person near, beard bis orlem, pushed a White mid today that he bed a* Inf or RELIEF UNEXPECTED. SLEEPERS 01 TRACK. •ltd to him and pulled him out. motion to confirm It, bat that he expected How Garrison First Bow OS BOWERY. inch aeeureneea would he pleea. Ladfimlth HEARD STEAMER WHISTLE. Tktlr Itasoncrs* THK GRAMTE CUTTERS. Finding of Along Ksts Hr ri- BRAVE Dorban, Friday, Marsh a.—Oorraspond- tVrrfhagr COLONIALS. | lls n Const Still m Conference at Quincy Today Bo« We ente who haw returned boro from Lady- Bold Attempt to Wreck Mystery. ttgai of a Settlement- smith lay that tha lallaf oama quite on- expectedly. At noon oa Tueoday tha fir- a Train. Halifax, March.—Mr. Sendford, who arrived from some Qnlnoy, llua, March 4.—Affaire la the ing of Uaaaral Boiler's army teamed to tonight iiarlngton.tha of the that on dotting labor truublaa between the rooado, Inotaad of approach and the gar euppoeea wreck, reports Fire in Seven Story Lodg- whistle granite tnemtfaotaiera and cutter* hart rlaoa wao oonaaqoontly depraaaed. It very Monday, February 20, a steamer's hoar tbs was beanl In tblek near the famous beea oomplloatel and the Idea of eettle- Boers Driven From an Important Posi- body wao atartlvd to garrison's fog House. off. William It had nst bean mod Lurcher shoal, wbloh was thought.at the ing tnent seem* yet a long way 4.7 gun firing. Two Laid on R. k M. Sleepers time to he the ooeatwlre steamer whlob H. Mitchell, preeldent of too Manufac- muoh of late, owing to the diminishing tetwevn Halifax and turers* Aeerolatlen of New Kngland, . ammunition. Track at piles Yarmouth, Brabant’s Men. Hampton. but wbloh via afterwards to ha of the tion Gen. out It was fanad that the found and by virtue of bl* ofllaa preeldent by On harrying ratification committee which yesterday Uoara wars trying to remora the big gan acme other ship. This wu a dangerous a for a to Next repudiated the action of the Uarre menu- on Balwana hill by the ervotlon of place arrange ship be. day eareasee of backets of factor.n la effeotlaf a settlement with derrlek. Xhls proved that something cattle, laid, and The other other stuff came nature. There wire so Five Persons Were the cotter*, was area at bln raaldenoa to- extraordinary was happening. At Seabrook Switch their (Ire on trneee of n ball or ether evidence day. It wae learned at yesterday’* mast- gairloon gnna then dlreoted ship's •f n water la to Death. a wa* reached between Will Be with tha mail that tha Boers disaster, but the rary Burned ing that decision The Next Stand Probably Balwana, Was Turned. and In this the Uarre manufacturers and the cutters, wars oompallod to abandon the attempt bold deep locality. a does vote. The eettlement In with the derrlek. Later oa, they plsoed after Kraal. CAN’T BE THE H ASK ELL. tae Vermont city was upon the basin of a at Abraham’s tha gan aw a wagon, whlob eapslzvd la thirty-live cant average, Instead of mini a donga. Daring tbs afternoon whenever the Rockland Hr Ik Reported l*ost l.oratrrl mum, an the cotter* olalm. A conference the Boers wars aaan approaching Engineer Just Able (o Slop His oummlttee of the manufacturer* and British retained tbs shelling of Bal- Kl ic where# four o'oloek a terrlfio Trnin. Bodies Were Found on the Fifth outtera will eon vena In this city tomorrow wana. About Maroh Tbe of the evening. It la not the general belief tbuader storm broke over tha town, Just Kookland, 0. report a had been low of the M. C. Haskell off Point Floor. that tbe raanufaotnrers la this city will to of after message ballographed brig advanoe In the wage* Reported Attempt Escape from Wagon hill that the Boars were la Judith cannot be true aa tba brig, ao- make any further to owners an her over the sent offered, whloh full retreat. oordlng the hern, la way thirty-three Marob 4 —An at- Other officers said believed Portsmouth, N. H., from Trinidad to Punta to Is an average wage per hour. Boer Prisoners. they they (lords, Fla., tempt vu rorvda tonight to wrack tha Mr. MltoheJl farther ■ la ted that tbe oukl deaery British oavalryi but most load for this port. Boston at 0 that the wish wao father train Waving 8a, Just after Tha Haskell had her stern out off leal eettlement wa* only temporary la the eople supposed It bad out of tbo Vaemnnt ftitv bnt bn would not DroobeflT to the thought polled Hampton depot. summer In n colllslou off Flsbsr'o Is- Xb* train was soon as the • tor os oeaaed the British Just gathering headway about rnllre west of Three Others Seriously ■i to tbe aollon of tbe Bane annotation As land, Conn., twenty a on when tba engine struck sleeper laid whlob arooants AH far aa tbe aettlenient Is eoaoerned In guns reopned Bulwana, gradually Point Judltb, probably tha and tsuoceedad In tnrow- Held Out a the oa loft and aoroas tracks ou tbe beaob between Injured. tbla olty, the'end le not In eight. From Ladysmith Could Sot Have oouoentratlag lira tha for the wrokage lug It off. A few rods farther another the latent turn of nSalrt, no netllemnnt driving tha Boers before thorn, with the Watoh Hill and Point Judltb. Week sleeper wne (brown from the track, wburo In likely at tbn Joint meeting of tbe ooo Longer. object of preventing the enemy from It bad been to derail CHlLDKfcM ri'lKUK Bx SNOW SLIDE ferenoe committee. hampering any British approsoh. evidently placed tba mam* later a of British horse- train. Baogor, March 4.—Tan ohtliren, It now nppeaia that,owing to tbn prom- An hour party bers of the Universally ohurob Sunday inence whtoh Barre baa lo tbe granite men oould be (wen oroestng the llat below train wan also ma<1« at Seabrook, at school, ware struek and almost all of world tbe trouble narrow* lrnelt down to Bulwana at a dlstssoe of some miles. It to the Was whloh a switch had twen thrown tbtm wera completely burUa by a snow Damage Building tbe mult will be Kens Is Impossible to describe the exoliement point wbat .of negotiations London, lfnroh t.-4.50 m. ni.—Her Ii abandon Ue territory around and enthoalium amoDB the troono that and tbe switch light destroyed. Vortn- slide wbloh oame off the roof of the that abould Barre oone to bee been In olty; for. baa abandoned bar intended visit and tbe retreat effeoted church noon from Not (treat. Majesty burg the train was a one, consist- nt today. Their escape lemon! wblob In to followed. Mott of the townspeople had nttely, light some definite nett llkoly to tbs Italian Rlverla and baa deolded to under tbe protection of mounted death was miraculous of tbe and two care, and 111 all the other been driven Into the bouse# by the etorrn ing only engine Li -J be agreeable to Qhlnov, remain at borne. Bnrgbere. not learn the newe till later. tba engineer wns able to atop It before new will follow. on Feb- and did good ootlere In England Beyond tbe signs of a general retreat of It 1* oHolelly annouooed tbat 1'be storm broke oat In the even- any damage was done. Had there been there General wltb from 2000 again tbe Boeie throughout Cepe Colony ruary 27, Cronje would It ESS THIS WEEK. and oon tlnued until two the next many uara In tbe train, It surely CONG It llttls news from tbs front. Lord Rob- to 3000 men surrendered owing to the lug have been switched a siding where Tbe morning. It rauat have eerlonely ham- upon erts In his despatches to the war olBoe scarcity of food .and ammunition. la Ur Considered Boere. The Brltlah freight oars were standing. Morel) 4.—Five were Impatient Minium a pered the retreating New York, persons thus far says little but he un- President, Kruger, la Uanlng itlrrlng pnbllebed, a watch to vent 10 death and three were Injured Hr Senate. la wbo gnnnere kept sharp pre burned doubtedly Is active In eome dtreotlon. addrese to tbe burgher* Mata], DENOUNCED POLICY. In a lire whloh oo- any further attempt to remove the Bul- early this rooming Abraham's Kraal, at shown In tbe war are felling book on Htggarebarg. Tbe onrred In a seven story lodging bouse at —The of return to Pretoria Ban- waaa gun. Washington, March 4. question offloe maps. Is a group of three kopjes President will Mr. Ilourkr Corkrau Donii’t lalkr A«I- The dead are: Charles The Brltlah naval gnn fired at Intervale 44 to 40 Bowery. tbe aeatlog of Benator Quay, tbe oonfer- situated et the of Keole day. Junotlon Spruit _ mluliIrRlIou'a Attitude Toward John Clark, Ufty through the night and In the morning Buttle, forty years old; enoa report on tbe onrrenoy bill and tbe with Madder river. It le a natural point of Edward a force wut sent out to look alter the KngUatl. jeers old; Doylet, thirty-live Porto Hlcan gor element bill will divide oonoontratlon wbloh the Boere ooold ALL WELL AT MAFEK1XG. gnn and to oocnpy llnlwnna. years old; ilsary Jsckson.oolored, thirty- the attention of the Senate during tbe make but after the New March 4.—In a last- exoetdingly strong; Kenny's Activity Everywhere Bring the York, speech one unidentified man Lord Dundonald'a foroe went after five years old, present week. By agreement tbo report proofa of tbe mobility of tbe army of ing nearly two hours at the 122d anni- Quality old. Met. retreating Boers, while four hundred them the in auout Ufty years on tbe currency bill will be voted on at Lord Roberts It be doubted wbetber of the birth of Hubert leading Cigar may M.—Tbe of went to- versary Emmet, | Stephen C truer, seventy-five years old London, March 4-11.48 P. of the best men the garrison four o’clook Toeeday. they will make a really serious attempt Iho Irish which was celebrated tbe and fare and war oflloe bos received tbe following des- ward In the of being patriot, NEW ENGLAND. was burned about body A tbe resolution will Klandalaigte hope fear luasday Quay to bar bla advanoa there. at of Music the tbs la a from Lord Roberta dated Usfon- able to cat oil the enemy. tonight tbe Academy by bends, and removed to hospital tbe morn- patch A favorite in home be tbe uppermost topto during A notlotable feature of all the recent of every club, eerlous condition. Martin Uallagner. tela, Sunday, March 4: OHANUE 1UVEH BRIDGE INTACT. combined Clan-na-Oael organizations ing hour eaoh day and tba Porto Hloan operations at the theatre of war baa been or office. Every of choice on behalf of hie this W. liourke Cockrau judge ilfty-tbrse years old, was burned about of tbe The "General Cronje, party city, bitterly bill for tba remainder day. tbs aotlre employment of oolnnlel foroee. Colesberg, Cape Colony, Sunday, cigars has tbs faos and hands and was also removed and commandant Wolmarane on babalf denounced the attitude of the adminis- Porto Bloan bill will be debated at jit Is now seen bow near Ladysmith was Maroh A—A teoonnalae.inoe with two to a Edward Walker forty- Honotor wko It In of four thousand oth'r prisoners wbo tration at toward PERFECT CONFIDENCE In hospital. length. Foraker, to starvation and tbe exhaustion of am- of Australians nod two Washington England there no troops gnns ecsen was bnt after chares of tbe bill, tayt U dltpo bar* all new laft Modder river, asked and almost _ year* old, burned, over the in hor affairs In South Africa •Itlon to the Mouse bill aad drop munition. The town might have held oat found the wagon bridge Orange Wuitt & bond black stone# wounds dressed remained at accept the British officers to thank nie fo* t be having bis aa Boere ou the other advocated a retaliation on the part of the Senate measure, haa been reported another week, bo I saarcsly beyold that. I'lver Intact. FUty No. Si Blackstonc Bostoa. tbe bouse. consideration and kindness with which St., lodging la some quarters would be done. Tbe aide were taken by surprise and the Brlt- the United States. honee wee out up Into HU they have been treated, The lodging diplomatic and tbe pennon Appro- leh galloped ta their laager,some miles Mr. Cochran Inlrodtcsd by heoerder nnd of these small places bills will be pasted "Ueneral Clements report* that hie ad- rcome, ninety priation probably on the Free State tide. John W. who at the meeting, t«jq tbe week. Uoff, presided were when the lire broke out. during vanced troop* held Aohtertang and that occupied FIGHT ON. Frloe'g oommand moved eeven miles said In part: were filled wltn ELECTION CASES IN MOUSE. oommaoloatlon would be opened The hallways Instantly railway north of Colesberg. “We oelubrate tonight the anniversary Tbe to JouDarl’s Ih enemy la CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK a crowd of excited people. poJioemen Washington, Maroh 4.—Tbe Mouse elding today. The Boere during their oeoupatiun of tbs birth of one cf the greatest figures to the floors In will devote tbla except tomorr ow, still In foroe at Nervals Point forced their way upper weak, bridge. here denied themselves rather than see In the of a nation. Ills Ilfs Is of Colombia lo martyology of Portland, Maine. rdceno some of the wbloh dlatrtot day "Ueneral Uatacre that the an effort to helpless telegraphs a his Insarrsc ooo tea tod election oases. Tbe Aldrloh- the British wounded sailer. was strangle for Justice; number of Is or who might be overcome with oon Colonials Drive Boers From Boers at Btoimberg dally any Hohblaa case, nod tbe Wise-Young test RHODES GOING TO ENGLAND. Mon wss s blow for jnstloe, sod with c sir led eut Thomas be In emoke. They Harper from Virginia will token up. both diminishing, the Irish rase Is always In sym- March 4 Justice, oases the hat reported against Baden-Powell that all Cape Town, Sunday. —Mr. a one legged mac and Edward Walher, majority "Col. reports Never In the of tbe Irish tba member! who are Oemoorata Position. is hers and to sell pathy. history CAPITAL, $100,000.00 had been burned and over- altting was well nt Matching on February 16, and Ceoil Rhodes expects who partially Mouse will euataln tbe rsoe has It. love of justice been so signal and tbe probably for ooras the emoke. Stephen Carney was that the enemy’s activity was being England Wednesday, by reports. ly shown ss cf Into. Tbs moment sn act and Undividai Protits, $29,000.00 on the floor In his room. The met by on the LINE TO MAFKTUNG CUT. Surplus found lying everywhere equal eotlvlty of was even against IN BKBKLEY TEMPLE. lnjnstlos perpetrated, bad boned the other gPOKE of tbe defenders. Maroh accounts of flames already part Mazro, Basutoland, Friday, 3.— as alien race, tbe ssnss of Jnstloe In the Solicits the Banks.ner- faoe and but a TO TOE Dordrecht, Cape Colony, Sunday, "The Is et Osfon- and cnntlle ami man'* hands, body, police- [SPECIAL PRESS.] position unchanged The telegraph line between Mafetnng Irish race rose. It has been said that Firms, Corporation* and oarrled him out that showers Indit iituuls anil is to fur- man plokei him up, Boston, March 4.—Her. C. C. Phelan March 4.—A. M.—General Brabant's tetn. except frequent heavy Uu/.ru wee cut Wednesday night, a whole tbe attitude of Ireland toward England prepared anooeeded to tbe nish its patrons the best facilities of the building. The firemen delivered In Bark- division after a maroh have materially Improved glazing section removed. It le believed South African re- of Wastbrcok, Mains, colonlul night's being In tbe matter of the and liberal accommodations. loss bento lit of the horses and ani- In putting out the fire without greet the ableet address transport this was the werk uf natives prompted or was due to ley Temple, Boston, Is now altaoklag tbe Boers In a strong public jealousy. After the fire was mals.” to the building. out, of tbe oearee. Tbe enthusiasm bribed by the Beers. "Ihe whole of the olvlllsej world con- palrlatlo at Nek on tbe the bodies of all live of the vlotlms were position Lubuneobagns START FOR FRONT. Intel est Paid on wss Immense, Tbe house was orowdad. ABRAHAM KRAAL. CANADIANS demns this war. The Irish opinion Is Deposits. lound on tbe fifth Uoor. buttla was suffo- road from Dordrecht to Jamestown. AT S Mr. Pbelao’a subject was "At Ameri- Cape Town, Snndey, March 4 —The not unique. It Is the same ss thst of cated In bed. John Clark was found on Later—The Is To Meet Next can Idea.” engagement proceeding KnglUl* Expert Opposi- Cnnaalen artillery haa just started for the tbe rest of the olvillzsd world. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. tbs floor ol bis room dead, as was also * with great rigor and the Boers ere grad- tion Tliere. front. The loyalists gave them an “England seeks to some extent, to Invited. Edward Doyle. The colored man was THE WEATHER. Inteniews and Currespondence before the British (bell fire to the ovation. a window and the uniden- ually retiring Londcdo, March A—A dMpatoh found dead at Uraaf about two hundred tble' not by this people. from three Timas from dated March 3, At Keynet government, CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, President. tified man had been overcome jual as he positions. Osfonlelo, miles north of Fort Elizabeth, tome sev- There waft, long before ttili war In Sooth blimelf from tbe window A rifle fire le says: "We antlolpate opposition at Abra- THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. wee dragging heavy being exebanged Dutchmen Incited Bondi tea at- Africa began, a between Eng- miles east of Faarde- enty by queetloa to the fire The damage to tbe ham's Kraal,thirty esoape. where the British are engaging the with stocks and stenee a body of land and the United Slate* regarding DIRfcK TOR.Si where General Joubert Is tacked wee small. Tbe origin of ths berg, reported building Boers on the flank. Bo far tha wbo were celebrating the relief the Alaakan boundary. There wai > right a foros from the whole of loyalists CULLEN C CHAPMAN, SETH L. LARRABEE. firs collecting u nrnnuiu nmi Pi/ R CIlBUUlU Is unknown. were In- claim If tne United State*; If of Many per-ons pending. ui'w w •- Boer a have hed no big gnna in action. tba Ladysmith forces with the northeast- Ladysmith. L, HI, d LAl/mnn, DECADENT ENGLAND. the administration bad gone on enforcing F. HAWKES Evening—Uentral Brabant's advance ern Free Staters. BRICE M. EDWARD). JAMES A similar riot onoarrad at bullenbosoh, ibat olium this war would never bad Chicago, March 4 —President David "President Steyn arrived at the Baer HENRI S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. MARKS. today was molt satisfactory. Attar about twanly-hve ml'.M oast of Cape begun. The Canadian troupe would have Starr Jordan of Leland Stanford univer- oamp at Abraham's Kraal on the morn- ADAM P- LEIGHTON. marching and bivouacking ovsr night, Iowa. abundant badness at borne. ]•! U 'V4Ptf sity of California, lectured at All Souls' ing of February 37 and harangued the llie rebels or reloforoed "In hi• last night, President hers to a tbs force rsaohed tbe strong, entrenobed them to remember Uriqualand. speech oburch today, speaking large March 4.— Forecast: Threat- burghers, exhorting Boston, by O'JO Dutch farmers, from the Prlaska McKinley raid there wae no alliance audleooe on “The Blood of a Nation." positions which the/ occupied and now Majona and to deliver Oronja. TOE weather with one hundred with 1 believe that. It le not STRUCK HIS the wo old ening Monday, probably dlstrtot occupied Kenhardt, England. He said that preaent century tha Boers on tbe snow: much colder. Tuesday continued hold, bring opposite uillea west of and after a shar p an ulllanoe. lt’e a surrender W* give the chopping block and spliled the wlthasa the downfall of Ureat Britain. MET ENEMY IN FORCE. Prseko, Against west to north winds. MU. oontllct with tbe Kaffirs are now mar Jit and the dleahergee a ol cider he had gooe down cellar to get. He declared that the cold; up government pitcher ultimately people him No u,e having chopping March 4.—Forecast for b Bit Onfou- eoolheastward on Van Do Haul at Pretoria Leosnee he served right. Soutn would have their free- Washing tod, The British will remain tonight In ths Hocr* Occupying Kopje lag Wyks Vlcl, oomplnlned of Africa block. No wood needed. ItKNSOS'S At.- dom. The In amp hallo terms New Suow aud cold- tcln. where there ore grain stores, pour hun- that ble mall had been opened." speaker England: Monday cuptnted positions, although the Bcert WATS READY CHAKCOAl. tikes its place. asserted that the prsaeut lnbetltautu of dred from Kenhardt haet readied Mr. Cookran oloted wltb an arraign- er except on the extreme southern refugees It 10c AT ALI. t.KtXKKS. were a mere shadow of brought two guns Into eollon and mads March A—Tha Morning Post HIU At* Ureat Britain London, Carnarvon. The native In taut district ment of England*! methods of so-called forefathers In of brains and coast; cold wave at night in Massachu- their point a determined effort to retake them. has tbs following despatch from Osfoo- of tbe of Tues- are reported restless. civilizing lnlluenoea and epoke No. 132.) health. setts and interior Connecticut; teln, dated March 3: (TALK The British losses are six killed and THE HOKKb IN TKUUBLE. pceelble outgrowth of the war. snow; winds becoming French made a reconaolssauoe BE CHANGED. day probably "General AT A DISTANCE. MEAT BILL WILL eighteen wounded. March Wil- fresh to brisk northerly. today and enoouotered the enemy in London, B.—Mr. bpen.-er re- WILL SEEK RE-ELECTION'. » of cases, glasses Berlin, March 4.—Kegardlng the foroe. They were occupying a table kinson In the Morning Poet today merely In majority REPORT. were e are for sew- sort tuus Wixeblngton that Secretary Bay LOCAL WEATHER shaped kopje. Shots exchanged, revlewe the small events aunoanoed In which t«p«dally adapted the Ger- Boer gun replying. Mr. UonCrlle Will Ur n ('nutlitlatc For an I reading, cannot be used for baa iflmved aesuranoes from Portland, Mar 8 1900—The lotal TIUED To ioS. tbe despatches from the front and ex- ing meat bill would NEEDED 11 EKE. C'cngrraa Again. seeing at long distances. This Is par- mno government that tbs weatter bureau rooorda the following: PAUNUKFOTE presses tbe opinion that tbe lloers cannot Ambassador true if tbs wsarer Is over be changed. United States 8 a. m.—Barometer, 30.108: thermome- London, March 5. —The Dally Uhiontole place more then torly thousand mnu to ticularly A to tho some dew 12; rel. n New York. March 6.— sprolal forty-live years of age. To per- ter, 21.3: point, humidity, referring this morning to the contradic- oppose Lord Roberts except by complete direction of wind, wind veloc- Press from Bangor, Me., eaye; sons It Is very annoying to be com- 04; SW; tory reports regarding Lord Paonoefote, abandonment of Natal, lie siys: ity, 10; state of weather, clear. Boer Prisonorx Made a Dash for “Congrecsman O. A. lljul die has *o to remove the glasses every says: |" Without that the lioers >un keep pelled 8 m. Barometer, 30.163; thermome- far reooverad from his recent Illness It Is to look across the p. "We hope It Is true that Lord Feunse- two strong rear guards, one at the urssu time neoessary ter, dew 24; rol. to ssnd him to 1 have beard this 30.8; point, humidity,74; remain In another Slate and the others which made II necessary room Of late, direction of wind Liberty. fnte la to Washington of the free passes, the wind,IN; velocity, 8; Boston for treatment, that he has decided of a deal. The troubl* Cool Blood Gene al liullor la spoken great state of t snow. year. Ws fear there Is hard work before at Ulggar’s Haro. weather, his brother be obviated bi- of both If we and oan threaten either at to srek re-election. Today can easily by wearing Max. temp., min. 18: mean the diplomacy countries, betwean them 40; temp., announced tbe a ndldnuy of the oongre e- focal lenses. In these, the upper parte In all Cases of wind 15 •re not to Into oar former un- his discretion, ila oan therefore compel Itching temp.. 29; max. velocity, SW, relapse * msn lor renomlnatlon and re-eleotion. are lilted for distance aud the lower precipitation—24 horns trace. Cape Town, March 4.—It le reported friendly attitude," them to keep a disproportionate force for reading. If you look down ENGLAND AFTER A PORT. two or to lease ono or the parts Humors that tbe Boer while on tbe on the line*, SM A EE POX A T YA1.E. Burning WEA'i IIEP. OBSERVATIONS. prisoners on the book or tewing, you look to bis advance." Loudon, March A—The Standard other open New March 4.—ti, W. Perkins The weather way from Pasideberg, nneucoesefally klavan, through the lower parts. When yon agricultural department In rays: iUK PEACEI UL. of Urand Kapide, Mich., a student look st a distance, with the bureau for Mar, 4, taken at 8 attempted to escape from the train. WILLIAM raise t he eyes to yesterday, “We believe that negotiations for clasa of the Sheffield solen- March 8 —Tbs Uourlsr da Solr, tbe freshman see at clearly. They sre the meridiau the observation for men have Paris, you Jtlfct p. in., time, Eleven hundred of Cronje’e to a In Portu- Is ill with England's acqutaltlen port Is as au Inspired llllo sohool at Yals university, to the natural eye this section in this order: whlob usually regarded nearest approach being given been placed temporarily cn board tbe guese East Afrlce giving easy acoess to ■mall at hla 109 Temple street. In CUTICURA RESOLVENT organ touohlng present matters, states pox room, that It is possible to devise. Oorce Temperature, direction of wind, state of Rhodesia are on 'oot and are likely to be oonlraotod tbe Brltleh steamer Mongolian ana Manila reason to believe It Is thought that ms make a weather. that there Is Empero and let you pair. While Cleansing the Skin and suoceed In view of the turn the war has a to New York last In Table bay. William Is disposed te offer hls servloes In disease daring vlelt with hot baths oI CUTI- Boston, 44 degress. SW, poldy- Nsw taken." Scalp 44 degriej. S, oloudyi Phila- favor of mediation In the Transvaal diffi- month. Vui, PLEASED. 48 Wash- INDIANS un- Wl. WENTWORTH, CURA SOAP and healing the delphia. degrees, ti, cloudy; culty, knowing that he Is no longer IslFJS. A. 50 20 FROM TftE BOERS. bAYKD A lugten, degrees, b.oloudy; Allsny, London, Maroh 6.—The Calcutta cor- and all tbe him Raw, Inflamed Surface with 18 laolated powers reoognlse Wluohee- degree*, N, cloudy; UaSnlr, degrees, Official Auiiountmifut of Ciou|**e the Ellsworth, March 4.—Milton respondent to Times, says: as the moat to not tbe Practical Optician, CUTICURA OINTMENT. NE, snow; Detroit. 16 defereee, fitting sovereign in Enat Surrender. from all of India the t«r Aged eight, living Snrsg.Mved N, cloudy; Chicago, SA degrees, KG, "Telegrams parts part of paaeemakor. Hie telegram to M« l-h Congress St. among the na- life of Omar Stevens, yssterday. tidy; St. Paul, 14 degrees. Mi, oldyi show universal rejoicings of Hoberta the Bloemfontein, Free Blate, Fri- Queen after the vtotory Lord s $1.25 Uuror, Dak., 10 degree* ME, snow; Orange tlret at the British snocest In South Af- Stevens fsll through the loo in Patten Complete Treatment, March Is to have been Intended to Blsn 21 saowi day, S.—(Via Loureooo Marques. rica. The native army la particularly beltved pave Office *lso£m. to«Vm, naaoLtavT, lOe. trek, degrees, E, and who wae tha only Hours,- gv. Soar, Me.; OivmieT. toe.i Sol* Marob enthuelaatla. the way tor took a step. hay Wluohester, •vtfjvhue. Porta* b, ase C. Cear.Prsw-, beitea. Jachicnrille, 58 degrees, SB, oldy. a)—The Fed ex ale have resolved I *!X~ '--- hew Anrwnn. rsw. mw ADTMmmnjrra. ploltatton nf Mm Philippines, quoting OBITUABY. SACO DEMOCRATS IN GLEE. ABHORS IMPERIALISM. < Hens tor beeartdge'c and an ebito- ; epeeeh " rlal from a Washington nsteepaper, bead- RUFUS H. HINKLEY. Claimed They Conld Slap F.lvctteu If ed: “Let os be honest.” senior member They W l.hed, llr. Kufas H. Htnkloy, The trial of tha charged with (Barilla of tbe banking Arm of Swan and Barrett, 1h end It I* tellered tbe murder Mulshed at about one o’olook to mu msss.1 of Uli city, died I IsrsciAi. verdict will be Ia So President Tells Sons oommleetoa'B gnllty. after an lllnett of about wan thla morning, March 3.—The politician* have been » Saoo, dlctments against others prr-‘ wa a four weeks. Tbe oauaa of ble death ► all oat tonight, earnestly discerning a of Ohio. pared. beart trouble. Mr. Hlokley'a age waa ► that had arisen la tbs board of from Gen- modrile No report ha* been received month*. Ha The Mermaids Almost Cot alatjr-alae yeara and Are ► registration and seemed to stand In th* eral liatee's Ue has probably expedition. leaves a widow sad several aona and of the annual monlclp.l where communication with way holding moved Inland, a Mr. Hlnkley baa far great ► on Until thjs spring daughters. sleollon Munday. him Ic Impraotloahlo. * many years bean a leading figure in Hiwt- j Them, nlerk of the ► the olty clerk has noted as The the Island af army throughout Ho was also a \alional Conscience Was Seer th* board be- land business strokes. 9 registration board. Whan Luion la hard, scouring tha worklag mem oar of tbs Mosoalo fra- ► j thla the two prominent ► these Dress Stuffs from over sea. They gan Its sittings, early we»k, oouotiy for lmurgenta and killing a few pretty members voted to make terrlty. Higher. ► Kepublloan Tbe aeetlon from Manila to Dag- ► were dally. REV. E. O. MITCHELL. % sofascinatingthat P. 1 clerk. This was ► John leering. Esq., upao has been thoroughly cleared, the M'icbell ► dene the earnest statement of The Her. Kdward Cueblag Old Atlantic despite Boontlng parties being unable to Und any ► got jealous In New Orleans osourrod last JnJge Foster, City Clerk Ulipstrie's oouo- whore death ► Insurgent*. ► of the that that under the registration law no Tuesday, waa bom la East Bridgewater, ship brought tel, General Funston and Colonel Kennan Burden is Our ► than the clerk oun legal- fid, lEi«. He wee duoal- The Op- after oth. r person olty took 100 men through tbe mountalas to Mum.,September f them and roared and W a ter v Hie as clerk of th* board. sd at Yarmouth neademy ..> ly seres Baler, on the eastern ocast, without from . and it and a few minutes of 3 o’olock this af- gradaatlng afterwards portunity. it, bumped At meeting aa Insurgent. but they are college, In Newton Theological seminary. Ha ternoon, City Clerk Ullpetrio appeared aotlve along tbe northern coast. Ooeaalon- tried to swamp It. The He waa fsdsless bonur to oar him. I onmmt for- the door of tte registrar's room end soldier preached In Cain le one year. al reports oome of an Amerloan get tbe qnlok response of tbe people to he should Insist on their Creek profeaser In Chicago university tar ocean wanted these annoonoed that being killed or disappearing, lu tbe tbe ooaatrjr'g need end tbe quarter of e with the lew delivering seven years. la lfiTB ha want to London million wbo lively offered tbelr llree to complying Uy southern the Insurgents con- Be- Textiles for his mer- provinces Hark The Liberators Will Never tbelr aervloe. It wee an Im- Into hi* custody et precisely 3 o'olcok as pvo’essor la Regents college, country’s tinue to harrasc tbe Amerleau garrison pressive eoer.tarle of national strength checklists. The two Ke- There be remained two years. Then ha but they c3me the completed ty demons 1 rations. come It demonstrated our mighty reserve pow- maids, night went to Haris to start a Baptist th.ologl- Oppressors. members of the board were er and taught ue that Urge standing publloan oal school, remaining than four years, safe to port at last, and on when ALL MUCKS MASHA UK K1). eric I so are nnneoersary, when every rill rushing to get through time,but md graduated one class In tbe winter ens la e 'minute man,’ ready to the struck still leoked a num '83 and '84 be tbe colored join here are. the c'oik they Fort Scott, Kas., March 8.—Frank of rsorgaalsed ranks for national defense they They’ll of wards 6 schools of the South under the Amertoaa ter of additions to the lists of who last Out of tbeee reoent events have oome tireonMeld Mapleton, Kas., Home M'selou Soolety, and In 18i>7 be be on exhibition and 7. March 3 -The Ohio Soolety to the United States grave Irlala and re- end fall raroe borne from South America and hrosisv president of Lelaud University, New York, sponsibilities. As It wee tbe aetton’e war Their appeal for e few minutes of grace of tha New Orleans, which he tilled until or Now York held It. 14th annual dlnnar sale Hecnrrd tha co-operation govern- plaoe so ate Its results the nation's problem. today. oflered the clerk nle death. Ha revlmd Day lee' Hebrew William being refused, they elty ment In a relief In search of at the Waidorf-Aitorla tonight. I's solution reels upon us all. It la too expedition la a Creak hand- the lists of wards 1, 2, 8, 4 and grammar London,wrote Preeldent of tha Unlaw! serious to etUle. It Is too earnest for re- completed a perty of rubber prospectors whleta b' of the New Testament and a Mohtnl.y, ENCLANOCHECKED DRAP D’ETE. ok or catch word can oaa- he said he must have all of the waa tha of honor. Son pose. No phrase (, but was sent from Kansna Ulty to tba Interi- Hebrew c la lea gneit grammar. I*rtor to the oel tbe isored obligation It Involves No 8UITINC9. Always a prime favorite, and as nous at all. than 400 eoeere ware laid. lists, or or of In 1S«8, has notl- of no of motive” brazil. February, HUN. JOHN U. HILL. Pr.slil.ot McKinley with Pra.1- use epithets, aspersion as does not hold at it* task and shortly booqoat Very tart stuff, heavy, nice staple sugar, dressy, Tbs board kept Ued bla from Uuguba, brazil. In of tha Mol.tr and by three wbo differ will contribute to quite parents N. March 4.-Han. John d.ot M. 1. Southard dust. A full line of 41 Inch, In the clerk’s otlloe, tugging Conoord, H., of that sober judgmeat so rsaentlal to right for street or journeying dresses. colors, appeared a latter just received, that the entire par- II.natal Henry L, Uurnatt,ehnlrmnn the oldct editor sad pub- o ooaoluslons. No an *1.00 seven leather-covered voting lists, MoClary Hill, tbo oominlttM, hold reoopllon polltloal ootory The colors are black with old the was massacred by Indians, far op the Imaqoel gray, ty In died beta ibis hand, with members of the eo- abrogate our treaty of pasoa wltb Spain was tu late. The olsrk de- lisher New Hampshire, and ebook but their call river. There were Me# or tU men crabeolse fioni Its solemn engugsiuoots. blue with black, navy bine with Xlnga of (or on lllnvaa of ••▼oral cl.tr and the gueete. clined to or them his rscslpt morning It la the p* and will be accept give In* tbe ft was In obargs of M. K. a son of Gev. Uaae Tb»* <]»ojrati?n» oonniiw opie's question white, brown with old-bltto. black IRISH FRIEZES. party, months. He was In the beoause had failed to the of Antrwn until Iti determination Is written out for lists, they a olvll of Kansas was boro In Oonoord, November 8. flowan on t*blMt«trlng« with 48 inches as Kirk, engineer Olty. Hill, of the tbelr verdlot. We must white, wide, Allied to the Homespun family, hour In the tUira tearing tbe ooat of erme enlightened tender them at the speoldsd sad consisted of Alfred Greenfield of 1881. and bag* United States, with the ooat ofarait of oaoose between manly do'ng 81-50 serviceable as any of them. 50 inch, statute. William- (teeettlan. It will never he tbe Utter Mapleton, Kas.,two men nnraed abchbishop hennkbhey. Ohio end New York, those at the Presi- *1.00 lbs Uenublloan members of tbs board of the 1 resi- It must b*« soberly settled In juetloe and son and biownley of Obits and one or dent’* table on either elde Dubuque, la, Uarob 4.—Arobblehop oonaolenoe and It will be. SATIN-WHIP-CORD. the Democratic ward dent were Hon. n. L Southard, presi- good Might*- were indignant,but two unknown men. Tbs Brasilian gov- FRANCE AND Utuwiey died at A8ft p. as., today. of New York; outness which exsltetb a nation must PLAIDS, who the City building dent of the Ohio society Unlike healer* thronged "I u FU' U Hniirr u iu »»••» control In Its solution. No emer- any previous kind, softer, 4 rob bishop John Hennessey was r.oog- Governor Theodore Houeerelt; Governor great CERM ANY. hjartlly at the board’s dilemma. Govern- has arisen In thin nation's history hut mirror 48 laogfced of or atari and K. Aaeh of Ohio; former gency finer, firm, lustre, ulaed aa one tbs greatest George boen met ••So do election," they chant- P Mon. Oovnelln* N. ana progress which has not by new, and elegant aa they election, SOUTH PORTLAND. In tbe Catho- or Levi Morion, inches, $1.50 Entirely most profound theologians Mark Lieut. Gov. the sovereign people with high capacity, ed. Miles, Senator llanna, are new. Eleven different color com- lie and became of bis seal In K. with ample strength and with unlllnoh- no election hierarchy, T. L. Woodruff; Hon. John Richards; In a jiffy the rumor that fidelity to honorable binations. For skirts, ednational mattore Las been named "The Hon. Addison Iltown, Hon. Urorge U. Ing every obliga- separate and the Mias Stall* Ms* Bouoher died at ths can hold few of us would be h*Id Monday, present of the Amerlen Cnthollo Kdo- Wil-on, General Wager Swayne, Hon. tion. Partisanship CAMEL’S HAIR SUITING. waists, and children's dresses, 44 her H. and Ad- Apostle solemn We have Democratic ndministration would oontln- home of parents. Joseph oatlonal Sutaools Arohbishop Hennessey Jamee U. Moyt, General H. C, Corbin, against public duty. $1.50 seen this so often demonstrated Id the the new inch, dle 0. at Gtsb‘« Corner, Friday oorn Ireland, U. Thomas U. conspicuous among u« m power another year, wa* in circula- Bouoher, wee In Connty Limerick, tlon. Cloy itvoaa,Geaaral Very he oame to Edward H. Krone, Mon. as to mark unerringly what Itjwlll after a Illness of oonsuiup- HO, l'-Jo. In 1847 Hubbard, iter. Wo have several new Wash Fabrics are in tion a boot town. Every po ltlnlao wa* at rooming, long August In the future. The national senti- Sprlngletg. grades, Tlio Foreign Amerloa. Charles Ulok, Hon. John liarrett. Hon. Eat over the matter. tion at ths age of twenty-four years,three ment and the national ooneclenoe were 48 to 54 inches, rnd moving nicely. Organdies, India fever heat LAUHABEE BICKFOBD. James J. O’Gormao, Tunis U. llergen, Mias Bouohsr DOKOTHY Town*. never or higher then now. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 City Clerk Ullpetrlo who, by the way, months and twenty days. Julian X, Davies, Henry H. stronger Dimity, Mercerized Foulards, Scotch daik of death Invaded the U. EUalua was not pres- There has been a reunion of the people * on the was a 1 uiy of most estimable obar* The angel Hon. Stephen and Wool* 1* York county representative jonng around the altar ocnasorated to a Singhams, Wool, and Silk all home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Biok- ent. holy committee, boarded the »etar and was universally beloved by sanctified common Democratic state Tbe Met of ip^akf r#» on the proaMramn country newly by HEAVY KERSEYS. I'll allies. h!s know and her dr ith will be ford, 8 Spring sire t, Saturday evening, saertt'oes. evening train for Portland to consult **to her, was a* follow* President MoKlnlsy, their “The followers of Urnnt and Lee have Foster. At a late hour ir.ourofri a large olrols of friends taking away Dorothy, youngest Goeernor George K. Nsab of Ohio. Solic- for Tailor-made Suits. Five new Stun of Cut work nk counsel. Judge by the and fallen [tie pieces one month. She General of the United State*. John fought, under fame deg were T he funeral takes on Monday‘at child, aged live years, itor make nice 50 a crowd of pel!t loal light# gathered place for the sums faith. Party lines h.»ve spring tints, (its, inch, Half Price. wrs a bright, winsome and loving child A. Hloharda, Lieut Gov. T. L. Woodruff two o'clock from her lata residence, no loosened and the tfos of Union hav« been in the clerk's oilioe, awaiting Ullpatrlo’s and her place at the Oreslde now vacant and Hon Jaiure 11. Hoyt There were $1.50 enrolled In the heart* of the American this a lot of reports of his Interview with Cosh's Corner. will always be dear In the memory of Died toasts, the epenkeye having subjects Wo open morning great telephonic Political pension bee altogether Frank P. fcoaniizun is confined to hlt> her allotted to them as tney weye called up- people Manufacturers J udge Kc ster. parents. subsided and with In Samples. on. patriotism glows ENGLISH CHEVIOTS. The tell shottly after home on Scaroman street by slcknoas. fervor In ho ne In telephone jingled Governor Roosevelt war lata In arriv- extlngulshable overy Tin Cushion Tops. A 31. the land. The has been sustained 11 o’olook, and Lawyer Uecrge If. Haley, Miss Elizabeth Kowj of the Knight* 9 OlUi at the dinner and was loudly ohaered flsg In shades of navy, much used dur- ing the men added cover of tbe menu on distant seas ami Islands by round, square, octagonal, the Democratic member of the registra- villa grammar school has recently as he osme In. On the ing the spring and summer months. Doylies, At the Demcorotio oaooaa held at tb© of a of all parties and sections and creeds and call. What t:> the walls of her was a representation buokeye tion board, answered the four elegant picture* races and nationalities, nod Its «t*rj are Will uot fade with sad sea air, or hojcagoual. Town 11*11 Saturday afternoon, with Grouped on the cover were the portraits a mutter or con- school room. radiant to the remote Centre 20. 22 inches. Judge Foster advised is natives of Ohio—Wil- only those of hope or sun. pieces, 18, Abbott a* ohairman and Joaaph of six Presidents, purspi ration, oounolls of the Ullsh baa hong up In Cyrna people over whom It floats There cati 20. 36 inches. jecture, outside the Inner Gregory reosntly liam Henry Harrison, Grant, Garlleld, 1.25 1 2.00 Tea Covers, 24. H. Fllfs as aeoretary. th® following ofll- William be no imperialism. Tb«»ee who f«ar It $1.00, 1.50, 75, but an hour his store at villa a large p!c;ure Hayes, Urnjamln Harrison, and Bureau 54 inches. Democratic party, when,half Knight war© nominated Mod®rator, John era those whj have (alth in Covers, HO, o©ra McKinley. against It; later a of the TlMKri of the mayor and overman of Booth town S. D. Guthrie* the are so tbit tbers Trav all also a fine representative L. Hlgtfins; clerk, At Bins o’clock. Mrs. MoKInley, ao republic against It; Covers, I,men; asked Halev what Is to be the aweiMin and o»©r*t»©ra of tbe abhorrence for It and nnenl- PLAID-BACK DOUBLE Lawyer Portland. •eleotmen, oom led Mrs Abner MoKInley and lefualvsrsal collection commenced work in this the be pan by er- outcome of muddle, replied: hae moved hla poor. Cyrus Abbott, William Pllltbury. tcofc seats In mans opposition to it Oar only diff tut 1 James Dunlap family Dr. Kixey of Washington, FACE. line. '•Ills a funny muddle, indeed, J. Fll®®; tr-aaurer. K. H. F. wue ence Is that those who do not agree with of the house on Saw- We®l«y one of tbe boxes. Mrs. McKinley be out befer# Into the other half HL U. F. Smith*, virtue cr nues* it will straightened Smith; oolleitor, and she bo wed, tbe ap- us have no confidrnce In the A for storms, boating Half l'rlce. that the loudly applauded snitiug golf, Monday. There !■ no question yer street occupied by Charles Cole. auditor, J. T. FHaa; tuperlnt®ndlng All the rapacity or blirh purpose or good faith of plause being renewed. galleries or skirts, a assort- 25o holding of an Dot ion could te prevented •chord oommitt©®, Abram liiokfordt this frte as a civilizing agency; outing splendid 84 Pillow tops, THIS IS ELECTION DAY. were filled with ladies, many calling on people Me saw at to the matter, hot ar- of J. S. Lea*itt, Jr.; we believe that the of free ment in soft and hard finish, If pres# mipeitlBor aohoola, the President's wife. while century 2 will probably be made be- 1 he election is all raady to tawn U. U. Parker, Darla K. which the Amer'can people PACKACES. Stamped I.inen, rangement* machinery committee, It was 10.su o’clook when Mr. .South- government $1.25, $1.50, $1.69 tween now and Monday so that the re- Cloudman, Arthur Rich- have has not rendered them skeins Brainard and be set In mctlun and today ths voters Small, Kugen® ard called the guests to order. Me sold : enjoyed vised obi 11 lifts will get Into the proper H John L. falthlvhs and Irresolute, but lias fitted ths ard aon. S. Knight, Ulggina, “We are fortunate, In hating the election cn Mor- of booth Portland will determine gentlemen. Armstrong's Silk, regular package hand* and proofed S. B Guthria. aa our of them for the great task of lifting up and with ns this evening guest a w.tbout hitch." of their next ad- to better conditions those dis- SCOTCH SUITINCS. 10c. Our 4c or 35e for cay any complexion municipal honor the President ef tbe United States assisting price price, will In the sev- tant who have through the Issue ministration. Polls open W* honor him as the chief executive of peoples •‘Listen to the Bag-pipes;•• all dozen paokagea. YARMOUTH. our wards. Lflt us fear 8UBDUED. a of (Jhlo and for of battle beoarae KOI YET wards at nine a. m. and oJoas at tbe nation, as native anile < > f oivlnrc t 1 t111 1 ll«•! 1 1 fit tilt* eral occasion for faint tna. ohuraoter and achieve- not. There U no CHARGE CUbTUiVI five xu. Let voter do his ttennett. who we. his genial grrat p. every legal Mr. Howard Injured him no exons* for regret*. Nations woven into com- thank Cam- ments. We are glad to welcome hearts, looms anti charming Phtllpptue Insurgents Planning the discharge of a gun In do not grow in strength and the cause of duty today. by premature here and one welcome la eponianeont, wearers, make nieu of our Credit and not advanced the binations; great the great majority paign fur lluluy Sraaou. hie In no amateur drama held Friday at slnoere and most oordtal. Audio tbs liberty lstv is by GOT WET. of The harder the skirls to wear with shirt waists, Customers who have settled Mason to ball, was taken to the Maine Eye liret of the land who baa aeeo tit to doing easy things promptly lady task the will be the the wboxe home is on end Ear Inllrmary Balorday for treat- ua with her w greater result, 75c. $1.00, $! 25 their 1*99 accounts. The few who are March 9 56 p in.—Heports Thomas Anderson, favor gracious preisnce, Manila. 3, face tilled with We benefit and the hnuor. To doubt our while rasot. His though badly extend osr meet hearty greetings. will do us a favor and reach the Aeecciut-d Press from various Kendall street, South Portland, to it Is ta loss faith in behind in settling powder will not probably be vary badly feel honored tj her presence and our power accomplish on the front the sonndms* and of our them-elves as their old sources,! Deluding army officers and the carelessly standing platform dlsllgured as a result of the accident. gratelal esteem will go with her al- strength popu- well, by paying balance and lar Institutions. VENETIANS. heads commercial bons.es with of an electior oar, lost bis ways.’’ accounts at once. of agents will never become the CHONJK. When Mr. Southard mentioned the "The liberator* aero** the ocean; the of oontlnu ed falling from the oar want Into the water CONGKATULALli Made yonder throughout Islands, was ohaer- oppressors. A self-governed people will —The W to- President’s name there great excellent stull for the wbo are and got a good ducking. It was about New York. Maroh 8 erld never Id any govern- compactly woven, activity iMDcng insurgents, Ing, Governor Roosevelt Three permit dcspittsm and the morrow win say: Congressman Fitz- leading^ ment whlob foster and defend. to alive the armed op- 10 au o’clock Saturday ulghfc cheers were glvon whan Mrs. McKinley's they tailor-made gowns. endeavoring keep gerald of Massachusetts and 100 of hi. fel- Ml k RUB iuipi And J. R. LIBBY CO. turn near the draw was tbe to the United £t*t*i and are car had juet made the of have signed name mentioned, guests rhlmj. 50 inch, $1.00 position low members Congresi bowed. cannot shift It and.breaking op the oauip when An- Mrs. MoKInley arose and See our Furniture advertise- to continue the Insurrection to go on to the railway bridge this of to Gener- eute and let 08 and 47 $1.25 P. S. planning telegram congratulation Mr. Southard said the President was of Isolation, bravely inch, The tide was almost al expressing keen admiration of and continue the column. will) wurfure on a larger scale derson fell. high, Crouje on the that he would not hopefully soberly 4ti $1.50 ment in another guerilla he made. At tbelr re- called promise inch, and when the herolo stand march of faithful service and falter not ever when the season to the 6t>logo*a, ths ory a word. The toast “The President'' than rainy begin* up The World has forwarded It by tay until the work is dono. It la ro* quest wae drunk Provident McKin- possible A holding a second “man ovc* board” was given tbs car was the British osnsor will kindly Handing. American personage position oable (It tremendous use. that seventy bve millions of at ley then arose mid a; pin LIBBY CO. and and Harold Smart crawled to the let It to Us correspondent Cape free men are unable to establish R. LIB3Y CO. J. R. only t) that of the governor general stopped pass) He said: liberty J. down for delivery to the gallant Boer and and government in our avenue# of Informa- of the bridge and grabbing Ander- juntioH good having extensive ertE* men TJE PRESIDENT1 SPEECH. whom Lord Koberte with 40,000 de- new possessions. 'lbs burden Is oar op tells the Associated Press he is son. blui oat of the water. The a_._I tion, palled portantty. The opportunity Is greater THE CEHSOH AT ths “Mr. Toast master sad Gentlemen: STAFFORD CONFESSES, W_HK. convinced that the insurgent organiza- man suffered no injury, and boarding general Cape Town, South than the burden May God glv* us Crunje, March 4—4.10 n?.— It is “I woioorue anu inauc so the man who was arreetad London, „. re-hstllltated VI Mtiu It b-J- Africa: appreciate your strength to Lear the one and wisdom Stafford, tion has been remarkably r*i\u.u is *'*¥«, the undersigned Representatives for this renewed expression of good to embrace the ct ’ier as to carry our dls- oily oo»- BVlduat that a strict censorship being during the last month, particularly In FOUND A PUNT. yon hr stealing property, iu the Unite! S.af* OoogrMt. ovnjrat- tmt the guarantee* of life, •zeroised over the news at the seat of war will. It la proper that I should lay tbi t eoquUittons feas. J. the ire 3 o"o of entanglements caused great ap- delinite shall have been C. Thayer Intf in the trlsftst manner piers when Stafford cams In and furotd til something to be supporter# of tbe For Mayor—Edward Reynold!. of New York, F. K. Will on of When lie aatd million vestry pinos pretending Klordan which I have In greeting iny old friends plause. seventy-live done. This Is In with the of klawacho- lib- the look There was but a small sum of quite keeping American administration, mnnr ot the WARD ONE. New York. Henry Napben of the Ohio colony in New York tree men oould not fall to establish of N«w in sllenoe which Lord Huberts setts. WUIltm U. llalv Jersey, !s a bond of ole s > erty snd and good government In the Stafford also complete munlolpal governments Installed by the Alderman—Daniel P. Cobb. “T here fellowship justice money pockotbook Martin B. lilyau of New York. Wllllsm Wherever the new poesesMonu, there was tremen- has hitherto observed while his plans of the A. which unites Ohio people. confessed that bo took the glass globes army forming part machinery. Waitlen—William Cobb. of New £. Uunll restlngly "English imperialism through which to market our products. say Solo, apples, the cargo of the Californian Paternc, In Sonth from Ohio that our brothers dlUe Tvarl Hurston Alderman—Dion D. Small. concessions the We are neither Id alliance oor antag- iting friends Heading, will be Is foil of civil ami military offic- England's which were throwu overboard, Manila, borons F. O'Nell. hie marks with anec- nor with who have migrated to New York have Violin and Plano, Warden—I .mas," Illustrating onism entanglement any foreign au- all In travel- found a kiudlv dllss Edna and Foster Morrison sutnmouwd before the oustorn house ials of ranks, of Aguinaldo's govern- Clerk—Llndeu P. Drown. dotes from hie own ex|ieriences power, but on ttrnis of amity and cor- reception. South Sea Islands. We have with ns one of those sons cf Vooal bo It is said. The ment. who were captured or surrendered Constable—Clarence W Morse. ling through British diality with all. We buy from all cf Solo, thorities today, apples alhletloa re- who will to the toast "The Miss Gallagher A oommlitoa on repotted ttw m and ssll to all of them; and our Ohio respond Marguerite of Canadian and and who were brought here and released WARD MVE. Master ware production passed to Increasing tbe Interest and en- s in the Mate," Timothy L. Woodruff." Cake Walk, P. J. Union lative silts exorod our porches pest Empire the oustorn house In pond. The ou lo refrain from agitation. for atbletlo Lieut. Governor WoodrufT was vary Mr. Harry Hinds through premise Alderman—Henry P. C. Hersey. larging tbe two years by over one billion dollurs Heading, opportunities weloined and and it will be forced to pay While many of tbe tneurgent munici- Warden —Daniel E. McCann, Jr. spott at the college. Marks's have been increased a ad rnort- warmly apDlaaried Kaoh number was finely rendered anil ti-hermAn probably was some minutes before there was a ora be thorn in Port- officers were continued In office on Clerk—Ebon L. Parrott. gugts have bten reduced. Intervs; h.-s the leadings of >ll«s * duty on them It .sells pal sufficient to allow him to speak, heartily encored, Constable—Edwin E. Parrott FROM DULLER fallen and wages have advanced. Ibe nation State?. tbe entb of nlleglance, residents M.rston helnsr esneokillv pb-seinv land or In the United taking Sobool Committee—Leslie O. Jewell. public debt 1s deorers'ng. The country lie spoke at length. 3,-arl Loudon, March X—The Queen today who are acuqtinted with then* bare lit- Is well to do; Us people for the mos. pert WARD SIX. the from tle faith In tbetr adherence to tbelr reoelved following despatch are happy anu contented. Taejr nave terms with promisee All the oltll officials of 'iarluo, Alderman—Willard W. Flokett. Cen. Buller: Hints and are on good WardeD —Joel P. Your be natives of the world. There are, of tbe of that Haley. "The troops muoh appreciate food capital province name,num- E. unfortunately, these among rs, few In Cl«ik—Walter Hayes. kind telegram. Your Majesty X bering eleven persons, have been arrested Constable—Jams E. Hayes Majesty's number, 1 am sure, who s*eiu to thrive \ Spring; scrofulous papers Warden—Henry E. Cash. STEAMERS FOATKD. truis with the rest of mankind. troubles due to > collected from the natives. Clerk F. Larrabee. them I can have no sympathy. 1 would its and cures all stomach —John New York, Maroh 3 —Steamers La > eczema with dreadful itching burning; of tb* nominee. rather give expression to what I believe home munlolpal governments ap- Constable—No which sick headache and / Normandie and Pennsylvania to be the nobit r and almost universal > weak condition and blood; cures debility, pear loyal and efficient. On the other wish generally impure BEST OF ALL grounded In tbe lower harbor today sentiment of my oountryiuen la the / band one Amertoan deolares he that the blood is in general without not only for onr peaoe and prosperity,but ) which as surely indicate lacking n and were later floated damage. ••that tired feeling," just bsllsves that tbe majority In bis pnevlnoe To cleanse the system In gentle for the peaoe and prosperity of all lb# bsaaliolal manner, when tbe nation* and pi os of the earth. > health. Hood s Sarsaparilla S are agent* af tb* Insurrection. truly pec vitality and the elements of tone and “Aftar iiS years of unbroken peaoe, A frssli Irene of Insurgent pamphlets Springtime oomes, u*e tbe per- Slope the Cough the fect remedy, Syrap of Figs. Buy the gen- came an oflavoidable war. Happily la that tbs conclusion was reached, without b*Ing circulated, assarting uine Manufactured by the California uud work off the Cod. quickly a motive or prao- American of government On and for sale nil Tablets cure a oold suspicion of uaworthy promt*** good Fig Syrup only, by Laxative Bromo-tjulnlue and with one No cure No Prlco 3»o. tioe or pur] ose on our pert an merely a mask for oommerolnl sz- druggists, at SO cants per bottle. i. In day. Fay. ‘*1 MTacnxAwKora. Hifcxixunoui. WITH A GUR. | ROBERT LOUIS 8TEYENSON. MmCKI-LAXTOrM. * il B3Z (Pars Cudietij T«r» I A LIMITED AMOUNT OP and 13 and *T and Alfred Oruiond Won* to Kind HU Wife. Un March 10 90. April Mr. Jon* A. rharmlai Talk Ma; 11 toura will leave Bo*ton lor Alton! the Novell.!. Alfred Osmond, »« years old, It under The Secret of Strength Development Scrip arrest at the polloe station,ae tbs result of (In 9 Acta) IN THE hit fret and saty method of band ling a WASHINGTON The Pariah Hooee of I ho Ptr at Parlab revolver. As lesrned at tba pollea sta- ohuiob was well filled Saturday After- ft) ron e and visit- tion Omond was marrlrd shoot two years far o.ar ibm month.. Oth.r w*U kaowa Stepping at Philadelphia with on attractive and earnest ot lutnest In Washington. member* of I ha seat an Joaaph Allan, noon, ing all pomes ago bet be baa not lived with his wits fur BLACKFOOT Law la Barker, Alfred Klein, Paul Mo- audience, gathered there to lloaon to tbo sums lima 11m. Osmond left bar bus- Hick- Data All expenses Alllater. Churl** W. Lane, Hobrrt payor oa Hobart Louis Stevenson by Mr. lie.urnlng. WAJ band on aooount of hit eon Armed habits man Kdosr Bowley Royal Ar- 1)316 Escept Supper Thayer. John A. Hollows. It la some lima sins. thur tie Well.. Doagiaee Stan BELL Tourist of lotoitoation. The polios say Osmond Vny,George COPPER COMPANY Detailed Itineraries of D. N. Held, J. 8. Kobertann, Charle* Walaon, Mr. Bellows has gallgbtad bla frlaoda has been drinking very hard of lata and Wain Winter. Fanny Addtaoa Pitt, bore with bla optlolsm on literary mat- JATVt»D“wn*t"noB,.rusUoft). afternoon be wea in a highly in of i-asv Agent. Saturday Ma ter*, and Ihoae who beard him yesterday (now process organization) nerrooa state as a resnlt of bis bad hab- On felt even deeper regret than arer that be although be was not Intoxicated at Ha_ _ AT its, Blanohard. la no longer a r«aidant of Portland. the time of tbs affair. Ktrly In the af- BUNN KIT-MOULTON OO. Xhs paper was full of tbo greoteot en- WORK l'KOdKKS'iES SLOWLY started ont. He touk a ternoon Ormond lor "Hobart bla Portland theatre will lie door thoslam Louis,'' work, of olothas to a shop and sold open cts. Per suit pawn bla and Ibe oharm of hla 50 Share the Californian to one of the style, peculiar Work of Lightering With the money thus obtained be today, grand them. whlob waa Intermixed with a eat and on peraaaality, IN LOIS or D m On Yesterday. a lie oalibre revoleer. Then bo largaat repertoire oonopanlaa t.otng bought detailed each hla tba the Beanett-Mcolton Co. It somewhat analysis of of to tbe bouse numbered MM road, proceeded and now and a bit of bla will be remembered that tbla oompaoy *1- romances, again Although a week has elapsed alnoe the Portland ctrret, which Is ths boras of bis new new biography. or more liner Californian went on the Haul Mr end Mrs. Merlin waya bring* playa, epeelaltiee 100 Shares Allan wife's parents, Mr. Bellows mantlonad flirt "A Child's and a oonoert orabaatra. Read on Island ledge while leaving lha harbor, MoUaresy. His wife box been making grand tee what Bennetl-Moul- Hard an sf and In the and lor yourarlf Verses," following ^tbe Writ© for Prospectus. very 1 ttie ha* been accomplished In bar borax with ber father and mother. As to-i ar* earning with them Ihle **aaon. career of tbe youthful Steraneoa, read way of removing her oargo preparatory Osmond was about to enter the boose he The will b* aa follow*: repertoire of Steaonaon'e own aa II aomethlng account ii ij « C. F. to an attempt to pull her off the rocks. was met by a sister of bis wife. Krenlnaa— Monday, Uarkrat Hnaala; ii i/v ir vi WHITE, Tba Ulrl; Wadne.day, to bow be learned to write, how he tried la not poeelble to tell whether ehe **Yoo don’t went ms," said the wom- Tueaday, Country ACT V yet All tbe Oeniforta of Tharaday, to nee "tba word* at the who are Borne; right right will be coved, thuugh thoee en. 1 am not yoor wile." The Blaak Friday, Tba Priaonrr 45 Milk Street, Boston. FUg; lima," and how be finally aoonlred that To show how are of nerve Intereeted are hopeful, If not 0»trend lew thst he had made a mis- of A Inter Saturday, In tba Heart of dlreotly a; dlattaetlea of for wbleh he steady they felrt.ldlO! tie the Sierra*. ‘happy atyle" oontidrnt cf euooesa On Sunday take and lelsassd histoid on tha woman. Not a bottle from its does swerve. Matinee*—Tuesday, Dad'■ Girl; Wadnaa- la ao admired. Stevenson would rank In the sea tainutel many to go He whtre hi s wife was and was j place calmness of asktd Three Uoardaman; Thnra- day, Imperial Mr. L'ellows'a min I, In the seme Una aa nerves too can be made out In the harbor In steamers to flew told that sho was In ths house. "Well 1 Uarkrat ItuaaD; All the Your day, Friday, Hootl sad some- strong, " Ulrl of Ihimaa, lacking perhape the big eblp. A large crew of men were ■ant i.i/iiu hrt mid. "Anil I Intend to Comfort* of HoinesSaturday, The HofFs makes what’s MONEY TO LOAN. the Mlnee. thing of the largaaeea cf Boon, bat hav- Johann wrong. on hoarn or bet and eome grain waa being traveller." At this time he paebed fate right At eaob performance the following art ing more of moral watgbt than the of her nold Into the sea. The wife bed heard The genuine Johaun Hoff'* Malt Extract exalts the energies, stlmti- pumped out way Into tbe hcuie. The lata will In Madam* or smell to suit bor- appear apnolaltle*; Prenshman. lates the nutritive improves the and aid* digestion. Any amount, large the tide ebbs and Howe Inside ths big ship that he wae trying to enter the hooee and Fluw*r, the Bronte Melba; Dawaon and power*, appetite rower, «n Household Furniture, I’l in or Or- Mr. Bellows with much enthnst- When feel weak take on* of Hoff’s Malt Stuck and also la lnterferred acrobatic comedian*; Ml** [Clara spoke you wineglassful Johann gans. Fixtures, Farming Stock. and at high tide the work ran to one of the neighbors Uootb, < Turner, In the latest Prank Clay- usm of tba unusual obarm of “Ireaaurs Extract witn your meals. It will strengthen and build you Horses, nrrlngrs, &a.. the seme to remain Ilea In a Into tbe house and aooga; positively up. j with the oancr. We will of? with somewhat. The ehlp poal- Osmond llnally got comic mnaloal net; Add Reed's latest Be sure it is T oh an n Hoff’s; no substitute. Take none of the worth- pay furniture ton, laland," wblsb Stevenson blmdrlf said j cheap louses and advance money nt rates as low as tlun whare aba la pretroted from hie entrance wes the signal for great ex- animated less stuff offered a* as Insist Hoff’*. perfectly plotnre*. "felled tbe British and wblob cheap “just good.” npon Johann .•an bo had In tlio Slate. All loans yiay be the bla raeolvar publlo," paid any storm and even In rough weather citement. lie brandlibed JOHANN HOFF! Now York, Berlin, Pari* and Vienna. bv Installments. each pat nient reducing both hLttUY STOCK COMPANY. Mr. Bellow* tblnka la "Ite apotheosis of and interest. 10ml estate to lie manner. Thera principal mortgages tow boata and lighten are able about la a threatening business Tba Krloy 8'ook company olosad It* all that la biubarlo in oa." In that book negotiated, strictly confidential. alongside and take on board the oargo. were four women In tbe house and Mr. .ary sucoeeafal eag*#*m*nr at the Port In spits of tbs fantastic unreality of It The steamer Kuilta of the Caeoo Bay MoCarney arose from e slob bed end with Und theatre Saturday night presenting all, Stevenson shows the two bast qnalltloa lloe and the Auooolsco of the ldnrpswell the women managed to overpower Oe- WE ARE ALL “The Cotton Splnnrr" before a crowded of style, great raaarvs and aelf constraint SHAWMUf line made hourly trlpa yesterday to the mond. LOAN CO., boose. Mr. J. Frank Borka, Mlaa After mentioning aomatblng of to gome extent in the and After tbe bed been taken from special (1M tlnrlid scene ot the wreohed Californian revolver Choate and tbe other member* of the Mr., Porilniitl, .Up. qsalttlss of aaoh of tba romanoea, Mr. laltlti (tir carried Icada of paaaengers. The him Osmond temped and ran down ths have made many friend* In large company Bellows felt that after all, Stevenson's RACE FOR MONEY steamlcnU sailed arouDd the Oallfor- Itreet At 7.80 o'oloek Ik the evening tbla city. Manager Klroy bae aatabllahed a repu- greatest elalru to Immorality I* In bla ulan tcelr a good view word waa vent to tba polios elnllbn and It i8 RIGHT that we should he. Ob- affording patrons tation will be and hie In that eurely lasting books ont'tde the pole of rumanoe. bis teaches us that .SUCCESS DE- toe f*rt*o* ana supj Marshal Frith gave orders to the servation 01 Deputy company will alway* reel re a warm tsaaya hla descriptive books Ilka "An FENDS WHOLLY unon the track on II conic lo our notice around oovered with countless red apples. patrolmen to llnd the men It poatlble and welcome from theatre patron* of tbla olty. laland Voyage," and "Hldoa on a Don- bavin* which wo run. Careful observation will llinl we me n< but In barrels were arrstl him. MOTE and aa well as by hla letters. In t-cpurled huvintf Apples not singly key." teach that owner* of REAL ES- onnolndtng, Mr. liellowa said that tbe anyone 1(1 veu op llie iiKPiiey of Hie IImd around and the lobster smack Two hoars afterwards Osmond walked John TATE arc the most substantial floating Mr. and Mr*. Omig (Mary lotteis would place bin among the mor among iiihii i’inuo, we deem It our dnty to himself He a at Peaks run in debt Olympia was fortunate enough plok Into the atatlon aad gava np. Von no) bar* engaged oollage lair, or what the elxteenth century people us. If you cannot pay cash lo tlie public, mid oiir.rlvci, (o of them aboul the lnflnenoe of Island far tbs aumtasr. and be for a home or house lot. Be in debt np about thirty barrels wae oontlder ably nadar called “tba eptalleatosy art," ng Mute Hint we Mill control the a selection from a is a incentive to It off shore and them llouor. olorad bla paper with great money saving. mile of Hie llnrdmun Piano, nnd six miles brought wbloh make rich THE STHEET. latter to Crockett tba novsllat stimulates ambition and will Mi till continue u« heretofore lo ■ to Who are asked Marshal DIED ON afely port. you!" Deputy tba of tbta men than else. showed Indomitable aplrlt faster anything Paying enrry in Mock u full line of Frith moat oharm of man, aa well aa writers. for a home makes econ a last Democratic administration lag >my pleasure. Hioie renowned inWrumru;*. Tbe nans la Osmond and 1 want to At tha oloae of Ibe laotare Mr. Bellows "My Georg* We tMter Found Deed L>i( It biiugs contentment to your wife and tors down most of tbs protection against received a moat cordial welcome from bla be looked np,” answered the man. children and even the youngest one of .M. STEINERT A SONS 4 Another one EvrniBg. frlanda, who bad thoroughly enjoyed bla monopolistic corporations. we shall bs muoj lot In COYLE "Well, vary pleaasd tribute to tbs "Hobort Louis." them can and will contribute something to the general fund. A good .11? Connies Street. would tae work eo Insoeplolous- great oomplete to aocommodata yon, mid the deputy as PARK will be a safe purchase to begin with. If you buy the cheapest one thero it T. C. nctiOULKKIC, 'y began. to taka the llobleion'e admlatetratlon bee is as as the l>e*t that any one else can offer you. Try it once and life will Mgr. be ordered Turnkey Kmary died last evening Judge good city, very suddenly a.aatmllw nliarHull (ha InfgMMU Of tllH have a new charm for feb-Vltf man to a oell. you. THE DOMINION SAILED. while on his way home from hi* son's Turnkey Kmary want to the honee of city. Bee that It I* returned by a large I NITER STATES BltANtll. bonse on forest avenue. Mr. Webster LLEWELLYN M. 53 Exchange St.. Mr. and teonred tht revolvar LEIGHTON, Crew of MnCarney of frank W. Webster, his majority. over or Carrying tbe Passengers and left tbe bouse owns them and taken great pride in showing thorn. Come in anil talk it as It had bean laft by Oemaad. The o'olook and started to on feb21eod2w the California. •on. abonl nine Ml LI,8. send a card and he will call you. waa atlll rooked and had In II ROLLING weapon walk to hla room In the Boyd Block an North British & Mercantile Sva unexpleded oar bridge# ten sailed Middle street. About a quarter past Ike INMKANCE COilPHY Steamer Dominion yesterday Osmond has been with n brother New Work. Will Be Krecled By living a haokman at tha United titataa at elx a vary o'olook Of Loudon nuil Ijlliihtirgh, Gt. Itrilalit morning o'c'.ook, oarrylng at 80 itreet aad la a boat onllder Fleet of May. Parris to to Preble street to 1XCOHFORATKU IX ISO®. and on board hotel was oalled go large general cargo navlug before been arra tied by trade. He has horns. When be rvaohed of tbs stranded taka a alok man Commenced Hushiraa In V. S. in l$0fl. most of the pass -agars A oertlUoate of Uled Sat- by the pollee. street about organization of the B. Branch. t. cl. Iticlnrd* her orew who bare a point on Pratla opposite Mgr. U. Californian, and noon In tbe of Deed* will of l*. 8. J. I\ Ranine* found two men urday Hegletry A*»t. Mgr. the Branch, otf and sml to Frye’s store be yonng been discharged, paid MUSIC AND DltAMA. be of Intereet to oar people, and particu- ? man This to lift tbe of a wntch How’s trying body I their homes. larly to tbe rraldents of Boo to Portland STATELIEST .US. I«t, 1900. was lying on tbe sidewalk to an erect HothJ. C. Hatton, Q. C., and Ur* le tbe Port- Asset*. Dec. 31, 1891>. seemed and Ufe- The name of tbe company oabln HIS EXCELLENCY THK GOVERNOR position. Tbe body limp owned the HaadV^Tf Montreal were first pas- iron and 8tael It wae or- Stocks and Bond* by men It In tbe haek land oompany. ( va wblob which leaa and tbe young pnl omr-auy. tuai Uci ue, $3.512,06.7.00 sengers on tbe steamer Unlilornlan "Hit Excellency, the Governor," at tbe offloe of Natban & Henry Cash in flic and told the haokman to drive with It to ganized Company's principal on It* disas- attraction at tht JtSrrton office a*»d In bank, 177,083.2® started ont from ttls port will bo the B. Cleave* and C. Perry, Marc tbe bloek on Middle street. Tbe Htepben Bills receivable, 141.2ft a week this It the am- Boyd trous trip to Llvspool ago tomorrow evening, great 3rd. lb* (took of fT5,000 |. lully Interest due and accrued, 32,*»0O 00 haokman did not tblnk the man was dead oapltal With tbe utber passengers they orce which Manager Frohuran added to Tbe la Charles 1. Premiums In mi© course of collection. 288.809.40 morning. tba baok he subscribed. president AM oilier admitted 2.216.40 until ths olcss when It was pul In though assets, remained aboard of tte eUainer the loag list of hla hits, at very Means of blan obeater, N. H.; tbe treas- must have beau. When tea haokman when they were last season. Hn bod known for some- of all ilia admitted as Monday morning of urer William 8. MoUowan, Jr., oI Bea- Aggregate the block and found that set* of the at their ac- Forest a clever bat the reached Boyd Company ashore In the steamer time that It waa play, who wee. nntll eeoently, tba treat tual brought he could not arousa abont tbe ton, value, $4,023,806.42 for did not seem anyone opportunity production turn and of the Hancock Inspi- Queen. be hailed Watebinan Mc- manager Dee. 31, lM'Jff. and accord- a season which had no building Might Liabilities, ••1 hate been there before to arlee daring rator of Boston. Tba olerk Is wbo name over to tbe hack, oompany Net amount of unpaid l03*e* and or alarmed no Donough was not frightened failures, and consequently emergen- 0, Perry of Portland. Thedlrao- claims. $298,644.53 ingly and after aaalog tba body recognised it aa Stephen the rooks ont It woe that when something Amount required to isfcly re insure when we struck on there,1' olra. Thus ara Charles T. Manns, William 8, thnt of and said tbal be tora all outstanding risks. 1.933.462.62 asked Saturday to nil two weeks at the Ueorge Webstar, A LEDGER with INDEX and said Ur. Hatton who was waa needed Lyct- MoUowan, Jr., Ebon D. Bancroft and All other demand! against «he Com- was dead. Tbe haokman drove to tbe about tbe grounding of the um theatre, la order that Jamas K. Ro- pany, viz. commissions, etc., 4.e0®30 afternoon Coroner iileh and Ur. Charles M. Day of Hopedale, Maas., 1 Maude Adams polios atattoa and IOOO BILL HEADS Allan liner. ''Several year* ego Hackett might support land H. Bontwell of tba Urm of Hoot well Total amount of liabilities, except big Hanaon were sent for. Tha doctor said of In her tour with "Romeo nud Juliet,'' apliul stock »n«i net surplus. 2.231.966.45 was a pas-engcr on tbe steamer City Brothers of Lowsll, Maes., John M. Kui- that tha man bad evidently died from ritl.WEU WITH YOUR NAHE A\l> Bl Sl\EM, Surplus beyond capital. 1,791,8.18 97 which was on one of the lines His Kxoellenoy" was the most promis- and H. Chicago half an hour before. aell of Worcester, Maas., Parry had to do It heart failure about In- between New York and London. ing play Manager Frobmnn Dow of Manchester, N. H. It la undar- Aggregate amount of liabilities, plying that Mr. Webaler had bran net 42 and did be think It could It la ballevad stcod that tbe work of creating the new cluding surplus, $4,023,805 That itjamar met with an aoeldeut with. So little overcome on Preble etraet where bo srae on tbe old Rolling Mills territory deal worse than tbe one overcome the handicap of the time of plant It was a greet knew will be commenced Immediately and that Li ORTON A HALL, OeiiT Agls. for found by tbe two young men who which here on the Californian. Its production, that he departed tbe works will probably be In operation feblleodt! happened him and who sent for the haokman. The City of Chlesgo ran right on the Europe Just three daye before Its produc- about May 1st. Mr. Webster was born ;in 18S0, and $2.50. he tbe other | rooks and the aaolrtsnt occurred In the tion. Hut when reached tba olvll war In tbs lath a week u told him tnat "Hla fought through CALL DECLINED. day time. Hut as was the ease of side, cablegram Maine regiment, oompany H. He was a were I have crossed had It been In the of Ntw Lon- PAPER lest. Mr. MoReevar WALL no lists Exoellenoy" produced The Rev. ago U. A. and would have un- member of i'hatober Poet, H„ the ocean many times but these were tte early part of the season, to whom the First Baptist of of the Portland Whitecoat’e association as don, CL, Season IOOO, occasions out ol the ordinary in my Snnhail}, run a veer to aood business oborch of this oily extended a oall to tbe F. E. BACON MANIFOLD CO., only Hla continued the well aa other organization*. family I never sailed from this As It was, It through pastor, has declined. experience. or* all dead with tba of hla son Book Binders and Rulors, It achieved a reoord of 12 exoeptlon Printers, Paper port before.” summer until frank W. Webstar. Mr. Webster lost la nothing “Was there any excitement roanipcstej weeks at a time when no other manager |Tb» Democratic platform about In tha failure of Woodbury and 148 MIDDLE ME. Styles-New. 1700 a Demooratlo adminis- PORTLAND, tbe on the Californian d&red offer u dramatic attraction, and but “gun." If ST., hy psssergors about all the money ha bnd, were the Moulton, It would as far | eleoted when she struck early Sunday morning* roof gardens end burlesques tration were get that time he has been 'i'be and elooe poorly, aa “None at all.” answered Sir. Hatton. only other entertainments going, away Irota It possible. aon that he seemed to whloh Is Ihe although bis aaya “Everybody was remarkably well De- oompany appearing here, Desigus-Novel. feel aa well as usual, when he started for one the ooutalns LEWI8TON BEAT BIDDEFUHD. based. All of us got along very nicely." only pris-.-ntlng play, at nine o’olook. Mr. Webster has Ethel Charlotte Crane, Ida heme Mr. Hatton is bound to London wbcre Barrymore, been In tbe restaurant business psrnci-u. to tub ritBsa j Vernon, Joseph Holland, F. Newton engaged $ for end has kept rettanrnnta In Pi be Is to oomblne business with pleasure J. H. Buotn, Edward the# and oth- ysars made ford, March a—Tbs Lewiston po- Overcoatings. ices-Right. Undo, of the He was a bow bis tbe buelneee part olty. and be baa not yet decided long ers. oltlaen. lo team defeated Rlddeford tonight,4 to 3. well known and much reepected Our line of light weight overcoating* is the largest ill tho city. Every ♦ slay will be in tbe old country. THE FETE AT BAN SOUCL shade and every style of weave iu the Oxford mixtures, so popular this X Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson, who have and • The last sot In Lewis Morrison's speo- season. Dark gray* for the CHnierfleld. Herringbone IMa- at tbe ♦ been among tbe guests Congress (Springweaves for the street Covert. I.oildoia Twills and the tuculur production “Frederick the were passengers on the Californi- It iiii\luif« for the natty top coat. Everything new and ♦ Square, le laid In the gardens of the fa- oiiMspun Oreat,” » booked on the steamer from See our and get our prices Ireforo ordering your an. They at Potsdam. The Up-to-date. special styles mous Ban fc'ouol palace overcoat. ♦ LORING, SHORT & HARMON. Toronto but their home Is at Seafortb, a spriug and grounds are Illuminated sn I fel/,'4 co-ill palaoe town ouo hundred miles west of Toron- fete and the opportunity thus offered Wilson will also sail on to. Mr. and Mre. effeoilve electrical devloee Inioml for novel and the Dominion today. ID. EJ. COHNESH, has Iren readily and successfully grasped sailed aorosa a number of | “1 have uut- marSdlw | and n ploture disclosed that fairly Dishes X A Sit Congress SI., Portland, Mr. su'd Mr. Wilson, “but this \ Washing times,' rivals fairyland. Hundreds of tiny lamps To wash diabee Id half the time, aod do it The Knack I have been ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< marks tbs tlrst time in wblob well, follow tbla reel pa: Always oat bpt In bewildering profusion among — glruiu Water sot warts, but hot. It la beat to uae in an accident of any kind. I have ns var the treea and a large prismatic fountain, j tnopb with china and glass. and, to have a nice WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have stood the test of years, bslorc. Wben wo and of galled from Portland real radlent with lather, Instead of using eoap uae CTnniin have cured thousands Of Good is ejecting jets of water, j I IU aut of Nervous Dlirtfet, such Printing went ashore a week ago there waa not the \ k| lbs ccljrs of the rainbow, 1* presented v I llwllU as Debility, Diuioiu,Sleepiest* the artistic insight into the of Cold Dust Powder ■ Aim nest and least exoltement on tbe part anybody. An orchestra Wishing | Varicoccle,Atrophy,Ac. In accurate reality. hid-j Tltey dear the brain, strengthen “ art of all arts.” was oool and.the discipline of Dissolve a tableapooaful lo tbo bot water and M 1ft] si ■ preservative Everybody In a floral tower discourses the IIVIIIPI the circulation, make digestion den waah qulakjy > bav? plenty of alee, dry towalf the crew was «xosllerit. Evan the ladles perfect, and impart a healthy With us is not (trains of a walls, as the to ; hate a drainer that will allow tho printing dreamy uiasy wipe wljb to the whole All drains and losses are checked Unless were as eulm as of the men. I am wataf r. Til man's has the Leering High School Alumni Monthly Regulator brought 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET bth.of Mr. Morrison will bs at the Jefferson happiuesa to hundreds of anxious woman. Is a of the no known association, meeting only 7. There is positively other remedy next Wednesday, March to medical science, that will so and •PHONE 30 PQRTLANO. MAINE oflloers, executive committee and sub- quickly THE QIHL FKOM MAXIMS. safely do the work. Have norer had a single committees. The regular meeting of the failure. The longest and most obstinate cities Blood Poison ate relieved in a without fall. No other aieootnt'oD will be held Monday evening, “The tilrl from Maxim’s,“ a nsw Primary, Secondary aa t Tertiary days Cured. Ton can te treated at remedy will do this. No pain, no danger, no RuioVAI. KOTH E, had a Permanently April bod, when o will be held French farce, which has highly It you have taken interference with work. The most cflflloult banquet home nader tame guarantee tho Manufacturing at Riverton Arrangements for the unalr sucjessful run In Hew York, whSre cases successfully treated through corres- About March 1st, Stiver the most complete satisfaction Company will remove their hoa squat ters are now completed. pondence,and U ca- being Charles Frohman opened bis new Cri- in every Instance. 1 relieve bun- [office and Salraroom] »rotn tbelr present where hare been for theatre with will te Snaranteedreds of ladies whom 1 never Bee. Write for tion at?l Free street, they WASHINGTON t2t terion It, presented to street, TOURS, write farther particulars. All letters truthfully tho pa^t twenty year*, Congress at the Jefferson theatre, Friday and Sat- tailing Jut, answered. Free confidential advice in aft Baxter Bloc*, oeoupjins a part Of the store Under the Pereobally-Conduoted Tourist Allen. Marob 2 and wltb Saturday REMEDY CO. matters of a private or delicate nature. Bear with Cressev, Jones & or the Pennsylvania Railroad urday. 10, COOK is under THE MaM FACTUM NO CO., System for In mind this remedy absolutely safe BINRkK tours will leave Hulun for matinee the oast, whloh ln- «29 Masonlo Temple. Chicago, 111., proofs Washington. by original We soltolt the most evenr possible condition and will positively [Incorporated] 8 and and ol cures. Capital SWO.ooo after eifacts the health. tho I and Best Organized Marob 16 and 30. AI rill *7, oludea Msrrl Osborne end W.J. have cured the worst leave no ill upon By Operating argent Ferguson. obstinate eases. We i>r. K. M. TOL- Factories In the World for tho MHnu’acture of May IP Itinerary of D. N. Bell. Tour- book hee. mad securely sealed. The of the farce begins with the eaeee in U to as days, lou-page cutout M u*. Machine*. feht9daa» ist Agent, DOS Washington Street, Hes- etory HA2i CO., 1?0 lx fit., Boston. Sew'iug ton. discovery mad* by friends of a rsepeo- AKVSMienTI. I AMVIBNKRTI. PRESS. TODAY’S SLCCTIO*. TIIE Tbe (Motion today to to daalds wbat port La v p Til i:at r i-; ^ tails Mm of Baal on how wo treaty, people aod wbat man aba 11 ad* party parttonlar nVE' KMIMKICIMl MONDAY, DAIf.Y MATDEM MO.NJMT. MARCH 5. 1900. may protect oursalvas against the oaioa- nri.'K'U’WW minister tbe affairs of tba elty far tba r.r.lt. NARtHA < omm.nrln, Tl AMD \ Y. lee that were the malt to that treaty. PRICKS. K»rnlnr> 10, 20 and kkv Matin... 10 and 20r. Haat. now on ..to, to name. Tba Uaket to noth Y.arn, 1,000,000 P.tro.i, Ion all r.m.mti.r u«. the TKK lift' It le to be regretted, perhaps, that wo yaar Hspobllaao DAILY PRESB- bare oc Ion fee egaloet whloh wo aoed piw- beaded by Jodga Robloaon for Mayor, BENNETT & MOULTON COMPANY or at the and of bot ettoh being tho ease Mr. By the year. f« In adranca f7 teetlon, and tba lMmooraltn by Mr. Unorya V. and thelrO -» N ORCHESTRA. la brief m the year. Held's method, whloh lo (bangs of Rspertolrs sash par lor inane*. el watt. Jodis Hoblnaon baa bran Mayer TUB KfVTIHR \\ KKK'I RRPKRTOIRE. on tilde the oonetltotlon, aad By the month. 50 cents. keep them EVENINGS. | MATINEES. far the past ysar, and ws think srsry treat them ae dspSadansles, le the meet Monday.Darkest Russia Tuesday.. l»vTs Otr Tuesday..The Girl Wednesday.Tin* Imperial Guardsmen 1* delivered at those raise one. fair minded and nnprsjndlead obssrrer Country The M4U.Y TKEbS feasible Wedtiseday....All the Comforts or Ifome Thunday.i»*’ke*t Russia In all of ♦very morning to subecrlbora parte moat admit that his administration has Thursday. The Black Flax Friday .All the Comforts of Home and bouui Port- Indefeasible to tax ths Accidents Friday....The Prisoner of .Ths Girl of the Mines and In Woatbroot It Is manifestly Aiglet* .Saturday Portland, and Day ths Heart of the Sierra* been one to oommand tba ooaOdanos Every tho bane At of a Hatnrday.In land. ■hols people simply for Barns, bites, Xtinn, cnts and braises all cause -BFJQOIAXjTIBB who bellsrm that MAINE STATE PRESS (We*klT>- pert leu ler class, aad when any scheme teapeot of s Tory body inflammation. Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment At each performance, ths following Artists will Appear. .Madame Flower, the Bronze Melba; INiwisa A Buoih, Acrobatic Comedians; SIla* Clara Tnrner In the latest *oius: in advance. or fl.25 at the rssalt It drear res tba inflammation. When the wounded is Byuioyear.fi brings abont that tba find duty of a Mayor to to guard cures spot Frank « lay ton. Comic Muslcsl Act; Add Herd** latest Animated Pictures, and Trrry nnd end of the year. roodsm nation. It some- with pain it is bard to have to wait for KInter, Coihudlins and nothing bot iatarasto of tbs olty aod to ao adminis- tingling liancers^ For six months, 50 cents; for three months, So bur a bottle of Johnson’s Anodyne times happens, however, that a scheme relief. 2f.ocm.-i as to tbs welfare of and will for the ___ ter alTalrs promote Liniment to-day you he whloh at the first seems likely to prepared glance It lias been a household tba whole Mayor Bobloaan baa worst. For ninety year* v hose ere not delivered that result aad that only on dose people. Subscribers papers produce No other finimeut ever bail such along, JEFFERSON. of remedy. THE are to notify the office Is seen to bo been all re to the City’s promptly requested examination Indirectly pro- always keenly thorough trial and no remedy such popularity at the DAll.Y PREbS, No. W7 Exchange street, aad hence motive of tbs general welfare, Interests, has always noon oMarly what TOMORROW NICHT. Portland Me. A __ defensible and even praiseworthy. measurer would ba beneficial and wbat Cliurlps Frohnnn I’rrirnn Ida tnlwl Comedy Novelty, scheme of this kind It Beoretary Ifrys’s who are leering town aod baa bad Johnsons Patrons of tho PRESS disadvantageous, always bill for ths promotion of American ship- roav have the addressee of their temporarily tba oaorage to choose tbe former aod desire At fit at glome It might appear m«lininent papers changed as often as they may by ping. HIS EXCELLENCY THE as GOVERNOR tax tbs whole wbat tba It is for internal for external use office • Imply a scheme to peo- dtooord the latter, no matter equally good notifying the a "The kind of show that make* Charles Frohnnn famous.” Cast includes ___ —take it on sugar, in Sold ple for the benefit of persons who build him. Ooe of bis first sets dropped teaspoon. pressure upon In two sire bottles, 15c. snd joe. The larger is Ethel liarrjmore and Joseph Holland. and rail ships. If It were only that there was to veto an bill which more econom icsl. Write for a free of "Treat- REPUBLICAN TICKET. Its defsoes. Bot appropriation copy WEDNUSHAY BVHiVINO would be little to say lo Diaeases and Care of the Sick Room.” bs balls red too beasy burden ment for Senator shows In his report, whloh pot open -THE EMINENT- Frye n Custom House ttrset. Boston. merit* of the and bis term L S. MHMSOU • CO., Moss. ntvoR. is sn argument on the tba taxpayers, throughout fRjgg»- to hill, that the mearare would enure be has carefully aorotlolsed ssery expen- LEWIS MORRISON FREDERICK, THE GREAT. the la by Magnificent Scenery, ticorgeou* Coniuiiics. ths tvuetlt of publlo genera! see that cent Frank W. Robinson. diture to every spent Frldny ttnil nrrfny-( limrlr. Frohaian'a “«IRL FROM MAXIM’S.” opening employment to a large numter Inured to tbe eity’a benefit. The oloee of the freight retro on at people, lowerlog For Kcboal I'animltler Large, manufac- of his administration ease all tbe bills mVANHAL FINANCIAL* UNDERWOOD 8PRINC. ADtrillS 1A(.K< our agricultural prod note sad 1 Spacious Dining Hall always Music Lucy «. Coolidge. year. tured goods whloh are exported, and paid and every expenditure kept within open. Card and Smoking Kooms. all with op**ii fires F. O. BAILEY & CO. Catherine A. B.igley. 9 year.. a tlest of ships and healed providing us with Urge tbs appropriation. Hls record Is that of brilliantly lightedT»y electr'cily by nr*. •team, decorated with palm* and evergreen. Mabel B Brown, 9 ye whloh may bo of immense value to us la • a faithful and ooneotentloae administra- BONDS INVESTMENT An excellent menu from which to order. tidioieen aadCoBiimion We Uni war. Xheos are all bene- Dante and mill dlMin a time of general specialty. Sale*roea AS Str*»U who baa la view the Arrangements made for I dimer, Dancing or Excbaasre are live at ths general tor, steadily kept fits, they prsmi ('aid parties with or withoat special ears at tn r. o. nAiLXl. c. w. al.uk-* walfarr. and a measure that brings them Interests sad premotrd them of 1923 8 office of Portland Jk Yarmoutn Electric llall- Alderman—Elmer G. Cerrlsli. city's Coesty Washington, Me., 4’s, ■tan SECURITIES. w *y Co., office 4dO Congress sticet Telephone la net to tba orltlolsm tbst Basb an ex-en- Tax Exempt Councllmen—Eindsay It. Grlltlu. about open every way in his power. wi 6-1. novJ3dtf bill ll Is class legislation. Mr. Frye’s but CAUCUS. James A. Counet- tire deserves not merely re-eleotlon, Maine Central Railroad 7s 1912 Is somewhat oomplloated Id Its provisions Kennebec Light & Heat Compa- ANNUAL IWEE1INO. lan. te-.l.otlon by an oT.rwh.lmiDK m.JnrKy. and Its t-xaot affeol oan hardly te under- Osman C. Jlnnror Central Railroad. 5 s. 1912 First o’s. The of stockhoblera of CA PE KI.IZAnP.TII. been Mains pauy Mortgage annual meeting the stood by a layman, bnt It |bas Hie and corneas. Engineer Mining Developing Company The citizens of Cap* Elizabeth are requested Wardeu—John ear* a oomrnlt- POOR INDIAN. Water ol will 1m* held at the rooms of the prepared with treat by LO, THE Aroostook 5's. 1943 Sterling. 111., Compauy Colorado, t<> mem iu caucus lit Grange Hall In said town It. Hoi Ion. B.ngo- & Railro:d. :«1 Exchange street, this city, on W ard Clerk—Percy oloeest Secretary, on March h. moo. at 2 o'clock In th«| t«e that has given the matter the .Vs. the ;td of at to clock Thursday. First Mortgage Saturday, day March. IwOO, afternoon to nominate candidates for tow# Constables—Etlward K. Ilealh, nr of tbe the of officers ami the trans- attention, and has bad the be lit Bangor & Plsca'aqirs Die. 5 s 1943 p. in., for choice officers. E. Hartnett Water Works acting of any other business that may legally Per CITIZENS. Timothy sdvlce of tbe most capable exports Xhe Mr. Montague ('hamberluhi Telia of Itockport, Indiana, order, come before said meeting. Elizabeth. Feb. 28. moo. nurtdtd Commlllce—Kni W. la some- Ti iel. 5’s. 1509 Tilt >8. J. Cape School ph revival of onr merchant marine Ilia Life aud C haracter. Wes! Chicago Co. First Mortgage o’*. LITTLE, Secretary. Portland, Me.. February 21,1900. hbfldWt lluckiinm. which American oitlxon thing every Ral'road Co.. 5's. 1918 Water earnestly desires. There are dlfferenors Quincy Athol, Mass., Company, WARD 8. STATE OF MAINE. of opinion as to tbs best way to bring Mr. Mon tag oh Chamberlain of Cam* First Mortgage .Vh. Alderman—James E. Eelglilon. Portland A Yareon'h Railroad 4's. 1919 To the Californian. It about. The free trader’s method le to brldg* aroused a good deal of Intereal In Brosvu. t lifton & The steamer Auroclsco'of tho Hants- t'onncllmen-EdwardC. wLerovsr street church Satur- Korge, Vn., Light ilic Elector* of the City of allow Americans to buy ships hla audience at Pine Oakland Me.. Wa!er Co.. 5's, 1908-18 To well Steamboat (Jo., will nmke daily Horace B Greeley under tbey osn tied them end put them day afternoon, for tha eothualaatlc way Water Co. First Mortgage ti’s. Portland, trips to tho steamer Californian now James time llepb'.iru. A merles A,flag, but tbat In a short in which be presented bia plea for the Newport Me Water Co , 4's. 1929 Stock. ashore on Ham Island ledge. the] National Hank Pursuant to warrants from the Mayor and E. our Id and that cf Warden—James Stephenson. would entirely extinguish shipbuild- Indian character general, Aldermen of the < it* of I’ortland. I hereby Steamer leaves Portland Pier at 10.00 And Cther Choice lanestmenls of Ward Clerk- Fred D. Harvey. The ether praotloable the Abnakal tribe In particular. for sale by warn and notify the Inhabitants of said City a. m.. returning at 11.00 a. m. .Sunday, ing Industry. to meet Portland, qualified according to law, at steamer at of subsidies like for bla Circular »€u! on March 4th. will leave U.:lu, Cons ablcs—Stephen Flynn, method Is by a system Tbe speaker apologised subject, Special Descriptive appler ol Warden—George S. Staple*. to ooadne oor bounties to American During that captivity he kept a journal tuc superintending school commlleo for one F. Horse. Ward Clerk-William ret illa- and from this Mr. Chamberlain learned year. ships we should surely provoke Also for three female members of the super- Conrtablcs—Edgar E. Rounds, custom* of the two of wliom shall tion. much of tbe peculiar Bank intending school committer*, hold office for the term of two anu one for Oliver A. skillings. as as domestic charao- CascoNotional years Indians well their .or.. the term of one year. OK IUOTOBI. School Committee—William II. DUTY u rlatios of two oenturle* ago. Mr. The polls on such day of election to remain eu until live o’clock in the afternoon, when Brownson. elections are more olosely re- Chainborlaln felt that unfortouately tbe MAINE. oi STEPHEN Municipal and other PORTLAND. they shall he closed. BERRY, lated to the welfare of the oltlaeo than Indiana had not learned their Idea cf bos* EDWIN L. DYER, City Clerk. WARD 4. home 1824. Portland, March 1, 1900, luar.dtd any ether. Tha management of pitallty or reverence from tbe whites, but Incorporated Boot, Job and Card Printer, .11 PLl'91 a»T KfCKT. Alderman—Frank I. Hoore. Affaire more dlieotly and mors vitally that they were Inherited virtues. 'Xbat C APITAL A.\l> 91 HIM.CS NT ATE OE MAINE. WO. Coiliicllmeu-George c. Jose, affeott him than tbe mnaagement of they have these virtues, tbe speaker gave HIGH GRADE It Is to He nr) W. Way, elthor stats or national matters. emphatic evident*. Interesting d*scrip* Cumberland ss. iu A. Elliot. meet tbe demands of mnnloipal govern- lions were given of tbe paouiiar vita of supiumn Judicial Court, Equity. February Henry «Jth.. A. D. t*>» has 10 the most la taxes. took at sun- MILLION WM. M. that he whlob ONE Warden—Michael E. Conley. ment pay baptism, always place Edwin h. Ileckbert vs. The Underwood Coin- MARKS, It follows, Ihtrefer*, tbat In mnnloipal rise and was one of great solemnity.)} Mr. pan). hi Equity. W.-irtl Clerk—Robert A. Fogg. In ihn at ove entitled cause. Charles 8. Peake, citizen should take the also stated that In thoee Herrlll, elections tbe Cbamerlaln days Securities having been granted leave to Intervene. and Constables—Frank foe the distribution of deepest lot -rest and make his voloe most tbe girls ware not allowed to be inttriUI DOLLARS. having filed a petition Card Arthur H. Sawyer. the f uds In the h »nds of the Trustees, and the Book, to felt A bun t ell the bad mnalolpal gov- until they were twenty-four, and up • . 1!“*), at or what It Is reasonable ta Infer lain felt was a relation. able tea uaa. Ward Clerk—Philip Q. Coring. want, peculiarly happy ten o’clock in the foreuoon and then and tln re A SPECIALTY. solicited front Indi- FINE JOB PRINTING want from their or lack of tbe women were allowed to ( oiiripundcarr show cause. If any they have, why said petition I oustuh e.s—Eken >. Perry, they notion, Furthermore, Hanks ni.ll or promt'll/ Bankers, viduals, Corporations, and should not In* granted and said report be ac- All order,by telephone tbe ottizens of a town or when It oame to a of to accounts as wall Attended to. eenStioedU Edwin F. Smith. nation. When vole, question war, others desiring open cepted ami ac uuut allowed. ak from Ihoar *% to traiiaarl Hank- Charles E. ara vigilant, scrutinizing tha aota of and from all he oould And out, tbelr in- tshlug U. C. STONE. Cfork. School Committee— olty business ofauy description through A true In lug copy. EVERY WOMAN tbelr munlolpal Affaire carefully, con- lluenoe counted tor muob, as It does PORTLAND, MAINE. this Hank Attest:- B. c. Clerk. Hutchinson. marl <1 if 8TONE, Sometime* needs a r*!iubl« demning them when tbey are bad and the present day among tna Indiana of mar-’dlw monthly regulating medicine. them when are tbey STEPHEN SI SMALL PraikiK. WAltD O. praising tbey good Oidtowu. The Annual Meeting DR. PEAL’S r Is are promoting In the beet way possible The question cf the Indian flair* MARSHALL R. GODINS. Cashiw. — SAMARITAN ASSOCIATION AlUt'lllIdU Ksiliis * uviii>«'« tebfdtf THE good government. When they are in- one of great interest to Mr. Chamberlain, OF for the election of officers and such busi- PENNYROYAL piLLS, W. Bowers. UiO Arts safe and certain In remit. The genu* Cofineilmeu—John different, when tbey shut tbelr eyee to and be feels that moat of the trouble we ness as m.in legally culm* befi»re meeting, prompts will be held with Mrs. W. T. Kllhorn, Brackett ire air. Peal's) never disappoint. Sent anywhere* Arthur K. limit. on are tbelr In tbla has arisen O. vsbat Is going tbey tempting have had connection, street. Thursday afternoou, March 1. 1909, at <1.00. Peal Medicine Co, Cleveland. Calvin E. Wood- Indifferent and mistaken Idea of tbe Indian ohar- L. three o’clock. lebl’fklfd cOlclais to be negleotful from a Ralph Merrill, BONOS C. H. GUPPY A CO.. Agts. Portland, Me. side. also. Tbe fountain of all laws and of tbe urtrr. This mlsapprebsnsion It is his HOME -r- and all who were Warden-Edwin A. Cray. execution of them le pnbllo sentiment, effort to clear away, BANKER AND —FOli— WHICH PREFER ? roYiMih^io^rjus notice. Word Clerk—Kirlmrd II. Boll. and neither tbe lawe nor tbe execution present, were glad to have his presenta- BROKER, DO^OU foun- CfMBERJLAM). s*. Constables- Clnreuce A. Johnson of them Is likely to rise above^the tion of tbe subject. March Investments. Portland. Maine. Febmnay in. a. T». tooo. Sutuuel W. Joy. tain. Xbure are crises in every olty and Midi*. Cor Union Sis.. Portland. Me. 7u We, th* undersigned, having beeu duly ai>- tOK POHl'LAND. piuited by the Houorable Judge of Probale town whloh the are loosed BOUND In people County of Cumberland, 4’s. with n ami lor saul County, commissioners to WARD 7. and take an aotlve Interest In public 1'rovlncvetown, Moca March 3.— With receive aud deckle upon the claims of the 4’s. li. late of said her Portland, Maine, creditors ol lleury Underwood, atlulrs. 'There an apaerne of reform In four hoora supply of ooal left lo estate has been Aideriniiu—Eilwlu C. Mllliken. only INVESTMENTS. Maine Central R. 7’s. Portland, deceased, whose dr Biitlih eteeiuer R., Insolvent, hereby give C. Fox, oar wont governed cities. ilut thoy buuken, tbe King represented public Couuciimen—Jnracs I have to offer choice bonds yielding Portland St root R. 1-2’s. notice agreeably to the order of said Judge, not government. The prine Captain Hugheee, arrived today R.,4 Ceojge F. Kuvunou|;lia yield good lutiger. from 1 to 5 per cent, all of which have that six months from and after February 7. eternal via for Portland Water Co., 4’s. UMo. have beeu allowed to said creditors to of that la conatant and from iiirgentl, Siolly. Algiers. a Moulton. examination of experts »cc M 1 ■ Arthur II. passed rigid Pi present and prove their claims and that we will oareful from Portland Ms.. with a oargo of aulphur. are endorsed Standish Water Com- 1j1 ■jTir^i] Hanson. vigltanoe; eoratloy and by leading attorneys at'end to the duties assigned us at the office of Warden—Eyiunu W. said day to day of the manage She sxperltnssd tempo atuoua weatbrr irons all parts ol tiio couutry. pany, (Guaranteed), 4’s. Charles J. Nichols. »* Exchange street, lu Ward Clerk—Albert E. Neal. Portland on March 10th and August 0th, 1000 at affaire end the the and burned wood Portland and Rum- men of government going throughout voyage tiovcraiuicnt, Stine, two o'clock, u. m of each of said days. Consiubles—Churles E. Cousins, Municipal, to the polls at every election to npna to belp oot the ooal supply. Xhureday, ford Falls Railway, 4’s. High tirade Ituilroud und M Charles A. Jones. and Nan- •rsTliiHilts o»iwwm^ AND. NINE, W“iKLtoXOL9-1'><>— opinion In the only really ellejttve way when half way between Oeorgee Electric Bonds. Portland and Og* febPJdlawawM aha ran Into an easterly gale and It). oan be the tuekat R. taioeodtf It expressed, namely, through tutu It densburg R., 5’s, WARD 8. was obliged to buck right It, being from all parts of the United States. ballot box. to the steamer about deemed ousels put Particulars upon application. F. Moulton of three remarka Ilea eome the the Also Portland Hnnk Alderman—Augustus The point and run before gale. Repeatedly Bonds listed on t lie Boston Jt New Council men—W'nlter Flckett. what In the applloatlon of them, and decks were (wept by bugs seas, doing York Stock Exchanges bought and sold Stocks and other $ 100 Reward. to and bulwarks. The gale of them wbloh we woulc damage porta on the usual commission. Wm. B. Johnson, the applloatlon tv MkMi sntslJed yesterday and the steamer was lir.t rl:i.a Knnili ■'u r. uiuiin jiiivu this time le that j&nl&,mon.wed.8St A to one who will furnish rtl- Scon Wilson, make at every legal on her course, ploktng up Highland pay $loo any pot deuce that wiU convict any person of Uuipor- voter of Portland, who is pbysloally able at midnight. She pul In here to re- suitable for Trust Wardeu—John II. Card. light ng with their linen, lamps or machinery. ooal and will tomorrow. to do so, should go the polls today and proceed Funds and Conser- PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Ward Clerk—Albion L. Chair- President vote for candidates for municipal offloers. FOR — Goo. W. Brown. man. YALK-HAHVARD DEBAX’B. vative Investors. What candidates they are to vote for Consiubles—Chaunrey K. Berry, Now Haven, Con n.,Maroh 8.-Xhe plana ehould determine for themeelvea Yale-Harvard debate whloh will Fred E. Wheeler. they for Us alter oareful eonalderatlon of the char- be held In this city on ltareh 80, arc eo in Xhe to be FEBRUARY School Committee—Charles W. and experience of eaoh one about plated. question acter, ability dubtltfl U Foster. thal of them, and also of the Irtlnenoee “Resolved, that Poor to Rloo should be Portland Trust Go. them If eleoted. sustoois boundaries WARD 9. are likely to be behind Inoludvd wllhla the INVESTMENTS feb->7_• a matter LAlt8 lor esoh every Earnings, 41,836,290 91,506,443 UoelL !lo® lajtoof Sr*l*lN(» Totem of Sontb Port- oandldate who wae a part of It, and c.n use of Hai.l Catakbh drawn on bulk cusl nr,a iif hiuh nutility. Our at the hands of the cannot be cured bv the Net Earnings, 780.880 028,2 HT checks n'iy In Port- OY EUCOA 1 ?MiS eftMOOi be excelled Us has shown himself an able and lutlnentlal part of It too are likely tt CCR*‘ Bank Stock. 370,899 itvcr mid In and land. FRANK J. CHENEY. Interest._380,711 of the .tllwiwlpiil laud, and embrace every «*vle, variety the affairs of this battel A VY turments faltbfnl ad m la 1st rata r. lbs affair* ol sdn.lnl.ttr ally Sworn to before me and subscribed la my S nr P lira, 9400,109 9*7,620 credit the same VI' PAH on diiy 1“ lor Before selectm* »prli;K

How the Lincoln Club Portland, Mircta ft, 1900. Linens, been 25c to 75c Toilet Goods Counter. a to at The weather to. dap yard, go half An assorted lot of best Closed the Campaign. 10 titety to be fmr. price. quality Chamois Skins, cW Leather Goods Counter. at 17c, been 25c to 40c. of Special Bar- An assorted lot of Belt One lot of Cucumber a Rons* Another They Gavt Mayor Robinson «* 85 a ® for I FOR SUMMER WEAR.» I gains today, Buckles at 15c, been 25c. Soap, at 5c a cake. One Greeting all chosen for lot of Corn Plas- ipg carefully Corsets Counter. Sarg’s their special fitness to ters, at 10c a box. ft » needs. One lot of “Z. Z.” l» OF THE PRETTY GOODS. present Handkerchiefs Counter. SOME French Corsets, Listened to a Number Skirts Counter. long ejiiwiiiimimiiiiniiiiiiiiiroiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtii drab and at One lot of men’s aiiiiiiimimimiiMimiiimmiiiiHmiiimimic We are showing an elab- waist, white, pure of Good Speeches. One lot of black moire $1 marked down from linen hemstitched Hand- more FRENCH CHALLIES. .59v orate line of silks I satteen cloth with with needle- I GRENADINES. Skirts, Also a lot of kerchiefs, White beautified $2.25. 1 i choice than we have | ground, at — = any corded flounce, at 1.00 a = In stripes open square | with vines, scrolls or flower deep cloth covered wire Bus- wrought initial, — — I Nearly All of the Republican 1 meshes plaids brocades, 1 ever displayed. designs. $1.39, marked down from tles and Hip Pads, at 35c, box (six in a box.) chenille dots and woven jet Cnallies in solid colors | f This is our now | $2.00. Also a lot of from 50c. Nominees Present. I effects—Grenadines in silk § opinion, S (something new), desirable marked Haberdashery. at or silk and wool mixture— on for ladies’ shirt waists. merino Underskirts, | | we want vour ideas the | Underwear, Muslin. lot of or = satin One bosom | Grenadines in black black | Challies with stripe, were 38c. fancy Examination will § 28c, § with color, light shades of | subject. black with red polka dot, § Four different styles of Shirts, white bodies, at = or I electric blue with black tte or- castor, gray, pastel green 1 dot, § Hosiery. Ah ha® been the cus’om slnoe lead to exclaim with 75c, includes one of S old lose. you = with white dot. muslin Nightgowns, pair ganlpatton, the Lincoln club brought the navy favor- i I Challies — exclusive dress 5 A lot of women’s fan- cuffs. municipal campaign to an and on Sat- 5 Crepe-de-Chine (a us, “How Beautiful § trimmed with lace and — to = ite because of its soft choice line of I nrday night by git log areeepton May- cling- | | patterns cy cotton Hosiery, all the Swiss at candi- in Embroidery, Basement. or Koblnaon and the Hepublloan = ing effect)—in black and satin stripes both light and | | | new to date! for the government, l'b# aflair or shades. dark colors. colorings, go marked down from olty = white fancy | 69e, lot of wooden Col. D. One was managed by John Prlndabla, miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiim at been C1 rW I A Ion n Inf nf ..in.. today 25c, the ohalrman of tue bonre committee, Tooth at Gc a l-2c. Picks, box, and patnad iff In a moat aatlafaetory man- 37 children’s flannelette were 10c. One lot of ner. The room# of tha olnb wore orowded all SILKS. Children's Hosiery Counter. sizes two with earneet,entbualaatlo Hepnblloan* SILKS. Nightgowns, individual Butter plates, the evening and pome apeachea whlob PanneerSatin and Pannee Velour to at been 50c. one the most ten, 38e, true and added moob ti the enjoy- Plisse-Stripe is of A lot of black all wool 20c a dozen. rang for stock collars in becoming (Japanese),at Bent or tne occasion were ranun. of the novelties. It has a taking ribbtul sizes 7 Underwear Counter, A nitted. V711U IUI OL OUilJl DUW1S, was attendance and furnished shades of mauve and the Stockings, ohestra In effect and comes in green, Vloe Presi- crepe lovely to 9 at 25c and music during the evening. pastel shades. ! 1-2, 28c, One lot of best quality at two for 23c. One lot dent Horatio Clark and when shades of gray, mode, blue reseda, presided an the Pannee Satin for gowns, ele- been J$Gc—all sizes. white of silvered wire Plate Major Robinson was escorted Into rose and red. Oneita Union Suits, wbo h olnb rooms bT Frank 1. Moore, gant heavy satin in mode shades, at four for 25c. Another is “Peau Gloves Counter. and natural mixed, at Holders, tw be the next alderman from ward four, beauty Mig- made effective black and white nrui”. fjn ttii.foc of by One lot of butter Knives tne obeers wnloh greeted him showed thst ngures. A lot of women’s two §1.50, regular §3.00 qual- the Lincoln club hasn’t forgotten how to effects in fabric, Persian receive much but to and sugar spoon sets, at cheer. Exquisite airy designs P. K. ity. subject slight and attention. Oriental Japanese Foul- clasp Dogskin MOc the set. Major Robinson was Introduced hemstitched. Also in the heavier imperfections—this is a was ards are in favor. Gloves, colors and black, made a brief speech. He repeatedly Swiss Taffetas, Satin gaining whs Bengaline, Satin artisti- value. Counter. applauded and cheered and there Foulards—drapes at marked down great Trimmings he Mascott and Louisine. 79c, •very evldexoe of the cordial support cally—handsome designs. and Childrens Underwear. of silk will receive on Monday from tne young from §1.00 §1.25. One lot black anaof the Republic olty. iJiiiiiiinniiiiiiimiiinuiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiHiiui giiiiiiiiimiiimmiiiiimiiHiiHiiiiiiiiMiminiis One lot of Merino knotted Fringe, 5 1-2 in- General C. P Mattocks was introduced LYON'S VELVETS Men's Gloves. and said that be always felt his Republi- HIGH GRADE Koch Belt. Vests and Pantalettes, ches deep, at 38c a yard, and broadened when he 1 collars in | “Pulley” ( A small lot of Scotch canism. enlarged For stock charming tints, down 50c Ho be- for children four to four- marked from entered the Ldncoln olub rooms. such as rose, amaryllis, eglantine, 1 The most practical and | mixed wool Gloves, at a nroat benefit WASH lieved the club had been FABRICS. 1 = graceful of any belt on the § teen at 20c and a yard. Also a lot of Portland. ( fuchsia, turquoise and amethyst. years, to the Republican parly in = market. 19c, were 25c, and I Embroidered Swiss are front and 38c black velvet braid- "Ibe mayor oommande the rrspeot Zephyrs | Taffetas still at the 34c, regular prices heavy = of in the in tasteful color combina- § Koch Neckwear Women s. oonddenoe every Republican | we have one hundred shades, includ- | “Pulley” Counter, and 50c. ed back Belting, at 18c city and be Is noted for hi? honeety, in- | tions. Foulardines, imita- Slock Collar. | the tints—we war- a marked This oonoluslon of = dainty pastel assorted lot of silk and 20c tegrity and ability.” tions of Foulard Silks, Dim- 1 ing An Counter. yard, Gen. Mattocks's started the cheers rant of Taffeta. = The very latest adjustable I Linings speech 1 ity Satin Rave, an § every yard Bat em- down from 25c and 30c. elegant = stock collar, tasteful, ingenius = wing Neckties, again. § silk and satiii combination, i Fifteen patterns black hemstitched One lot of 30 inch Robert T. Whltsbouee, Keq., said In a and novel all be at = Dimities, = | may applied § broidered ends, 25c, Notions Counter. that the Dainty Brazyl Taffeta for waists. very bright and witty speech § to this new belt and collar. § Taffeta Cloth, one of the corded I were 50c. Lining Cambric, standing of the Republican candidate for | Habutai in plain Mack (light We the favorites. Corded g have exclusive sale. I A lot of quality bad disarmed the #ho § Ginghams, | at 8c a been 12c good mayor opposition for = Come in and examine = yard, handsome effects. § | weight),desirable travelling gowns. Embroideries Counter. to were mudh discouraged. Though the E Aberfoyle Pins, 400 the Lace Taffetas are them. and 17c. Also a lot of paper, Democratic is the Re- = 1900 Novelty. striped gaining | party disorganised of remnants two for 5c. Also fall to their One lot 30 inch Moreen Velour papers publicans do not put up ..mu.mmimimiimmmr I many admirers. ^ummmmmmiiiiiiiiimuimmmiiiiminm In the case of three sizes of nickel beat men for candidates. and short lengths of brown, plat- Robinson it wan an Instance where Skirting, pink Mayor have ed Pins, at 4c a the all ice had sought the man and not Swiss Embroidery, and blue, at 12 l-2c a Safety the man the otlioe. Mr. Whitebouse paid been 139c, 42c, 50c and marked from 18c. card. a high tribute to the mayor. yard, Mr. Kdward Oulnn, n great favorite 75c, at half price today. Mens Underwear Counter. recited one of his Infants' Outfits. with the Lincoln club, Also a lot of broad selections and wus en One lot of flannelette stirring heartily Five of fine cored. pieces ! Bros. & Bancroft.mar5dlt Flouncing, slightly soiled, Eastman made extra Alderman Augnsais F. Moulton of the white all wool 27 Night Shirts, at was 25c a Flannel, Deering distrlot, referring to the annexa- 17c, yard. and at inches wide.at 25c a vard. long full, 75c, tion of said : "You took us In Deering, Laces Counter. marked from 1.00. and we ltke It. The Democrats say we Special value. Also a have no platform and we have none. The MU. KMKHY PHKFEUH PATH Oli MONDAY’S BATTLE. One lot of all lot of fine nainsook Men s Counter. Idea of conducting the city affaire like a DUTY. Chiffon, Long Hosiery free luuob counter where is a everything In colors, at G.'3c with Nlgm of Republican Victory Klghl Mr. Fred Emery, the night turnkey at yard, Dresses, dainty One lot of all obtained for nothing is a fallacy.** Mr. wool, of tlic .%'lur \V#nl». the police station has applied for patrol been 75c and 88c. Moulton fpoke of Mr. Cannolly,the Dem- Swiss embroidery, at black seamless llall doty, and will be transferred to the street Hose, ocratic candidate in ward four. He said He has been at the lice SI. marked from 1.50. are counted on Monday squad turnkey po Linens Cotenter. 12, at be respected him but be thought that the When tbe rotes merino heels and toes, trill be found tbat elation for seven years and a better and Idea of things which are enjoyed arter tbe election, It In same section lot of getting never held that made to sell for 25c. hare oarrled of more efficient ollloer One lot of linen 14c, in At»w xora bdu iMJbion wunour raising tbe Republicans eight pure an bay been a remarka- position. He bat been regarded aa “Star” Shirt the tuxes Is e mistake. If the tax rate 1s tbe bine wards. It boys’ waists, Also a lot of not the G e r in a n lluckabuck boys’ so far. 'ike Ubhio- Invaluable assistant and only up the olty will Le la oon- bly qntet campaign for from 4 to 12 pat blighted, authorities will be to bavs wool sweaters, blue no ammunition and eo polloe sorry fVnah nt 9o. a vnrd. lx>ys navy olaslon Mr. Moulton said that “»« ex crets have had he Mayor Robinson, him leave but the men with whom at were 98c. with collars, at 79c, every thing of Kublnson and have kept qntet. years, 75c, fancy pooled Mayor In ounlaot this tints. marked from 12 1.2c. A first term has been so creditable has oome daring we got most everything Including a few whose Also a lot of children’s marked down from 1.00. and himself, Is He bts been a good frlrad to the aews- linen Roller veto messages (Laughter.) He has glvan to the Republican party hundred pure re-elected by n handsome paper men, who will rules him, Offloer Eider down ns a claim admlnlstintlon and will sure of being fur trimmed Mackintoshes. give will take Mr. all Down In Ward 4 Candidate Newell Thompson Emery's Towels, ready made, us even a better one .” majority. sizes 1 to 4 K. has all place. coats, 3'cars, Ex-Mayor Melober said he had came to Joseph K. Connolly plastered 2 1-2 at 29c. An odd lot of women’s fences and distributed yards long, bear the candidate* themselves. It the dead walls and at were 4.58. pledge are 2.98, and children's Mackin- a olroulsr letter In whloh The Hepublloaa ward tloketa worthy baa been gratifying to the citizens to about tbe streets Ribbons Counter. De moo ret a to rise th * support of evory Republican voter. tan have the tax rste down. He said be oalls on all good toshes, navy blue, kept selected at Dressing Saequcs. their and says their coun- Krsry candidal* was very 1 no oould be with a tax up In might A basket full of and at 3.69, form- elty prosperous and the best big green, try. Us wants all kinds of things and large auarcses represents A fall in Men’s Suits. lot of and over 616 on a thousand. Boston will run Step by One grty 9.00 and 10.00. If he is elected they will come. Ue opinion or a majority of the Republicans remnants of all widths of erly in debt bnt will not raise the taxes over says stop we’ve dropped the as the free free of the ward. price, blue Eider Down Dress- •16. We appreciate the efforts Mayer wants free baths, railroads, Satin at 10c a about free beer. lots became reduced and the assort- Ribbons, Hohlnson has made In this direction, lights, but cays nothing at MARRIAGES. ing Sacqucs, 75c,mark- 11s says tbat tbe fire department Is a ments broken, but we’ve been 19c. and we will support him. H1b reoord de- today yard, & CO. Lranob of tbs A. F. A. organization and ed from 1.00. OWEN, MOORE serves endorsement and he will gst It.” reached, the bottom, and the re- tbe to aid In reform- Hrank I. oaodldate appeals to people In Feb. 2S. by Re*. J. K. Alktos. Draperies Room. Moore, Itepublloan Windham, mainder of our suits are at tt. He winds hla olroulsr by say- Mr. John {>. Lellrow and Miss Iterlba W. Hall. going for alderman from ward mad* a ing up four, In Krih. March 27. Harold A. Wood and Miss Fancy Goods Counter. "To bell with tbs other sight these One lot of cross good speeoh and was handsomely received. ing; Laura V. Card. prices: stripe Feb. Arthur and Albro E. Chase of the wards." la ltlddetord, 26. Landry Principal High tiles i.mii'iel'iMA Haninl SR Oil Sulfa nmr Cr> fill Madras An assorted lot of Ve- S. Foseett, whom the Democrats Curtains, fringed, sobool said among oher things that he Edgar Id Kastport, Feb. 27, Jflhu J. Cassidy and Mr. W ard 1 rescued from oblhlon and sst Garvin. was horn and bred and In ofj Margaret HO.00 Suits now $6.08 at marked down netian Photo HepubUoan lu Denmark. T'eb. 24. Willie II. Warren of $1.50, Frames, faet be tboaght be shouldn't bav* lived up to be knooked down In the annual Denmark aud Miss Hr it la Florence Com of Hav- 112 and $14 Suits now $0.80 from a An- cabinet assorted col- until this time If be hadn’t been a Ke- ten-pin game of polltlos, has n sort of erhill. Mass. $2.25 pair. size, MM k HCALLISFER nnblloan. He said "the Feb. Fred S. Curnell of Ban present mayor Chlongo platform of his own. He, too, In Oldtnwn. 24. 515 and $18 Suits now $12.00 small lot at nis done bis dnty without doubt and for and Miss Nellie A. Ward. other $1.00, ors, at 19c each,were 25c. tuu u* ■■ we- H. of that was because of the Instruction be waste many tmngt In Bangor. Feb. 24,,Wiiliaiu Thompson Rttcksporl and Miss Annie J. lAtvemeller of Next week we’ll have a word to were a received at my hands when In sobool ed he will get them. He wants the flee $1.50 pair. Counter. We don’t In the Rangor. Jewelry teach politics High department horses to work on the streets Id llartlaud. William R. Norton and Miss say on a new subject. school hot we do teaoh loyalty. The He- Inez Dearborn. to glee the Uromea something to do. He Silks Counter. sil- put linen party Deede no platform. Its In I'llts field, Waller Withee and Miss Margie One lot of sterling COAL. works speak for 1L” wants bigger appropriations made for Branch. Be era In ti. Ward and Con- ver Manicure j James A. the care of the streets; be wants dollar An assorted lot of 30 tools, large nrllao and W, B. Johnson made brief gas, tbree-osnt fane an the street oars, DEATHS. M. ■leeches. FRANK LOW & CO., Silks at 39c a size and heavy weight, thinks the affairs are administered inch India K. P. Chase said ba was oily too young at marked from 88c. A Full Assortment of soil Free- to be out fo late bat be was glad to ba poorly and raya he will reform things Wien’s were 50c. Also a 58c, Lehigli “'iiTtliis March 3. ltufus II. Waite, aged Outfitters, yard, and bs oounted es a Hepublloun. when be In the olty government. Ue city. present gets •9 Years and 7 days Coils tor Domestic Use. He was la tbe party when It wee formed of EundDg doesn't belle re in monopoly, but be Funeral Moudav at 2 30 o'clock from Ids late nONlTlKVr MtlMBK. lot Upholstery fringes, Stationery Counter and be proposed to stay there. 38 Lincoln street. Burial con- aud llsvot In himself and say* he bas the residence. No. uni n 15 it rofHlioitt.il (Seal-Bituiuiuouu) W. W. Merrill, ex-mayor of Deerlng, venience of faintly. at 8c a yard, were said the last public speech he made wee courage to light the battle for the people. In this city, itoarcb 3. Dorothy 1-arranee, A lot of “Fortune Tell- i.rorfN Creek Cumberland Coals are child of Chas. C. and 'Isabel J. Bick- lu Pembroke, Feb. 23, Alfred Huine, aged 70 In favor of aanexatlcn before the legis- M onset 1 Is a brave man. It Is too bud youngest l-2c. r.i ,’e«ru 4 moults. 12 steam aud lature. Blnoe than he had boon In cbltvlaa ford. aged 5 years and 11 months. at 23c a nusiirpaased lor aeireral that he Is doomed 1r defeat, b.:cause If Funeral afternoon at 2.80 o'clock In Ferry. Feb. 24. Mr#. Sarah A. Uullajhei. ing” Cards, pack, but he was satisfied with the labor he Toe-day be from resilience. 97 Bprlnc street. iged 83 year#.' use. bad dune. 'the ether were he tAe an alderman f.-r one year parents’ I Needlework Cou lter. 39c. lorg. speakers In till* city. March 4. Emma J., daughter of lu Ifcrttpurt, Fft». 2.'. .aura Mm Ion. daughter marked down from A. and M mult* .J. S irt-it. William Smith of Beaton, James C. Kzx would be a wiser man abo: many things Lite late John him! Abide Conley. .f Willi sin Ueuulna I.jkeus lallej Frankliu, and John Cousens.wbo spose briefly. before the year was ended. Ibr people (Notice of funeral hereafter.1 In llcl'ast. Feu. 2tv, W.ilium Seeklat, aged : A lot of Silk Front One lot of heavy cream In Ward 1 don’t think M-. his ett is tak- In tins eliy. March 3. Woodbury T. Jordan, ears 7 moatta. ngllth aaJ American CanneU of Mats., 48 8 In Aiu'do'H. Fcti. 22. Mis. < Itahelie liuil-J ing great ohanoes In building such a formerly Chelsea. need years laid vellum finish Writ- tunutiis 8 days. Hi. aued 21 years. Pillow Squares, Constant- What bhall We Have for Dessert? bread platform for himself, teoaose the It-i rust. Feb. IT. Willi mi A. Syv 87 Tapestry Above Coals h intern I on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, lu ft, aged Indications were last nlgbt that the <• iiiuutlik. 25c a This question arises in the family every from the residence of Mrs. Waller Skillings. lcars at 45c, been 75c. One ing Paper,at pound, On Hand. usual He^ublleau majority would be Cash Corner. Boston papers please cop*. In Fas: l.cldiu.t ui, Feb 341. K1U II. Jorduu, ly Let us answer it .1 ... too-!* day. today. Try Jeli-O, relied up on Monday. In Cap*' Kli/.abeth. March 2. John B. Arm- nlfe of A 'Hi ert t»r tan. aged n* y rs. 48c. TCLl'PBONE a lo‘ of remnants of Art S:ilurday’s price delicious and healthful dessert Pre- strong, aged 7 7 years 7 mouths and o (lavs. In H* 11 nor, Feb. 2G. lie. ig* l«.iien. aged 40 in two minutes. No boiling no, (.Funeral this Mondav ;riermx»n at 2 t-V.oek. trs. OFFICE: pared Hungry and thirsty Uemoerats are road. baking ! add boiling water and j at bis late residence. (Joltsgo simply to take In Aina. Feb 24. Wiliam Baker, aged 9t» [Tlie funeral service of tin* late M;s. set to cool. Flavors:— Lemon. not tale railed spec any thing & 70 Orange. years 11 mouths. 4m>.o BawleU* SeiUeu Vc*' bh will ta*e place Exch^Jti cf a One weald as toon think 7biComjnerclal Raspberry and Strawberry, (iet a pack- out politic in Gardiner, Fob. 24. Mr>. Mary P. Dowell, »n Tues v afteiuoon ;l 2.ro o'clock, ut St. OWKN', MOORE & CO. OWEN, MOORE & CO. age at your grocers today. 10 cts. of a starving man rejecting toed. aged 09 years. Lu..e* tutUcdrai.

» TOUT, Mr. Freeman eald to Mr. Wotibtn, arage «M DA. Far Me Cryatal *'• (ha __rORIALH.__ now tbo aowooD fata wu SO. “Too may agewar qoeetUa.1 paid rowif work Insert Ml nnder this head llOLStHOLD BILLS. The rofc.oo told Mr. Woodbary nat to Mr. Fraeaaa than naked a goad many Forty words Inserted anrlrr this kr«4 tba Atm's endoree- •m« week for M ceMls, csok la •Atomos, anewo.- the qoeotloa. qaaatlooa reeardlag oao work for IS otaU, cook la odrsaeo. Mr. Fre»men Mil that ho proaelaed to fccats op the aoeemmodetlon ootaa of the BALE—Dr. Ahab's Great Indian Stomaeli ooaneet tbe affaire of Woo lb At Moul- Orratal Water company, There Want |U.- LKT-Four or floe rooms furnished for ary FORand B'ooi D. W. IIKmPLiINK ton Water aad fW of tbsoe notea nod Mr. Waodknr/ ra- rt housekeeping; also furnished house Lemeny with Ihe Omaha eompaay light A C O and C. K. NKWCOMU, 64 Vesiwr »t, ha il ea eauaa of fa 11 ora of for board of two Ht. wao allowed to proceed. Mr. Woodbury Tit. Woodbury Mid that had more reed again tba tba table person*. emigres* Portland. 5.1 WILL One furnished or House. hie connection with thle Fort Smith bonds than other aadfar tba eon earn whan the RON accommoda- cottage, unfurnished. then explalnd any avenue, neat I bridge. How Mr. Woodbury’s not a etoek- rity aad had etfered mora at tion note wna allowed to Washington ukey'* POR Lincoln company. He eald he wao naturally M|« protael. House, Houtb Portland. Rents to f Iff. H. HALF—Opposite Park, the Iasi %4 L, * lot In holder In the It bad ao oat- those than at any other klad. Mr. woodbory aald that ha narar knew A. W. MOORE’S ( and Ht. Lawrsore. budding remaining that desirable oompeny. ARi.KToN, Congress must ne sold before to aad Mr. "I understand you recall ho lostanea that tba Crystal Water wna In location; Aoni i*t. \v. H. Went Settle. •tendlnr etooh though Woodbury oompnay marV4_ WAl.PKQN A CO M u- Salary of tho cor- whars yoar tlrm waa turnea down la way eoonoetad with me Ram ape. St. wee a director and president any BLOOD AND NERVE MEDICINE mD LET—A very front room, suitable com- daMra lor Mr. Free- Ha aald that It hare aaada aa pleasant poration he bad ao etooh In the your loans,aakad waull A for man and wife or two senttemen, with KALE- House and lot at Wliiar.t, hou«» 10 him the Hemeto h'OR 7 and hath. pany. The etooh wae all held by a man. different* whether Ubls board. 99 PI.KAMA NT 8T„ (near Hlgti.i con'alnt room* Sehsun. fur- or nit. lot fio x so, bo reasonable will be r« truetre. The dlreotore aaoh had a thare “No," said Mr. Woodbury. deal In New Yon went throopb WILL CURE YOU. _3-1 nace, offer fused for this niu t be sold at once. of etock made ont la their namee aad "What banka In a rear hats naked yon He never knew than wu nay ooango- RENT—The property Thli Medicine hu and la leliing on Ita dental parlors No. 243 Apply t<» r. .i. McDonald & cu., too a »•»- then It wee tranaferred by them book to to reduoe your loon within n yrsr, "asked tlon between tbo Oryital Water company FORMiddle st., Dr. merit* alone, when von take care of the successfully occupied by chan e street ,vi In of tbe treaenrr of tbe eompaay. Ho bad no Mr. Freeman. aad thla robeme. ft. Rft. water Une. none capslzablo, all metal. bank book to aaa If ha f»n22. 11.wed, f rOm. tc. r in Manager. Funity bad been paid on November 6th, and our business, Mr. Freeman. from tba Canal 457 1-2 Congress street.2*1 Tobin bronze and blocks the same; sail*. thle bad aleo been turned ever to Mr*. Mr. Freeman asked Mr. Varrlll of the could have them redeemed. Wilson and Bilsbyi cross cut; boat good ns can ha 400 fTO LKT—First class on Villon 8t. be built; fastest in her class sea Woodbury aa thej salary the bae etnoe ngreeraenle made by theaealgnaea friend- Mr. Wotdbary aald that hengbl storage In Maine, flue Prefer**! lo E near Mldd'e. with elevator and very broad boar, handsome, all found. At a No. received ae of the Omaha Water ed to Individuals aa wall as with the eberee of Ureal Northern bargain. president CATARRH easy stairs, either one or two very PIN K ST C Wood- Varrlll Mid that the Individ- aa a *1.000 wblob up Bights, ^ oompeny haa been glren to Mr*. banka Mr. 189*. puttlug up margin dry and desirable tor household low In- ity._3-1 Discussion of Assignees* Agree* la moss hla wife aad ha told C'l RE KOR goods, bury and applied for homehold expenses. ual creditors had belter security he borrowed from surance. For particulars Inquire cf R. 8. BALK—A fishing boat Just built, 22 t-2 The amount of the monthly oheoke, aa;he Instances then did the banks Many In- them In February 18, 1IW8,making about DAVls & CO., IPS Exchange IJtORfeet onr, 7 ft. 8 in beam. two coats paint, Banks. St._2«-l to the hull of of the best ment With tad before wee *3B8 3*. dividuals bad endeavored to aettla tbalr *a,0M> on I bora an 1 tbla with the PS,000 eveiylhlug boat elated, CATARRH and APARTMENTS-' e have K. L. Mr. Woodburr If olftlms and Ibelr names from being be lit In tba Arm to off eat hla etoek material. KOBE, Box 13, Cbet>eague Ur. Freeman asked heap recited Mousesthe largest list o( houses and apartments thle connected with the Thera wave whloh bad bun overdrawn. is Island, Me.2-1 tble oollootlng of the oheek foe aalary failure. amount for tale and to let of any real estate office to In the uy Mm. Woodbury met with bit appro- many Inatatnoee of this klad. Mr. Var- Mra. Woodohry had full power Portland. Our specialty Is negotiating mort- KALE—Roda fountain; cash or easy bation. In reply Mr. WoodDury arid that rlll Mid that the aeoniity of Individual abaenoa of her haabqad to draw ohaoka Ely's Cream Balm gages. collecting rents and the economical man- JjiQKterms. Address KOl>A, Press office. M mot with or aeooont and and to agement of real estate. Office. First National In the Bankruptcy pro- anything Mm. Woodbnry did oredltors bed not been lnoreseed on Mr. Woodbury's they Easy pleasant The taring no Bank FREDERICK H. V A ILL. VOR SALK— House IjI In F.nst Deerlng on the Me Ur. Freeman asked changed after the assignment. were opened op agalaet him. use. Contain* In- building, & Moulton were approbation. line of electric cars, will go .at a bargain If netting, of Woodbury the of hte boree to Fetor 8. Mr Freemen aald that ha had no In- Mr. Woodbury made ont the cheek aad jurious drug. him If telling It Is ab- _____27-1 purchased at once. Apply to A. C. LIBBY, all Uaturday and were ad- met to break the set- hla wife's balaaoe In Wood- quickly continued day Nlokemon for >134 alter the failure tention of attempting up withdraw sorbed. LKT—On Revere St, at Woodford*, a ten- 42 12 Exchange St 1-1 tlnally about Are o’clock. For with Me approbation. Mr. Woodbury tlements but ha wanted to know now they bury K Moolton after the ualgnmenl cites Relief at once TO ement of six rooms, firs floor, with fur- journed to wlft for nace. idazza. near electrics, and alto- baa exam lut'd that it did. were made. and gave the amount, 110, hla garden, roH KALI Substantial residence on Mr. Freeman replied o! the desirable rents In ihe Spring elgbt.daya Ur. eald lu answer to further Mr. Varrlll Mid that he would shew aome bill* wblob were peeealag. Hubee- COLD 'N HEAD gether one most of tbe bank- Woodbury "toWffVSKSS rents are scarce. Meaara. Fork and Woodbury to the failure tble Mr. Freeman about three settle- ouent to tbs of th* Urm'a aohad- Ileals and f'rouct* vicinity. Hpenk quick, good hath hot water heat, tuba, fire queetloua that prerloue anything tiling Allays Inflamniitlon. WaT.hoN. 12 Monument stationary open Arm. Thsae hearlnga bare not bad been turned Into the lino. He ments In but he did not desire to ulea Mr. Woedbnry spoke to Mr. VerrUl the Membrane, ftentorea the Menses of Taste Hq_27-1 places, hard wood floors, ate. Price only rupt salary private to and Mr. It waa not and Smell Large size. 50 cents at Druggists LKT—Lower rent of seven room*. In •3750. Apply at oneo FREDERICK s. held on oonaaoutlro day# but a did tble beoauao he had been taking the discuss the matter In about It Varrlll said good been pnbllo. or Trial size, to cents by mall. TO waterrioset. VAILL, real estate office, First National Bank ollloe time for the Omaha bualneee and Mr. Freeman said that secrecy (earned the right thing to do. Mr. Woodbnry by mail; repair, separate 112. Apply month baa ulnoe tbe Arat one waa ELY BKOTHKKM, 66 Warren 8t.. New York. to with True J92 Fore building. 1-1 elupetxl He be one of tbs considerations of these mid that ha Ibaa offend the noaay to EKNKftT TRUK, Bros., thought It but a fair compensation. to M W&K 271 Mr. Freeman with gnat peralet- him the street. held. bad turned this money IctJ tbe Arm reltlemente. He didn't wish to break np Mr. V.rrlll hot Mr. Vrrrlll told BALE—Houses on Myrtle, Beckett, New of With menu but ha to know matter ahould ba fixed with tha trustee of anry baa gone Into erery tranaactlon until Nor. 6th, when be hud agrred thtea set tie wanted LET—Three furnished rooms for light FORburr. Valley, Congress, Warren, Car la Ion. hie own Mid be did aetata. Danfort It. South. Ilrackeit and Wllniot baa fortb to tbe Ur. York to bla salary to something about them. He tbs TO housekeeping with use of ki < ben stove. fjuinev, tbe Arm and brought apply Hts; Pramball Place. and Forest noeui iuu n»u u'um «u. *uc *wiww not desire to ear that thaaa settlements Mr. Viaaian now referred to tha over- SEVEN w. C. B„ 279 Cumberland i city proper bare bad for Bt._27 Concord 8L. II at tie Ave., and I*awti public every dealing they Ur. be did no* turn his were either advantageous or disadvant- draft of about 18,000 on the aoaoant of Are., y Woodbury why Ave., in Deenng District. Great i i-gains. tbe at any rata, lhe nawap op- Into tba Urm aa Mr. York to the creditors. H* didn’t be- Mra. Anna U H. Delaficld. a slater In SUTHERLAND paat year October aalsry ageous Call on EZRA HAWKKS & CO., w Exchange aald tna* Mr. lieve were bat be wanted to eee Ibe law of Mr. Tha latter aald era bare primed ooininna of thle matter bad done. Mr- Woodbury they Woodbury. release him his before be mad* hla mind. that aaah In Denver and SISTERS’ CLOCK WON'T 60. street._2*-l hnt. the and of I be ea.e la not yet In York was willing to from agreement* np tl.CCO Argentina so. than continued Mr. bonds secured this over- Hair Orawar and Scalp C/aanar. PAPERS FOR HALL-About agreement and he bad done This ap- Mr. Freeman Water company Send postal or bring If to us. Wo do only the Is that there will be Are the that w ill reetorr the hair SCIENTIFIC*o volumes of the Scientific American, sight. It probable of tbe salery to examination and aaked him draft. Mrs. Tan Kyok, a sitter ef Mrs only preparations best of work, and have made a of It propriating monthly Woodbury'e to tie original healthy condition. Atall droggief. specialty hound and unbound, dating from near Us com- oolumns done adrloe of ooua- If he waa still oa State street in an overdraft of 18X4 wblob for All work warranted. McKKNNKY many more printed regarding himself had been by living Woodbury,bad years. mencement and In good condition; also atent bat Mr. Vsi- the houee be bad la before the fail- on tbe hooka. nil; JEW ELK U. .Monument It before tbe final eettlement. So one eel, to Mr. Woodbury said, Uved had been long standing Square. J»n36dtt Office R*|H>rls from 1*30 to 1S93; no reasonable of bouse bean transferred to aald ha bad teen the what rill said tbal he didn’t remember Mr. ure This bad Mr. Freeman TO LRT—At3«7 street otter refused. G. L. ltAILhY. 2S3 Middle At. teemed to know on Hatnnlay just him He wltb Congress Ap- Woodbury's seer having consulted tbe assignees and latar to tba iruttse. agreements mads by the assignees NOTICE. STORKply to JAMES l UNNlNGllA M, 277 Coi>-! 28-t be and tbe re- the next step wonld publlo about this mattsr. had baan aaked to lira la tbla bonae, tbe different banka and Mr. Freeman gress street. dec2Sdtf In RALE—House of A rooms and outbuild- will await rneulta wllb Interest. Mr. Freeman asked Mr. Woodbury If without rent, to keep the boom watm. quested that tbaaa agreementi be pat We, the undersigned, do hereby agree rnoi I-Four elegant rents in Leering, In FORlugs located In East Dcerlng. near elec- he was now to tarn this salary Mr. Woedbnry mid be was prepared to the bsnde of eome one eo thet the legal Mr. Pierce, tbe referee, bas been obliged willing to refund tho money on a 50 cent bot- 1 bent residential section, steam heat, lights, trics. Good opportunity to buy a home for move at time. situation tbem ta known. back Into tbs estate. out any regarding might bells, architects plans between two car lines, «’nly §1000; house in good condition For to devote many to tbls matter and advise wbloh of Downs’ Klixlr if It does not cure days Mr. Vsrrill said that he should Mr. Coomba aald tbat Mr. Woodbury He asksd that theta agreements tlo everything u~ to dstc and houses are new, further particulars apply Real Estate office. for tbe time he has giv- that. bad a desire to leave tbe bouse the secured creditors and the notes sur- Will rent low If taken at First National Hank Bui i KKol.lt H K his ocmpensation him regarding vxpressed any cough, cold, croup, whooping cough never occupied. ding, of waa oed bad them be taken In once. Look at them before you settle 8. seems small. He Is al- Mr. Freeman oalled tbe attention wheo the trustee appointed rendered by charts by any- en to It absurdly or throat trouble. We also SC 94-tf VAILL.__2M Mr. tbe to this matter, mid that be couldn't afford to stay there tbe trnatee. “There It a string attache! guarantee where* DaLTON, S3 Exchange when oate Is fin- Coombs, trustee, lowed by law |10 the look raid be eouid of Mr. Free- cure and Mr. Coombs said be should and pay rent. Mr. Coomba to toms them agreements,” Downs’ Elixir to consumption, SENT— House 140 Pine street. Posses- ished end one oent of the dividend to with man “so I understand there are per alter It. mil the bouse better advantage said, when used according to directions, or FORsion given Immediately. Enquire at PORT WE TEST EYES declared, which will not be an enormooe Mr. Freeman now turned bis attention Mr. Woodbury In It Man he oould If the some things which they oarry with them LAND BAVINGB HANK. W Exchange street. back. A full dose on to lf to ao Item of shares of Unite City bourn were wbloh are not eel forth In them.*' Mr. money going Free of We the stock of amount. 61,000 empty. _I __ charge. hare larges' which had been men- Tbe examination now took another Freeman aald he hellevsd this matter the will Glasses and in the Solid Water Co. stutk bed and small doses during day fTO LET—Hummer visitors wke notice the Lye Spectacles city. as tbe aeaets of tbe Urm In tbe as- tain and Mr. Freemen aaked Mr. Wood- ehonld he asttled. ■ Gold, Gold Filled, Aluminum and Nickle Mr. Freeman the ball by tioned most severe and the Halite House is located 69 Kprtng opened saying cure tho cold, stop centrally Frames. We guarantee a fit Our circular to the creditors. Ibis bury If tbe ooupon oolleotlon aooonat was Mr, VerrIU started to reply to Mr. street, cor. OAK. rooms aud buard. Price $1.00 perfect be Ur. Verrlll to signees’ are the our the best. that had telephoned Is almost worthless. The Urm oarrled as of tha oasb. Mr. Wood- Freeman but tbe referee said that no na- most distressing cough. prices lowest, glasses •look part per day.13-tf_ MeKKNNKY THE OPTICIAN, Monument Id between the as- of It was. eonld be taken In thle metier until a bring the agreemenle originally had 160,000 aharaa thlsstook, bary said tbat tion C. H. GUPPY A CO.. Square. Jan26dLf & Moulton and but Mr. Woodbury ouuld not remember Mr. Woodbury said In reply to a ques- formal bad been presented. He signees of Woodbury petition Me. west had bean done with the other 80,000 tion by tbs reforrm that It might be pos- said be believed It to be tbe doty of tha Monument Sq., Portland, : REPAIRING 11NION HOl'SK—Situated ou Peaks Island. the several banks whose claims agslnst JEWELRY shares. He did not believe tbe Urm had sible to aoeoont for tbe deflolt of £J,7C0 trustee to aot In thle mutter and that the Pot Hand Harbor, Me., together with tno firm were settled before the estate In Our Factory On the Premises. Amcx and small cottage house, all on ssme the •old any of It, though he at last found In Woodbury & Moulton's oasn to some of assign'd should render to Dim n full or* WANTKR lot. M> a300 feet, Including stone wharf known Into one where 160 shares bad been tbe out of the drawer ooDot of all thalr doings. was forced bankruptcy. Insttnoe coupons getting We make this a principal In our business. as Joaes landing; altogether there are CO fur- to laaso Jack son •• yb • share. In Into the of coupons wbloh were Mr. Freeman aald be had no further Ur. Verrlll said Loat Mr. Coombs, the •old packages WANTED-Everybody to try I)r. Abab’s We take the utmost pan s to execute your nished room-* Including office, parlor, dining those abares had been eold at $9 a marked as nunollsotabla. to ask and tbe raferee ft order whether that be lor a Diamond room and the will be sola tbe 1803 questions adjourned Great Indian htomaeh and Blood Remedy properly, kitchen; furnishings trustee, did not teel that agreements tbe oourt tcog a roosts M< KEN- share, Lut now they ure appraised by At this point tbe the hearing. fora spring toots. For sale by D. W 11EHBI.- Setting or tho cheapest repair Join with the real estate; private sewer connection*, with the banks should be made publlo. appraisers of tbe bankrupts at II a snare, until 3.30 o'clock. T NE. cor. Myrtle and Congress Btreets. Port- NEY. the Jeweler. Monument Square. electric lighted, etc. For further particulars tbe sa- ward land. Jsn&kltf and terms, apply to A U ST I n *Si MIKaKMaN, Mr. Freeman said that he had tried sev- their par value being 1100. In If the Hepnblleans turn out In ____&•! AFTERNOON HEARING. 24u Htevers avenu*. Dee ring Center. Me. 2A-1 circular these ihsiw were ap- amt jellycon. For a des- eral times to a ohaooe to see these slngees’ four they can oarry that ward today \JXTANl'ED—Burnhams RENT—House No. HQr» streer. Nine get eaoh. tbe ff serf It fine. For sale by grocers. Burn- THLKTK GOOliB I lie U6w WhJeK-H-m at |6 At tbe beginning of afternoon FORrooms beside ana store rooms; and he it was very pralsd elect Mr. Moora. T2 ham’s beef, wine and iron 1* what you want for halls, bath drlcksou wrist machine and Hendrickson agreements .thought Mr. Woodbury was now bunded a pos- naked Mr. hot and cold water, set tubs, furnace bearing Mr. Freemen Wood- a tonic this For sale by druggists and heat; exerciser, Indian clubs, dumb-bells, boxing that he couldn’t aee thorn. tal curd from tbe oashler of bank of Spring. wilh room. All In first class order. funny If be grocer*. Try It and will use uo other. 6-1 good yard gloves, polo sticks ami halls, fencing foils, had bury If be thought Mr. Oeermg at 44 noon or Mr. Verrlll said he would be very muoh America notifying nim that $15,000 WIT AND WISDOM. Enquire DEEKING ST., mornuig, skates, snow shoes and moccasin*, ^rctij rub- bla aooount from tbe were eouid tbs detlelt of A N T F D— bod that Is going to build night.*cp3-tf to Mr. been plaoed to hare, explain Every y ber ice creet»ers; also safety gtiarmfor commou to show ^these ^agreements 18W. Uf s bouse to send In for their plans, only G. L. HA I Middle pleased Umahn Water oompauy on July 31, anl changing In tbs banob of cou- TVE WII.LBIJY household goods or store razor. LEY’, 2»*3 St. ja-i to $0,700 So Ilanlueaa. Our range from $2.00J, Freeman at any time that he oalled oounsel to thess Monkey fl.on plaus $1,300. V? fixtures of or will re- Mr. Woodbury's objsoted Mr. aald he thought he Address G. C. FULLER. Architect. any description, FOR SALE—My stoew of groceries and store oonoern Mr. pons. Woodbury seem to $3,000. ceive the same at our auction rooms for ■ sea them. curst Ions as tbey did not “These organ grinders don’t fixtures, sto< k is fre.slt and first class, loca- said b* believe 1 Auburn. GOSS & or tba Urm .of Wood- oould. He further tbat assistants with them as Me.__H sale on communion. WILSON, ted on the ms I a street between Saocarurpn and Mr. Freeman said he didn’t want to Woodbury personally carry simian An interview desired Silver but solely W ANTED—Capitalist, Auctioneers, 134 Middle street, corner Cunmerland Mills. Will sell the store and lot offioe. He bury & Moulton, oouoeroed Mr. Deerlog oould explain many tblnga used to.” ff business man understand- aee them In Mr. Verrlli's they with a shrewd Street. or lease the same for a tune of years. F*or fur- tbe Omaha Water company. Mr. Wood- wblob on the books which be realized irom valuable in- _febB-tf wanted to see them In oourt, and he re appeared “Probably their business is like any ing the large returns ther particulars, call ou or address J. K. said that he had never drawn on eouid not ventions to furnish amount to obtain patent marked again that he thought It very bury explain other. To be to date und successful at DUNN. Westbrook, Maine. fel>22-2 scoount. Mr. Freeman now tha course up for an interest therein. Address Profit. Box that be oouldo’t see them, and this _ obanged To Lease for a Term of l’eurs. strange aaked what bel- it they mustn’t monkey with it.”—Phila- to koow what there Mr. Freeman—Whan you pledged Crys- of tbs examination and 1667._ For wiilr, Year Congress Square. said he would like 5's tal Water second mortgage anoa tna 11 rm bod In Canal bank oa No- delphia Press. WANTED—Children's clothes to make, girls I will a three or four brick was about these agreements that the as- company's build story LMKhT CLASS location, nice brick residence, who them as oollsteral, said there f f dresses ; would take work home did not want to show them to the to parties accept vember 1st. Mr. Woodbury preferred to suit tho want* of tenant and JL 9 rooms and bath. In complete repair, hot signee! to the or out the Call or address Rear 42 building what siplanatlon did you give as was a balanos of $3*10.45 and now tber* Is go by dy. it facilities includ- water heat and all other conveniences Must creditors. FOREST equip with all modern a baitnoe of 04, There bad bean be sold at ntiee. Price $3700. W. If. WAb Mr. Verrlll as far as he was bonds! ,, $7,036 AYENUB._2*-l I can sald.that to Mothars. and a front ing power, elevator, etc., provided DKON Sc CO.. ifcO Middle street. marSdat* to show these A.—I didn’t give any explanation. soma blank cbeoka In tbe book and when Important gentleman wife, concerned he was wilting class board. In lease tho whole or a for a term of 1 hers wos no necessity fur It. Mo one the meat waa made there waa 30 Examine carefully every bottle of CA8T0RIA, UrANTED—Byroom with first private part to Mr. rreinan, but tbe amigo western of to 13 Plum fron- agreements were. 1 knew tbe them family, location central or part years; lot number 5 St., did not believe asked what tbe bonds blank obseka In this bock, each of a safe and sure remedy for iufant* and children, city, trustee and the assignees references exchanged. Address E. IT. M., with a were worth If there was any 'Tbe checks are nut In tbe Lo k tage on Plum st., 85 feet, depth that II would promote the Interests of tends par. stamped. and see that it Press Office. 27-1 __ _ and a about these ponds I told the __ of 50 feet, light ou three sides WATCH REPAIRING. creditors of the estate to bring Into question per- now. tbe re- llr A NTED- An ehlrrl.v woniau to room and We make a of Watcu Repairing. that to sons the truth about them. I don’t Mr. Vtrrlll said he thoaabt these 23 drive-way on the south sido in addition specialty oourt these agreements lie said Bear* the f f board. A room anil the best of care We do your work In the best possible manner, call Instance In whlob this was done. blank obeeka bad been sold to tbe bank good to Plum street do tbls would violate their agreement any of 40 PARK ST.. Portland* Maine. 27-1 frontage. and guarantee every Job. We are prompt ami those were mortgage Mr. Signature given banks. I told thsm that tor tbe benebt ot the estate. Free- always have a lob don* when p omlieJ. with the btatsn am now ready to all kinds bonds on a of on man aalJ tbla would glee the estate tbs Over 30 Year*. buy MeKKNNKY THE JEWELER. Momimeut Mr. Freeman asked Mr. Verrlll what he piece property In U»o For WANTED-1of cast off ladies’, genu*' ami children’s ELIAS was about 86.UtO Other oheck bocks THOMAS, ■1H7nn.iL AS A island whlob sum of is oeuta. Square. janztidtf amilil HOOll WUV Of getting supplying The Kind You Have Always Bought clothing. I pay more than any purchaser in wltn water. As far as tbe bonds where stamps were used were not torn or MKS. Dr.- a look at tnesu people the Send letters to MU. agreement*. ot them would city. 184 1-3 Middle Street. said that the be aie concerned tbe name oat. in (DU Lnnnl nang oneoaooog a GHOOT, 76 Middle St ■T rara, uew nine (in rouin house, with Mr. Verrlll only thing end __marldlw-U every Mr. to that It was a general mortgage chock, No. for t&.UUO bad hwn oan- feblTdtf modern convenience; location unsurpassed, ooulri nugget was for Freeman Imply 8*10, A Itonton C'aatnm. who wants a new were Issued to take up a certain Mr. laid. lh« ohsok AN TED— Everyone electric cars and light*, oath*, etc Price only over ottloe and look at them. that they callad, Woodbury suburbs to see us go tolbls bunds about IIo nr liou^e In Portland or its $3,500. Easy terms. DALTON A CO., 53 Ex- no seem number of tbe Urst mortgage drawn bafor.' this. No. 1190 was for Hicks—Funny Pincherly. which we This Mr. Frsomuo did lnolloed at once; we have several new bouses change street febg-tf Freeman's and bad Into tb* oash of lb* he believes in all men alike. to do. He Insisted on the agreements Mr. questions regarding tdOO gone ■ays treating wl:l sell low on easy terms, or will exchange that the PIANO TUNING. thess bonds ssetnei to firm. Mr did not know tbli Wicks—That’s never no fair offer this is being brought Into oonrt. He asked Mr. imply Woodbury right. He treats for good collateral: refused; l^Olt SALE—Peering Highlands, five (5) ele- these bunds was oaloulatsd to aura be add he believed thla waa chance. DALTON fit CO. 53 Exchange Tht* Is to Inform friend* and customers * new’ housA* directly on car line. Verrlll whether these agreements were title of for but anybody.—Boston Transcript. your my gant aldn't tirtel JuueDdtl that order slate cau be found at l. C. eonvenlenco, range tron» him to be the of the mislead purchasers and that they what waa done with It. Tbaro were other my Every modern prfcos believed by properly It A Jr Mush- Store, 4J1 Congress street. to $4,.'* * for It. tended to keep his word. letter or It might hare been arranged by aab or the oaeh would be short. » M>k> for hotel* and private families, Remember It's on Forest Aveuue. DA ETON for tbe Urm. oa*h was short a»rANT ED—Everybody to know that Dr & JU Mr. Fresman asked tbe referee If he Mr. llsrstow wbo traveled Mr. Freeman—Ihe *» table, chamber, kitchen, sundry, gene ml and CO.. Exchange St._febn-tf ovar the ahal'*s Great Indian btoiuarb and Blood Mr. Uarttow did not bave general In- was It uotf Tho through pasienger train second work girl*. hou««kc*p- rs for widowers’ —l lot <>f considered these egn-nneute the property cured us of Dyspepsia. W. ( HALE he only available land for Woodbury but It was abort Remedy Lorlog. families, all walling for employment Those t*OH of the (State or of tbe assignees. structions to borrow money Mr. Woodbury—Yes, Lirnud Trunk whlob la due to arrlvs la Capt. C. A Cloud. K- W. Sterling, M. N. Kl- on the Western Promenade, located be- could but account. desiring competent help should call Immedi- tween the residences of Messers. Cart land and Fleroe said that ths when Cc Moulton whenever be get It, tb* shortage was In tbe coupon at 5 46 o'olock In tha afternoon d Capt. J. W. Craig and others. 0-1 Mr. assignees thla city ridge, ately. MRS. PALMER. office 3W 12 Congress Also a tirst-class furnished tbe be bad serural times been given speolUo Mr Froeman—There might bave been Conley. cottage, they made these agreements with Portland two hour, after street. 1-1 stable and laud at Willard Beach. directions to make oertaln logo.. Mr. some elcaratlons In the books to ranks reached just have the store No. 154 Apply banka disposed of property at tbelr own opened to TRI E BROS.. No. SOI Fore stxeet. 31-tl never loans than In tbe ac- bat time on As It fulled NOTICE—ISt., uoar coruer of Slate St., as a 15 risk whlob bad no rlgbt to dispose liamtow arranged larger this shortage appear coupon Saturdey night. Spring druggist, years experience. they branch store. In conneottou with ray Congress K~EGISTEKEPfirst class reference, would like permanent Magnificent cottage lots and tbs made tbelr re- |f> 100 or (10,000. count might there uotf Into thu st 11leu drawn the two of. until assignees by power St., stand. I will make a specialty of repairing Address Hox 1557. 1JORSA1.Fnew cottages at Ottawa Park, (Cliff Cot- Mr. W was now asked to read a Mr. felt certain that thla had position. PHARMACIST, ports the agreements remained aa their oodbury Woodbury tul locomotives numbered 4s*t and hhu It and pressing. GEO. D. DUFFEY. Tailor, 570V* nov23-tf tage Property ) on ( ape electric line, near in to Within a week and tbe only way to get at the letter written Dy blm May, 1S9U, taut been done. prevlou. 8l, opposite Congress Square Hotel. Cape Casino. Rome of the advantages arc good property, to sttracted icoce than the uaual attention Congress was to summon Into court Mr. York, from the Union Lague Club, to the failure checks amounting $1000 Kl streets, excellent car service, Be hag o water, agreements Mr. on to restaurant the New York. In this letter Woodbury or a little more were drawn every day Kacb of the two looomollvoa war covered LOST AND FOUND. electric light*, fine beach, up date assignees. loau In barber school, 833 Bowery, New onithe ontv desirable no that tbe the said tbat be would arrange a the canal hank. Mr. Woodbury said that of while the grounds, parlies, Mr. Verrlll said object with layers Ice tops, aide*, MOI.ER’SYork City. Barber trade taught lri eight first class. New York as Mr. York had suggested, It was usual to draw a to |uty cheap cottages, everything strictly banks had In making these agreements 11,000 day weeks. New system. can learn. ■una.ipu U| 'aitiij fj; aoj *t j.t.w »uo Prices at office. A • meantime wns plat form, and window, of the five care Anyone and plaus our DalTON O., names made before he returned. In .tbe coupons or to cash oheoks and this and was to avoid their being Diplomas awarded positions guaranteed |iuji| i|i|i 4 ipini jijm Kill *|»jo w .fyioj 63 Kxcha ge street.Jan-'rtdtf In bis letter true towerda tbe end of the were blanketed with snow. Tho tardi- publlo Id connection with the failure and Mr. Woodbnry suggested epeolally when through. All tools donated. Can earn York should take any now. illustrated SALE—The drug store in thriving to these ^agreements into court that;Mr. oppor- month. ness In arriving was dua to the terrific wages while learning. Begin only bring tind to borrow mailed Portland Theatre, evening of Peb. 1*ORmanufacturing village with largo surround- banks an exonee tor tunity he oould money Mr. Freeman took upon arolker catalogue would be to give tbe itut us whlob bos been raging along tho free._M IOST-At2 2*. about eleven hundred trading ing country to draw from, good fixtures, small, on tot Crystal d’a. Mr. Woodbnry sug- phase of tbs examination at thla stamps. withdrawing these agreement! and mak- pol'it. make a of Please rerurn to 8 and 10 CHESTNUT or 2U5 clean stock, low prior Address DREG STORE, Mr. Uoodwin, aaked Mr. bow brat lino for the last three days. The train specialty repairing, claim to tnelr share of the eeluts. gested tbat perhaps He Woodbury many NOTICE—Weand Suit 80c. SPRING and receive reward. G. B. Box 1557. nov27-tf ing cleansing pressing. pressed STS., __ __ cashier of the lllddeford bank nad tbe is'a of toe Water ion- was an hoar and ten minutes late lo Mr. Freeman pressed the matter and mortgage Crystal Cleansed and pressed 75c. Overcoats 60o. McOKEGUK.2-1 sale doubtshouse,(•▼sri- The letter wentontoaay; “I tends the llrm had at the time or Ladle.’ cl-au#e 1 and Mtinilsent began to ebarply question Mr. Verrlll, money. pany leaving Island Pond. All of the mine Bants 26c; also garments 1j*ORthlng entirely separate.) on Brown street- also write llareiow and tell him the failure and Mr. sold Suits to order $18 up. M. M. flr»« whose unswrrs were all similar to those should Woodbury they pressed. U AHTBO-ltAUB HULK*. (now Norwood street,' Jleering, open If bank has the The ever wblob are leaving Island Pond are NANSEN, Tailor. 4fl3»s Congress St. 3-1 sunuv. above until the referee said that we can use flO.UOO any had about 41,000. lowest tbsy places, steam heat, piazza*, hays, very given We are to both the and Ihe av double beaded. near two lines of electric*, a modern house In beat money to loau. pay paid for these bonds was 00, means and man to tend oven he thought Mr. Fresman bad begin hat bodo tha wont storm that OPENING—Men of some WANTED—Peeler ! architects and built the and of the Munici- “Thla vf A KKM. Cracker 6-1 every respect, plans by hie examination. January July oonpone nUSINFKSwanted to appoint county ageuts In Maine GGUDV Bakery, rout and let the other to have ever koowu>nd I have been railroad- day: you can live In one trlul pal Security company amounting and manage business by mail from oftice In Mr. Freeman tben eked where tbe said ooa of the to or local salesman for $300 per year; look It over; call afternoons. the re- ing fur many years,' to net also | of tbe tlrm of & (11,000 and have not disturbed Portland; $1200 $1500 yearly; couny PALTON, AS Exchange street. balances Woodbury a. he down oats. WA.STEP—Residentwith or Ad-1 _ _2&-tf _ funds. The letter advised g loser, stepped from his agents for sale of an article wanted by every experience acquaintance. ware. Mr. Frssman said that serve drawing tots STATION C.. Ohio, In on street Moulton “There la an Immense amount of a now horse owner. between v.:k> to 11.30 a. u>-» dress BOX Cleveland, SALE —New nouses Peering, and he frum the “Portland Trust compa- Apply and on* of than) bad been found (0,000 at Island Pood but t*e lot of UOOM 2. 42Mi Exchange 3-1 J,*ORcar lino, for #ltioo, $2000. $24oo $2800; only we as well have the use of greatest street.__ ■ bath fire- wanted to see the others. Mr. Verrlll nyas might ....1-±-\ ail modern convenience*. b<*at, room, for all la lo that section between Island Pond for acceptable Ideas. State if patented. I a* rent: as Fuel Force CLEANING and In all /nd twenty into urn late OLD GOLD couldn’t remember what he had Uona Saturday eight. and 2.60 per pair. Best value for the money fore the failure of Woodbury He Moulton or for cash. We WANTS' -A for l I on examin- tbe be be sent It Remodeled, exchanged bought very capable girl generj sold anywhere. If not taiPfactory he bad received his far the wltn policy but thought as we use it iu our *" an cook. JSIB.tS, salary are weak in of these W 110.1AM B. P1KROE INJURED. the highest cash price housework must b»» experienced ation money will be refunded by returning to boos to tbe ooiupany. After this oompa- any pay month. He said he bad paid this to factory. We can make vou any article you wish MRS. K. I BURROW KB, Western Promenade, us before having been worn. HASKELL Si went he took out aa Insurance of Mrs. Woodbury for houssbold expenses, ny up use more fuel. William H. Pierce, who U employed by from your old gold. He KENNEY, Manufac- or. Bramliall St. _27-1 JONES, Lancaster Building. Monument ScmAre. with the Mutual Lite. forces, Monument Janrddtf ** and r-tnoe then he bad tern turning bis $0,000 the fish dealer of Union wharf, turing Jeweler, Square. Portland. Maine. uow asked Mr. Kandall, WANTED—Capable girl lor general bouse at of this over Mr. Freeman Woodbury ** salary president company The cod-liver oil in Scott’s was after- work, must he a good cook. Call at 473 to Mrs. If be bad ever tried to make a loan and quite badly Injured Saturday aKNAL, magnetic Ucaier, palmist Woodbury. Do not fall to call and learn CUMBERLAND ST.. Cor. State. 27-1 failed to do bo. noon. Ho was at work oat a Madamand reader. | Mr. Freeman then started to ask Mr. sorting what aud what yOu ore fitted “1 don’t reoall." Emulsion is the best fuel gifts you possess tointrodeoe W otdbury tome questions rsgardiug tbe large 1 it of fish ua Commercial wharf for. She you In y our business and do- \lfANTED—Young lady quick tbe lustnaoes were eo numer- wU} help vv her friend*. No to build a brick Gymna- Omaha Water Co. or hie connection with iisoause mestic troubles. Gentlemen ami ladles, call helling goods among proposals nerves when be slipped oa tho loo and foil required. Address D, Box 1567. 5-1 sium at Westnrook will be re- Mr. seemed to an- ous or eo ratef" for this work. Your and hare headache cured almost Immediately. capital SKALEP seminary. it. Woodbnry reluctant o'clock a. hi., March 10th. at ouu’t tell.’’ Uaavlly, striking upon his left hip. Ur. Fees wtihiu the reach of all. 6 WILMOT St. ceived until ten swer them and appealed to the referets office of the F. U. A E. las- said tbat be didn’t re- muscu- Ring tight baud hell. 1-1 the Architects, He “Mr. Referee, 1 object to “Mr. Woodbury your Pieros nearly fain led away and Was taken No. 03 Exchange St.. Portland, where said, going loan because grow stronger, sett. the Omaha Water com- member of being refused a be reserved to re- Into the affairs of Into tho ollioe of j. W. Trafelhen. fh.n have the plans can examined. Right the securities he otXemrd were lar and NEGOTIATED-We or all pany." Inadequate. power increases, fund* of clients to Invest In desirable RAILROAO WATCHES. ject any proposals. He had never been told that tna feourlty Dr. Hrown of Booth Portland was called Mr. Freinan—"Von will let your eoun t mortgages on real estate security at from aol He and In SORIGAGE8 LOANED Salaried people holding tel do tbe for be ottered was satisfactory. Ur. Plaroa was taken lo hla home 4 1-2 toC cent. We make a specialty of The kind that will pass Inspection. We carry objecting you." your digestion improves. per the MONEY position with responaible flrmJ; 1 to this line of couldn't reoall any took lnataaeaa. Ha la ou city and suburban property. the largest stock of K. R. Watches; juht permanent Mr. Verrlll—" object Ikat oily. One of Mr. Pierce's lags plaelncloans an we will can In or payments; uever with hla a and For to real estate oflW. First kiud hi the lowest prices, 1 repay weekly monthly had knowledge given 50c. fi.eo, all druggists. particular* apply right *• ‘Privat* tha la nat to for them. confidential. ut this ° *t>, questions." for a loan It badly gwollea but awldent NMftoud Bank FREDERICK S. give you time uay McKENNET, stilolly Fierce—"Tbe are exclud- bunk poor gsourlty knowing SCOTT * Now Yorfc building, feb24dtl i\ O. Bc 143k lebl.-4 questions BOWNE, Chemist* to bo THE JEWELER. MuuumentSq. Tarty,” jgjr. waa pool eeourlty whan ike loan wat as- thought mrloaa. Boston *toek kirkM. BtJRIlAY. March 4. RAILROAD*. •TKAIKMA IT. j TO SETTLE The M*ow1ng were Hwr osim quotaum. of Arrlvai. FIHAMMMDCOJIBEIICIIL shock* at Boston A VITAL ISSIE. Steamship Parisian. iltr> Vipood, Liverpool- r The latpl Mitn of »«■■! reran Wm. Asokteo*. ins. a mm» .n. now. 22*4 passengers and mdse to II & A Allan. DOMINION LINE. Bost<>» <* Mama.1M Steamer Gov Dingle*. rborui>«nti. Beaton. doit. Til/ Ice Amy. towing achs Edwin K Hunt,' in the M4k. pta... dO end l Mall ii (I. from Heston tor Reck port New York, Marob $.—An amended Quotations of Staple frodnets ^ton l.oruig Portland to Liverpool via. Queenstown Barque Meph-n ti Hart. Habtddgr. Beaton, complaint bee been Hied In Mm null M*N» * ^mr*... to load for Guadeloupe. To Cliaao, Leavitt A From Involved brought by A.S. LaieMba & Uo., agalntt leadin' Market! In ton tnciflc... 4B% CV. Ill Dfrccl Drcrmbrr 4, 1199. Liverpool From Great Question (litoa Peotae eto... 72% Mch 4a» L Meloy. Hetisfeaw. South Ambov. to Portland Portland, Cel Motor Btdwell la the United St* to Hoi trap (Mini t|,H. 72 Walter M \ouug, Kastport lor New York. Trains leave Union Station, It ill way Square, vim Hwlliaa. Steamer*. 2 r. m._ Htl .. SIB Rican Bill. Clronlt court, pr netting against Uo tm- AopTum SA II.KIV— Tug Cumberland. with l>argc No !8 lor stations uanif 'l and knteroieubiU* dailoue ai i bur. Jan. ft, Cambroiuan. HaL Feb. S in Porto American aurar. | nrnnn.. ..toft 44 for Baltimore; steamer Dominion, and Horatio follow*: For Ilaaigor 7.00 and 10.2ft a. m„ Hat. 27, Roman. Wed. 14 of custom* dntlee under the and Orale do nfn. lo7 •* pctltlna Mew lerli Block, Meery Hall- 120 Hid *14.410 M- m For Bel fa at 7 at a. Thur. Feb. I. Vancouver. Hat. IT lllagley tariff law on gocde brongbt bore in.. 1.20 and 11.On i*. in. Foi Brunswick, Thur. l'», Dominion, be.t. Mar. .1 Market Review 44 *• New York o( Stock* snt numb mow orn roaaMWivnRNTS. A tignafu anil W nters tile 7.00 and 10 .ft n. Hat. 24. ( ambroman. Wed. 14 from Porto Hloo, SI no* Porto Kloo CJaotkttons 44 in.. *12 35. i.jd, 0 10 and *11 on p. m. For Bath H-t. Mar. 3. Korean. Wed. 2t tBy Telcgrartw WfftCAHftKT, March 4tb -Ar, »«h ©© *• •* became a part of the nett poaeemloua of an I^hUIum \in Brunswick 7.00 and lo.fft Thur. ». Vancouver, Hat. 24 The following are tlio chuing quota Hour of Haminet. Portsmouth.! •* IVKW TORN. Meh. 8. a nr.,*ttJB.15.10 and *11.ot p. m. For Roektand Thur. 2t*. iNHnlnmn. Fri. /.pL 13 the United Siatea, Laaoellee A' Uo. hate Bone: 3-Kid. achs *' *' tire Court of BOOTHHA Y-II ARBOR. March 7.00 a. m., 12.3ft an J ft-10 p. rrt. For Skowhe- Hat. 8|. < am b roman, Tue*. 17 It Will Be Carried to Money rm call was steady 8*4 38 i»er cent; 44 paid under to CclMtttr Hlawell Mr!.. 2. Mi h. 3. Red .lackrt. Kockland for Boston; Mlantmio. gn*« 7.oo a. m l.lo and 11.00 p m. I’or Foi- Hat A pi. 7, Roman, Wei. 25 closed —. Prime mercantile peper 4Vkit6Vfc'>er New 4*. f«f....137% 137% tnali. Rockland for do; Clara A Mabel. Hamer Is- oufl and.IJreeaaYll|c 1.J0 and 11.00 p.m. For over $.i.O 0 0. tv ». “Homan” carries no pasaeogers. Last Resort. ct Bierting F.kohannc steady, with actual busi- New4s.com>....137% 187% cotta lor Pui Hand; Amelia K ( obb. Mt I»e*«Tt liaackapurt 7.«*> a. m.. 12.3ft and ll.oo p. m. For lb. enlt eett.le the statua of New 4s. re*.118% li«% for Boston: F. H King, East nor t for do; Wa y Bar Harbor 1221ft and 11 00 in. For dreen- will legal ness in* bankers bills 4 80>4 44 86 Vk tor de- p. < F PASSAGF. coin*.117% 117% Farrow, Portland tor Jones port; Au- Vllle and IIonIImh via B. RATES Hloo. Ibe for Lastcll** New 4s.I Greenlaw. Okltowii and l’oro argument* mand and 4 82*4 « 4 83 «or slity days; posted Denver * R. U. lsu.108' « lO % gustus Hunt. Itlalr. North Bootbbay for Phila- A A. Ik. It. 12. ift a* d 11.00 m. For \\ | Flrai Cnbln f.vi.oo and upwards. Itetarn and gc Uo., were heard Inlay before Judge rates 4 84*4 H4*s and 4 87Mr a4 88. oniotar- Kriegen.4s.... 70% 70% delphia; Moth M Tcdd, Eaton. Calais for New laigton t’o. R. It. 12 ;tft and *11.00 p. m. F»r 4100.1m unwards, according to s.earner Kan. A Te*. 66% Porlind for New llartor. Malta vvaiaikeag 7.00 a. ill 1 20 tiiil 11.00 n. m and accomodation. I* cial bills at 4 82*4. Mo. 2ds.66% York; Minnie, LaoomDe. The amended complaint 8*%4 Kansas A raclfic roneols.... For Vanrebaro. Hi. Mteuhea*. lloaaltou Hr«-ou«t ('aillu—To Liverpool nr Ia>ndon. $35 aceompanlad by an aUldayll mada by Silver certificates 69"* RGO1.. Oregon Naf.lst.110 110 It ten AMjK marATTHBfl. W nmlilorh anti At. Joint 7.00 n. 111. >.nd Mmn«r T Liverpool, London, la>ndngre.*s «vreef, or DAVID TORHANCK St of peace and lieoointng part Hides. Atchison. 22% 21% Tla Uueenstowii, Columbian. B »ston. Hnngeley Atchison .. «4% «A% I. 10 p. ill. For Lr tv taton, Wtaathrop and CO., general agonts. loot of India street. of the United Slate*, and notwlthdand- Tbe following represeut *o* pay Kid 3d, steamer Buenos Ayrean, for Portland; Vk atervllle quotations Central reeinc.... 8 3?) a m.. 1.10 p. m. nov->4dif In this market: Etruaria. New York. tae lawfnl right of the ing prices A Ohio. Trains leaving 1‘oriiand 11.o0 p m.. Ing deponent'* Ches. 28% 28% Ar at Loudon steamer Galea, 1 Cow and steers.••«••••••••••• .•.6M§ *» !>• 3d, Marquette, Bat does not ponnoctto Belfast, |>over to the Chiearo. Bur. A uumer.122% 123% urday, tirm to Irinapoit good* therefrom, Hulls sod sues. bVfco New York. and Foxrroft or hevoml to Ki a- Men To l*eL Atiud. canal to.116 ll» Bangor, except Bravery of Two Maine New without the Skins—No 1 quality..10« worth and Wash-ngton t o. It. H.. and leaving pert of York, payment Del. Lack. A Weal.18o% 180% Mena <»ritn dutlae nod Elevated. 03% 04% l*ond,d|.aur«»ter, Ph,luelpbn Monday, Wednesday Id the eonatrootlon of it crusued 4 Vkc. Manhattan a tug. I SPECIAL TO THE EBBS*.) 6o; yellow Beecher Kails 8.50 a. m. and 1.00 p. m. For authority under the lew*, and the firm Mexican Central. 12% 11% Calais. March 3—Koh Addle Sawyer, loeded and central.I Lsaruknrg, Montreal, Ckli-ago, St. Friday. Now that the wee entitled to be relieved from tbe Michigan with corn, while "ocklng at Ens'pnrt, mine in Washington, Mtroh 2.— Imports. Louis. «! Paul, Lluae Itldge aaad Quebec ti 3*» u. m. From lentrnl Wharf. Boston. J* p. in. From Intervention of Minn. A »t. 01% contact with the trier, and carried away JHdwotn ie inanition damage by tbe coal Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia. at i p. ra. la* du.t of the great oontw«l la the Howmj LoulsburR.CB. Steamer Avona—8103 tns Minn. A Bt. Louis util. 01% 92 BB1 headgear. SURD AYS. a court of of tbe United State*. surauce effected hi otto *. equity to g M bUuwoad. Missouri Pacific. 45 46% March 2—The of wrecked For brwlatoh r!a Watervllle •■tiled the importance of the debate over ,««■■■■«■— Philadelphia. cargo Brunswick, for the West the Penn. ft ft and New .lores? Central...... 116 116% Mt»r Gen ('ogswell. r.f consisting of aa*d 7.20 a. m. and 12.3ft p. in. For al Freight* by iMkseoii, Baaagor South forwarded connootiug Unas. the Poerto Kloo bill begins to bo under- flerhot. New York Central.131** 132% bbla waa sold at Lewes auetinn via by THF ICE ( KOI’7 Portland Wkoloente 050 herring, by east, Augusta, except Skuwbegan Round $1000 Northern Parilie ©om. 61% 62% at $10.35. The vessel was sold, at she Passage $10.00. Trip stood better. The whole thing hinges on PORTLAND. Mch 8. lies, Kluts•op.m. Meai* and room Included. Northern l*aclflo old. 74% 74% for $170. ARRIVAL*. For or te F. P. WING, one line of the Constitution "All duties. The following qiDtaaonsrepreseut ure wuole* Northwester?..160 1«0 freight passage apply Central bottom. Two Huudreft Thousand Tens Wanted Oht. A West. *3% 23% Porta. 8.23 a ID. from Bartlett, !\o. < onway aaad Aasut, Wharf, and excises shall be uniform •ale prices for the market: bsawsik K. i. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General Imposts, Readme. 18% 18% ( ornlsli 8.35 n. til. Lewiston and Me- on Kennebec. Flour Bellanoch, from m Hints the Unite! States." The the 107 NEW YORK—Ar 2d,steamer rhaalt- R e.! a. lit. Watervllle, An- Manager, dU Ftake Bulking. Boston, throughout Rock ..107 Poito Cabello; sobs Fslh; ocLXhltl and low 46*3 60 Itio Janeiro: Cardenas. gaasta aaad Rockland; 11.53 A. m. Here her Mama. and Means Committee had not been huperflne grades.* BL Paul.120% 121% Ways Wheat Bakers.b 46 48 65 I.evi Ifart, Pendleton. Charleston; Orozimbo, Kails, Laascaster, Kabyaas, No. Cnswn) spring SUPaulDfd 171 for Rockland: Tl*>* B G*i considering the of Puerto Kloo Me., March (.—Orders bay* Wheat uaienis.4 26 «4 46 .J71 Butt. Amboy laud, and Harrison; 12.1ft p. m. Bangor, Ah subjeot Gardiner, Spring SLPaul A imsana.106 105 do for a Hound Mien, and ttCLouisst. roller.8 00 OO do for Boston; Oruld. port and Rm klaud, 12.20 in. King- before Mr. Nowlands of Ne- been to tho st sll £4 Mt. Paul A tmiana utd. John Maxwell. Crabtree. Para- gvasta p. many days gives eupartsteDdenta Mich, and 8L Loulskclear.3 6648 90 Ar 3d. achs field, f'btlltpa, t arnilagton, Beauts, Texas Pacinc. IP* lo V S Woodruff. Perkins moved one day that a aub- to* hones* slung the river where there are Winter Wheat patents.4 0024 Id maribo 23 days; Arthur vada, quietly Union Pacific utc. 73% 74 G II «rt, Carlisle. Mobile; Eliza- uud Feed. Ponce; Maggie Nkowhegan, Wntrrvlllf, AtiKUKla. oommtttee be to report on the apace, to notify tbalr workman Cera Wabash.••••• • Baltimore for Boston. Portland & Boothbay Steamboat Co. appointed empty beth M Cook. Clark, MorkUnd, Hath; 5.46 p. in Nt. Joku, liar Com, car lots. a Lila M mean of the words •’United States*’ to report ferduty tomorrow morning and Ud 2d, schs Willey. Willey. Mobile; llarhor, Aroostook County*, .Moosrhead log Corn, bag lots. #47 A Maine.. 106 BTKAMKK EVTKKPHI8K leaves Fait Boston Robert McFarland Montgomery. Ferdandlna; I.uke ami Rangor; 5.4fl n. m. Range ley,1 that time free trade an effort will be made io tbe bag lots. t<«46 Knc. a. m. and In this line. Up to complete Meal, New York and New pf.. C W Waltvn. Wolf. Jacksonville. Unuilord l% Sadie Wlllctitt Jacksonville: Gen East Boothbay, touching at Boslhtay Harbor I 00 »• ernandlna; llallfas. Nt. John, Har Harbor, W ater- President's reoommeudatlou bed arouse rivaler* thick bj running day and night hacked Bran, bug lots.00 00^*19 Man. »«** F.-rnan- and Bo. Bristol. Pacific A Ames. Brunswick; Robt McFarland. a tile and Augaata. Middling, car iota.18 OG.a.20 00 *®3 Land at Fife Islands on signal. had as its will abls to secure the amount re- »..»• a rut., 'tit r.n Pullman Palace. Altueda Bruuswlck; Ira B Liletns a courttT-njoTeinent which they he 183.. dloa; Willey, •Daily. KaCE. Sugar, common. VH'n 1?'.> 4 tr\r Uuvaiilinll octlldtf ALFRED Manager. objective the establishment of a construc- to till the vacant on parity. There Mixed leeu. (tfSOOO 82 V* GKO. K. EVANS, V. P. & G. M. quired Western Union.»l*/4 City Island—Passed east 2d. schs Myronus. F. G. 1\ A T. A. Tea. MoUmm, Kalilnx E. BOOTH BY, tion cf the Constitution that would en- will be no until the harvest U com- Sueur. Coffee, Southern Kv pfd. Weehawken for Boston; Charley Woolsev. Am- decialtf stop 1 granulated. 6 39 Brookivn Kapi Transit. 6fi\i boy for Rockland; Hamid C Beecher. Bruns able this to avoid free trade with Dealers aay the Soe has not lost by Pugar—standard el 67]*61H country plete. Cue granulated.... 6 39 F*dera! Steel common. wick for Noank ; Ida C Soutliard, Apalachicola Sugar—Extra 72* 12** the Free trad» with Puerto toe last storm. The estimated harvest is Sugar— Extra C. 6 oo R3|do pld. 4 for Noank ; Lizzie Carr, for an eastern port. CO. Philippines. 1*6 * CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT new short about tons. oflee—Rio. roasted. ;12 «15 American ionacco.104*4 panned cast 3d. *cns Orozlmbo. South Amboy Portland & Rumford Falls Ulco menaced nobody; but as to Phil lit0,000 »36li Ry. t^e ( oflee—Java and Mocha.. 27 «.28 fijio ofa.. ...i86v4 lor Rockland; Druid, do for Thomastnu. with the doo; street It R.lf.71* 168 1 ire Island 3d, sob Lewis H Howard, ipploes, guaranteed "open Teas— tmoys. 22^30 Weirot*oiitan Passed liiMom House ON THE WATER FRONT. 1 Tenn.coal a* iron.. VIVfr v*1* hound cant. AYliarf, policy" and tbe millions of ebrap labor- eas—Congous. 274*60 33 __ In Effect Dec. t. IS!»9. Teas—Japan. 83gS8 V. S. lumber.33 BOSTON—Chi 2d. barque b G Hart, BaMddge l*ortimid, .tie. was full louacco.30Mi JOMi ers, tbe free trade proposition Teas—Formosa.. 36®66 Continental Portland and Guadeloupe. DEPARTURE.* < muincnritig Monday, Nov. 1st, 189!). — Molasses—Porto Rico. 88«86 Ar 3d. schs Young Brothers, Alien, Baltimore, l.lo 1*. Station and overflowing with difficulties. These How u Four Tow Club llouac Ua» A.V A. M. and M. From Union Molasses— Harhadoes. 82 <$85 Gloucester Flat* .Sfnrket. Norton. Pierce. Kockport. lor Poland. Mechanic Falls. Brickfield. Cad- were 90 that thought tbe re- crown. 2 26 Rachel Mon- great many UIowm Away. New Raisins, 2 00.0.2 TOR Til* WKFR RNDIKQ Mcll. 3. 1900. rid 2d. barqne Emery, Wyman, ton, Dlxhelu and humlo.d Pails. WEEK DAY TIMETABLE. do 8 crown. 2 25 <* 2 50 lb for tevideo. tention ot the Philippines would be im- t.ast sales ank halibut at 14cF •-30a. nu 1.10 and ft.15 n. m. From Union K'tr Foiml Island, do 4 crown. 2 5(K*2 76 Sld 2d. barque Bru< e Hawkins, for a southern City bauilliig.PrnkN white end He for irrev. Station lor Mechanic Falls and Intermedi ate 6.:w). .43. >..0. a. in.. 2U3. l.Oo. (Lift p. rn. practicable under free trade. AM the Raisins. Loo*? M uscate. 7Vx&9 Cod Irom vessel 3 62Vi rort. sea Henry S UtUe, tor Kockport and Bal- The tleuuicr Llbston of tbe Thomson Last sales of Georges stations. Fur ( iuldtii;i Island, 6*43, a. Si).. 4.00 p. ni. Hank do at timore. _ .. Industrial Inti reefs of the United’ fc’tatip l>rv Fish and Mackerel. for large Hiid $2 62Vi lor medium; For Little and (•rent Diamond lalnads, line sailed at a few minutes three Sld 3d, schs Kdwln R Hunt, and Lorlng ( Hal, 1.10 p. in. train connects at Itumtord Falls for past Trefetheii'n I'rnKi lalnud, would be in arms against suob a Cod. large Shore. 4 75*5 OO for to load for Baltimore; Crcs- llemis and Lakes. l.aiidltif;, ...JO, up Hnndline cod, cast of Cape Sable,N.S,. lard, ltockport, JUugcley oVlook Saturday afternoon. fc*be Is bound Medium Mioro hah.. 3 4 00 ■ caught Ida L G. 1ft, 8.20, a. m.. 2.13. tuft p. m. as we’l as a 6l)a, r>0 for metthnn. ceut. for Damarlscottaand Virginia; Hay. proposition, against propo- 76 3 371 for large ana $2 For Ponre'i l.nixMii;', Long I ala ml, K-'O, for London nod took out a full oargo bo- Pollock. 2 60® 3 u*w *6 00 Stonlngton; Commerce. Kncklnnd; A Heaton, We quote prime George* Codfish a. 2.1ft i*. rn. sition which should tax tbe people of thlc Haddock. 2 f*Oc* 2 75 Hank 1 Portsmouth ilelcu. do; ihelma, R. C. BRADFORD, Tiafflc Manager. in.. a_js ides 170 ht ad of cattle. The Domini on fld vb lor large and 4 on if4 60 for small do; ygonta, Portland, Maine Hake. 2 28® 2 50 oO for Brunswick. C. W. X. iit)l>l N(>, General Manager. country to support oriental ooluules. at 4 50*6 00 tor large and $00 Ot$4 2L L. tend this Herring, box, scaled .... 11 St lfl 41 Hattie G Dlxau, In tow fo LOVJUOI, Bgpertii out, liov2 d If will get away ut daylight morning, |H*r Shore at $5 2o*5 CO for large and 3 76 sld h, barque Main* There Is every reason for believing tha*. Mackerel, Shore Is.25 0(J>fe30 00 small; s JelBdtf Rumford Falla to the of Halifax. oo for small. Portland. going l.lvsrpcol by way there 2s. *4 t Roads 3d, Samuel II the President became impressed with the Mackerel, Newfoundland herring $3 cwt. Sld fm Nantask' barque At Halifax n number of the blue Large 5s. 10 00®|13 60per Buenos G Hart, for jacket* W e cured cuss $3 76*4 25 ♦» qtl; hake Nickerson. Ayres; Stephen momentous oons quenoes Involved as quote .1 W Belino, for Darien. will join tbe steamer on their way In Fork. Beef. Hand »«J I onltry. $2 75*300; haddock $2 76*8 00; heavy salt- Portland; at as the and Mean4 cured do BUT NSW 1CK—Sld 2U. schs ( harlotte T Sib- early, leas*,, Ways 50 ed pollock at $2 504*0u; ana English South Africa. Pork—Heavy. 0000*14 Coombs. D D Haskell. Pick ALLAN LINE o ommittee or the House to 60 :i $ot» ail. and scarce. ley, Philadelphia; began study Pork—Medium.OO «0d*13 or Providence; Waltham, Harter, Noank. The aieamer Turret Court wbl oh ar- Beef—hoaw.11 60 cod 784 for me- lug of the States" ootgli nest tiAndUne boneless (leogs Aunts L Henderson. Bnrter, lloslon. ths Disaniag words’ United 60 8 bone less Halifax & rived during the llret of tbe week, sailed Heel—light.10 00410 dium to He for large; middles 60a$9; AUo sld 2d. sch Jennie Lockwood, Hawthorn Liverpool, he and they moved with nsarly hoiteiCK*. half bids. .«. 0 60 Shore do 7«Hc; Grand Hank do 6-*7V»o; cusk, Mi^tbat \ as all of the wind Belfast. .. d the afternoon dM Lard—tes ami nan nhl.uure.... 4'; uak* at 3V*a6j TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND Service. towards the idea that an early 7,^*7S» 6*6Vie; iiaduook rni 2d. brig Motley. Harper. New lork. Portland equal steps t ound Lard—tes and hall bbl.com-... (aft1* brands of boned cod 12 U> 16c (lest. fancy entirely BALTIMORE—Ar 2d. barque Shawmut. Al For 8.10 a m.. 1.30, 4.00. •‘>.00 p. in. must bs taken to establish by laird—Pans 8 Vi ,48 V* Halibut. lo to 12c 4* 8>; Lewiston, moment of the 4* tt>; Smoked akips, |en Turks Island; schs Mary K II G Dow. M«»l- “1 knew Captain Chandler Lard—Fails, compouua. ft H 7*4 For Island Fond. «.h> a. II).. 1.30. •C.OO p. til. From From I From the that the newly chunks I3.i 15c. colmson. New York Auine Atnilsy, Strout. do; legislation principle In lots at ri' t STEAMER. Portland. I Halifax. chooner Golden bbeafe very well." said laird—Pure. ;ieai. 9Vk1giO,4 Mackerel are quoted Jobbers $33 C V Wnite. Connor. Boston vfa .Norhdk. Fur Montreal, (iurlire, hlcago. 8.10 a. in.. Liverpool. territories are without aud not Chickens. 18w 14 •35 4* bid. for bloaters, $27g$2»c for is. $21 n acquired Fickt tt of the barge oilioe Satur- Ar 3d. schs Katharlue D Perry, Davis, Port- •C.oo p. in., reaching Montreal at T.ud a. in. Captain fowl. 11*12 $23 for 2s. $17 to $18 for medium 2s. and Sift Feriuuidtna. .-Mi,. 8 Ear. 9 m Sr. within the Constitution. Heuoe it hap- land; Sedgwick. ** loss of 13* 16 3s in the market; Nova flagorth). aud I.oo n. nu day afternoon, speaking of the Turkova to $18 for 3s. No hrge CM ATI! AM-Passed 3d, soli Henry Uppett. I Mar. Buenos Ayrcan, IT diiect that tha War Department m rvnllt) Hams. 11 A Mackerel $2»’>o$27 for ** ’* pened was wrecked near 11% Scotia medium quoted How*--, trom Charleston for Weymouth. lo Nniudi.tii. 28 the fcheafe which TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND •• a for Irish Mackerel 8 drnftrd the bill whloh the Ways and Produce. 1* and $2i *23 2*; $lt;.« BKVI KLY—Ar 28th, sch Maud, Robinson. 22 ♦Parisian. 7 Apr. Apr. several *• Philadelphia days ago. “Cap- $ 1 h and tinner. New York. From Lewiston. *8.10, 11.30a. ra., 5.43 aU(l 0.45 24 Liureutlau, II direct ... 2 46 Means committee reported as its own. Beans. Tea. 40*2 Smoked salmon 10c ^ lb: Med herring 0*14e ft Xuoulau. 21 22 Chandler was a sailor and BOOT 11BAY —CM 2d, sch Augustus Hunt, p. Ul. Apr. Apr. tain thorough Beans. California Pea. 2 40*2 f*0 tucks 12c: lengthwise at 18c-.ls at lie; Nii When th-* storm arose against the bill bos; Blair. Philadelphia. Island 11.30 a. 5.45 oildIan, nsws of his is Beans Yellow OOa.2 60 fresh halibut 2 salmon From Pond, •8.13, hi., _J l hope that the drowning byes.O canned trout $160; 20; ( APF HEN KY-Passed out 2d, sch Emily J in the House aud In the oommlttee it Beans, Bed kidney.2 oOa.2 70 American sar- p. m. • No caltio carried ou these slearuers. He lived at £outh Port- $1 20; lobsters f 3; eianis HOc; White. Look. Baltimore lor Cardenas. Let confirmed. (lUlOUS. bbl....1 75.a2 OO *.« tin* bet, •g.io ssemed defeated for a time; bat U wsf dines. quarter oils,$2 80; half oils, 50;three- Dl'TCll ISLAND H ABHOR—Ar 2d.sehFred From Chicago, Montreal, Steamers anil from l*ortlmd nfier arrival of land wtrie hie fan sow is." • $2 46. a. nu. 5.45 iu. Trunk train ioroiilo lly Havana nions. $2 25 auwrter mustards. $2 50, spiced. Roesner. Jacksonville for Bath. p. Grand kulway leaving noon developed that Executive Influence Potatoes ki bus. Co Soctia $C 25 76 9.;. or Mo ttreal 8.1ft ru.. in tbe seters sturm of after- *<>5 Pickled Nova splii herring 5,6 FKKNaNDiN A—Ar 1st, sch Samuel B Hub- m.. p. Friday. Thursday 25 • Otliet trains week was with the leaders of tb** Sweet Potaloes, Norfolk. a3 50 4» bhl; medium 4 50*5 New York. Dally. days. working cne of the effects was bard. noon anu evening Sweets, \ Inland. t£4 26 Shore herring $s 752*5 00.| sch Reboeca M Walls, fur Phlladel- tram leave*. Portland every Sunday to uses ths bill. rate of duty sld 1st, Sunday RATES OF PASSAGE. House The Ecu*. Eastern fresh. :<* IS codfish 5 oo: haddock $4: hali- > u he blowing away of the club house which Pickled 00*0 lor l*ewislou. Gorhaui and Dcillu ul m. Western fresn. « is but beads $3 25; sounds at $11: tongues and Cabin— 9-o.oo lo gso.oo. A re.iucttou of io was relatively tin rant*-rial, and the Ways Eggs. 2d, sch Carrie E Ia>ok, Pulliii.iu Palace Cars ou s owned Walter Albert L. 14 25; trout 1^FEKNANDINA—Ar Sieeidut: night cent is allow** on return except by Curtis, bugs, held...- fe sounds $11; tongues flo alcwives $3 Veazle. New \ork. per tickets, and Means oommittea yielded readily on 11 60. trains and Parlor Cars on day trains. on the lowest rates. Ne»l D. Gould and Butter, tanev creamer .. * 2« $ ( Id 2d. Rose limes. Coicord, for Peith Neal, Gould, Stephen barque >EioND Cabin—To MvernooL I.ontlou or that feature. The rtal of the bill Butler, Vermont. 24a/ 26 object Charles D. This club bouse wu- — 933.'*) single. 605.30 return. Libby. C N. York and Vcr’niL ...13%® 14 sch Edw H Blake, Smllli, l-.nzabeth- Londonderry was to establish the principle. It was heese, SAILING DAY* OF DC KAN S1KAMKHS 'Isid T’d. biKiKAuK-Liverpool. Loudon, Glasgow, n n« ar the club house cf Cranberries.fl0g$!200 Monjoy bill, row ^' Ticket Ollier, Depot at foot of India Prltast, lauulondcrry or Queenstown, <2J.3*X for this that tbo Republican leader- raoss g ALVESTON —CM 3d. sch Henry J Smith, the Last Lnd Yacht club and was built Fruit Hirer t. 0‘t23 iu mnu r, xu iuib unj ii is against the Lost iml club house, a dis- ltaw Southwark.New do for Portland- laud, Mnlur Boiled i.mseeu on.. 6He hill Half bbls lc extra. Ponce .New York Porto Itlco Mch 10 Puritan. S,re«nt. New \ ork State#. Proviilcuce: chard, feaoo, Itlddclord. Kvuitobu n Ic, 7.00 coal.. 6 Oo .New York Havana.Mch 10 NEWS—sld lid, aoli Mary \V r?ere swept away and Friday nLht. Cumberland, A Mexico NEWPORT Mu, 10.00 a. m.. 12.:tO, 3.30 5.2'. 0.2O The Senate will now wivtlle with the Move and furnace coal, retail.. ft 50 .New York. .Rosariol Mch 10 Newa. Spuria) O dicer Young was stationed lu Parana Bowen. Chase. Newport |,. nu K(*nu«busksort 7.00. 8.4.5. lO.' .U. I'. ui. ***<<■ Jjoallty. .. 6 00 Pea coal,retail. Cambron an Portland Liverpool. Mch 10 NEW LON IM »N Sld 3d, ach Mua J Pcudlc- ftteach. North llrvwtrk, Ihivrr, they will pas# the bill. If they do the Para Mch 16 61 are.•••••.DO a 1 05 Maranhense New York. 7.u*U. ».45, tv. •.!».. 8.30,5.36 |um. Hotnerwwerth, riii- Wii«hhiirtn\i»w \i>rK. Tammeo Mch 2d. sch Morris W Child. President will sign the bill as he assured counts for a deal ic N utmegs...40 *49 NOB SKA—Pasted lioobeeter, 7 i*o, 8.4;> a. ni., 12.3«'. 8.80 f». m. Kijerlenoe good York Mch lo for Bust in. i'enpcf...18 a 1 7 Pretoria .... New Hamburg. Murphv. from Brunswick Alton Hut, Ltkoport, aud Northrru 1)1 vl» the House leaders ana as they announced ibe of alTairs Me. Genoa .Mch lo steamer management city ( loves.14 n 15 \\erra.New York. NOH8KA Passed 3d, Harrisburg. Ion, 8.45 a. tu, 12 3U p. nu W- rcnUr (via in one of York. .Liverpool Mch 10 for Portland. to the Hepubhoan members the .Swftt has had none. (Huger.14*15 Luoania.New Philadelphia Bomer*worth 7.00 a. in. Meneheeter, Concord Menominee New York 1 option.Mch 10 PONCE—Hid 16th, sch Jennie Hail, llall, for and 7.00 a. in.. 3.8 p. n>. I>»v*r, E*«*. confer anoe*. North, tiloM... .O'i Spartan Prince. New York Naples — Mch 10 ter, Haverhili. I .»w rear a, faowwlt, 7.0 8.45 .... York. Rotterdam Mch 10 Arthur V 8 Woodruff. New York After that the measure is sura to go t; OIUTUAHY. Tobacco* Maasdain New sell a. in., 12.30. 3 30 p. in. Houtou, A 405. 7.00 Tl»* superb, new. steel, screw steamship Beet brands. 50.S67 W de G New York. Bremen.Mch 13 sah Alice J Crabtree. Crabtree, lor in. Arrive Foatmi the Court of the United State*; Kaiser Sid 23u. 8.45 a. in.. 1*2.80. 3.30 p. •'GOVERNHU 1>1 N(. LEY." Cant. Johu Thomp- Supreme Me-l York .Glasgow ... Men 14 p. in. min.HI *445 Aochorla.New Mobile. _... 7.25. 10.15 ft. in.. 12 46. 4.10. 7.16 Leave son. and the staunch nud elegant steamer and that tribunal will deolde llnally whet Common. .,.fir*a35 I st P.tul.New York So’ainotou. Mch 4 poll r TAMPA— Sid 2d. barque Jas W Llwell Fusion ior ForiUn .50. 7.30. 8.:;o a. m. 1.30, •*R \Y RTA1 K." Cant c. Imnnison. alter New ork. ... Meh 14 1.6a the words “Unltsd State#*' and fl. WAITE. Natural.89tf70 Westerniand Antwerp Goodman. Carteret. 4.15 p.rr.. Arrive in Portland a. iu., nntrlv leave 'Tank I In Wharf. Portland, and mean, RUFUS in New York MontevideoMeh 16 2d. sch Isaac Or be ton — ; Paste Pilnee PHILADELPHIA—Ar 12.10. 6.00. 7.50 p. 111. India Wharf. Boston, at 7.00 p. in. dally, ex- whether or not the new are .New York. Havre .Mch IB New Yolk. Sunday. possessions a and well- Aquitaine Hardy. SINUAY niAIVN cept Rufus U. Waite, life-long Grata ^aotatioas. !•' Bismarck.■ ..New York. Hamburg. .Mon 15 Ar ad. ste.tncr WUllamport. Portland: sch steamers moot every demand of under the Conetltatlon. It Is n These many New York ....Mch 17 Frith Keene. Sabine Pas*. bcarhoro Ueaoh, Pine Point, Old On. service iu safety, known resident of this city, (lied at his CHICAGO BOARD OK FRA DA State Nebraska Glasgow BenjC n oderu stennishlp speed, long year since s« great a question h Palatla.New York. Hamburg Mch 17 Marcus Hook—Passed down 2d. sell John J rhnr«l. ha«’raper. I'A TFRN lUYISlOV millions, 65:i» York P’rnaiubucoMch 20 out 2d. 9Ch Bath for D.uien. dociodtf In hie early life M". V. all- was engaged vHy. 64H Coleridge].New Passed Cactus, am iitdile- s t Boitex and way statious P.oo this. 66 A a Homan.Portland .. Mch 2 PROVIDENCE Bid 2d. sch Alfred W baruoss of late July. 661* Liverpool.. VUk, Portsmouth, Newbury- m the business, but years Oceanic .New York. Liverpool ..Meh 21 New York. ford, ivllur), The House Is considering and will un- C0112I bbleui, Lynu, ll->«t<>u. 2.00, 9.00 a. nu, had betn of an house, Kensington_New York. Antwerp Meh 21 san .it'AN—Ar 20th, sch A R Keen*. Keene, port, WW VOKIi DIRECT i nE, proprlfctor eating May. 34As 84H 12.46. «.0n p. iu. Arrive Hoiioa, AST a. m., doubtedly pas* a bill which has York. Havre .... Mch 22 New York. already of 3414 Gascogne.New iii. Leave l*o-.»ou, 7.30, tie was a well-known member the July.3414 SABINE PAHS—Ar 2d. sch Asa T Stowell, 12,40k 4.00, 9.05 p. pa ged the Senate and which authorized OAT- 9.00 a. in.. 7JJO. 7.41 iv. tn Airlve l»oit- Maine Co. Portland Veteran Flremeu's association Kellev. Cardenas. 12.JO, Steamship luixl. P.45 A. lit.. 12.0*. 4.30 10.16, 10 10 IU two Maine men to accept the reward of May.284* 23*4 MIANITUBK ALMANAC MARCH B. V1NEYAKD I! AVER—Sid 2d an 3d. sobs p. Long Island Sound Itj Puj'^hu and also belonged to UinrnbuU lodge of July.22* • 221 4 S Hall. Busan N Pickering. E Wotermaa >1- N DAY. a deed done several rises. « AM* Jennie 3 TOPS P't R WEEK. gallant years ago. Bod 141 llisb water!w*~r Sami Hart. Eugene Horda. Modoc. the Knights of Pythias. FORK, Sun sets. 5 3il,1I,gn \ PM... 2 IB Jas Young. ■ tliliirtui .1, Klttrry. PorUimuilli, Nrw *lhe bill “That C. E Marr and M Mav.Willie McKay. ( Itrdncci Fare* #3.00 One M iljr. provides: 10 d) 11 25 Moon sets. 11 14 I. Thurlow, Henry base, bar? port, Salem, Ljaai, Host on. 2 '*0 a. IT.., E H. Three eons, ore of whom is In the May. Length of days.. Chas it Flint. Abble S Walker. Pierce, keepers of the Cuckolds. 10 65 Henr> Llppctt. 12.46 p. in. A rlro lloatou, 6.57 a. m.. 4.00 The steamships if o-at to Hall and Man- July. LcveiiH.tier. Mary B Welligron, James A Maine, fog-signal station, be, and »r nrrny now engaged in the Philippines, Eliza p. ni. Loavo lion ton, 9.00 a. ui„ 7.00. p. uv. hattan alternatively leave Franklin Wharf. LA III*. Brown, and others. authorized to ... Arrive 1'orllaud, 12.10, m.. Portland. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays hereby, aocept each a silver aud four ers, are left. One broth- Weehawken for 10.30p. daught Mn\. 5 87*i J4 liTVVS Ar 3d. sch* Myronus. Boston; at ni. (or New York direct. Returning, leave watoh awurded to th^rn, IAR tNK A-- except Mtnday. op. respectively, by Tncitinn Is also D 07*4 <;."n S E Merwln, Baltimore for Portland; Maud I>a!!y Pier K. and Satur- the government of the Dominion of er, Waite, living. July W, K., Tuesdays. Thursdays Can* iciitr otr POttlLAKU hewaid. Port Heading lor Bar Harbor; Lizzie days at 5 m. ada In The funeral will take at sl.HU HI US- \V. N. A I*. Ill VISION. p. recognition of their services In rce- place Carr .lames Hiver lor Canulen; Jas K Talbot. These steamers are superbly fitted and fur- oulng the captain and rr-w of the schoon- o'clock luUrcoon from ths resi- May. 6 85 Amboy lor Bock land; Jennie l! Pillsbury. Ell- Foot of Prrble nished for trave' und afford the most Monday BA TIT HU March 8. Ntntlou Stiff!, passenger er of AY. for Belfast. Louuskla. New York eorjiortatde route between Aurora, Uarboursvllle, Nova Sootla. dence and the balurJay'a quotations. zabetbport convenient and of the deceased Veteran Arrived. Annie Hus, do for Calais. tor Worcester. Clinton, Aver, Nashua, York. on January fourth, eighteen hundred and WHKAT. lor Mt Desert; Portland anil New W ludhaiu aud at 7.30 a. in. and 12.30 Firemen will attoud in a body. Steam: r Horatio Hull. New York- Epping J. F. LI SCO MB. General Agent. Blneiy-slx.“ Oneulns. Closlns. Bragg. nu and indse to J K Llscomb. Foreiirn Port*. p. THOS. M. BARTLETT. Act. octeAU March 3 — The %...... 654* t»C passenuns Manchester, Concord and North at Washington, Senate held WOODBURY T. JOB DAN. May.. St St via Last Fur points 664* C7 ■ Steamer trolx, l'iko, John, NB, ni. a brief session on July.. Sid fm 3d. steamer St Paul, from 7.30 a. nu end 12.30 p. today, adjourning early been the port lor Boston. Cherbourg Woodbury T. Jordan, who had CUH.N. for New \ork. 1 or Km hesier. sprU^vale. Allred, Waterboio aooount of the death of Representative 8 eomer Buy State. Dennison. Boston. Souinaiiiptoii steamer Graf Kil Baco Uivei- at 7.80 a.m., 12 jo and 5.30 of the look and steward at the Hotel 34a « Peter \\ with At at Hamburg Hd, Walderses, hipes Virginia Daring session. Mr. keeper May. 84H Tug light. Smith, Philadelphia, in. 844% 34r*4 Wadena— eoal to Me Ceut RR. New York. p. Wo»s of Vermont spoke In opposition to sinoolu opoulug.dled at 7 o'clock July. barge For Gorham at 7.30 aud 9.46 n. m 12.30, 3.03 Temple Waltham with Phllado sid fm Antwerp 3d. steameer Kensington, for International Co. the of Hon M. S and Mr. OATS. Tug harge'Sunbury, and 8.20 in. Steamship seating Quay He was 6.80 p. Saturday evening. taken with to Me Cent KR. New York.! — phia-coal For Cumberland M ils, W estbrook -■ FOR- Teller spoke In orlticlgin of the confer May.23* s 23* 3 Ar at London 2d iusL steamer Euxeuia, from Wcfttbrook, severe chills the first of the week and Belt Chan Davenport, Pinkham, Norfolk—eoal and Woodlord* al w. 16 a. «nee unon the currency hill, a 22*4 Junction 7.J9, m., report July. Me c ent RR. Portland. „„ ... to 12.30, 6.30 aud 6.2U n. ni. * nuiiiler of bills were this sickness into via Ar at Curaeoa 2d Inst, steamer Philadelphia, 8.00, E»!p l«bn-3 Calais St. HbK *1.9. Halhat N.$. private pension developed erysipelas. FOWL 8cu J S Winslow, Smith. Baltimore Beaton, Tratus arrive at Portland from Worcester at the Juno—coal to A K from New York via Ponce. and all of New Brunswick, Now Scotia. passed during day. Mr. Jordan was 47 years, months Mav. 10 65 iu tow of tug Wright Co. 1.26 p. in.; from Bochester at 8.30 a. in.. 1.25. parts sight Ar at Port Feb 11. sch Edna. Donovan, e Edward Island nud Bietoa. 1 he 10 70 Cleared. Spain and 5.48 m.; from Gorham at 8.40, & JO aud Prim Cape and three and he a July. L Frost. Biloxi. p. and St. Andrews. PERSONAL. days old, leaves Pascagoula; C Mitchell, 1.25. 4.16. 5.48 tn. favorite route to C&mpobeUo \ iginla. Hunt- 10 50 a. m.. \\ ton and two Steamship Dominion, (Itn James, Liverpool— At Port Spat Feb l&, barque r AX. A. Bo, tow. N. B. daughters. Previous to be- DoineaMo Market*. do. Ill J. KLA-NDfcKa. G. Senator Hale has been absent from the D Torrance & Co. ley. for New York; John S Fmery, Wooster, dll Spring Arraugeuirut. In ths hotel business he bad keen Steamer Ribston, (Ur) Shields, E— Feb 20. Arcot. Shep- Senate for a few days, being oodfined to ing fBy TeleRiaplv.) Ackley. Cld at st Johns, NF, brig Mch. 3. 1BOO. R Re ford Si Co Pernambuco. On und alter Monday, Mar. 6, Steal.*: will his home with a severe cokl. employed in ths government works on pard. f TOLEDO—Wheat at Steamer Horatio Hail. Bragg. New York—J V leave Railroad Wharf. Portland, on Monday Mr. Frederick Hale, of Portland, has quiet—cash 70V-S; May Little Diamond Island. For a number 71S*6t July at 70c. Llscomb. and Thursday at G 80 p. ni» Returning, leave been la for a few on his Ipokra Washington days of he had lived In M Steamer Enterprise, Race. South Bristol and HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO. bL John Kastpnrt and l.ubeo ssnir day*. yoars Uoxbury, ass., Feb 28. lat »7 20. leu 7128. barque Carrie checked way home fro u a hunting trip in Vir- ISnkton Stork Market. Booth bav. Begtnntug Oct. S. 1MB. steamer Auroclsco 'through tickets bsuod and baggage and was a master o( a of Ma- Winslow, from Hosario for Boston. 4.00 ginia. past lodge Bob Lizzie J Parker, Dunn. Newport News— will levc midland Her. I’omand. dally. Suu- to destination, py frrehrht received up to 1UBTON. McU. 2 lft)0— Itoa loiiowmc are S Winslow & Co. '2__U_L ni. sers, a grand master of a of J dsys eveapted. at 2.00 y. m. lor l.oiis Islam). p. past lodge tj-vuk. * .nuuuuio -»t f*Ct»**au>*-i« »Lu. J B Norris. Holmes. Tromoui—J H Blako For tickets ami slat' rooms at the Pine Ben taror* iua- Lillie aud Ureal ‘Jbebeajtif, t'hll Isiaad, so. apply The less Democrats Odd and a a The limuuorutlc platform Monument or in the next city Fellows, member of Knights ti bch Ada Acella,Kelley,Joaoepori—J h Blako. llarpewell Halley’* aud Orr'a Ulands. Tree Ticket Office, square, faf r art lean administration. The worst way other Information ai Office, Railroad. government the more harmonious it will of of that town. ua tents 8 76114 86. BAILED— Steamers Rlh«ton, Turret Court: heturu lor t*orl’aud, leave Orr’a lalan.Uud Company's Pythias lodge Bpring to that kind of an administration la foot of m tc Wutter patemv 8 7644 26. Ontario: schs Win H Clifford. Krtuik T g*t above landtag. T.00 a. m Arrive Tartt and Wharf, street. be, end Is essential to the suo- He was a faithful of hotel barque harmony employe the and 3 4 W H E C to eh a Mr hseU. lie s a politician .Clear straigiu. 25 00. Stinson. Davenport, Alton. Lugauo, c n| BhKV Ag,nt •msful management of municipalities. and was a men who had a host of friends. Corn-steamer yellow 43V4c. aud others. from way hack. I8ALAH OANlALd. Gen Mir. iiF.l.ISCOMB.Vl,.;!; 1 i A POPULAR SERYICE. TUT: PBE8S. BIS FIRST mm. MAINE'S GREATEST STORE. MAINE'S 6REATEST STORE. j miWCS 8BEATEST STORE. | MAKE'S GREATEST STORE Ms | NKW AOYKRTIkBMBMTI TODAY* Prof. Ward's Nl| Barrier Bssms To With Bareass. Frank M. Low A Ca Masting Oren Hooper’* Bon*. OF FRIENDS: “Good gra- J. K. LlbOjr—A Tba ssrrlas of Mag la Clip ball, «a CHORUS Owen. Moure A Co. Codman Preaches Eastman Bros. A Bancroft. Bishop Honda/ afternoon la boooaalng a very new floor!” Oren Hooper’* Son*. popoalar Institution. Testsrday tbo ball cious! Your .iobn*ton. Bailey A Co. First Time Here. ^ rent. For was well filled fall/ IfOO pooplo being For _ Portland A Yarmouth Electric By. Ca la atteodaaoe. Tboae pooplo won from “There’s no harm done; ours Wanted—Olr la. fefl HOSTESS: Mme. Hawes. all parts of tbo ottp, from all olasooo of and oondittona Lost Found soolet/ aad of all ages new floors Rew Want*. To Let,ror Sale, is one of the parquetry and similar advertisement* will be found under Tbo speolal foatnre of this afternoon beads on & jjjy heir appropriate page He Is a Most Eloquent and Force ful anrrlon Is the moelo wblob le ooodaeted and has to be You by Ptef. Jollos B. Ward. Yseterday only wiped up. Mrs. Wlmlow'i *oothla| Syrup. Speaker. afternoon Mr. Fred A. Ulreo bad obargs are. 11a* been used over Fifty Years oy million* of of tbs orebostra wblob nuiabon a doren don’t know how convenient they for their children while Teething, mothers pleoeo or toon Talas, a largo chorus aa I with success. It soothes the child, perfect aonral soloists add enjoyment to tbo ser- No no have to be softens the gums, allays Pal a cure* Wind dirt, sweeping, just rlooo. Mrs. Adelaide Welob road a Colic, regulates t&e bowels, and la the beat of solootlon to tbo a remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from Dean Sills the Rector yastorday appropriate up with damp cloth—-and you aad Samuel Worcester wiped or other causes. For sale by Drug- oeoaslon Hot. Ur. teething 1 • talk on The gist* In every part of the world. Be sure and St. Luke’s. gars a twenty mlnots can see how handsome are." ask lor Mrs. Winslow’s Boothlng fiyrup, 26 eta Measure of a Man.” This was aa Inter* they a bo tils eating aad plain talk on tbo duty wbiab -'t; We have two kinds of hardwood floors. Our “White Oak Car* erery man aad woman owes to tbo a an ornamental CASTORTA world and to Uod to build up good pet,” that makes a plain center with or without aad fallow Id tba footsteps gpi Bear* the signature of Cmaa. H. Rlftcwbr. He Accepted the Office aud Asked character border, and those with fancy parquetry fields, which are put down of Christ, tbo | standard of all man. Ur. In use for more than thirty year*, and “BLIND NAILED” so lhat not a nail sh iws. They are dust proof, of His Worcester, as eyeryone knows, le au In- S? Tht AY md Yon Haw Always Bought. Co-operation People. teresting speaker and his address seemed gS he altbful and exceedingly handsome. The cost is a little more CASTORTA HI piuuu nil IW|« HUUIOUW foamwv* T-a? than the best. Brussells Carpet. You take your choice of over 200 Then cam* wm* *olu*. rendered In an Beer* the *igwature of Cnaa. 11. PLFTcan. An estimate of cost is of course. Let ns send you excellent manner and singing by the designs. free, In use for more than thirty years, and "" ▲t St. Loke'e cathedral yeeferday entire congregation which waa really In- our Free colored design book. TV A'tnd Yon //at* Bought* Always morning before n Tory lnrge congrega- spiring. __ tion Right Reverend Hlehop Uodman — CASTORTA The leal Usmooratlo admlnlstrailox ble Urtl rermon In thle oily, ; 7~. prraobed I«v Beer* the signature of Cmas. 11. Flwtcwe*. waa psollAo of nothing not saandals. LA UIC9 spnviiU taking bU teat from Salvations 1-8. "If In use for more than thirty year*, and The olty can't afford any more of them. FOLDING of about fifty any man preach any other goepel onto Sleepy Ttu Kind You Haw Always Bough’.. ALL-THE-WEEK SALE IN THE DRAPERY DEPARTMENT OF WORKTABLES, forth!, week's youth and that ye bare reonlved, let him ON JAPAN. selling. Wo be aoourted." offer one with nicely finished top lid by STOLE CITY PROPERTY. Hlehop Codman hae a clear and pena- In That Pillows. The Need of Mlastonni lea DROKEN LOTS ANO SNORT LENGTHS. with tratlng delivery, ble very word being 17 Inches, showing yard measure, Country* heard and hie oentral thought broad folding lege, at 87 cent# Rt.fforri Irrr.lrd far Urct.r dlatlnotly Kver rharlr. “I stop wae a wall drawn dletlnotlon between Odd Portiere*. Worth from $2.50 to $15.00 per pair, for this snle, In City Bnllrliii oate him noil but ious history. In bis address yesterday hard, light, springy, 124 oil tbe agnlnst prossed, another "I believe" and some liberal v 75c to here. H.tk the anil Silk*. A few choice patterns which are usually We make them thin or or was sentenced to the reform dwelt upon the rellgoua needs of Jap- India Fancy plump, large steel moe he minded people urge that each man should tempered tihtnto- 49c ynrd to so se- ran from that Instttu* anese The old religions $1.25 a small—just suit you. Yon liavo your col! springs school and away think as he lhe latter leade to people. yard,for pleases. bars now cured as to make tlon onoe nr twice. On Saturday Stafford lsni, iJudhlsm and the others, choice of hen, duck, geese, or livo geese "degenerate proteetanttam.” Thinking im- to and the are them displacement was some into almost osased salat people Flowered Cretonne*. Some of Crane’s English goods among feathers or various of down. employed moving property by himself makes the man a foal, and qualities possible. lias al- with the room of atheist* and bare no religion ®c lien feather a ktore room ooonected "I think” is soon lost In unbelief and agnoslloe, worth 12Xc to 15c, Good pillow*, per so woven Wire top and the sealer of weights aud nun Hires. at all. The Intelligent progress!?* leads to nothing. It la the conceited ®c pnlr, |1>4( and bottom. The idea) bed for n heavy When that official had home and men of Japan who bare made that ration Jnpnneee Crepe. Effoctlre for mantel drape* gone fool who says "I think” bat it Is the Flue*! Down Pillows, 4 pounds person or an Invalid, or anyone wishing one of the world and who huv* there were few people about the bale- bumble Christian who I believe." powers 12 l-'ic maximum comfort in a spring bed. Folds says Sateen*. Worth 20 to 25c, this week, to pnlr, $S.OO of the Safford re- lifted It from a state .of semi-barbarism like a book when not In use. Regularly nient city building The former claims to be his own teacher, Other grades all the way between. door with a fa’re to olrlllzatlon do not bellare that any all this week only $0.50. Special price for one week, turned and opened tbe the Utter sits at the foot of a teacher as Silkolcne. That handiest of light weight drapery fabrics, ten religion Is good enough fur tbe Japanese 9c $4.98 key. He thsn appropriated oopper pupil. valued In tbe people bare measures and ten brass weight! Bishop Codman referred brelfly to people. oonaequencs threw some of obtained olrlllzatlon without tbe Chris- at about |50. He away natural selection a solved by Uarwln brass because he found them tian or any other religion, and this PICTURE the weights and dwelt upon the fact that Uod could of bra but threatenta to dsstroy the morals of the FIREPROOF were not CDrnpoied entirely is, have left us to study, each man for CARPET CLEANING. meas- Prof. Uearlng dwalt upon tbe BICYCLES. wers tilled with lfai. The copper hlmstlf, and point ed out the dlUloulty people. FRAMING. now needed In ures he sold to a broker and they tact that what Is greatly There are ways of cleaning carpets— pawn of a religion whloh was only the produot CURTAINS. wbloh oan w re recovered. The have heen Japan la missionary effort are for and way*. One Is not to bake police of a human mind. Uod had, however, Wc agent* way First class work in is our wishes of tbe and every respect Our renovating department able to find only a few of the brass reach these Isadora people, the dirt in, nor to the fabric or revealed himself by tending to us injure motto lioro. No or open corner brandies tbe lntluenoes wbloh are rough mention made of another of its weights, and m thssa wore distributed counteract start tho seams a hard beating. Our a teacher. by no full of bubbles, no soiled them. His address wss a The Stearns. joints, glass which mention Saturday. We along lioyd and neighboring streets, Who Is he who dares to there la no threatening is the very latest escaped say machinery improved, mats, no frames are tolerated. You of the course most ons and was braid by poor take lace curtains of every k'nd howevr Id the yanls houses along no etot it is ho who relies Interesting run We our hell, trinity, by electricity. guarantee can find kind of for any took after the a oongregatlon. The well known it any moulding soiled, clean them, an 1 render r'nfford having olty on bis own T'be large Onyton—So not to the find tliorougly private opinion. preacher process iujure article, of Our are based on The would like to have Portland. kind picture. price* them absolutely without in- building. polios referred to the oonfuslon of opinion rote the lo clean If (’LIMK. We take It fireproof, If yon straight Hepnbllcan yet can save them return them to a fair profit only. We you to fabric or for the people finding wbloh arose those who any ”1 either appearance among ticket yon will make no mistake. up, cait it, cloan it and relay it at a few jury the city bnlHing. his bearers to The money. per pair tblek,” and eibturad Copley. A or fjtl.00 WHIST CLUB. cents per yard. postal telephone listen to the creed of the Holy Catholic CONSONANT On eveiy ground that Is worthy of con- message will do the work. ehuroh. This Is not bnl rather Consonant Whist club enjoyed a Martha sideration Judge Kohl neon Isa vastly opinion The Tourist. of the Grand Old Mother afternoon at the home of superior candidate for Mayor to Mr. the teaohlog Washington LADIES’ WHEELS a summons to oonforu. Mr*. H. U. Eastern Promenade, Swett. ohurob ldbby's, The B. A O. Special. Bishop Codman said he did not wish Tuesday afternoon Many of th* costumes MRS. POTTS AT HALF. their BB1EF the laity to understand that thsy were were rery old, and the ladle* with wheels to run as a leader. The frame is JOTTINGS. The Boston Special. We have bought 50 Ladies* Shawmut to take interpretation of hair and dainty mnslln aprons are best 1900 war- obliged every powdered 1809 pattern (can't be told from the 1900 model); the tires the bold a director*' nor did he of tb* looked like lb. Samaritan* sorlptnre from the preacher, (tbs gift hostess) pic- SAD IRONS. is *10. Hints what the 1900 The Sliawiuut. ranted. The cash price of the Shawmut invariably moating on l'a^olaj at 10.30 al Mr*. want them to understand that they were tures of long ago. lbs hostess treated (rim n »»•«. models will sell for. We oflsr 50 of these wheels, fully guaranteed, *40 value, for Kllborn'a, Uraokett street. to do no thinking, for thinking was tbs olub to a grant surprise la the shape They can not be bought elsewhere less $“1.50 rasli the noblest use to whloh a human Intel- of a turkey with all Its Azins," 1 he Fay. supper than $1.35. This price Is for ladies’ model only. PEKSONAL. lect could be put, but he did wUh them Th* table was a beautiful sight with Its to oonform to the teaoblnge of the ohurob Mrs. T. Frank Jones has returned to as embodied In the book of prayer. color at each plate. At the close of the tbe city and takes rooms at the Chase He oompared the actltnde of the trne sapper the hostess * health was drank to house. believer in the ohurob to that of tbeoblld an original toast not only onoc, bat Hlreotor Callahan of the Jefferson or- at the feet of Us mother, and thanked twice. Virginia reel and a trip to the and one more SONS. ren lur a uuiiurw this to dosed delightful HOOPER’S coesira auurusj irip Uod that worldlof disputing upper region OPEN to Mew York, lie will return 'Iueeday. oontests, the* Mother ohnrob had sent afternoon of the many this dab has en- klr. C. 11. the well-known and Christ ns teaoher and bis gospel whloh joyed. George, __ A larnionth KlrctrlrHy.ro. ■HE. A. N. HAWES agent of the Maine tho and whloh Bt. Paul taught. Portland popular travelling apostles The citizens of Portland ought not to Uuderwood leave head of Klin street for Will resume at her residence, to Fal- who has had head- It la a dell ntte and a dellnlte faith teaching; Steamship company, gospel resurrect any part of the Ingraham ad (URSsoring and Yarmouth at 6.45 a. in., hourly mouth St., Mart!* IO, IOOO. and 10.45#. quarters In Bangor for several months, whlob for 19C0 year baa been tested. until 5.45 p. m.. iheu g.15. 7.45, 9.15. ministration. at 3.15 m. & Vocal Culture, Extra forvarinouth week days p. Music, Physical has been transferred to the office of tbe lie described the light bouse on tne at 5.40 a. m.. Leave Yarmouth for Portland $.%£ibbit Voter Uutldlng. A UK PAKlblAN AKKlVKS. and company In this olty. waters against whlob seabirds rush only hourly until 4.40 p. m.. then 5.10, 6.40, 8.10 Also making a specialty of Shakesplan. O. K, to be and this to Parls'an of the Al'an 9.40. formed if de- destroyed compared The steamship Leave Underwood Spring lor Portland atfl.10 S. and 1>. of K. work. Classes It Is not enough to sleot Mayor Robin- 5. M). 7.10. enclose stamp. Hod's ohurob, against whlob In vain have Hue arrived here lint night at nine jl m.. and hourly until 5.10 p. m.. then sired. Correspondents please son. Ills administration deserves the mar 5-d2w for tba bbe 8.40 and 10.10. beaten tbe heresies of 1600 years, o'elook from Liverpool via Un'lfax. SUNDAYS. The Bargain Furniture Week at endcrsement of a large majority.|| tba atlU flvs eeo- gospel preaohed by ohurob brought here five cabin, twenty I^ave head of Hin street for Underwood until HEMS BROUGHT A DODLAR EACH. shines still speaks and still teaches. ond cabin and slxty-swn steerage pus Spring and Yarmouth at 8.45 a. in., hourly 7.45 »». m.. then 9.13. tbe morning service Dean bills bbe ba 1 a good pawn xe until at ~3o, A speolal meeting of the mayor and During eengere. Por Underwood Spring only 1.13, Libby’s rend a of his election to the rector- a few out from Halifax when she 3.35. 5.05 and 6.15 P. m. of was held notloe day# board aldermen Saturday Leave Yarmouth for Portland at ..40 a. m.. of Luke’s aud In ex- encountered whloh de- noon. ship bt. parish, dirty Wfatber, hourly until 6.40 then 8.10. Iron at Opens today with the sale of a dozen $12.00 R his of referred her a little. Leave Underwood spring for Portland William H. as pressing aooeptanoe It, layed :’ Clifford, Jr., resigned 8.to a. tn.. hourly until 1.10 P. m.. then 1.50, l", to the Inorsaee of due to Beds at $8.25 eleotlon olsrk In ward seven and responsibility 3.00. 3.10. 4.10. 4.30, 5.10, 5.40, 6.10, C.50, ..10. George The way to vote a straight ticket le to hla election to suah a For nearly 8.4o and 10.10. These Beds have Brass 5 YOUR DUSTY OARPET, H. Jordan was In hie position. trimmed headstands, feet, appointed plaoe. make a oroas (X) In the square above • 10.45 car leaves city al close of theatres. twenty years he bad served the oathedral mar 3d tf O UI„U 9 *4- IS* I UI^U ■ |M«U F. Stubbs as ballot clerk w ■ ■ ■ w « w v w ■ ■ ■ w « *■ ■ w ■ ■ ■ » ■ ■ m v ■ » ■ v ■ w v » Charles resigned the party designation. y p y In association with the late bishop, and In ward three and Mlobisl J. Lyden was 6 brass rosettes. DUR BEATING MACHINE. he asked tbe oo-operation and prayers of very heavy filling, appointed In his placei bis In tbe work wbloh was now Our price any but today is SI2.00, (which is Sjo: Building permits were given William people otherday addad to him. the Burrowts to ereot a building at 574 Con- cheap for it.) Price today, S8.25 Mix and take In spring. In ths evening Illaliop Cod man preaohed cure. gress street; Ehsn 'True, to ereot a build- Not more tlum two to oue customer. We guarantee a a most thoughtful sermon at bt. Paul’s ing at 2U3 Ocean avenue; E. W. Hunt, tp “Show Me rnOTCD’C Korr.l City Oye II...... I ohurob whore the serrloae were SI., in t Iran.lug a at 48 Winter street. largely rU5 I tn 0 Carpet enlarge building First class National Spring, iron frame to fit above Works, F. E. Wheeler bad 44 hens killed by attended. bed 86.00,) today at 83.98 13 Preble St., opp. Preble House. dogs and J. E. Davis lost 11 bent from (regular price ‘the Democratic platform has something Telephone 202. the same oause. Wall to say abont competition. But It la a Papers, please?” HAIR MATTRESS to extra 40 'The oomiulltee on claims reooinmended fit, quality long hair, fact that almost evary Democratic mem- the settlement of these olalms at 51 for (a 814 mattress. Today at 89.98 ber o' tbe present olty government voted pounds, e lob hen killed and It was so voted. The above cut prices are only for today, March 5. against competition. Democratic preach are different. THE SUPERIOR COURT. lng and practice very | All! the above question now being asked, is to BARGAIN. In the Superior court, Saturday, the BEAL ESTATE TBANbFEKb. TUESDAY’S it’s to be oaee of Eliza F. Doughty vb. James W. ns one of tbe first of spring Guess going Dorcas King, District of Colombia, signs The 818.99 “Hub” Range for 815.69 A True Doughty was heard. The plainMR Is the asked us for fl, a lot of land on Danforth street, an for the is now being wife of tbe defendant and the pe- early spring, to, question brings P ortland. tition to her husband to con- BARGAIN. compel William L. Straw of Portland to War- quite often. WEDNESDAY’S Soap Story. tribute to ber support and the support of Kirk