PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. MONDAY MARCH 1900.jggSS.tVSSgtPRICE THREE CENTS. "established JUNE ^ 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, 6, person near, beard bis orlem, pushed a White mid today that he bed a* Inf or RELIEF UNEXPECTED. SLEEPERS 01 TRACK. •ltd to him and pulled him out. motion to confirm It, bat that he expected How Garrison First Bow OS BOWERY. inch aeeureneea would he pleea. Ladfimlth HEARD STEAMER WHISTLE. Tktlr Itasoncrs* THK GRAMTE CUTTERS. Finding of Along Ksts Hr ri- BRAVE Dorban, Friday, Marsh a.—Oorraspond- tVrrfhagr COLONIALS. | lls n Const Still m Conference at Quincy Today Bo« We ente who haw returned boro from Lady- Bold Attempt to Wreck Mystery. ttgai of a Settlement- smith lay that tha lallaf oama quite on- expectedly. At noon oa Tueoday tha fir- a Train. Halifax, March.—Mr. Sendford, who arrived from some Qnlnoy, llua, March 4.—Affaire la the ing of Uaaaral Boiler's army teamed to tonight iiarlngton.tha of the that on dotting labor truublaa between the rooado, Inotaad of approach and the gar euppoeea wreck, reports Fire in Seven Story Lodg- whistle granite tnemtfaotaiera and cutter* hart rlaoa wao oonaaqoontly depraaaed. It very Monday, February 20, a steamer's hoar tbs was beanl In tblek near the famous beea oomplloatel and the Idea of eettle- Boers Driven From an Important Posi- body wao atartlvd to garrison's fog House. off. William It had nst bean mod Lurcher shoal, wbloh was thought.at the ing tnent seem* yet a long way 4.7 gun firing. Two Laid on R. k M. Sleepers time to he the ooeatwlre steamer whlob H. Mitchell, preeldent of too Manufac- muoh of late, owing to the diminishing tetwevn Halifax and turers* Aeerolatlen of New Kngland, . ammunition. Track at piles Yarmouth, Brabant’s Men. Hampton. but wbloh via afterwards to ha of the tion Gen. out It was fanad that the found and by virtue of bl* ofllaa preeldent by On harrying ratification committee which yesterday Uoara wars trying to remora the big gan acme other ship. This wu a dangerous a for a to Next repudiated the action of the Uarre menu- on Balwana hill by the ervotlon of place arrange ship be. day eareasee of backets of factor.n la effeotlaf a settlement with derrlek. Xhls proved that something cattle, laid, and The other other stuff came nature. There wire so Five Persons Were the cotter*, was area at bln raaldenoa to- extraordinary was happening. At Seabrook Switch their (Ire on trneee of n ball or ether evidence day. It wae learned at yesterday’* mast- gairloon gnna then dlreoted ship's •f n water la to Death. a wa* reached between Will Be with tha mail that tha Boers disaster, but the rary Burned ing that decision The Next Stand Probably Balwana, Was Turned. and In this the Uarre manufacturers and the cutters, wars oompallod to abandon the attempt bold deep locality. a does vote. The eettlement In with the derrlek. Later oa, they plsoed after Kraal. CAN’T BE THE H ASK ELL. tae Vermont city was upon the basin of a at Abraham’s tha gan aw a wagon, whlob eapslzvd la thirty-live cant average, Instead of mini a donga. Daring tbs afternoon whenever the Rockland Hr Ik Reported l*ost l.oratrrl mum, an the cotter* olalm. A conference the Boers wars aaan approaching Engineer Just Able (o Slop His oummlttee of the manufacturer* and British retained tbs shelling of Bal- Kl ic where# four o'oloek a terrlfio Trnin. Bodies Were Found on the Fifth outtera will eon vena In this city tomorrow wana. About Maroh Tbe of the evening. It la not the general belief tbuader storm broke over tha town, Just Kookland, 0. report a had been low of the M. C. Haskell off Point Floor. that tbe raanufaotnrers la this city will to of after message ballographed brig advanoe In the wage* Reported Attempt Escape from Wagon hill that the Boars were la Judith cannot be true aa tba brig, ao- make any further to owners an her over the sent offered, whloh full retreat. oordlng the hern, la way thirty-three Marob 4 —An at- Other officers said believed Portsmouth, N. H., from Trinidad to Punta to Is an average wage per hour. Boer Prisoners. they they (lords, Fla., tempt vu rorvda tonight to wrack tha Mr. MltoheJl farther ■ la ted that tbe oukl deaery British oavalryi but most load for this port. Boston at 0 that the wish wao father train Waving 8a, Just after Tha Haskell had her stern out off leal eettlement wa* only temporary la the eople supposed It bad out of tbo Vaemnnt ftitv bnt bn would not DroobeflT to the thought polled Hampton depot. summer In n colllslou off Flsbsr'o Is- Xb* train was soon as the • tor os oeaaed the British Just gathering headway about rnllre west of Three Others Seriously ■i to tbe aollon of tbe Bane annotation As land, Conn., twenty a on when tba engine struck sleeper laid whlob arooants AH far aa tbe aettlenient Is eoaoerned In guns reopned Bulwana, gradually Point Judltb, probably tha and tsuoceedad In tnrow- Held Out a the oa loft and aoroas tracks ou tbe beaob between Injured. tbla olty, the'end le not In eight. From Ladysmith Could Sot Have oouoentratlag lira tha for the wrokage lug It off. A few rods farther another the latent turn of nSalrt, no netllemnnt driving tha Boers before thorn, with the Watoh Hill and Point Judltb. Week sleeper wne (brown from the track, wburo In likely at tbn Joint meeting of tbe ooo Longer. object of preventing the enemy from It bad been to derail CHlLDKfcM ri'lKUK Bx SNOW SLIDE ferenoe committee. hampering any British approsoh. evidently placed tba mam* later a of British horse- train. Baogor, March 4.—Tan ohtliren, It now nppeaia that,owing to tbn prom- An hour party bers of the Universally ohurob Sunday inence whtoh Barre baa lo tbe granite men oould be (wen oroestng the llat below train wan also ma<1« at Seabrook, at school, ware struek and almost all of world tbe trouble narrow* lrnelt down to Bulwana at a dlstssoe of some miles. It to the Was whloh a switch had twen thrown tbtm wera completely burUa by a snow Damage Building tbe mult will be Kens Is Impossible to describe the exoliement point wbat .of negotiations London, lfnroh t.-4.50 m. ni.—Her Ii abandon Ue territory around and enthoalium amoDB the troono that and tbe switch light destroyed. Vortn- slide wbloh oame off the roof of the that abould Barre oone to bee been In olty; for. baa abandoned bar intended visit and tbe retreat effeoted church noon from Not (treat. Majesty burg the train was a one, consist- nt today. Their escape lemon! wblob In to followed. Mott of the townspeople had nttely, light some definite nett llkoly to tbs Italian Rlverla and baa deolded to under tbe protection of mounted death was miraculous of tbe and two care, and 111 all the other been driven Into the bouse# by the etorrn ing only engine Li -J be agreeable to Qhlnov, remain at borne. Bnrgbere. not learn the newe till later. tba engineer wns able to atop It before new will follow. on Feb- and did good ootlere In England Beyond tbe signs of a general retreat of It 1* oHolelly annouooed tbat 1'be storm broke oat In the even- any damage was done. Had there been there General wltb from 2000 again tbe Boeie throughout Cepe Colony ruary 27, Cronje would It ESS THIS WEEK. and oon tlnued until two the next many uara In tbe train, It surely CONG It llttls news from tbs front. Lord Rob- to 3000 men surrendered owing to the lug have been switched a siding where Tbe morning. It rauat have eerlonely ham- upon erts In his despatches to the war olBoe scarcity of food .and ammunition. la Ur Considered Boere. The Brltlah freight oars were standing. Morel) 4.—Five were Impatient Minium a pered the retreating New York, persons thus far says little but he un- President, Kruger, la Uanlng itlrrlng pnbllebed, a watch to vent 10 death and three were Injured Hr Senate. la wbo gnnnere kept sharp pre burned doubtedly Is active In eome dtreotlon. addrese to tbe burgher* Mata], DENOUNCED POLICY. In a lire whloh oo- any further attempt to remove the Bul- early this rooming Abraham's Kraal, at shown In tbe war are felling book on Htggarebarg. Tbe onrred In a seven story lodging bouse at —The of return to Pretoria Ban- waaa gun. Washington, March 4. question offloe maps. Is a group of three kopjes President will Mr. Ilourkr Corkrau Donii’t lalkr A«I- The dead are: Charles The Brltlah naval gnn fired at Intervale 44 to 40 Bowery. tbe aeatlog of Benator Quay, tbe oonfer- situated et the of Keole day. Junotlon Spruit _ mluliIrRlIou'a Attitude Toward John Clark, Ufty through the night and In the morning Buttle, forty years old; enoa report on tbe onrrenoy bill and tbe with Madder river. It le a natural point of Edward a force wut sent out to look alter the KngUatl. jeers old; Doylet, thirty-live Porto Hlcan gor element bill will divide oonoontratlon wbloh the Boere ooold ALL WELL AT MAFEK1XG. gnn and to oocnpy llnlwnna. years old; ilsary Jsckson.oolored, thirty- the attention of the Senate during tbe make but after the New March 4.—In a last- exoetdingly strong; Kenny's Activity Everywhere Bring the York, speech one unidentified man Lord Dundonald'a foroe went after five years old, present week.
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