thrrc was a second gate uu«lcr tiie Governor. But Dunkley could not go on. inn, Everywhere it had been clearly set- —There arou ’t a great many good jokes lirturm reroivrd oa tha morning of the would resign The Chairman sold they tict of the robfcrv ons# a o. an'hjraj^Ji U a bull’s 441 wish to observe, ” again roost-guardsman, or the owner of Die world to come down there and live. should not carry away the boy. In an in. ning. pivewtlvl the eye lantern, and in Ibe hand a hunch 44 Silence!” again, and more perempto lady's lodgings, hod seen the fellow, and learned to swear at nnder the name of The I*nen St<4* Urgiitsf, at Des Mottot* terra! of calm the younger brother, left apolir together, rf*. thei ■■ ••yM- J* 184 Fmi ring t” be repealed I rlly. lull for the station master’* confirmation —Vnder th# CV>nMiHiti«n of Missouri dnppkora IQMmocU* You must also pro had Vttsra* Born SPveaty iSW euMffties i uf Judg OMOOPATUiC I’ll YVICIAN. Ulk« o« , I# tkn!<• oil.Ol^ uf lit* Rng tat* . uf l>.. ua fur I'liu un nt-at tiled in said Uteri, i>> ua atrevtad and darlv- a public opinionopinion, which ia Mroo^ar awl ITTKVTieni-BC finCKI H Main Htrvt-t, t> ow u-r. Mu it. A*l i »i*l*--olu«*al , -.INI) £ O SMoljpnu, lojdo. i S uf wwtgk*, a. „|| •VMIfkl»*t thv poO* *i ' aitjan, taud* aii'l taa« moie permanent than fitbiw, which The iuiiiimi i* #nd**d. r «iia p» >mp If aUot'ieii to. at**' 1 “• 4ay 441 n WD,n o** Wn*rb noit|4||< l to IMgqlSSf JkdffiBSwOhBSRt SlfiMr gSFMm Btal day TMUMDAT, OPT. 21, 1876. Tbs ktniM I* p*»‘ l*|ir« n a|K«rla.*v ; ta- • ot Do >••*;* standing I 4> dun ol Ikn date of Uu* i. al< «, I|,r«iy.a h IlitM* « Of J ul) , A. D 1474 levy and mdsa npt altike gives dark or neutral colore and, almoet1 Tbs lion* of ths thresher is beard ia the •ponder *n i«4. M 1 Phuadvvd mi4 *Mtro() dotUra mi.4 ta »> uu n Sv* duilaia. stipuiati d . aaitl eaat half of ll.* mu * I. waat qu»i'.* r uf oaeiluu tua Now that iDilation ia orl*at|r Vo b# paid akowld »u; procv-.din*. U: kt-r seven (7 J tm township | urn her kvvn I7J north So let all who would stop this clatter J lakwa to lomlouatl) moit ka*«-; «,td ima *u.t or want, State of Mickigae. iod, the party of reform can more on ing street costumes to limit* that will I All imIUciIoii * |>ivii'|.r) »!u i,<|i 4 to. «»ttl• •* ot range numkev four )41 and din, come down with the >• tamps Ar.o»i aid* «>f N**rtl» napiu Avenue, loo U*»ora lrt>tu ■ t ita* at law or lit t^wii) i.atli * U«„ 1, alt- an of the lou real of the said Addlaoa Uaia* la auvt unimpeded to tke victory it ia bound to not obtrude upon the rights of others cotm-r uf Maiu B>r«*t l, Maple lU|>ul«, Mwl». 447 , lul«4to r«oo«rr ao> pan al Ik- d*iH raanrsi b> to ike luitgidag dearrlbad property, 1 aitall etpua* and shall out tha tin, and let us in fu •—Id n»ort*u*« Now, ikcrafoi*, by virtu* of tk*. lot aala to Ika highest bidder, at unbllc auction ul achieve. The rag inooej deloatoo baa in the street cars or elsewhere. No tore nourish and chsrith that nutsliug LIALL&Cl'si' ! PJ'* W **** i* • > 1 ruortfa**- cuaUlnH aud ol «i-udue, a* tk* law directs . at tka vVeat frvul d< 4*0 Hklulr In suck t**« iu«ur and profit). 4, Na of iLc ijoiiit liou*v, lu tka viUag* of Bt- Johns, style of dress coaid be invented that of Giaogers: 4‘ Ready-pay. ‘ The con ­ BI1V Hill A N AND sURUhitl.N. OStt wt. j itew te Bwrwby g v. „ , ^ ,, «• 4l» d-y * rwMktwr, l«TA« •« one <>Vlufk In ItMMfiiriKwti silly girls and silly women would pot clusion of the whole matter is, those », | lu* Mid county of Clinton, ion kaiurfay, Ika al and that once thrown off, wo can 1 • oj Ik* W **4 fioul 4«M,t el (h* 4‘«,uil lit»u*w ol aintR du f ol >o% ruitrr, A. D 1474, al itc—a fool alwaya carries with indebted to D. 0. llord arc r squeez'd ■ARY P. HAVENS, I D . a CIaia Umi uanniy, MA4.k>«au, au Lh« tii of Bi. two ooock lu tk* aftenua.u uf said day.-Dated Si all march on with springing atep to the him his cap and belle—but why a dree* Johns. iu said couuty, tber* will aold al publtc Jokua, BapU mber Imh, |474 to call and settle. I need every dol ­ HYSICIAN, St. John*. Mick. All call* ' «*■■«• U» tk* bight at Uddar. t|tr pramlat aiu *aii| ______OdLtSH A I'kMlkLI., Bketif. overthrow of OrantMMnitism awlan l the rescue rouipotad of several skirts, with skirts P promptly altanJud tn, night and day . 4)1)1 I mortgage u • g-ptenD wr i. m*. ______W. BUNDAY I -ul'•• *org* two Wrsi, Cliotou oi*d Bam a.h. 1474. undersigned, un tka llib day of October 1474, by (UraduaW of T«Uultrraii), Canada,) ______WILLIAM F. MOOHk. Mo rtgagac list Haa now on hand n large and rartud aaaurtmwni <»t the Judge f Probate of tdtutau aauuty, Mielogan pocket* and defraud the people. single troweer passes for highly proper, or rsKWitas • 101 a a HU Hrttlul. Udlr*. Clintou At#* HALE. l>JWuir i to Mill real aatale belonging to tk* rotate uf Juba nut , u> v-r It J WuodruS a, St. juhiia, Mirk Ika *r*t hranda of .. i .m-wm • — it would puaxle a lawyer to de termine. Awarded to Clinton county exhibitor* PS iUL kuou a*aoa io tka condition* of a certain W . Fox, Docaoat d, 1 will *eil al pub’le auction ta —Ladies and gout's underwear in Boots A m««m***.***«|H*4 jui/ 14th. 147). by Hrteu X lb* klgkaat Ndd» r oa tb* TtR day af Ikwc- at the late Central Fair, held at Lfin- R. STRICKLAND, Riekartteon to W m F. Moum^ad lacotited in ika ember, IM7 4f at one o'clock P U , at ike every variety at Stephenson's. —Stephenson A Boo have now in |AW and CltAurviy Baaint-a*. rarUrulatal- ottca of Ika Koglater of ikwda for Clinton count) Protmte OAca, la tk* village of Ht JoDoa. in aald stock a lull line of the celebrated Gosh sing: tantlon glT«n to tha riamlnatloi. and a*ttlu- Mtcktgau, on tkr lath day of July, 147), lu Llbrr manly, ad lb* following daocrlbad real raiatr, vta ■OS r« Lt»«nt of dlaputudtltl** to lira I Ratal*, lour*) )) of mortgaa**, on pa«a 44, oo wbicta Biortgagv Tk* South half of ike Boulk-aaat quart, r of Becllwn Tub only true Democracy ia the old en Flannels. These Flannels are made a* oo anting dour with doapateb. Agmt for aal«and tkara la c 1*1 mad to ba duo at tb. date of |kW **% aoteen (17), In Towualup right (4) North of SUIDtm 7 yr*.i . A. I**rm«rter, iutb, 14... iloo. Mm aum of ona kuodrrd nod riftj arvi-o do.- Kang* three (3) W»e4, tn ( Itnton county, Michigan hard-money Democracy of Jefferson, of the fiocat wool. The colon are war oung St. Lawreucv, «yra, A. J purrbaavof land. OOicr at ie#l«l« ncr S . K Cornvr 7 ______( I 00 Coutl Hour*Sqoara, SI John*, Mick. 174 taraand aaatnly tkrac ernte, l*kteh incJudtw tkr - Dated a paid lu / matter of tha Ratal* of WnUam MtCrumb, The following is a description of our Pair m>rM 10 yro, Juba Ukltwrt. Shepard- TJ ' cat* an) proo-adip** should ba takau la loracioac stolen from profligate Republican* like Silt, ...... • *•••••••••••••• 1 tk* Mm) br pnxurtil uf I»1C ti B t OKIUN for .» Deceased Wo, lb# undersigned, kavir g been tnsaon.r. and no suit or p«o> aadings «t law or lu appointed by Joel U. Crausou, Judge of I’rolan Kelley and Butler, ia not the Democrat ­ late fair as viewed by a correspondent Stallum 13 ytN R. K. Troobndfv. Bath. lat, Illtlrmuna) aa at an> offlrcin Michigan liurd ’a A Nil acuity batrlof baas InaUlnlail to recover an) part io mi Building,St John* Mi I) , for the CiAOl ty of C Unto a, H tat# of Mb big m .Cum- ic creed. Honest payment of our debts, of tbe Ovid Register : Stallion 4 yro, O. W. Hwogari, Bt Jobs*. 34, 4 Ou of tka daU t*rwa4 by *atd murtgag-t, Now. tuiaatoner* torec* lvc,axamibcaDd adjustalicUitu* 4 UU 4 aupwrb atari of Ikarwfore, by virtue of tka pwri of *ata lu *aid I and demandsagalitat said deceased, do hereby give Htallioa 3 yr*. T. U. Hall, Bath, Itl...... mortgage routainnd and of the a tat ale in sorb rasa unalterable oppoaition to Grantiem, Tbe Btate Fair system i* daatioW, 2 00 A. STOUT notice that we will meat at tbe residence km StaiUon 2 > ru, B. K I'ruwbri*!**-. Rath. 14 ... mad* aud provided, hot tee la hereby given, that oa constant warfare against the Rings llroo4 mar* 4 yr», T. HU llall, Salk, lat, dipt*- TTo RNKY AT LAW, Ot Johoa. Mlchigna K. Jeoulaoo, to the township of Ragle, lo said eventually, to be superseded by the Ortl** In Hank Blo ck, uoulh door. Id floor. We Will Not be Undersold. the 41 It ef Becfmkrr, 1474* at oua county . on Friday, the lltb dav of Nov« mber 1174 ■a, wJ...... I «M which infest the Administration and on 4 I HI A Glass-ware o'cloek In tk* attariKAon. at tkc West front and oo Tueaday, the lltb day of April, 1474. at County Fair ayateui, and this by the Brood atari 0 yr*. A. T. Bates, DeWttt, 24.. door of tk* Court Uouse for Cilutua connty, 4tick- Mar* (not brood) 4 yra. W V. Rear, Bath. 34 * UU • o'clock a. n. of each ol aald days.fortk* purpose which ita power ia built up, thorough Township Fair system, and this will BAYLIS A COOK, tgau, In tk* vtilan* ol Bt. Jokus. la said count), of receiving aod adjoatiog all claim* against said Harr tout brood) 2 yra, R R. Trowbridge, TTORNXYS and Counsellor* at loiw and there will ba aula at public vaudu* to iba btgbiat reform at Washington, Albany, and Bath. Is...,...... 1 00 and deceased; and six aoath* from the 11th da) finally be split up into divisions and be Sollcitura In Chanr«ry,St. Juhoa, Michigan, j i.iddar. the pramiaa* In **id mortgage datenbed, Octoker^|l74, la the time allowed by aald Coart Harrisburg, and overthrow ol the one- 0*1 dm* 3 yra, W. F. Hear. Rath, 24...... 1 al ARichard Bay It*. Circuit Cuurl Cummtaalonar . 330 ! via Tka iHMtk-waat quarter of tk* aoatk east located wherever a market ia ueeded, Colt I yr. K R Trowbridge, Bath, lat...... 2 W for crcditorsto present tbeir claim* for adjastmaut C AI*I* AND C US Stone-ware, quarter of aectloa arv*a , and tk* north wtat quar and allowance — Dated October 11th.1fl74 man power in politics, are the war cries Throe coll* under I yr old, the *• t of on* tar of tk* north a**t qoartar uf saauon algbiaw-u, iu reducing it from an exhibition to a ■tallioa afe.'vu with art, R K Tim a l»ndgi- L. W. FASQUELLE, M. D., PHILO DOTY. for the people. 4 00 uiaictAB abo at anauk. Ulllc* at hi* r«*id«uc« j towoablp six north of rang* on* waat, CMnton WM F. JKNNIBON, practical place of barter, aalo and ex­ Bath, lat...... IS r Iran Mwalttrnn. Aiwayaoa hand.and County, Mlablgan^-Itetad Heptetnbar »h, 1474 pi®: w « Commissioners change. Once a year will not bo suffi­ Pair ui*ra» • yra, U. W Haagsrt, Si. John*. P on Waiktr at reel, rat t uf Clinton Avaonr, Ht. WM. F. MOOKX -—Another cargo of thoae dark col ­ 5 00 John*, MitklgM Calkptasytly moasdnd u> 1344 > Mungagar cient for the requirements of this kind Sucking ooit — Trowbridge ’* Spucrai— H K ored etx-pennj print, ju*t received, at Trowbndgo, Bath, lat...... k on WALBRIDCES A FEDEWA, L HALL A CO, AT LOW PRICES. OKTCAkl. BALK -Itefaull having of market, but it will be held at least Sacking celt - Trow bn 4*i- ’• Bpxrol —T. It. a TTOUNKYSandCouiiarliur*at Law and So bewa made In tk* condition* of a cat lain Stephenson's. 4 00 __llcllor# In C tiMHCrr) All tualni*** ntruatsd lo H». John*. April «4. H71. * J»M once a quarter or even monthly, 8 o Hall, Both. 14...... 8t. Johns. } m iigagr dated February )4lk. 147), and sxaentad .... ^ w ^...... Mara (not brood i • yra, J. Willot, IS-Witt, tbalrcur* will b* promptly and faithful!) attended 1 . . by Jobu W. Gardner and Pbaha A ud Uarduar lo The Ohta Election* much for prophecy. 14...... • 3 oo io. Ofirt with t’roawcutmir Allornry, in lb* ; * ‘ Anted llu*ton, and recorded February 17th, 1*7). Burkin* coK--Fottar ’a *p«ul-A T. Ba»ua, i’otiri llou*«* *t John* Michigan 330 i KW ARHANGKMKN1 ! in tka ofltcu of tka Register uf Dt* attention *tecu to Chrontc und Huftcwl euar*. ^ Mortgage to be paid shun id any proceeding* la ta­ ia plain that if the ViDemocrats of Ohio tending, and all came home satisfied “Frank Hmi b ." J. T Monro*. K«gl«-. 4tk.... 4 00 ken to foiccioae aald mortgage : Aod Do *ult or 4o do do Ith.,.. 10 00 SPAULDING A CRANSON. , proceed lug at law or ID equity Moving bean lustltu had been led by the Democratic states that the management had spared no "Prtr." A. T Balm, DvWTli, VI...... 4 UO BLANKETS, lad to recover Day part ol tb* debt aacurad by said TTORNKYHkud Counaollor**! l^w, and H*.I h men of Ohio instead of by their Cincin ­ pains or expeuse to meet the wants of mortgage. Now, iMvrrlurv, by virtue of tk* power The Lou Price Sim, Baser. A tors In CliAum),Hl. John#, Clinton Co. Mkk of sale iu aald motrgag* autttaioad. aod of he stat­ nati corruptionists, Hayes would have exhibitors, and that the proper advan ­ H-tn l mh Innltl Hard Deh'itt, 14...... ■ O.L aPAVLIMWO I • ■©■*■*©■ ute In atich uaaa mad*- aod provided Notice I* BT. JOHNS. baraky given, thaton ike 4|*i day of December, at been beaten by an overwhelming ma­ tage was oot taken of these facilities Frn Unbt Danirl Hurd, l>rW itt. VI. 1 t« BLANKETS. am o'clock la the afternoon, at lb* want front doo< jority. With all the advanUge which was not the fault of the association. twin. illK OKNTEK of tb* Court Hun** for Clinton county, Mtcklgno, a false tinaucial issue gave to the Re­ The number of entries were nowhere Sow 3 Uia, D. iLr*. Bilk. 24...... in the village ef Bt John*, In aald county, there 7,u 4o 4* 34...... | will ba aoid at pnbil* veudac, to tha bigkeat W4- publicans, the fact that Hayes is elect­ up to the mark that can be toed by ler, lb* surd mortgage deaertbad, aa We are now reviving oaaiaa aa* ****** MEAT MARKET foihr***, via : AU *1 that portion of tk* nortk-waat ed by a majority so small in a total Clinton county ; and while much of Hail bualt*l UirLl » hr*t, Wlliiub P N*-ar, Tike l.nrfral and Hf f ( kaaerlWBOMt ' quarter of aeeUoo Dior. It ing north cd the kookii f daily our Fall Stock of vote §3 large forebodea tho hopeless de ­ this may be attributed to the weather, Balk. l*t ...... 1 Ut I a *t ill ob tha npward trnak, *n4 paopla rani haia •f gi«aa rtvac ; aod Dll of that ponloo of tbe south- Hall buakfi wilt# wir.ter wheal («r* aarietr) And Ika hrat of 1 west quarter of aactlon four, lying aoutk of tb* Dress Goods, comprising feat of the Republican party even in this year, still more may be laid to tha H. tt C’!*wa->n, Bath. lot...... J 90 ! UraiKi River Road (ao-aniied); aod a pier* or par Ohio itself when Ohio Democratic plat­ Throw TMTirtiea winter wt**t, U 8 . (’Iivmi , ' cal uf laud, comtaeociiig at the uortk-ewsl norner all the new styles of inertncaa of the farmers of the county, Salk, lat...... a ue Frr>h, Drird and Suit Mcab. , of mcimn eight, and running want iwaoly-savea forms are the exponents of Democratic who are incom:ontpr rebeosibly slow to take Hklf I’uaLrl *r*T buckwheat. A 1>. Faiten. rods: thaoce run rung aantb to the Looking glass Worsted Plaids, Plain DaWitt, lat...... I os Aa haiviolor*. %ud ll shall he m> furlh*i aim to - river tgeuc* running east along tka bank of aald principle*. Nothing is clearer to the advantage of thfe fine chance of adver ­ Half btt'hil *ray buckwheat. Iliroia Haiitk, 4* via* in runs of beat strain* try cuatowar*. all of i nver to tk* eaat line of said arcuon eight ; thence and Clouded Poplins, unbiased political observer than that tising alone that is given at the Connty Hath, 14...... whom willplaaa* anrapl my warmest thank* f.»r i ruantng north ta tbe place of begin mug , ail of Hkif buaSei re4 etoter **rl, H H CUwaor, thadr kind a ad llbwrai patrona*a in ths past, and I , said daacriptloU* being tn Tvwuabip Five North Black Alpacas, Empress ths election of Ilayes is not a Republi­ Fair, setting aside well known and gen ­ Bath, lat...... 1 uo tru*l by kc*pin*food meat# and dealing allk« unto I of rang* two west. In MichiganDated October Y*l o« lent own. Illna Smith, Ihth. VI.... 44 allmanto m-rlt* routlnuanecoftk*tarn* 4th. 1*74. AKABKLL H I'SI'ON M or gag. v Cloths. Ac. can victory, nor a Democratic defeat. erally uu lerhtood reasons. White that corn, blaa-i. A O Feltuo, 1 *• Piitiit* Baldwis , Att’y*for Mortgager It is the defeat of an attempt to rally Friday was the day of the Fair ; a Witt, lat...... 1 9> WM BKHl.h Y Blankets! R. GOETI'E, White flint rorr, Hiram Siaitk, Bath, RDLB rOK PI BI.IC.4TIO>.- \ Democrats under Republican ataodarda; crowd out of all proportion to the at­ St. Johns March Ud. 1474 I74:tf tlAltl 14 State of M IchtpaB. Tbe Circuit Court tor tbe it is the rejection of an incompetent tractions, was present; everybody, ap­ Swewt (on marl) >, liinua Smith, Hath, lat.. : o» OV ounty of Clinton - lu Ckan«-er) John Vauc* vs. Cvl tcUeii a*v4 earn, lliram Smith, Bath, VI, I <* III Hal* part wf the r • Malry* Just WiUlaia Mann Al s aaastou uf aald Court, held : •penrd ai leadership usurped by a small knot of parently, enjoying themselves thorough ­ YMITalU*. si ik* Court Uouae, to the viiUga of St. Jtdtna, oo FIDE JEWELRY! tbe 9Wh day of September, A. D 1474 corruptionists centering at the Enquir ­ ly, and all dressed in the Faris fashions Collection dltfrreiit r* i#-ie- potato**, lltram Fowler Carriage Factory. 1‘rvacnt. W. H. Cootel, Circuit Court Cummla- We are ala* prepared! •• of­ er office with whom politics is a trade There were plenty of finely dressed gen ­ Smith. Bath. 24...... Manor. fer <.Hfi:AT BAlft€.4l*fi la naikT rwkictt, AND PLATED-WARE. It aatiafaeton r appaaru.q to tkl* Court that tkc fi.adlea’ II alor-Proafo, Hea­ and political principle* a pretenae. tlemen but a poor show of swine. There ter anft Wltrirrx Barkimgo, Ch aw, Lrrny Masom. Ht. Johns. l»t...... 2 00 PAD LEY’S. aald defendant, William Mann, U a a oa resident Tbeir folly in shaping the issues of the were elegantly attired ladies, crowding CIuc Un , of this State, bat la a resident ot tha t'tata of New •f whlrh mo Maw* ’ a growl < tin itt IT* York, variety. present campaign has been supreme. It around the pianos, aid the (ine and Ten rsnetiei winter apple*. John Oilt-ert. MpBCtAolck aud Chboh , Ul mutton of Mar* Bartow, lAulrcitor far lire IkipAltktUls lat...... 1 40 HEHL, COSHAW * CO., aald compiaiuant. It I* ordered that tka defendant required the very genius of fatuity for costly fabrics exhibited by gay, jaunty Two runwttt* winter apptea, A L» Fallon, IH, llcvolvcrs, William Maon can** his appearance In tht* cause tbem to prevent Ohio from bciug trans­ Agents in the floral hall, but there were Witt. 24...... 4® Manufartuner* of Ponkct Cutlury, Ao lo ho rnierrd wtlbln three aaonth* from the date of , Trn vartetiw* aalutun appira, Jofeu Uilt*il, Fupkiippm ti ii • l Horne ihia.order, aod that ta race of hta appearance, ke ferred from the roll of Republican to only two old women where the turnips, SkrpardsTtlla, 34...... *0 ow iiera oonsstilt jour cans* hie answer to tk* complainant a bill to b* the roll of Democratic States. The rutabagas, stoves sod potatoes were on On* ra nety autumn apple*, A 1> Felien, L>* Wagons A Carriages SFROIAI. ATTENTION GIVEN TO < filed, and a copy thereof to b* arrved on the Com- Witt, 1st...... rOHLEH, nil II. b«kM( lilt 4*1*4*441 m find (lo not t plaluaut'* Solicitor wliht® tnenty days after the misdeeds of the Republican party now exhibition, and they looked as though nuiitib a wo b»uii r a rira. ! servtc* of a copy of said bill and notice of or ­ We would especially your If laiiio'ta der, nod to default thereof that tke aald bill be ta­ ripening in all baleful fruits, in the they were tired of them ; they poked Siniplr caanad hum without au*ir o**r one We are prepared *o furnl*h all aiyla* < t Wag Fine Watches nut 11 you liiiv4* 4*xan«iln«*cl ken aa confessed b) tbe *aul defeudaot William call the attention of the disorganixation and usurpations of the them over with their fingers ins dreary y«ar old. Mia J (Jtlbcrt, Hkepardarlll*. lat I UJ on*, Carrwgr* and Sleigh*. And I he pun baaing of tbe asm*. Mean Ilrtrd applaa, Mra J Utltwrt, Hkrpardsrilte, t IiIm Mnnimol liHtocK. And It ta further ordered that within twenty Ladies to our large as­ 8 >utn, in the universal hard times at sort of way, as though they were mak 34 At Very Iaow PrlcPH. days, tb* aald complainant cau** a nolle* of ibt* or- woaaua wouu. Hsvloc had mauy yaarsaxpartenre in tke mak­ I der ta br published tn tbe CMnton Independent, a ihe North and West, these and the ing a mental calculation of tha number ing sad repairing of Watches, Clock* end Jaw- sortment of Tak Laces, Worsted tidy. Mra E Ilnrd, Ilrt'iti («p«e»al) 24 A nd will warrant oar wi*rk In everv Ina’ance io be newspaper published In this eouoiy. and the aald principles of a true Democracy which of tons they had pared, roasted, boiled Woratad wreath. Mr* K Kurd. llcWltt, lot.. 40 aa good and cheap aa caa be fourd at any other airy ,*lr*a "»• many advnntagr* over three who ; puMloaiton ba eootiauod once ia each, for aix sue- Bead Gimps and Fringes, establishment lo :bla country have bntn veryllmited knowledge of suck things. ceaaiv# w*rfca or Uiai ha cause a ropy of ibi* order are and have been a fiat protest against and fried, day by day, for tbe butter­ PRICES WAY DOWN! 1 **k fora shara of the pobltr patrocag* I to ba personally served oa aald defendant, William Worsted Fringes of all those misdeeds in all their causes and flies in floral hall. There were also a ! Mann nt leaoi twanty days before tbe time above Morse kheclnig . Hryatrlui and 11. GOKTTE. 1 prescribed for hi* appearaoce.-Dated September PROSPECTUS FOR 1876. ebbing. <41.1. %>!» kf.E. colors, and the finest their present conseqneocee-v-what oth­ number of young men poking tbeir fun J Bt. lobua Jane 17th. 1173. M* »l Sab, A D 1«74. WM. 11 CABTKL. Circuit Court Ooiamiaeionar, for Cliutoo county. line of Ladies’ Silk Ties er reason, what better reason did a peo ­ at the edibles, who bad passed through I'romptly and avitf*4-««ri»v | Coutlaid H ill, Deputy K«-*>*ter. ple have for discarding their political floral ball with every manifestation of The Evening News, HI. Julius. Hep! J®'... 1473 ever offered in this mar­ FuWler, (Kt.ldth, 1474. 41® Ijf |>MOII.%Ti: OH Ol. N . - Bia»e of MtcM- servants and selecting new one*. These respect sod most becoming gravity. ST. JOHNS X^ff4n. County of Clinton. *a At a *eeaion of r>etroit 9 >1 icli. KTKOIT M1LVVAU ket. were all-sufficient reasons. These were Good enough, after all, for vegetables, tn* Probate Cunrt for t be roan!connty of Clinton .bol-1] D liKK It n. dan nt tbe Probate Office, io tka village of Bt. the true reasons upon which the Ohio hogs, and ao-forth, don't amount to any­ 1IX EVRXIiro HFWS. Daw in Ita thirJ year, First N ational Bank Jobna, on Mooday tb# 37th day of September, In I* ike acknowledged grml M**|«|ej Mhxvat tha year o ne thousand eight hard red andtcvanly- campaign should have boen fought thing until they are cooked. ofT tka iauad* RetabUokad Ju*t on tha *v* ef tkc or ST JOHNS IBTO* Carriage Factory! flve. - ■■■ Snaitelal panic uf 1173, tn a city containing four Cetilfnrtber itoiiee. train* will teat# Sami Present .Joel II. ( ranso n . J u Ife o They had some racing, —and some atkar daily nawanapt-r*, ard papers too among the >f Probate. CAPITAL. IftU.OOO John* ll under: loth* matteroftbe Ka'atenfORLK1N H UAV . —Tho place for the ladies to buy ablest in th« treat, it baa to tb a akon period, and GOING WKST— said it was oo the square, while others Hurplut. - EKCUOL, and KILL D HAVKKuiOL, Minor*. waterproof sod beaver sacking is at under tkase adverse onuanUbort, by skear tot or Tbmuclt Kreisbt at t *-irott con rn Oni- Ntoch ot* Meii’an eying. Tbnee who sntertaioed the for ­ CHAKI.RH Kirr. rreaident, Nifht Kxpres*. vritb aleepinff enr, fit 4.1® a.a. praying for reason* i herein art forth that he may mid lloys* Clotliing sent patterns of the latest style to cut porarva* eambineg. aa uumeUM popularity ihraaeh- JOHN KICKS. Vice I'rraideo', for Grand Rapid* ar.-l Grand Uav«n. be licensed to oofl certain real estate hrionglng to mer opinion were generally the men *ut tkc State, and a sound financial sUa Img *urb fi S. WALKER ( aahter Mail ni ) 3r* p.m. for Grand Haven. and Mli or*. w«t•• never uioro com- fcy who won the money —the latter were at any paper three timoc IU age might envy. Grand Rapid* Exprem.luqO p at. Tkareupoult I* Oidered That Monday .the 24lb I»lot«, belnN rnablrd It haa an actual carrulaU<«n (October, 1174) of GOING LAST- day of October A D. 1974. nt aln* o'clock over KJ«i,cijjia Of thace about 4,4(0 are taken Dlrrrlar* ! Grand Rapid* Ext>re*a 404 a. tn. to lit I h«» lai’ifriMt ol Oclster the losers. CnatttaRirr. Aim ll Wuui, tnthe forenoon, be aaeigntri for the bearing of in tk* tn tenor town* and viiiagn* cl Mmfcigan. aa Maitl.ioai p m. for lYetroil. said petition, and that tk* next of kia of said ni€*ik nnd t lie wmullest Hats.—Shape* are in great variety, There was a hotel outside the for vast %« Nile* aad north to Ludingtou and Jonx Hire*. Joim rnoi, Mixed at 4 3k» p.m. for Owo#*o W. rda aod ail other persons interested In said of* Hoy m, nnd at prl- Traverse City Wherever it I* once taken It rarely 4 * ttr a 1 1 Wiilll bat a small, rather oval crown and grounds, that had so immense rush, io Nicht Kxpre«« at 19.1® a m for Datroii. allk estate,nr* required io appear at a sesalon of said oes lower thau over loam it* focchold- aleepinff car attached. Court,then to bo holden at tb* Probate Offies, In ‘Ina Rvaaixu Raw* is uxlepm.ient ta poJitioa, liflort*. straight brim, which admits of a full every waj equal to tbe jam in floral Reran* Jepoalta,boy and m!i exrhang- on all Tbr<>n(h Kreisbt I*y O i m. tbe village of Bt. Jobna, and show causa, if any Ighung oorraptton, munopo y and ring tutngaa* SuTff.—Tbe Grand Rapid* Kxprea*. formerlv tkara ba, why tk* prayer of tb# petittooer should trimming beneath, ia the favorite for ball, and it took two men as rapidly as • nerevrr they b*oome apparent, no matter • he Is point*, deal in Gold. Silver. Canada Money. kn<»n a* Ihe “St. Jnbns Arcummodatton/' hit. not bo gran; ad And it Is Farther Ordered, that married ladies. Young girls wear a they could fill glasses, to assuage the United Stales Bond*. 4c . 4c Reresrr deposits D'iw leave* Grand Rapid* al 4.0® a. to . aod St. notice be given to tbe parsons Interested In said Few pt^n in Ike country prevent ail the newa of John* at 0.04 a m., arrivinc in Deiroitnt 19.30 estate.of tbe pend#uc) of said petition, nnd the pretty miniature edition of the * aRu- thirst of Clinton county ; hut there Lhe doj in a mere racy and reliable shape, every­ noon * retnrnint. leave* Detroit al I P p.m.. nr- thing dull, pro*) and tadtuua being rigidly escluded LOTT St, WISE, konriag thereof, by reusing n ropy of this bc*DS * trimmed with velvet and feath­ was nobody at the pump—nothing but rivinc in St. John* nt t.4® By this train pasaen- order to b* published in theClinton 1 n«nd*nt, from tta o»lumna TYivial matters are ...udcncod ] xcr» cau leave here «<* la Saffinaw and apead 4 into tha •mail**! eompaaa, while really Important SaTiDf* Department la tke skop formerly ooaupted by O. W Barker a newspaper printed and circulated In said coun ­ er*. Bonnets of velvet, very much a horse—aud he rubbed his nose against hour* and return the -nut* dav. events eacure all tke atteaUun that tk* largest and are prepared to furatak on akort aoitea, ty of (’Union . for three eaceaaeiv* week* previous trimmed with lace, will appear as the it in a reflective way and threw an ear cocthaet sheets could gtra thorn Thao, Tn* Eta Of ania* as email a* oav dollar, oh which DU EXPRESS; Say,?,-.y'-ki: to said day of hearing. Call and look over our »taa News v»i tk* only Mtehigaa new*p*|ier to at the rate of flv* per rent per annum I* paid on JOEL H CKAN8UN, Judge of Probate. season advances. Feitbers, birds and forward as tha gl**sea jingled inside. jteFThrouvbt ticket* to all point# East and (A true copy.) large stock of (ottoo Flan ­ send a aaamber of its owe tUf fa> Fktladalpbta lo the Aral days of Jutland December, on nltanma W eat ran be purchased at the Depot. tbe wings and hearts of birds are more One of the finest roads in tbe Btate rator. oo the prugrwas of the L'vnieaoiai. and it ATE O99 WUH. —ntalToiMichigan. on deposit one month previous to the** d®te*. the MUomimp Cmr» on mli Might Trmimt, I>H01 nels. Hating bought s used for felts. Russian lsce, Valenci ­ leads from the fair grounds to tho vil- will be tkaouly Detiolt paper to maintatn in Wash* Refreshment# at Datroit. Onnoao and Grand IT GoaCounty of Clinton, a*. At a *e*siot< ul the tngton tke winter an escluwre oomrapond* same a* In (he Saving* Banks of the Eastern Haven, and apon Company ’s Ferry Steamer on rrobatelMil Court for tbaCoanty o Clinton, ho d*l large lot we are prepared ennes sod real thread and Chantilly are lage of St. Johns, sod it was well used ant detailed tr«Mw tta own staff. Dotrnit River. C-*day, tbe 3Sth day of Heptanher, in in* to offer extra inducewents. market report*, ailLnigh aa* eulumtnoua than tn C*aN*rt<*n*-Atniiteil. with Great Want- yaU'OUrtltousandeight hundred and **veoty Dv*. junction with velvet flowers, the floe Clinton connty is rich, or there could tk* larger journals Irnprovewaetit* in tbte and all Ilea desiring to procure mean* to bo lid bouses by era and Grand Trnnk Railway* for nil point# other department* will be laUudaoed ns Ik.or utility Present JmI H. Cranaon Jndgiof Probate Always on hand, a large laces being sometimes o«ed to cover or not be so many fine teams, expensive may become apparent. thetseae of bonds, are dealred to commnnlcnt* East nnd Hire.Central and Mich. Southern R’y. Sleighs, in the matter of tbe R*tat* of WILLIAM In vtaw of theCentennial celebration, tkc Treat- Poasenffeta for Great Western Railway, goon WLBTBROoR. Decaaaed. On reading and filing assortnent of tbe celebrat­ veil—aa it ia called— the velvet. “Rus rigs, and so much fine clothing. Here­ with us. tha Company ’s Ferry Steamer at D. A M.R R tk* potitton, duty verified, of Louisa W'adawortk dcnttal electron, sni tk# Inanctal and other gieat Sell oar own Drafts on all place* In Ragland Doth at 7.)® and ll.W* a m. and •-)• p n. praying for reason* therein set forth that aba may ed Goshen Flannels, Plain •ian" lace is a novelty, expensive, but after, when you pick up yonr paper qneeuon* which will agitate the country, tk* year k Alan, are pr*paced to do 1474 will k* one of peculiar intarrat an® ona tn Franc# and Germany, and transact a Oanera w. . mriM. be unpointed Administratrix of aaid Ratal*. coarae sod not likely to acquire much and read about '‘depression of business,' Genera! S u peri n tend oat - Tkereaporit ta Ordered, that Mooday,the 9Mh Red Flannels, Check Shirt­ which tha tnleiltgmt cmien should take a daily Banking Business 3)1 DAM (Mb'-# 1174. day of October, A D 1974, at 9 o ’clock la lh» vogue here, aa persons who could afford ‘Mack of currency, '* and similar idiotic newspaper if rvev. The terms of Tmu Xvssiaa N*w* are only ft' • fo*#awoa,b«aaalgnedfortk#heartng ofasld peiltlou ing, Flannels le. it would probably prefer a genuine an- and that tk* kair* at law of eaid deewa*- phrases, just set it down that thev don't year, or Ml cent* par month, puotag* li.nuded. X. JOII.NH Bepairini and Hone-skoeim ad. and nil otbet personalnrare*t#d liisaid estate miking it tk* cheap* *t daily paper of its ate* tn tk* tiqo«, of which it ia only sn imitation, apply to Clinton county *! —for lo ID weet Addie-a, S are rvqalred to appear nt n sesalon nf oaid courtcoon .,» t a*bv iiu tovo b#o* hdokurbum olden at tha rioosivPiobate Office,umri tn "rCLL-BACEn. In n maaaar that will eoaarv aaiiafttcrion the heart of tbs county grins tho tiger TNK KVK1IIU UBS. lhe village of Bt Johnsaadahow caeca,!fany t herel I The cbesp wit which usually expend* animal averse to dwelling where Dvfreil, ifidL FOUNDRY be, why tbe pray *r uf tkc petitioner should l«Ot».o bt : rrantedgranted And itIt la FartherFurther <>rd«-r«-d.Ordered, that notlr*n« itself upon some p*rt of t woman's dress currency is scarce. Here is the green AND bo given to the persona intet on; ad in aald eat nte, of tba pandcocy of said petition and th« heartu« ftarUww mrloMing llaar OH hss found a mine in the tisd-bsck skirt, cloth with the magic numbers, tbs Cla«Mn will ft* well ta give thereof by causing a copy of this order to be pnb- ae a trial. " which has been mowt industrioosly . COMMERCIAL. Ban tkelr lit llehed In tb# Clinton Independent, a newspaper witching rattle of the dice, and the cag Agricultural Worke. fiopi 9th.1974 worked. Ths point with the critics is • ■ft Inara thnlr nted aod circulated I a said connty of Clinton, er and interested faces; tbs click of BT. JOHlfl MARKET. three •neaaantv* week* prtvlon* to said day ths iodcccncv of s style which indicates ehiips ; ths rnslle of ths greenbacks, •11II fienrl ng mir*«feetured te older Cof hearing Friers f«r Inrmrrt PradHMs. t | prime btlere so much of ths ootlme of % woman s JOKL II CRANSON. Jodgr of Probate an d tbe whir of tbe golden wheel! MapleBuqar...... OS <* e® meant I'nglnea and all xlnd* of Mar binary y# a Ra nlnn» (A true ropy) iMlw Repaired on akort not tee HalisfbcMou form ; bat from this point of view Plank down your dollars, men of grit, Apple*, par kn ...... 40 te o u® I MOISATi: 9RII R Plait- oTVichtgai. Bcaaspvr ba...... I 74 4 in fU are Bleed. wham. ihsrs is no reason whatever tor the tod venture, sod rise up independent Hfi*v.«i |i>hn*. Auffuet 14th, 1474. any more indecorous than that of a man sod humor, courage sod a stout heart Barkvrbrat pet 10(1 lb* ...... uu® 44 • «A» on Rotnrdny, the 9d day of Ocwter, tn tk* year Clover **ed per !•« ...... o<*® a v w oust kooaond atekt bnndred aud seventy flve. and why should not a drees oallins tbe from the mcrrilj gurgling bottle, and W# have a aplemdld M!U HEARIEt Preaaui,Joel H Cranoou.Judgeof Probate. (!orn per t'u ...... *4 Ready-Mndr Coffins on hand. ••t forth (hot k# may b* I lev need to sell real rotate Draakcd 4urke>a per lb ...... 12 a 1) belonging to aald Minor* be cultivated ? Twenty-five years ago io the jnngl# of St. Johns ! aod if you rdox...... •» te 14 All ralln pramptly ■ Itrnflcd <•( Thereupon It Is Ordered, That Mooday. the womea wore an mormons mss* of akirts come out rich, join the cboreb, clean Uma ...... I» firm day of November, 1474, at • o'clock in Ike for* Shoulder* ...... 1® oeu appo n*ed o«eu»* John*.and show cause, tf any tbare ha, why tk* Lard par Ik...... |1 a on of (be I prayer of tk* natttlouerakould not ke grunted skirts were invented, tbs first of which you come out skiooed, that's oot a mat­ Live h«*fa per 100 Iks 4 #®WOO® And It ia Further Ordered. That nolle* ba gtvou were from foor to five yards rouod, and ter for eothosiasm or eloquence —just Oats par bn...... F at x, HU1TASLX TRUST COMPANY ' ta tk* pvrsoo* interested la aaid estate, oftk* pea I Onion# par bn ...... 40 deucy of said patitlou. and Tfi* hearing thereof, LIND! IVt!4 ...... M> 1 a® with dresses over them aod a woman soeak home and doctor for ths head­ ( op NKW LONDON, by causing a copy of tkiaordavto be published in Near IV; a tor* ...... 24 ft u® ' tbeCUotoa Independent, a newspaper printed; iouids of tbem ooeopying the width of a ache a few days, and denounce ths Fair Tallow per lb...... I ft A Are yreymred to make loan* oa lot) roved Farm and circulated lu said county of Clinton, for three LINDL Tnralp* par bn ...... 3® broad city sidewalk, aod six (ikrot oo a aa a mere pls*e for sharpers aod twiod- ft 84 Property, In tkl* and atikou4n| eannlie*. for terms anecaaotee weeks prewoo* to said day of bearing- Walnut* par Ha...... o® ft 0 mi JOKL H rMANHON Jadge.»f Probate •id#) a street-ear. Dress was then At­ lers, aod protest that tbe whole thing Wood , 11 lo 2# inches per rat# .... 1 no ft 1 4a of Av# years at rrineed tale*. W* kava al our eommand al-o largu aupp'te* of otkev Kaatoru j < A true ropy t L«4w LINDS Rre per hu...... «n ft ®e tacked aod lampooned for concealing should be io the hands of pious aod re­ Wheat — Ritra pet bn...... in fund* for loauluf ou Farm Property lu *um# lo ft I 27 aul* sod for time aa dealred. DB4BATP.9RBEN. State of Nlokiane tha form , the days of ihe first empire spectable persona, —known to be such *• No. I per bn ...... I 14 ft 1 2® IT Couoty of CAvtou. *a At a *e**lon ot tkr were rtoalWd aod ihe classic taste of by just such suckers as you. " No. t •• ...... | iff ft 1 0# ProbotaCourtfov the county of Cliotoo, holden CUTUR WALKER. at tk* * office, la the vil lag* of Mt Jobna, 441 ih« Baa press Josephioe. and ths ladies BtlllKIMBUITITIRa. Beiall Frir**, it. Jokns, Jane rib. 1*74. on Monday, tke 37«k day of Hep*ember, (* tk* Halt per Ul...... I 74 ft aea ye* tow * i konaa ad eight koodve dead seventy five of the renowned French seZew, comment ­ ft 0 oa H onbt .—Now price list Flonrper bbt...... 7 4® Praeoot.Joel H. Cranoon. Jodgeof Pmhate. ed upon. Codfibh wanted display, Corn meal par MS Iba...... I 74 ft 2 oo Ia tka matter of tk# oetate of POLLT Superior White- 04 Stonaitma par be ...... «l Deooaoed- Ou rnodteff aod fling W40ted to M^r«od' ’ itself, nnd rvmwfct to Xi reliant Dark -14 Water Itm# par bbl...... 3 34 For Sale! NEW IS® tk* petit low, duly verified of Harsh Allen, pray hovo been tent abroad lo study *J>aint 4S7-W) G X. CORBIN Btoabarg keosl per ton ...... 1 f SO 8 • ee log that the loot oiU and testament of raid doeooa Cora a ween* I pert on ...... 4 on ed ma ( ba proved aod admitted to prolate. »M •«<* sculptors, ths wuvka of the old Noticb .—Ws most have oil notes W lobinf to ekanre allmate. I al l a*;l la paroel* Smoked Ham* ...... 14 lo anil or all togolher, my N AKNl, eonatating of Ttertraseull I* Ordered.That Monday ,t ke 24th mas ten. aod tho priocipies of oil mod- aod accounts paid or settled before * JteulAMe...... 4® i:,= Three 4® a era lo*a whleh lie* ad)oin1u« dey *t Orioher. 1974, ot 9 o ’clock lathe fnrenoao Dried Beef...... ®® ft HI or* arts io order to got ideas not utter October 10th, or wo aboil hove to ft !• tkc ell of St. J ok rta, and 92 aerea of village pro koaaotguad for tk* baa ring of raid pet rite*, and _ eo, my roaldenoa and my #u»ek of Hoc- FURNITURE EMPORIUM! tkot ik* krir* ot low and legate*. „f MH| dvrmrad ]y disgraceful to modem civilisation, moke costa. Hoping you will do so ot ETLtit*. Call la. Hnagiea, Colter*, flame aces and H art nffremnv ad »•« ••Geo be girvu to tkc peranasIn- Toeeday , Jan. |S. l§14, Tnoaday, July It. 1174. lusaid eai* •kenewdenrt of the hear iot of form as applied to dress, matters Bt Johns, Sept. 22, 1875. - Fab 14, *• Ana la. M NABTHIXt, Prap’r. ALL RHBt or - Mar It. - *• Kept 14. M D Mt Wo bavo at least got rid of hoops, To A ll Paonis Ivdvbtbd to Ua. •* Apr It. M ’* <►! It. ** FT. JOHNfi, MICH* nod wo hovo got a dress that io oot oh —We have waited patiently on Notes •• May It, - Nov i, " trusivs, that it oottbor oo straight oor 4aa*14. ** " Dae T, “ Tki*I Ol* kenSOU*# a* •* i-miraii;iwotraily loamodi I* tk* bust aod Accounts pool duo, aod cannot do Bv Oapao »» ana U P. rt ef ih* ml lag*, andaud haska* tu aeonoction * C r. WlCRB.Bea’jr. Wood Work scoot, oor objoctiooablo io toooo rs- oo any longer. Wo therefore odvios Cmptr Room ter tk# #*# of eommervlil seen . ipoeU so the strict abort-waiotod, low- aiao, a free Bo* which ran i*ft r* to nod OF' EVERY DffiftORIPTION. those who are owing uo to call aod pay U. Jeka* U4x*Xa. 144, P. 44 all refoior traloa, nnd oooveol ffiTICJi M koevhv ffiven that all daiw* TO BX NAD AT 015* MILL ooohod, ahort-aioevsd dram of tho 17th the same im media tel •afieMtiate biting i for koeor*. To ektrfc we or# eonUy adding S**e ,,e®< •galgri John W Fog. 1st* of K« that boo, oo tho contrary, m 4 regularInr t*Gommaataatioa of •«. * oouutv of CBwtoo audand ftftate ate of M ekt if they cannot ho No m, p. ft. ft. M . on tka follow FftCfftfi VltktM 4 WfiB ho uftnaiad n* r®Il aieft got Frlroo. ilittoo of beauty, grace aod olo- settlements bj hkf Sates Prwhole gf gg|4 f of CSnton, | 14,1974 Moa4ay.ialylS.lffn. New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. OMm Ht ft ^LVusTte raonra •« Mon dav Tte SWAa^nll klndoof Lemkor tod if tho wooror or bar msdiWr io oo obliged to place tho nmo Ip tho ‘ V - A ng 14. ** £ *V«f NovemUv. W74. nnd 4 *. -dLy.' tk* ***** artkfi, aod knows how to toko advao- of tho prop!* offioor for oollootieu. Wo •• Boat. W, M — kg#— PICTURE PRAMINO A 4PCCIALTY. Maauh. 197®, biIo MmI a |. #• onok !*?.'. W*, •* " W. tl, M •upftvintftndftntft. And nix W0k the data af lift of thorn. Wt boro o drew which harthy giro fair warning io timo. ** Wt*. i »* tM* noueam , to prawawt tkofv m io often stupidly oov rro d with trimming McFarlan 4 Cbocl : H - Doa 4 •• Has. IB ffiffift !•• mrnrnm Bl®«h, nlMwn im - Doled 11TB 4 ClMPtBU- Be Ompsa at tea W U Mag Ifita.lfi ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. NS C. P. WICKd.Boa y ly BAY CITY, MICH. pod ridiculously mad# up of 8t. John., Jmmt 4,1876. [460 crawbon . Judge of Fteho U M«lr.Ml«h. tub. in TEAS.-—A large stock of from first hands just received, and selling low, at GRISWOLD'S.

JOHN C. CROUL. -Good haiul-made cm If I max* fur Ah J. O. Hru»i**m, )w*tic* | M Joe. Klpp.Swpt of poor. ... W 40 I By Mr. Ilarriuwtoh : , Birtckland. attorney few Iu •»f •-People VO .at Hanford’*. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Allowed at...... ollowed at,...... SV *-** Aca't of J B Crm, oouotable fee* John Ca*> y,’ w*a «lawte ai flu MuJdeulj, iu Ohio, 00 TuoitUjr, Oct. lAeorgw W, Eaton, aiiaading - Kipp 4k Fowler. *wp|dlra lorowuntv " U. M. Hagerdota, Juailoa fee*. D* utoitou of Mr. D**y, th* Board adjowrasd BARMY | — Have you maw)ding A Cranoon, att’v allowed at...... V) tt allowod at.... | j B lleaveuricli 'a. iiifn * 4 ,000,000, li< M\,erlcb *. mournes, Gov. Alien not being able to lage of Mt J«kM, om Uua4«f, tba Il k ©ay af Oa- lawA,.,...... S N A.J. Wtggtna, anamination of la* i -* J . U. Collin*, coast able fooa, 4g 49 tober, A. I*. MU. AUowod at.••.••«..*••••.«.,#•• . • S 34 nan* parson, ...... t to allowed si, . f| 29 —In the brief report of our eounty — Max Heareuru-li A Ca., Lava aold attend on account of age. Frank Paul, oourt ftw...... 11 U M E. C. King, post mortem «S. It VU PHOENIX, OP BROOKLYN, Tka kartl wa# mIM n of©** by the chair Allowed at...... *. 12 SB allowed at...... 10 to IV kick report was accepted and tha Clerk onlrrad fair in our last issue, we inadvertently iuirn their livery etock to Mr. John Lynch, ------—♦»------— B. V Ukase, Maq lit Fa«|u*Ua, pawl utortoto «>• •* B H Laddirk. dopnty ska rill, 41 44 tw draw order* for the Mm* Tka rvll batag call#© by ika Clark, tka following am i on i low, • * * .... ••...... SB SB sl'owod At...... at 44 Mr. Matkaw*, chairman of the commute*, on uoglected to mention the display made •l.o i. no. red, 10 tb. public. * 8coc * “—W* ,w* ,ro" ‘h# 8 » Allowed at...... 1* SR NIAGARA, OP NIW YORK, Btmber. appeuM aa© uayiakE ta tkair mb* 1 " Jokn Coak aad S otkara. Jury On aaotloa of Mr Uorrlagton, th* report wat ac­ public bulldiaga mad* tka following report : by Mr. George Siefert, a German far —Hr.v.nrlch will ..II you on excel* UmM ibc, ,bo fi«t toeeliug wa. fans,., ...... a aa cepted and tka 1‘lovk ordered t»* draw ordora for Tw tub lloa Ho*an or Hvrssviaoa*: mer of Beogal, who has always mani­ iifin $1 .SO 0.000, lent overcoat for $5. the Michigan Central Union Fair Amo- Watepbalt*-- Mom Barlow A Dow ad at I aa Your commlttM to whom waa sMianad the duty Otl.u Uvi W. Baldwin M John Cook, oon*l. tow*, ...... 1 M> Mr. Baldwin, C'...- Th* Po«>r Hutto* we found in a good kato of ra- Kaglo— Pkilo Ihtf. llon of Mr. Kinney, wao laid upon th# Ublo until FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES. died last week from the effeeta of inter- brilliant suceeaa for the initial meeting, draw order* foe tk< mm* palt, ezewpt some broken plaafarlng. This work showed a beautiful three year-old Balk - Isaac M. Dryer. this afternoon. to be done under the eunerviaioc of the Huperia- omcE t Olti*-M«r»Ull lUad. Oa aoUoa *f Mr. Bartow, th* report vt tb* tendeot of the Poor, and the esponm paid owt of Mr. Kinnoy ottered the following resolution: Bashaw mere which stands sixteen oal injurin' The record* ahow a total of 1,500 an- OrU -DtWlU C Hamas ion Auditor Ganami appotUoaing *rrtatn Mint* Use* the contingent fund. Victor —rttla* E. 3mm. UsaoLVio, That tka County Treasurer be In ­ A: KsFarUa A CrouTs Hardware- —The Hne»t stock of ladle* ’ and to lha cwuaty of Cllotoo, wu rafarrod to th* Com* Tbe County Inwnr Atylum I* In a good state of hands high, weighs 1,240 pounds tries, and an average attendance on the Eil«r-WilllM H It. Kmw struct od and authorised to taka sack ate-p# a* will repairs and wall kept. ______641 :ly______gent’a under* ear In 8t. John* may be W’aUrtoVD —UrMf* W. Ktuot). mitt** on ILjanimation, with »a»truction* to appor ­ rnabte him to procora Informal ion of tka Insane w* are unable to report say Improvement on aod carried off tha lst premium. He found at Heavenrich*a. last three daya of 3,000 persona The Lakaooa-Jaeok a Ludwick- tion Ik* mm* among the wveral townahip* m-cord ­ Aaylum, iloua* of Correct loo nod Deaf, Dumb and tha Court House. Or*fu ‘/U»li -John A. Mattkawa Hi iud Aaylnm to make a complete rocord of all Keepectfully Submitted. also showed a one year-old bay Bashaw — Our Hiley correspondence «n receipts at tbe gate were 1,000 The Kaaca — Onln V Paok ing to th* oorr*cted valuation thereof. poraoua ever sen* from thi* county to either of JOHN A. MATUKWH, Jhc .UndcpcmUnt StfiflAA-iMUk L’plon. Cln motion of Mr. bar to w, tha Aooount Current thoa* ioatuationa, aad that the *am« bo recorded Chairman. Alley, weighing 1,020 pounds. He carried by yeaterd'j and returned too enterprieiug editor of the H«r»i 1 " on a book already procured, and In tb* Treasurer'* ftl*l NT ATIO* or CLAIR*. tad by lha Clark from the Auditor General, Which, ott motion of Mr. Bartow, was accepted 111 office, and that mid Treasurer to raunburaod from showed a brood mare, the mother of ; * for Ibi* iaue. Wi will give the oetrly teeeo column, of clooely printed Tka following account* wwra prwaant«4 an* r«*- wa* laid upon lha table. tk* contingent fund tor ail nocaoaary eipansa* in- and ordered filed In the Clerk's office. uudecayed p»rt next week. m»tter to . report of tb* f»ir, which i« fwrvd to tka Cwasautia* oo Ctai jia, ate: Oa mottos of Mr. Doty, tha board adjourned curved in procuring such iafonnatlon. Mr. Baldwin, chairman af the com rut tie a oa fifteen of the finest colta aod most per­ till to-motTo», at thr hour of t o'clock A. M. Which, on motion of Mr. Harrington, wo* laid equslikatlon, reported the table of aquaiitatlow, HOME MATTERS. -Tho** overcoat* *t ’. ioterertiug »nd tell, of the gre»t By Mr. Collin* — fect borves to be found iu this county. fi Aoeowat of John b. CarpaAtor, aomatabla laaa . upon tbo lab!*. completed with the several tasee estended, and oo CIm!r | •• Valla. are meeting with extensive vale. , enterprise of tbe people of St Louis •• ** CkauAcay Lott, Joatloa Mr. Ilartlagton offered tk* following - motion of Mr. Bartow, the mine was accepted and In the line of vegetables he exhibited *• * Oourga w. Extra, oonatabla faaa. I VimaBAT Uumik *, Oct IS. Mail* leaving Hi Johns, Katl aim ! Wri, w1U Wbbbsas , There seem* to bo a good deal of dJ* sod adoptod, and ordered to bo died In the Clerk's 5 varieties of the finest potatoes we f |UAN |A ' — At tbe auction sale of Mr. W. N. and the surroandiog country. Tk* Boa id mat j urvuaut to a^jouramrut, and •a Us faction to re poet to tb* present all* for jail Bj Mr. Uptoa office Oo4 04 ILm it MaadRM I* M.; Going Waal Willey, just west of the fait ground* A- oouat of O J Otbba, auppUaa for jail. tko rail boutg orllod. all tk* mam bora arewwrad to aad residence Therefor*, b* it saw upon the grounds. 51 r. Siefert ia4l«PM •* - 11 P AJuki. juatiaa. tkair name* UaeoLvso by the Board of Superrlaora of Clia- To th* Ilonorafoo Beard of Supervisor* of office nocfcs-im a . m to aw p m. a . , , q * „» | \N meat Stoles . — Oo tbe night of this week ------Saturday,- ...A. ------Stout,- —biq^ , . . ,. . . * By Mr. Eioaay ton county tbat w* tak* some rueaauto* or adopt f owadg : came to this oounty from Sandusky « ludaye 1*40 la 1 RO IV M Accouai of h O. M ••on, tlrpuly tkariE. raaavRTatiwR or claib * some plan to obtain a batter and more eligible at to UKO ▲ WELL*. P M , the 15th instant some thievish person for said Jail aud sboflff'a residence, If It can bo will offer for sale a number of bead B) Mr. Junto By Mr. Vptoa oounty, Ohio, about sloven years ago, entered the barn of Mr. C. G. Parr, oo Aoc ’t of M. D Brown, boarding prtaoaat* done at uo greater amount of coot than th* prraant Aocoaat of J. Y Parbia*. eonaubla faaa Into can be used with building, gradtug, fencing Ar and is now considered olc of the moat —Pictures framed at Barker's Gallery. bis thoroughbreds and trotting stock. “ ** A J Brink and otkara, Jury fa*a By Mr. Eiaaoy: thriven. tha Outherie place, on the Gardoer ** ** J. C. Brun«oa, )u«u*c. aci’t uf J. D E*ta», prtaUAg. —Clothing! Clothing! A booming —The latest style* In hat* and caps Mr. Brown ottered tko follow log I'uwtLHfttl and forchaudrd farmers of stock at low prices at Heaven rich *a. road in thin township, and took there­ By Mr. Dota: By Mr. Pack at 11 cave n rich’a. I aaot* 1,2 and 4, block 91. Bt. Johns, I have sold organs aud piano* foi too Account if O W Parka, jiiattaa, jury aad oua- Acv’t of O. Prwnrll, *kortff too*. or retain th* asms, aa they may so* ft for th* MAPLE RAPIDS A.\D UflMTf. —If you wish g«»od work and ea*v forty bushels of wheat. A number of ataWU faM 3 *♦ U. W. kato*. ooAol. faaa- oounty, and to purchoa* lot* 1 and 2, block 17, for fits call on Sanford. * 01*11 a profit. This is why ho does *• « John Bullarrl, twattoa. By Mr. Bartow: Mid Jail ails, and to build Mid jail thereon, provid ­ the bags were marked “H. C. Fay, Be •• " Jokn l>raka, altnto faaa. Ao*'l of Albert Taylor, ton*t. Ira* ing Ik* Mm* can la purchased for a sum not to —A full lina of fall and winter bata not like me tor a partner. Will say to •* ** H. l>. Wolliaf. eoMMaUa f-aa, Wilt,** and tha balance, “T. Parr.” • WU-KN foto ascoed ooe thousand dollar*, th* same to be peld ct and eapa just received at Stepb'MDson's. the public : I am prepared to and will “ Frank Faul, ooratabl* few*. out of th* oonlingoot funds of th* county, O . 18. —On Taesday of leak week By Mr. Ludwick: Mr. Jerome Nash, of Lebanon, waa and at prices lower than ever. sell for leas profits than ever before, We also learn through the Maple Account of O. A. Mains, jostle*. “ Rickard b*) It*, JuMic* fra* Th* yawa and nays being called for by Mr. R*r *• •* A. II. LaUtator, (Mortabla fawn Oa HM>Uoa of Mr. HaLdwin, tka abov* account* tow. the vote stood as follows brought home with one legbsdiy brokeu — Great redaction In prices on all if people will give me the chance. 1 Rapids Messenger of last week, that *• • Iranial Modi raw, Juauo* w*rv rvfarrod fo tk* Commute* oa Claim* Y ias — Meaara. Brown, Collins, Dryer, Hand firasuiiiHUSSi i On lAotioa of Mr Bartov, tka Boar l adjonrnad in the thigh, and his back quite severely goods for tbe uext 30 days at Sanford’s pay no , ffi c reut, aud board cheap. Mr. Barlow, chairman of Ik* Committee oa flarrlogtoo, Ludwick aad Mathew*—7. Mr. D. J. Rogers, of Essex township, aatU to marrow aonirf, at • oVlack Must haTe money Respectfully, Claim*, rrportod back aundry aooounta, nod racom Xara-Moaar*. Bartow, Baldwin, Doty, Jones, bruised. He was at the tune of the ac­ had his barn relieved of three bushels : : 3S: t —We hope to be able next week to 8. C. Fee.veil. mended that they be allowed. Knapp, Kinney, Trek, Upton and Chairman- V. cident working in a mill at Stanton, Ho tbe motion wa* loot. of wheat by some midnight prowlers. TucbiT Moaniii*, Oat. IS Aoc ’t of E B. Smith, ...... 34 7S T _ a and the injury was caused by the fall­ publish the list of premiums awarded Agent.for the Packard and Mason A Oo motion of Mr. Bartow tk* Hurd adjourned t jet Tha Board saat pursuant to a^joaramaiit, and Allowed at .... • ...... M IS Hamlin Oigan, Stanley A Son, Weber, After diligent search by oftcer Hubbell, •* E B. Arc ilk, Btationcry, ...... A M * a e W ing of a car of lumber. at our late fair. lha roll katog aa Dad, ail tha atambara a a* we rad to till 2 o'clock. P M. Koabe, Steinwsy, and other Piano*. the wheat was found in tbe barn of Allowed at...... A 2mmmmm Mr. James Martin, one of the first —Another lot of those $5 overcoat* tkair aaatto, asoapt Mr. Harrington. •* O . W Kata*. own*i foe*, ...... 34 M S and moat prominent citixens of Gratiot juat received at Heaveurieb’s. St. Johns, Oct. 19tb, 1875. 470tf Luther Richmond, and William, a Th* totautoa af yaatarday ’a procmdiagt wara Allowed at...... 24 40 Arvsasooa Mansion, Oct. 14, 1474. ** U. C. Harrington, joaucw II >ard met purawaot to adjournment ; all tko ■ kkkMJIkSkJSSC^S? ill t county .died ml bi> residencer«.d,i in Fulton, —Alouio Richmond, of Greenbush, —l>on’t fail to »ec those elegant neck rand, eorractad and approved. fow*. 1 •* 9 brother, now pleads guilty to the charge 1 44 . manibora prewant. - 00 the 1r*Tio» or claim *. Allowed ...... scarfs and handkerchief* at Heaven- - D- C. Harrington, luitict M r. V Dion presented the account of J. U. Col line E ^ 3 *1 w W_ 5© © 5 iLwaa to AKk h *> last week aold bia farm of 100 acres, to of larceny. . - a a* three weeks. rich’s. Tka following account* war* prat atad ui ra­ I I'P1» .*.**#*•** *#•****•**•••• • constable fees, which, on motion of Mr Hold win, i <> a Mr. Pierce, of Holly, N. Y., f*»r $6,- Allow, d at...... •••• 4 34 Mrs L L. Sanborn btajost resumed ■5i Ri nuumi. ter rad to tb* U. There is not au unoccupied dwelling —A cord of horse blanket* at price* *• ** Prank Moockar, juatiaa fao*. Allow<-d ...... 3 IV to be tied la the Clerk’e office; : : : : ! 2 0 Again, in obedience to the maodatea J. H. Hathaway, formerly resident* of " ** Peter Pataeb, juettc* faaa in this village, and many are occupied greatly reduced at llcavenrtch’a. •• Ciurin Cba|dn and t other*, vassevav. ?! : : ! wfli of God, we are called to rooum tbe de­ " John Cook, to ratable faaa. jury iws...... * «l by two aud three families There are — Auother lot of thoee beautiful pat thi* township, aud who weut to Pali­ “ ** John Cook and otkara, jary tow Poor orders redeemed, ...... *4.u>& 44 ilium Allowed at...... • uo wi : i 5 ' t terns celebrated paper oil cloths and mise of h tn who has psmed singly and ** *• Dr. L- W Faa*taalla, poet mwrtam at- HE. Rata a, U araing primm­ Conti tigeot orders redeemed...... 4.141 To .* If-: : f 1 ? ?i many new houses being completed and sade, Nev., in company with Mr. 1. K am i a* t ton er*, .. . S <4 Buperviaor * pay roll, ...... 442 42 o.rp-.nn* j«« •wvifte at gtrjtoMoaV ,|ub, bu,- llf, Oolr ooe tb. “ “** OPrank V K*ta«,Paul, roaalakl*attending faoa.oourt County Caav»***r e pay roll, ...... 132 98 J will he ready for use by Winter. Hire, about three months since, have 1 Allowed at.. • 74 li ** ** Wilitaat South. aonctaMo foa* ** l M Uagg, *tollob*ry,...... V t2 Asylum receipt* for Quarter* ending Jan ­ — *• a ••«# ral a.•*- * Ag B Mr. Wm. L. llano baa jast finished The rapidity with which they are being ,, », b uary, Apni aad Jaly...... 12b to , * ‘*p.*'j y» — r* . Ze. ; cm —: r . J , .. i l i# roll-call tells us we are passing aw*v ; had their cup of sorrow well filled by AlloWrd *t M...... • 42 ?-*-' r ;1, sawmg his pine logs. The “ Boas," sold speaks volumes m their beualf. r ® • ’ “ M Spa aiding A Craaton, at turn ry fra* I “ 1 bung Bro* , boon* for Kegl*- HwU*« of Correction receipt* for quarter* tfc! %A -Ad.oc.DK (•*rt_v for the benefit —1 f-d.y ****** MttWS lar aud Clark...... 10- 0" ending Doc. Mar June aad Mept...... 239 44 lisiam - isL which »caled 2,000 feet, it> a Tittle too the accidental drowning, on th# 27th of Township primary money*, ...... 4.0*4 to > 5 By Mr. Eineoy Allowed at...... Itt2 Ml t oart dwu** Honda...... <0 much for bim at> they cannot get it into berod with the couutlcas millions September last, of their little son Lutie, Aaooaat of Dt* FaaqaoUa A St* wart, euamintng M UR Hilton, punting ...... 73 k-> <•( the Greenbosh Cornet Baud will he Allowed at...... 12 44 C-oUfion* to 4i zmzuivmm ALTAR. paid his last debt to earth, and hie his lifeless form floating upon the bos- ftt*. far*. . tad and tka Clark orderwd to draw order* for tke Counsel for prisoner* per ord. r of Court. 40 fu r s r ; 5 r©ssc cents a oouple (or each sn i every dance. ly Mr.r. rpum mate Treasurer * Receipt* ...... lo.fol 7g WKAVKK-H tYS—On the evar.trig of Oct. l«tb, death calls both from those who knew om 0j ^ Humboldt River. At the A' at*r w. Baaday. *upp!*«* for court kou*a Bbertfl conveying inmate* to Asylum.... NO 00 - None but flrst-<'lAAa han't* employ­ On motion of Mr. Hand, the Board adjourned County officer's receipt* for quorler end- ...... at Karas, hr R«-v. J. W C. Cox rj, Mr Esra ** M Clark, jaalter to court «.»••*. i Wfim, ufKari, to Min KDa Hats, ofMsple ed In making boot* at Sauford *. bis worth, a silent tear, which shall reque t .f relatives here, who loved him i nil 2 o'eloHk P M log Rapt, tor Clerk, Pro* Alty, Pro- By Mr. Kaapp. bet* J udge aod Hhmfl...... 9,137 to iiisliiisSisIiifii t Rapid*. — Ladies who desire millinery of the bv-dew his grave, and oft’ refresh tbe dearly, we give place to th«* following Jury faaa *v*vi«*ok*d at u*i Town Treasurer * n turn* to county ...... 12* 43 i , , t . pathetic line* : Mr Barww, ckatrmaa of Cwmut** oa Claim*. ** Library mooey ...... 2#f 7* \j\ laU-st style should not become nnminJ- memory of th>rae be leaves, I Ok, wborw ta Ika form ww Iwvod a* woU. rwportod back tko fuiiowtag account. ate| WiriMld Arviaaooa, Oct It Poel account ...... m R MEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tk* Board mat purvuaat to adjowrtuwaiit all tk* Freight and esprewa ...... 23 44 , - tul of the fact that Mum II L. Hick.*, low him The pattav of lutlo feat . j Meadod that ikey b* a i lew ad, vu 1 - J ■nember* pern t.t. Juror's Cert»ftca:ra...... 7* So rnorw will lb* vote* of oar Lilli* L«tla AM. of U. F Adam*, juatto* in enra Wltneoa* M ...... gj b* l TJ4TE Or 31 If II I4> AN •—Th# Circuit over McFarlan i Croul'a hardware has He settled in Fulton township, Gra- Ring owt ta act ant* sweet. CAMS,...... py gg r***rvvAfto« or ctAiw* rthrrifl • reward* ...... go ou "B S CtCourt for tb* County of Clinton--In Attach­ Allowod at...... Duncan McRae • ...... |R 41 1 5S?3l^Z?8?;!;%g8 i ment. Henry Kellogg an© flcorge W Biker v*. tbe finest stock to he found in 8t. tiot county, in the year 1850, upon 240 But dretoed In robe* of purest wkHo 3* I* By Mr Bartow Muon Doty. Notice la hereby given tbat oo th* - F<«ter Owac. oonatobla faaa,. I to Aao't o4 P. Ooller, hvery r»cnoo Dt*. Bath and victor r»ewtpta,.... (Jar IHtle darling atond* ; Allowed at...... s oa Miscellaneous receipt*,...... *19 40 L. M. BALDWIN, ) 17th day of Auguat, A D. 1476, a writ of a'Ucb Johor. And then her prieea are so acre* of land. He received this laud UabRA* in oonm of *wrat delight Pwi#r Owea, onaatakla lao*. 4 to By Mr. Cobra* 1. M DHTER. < ment wa* duly i*aucdout of tho Circuit Court for Wtik knots of angvl Allowed at...... 00qq Aoc ’t of Jame* Elpp, *upartatauda«.t of j-oor Totoi...... 44442 to 1 *. C. HARRINOTON, U'rarwava. th# county of the suit of Henry KcIIom very moderate. from the government, and by hia ow n *• Fo»tor Owen, coottabl# fee*.. . i’is By Mr. llamagtoa Dated (Lrt. 14. ISIS JftHIAII UPTON, i and George W. B*k< t the above named plaintiff*, Xu raor* tka I1UI* loving arm* Allowed al...... A- c*t of a. C. King, poet mortem rsAmraotiow 1*111 LO DOTY 1 sgalnat tbe land* and tenement*, good* and chat -The fluent line of winter clothing labor, cleared and improved it, so that • 2 44 MARSHAL HAND, tel*, n.onev* and effects of Mason Doty, th* abov* A row ad wa ar# *• twined, Q J (libk*, supplira for oourt ** Dv Wiggra*. run of ibmm pvreoa »♦. W KINNEY. Ot-tober II, 1471. in St. Johnv may be found at Hravvn N o wort kl« bngkt and i.ow; card named dep ndant, for lha *um of One Hundred to day it bears in memory a landmark toma* ...... 1 M 1 44 By Mr. Cpt'm: KDWAKi* BROWN, Uo 4* acing la tk* oiwd - J. C. Brunson, juvtio* la cna Mr. Colli r * oft-red the ftdlowir.g resolution and Forly aix Dollar* and Forty-four cents, which rich’*. Ac«*t of W L Hick*. »uj**nijieo>Unt of poor. Cjtototttw*. said wnt wa* tv torn* hie on the fifth day of Octo of industry, alike hit name. 2 40 - L H. Conn, “ " Mr. Perk, chairman of tbe ci.mmttte* on appro Kbsolvkd , Tbat lha County Order* and Drain — Mr. L Richmond of Essex, in at­ Yet iovtiar and brighter (at Allowed al ...... 4 to ber, A D 1*74. — I toted thi* 1Mb day of October By Mr. Peck: prtatfoaa, repo nod th* amount which they dram Orders, WltricM and Jury Ctr'-iSoa:#* be compar ­ A D. 167ft. 8. L. KlI.BoVRNK. He entered the State at au early date. H • ktovoaly < bar ran appear lraniel McOraw, Juatiea ed with the *t oho tn the rrspectiv* order book* tempting to drive a horse from his gar­ Alt freed tram ata ate sorrow ikora. 4 SI Acr*t of Kipp A Fowler, eupplla* for oourt houar. areroMry to raise for th# ensuing jr»r a* follow*. 470.6 Attorney for l'laiotlfla How can w* wish him bare I *• A. R. Torry.eow*t ami checked by writing *< roo* tha hr* of th* Frior to 1850 he was employed by) Allowed al...... « us Interest oo jail bond* ...... | 200 00 atuhe * A Mowed County Treaauter, October 14th, HHM CCN BAE.R. —Notice te kutwky den one day leal week, threw a stone at J->ha BAllard, jueUoa ta cna. On mtior of Mr. Harnagtoa, iLo above nr. 1974," And jot, our aelSab nature* sbnas Jail bonds to b* paid March, 1474, ...... 4 uter to and tbat County and Poor Order* and given that h> virtue and in pursuance < ! t. Alvin Maon, of Pmekncy. Livingston ••*••»••••••# #• • o -••***•*#* 4 44 cow at* wara referred to tk* Committee od Claim*. Cnatlngant aiprnar*...... 16 wt4 ri...... 4 44 Mr Bartow, ckairwtan of tka Coauntttee oo For aopport of poor...... 4,94 uO barn compared and checked be burned by a *pecta ed. on the 18th day ef October, 1476, by tba Jo g* county, in hauling flour from Piockny Ob. iruTy w* tw miaory drilifc A. J Brink and atkarv, jury committee appointed by the cbalrLr that porpnoe; of its legs, breaking the leg in such a Tk* cap of do*peat woo I Claim*, reported bock tk* following .account* and of Probate of th* eounty of Clinton, Blate of M u h- faaa,...... • ... 5 to ToUl ...... f.7 09 tbat the Mira-ellanaous Vouchor*, Dram Order*. tgan, to sell rral oatat* belonging to KDsa Jao* to Dexter. From thence he went to AUowed at ...... o * * w o 3 a* I rarommended that they bo allowed : manner aa to render tbe horse rorth- Lwk op fond mother and behold Which report, oa motion of Mr. CoDIna, »*• sc­ Court House Building and Receipt* of all officer* Knowles and Esther Ann Knowiea. Minor*, I will Willard E. Tkawia*. oomiabl# bo written *cn*»a tb# face - Allowed County Treas­ rail at public aurtton to Ibc highest blditr knock- Oce^la with bis fatbor, Whipple Mar­ A Saviour'* guardlau ear* , I aea, 4 as Ato ’t af J D Kate*, pnotirg ...... U ko rap lad an© adopted. leas, and 10 consequence, it was Allowed at...... 41 10 urer. October 14lb. 1174," an© tiled a 1th th* C-cun- Hew o or hi* Utllo lafowt fold Allowed at...... * ••• * ««!• al Drnmbrr, 1474, at on* - O. Feano ’.l, *t.antf ...... iSk 34 Ml. K tansy mowed taat tha e*j oal'.ration table lw ty Clerk. o'clock i* M , at th* dwelling house oa tha prem­ tin, and while there, buried a sister.— to lor* be wotebo* tkara. Willard E Thoms*, constable Which wa* adopted vd iu tbe head. 4 to ADooad at...... IK 24 taken up and considered in commit la* of tk* wbolo, ie* hereinafter described, all th* rlgh- title and From thence, with his father, they re­ Nat. do Aot gnav* , with him Tte well Allowed at...... s 44 - C. A W#b»iar, eooat few*,.... 7 43 whereupon Mr Brown moved that the table bo Mr Bartow oflerod tbo followit.g rroolatton : Interest ef said minor* In and to th* North cost —All work waaranted as represented It* • only gone before Allowod at...... 7 44 quarter of tha North -cast quarter of 8ar' on twen- Willard E lkowto*. uonatobU 2 sect** of Ooo. W. k*te->. nooat. fee*. *24 74 adopted as reported by the committee, which wa* Kssolvid , That the Kewtater of Deed* b# au­ at Sac ford'*. moved to Tuse la, oo the Jaa. Sanford Thrto* happy darling IMtl* Lotto . fooa, ...... 7 IS . . thorised to pnrchaae cf Robert M. Young the ab­ tV <9D^. •*» Township raven <.7> N<»nh of Korea on* Food mother waop A* mote Allowed at...... 24 74 agreed to (1) West, in Clinton county, Michigan. The la­ thence Allowed al...... 7 12 stract hooks of the village* of thi* county; Pro- —Young Phelps, who accidentally f4rm g0(j to Fulton township in J. F. Ow*w. ju*Ua* ta mm 7 •* Alkort Taylor, wuaaeafaam... 2M te re* t of *a'd minora balng the fra of said laud AUooa© at...... 2 44 Oa m.Hloa of Mr Bartow, th* roport of Aadltor ! rldod th* coat shall not escaed th* *um of one •abject to tke dower estate therein of their mother killed his half brother with a corn-rot- the year 1851, where be planted his FOWLER. 4 04 “ Kira rhtliff, vitnera fm...... 1 40 General, respecting reject*© tale*, waa referred to hundred and tweaty-flvo dollar*. Jemima C. Arthur Allowed at...... 4 61 Allow*© at...... Th* Y«a* and Nay* being called for It waa adopt J. B. Carpenter, const able I 40 the eommlttaa on Treasury with Instruction* to PI MON DL.t N, ter bat a few weeks ago, au acoount of foot for a permanent home in his man­ * Richard Rayh., juatiaa fr*»,., ft 2© el by the follow lug vola : 7w Onardian of mid Minors. 30 M Allowed at...... 3 3* deliver to each Buporvtaor tk* amount of tax re­ which appeared in thee* columns, waa O ot . Allows© al...... II Yao-Miwri. Barlow. Baldwin, Brows. Used, hood. 19.—Mr. Cad wall, a dry good* Mr Harrington wrava© that tk# report *t tkr jected la hi* township, with the description of land J. B. Carpenter, constable llarrlogton, Jonas, Matbswa, Peek, Upton. Chair­ taken before Justice Adams on Tues­ merchant, who recently opened business faoa, ...... 4 7ft Commit,** ka aoreptrl, an© tkat tk* Clerk be ! and tk* raaaoa of such rejection. There, beocath that paternal roof, be Allows© at...... man-la ft 73 order*© to ©raw oidar* for lha mb* Adopt*©. Rf- Bartow, Chairman of the commute* on here, aold in a tingle day, recent y, at Ckaaawy Loit, juotie* fo**.. 14 14 day last, when be waived exatsioalioo has reared a family, where grief this claims, reported bock »» -dry acooaats with bia Nay#- Marat a. Colitna, Doty, Dryer. Knapp, retail, $213 worth of bia stock in trad#. Allow*© at...... 12 7ft roNvvatCATioa* ra<>« corm ornrsas recommendation tw allow th# mm*; Kinnoy and Ludwick —4. and gave bonds in th© sum of $1,000 fay ho* no bounds, for that paternal H D. Wei Dag. co nstable fa**, 14 44 Tke Supervaterdrnt» of County foor preoontoJ This township haa long abounded iu Alto ww* at j I a S3 Aec’t of A. 8 tout, juatto* fern...... fft » On motion of Mr. Harrington, the resolution for his appearaoee at the November has finished bia earthly dealings, and Parka, but naver have they been so Drake. HbeMow aad otkara. thetr Ana-oal Report, •hoeing aa expenditure of allows© at...... g 2ft by Mt. Barlow la relation to Attorney* witaaa* fooa,...... — 3 41 •1.301*7, aa© asraodtag tk# appropriation < f last " K R. Terry, court fee*, great a source of pleasure as of late, Allowed at...... | 34 ...... II » occvpjing th* Court Uoura for law nffirra. term of the Circuit Court. gooc to God who gave* year of I.>44.47. vhtrb report, oo motion of Mr. allowed at ...... 11 •* recowaldarod, and oa motion of Mr. Harnng'-OB. ainee SweeU have converted Parka into K. O. Moran, under *hrrt(f .. 7 90 ft j C II llubbcli aa© 4 othet*. jury —Don’t fall to aee those superior |5 Thig farro hat pro?gd * moat produc- Allow*© at...... 7 94 Bartow, wa* lai© upon th* table* ...... ft 00 tha asm* wa* laid upon tha table overcoata at lleavenrlch’a before you. . . . , .at homes of connubial bliss, as two Parks J. Y Prakta*, constable la To in Hoe. Bo*a» op Hmaritogg or Cttspoa nilowe© at...... 3 to On motion of Mr. Kinnoy ih* resolution of Mr. j)uy live ooe. \ *t not entirely satisfied V r. it. . case*...... 4 24 Corarv : 9 K. Hudson, justice fo#*. . 1 ■*> and two 8weets hava formed two un- Allows© al...... 4 44 allowed at...... j. jo__ 1 Harrington In tvlatioo to tha jail *lta, vm taken — Last Saturday Uncle Jake Diller, with what might be termed as ratbar a Tear Puperlaterdont* af the }*oor lubwlt tka ions which of necessity must ba Parka oa motiowlaf Mr. Bartow, tk*| report of tke following report for tbe j ear rtetng Ort. |4tk. ** N H Oeller, deputy sheriff,...J (M from tb* tabte. ^ 197ft Toe amount of temporary rel'ef ©tatribwta© allowed at...... | gg On motion, tbe Board adjourned lilt 9 o ’clock whoa© name has figured quite eonapie contracted sphere in life, ha engaged io of Sweetnee*. We congratulate ParksH OomwDtt** wa* adopt*©. *»t tk* Clerk a«tkoni«© Lo tke aweerai township*, ta aa follow* : ta draw order* for tk* Mm* Report accepted sod tb* Clark ordered to draw this afternoon. BOMly io tWM column, (or lb. m«rT th. life .lock Ir.d. Mm« *«cl« y..r» (0«o ) io bfio* to fortoo.t. u to be WestphaJva... | 124 7ft order* for tbo war. ceawcaiCATion* raoa eotxrr nrru.aa*. Eagle ...... 9* 4« Watertown ...... - 9U II Mr Haitow reported back tb* accounts of R bulo f.von be bit obowo o. witbio th« | »gr, »od by bi* Mifera eo*m »o .tod, oar Mr Kiaaoy prewawto© a report froai ike Jtef* F*i»*v, Oct. l*. —f o'clock . P M DaWItt...... 191 12 autektend, A. II Lettimar aod C, W. Au*-in, of Fro bate, tuu*| Hut Jajne* Du root t, Lewis Hath...... 83 ftO Board met pursuant to adjournment : all th# left four or five yean, placed u* under b oth with rnaiVt i and mdividWBM, he COOgfl|l|i4tiolli on hia union with Sweet, wit boat net low, and oo motion, tke account oft- BwiaWk aa© Williaat Dtckiaraa, ka© Wraa Duplalr...... 114 71 member* present. Uraenbuah...... 49 10 Strickland waa laid a poo tka table, aod leave waa renewed obiigatiooa to him by tbe pre- won a reputation f>»r honor aod trust, Capitols. rant Io tko laran* A«)Dw a* Kalaraaaoo. ^*iaoe tko SBPOUT Of *T A *01*0 COMUITTUK* Eaaex 34 to granted by tk* Board to withdraw tk# account* of laal anawai ebeating of tko Boarl of Bwpervlrarw Lebanon...... ♦ > 41 Mr. Borrow reported bock tbe following racoon** aentatiou of a basket of moat deliciou* that will aver pay tribute to the mem The rumor in my last report that Mr. Awotio sad Lattimor wklak rrpart, oa ***u*a of Mr. Bald via. wo* a«. Dal lea...... to3 to and recommend tbat they he allowed : •pplML or eoorc .. or. olw.y. gUd ; ory of lb. deponed. It i. n.o.1 ooUbl. Holme. Cro.pto. bod formed m.tri_ Bengal ...... ll tw Mr. Dryer offered tb# follow log resolution, which sepia© aa© pl*«*d oo 1 • la tk* Clerk'* office. Aec't of C M llagcrdorn. Justice fee*, ft M “ io hio deal, tbit liia nock .election, for monl> Kbuom *>l1 » Itejf from Kcat Be gkam ...... U© «s waa adoptod : allowed at. 40 •Mr Bart »w save© tkat tk* eoMiwaaicwuoa front OvM,...... i . 444 47 ft 4 to see Uucla Jaka ' or any other man ' Kboolvvp , Tkat th* Supervisors be, aad thoy J B Croaa, constable fee .9 hi . o . i oounty, a stater of Mr*, hbacketoo, of tk* A a© ILo r OeaoraD t barging Sack oertaia rejected Victor...... 16 to allowed at ...... 4 90 —Waterproof, tap-soie liools for $5.00 a..rk.», «crc tbo bem oor cooot.c. th|( ] bu ^ b, oo) . Rtlay • 43 ar* hereby aolhorlaod to *prrad upon tb* ****** AM, vttk tk* rooaoi** Ik* ret or . k* refer*© to tko ment rail of tho proper towa*hlp th* following Dr. Dtllenbaugh. ctamina Ion of mold offer. ...d for .k.cb (m.y tt be ,h,^ „ 136000 Insane parson*, ...... 3 00 at Sanford’s. coming events east their Co«af&m** oa tko 1 rearary, wttk taatraottoa* to Tutte...... 91.492 24 a moo nta of township taxes voted to be raised bj —Gratiot county against the Sute' said township and duly cert tiled by the Town*btp allowed ai...... 9 00 mid) for ••“■« koo‘ "blch r«nder^ »**» Board of Huperviaova ...... HOpn oo Ovid ...... SSI 44 Treasury, reported tkat they had compared Jba 518 year*, and who is yet iu the prime Ow a*(Da of Mr Doty tk* Boor© adjourn#© till Tata• ©aSrlanry at cloa* of year...... IM41 97 Duplain...... 400 to County and Poor firdm with tka stubs, aod bad of manhood. We ••• wothiuw"otbint’ to10 Wibut. to hi. memory, e.o * ,ir „„h th. W i—n. ft a'rlac* P- M We wow © reeomwrand to yowr bonomDto ho©y Grecti bush...... Dtafftam, ...... 1 4*ft oo c* nr* 1'*^ ’be avma, and tbat tka miacallanooua popolotioo of d# t ommoo-ttur, throogh tb. lam imo. tkat yow rale* tk* *am of sts tkowran© dollar* to A4o uu vouch era altewid tko County Treasurer bad beau pr.»ewl tb. rapid ------— | niooy make up ©aScioory from to*' year aod to pay ear Olive...... 1 1 moor. 0f ib« Independent , aeema to feel very DcW|tt...... 474 0* i ca ucal led by writing raroaa tho tare, "Allowed Traoaav Arraajtooa, (Xt IE real expense* for tha ensuing year wild, of Orxtiot if it afford* «eb «tw- „e bnrifd ku wife ,om, }Mn .go. W L. Hlf'KH, Vf alert* w a,...... ••7 County Treasurer October |4th, 1974," and tke confident that " Jim” will aocept tbe Tk# Boar© wot poraaaat to a©jowraw«at, aU tko Kllay...... MO »4 JAM KH KIPP, same ar* uow on Ate ta th# Clerk'* office, upon primag. en.rg.ti« .ml racecfol eit.- >nd hj(l drath oov lc.,„ foor or. Fowler Reporter’s challenge to try the ataten preooat. LYND h S. CONN. Bengal ...... 779 tS E*-ex, ■...•■•• mg ao which tho Chairman of lh« Board authorised th* ■M. *m lbi». Brigham, look to yowr i p(,10, lo ,r.vel ibroagb life', ttroggle* Bupertatendant* of tk* Poor speed of their respective nags. There­ rmra**r*T»o* «r claim Data© St Johna, October 14tk, 1174 Lebanon ...... commit!*-* to destroy tha County an© Poor Ur dare I»*/1a*...... 4*4 *n fore. Common tater feeb safe io saying By Mr. Haa«: Mr Birtow offered tbo following roooluttoa : tho* allowed, by bnrwlnf tho asm# l.arrl. anold hy Mr Harri often: vftor tweaty ©ay* fon tbt« date. *kall ho ramoeed Supervisor spread tka earn# upon hi* roll according from tho tabte. will raouru bia lnea. Then who aball there tram, an© tkat the Proaoeutlng Attorney te to law • Dick.” TaUr, inio Unaibis connection, Aec’t o< H H McL'oriv, boarding pcteaaor*. hereby authorise© oa© directs© to raua* tkie rrao- Adopted. dicted by all who take aa iwtereat in ** It a a •• Mr Barlow moved tkat tka order drawn la fovnr Mr. Harrington moved to amaad raid resolution fill hia place, an ! growth aod wealth to remioda ooe of the man who, when bio - 0. B. L*©©tck. ©epwty akart* luttoa to h* aoforoad. the welfare of our bund, tbal each sue- Mr. Harriagtoa move© to aaien© tk* reateuflow of Rtchavond A Backus for ftSta ft© S# cancelled by by la sorting. "Deaf. Dumb and Blind r a county ao«l j*«ople ha has for nearly houoa waa invaded by n powerful bear, By Mr Lw©wtek Acw't of a. B. Smith, at au emery hy rahteitnuag -anan 9 " for “Prooaeutiag Attor ­ tbo Clerk, and tkat aw order ta drawn tw thetr fa­ Which amaad meat waa adopted. seeding party will give new life and N M M a quarter of a century bo nobly served? kept outoido, leafing bia wife to bntllo ney." wkiek am«w©meat prevailed. vor of tBftl 21. It having tome to th# knowledge af Pending tbo original motion aa amended. Mr. popnlarity to the enterprise Attend with the mooster. while ho viowod tbe m IkUag Brwtkar*. kooks. Tko ’ortgiate rgwolaiton aa amow©*© U>lnf -tat*© tk* Hoard tkat fill 44 of thetr account ka© kawa Doty call#© for tha A yea and Nava, which rewwlt The burial service was attended to­ " CortUa© Hill, ©owwty dark. allow © before aad paid tbeos parties, and by your mite you scene from without through tbo boo- *• Him maw 4 ft*, book* aad atatfowory. hy tkaCkam—Mr. Barfow ealla© ftnv tko aye* aa© od aa follow* : day bj ao immense concourse of people, bolo, and whan she had slain Bruin he By Mr. nays, wklak re*ailed as follow* Mr. Bartow offered tko following resolution : Teas Mrosia Brown, Harrington. Joaoa, Kta will aid and aa courage ooe of the beat B*solvkd . That tk# Cownty BwponntowdanU of greater than erer assembled in Maple Aae’t of ©. M »*«*. swypHa* for coart kowra Atm— Maaar*. Bartow, Baldwin. Brnwa, Coil I os, ! nay —4. then exclaimed : ** A’it wo bravo !** Doty, Drrra, Haa©, Haniagftwa, .Toaoo, Knapp, tka Poor bo au'bortsrd to meat at Ik* Ctorfc'soffic* jfiyo-Mcoac* Bartow, Baldwin. Calling*, Doty, Cornet Bands Io be fooud in tbe iut© By Mr. Jews* tko Crwt Monday of sock a»oath to awdlt account* Rapid* or a similar oce^vioR. The Howotor, if *Utor wiobea to bring out AoFt wt Corktt S Kata*, print .ag Klanoy, Mattkowe, Peck. -14 Dryer, nand. Knapp, Ludwick. Mathew*. Pack, rioc of Michigan Ticket©. 50c. per the beat bo’s got for n milo bani, Ut 0w wratlow of Mr. Haw©, tko above araawata Mars-Mr. Cpton- Which waa adoptod. sermon wa* delivered by Rev. E Mudge Oa mellow of Mr Hand the Board proceed*© to Upton. Chainwon —19- wore refer re© to tk* Committee ow Claim* Bo tk* wraUow prevailed Bo tk* raoolwttew waa wot adopt*© eoopU. him nemo tbe urn© and plane, and tke aa informal ballot for Bwporlntoadcot of tko Oo and at ou© p. M. the profession moved, Mr Bortov, ebairmaa af tko Committee ow Oa mottoa of Mr. Baldwin, tko fomrd alj»an>o© Mr Bartow moved tkat tka aooount ta taken Reporter will meet bim. Poor, wkiek rarulto© aa follow* Between eWenn and tw ve oc oc uojer solemn escort of tke Manonie Mpm* < book tko follovtaf a* aw a at* aa© UU • o ’rlorh to-morrww morning Bom tko tohle and ©ted la tko Clark's office The numerous frieoda of Mias Annie tkat they ho alkraw© Whole number ef vote* rate wa# twelve, of which la«l Friday Bigbt* whiU bmt rr Uran to Fulioo Township Cento- Lyad* ft. Coww mart© 16 aw© Jobo Mlilra t Carrie©. and Lisxio Petach rejoin© over tbe aafa Aao't of Cal eta Ingram aa© II *4kera, Mr. Brown moved that tbo proceeding* of this rary fora People n Haary Tacasn*v Moustaw, Oct. 14. Oa aaotloa of Mr. Baldwin tk* Board proc eed ed R. and W., were atandiog on t j tery. wbtra•!,,,• nowmw aleepa*lran« all tkattbat jg brc - return of these rotimabl© young Udieo •tgoo. (avartnofio© at tote aae- Board ka pwWtebod la talk tko paper* published Tk# Boar© mi ywrawawl to adjourn moot, all tk* to » for aval ballot for Bupwrlatawdoat , which reealt romert near Mr. Rieb a farm, discusng u| ^ |h# Martin, from a reoeni visit among relatives iu te#a.|...... •••• m at Bt. Johns, provide© tko oama row bo ©owe ut half aawmkur* prauawt. Tk* mtautaa of yuatarday war* *4 a* follow*, to-wM: Lynda 9 Cwww rwealvo© • Allow*© at...... fll m tko noual ratoa tbe cruelty aod benefit© of applyisg lb© Aoe*1 of Jobs O. Ptearar, jwateaa Iw raw© aw© appro **©. aw© John Milter 2. Tteal It Hare aeactnkled tbe frieoda of youth Which motto* prevailed Ai >» kh aa fifty looms have unload­ Nie* oaaae...... It 17 Ow mottoa of Mr. Baldwin. Lynda I. Conn waa bull thistle io lb© iocomiog members AXmfa eft...... • 41 rumtittoi or cl*urn Mr Baldwin now© that when this Board ad and manhood to perform lb« lad and ©•tear*© ©wly a late o© Cowwty Bapwviatandawt of ed their burden of whom at Mr. Gru­ • Frank N< By Mr. Bartow jowra* It adjourn to urate tk* Srat Monday tw Jaw of tb# order during the initiatory exer- ) Aral af N M ffiallav, deputy ffiavtff tko Poor for throe year* from this ©ay. rites to tba departed. The brothers ler’* wheat bourn in n single day this Alia wo© at. wary wait. i ft* By Mr Pack Ow arattew af Mr. Bartow tko tabte of oqwallaa Urey mm twe penmw. (whora bim ,|h Btmnp fell. Mr. Grater baa Uu?M sr>d dip­ ■ ■ Maw ivy Aec't of A. Stoat, jwetioe fo** Carried. tlaw was raftarre© took to tk* earn m It tee ow equal ped ainee August Ut, 3n,064 bushel* fiVHB|eo * 0Omt * M F Hudson, *• Mr. Rarrlagton moved that tka Board do uow »• withWoW toe ike prweot) tp- eonSoft M tb. ,OBlb| wb.rB iU rail .h.ll Allowed o4..., # a # . »•••••# 0m M C. H. Hub trail o»© ft otkara. Jury fee* laal too wttk luterwettona to apportion tko Stole of wheat, and thinks tbal by the end of Foam P*trash. In rarrpag • beg, whitb,wkirh, ^ bi, TBuU> BBa it. u,ab ki* m.otU, • at All gf wkiek. ow motto# of Mr How© aa© rauaty tag to tk* srrarwl towwakipa. area ©ing Upon which Mr. Bartow movwd to a by iw tbo month bo will have bought 40,000 MR* a O O 0 0 o ••*#••*•*• • 4 ar forra© Io tho1 to tke uorvrato© vatoatte u thereof sorting i o'clock la marrow morning, so tko »»* •Iters.ri). pror.D, were« filled wbj|. tb# nhn of • «»d raqoirare oholl O. W. Park* m boebek Mr. 0 ruler'a buoinem in buy asroav or fttawataw enwaivvtsa Ow motion of Mr. Uptow tho Board adjowrwo© ndjowrned till 9 o'clock to-i •iih tpple* from tb. m«kard of Mr. lung linger *pon tb* rar of (boa* who AltowwTm.... of Mr ing whom boo taorsaeed to that bn in­ t* as Mr. Bartow, Ckalfia af tko UR to-morrow moraiwg M • o' riaak. Gaebell, who lives hoi a abort distance yaid thi# portiog tributo. C. Ckiaw, regain© kook tft with Saturday, Out. 14,1*74 —4 otetoefe A M tends to build another wbanft bomm Fats * r Mouvixu . Out. 14,1934-9 o'clock another mason in order that bn mny bn i » 6 rawummawiatlaw that they ta ail owe© 1bwid In ftp owt | _|qo pieces of prints will bo aold at Aoet *1 F. Oalter, ownataktw ftauw,...4 9 ft© to adjourn ment oil tka tnorn m the oorawr of tba fonee and gu cent© a vard, for 10 daya to eome at boiler able Io handle tbo wheel $ t to •••no 90 ©. D Drown, fo© to for sale in this market _ • ^ • Ml aw tea of y rater ©ay bent n booty with their* wrantv Heaven rich A. allow*© at...... 1 —Omni bargains offered in men’s, J^ffVMg. • oo ow • woo# o to • 9 §1 L • Cobb , Bwpt ,....9| to rawauuvsTiou of clsiwo boy’a and yonui'a clothing at Heaven- —A superb stock of cloakings at re­ AMfiMfifi fil* a a oo*wo**ooo*oa* allowed at...... ImmMM a By Mr. Bartow : —i Rucbet for fic. at Honveurteh ’* duced prices at H seven Hob ’s. Julius Rto hardaow. awwat foes. |M Wm. L Hia to, Bwpt. of .1* to A art of Dv DtUwwtawgh. of It rWb’ft. •••• . au • ••••a | ■ ICUIGAN STATE NEWS. The Burdens of Taxation* lkittflUitg the Debtor C lass. A Inf MUrj. Lies the thief at alght, II steals la apoa The average naml^l^r inhabitants In In an address at the Central New York In his recent speech at Cincinnati Mr. A coRRESPOHDKirT of the Chico (Cal.) —Th* boat fattening material for chick- fiahurs turned to (ha argument that an ex- Futrr^rtm rerrtales ths loliowi iy; sarh refcffoatntffUre thrvagkvAit ths btate Pair at Utica, a few days since, Gov. Tib ant ia a*4d |u be Indian meal and milk. 8 4mm. is IS,*£, den delivered an addon* on the subject of aansion of Die currency amt its consequent 44 Tell •aas a hear *>ry. Uncle Jnta," I —Biborate af aoda dfeardvad water, taxation, in which he drew some pointed Aiepreciatuxiim will hci>«-At the po*r, i said one Sight lately while dlting a*»«nd /■*!!? T«t Af( nt t Vwmtv Oftnfrn liftrf opcnH used as a lotion, will remove prickly heat. NT. w ^^w east **<1 Mia Mr |d«Nnre ever •■fertS Illustration* to show the immensity of the mueh as it will benefit the debtor as the camp fire near Laseac Peak" There 1 •••t laSr >Ey«teUa. ot ttomtouj*n4 —Scratches in horses m*v be cured by rae appetite Is poor hM uf tM Ilrm-fUfurBCWDittll l general Grangers ’ Blare ml Grand iU|>idi burdens restin AUPM»n the j people. He agaiusi Ui« Mtdituf hr cttoWlM UU* tor- iusd cuiue over ilu dhfbb" trrrlior Katl«OMl C*M- me: **t ns* m tssim MMaev natng a wash twice a day of a teanpnmt- HJEREtsS't" ■q.ftinm MMOM S (MIM with $9,999 napi tat raffed attention to tn«e fact that the taxes or rner tn p*7 off Mi ffrmsTn Vires value a number of bear and were troubling the stoma*h, sometimes a fatal, iliall funigout sensa » •!•( rhavs ever aaea. Marl urn tfc« tiiau Umt m w hich they were contracted. ■beep that are every summer quartered in ful Of powdered blue vitriol dissolved ia Lx Al DiTOH GkN. Ill WI HHKT lifts U«u 1870 were five-fold what they were in 1800. half a Dim af water. Keep ths faat clean. tion at ths nit of ths stomach, which food sdvwtuam of ths fermar wlOMKrt He stated that at the bcguming of the leg- He denied that the poor man was the and around Hot Hpring Valley, and hear does aet satisfy. The eyes are suakea, the Rs evtu> ((ksrVlmil re rjreiH ippoinifd Wmlen of ibe Jackson Mule —KieAange. MAPS A CHARTS. rVe (hlMress ItiR. Ulative session last winter be had occasion debtor. “ If we had the statistics of private ing of this a (mrly of us arranged logo hands and feet become cold and feel clam cal—X. Most OrnsiurnUJ sad Comet HiicelaJ Agrut Ea a*. la mMtmg mk l’nson, 9*t* John Morris, denned —To Cure a Felon. —As soon as the my. After ewfalie a eowgh seta ta, al 4rst wanted Is sees io*Mhy> o«n4 for ft— AulEt .Cl»etunA clerk taxes for the last ten tears following the we met “old Uncle John," the hero ot with gre' nish-colored expeoioration. Ths war had been $7,000,000,000, or $700,090,. more than 76 per cent, of it is owing by 11 * a ii a bear fight, as his numerous scars cd w ith a cloth thoroughly saturated with in the AmlitorGencral ’a office, died sud tincture of lobelia, and tin pstlcut feels tired all the while, and sleep (*•0 a year on an average for ten years. men commanding comparatively large amply testify to, and persuaded him to ac ■§ felon is dead does not sikni»ear------■ --«*** “* dt*nly the othes dav, 4a an npopirn tic fit, An old physician says he has known it to to afford any rest After a $16.00 SHOT-GUN The national debt is hut the amount of means, and that the laborers for wages are company un. We had hadI supper, there tints he— ikh- - .1 >ines nervous. irriUtde and * *— » * ■ m flM* MM M at Owoaso. three years' taxation. In the last forty the least indebted class of society, even tn was a blazing log fire, and.I, all being in cure in scores of caeca, and it never fails gloomvr, and hss evil forebodings. There Is Wiinii (5>nn, i ten year-old girl re*Id ' vears 76.090 miles of railway have been proportion to their earning, ami savings, readiness, the old tuau said: I If applied In season .—EnJumge a giddiness, a sort ef whirtlag senssUon in r reu Uie head when rising up suddenly. The B83. ,SS3?1:SWM*«hM Mm Imm. a* a Ham . the tf- ing with her auul in Detroit, recently built in this country. The nominal amount and next to them the fanners and ths “ Wal, I’ve hearn tell o ’bar scriunnages —Potato Hauteea.—These are even more hi LAN MSI sin all business men. bowels become costive, the shin is dry and 0 tit a Uh ao* other l»e lamr.aoh- committed suicide by drowning herself in • of their stocks and l*onds, said Gov. Til- being putty lively like at times, but I seed agreeable with meat than fried potatoes. hot al times. The blbod hocoiuea thick and I venture tn say that there is neither a naoiifi lent | ! den, mighthi Ik * somethiugso ucar $4,000,000,- one ia»t week that capjred all hunts I ever Cold boiled poiatoe* are sliced up ami stagnant, ths whites of the eyes become . nickWuUv am& ^_____ the near, t* *' and I the sitiactual cost about f 2,500,000,- manufacturer, nor a merchant, nor a pro. tossed up iu a tin saucepan with butter, . ------— R*v*lrei (Ac on'trart ' Pur* aod nee. I come down from Big Bquaw Val­ tinged with yellow, the urine Is scanty and 42.50 aidb-oK to MI< out: no . nwrasr , , „ , —---- .—. ESSO*■ . Su,uti*»l<1, MrryowwwwB- J i urt I'ontkn v, living in Berlin, mur­ the latter turn being only feaamual nun of meant in this asse mbly ley, and was ramped above here about a mixed with a little chopped parsley, tilt bign colored, depositing a sediment after and Oil HNJh m+taut' ro dered hi» wile a few days ago, undei equivalent to lliree and a halt years of who ia not a debtor, and among his mile, when one day I run across some big they are lightly browned. Pure me or •tending. There is frequently a spitting up rMttoIrtm re*t Ail*•«((# te* sated•sted krthw r of the food, sometimes with a soar taste ■*»JiUas3r- of uu m fired tliirtcen shots at■ft log, economy ia a great object, and where rich thought that nearly OM third of our popu ­ AGENTS’ GUIDE JUS?and InatruC' A cemsi’s of Grand Kapiils, recently Atlautic to the inU*rior, what have you then, a sum of about $1,200,000,000 owing thin kin' it was a bar, and finally how oue ttoo n> irate.___ I wont__ — —iu> aaeau.______1 m-I| Doi $Oo4l' I done? When you hare gathered together te the laboring people sod men of small dishes are not desired, the following is an lation has this disease in some of its varied only describe the aooda of thorn- who do. New Inv«n taken, shows that tlie number of school on ’em killed a sheep and was alrald to go admirable mode ofmashing potatoes : Boil forms. It has been found that medical men Uooa, NuN«»veitl«w. New Hooka.Hi * ~Paper* Magitxlnee._____ Rf. children in the elfy is 8,400 —an increase all them* products and paid the cost of means, constituting their savings. To that near it, Uiiokin' it was a wildcat, but Just have mistaken ths nature of this disease EEf THIXk that apnu yut '1 •I themtknn isTswre carrying them to tlu* sealKNird —a cost even amount that class are creditors. And you them till thoroughly done, uaving added a in onu year of 450. The |K>pu)ation of the tell how old Hay ward, him as got his handful of salt to the water, then dry Some have treated it for liver complaint, Jrwf fiwpii larger thau the original cost of raising the pretend that for their benefit you will sx soap ouw-n Crow n Point, sal up all night f"UH fur dyspepsia, others for kidney dis ­ city ia estimated at 27,590. products —with every cxi>ortable commod ­ pand ths currency Gold being at 16 them well, and with two forks placed ease, etc., etc , but none of thes« various and watched a dead liar: You ace I’d bin back to back beat the whole up till no kiuds of treatment have been attended with A tty .-Gen . Smith has issued a circular ity curried to the Atlantic scalxtard ami cent, premium, those savings have a var: across the fork jest at dark, an' ole Dick, COME AND SEE dc|M*itcd iu the vessels of foreigners, you of $1,920,000,000 iu gold. Expand" ths lump* ore left. If done rapidly, potatoes success. It is found, however, that the Theae Itlch Prmlrtsa. Near one million aerr* for aale to the County Prosecuting Attorneys of thar, he nosed a fresh track, and in two on the Mtoax City E Bi. Paul Uailruad #nd in the Me- have paid ten months of one year's taxes." currency until lire _gold prempremium is 80 thus cookeed or extremely ligLl and di ­ Hhikii Kith act or Roots (not a patent minutes or thereabout he had a cinnamon lutdirine), when prepared properly, will re­ f»r»w»*r E MlMourl Klrrr ltallroad. H« v»ral larre the 8Ute, instructing them to prosecute No people of any other ualiou of the and you have mbbsd those (reople ot gestible. tract* for Colon!***. Coot a or aend committees birt- ItlitQKg each case of wholesale liquor dealers from t ub iip a tamarack. Wal, of course, one move the diaeasa in all Its stages. Care auiUMk Everv«me who m-ee the land like# it, Apply world jtay such enormous taxation in the $180,990,000 of their savings; expand it —Taking timothy hay as the standard should be taken to procure a good article. te OAVIlmoN A ( Al KINK. pi other States selling here without a license. shot from ole Betsey here (and the grim Klblejr, terrola ( a., Iowa. aggregate as do the people of the United until ths gold premium is 60 and you hunter patted his ride affectionately), and of comparison it requires 100 pounds of Bold by A. J. White. General Agent, 419 Pearl street, N. Y. Agents wanted. The quantity of ram which fell iu Mates. Forejgu nations with their costly have stripped them of $420,990,099 ot it to supply a certain amount of nourish ­ Insist royal establishments and their immense hard-earned money 1 reed the bar quiver like, take a frreh MINTS! 150 NEW ••OKt Lansing on the 4th, 5th and Gih inst. was ment. It is estimated by careful experi­ hold on tlie limb, aud then kinder settle ass host oouPLrrBLv ssrasassTSD is ana military forces tax their subjects far leas “ There are the (Hnsionersof ths United ment that the same amount of nourish ­ (ensBMpUos Csb Be Carsd- C m 1 larger than in any October storm recorded per head, taking national ami local taxa* Mates, the orphan* of tliose who died for i back; but he stuck outo the tree, and I ARAM O C OMBINATION PRIKFEtTtl k no wed I had him plum iu the heart. ment can be obtained by using the follow ­ §■ RBNi a's Pulmonic Syrup. S< heock » !W» Weed By east pie itasea. bind Inca, fllaatratl«»na, etc All are at the Agricultural College. It was one tion together, than docs the United Mates all of iis. Tliey receive $:ei,(MMl.0tX) a year, ing quantities of other hhkI: (loverhay, Toltic. bckeiirks Mb lid rake Pllis. Ar# lha uuljr meAed. mopuLir works <>a saerp r«Aper< Why rtafe all tenth of the whole average annual rain­ w ith its republican form of government. at pre-ent reprr*senting a gold value of “ Wal, Gen. Chipmau, he came nrst, an' medicine* that will cure Pulmonary I'uatnmutlon. sw eo« donM/ul hfM.k. arhen yoa caa make aacceaa ' Alvinsey' Jest behind, *n ’ I pinted out ninety five pounds; rye straw, 355pounds; PiwquetHiy nie4lclsa« (hal will il«v s c*>u*n will rt hy oftrr t na*.«iuer* * <»f IVII < mr AtC hia I was n<»i the ease ance, howe\« i If $25,500,000. Lx|>and tlie currency until occasion the death of ths patient: they lock up ths Cvs UmmjM* ttaii and aredellchied with the r auick fall. the bar and never thought to say he w as oat straw, 220 pounds;* potatoes, 195 ire i sale* >ii l mot U> a« i.«l for parth ulars ml omm te V. A. [fglsllls w as once a proud boast of the people of the g«dd premium is 30, and you have pouuds; carrots, 280 pounds; lioeG, 34(3 liver, atop the circulation of the blood, hemorrha Prof J. C. Watson , Chief Astronomer gone the way of all flesh. But 'Alvin* follow* and. In faft. ther cl->c ths setionaction olof tte ■vTCEinsoE ACtx. Caioaou. liaa.______lids country that they were the light­ fibbed away $4,590,(XXI a year trom what pounds; ruta-bagas, 202 pounds; wheat, very on.-asa that cauaad tba swugh. of the American transit of Venus party est taxed of any civilized nation. the Republic considers a debt of honor, rey’ he sed he w as going to get his blank­ ets and watch till nmrnin ’, for now it won torty-thrce pounds; I p<*hs, forty-four Gver Gomplsint aud Dy*i>epaia are the eaaaee of iMlaG1 which was located at Peking, returned We cannot expect now, with an and rohited the woiindeil and the widows pounds; beans, forty-sixxpounds; ry«. for- two third# of the are of Onneumption. Many home on the l*th after a tiheeu-month*’ ah uml orphan* of w ,nuc h of thv.r .urt* U^8«bu °«i persona coiuplain of a dull pain In the aide, ronatf- TEXAS! an immense burden of iodetaednes*, Fed- ty-ninej»ounds; baric , pounds; tfon coated tongue, pals ia the abrelder blade Valwahtr Teans* I.w ed for Hole p m? %-f? end, Male and local, to gel along with as nonce. Precious friends of the people 'our guns. Wal, the whole party croare-d OCO AC HE«* rot Evv'*ft. Tide dt senec. He will resume his position in the the fork and caiu|»cdcamped under tkal ar tam­ corn, flnvdx pounds; out*, fltly-ainefills K-iinza of drow-loeM and re#tleaaneaa. the food ★ reel to PrnThlS*er frhBm the Mate. university. light taxation as Ik * fore that burden ex­ tlu»se who, under pretense of protectingffii pounds; liuckwheiU. sixty-four pounds, lyluy hea\Ur on the stomach, accompasted with Your choice out of isted. But the fact of its existence renders ths debtor against ths creditor, rob the la- arack all night so that the tiear could not acidity aud belching up of wind. While Cornelius .longer* was driving get away. SNal, boys, if you hear me, 1 and oil-cake sixty four pounds. — Rural The#e aymptoma a*ualty ortfinats from s di*or it doubly the duty of legislator* to lie eco ­ Uircrs of hundreds of millious of tlieir Fete Yvrker. 70,000,000 ACRES! out with his sweetheart near Detroit on enjoyed it. 1 once seed a circus, but the dr red conditloo of the •tonwteh or s torpid liver For full parUcnJar* addree* $25* $50 per Day nomical. and should prompt the jieople to hard-earned savings, and despoil even l*er»on« ao affected. It they tabs one or two heavy W A I.KKrt ,i KFH-1IUV. the 9thhe was thrown from his buggy aud demand frugality on the part of those to those who have suffered for their eounlryJ ” show warent anything to that crowd —In a large majority of cam-s, revs the cold* and if the cough iu there ca-e* he asddenir • Tei#« tend Airitrr, C AN ACTl'ALI T HP MAl»k WITH 1IIK whom is intruded the management of around the tamarack. One ole feller, Doc. Jwn*il of fleaUh , it will Ik * foil nil that cheeked will And the stomach and liver clogged, Office, No. 4 N.Fourth Hi reel, Ht. I,on l«, Mo. instantly killed, his ueck being broken. Pratt, they called hi in, hlowcd consider the l>cwt and heartiest meal of the day mnaiutag torpid and inactive, and, sie>o«t helore The young lady was thrown out also, but affairs. And the experience of the past Ths Hank of California* they are aware, the lung* are a maae of sore# and ten years shows that the nation will uot able ’bout bein' able to fetch him down should l»e eaten in the morning. If the ulocated, Lha result of which ia death. was not badly hurt. have an honest, economical government tlie first shot he had. Hayward allowed closing renast of the day has not been H. henck’e Pulin/mle 8jrop ta an erpeernrant Morphias Habit For years the w hole business of the Pa­ eaten too late, or has not" been excessive * hi< b do«a not contain opt am or anything calcu­ A n important circular to all local Boards w Idle the Republican party rotitiuues iu no one bed any nerccutage on him w ith a lated to check a cough •uodralv. cific slope hss 1m-en sup(»ored to turn on . 4 Henry,’ and the General shot his mouth in quantity or indigestible in (juality, the of Health in the State been issued |>ower . If the (icople want reduced taxa­ the Bank of California as a he brock » He« Weed Tonic dtaaoivaa ths food. tion —if they want their burdens lightened central plviot off some too ’iu»ut what he could do with stomach will be rested aud active _in _Jlmixeathe with the gastric juice* of the atomsch, aids iDtemperaiice from the officq of the State Boaid of It was indeed a gigantic concern, ft had a gun. and in fact they all talked so loud morning afft r U»e imlivltiual ha« enjoyed —tliey must get rid of the Republican a capital ami sundus of $*1,000,900; its de ­ H|*OPIUM e<111y rtnvd tjr pf!. Jth’.f'K N only known and Health by the Secretary. Dr. II B. Baker. party.—Detroit Free Fret. and long that I rolled my blanketa about a < I l>atil. I lit s*t< 'IU.m h will then re- #ymp(on)a tHberwiae of s MHwii teudency. mre lU-nM- l). Sio t II tltCJl. fur tnalmeut WE MEAN IT! posits were $12,090 000; its daily balances UiiUl curvl. Call ott or a-*| euilrtly br UnUKR ol dawn, an' thar they all sal around the fair amount of exercise is taken during ad'a. and ars lor eals hr ail dn4ga>*t# aud i POW'ltR. *i»‘l *7iTlx»re at the rateof TWENTY FEET Li.let. a recently-discharged con lines to mines, from farms to steam fire, shivering w ill* the cold, for I tel! you, the day a large mki of fntid will Ik ? as- PEMMOl K. 1 Ury bore from vict from the State Prison, was arrested Tn there times when every man's bust •hips, from railroads to manufactories. It boy*, the nights hereaway are different similated and converted into bl(H»d and Mr household trod* are all abroad, at Grand Itapidson the 7lh for attempting ness is affected by the disastrous misrule w as the entertainer of all prominent from the nights in the valley. Wal, thar tissue. With a gublicaa Administration, when strangers, the organiser of all prominent Tlieir nitni*il scarce remember, to poison the inmates of a disreputable they sit, their teeth chattering and all fast no great amouut of foixl w ill Ihj re- And naught is on my hearthstone now ©.DEATH ©, Asd ANT DEPTH KKQriUED. They will boreta schemes, the industrial backbone of the trade is dull and commerce depressed, and hailing mighty blue under the eyes. We quimi during the remainder of tlicday. 'Opt ember. IS LD b < house by putting sixty grains of morphine l’a< ific Slot*. It would naturally Ik * suit- j whin additional taxation to msin*aiu the could now jest aet* the outlines of the bar, All Kinds of Kartfc, Won 9«nd A Lime­ into a kettle of soup prepared for their ! Republican party is to be laid upon the posed that the failure of such an institu ­ * • i \ but every minute it was getting lighter, And ev«n thus next month shall come, stone, Hlluanlnons hionetssh dinner. people, every man becomes interested iu tion would be like the destruction of a About the Kitchen. With hurnor grim ana sober, Of B F * f IN bUc H U\ 'A A c L " MaU and Hardpas, * statihticsl facts. and I was afeared they’d smell a mice, so I And th.-n what’s standing now will be AS IT IS PRESCRIBED ? OK The balance of ca>h in the State Treas foundation, and would to bring the sujirr- And wa MAKE the BEST of WELAAtn qUlCKhAKD. It U tlie right and privilege of the tax- •trurture toppling to the gn>und. But got them all ready and commenced firing A now RESPONDENT of the CTiicago Inter Knockt ober. ury Sept. 30, 1*74, was $1,070,274 :* ‘2; re­ away at that 'ar carcass for all (MMseaM^f <.OOI> ACTIVEAUKMTf Wanted In e»ery P^»« payers to kuow whut bex-omes of their nothing of the sort came to pare. When ! Octitn writes as follows: —Oraphir. C trewlar aad I'ouafy In the united Mate* Send for our Illus­ ceipts during the fiscal year ending Sept. money. It is by the economy or extrava­ Ralston hod mads away with $3,000,000 When aismt filty shots hod been fired 4 Al­ I am not going to write this niece for to f5uo in*r*ter k *. GREAT WESTERN WELL AU6CR CO, during same time were $2,050,007.87; bal­ busted right out, on ’ you should have seen lifting stories as that are hard to believe I flood* ind hold bo«|ht «»n ance in Treasury Sept. 30, 1875, $1,220,- I the ability and faithfulness of their public largest bunks of this citv—(tavnient was women who compose Uie larger part of Marilnt. Intrrral M_ Bloomfl < Id. Davit Cc.« Iowa, , servant*. them fellers sure; it was rich, I tell you Thin was a ouccessiul solution of the rah. . rer r»nl. s’l« * »• I on d< (me- 100.50; increase for the year, $158,832 18. ne« creanly suspended. But this failure i our housekeepers, thn*e w ho do tlieir bit transit question. ii u *uUi**i t to *U'i)t Jr-n#. * . tat# In what paper you saw U»W advertleesneai. Judged liy that standard, us well as all inwdre-d none others. The two banks Maid I, * I.axl night w hen you two men came work themselves, washing, ironing, bak 5 500 ■cross the fork you asked me what tlie BlCNWAfiTER A CO., HsskmA Brok ­ H u h mineral paint beds have been dis ­ others, the tax payers of the United Suites w hic h closed their door* for a tew days ing and all. lM**ide* taking care of several ers, X#. 10 Wail alrect, .vet* York. have rightly concluded that the Republi­ have reopened mein. Not a single mer­ matter was, an ’ I told you I had a bar up i children. These* women know that to do It hx* Urn ascertained by the anthro­ OUikXlikNJiV covered in Kxceldor Town* hip. Kalkaslua ■ tree, but if you hed asked me any more pologist* that, Oi> a rule, women nowadays J. 9. Wlnilow A Co., Stop U • w, H< Oi m '«»»(«■< tey Ml •» can party is the most faithless, extrava- cantile house has failed; not a single their work and do it well they must spend •wtil .#Mal hmmm Ims >m m*M| • •*■'». •* •• County, on the Grand Kaput* dr Indians I would have told you as how* I hed become gray earlier than men. Why is ! ftroker*, fSirtiand, tf*.. miy “Hi *4* M. M IM rwa W. • «t. *M M*< ‘ g»td. thieving and corrupt party that ever broker; uot even a slock sjKJCiilator. Man- | a larger part of their time in the kitchen. uob «*()j Uduk your bss Foam no* -*i«m i»»» t i r^v.M T««, t fpa# e ( Hailmad. The bods cover fbrty acres, are fetched him the first shot I hed.' Wal, it? **rti# Iu all eUMtr Hat >> '* kMM,ii)pMHM, Ml VlUiM.t'T In I, attempted to administer the government utactuung has not l*een interrupted. And ms our surroundings are no d(K*s onr West, Hlon« fe*> k to *m> •* i to# M< to i ' over twelve feet in depth, and are pro ­ ; for 40.000,900 of |>cople. jWyi, JOB mg >ee a more *h« « j»i*h look NjprtngSeW. X.o» , •«* : ” N--# >ti ~ I t—r - i -- i------ii ■ * —- —1 ——— ll l Building— ■ • -» V •• liasN ■ ■*. gone- »•v onWOO withoutVV # I M * - \ t % #9a day'sV I St I p dcVJ V** * . m life seem to us. As a woman »|>efid8 most Il —nlMil v, mm Wmmm ft ftft * ■ to an J *• —« « ( i Let u» ex.uuine. lay. The mines hate )«cn woiked. ffc, men ia jfW d»jri. They agreed A Rchmah proverb -*ays: Before going r'r^ia MkWkM *11 |Im> #u « .IMtele 4 CiMfttoftM hum !*••>«« U- to*l ilCpMi er . < nounced by ei|teiis to he the riel eat in of her life in her kitchen, as it is, so will to war. pray «>nce. before going to sea, ■ • IlM-rlMi IMlIui r»» Ift >M< rftoft RltMMi hull—.ft* In 1858 we had a Democratic Adminis ­ mills have t«een run. The savings banks among themselves to say nothing alsiut it, -III* Jart Um thing Inf lbl-*C- * lft*n,T*.« M TM I ftfftftft, V the United State*. everyUiing seem to her. If it is bare, dark pray twice;'La-lore g-mg l>> be martied, t*4 vm I gsrauii*, *>.4 aiiu In Ivuftft* to Ktoiti, toM. Iteauei tration, it was a time of j*cace, and the have noi been run up<»c. We quote from j an' 1 Mip)M>Hc they thought I never saw and unpleasant, how much barer, darker lb# Strong n*4 " ■«*jr V*l«*ll* The bntunre of cash In the State Treas­ auyb»Kly in the world, for they didn't pray three times. OaoM'if M— VE, noma are kept clean in the strictest sense* SILVER <*f Ih* In ')t" i< thfMH Ml,. i miQi»# * aft fftM 7 H«i perpose followwing in that gri.rizxiy dy in \ Kit TI»'»»K.I> turn *nd $24,884.74; payimnts during the same war, when the ODlmary exjienres reacJie^t employ meul.” Collections, thanks to a the j of the word, we can ’t help seeing w hat a Mkmi #fr * .l«t h* O h* mill on. S.r a little over $72,O(X),0ie» In 1874 we had morn in ’, Got Khnight, amldt >n't never sit TIPPED Rrmlttrnt Vefter...... time % ere $48,433.55; balance in Treasury udicious and mutual forbearance, have hard, sharp, unpleasing l<»ok some houses | Mmb know tbrjr l**i tartc* as I . 1 . . ... ' | I. r. I I . .. • a Republican Administration; it was nine wen mode w lthout difficulty ; the court* j watchin* a ded tmr.” SHOES a* U»o-« #U>>wi t Tie*. I >|>hn( i i < , :* ■ years alter the war dosed; the couulrv diK'kct* have not been made to groan un ­ housekeepers would, instead of keeping I StareaU...... V the week $23.548.81. i was supposed to have enjoyed peace, and A Troubled Barber* Have full »**rn tbs I MeMM ( tftrft* r *»r 4 H nr a der the weight of new* suits against old all Uicir pretty things for their best rooms, MILIEUS trftlral ( ftlarrh ..... • V tw ('able Screw Wire .CABLE Vtatttns ( Inrlrnstl dnrtsg ths FsrmMttos, or *t »*> an The total number of boy* received at yet the ordinary expenses of the Govern debtors, and the 4> panic ’’ has been a mere bring a few of them into the kitchen it tlmr. srs Inrlte*! to call sr th* “J*Tlt41ll MU, Bly—rrlftft ...... IS ment were over $122,000,000 more than A JoKF. w as perpetrated on one of the ItO'ta %n<1 *hr>*# * Mill!©** mtr (SCREW \ Ml. I>.T. ...T ml Heart V «> the Reform School during the year ending lcm|K*st in a teapot, beginning and ending would bring a great deal more sunshine brine worn *| »#* ther *re the rner < f Front *ncmoc- inside the otfke of tU« Bsuk of Califor ­ l**»t artiats in one of our beat barber-shop* into their live*. Have cheerful paper on es».- *t #tMl H«*t bkor *vcr WIRE t n »tiI #** on# of th* l*r»**t and rti«.*t romplrt* 4 kraalr lllarrke*., as Sept. 30 Ia*t was 85, against 109 for 1874. Ate. try Wire QntttoS Hois* HI UH.tiTO.Xk I'll 1 OKI In th# r.inntn . • •<> (■■—rrSrft ktpkllidr tfm recy(Jhic.tyc four ter. nia, and doing precious little permanent yesterday, which disgusted the young the walls (not audy), aud the woodwork ti * m.o* rofnp'er# r» of EIIIIM; V t. ■ftrofr* f Seventy-ail of these wt-re w hite and nine (I'IMKI ii.l Mil I SI**' >1 I* PI I t.'S. Writs tor damage there. 'J'his is a marvelous story iumu very much and ma^le any quantity of prettily grainet instead of the dark steel rsit’*ni|>h:ct -* *-to hT It...... A I'll Mil VOX HI. «<»• eolored. The numlier released was 104 ——The political campaign in Wiscon ­ of commercial strength In 1873, when sport for his associates. The men w ere all blue so commonly used. Have plenty of JlEMINCTON Oitoa n>i»Mi T-* < ilaru murik white and 2 colored, leaving the total sin waxes warm. There u little if any one LaMern bank—a bank which was not busy at work when a man entered the sunshine*t (there are no carpets or uphol Fsarily Tto Mm> \ 4U’ O'* * MimM ■— ty ash . AHuRjtncs i* rest apfnr* to |M- on each side are advancing every argu ­ those planned by Ralston's mind and out a paper and began to read while wait- ~icture* or ornaments liven it up a little SEWING MACHINE CUSHING'S MANUAL ft w ■ « a h year 220. If R«iir*t to I > srs. ment they can in advocacy of the cause pushed by tlie money of Uie Bank of Cal. ing Lis turn. Ut held Uie paper up he- i they do make some more dusting Uiey Of Parliamentary Practice. r;p ji The IKtroit Tribune has gathered re­ Fsotrat to Hui Unis*of ornnrrdma itxl drhols In drltbrrstlr# *»- they es(K>ure. The Republicans are seek­ lfornia —tailed, our great business houses fore his face in such a manner that the amply repay for the work si»ent on them FmI'K R*ft lo Ordrt ornorrdm .1 .iil Ini r I #1.1 **nl — . # I . L E n is .* _ • .. _ •eiiihtt.-* Thl* I*i» tht\«* »t*s*aing Klfle* svsvymoorttrr i • hr *» a r**/1y r#frr- *,M| r‘s|ii raniums, or a pot of ivy in a sunny w :n. sad h- jH. iii.*, |;rrolr*m, A mimui it Inn. Agr ,i-ntMir«] rnrr npos th# formality sn«t l<*m*ttr of aoy pr»c*«>d niweneVpvvx AS - 5 ’ j i ' Tax law. It seems to Ire generally en­ a- an honest man to suffer anything bv the assignments, of business wreck and min. lated “Next:' No response from Uie dow, or a w inter bouquet on the clock- Iiiiri. tueiit*. T> po- W riter*, *t<. Armort. fiinti, N. T. ng or *t*hstr. - Th# mi»t aothortlatlv* #t(*r»tinJ#r of it' attacks upon him. They know, too." that This crash came twenty three months ago, man behind Uie ncw>paper. 4* 8Uave, ( hlogu Off r IK ( iMdntti Oflcc, 10 A nt#rl«-*o p*rHam«-nt*#r J##r.*'—< n «*. Hchsik . forced and to icasen the liquor shops. Ai shelf, do not come amiss. I have in my W i/li *l. Dr.roll 0®cr, 1S1 WwKvirt w. I*nr# t» VI -ft'. - M • » in . . (>u rr#.-n » of :iri've Gfl BITTERS under his administration taxation ha* but we have not yet recovered from our sir!” came nett a little louder. HUH no AdJr* THOMPSON,___ MltUWV A ( (».,IIV to the comparative drinking under taxa mind while I am writing this a happy been largely reduced, and the following hurts. In California the wounds have response. Then raising his voice raUii r home, one of the happiest I ever knew of. 7 BOOK ,**,*• >;i*o* loo# .Vo** raady. Aprmtt Hwlon,Utnloa, M«»a.Mo**, tion and prohibition there is a difference table ot t.w (cniparative co*t «>f the State been mere scratches, and forty da>s have impatiently, as he was a barber whose where I lived about a year while I was at­ NEW*Adi____ Dll teIS LLOYLUlY’D E CO., t hlracu of opitoou. Government under him and under his Re­ sufficed to heal litem all. chair w a* never slighted before, he shout­ tending school. The greatest charmabout - J.*>A 14 t*Y it hossc hspllltrortk tt #*«*. publican prudeceasor carries great weight \\ e need not go tar to find the reason ♦# *- «P**XF frse. Stisvos E Co.. PiK^isirU, M«* A distressing accident recently oc ­ ed; "Want someUiiug done, sir?" All the house was the kitchen. It was always with it: foi tins striking contrast Kiglitecn ern- ! w as quiet and the uiau read on as though WhaTHINKING d#*tro jo ssd«r»tand KDWAKD MEN KELtAKHA’S 4 D.4 \ • Mlttt A MM IT Aom #04 *g MusicBooksiAutman. so light and cheerful, with a few bright r»u curred at Burt’s mill, seven miles below l'<*t of the State (•< mm* nf each tear tarhw ago an luspired hand |>enned the I be were ten miles from .VA* H COM. ro M t St. £><«**. Mo. ** -V#ar M>>mrtary Oyntaw." may receirs a circular, under Washburn any disturbing | pictures on Uie wails and ornaments on villi table of e>»stanta aod S*<*rraehlcal akrtch, upoa /Be SnObalS McAonia. omr BeauM/ul Last Saginaw. Mrs. McLeod had an at­ D 1*1 %w parade of the house that sUmhI on tlie I queries. 44 That rnau ’s a deaf mute," K-plIrtflm to (he ood#r*1(ii. 7. prraona 4«-*trtrg to Cwt t-sch year uu*i« r Taylor. .... l uwtub the brackets; the painted floor and wood ­ C4r\ qC|#rA«» X«alaa of I* rsa- one of the boat uf Sunday School >*ng Uvoia. 'Illi* is s saving of $500 rains fell, and the winds blew, and the ?Pf>*r.*r free. Adarews Crj*tal Ok. li*dUD»|*>Ua. lud. Cp*vsanai.s Bosoe asi> Mossv. Xtsth edlUon. and l»efore the (lames could l>e extin ' da}' to tlie don t know as it u his turn." Thereupon It was always so easy to work in that CH pa*** In pap#' eowr. |1 i*»; In (tof h. ft.XV poat- tor .Stuffing SrAooia, thl fa mo a* tax-pavers. It i.* an argumt lor Taylor floods cauie. And so, when a commercial Uie young man left his chair, stepped pakl. Addrsaa IIKNKY CAKfcY H4IIID E COTT guished the Ue*h on her lower limbs was kitchen, aud things seemed to keep "done Y FAMILYEMILY XV A NTH IT, Mosey id 1C «S Walaat Wrest, PhUaEdpkla, 1‘a. that R|»jH*al*« tlin-ctly to the pockets of the cyclone * weeps over the country, the busi­ acruax the room and touched Uie quiet up" of themselves. It was only a few Ea»_____ AilArnaV. N I/iVRlJ* Ana, Pa Song Monarch. <«u literally baked. |»eople.—brirvtt Free J‘re*». ness tliat is built up on p*|*r falls, and man tin the nhoulder. He glanced up. minutes ’ work to dust and arrange the AM * I*r st Horns. Af#o< This new Trns la wars to interest Mu |Ib| Llaaawa. A tramp of a new order is ab<>ut. He the business that rests on solid gold stands w hen the barber lagan a pantomime per- liule things that would keep the heart glad ^ 1 <«Urtus Der. AMrrm' Wlrk perfect eumfort, the shock triumphantly.—Chteago Tribune. tuchl and d*y. Adapt# Abe D*rotlom»l M*eUng% (Jmt ptAEW l. is well dressed, calls at farm-houses, ask* A n aged colored woman, when urged formance intended to represent the opera- all day long. And if Uiere was no fire in so D' ostOU Chr»moa uxraniel »•* U*#i; to errrjr moftoa of (knbody. reuinlsc Hop- turn of rhaving,_ and then pointed j»er- the Hitting room when company came or a 0 E N T 3_ '•. tfpr11 : fit.Hi. floveltles\ • i«-* sad*1 4 'hrn- m<-ii a Living Waters. C° k . to be kept over night, and engages accom ­ •o leave her residence on Fifth street to , ■ . rry Aff rtf! M iMti. latkiaai CXruiao Co., Zhua, 1*. tors Slider ;*'# hardo*( modations for a drove of sheep and the esca|»e the coming flood, replied: “ I gos 51111 Resumption Bring on 9 Panic 1 suosively toward his chair. 44 No, thank girl friend came to we me we were not SierCU# OC s*>C'#*t Hndg«; a ru *i treat*ury oi tbe avvdot tajuana aad you, ’’ said the mute, 44 I'm only wailing A * aKNMR to am Str*i n uo'il peririanenily tans*. drivers who are to come along next (lav. don't done nothing oh de kind; dc g< «k 1 ashamed to take them into the kitchen HlieW Cured. Sold cheap by Ui# iMKtk says tint dc world don ’t get ’stroked Some of our inflationist friends are very for a friend." The look ol unadulterated, and give them a seat in the easy-chair that ISI Mtetiicaa-svy.CRissas /be CMoruaaa, L'omrmlton* o met ntntra, He is entertained in good style, goes aw ay ► UH. Tune*. As- by water again, and l'ae gwinc to Mav xmiUve in their on»wers to tins question, unmi-iakahle and unspeakable disgust on always stood there and that was always so ...... „ ELASTIC ASSS COL, The Leader, fii; in the morning without paying, and noth­ Uial I tartar’s face as he went back to his Ifo* M3 IlrMKtwnr, N. 1. ( lit, tiuuo. Chant". here, suah." In less than two hours the ¥hey affirm that all attempts we may nice to drop into when you had a minute •3 SAM PLE FREE ETi^ ad sant or Blau. Call rK emd fiireiixnlsr as<: V cured. ing more is ever heard of him or his house went to pieces, and aunty came chair was painful to witness.—Uuefteeter to it st I am sure it did a great deal mure rvr-rrvhsr*. AddressTL#Unl->o l*uh Co.Newark.V J. Thr hereafter make to approach specie pay­ (TRtat#< r f afreet.r the -0# -»-»d >>f f!«# for FlasUtrircafar Tra* tol ’ .TIs ChicHf fl? Chorus Choir. sheep. jwddling to the shore on part of the roof, ments must of necea-ity tend to bring on (N. J'.) Chrenieie. good than if it hod liecn sitting stiff and vat t fhe old woman ’s faith was evidently more or less of commercial revulsion, and •traight in the l*e*t room. For somehow The Supreme Court commenced its I |UV/U BOOK AXO MAP IterlhlLChlc^u.lU. Perkin's Anthem Book. M»mewhat shaken, but all site said tut to precipitate a financial panic. When What Is In the Bed-Room. the husliand and father seemed to prefer regular Ocloiter term on the morning of ROXTHr- AfeaU vanu-d. 44 t>#at tell- she made her wmy to higher ground a*k ed for their reasons Uiey tell us that re­ sitting in il by the bright fire, with the larMstaain th# world. One mu p!* ftr*. • l.Yff. Easy Anthem*. If two the 5th. AH the Judges were present;and wo*: “ I gess Vlare to g7V i «cTa LTY cgT, ll Cenusl-si.lkwtoB. fiHlOMi ■■ W ith every' meeting of tlie t’on**erv. that their actual weight is at least a pound If women only knew this secret It would » tbe »o- 1. *8 Librral discounts to boclrUm aad Con vent Iona. this term w ill be a very interesting one cial world proves that contraction of the ; A MOlfTH.—Afenta srsnted evrry- stive Hub* io this county some colored currency seldom, if ever, produr e* a panic less in Uie morning. FrequeuUy Uiere make their lives more cheerful and happy, Whsra ffwatnras >»«••< •rabte aad C r*» „m*is essutui OLIVER IITS$1 k CO, CI LA H. $ITS$> k f$. class. Partlcuiara amt free. i vary XeaHy BOO and likely to continue longer than the nv. , ni( n come up and join u* Tliey say they in modern times. The fac t is jual the op ‘ will be a bias of two or more pounds, and to any nothing of the good it wnuhl <10 Addreaa fls work. It !• Nm heal amc HooE Bacton. Til ny, ft. ▼. S250 J(?HJf WuliTM A (XL. Bi. LouU, Mo. t Ar^nu, *»»* •' 4 ft xnM ran erage. ar# nomplHely disgusted w ith the wav the pmitc. Currency contraction does not Uie average loss throughout the year will their husbands and children, and the little horn lrik , o dftfly ELL car|>et-lKigger* whine around them.* beg. he a p»und of matter, which ho* gone off extra trouble would lie paid b*rk In a two- rt«»r f fnr UiuftOto* OmtUia Thk Secretary of State received on ac- produce panic; but s very often pro ­ A M0HT1I and RXTX.VR^ISto»1L ArtkWd MS. l-til A**. |to MftC drift,. t>*C gin/them lo ’* stand l»y the pane," etc. from their bodies, partly from the lungs fold ratio. f miJ. . freak C< IJNJ o duces a scarcity of currency ; because in a tv.1^ NKW Tofti:K.f CHirA«.Q. I TlW; OILMEN A CO.. DONT NEHLECT Y URTEETH count of fees for certificates and certified Ami it is a known fact that those wlio panic every man is anxious to hoard that and parly through the pores of the skin. 40o, iuu,av GisciSS4v i.Tlwio copies for commissions issued to Commis ­ Join with us in trying to defeat fhe Radi- which will pay his debts. The escaped matter is carbonic acid and Wu.uorT ’s A nti Periodic or Krversnd For th mag lisa of i sioners of Deed* in other States, and for cals are of the more intelligent rlo#* of tlie The Intis'ioitteta fail to comprehend the decayed animal matter or poisonous ex­ Aors Toxic. —^This invaluable and standard AGtNT.- \mrrtr*. I'n-tuIU lariargs VANBUSKIBK ’S fragrant reo Addreea USr> F CRAM. WaaH “Session Ij»ws" sold during the fiscal colored )0>pn 1*tion. When the election great revolution which modern enterprise : halation. This is diffused* through the fatuity u>>du in# is sow a household word day arrives we don ’t believe the Rads will sod maintains its reputation unimpaired. It AGENTS ra Map and Picture (Kpul, M Laka year ending Sept. 39. 1875. $1,092.25, dis ­ has effected in Uie ttae of sulwtitutes for air in port, and part absorlwd by Uie bed- street. Chicago, UL lie able to poll one single intelligent col ­ money. Out ks uow take the place of 1 clothes. If a single ounce of wood-cotton Is Indorsed h_v the inrdh al profession, and tributed as fulkrws; Certificates and cer­ ored voter, -tuintte ( V ms ) Mnr. prrscribt-d dally in th# Charity Hospital and CAT BE trial boUIr of Pr«'« cash, and hundred* of millions of debt* he burned in a room it will so complete. other h<*i'llalft in New Orleans. YYtlbofl's rrl» twee flvrn away, wtlh te»u tified copies, $409.50; commissions, $90; » •oa lo wowderfsl fnir;n lion of tlie currency, hardly be one ounce (ff foreign matter in worthy of su< b Indorsement. Whsciock , toyib» rile totoi RmrVTIAK CROAW.S m Bmattr A ccording to a writer in the Michigan •■go* ( "walftetoft , iiftHiu Tftft, ImIm. IV, « (hid FtlUm*. there ia a church in one of j clothes, for he wa* vary ragged. She so b»ng as Uiere is no contraction of the air. If an ounce of cotton l»e burned Fix lax A Co., proprietors, New Orisons 4 Hilt IVftr* ft,, toal Hr ttoVeuijjft fl f/ft tort jm. thought they wonhi fit romfnrtatily. lie Foa sals ax xu Dhi;(Ml 1 STS T. i. wauc, 41 ito Salto *VM4, the towns in Michigan where there is credit, will do little eUe than to (nil |every hair hour during the night the air examined both garments nttentivi "y and, Into operation *niic of Uie tliousand will be kept continually saturated with MwrpainoMorjdune HabttHabit ahsolatelyahaolutel T» Hswas IVlipssN, The oerree are le|- written over the pulpit the following: throwing them down, exclaimed ; ** Thete Thr Mason Hamlin Organ Uo. have ■ llll I I ftjwrdll) i til«<1 I 'ml f» - **r*«»l> 1C SWr», oaersted by the brain: but If the econo mies l»y which society in modern smoke, miles* there be an open win. UiIUJBsP ataann fSr particular*. I)r. aOmtarh. the great rltalUer of the ayato-m. la dlaor- •' No man shall pretrh In this church who ’ ain't no vatrh-fMs ket nor no hind picket times economlies menjr. f>n this prin ­ dow or door for it to escape. Now, U»e obtain* il another triumph ovrr all tlieir 'arlUm llfi Waablngtos-oLC hlcago derrd. the whole oervoos organisation ta partially for a pistol ” competitors, and won new honors for aEatterad for the time hetsg does not kneel when he preyt; no man ciple it is that Kngland performs the pro. sixteen ounces of smoke thus formed is Tarrant'1*9 Nellxfr Ipcrlcnt digious operation* of her commerce with America. Th»*v have Just liren »*kp 1**1 FEIl■■■■ WRICK OCAKAXTKEB TO •ball prearli in thischurch who uses man- Tar less poisonous than the sixteen of ex- Eaenta MaleaodTemaie.idr la their own U>- work* wander* Inieaae* of servowsdebility arMntr f> —T lie II nichtHau and Itrfactor, the the grand me*lal of honor for the Ik 's! cab­ djrspepata^ hy reatotlsglofisg the atoviarhfttoinarh to Its normal r.^r _ nsrript; no man shall preach in Uiis so small a volume of cash. Although halations Ireni the lungs and txaiies of rMj jaftaj *Sd Ottnt Faso. Addrees leading Baptist journal in tlie country, Kngland \* at present the great clearing, ilwo |»«*rsons whot have lost a pound in inet ar parlor organs, al the World ’s Kx- S77 o Vlc’hEKV E CO, Aaauftta. Maine. koeptng th* buwvla free. Sold By ail drogg*?# church who belongs to any secret so- say*: “Tne people have no longer au) position iu Linz, the capital of Upper house of the commercial world the volume wmght durln the eight hours ol sice ‘The Beat Thing in the We«t” ctety." confidence in ea;ii|tnign slorir** of South­ of mouey w ith which she conduct* her ing; for, while the ■:di \ Austria. ______ern outrages, and It is almost incredible smoke is main £ H iram A. R*r.nes, Acting Treasurer of •xrhanges amounts altogether pi a taken into the lungs, the damp odor* from Morr vsluatde homes die from the effects that any sane 111 nn «an he found to r# |«**Ml smaller nggregsD than the pressnt volume Presque Isle County, has been arrested on them." the body are alworbed both Into the lung* of colic. The best thing to do In a csss of ^ ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FER. R. of fhe rmrrw y of ths United States and into the pores of the whole body. this kind is to pour > iHvttle of Job mom'a ,4*» A|Wi?^vT:‘ir.a tzjz bs? t; charge of forgery liy a Hint iff from Water orfjrw# Untment into a long-necked junk-bot ­ A HfoTTfeH student, suppl'd to be de ­ Our inrtotkml*? friends seem In imagine * Need more he said to show the irapor- town, N. Y. Ur was scent for sewing-1 that they are living in a slate ot Uitngs tanoc of having bed-rooms Iwell______venti tle, add half s pint of molasses and water, ’Inm ‘•nSUTR-toS?. CktoS'ft ficient in judgnient, wa* a*keil by a pro then pour th« whole down tbe home's throat. machine* about a year ago, and when a fcHWff. in the omtrse of Ilia examination, such a* existed years ago. when payments lsted, and of thoroughly airing the sheets. wore more generally mails in actual cash In ten minutes the horse will t»rgin hi rat. machine was sold A.-r rush It it said that bow Ik * would dhrover a f«K*| 44 By tin* coacrlids and mattressoa in th. looming B,000,000 A and when ti mkin facilities were not so tiefore (kw king them up ia the lorm of a he would forge the purchaser's name to a quralioiis hr would a*>k," was the pro;n|>t Paaaoxs* Ptroatitb will greatly Of tbe h#et Farming sod AgrVwnarel lands is Amer AUD UIVIOORATBM AND extensively derr j>ed as now. Their ncotly-mode I»#k I * — Science of Health. m. ftiisBfd Is sad pear the baaatlful ( utt«4w«Mi an# note and send it ta the company for col ­ and highly *uggr*tire reply. relieve, if not entirely cure, dyspepsia when rpper Arkauaas Vallay*. rLsgordea sf tEe Want, oa j dread of currency contraction should be everything else fails. They have been tried AGENTSWANTKD ZjZ lection. . Ills forgeries amount to several transformed into a (ear lost Uiey bring In some aesperate#ncr*te eases,cases, anda have given fhe’eat aelllng Hook aomr published Bead for tir- 11 Bosuns* f 'rsdlL Witte T per real. later* HARDENS THE GUMS I —Kx Treasurer Spinner, in Ids letter The most dangerous mines in the iiikr< awl ar titrt lemi lo Agaala. NATIONAL eat, and 29 per rent. Discount thousand dollars. upon the CJtiotry Uie mischiefs or a roa- l nitel 8 la tea are in Brhuylkill County, mors relief Wthan I snv other medi< Ine. Pi’BUSH I so CO.. Chtcago, TIC or SI. Lowla. Mo. for I us pr* venae u to, It imparts a delightfully refreshing accepting the liepubl can n<>minsti«l K to+vt. gress of decay, and whitening such Forest as she lay asleep She was tiorri- ns with wor*e evils than are likely to FOR •ALB.a;x^2>4UI^ l«wpu am!- ••* ■ Debt ma\ not he re gaoled as a positive 133,000 tons. This destruction of human Wxax you go to Chicago stop at Iht nthly tbr tilists wfffctqalia a ffmrt dlai * parts as hare become block by decay ( avll uotil it lie* onu** a burden, and rlten. protliw ed from any healthy and moderate MicUa, with hour raise aad rhr*p fsm. v-ml ,ornr bly burned, and at last roust# her re. life ought always to lie considered when 4* Barnes llousd," i oroer of Randolph aad c of chargeschari ta oa the $2.00 par day for transient. AnySIdi READY or Catarrh, is neutralised by the daily and badly disfigured At first the outrage ('••ngrvas. — Ftnnneitti Chronicle. itort of those who own the mines, and Thr road to the top of Mount Ifamil Address Tffe was supposed to have been committed by never on that of those who work them. use of The Mulligan girl who sawed two ,*..!• Hayll, when a lady steps Info a ton, Cal., tha site of the Lick Observatory Desired. For Use. a man who bad bees Jilted by a girl who • cords of wo*si In a day has an average of will coat, according to the preliminary snr Prof. D. sometimes slept with Mr* Forest, and sti*re to Imy • calico drew she (wills In the J twenty five offer* of marriage per week, baby n# W'.tkft ft m* kauwa *p tu (he meniug o» tbe IW ; Utmwrauc *i*>or7i77a VorT ST Pat sat »«’• White W ine Vinegar, purest • nahi# as to a. to, fie. PI# 1 ■MMMHj not treiwn. 7 pad cheapest, warnranted te Preserve pickles.