nntl 8, Merchants Deck Streets 5, For Christmas. Season, Santa Is Due December 8 ' ' Santa Clr.JUS Will Pav Flying Visit to ~ason On Saturday of. Next Week, With Gifb for All Mason streets and stores have talcen on a l1oliclay ap{)Cilr· ance this weelc. All is being put in readiness for Saturday of next week, Thaft; the day Santa Claus has chosen for a pre­ Christmas visit. Santa Clau& is schetlulhl to arrive in Mason by plane at three o'clock on the afternoon Leo 'Burton Die) of December S, according to word receiver! hy the Mason On Visit West, Chamber of Commetcc. In his pack he wlll have gifts for all Services Friday Y?~ngstcrs who pay him a VlSlt. !.en W l}tJJion, r;r;, rllf'rl r>l' ,, lwn1 L 11lt11clc 1n BI~!Jer•, J\1'17-<>lld, As llSlllll, S11111n Will !;I {'CI Monrln,v. Tlf' nnrl Ills IV!fn rliHI II t tit• fr>!k,9 fl'Oill a plfLtiOllll l'l'ltelwrl tiiCJ'I' lhr' nlgi1L lll'l'fll<' In Jcffei"H<m sLl't'et In J'rnn I of visit lllei1' clnu;;lllcr, M1 s. M<ll I' couJ·t house Nlt•n.~lndl. · M1s. Dillion anrl her rlo~ughii'J' <'11111<' ll~r·lr IHHl\P !Jy p!nnt• lrl'l'IV· t;1g WedllNl<lny noon nl 'wttlol~ l,un. Thl' J]()<Jy or !III Burlon WIIH >oh1ppr•<( by ,JIIlllf', too, It Wlh schccllllerJ trJ rll'lil'r 'rh111srlny nt '' Ball (U!H'J'Ill lwnw. !r'llll<'IH! Ht'l'l'iccs \\'ill IJI' Jwlrl lllCii• Ji'll­ dny nftrtnoun :tl two o'r,loel< wllh hllliRl Ill Mn.plc GJ·ovr• Rev Rl'l/'· 'lllOJHI L. Nn1 ton of I he l\1n sr111 l\.Ie!hod1sl char~h will offl<'llllt•. l~<H' :Jt ,l'<'rtl s Ar1·. Bm Lon w.1s netivt' tn bu.HiJltl~!-: nf fali'K m 1\'Tn .. M!ckcl~on-Bukcr !:.umber· Co wl(h .;on, Ht• J'1·st cnmr lu M11Hn11 t11; n1altlng the standard, nnrl Cuun 'nwnngr>o· or lhn A. M Rnlllll en., and Cr;msttmcrs Power helpers with llll}ln~ Pili Ill!~·. <'1'<'11111 an<l o~gs. : SQ. far just one historic stt·lng-ing the Wll"e and llghts. He Atte1· three V•'al s WJI 11 Snli!IJ lir• ancient map-has re'wardcd said c1ty cmplo}·ee" nlso lent n ~·ent lo WO! k for ttw Lnhol.lli>IY helping hand. ll'ooluct~ Co., fo1 CJimncJ· ol' in their cataloging of documents. fi~ials If funds 8l'C olVtlllah!c, U1 CJllhELl t Wyeth, Tm Ol'jJOl !llrrl A Y<'a ~· lfltl'l' 'Ilhc map is a lithograph showmg prop· said, tloorl·llghUng of the <'our·l he cntm ed bJISIIlr's~ fo1 IUJmel!. descriptions in Ingham and Living- In the l>ast"tllent corridors of house dome wi !I be a ttcmptccl. hll\lng wlm! was hn0\1 n n s t lie Cfo/ \Vnggotwt· poult1 y cl'c-Fllll nnLl otrv :stol1 counties. It was made in 1859. ~ourt house are tons, probably four or Complete plans tor the VISit or h!lsineos He so!rt' 011 t ln IO•!f; ~~ 1 Santa Claus a week fwm Salul'(J,ty Nclsnn N. Rm sc nt lr•r 22 re s 1 . ··The map is bordered by 'pictures of /'five, o! records which go back 50 and 1 11 1 11 ar~ bemg worked oyt, Urqllhal't the .Maple ~t1·r•ct Jocat10n, 'now 01'· pbqlic buildings and stores in Lansing, 60 years, s.ome to 100. ye"rs.. Included satd. It ha.s been <lctlnttcly sclllet!, r·upierl by the .Mn"un Dnl!'y, the Hawell and Mason and of city and farm are paper~ ll1 old la~vsu:ts, anctent bank comnnttec chtunn,m stilted, that Santa Claus w11l come by . MJ· Bm Lon W.Js ht>l'n Ill IIH«I­ homes in both counties. recetvet;shtps and ctrcmt co.urt stenog· p!ane and that tile landing Will he Jngs li'l'IJI'lHll'V 0, 1~S3, ,Jnd SJ><'lll ' I th · t R b t St raphers shorthand notes whtch go back made aL Jewell ilirpo!'t 111 " PaJ·Iy IJfr' lht•l ~. f'fo IWl~ tilt' ; n e . p:c ure. o er cvenson, to early trials. • son or MmJJH B111lon anr! Wl\111\lr cpunty butldmg custo91an, (left) and An escort \I'll! he )li'O'i 1dcd S1m· Hos<' Burton, Hr• wns .g1·arlnn li•r! C. Ross Hilliard, county clerk, arc look- I Among papers which might, but Ia Claus at I he a 1t pr>l't, <H't'ordmg- fl'rlm 1-Jastmg-s Jngh school at the ilig· at th.c old map. Piled around them I pr~bably won't, be prese~-ved for pos­ to present plans, Ut·quh~rt s;ud ngc of' 15. P'o1 on~ pmJOd of' J'<Hil' ---- ----~- \·catx ~1:t·. B1w1nn wa:-l png11gC':1t m ah6 some of the tons of baled and boxed I tcrtty .are the. reports of I:quor sales by ilighwn y con.,ii'IICtion, wwlnng 111 dbc'umcnts removed from the attic and druggtsts dunng local optton days. Un­ Alnh.Jnw as supcnn!PI1dent ot LOll· ~itb-vaults. Ifilliarcl, with the help of der the law then,·only druggists could sl.nlliiOll. Ht• Hllrl Mt,,, Bill tnn &tcvenson, along with Drain Commis, s~ll whis~y,' ~ncl then only on prcscrip· 11'1'1'1' 111111 \'Jeri Ii'chrum y 22, Hllfi, 11 1 I fnst ings. sioner Gerald L. Graham, members of 1 twn. ,.Drugg1sts had to list with the the county treasurer's staff and other prosecutor the names of the patients county officials, are catalogit1g the old who fought germs in that manner. ff,COt'ds. Before county records can be The pictures on the border flf the sold for ~astepape1 or are destroyed they wall map were those of the' state capi- :Miclugun Bell Telephone com· pany cngmccrs mnking 1l').ust fitst be catalogued so that the state j to~ in Lansing and some college build­ m·c a sut·· ~.storical commission can pick out any ings. The court house (the second one) YCY of the Fitchhllt'g' area. The company lC{J.\Iested, an<l the ~~--~~--~----~~~~~----~~ Jlllbhc scrvi<•c COI1ll11isslnn ap­ Jll oved, 11 rlelay in the decisiOn nn­ t!! the study eould be <·omplcled. At the OfilCO o; thf' public RCI'\'· icc commission in J~anslng 'rhul'S· day it was !eH.rne<l that the dcci­ HJOn on the FLtl lliJU rg- Ol'l(C!'I, WJ ll Jll'l)hubly he mmlc within the next three weeks ' Hearings wc1 ,, ,l1eld by lie sc1 vke r·omm1ssion I'm·- the Rural Telephone Co of Stocl'­ hrldge and tile MH h1gan Bell to show rausc wllV one ot· b<Jth the cmnpanieH ;;lwuirl no! extend thci1· lines to the D'Jtchl>tll g aJ·ca. RC);l· dents of the area tc~llile<l that. they are not now ndcquntcly SCl'Vecl. They HhOIVCI[ IL [ll'ClCl'Cll<!C ·for extended a1 ca. se1 vtcc out ol Aftet· a wa1! of oiX months the county rcnul <'r>l111111nston has tc· BadgPi·s, slmnks and mini< can ceive!l its 111al'lllon-Hen·mgton all· he legallY hunter! dlllmg !hP llap­ ptng season. II is unlaw!lll to shoo! muslo·at Raccoon can be hunted until Dccembc1 15. ends l<'rHiay wna n.·lllnrl nnil clovotorl htiRhnnrll w11· M · u Alaiedon Farmer nnct fn.lheJ•, I ·. ' iii c1Ce OVeS p NAVI' WANTA '1'\'J'IRTR TI'illl~J·nl Rot•vlce~ Wol'o llolcl Mon. Tho mwy fH ~eel1lng olv!Hnn rlay llfll:ll'tlOOII A~ the ,Tcwotl. OIJil)lOI W~'h typ!Htll, HtollOfl'l'!tphct•A nntl tnlol.ypo Economist Flays Dies ·following Witll lau·inl In Chn]Jnl Hill Mo· 111. Oldsmob:len mor•lnl Qm•dcn, LflliHlng, nov, nay. opcm.tm•s fm• lliJlploymont n t nnvy hondfJUIU'I.or'H In WnsnlniJ'Ion, •r,YJl· mom! 1•. 'Norl.on or tho Mc~horllat. Wllllnm Wnllnoo hnR boon mnci>J IHI.H who oan typo •10 wot'rlH 11 min­ Special Interest~ L~ng, Sitkness l!hllmh o~fl(Jlrttocl, i'llx. lil'nl!tiHonA tliHll'let IJHlllllf.:~l' for OlrJgmnhllo nt lllo, stenogt·ap])ers ,who c•nn l.nlre wm·o .pnllholl!'Ol'B, ''l'hny worn Lnw. flonlh nand. He llllR nDI'tltrJJ•n In· f1pool>ln~· OJ) Llw loplc or 11 Who. Fretlor·lc•k 11rrrgoHs, 80, rllnd nt cllotn.Uon 01' flO WO!'ds o. mlnut.n, rencu, liownl'd, Clarenoo, Dnlo nncl dlnnn nnd aontl!Ol'll Mlclrlgnn r.mm· nm allglhlCI. Cot• oonalclomllon, no. Sloln 'lhn Domo 1'!'0111 l.ho Ca.pltol," lifO farm !lOrne, 002 Howell. mnd, Ver·non r~. BtH·go~;; ltllfl Dicit tleH In hlH riiHI.l'lct, . Dr•. Wnl1.1lt' Ad,uns of Miohlgnn. cording to. thH n11.vy r·crrz•uitllJ'R In In Aln.lc<lon FJ'Iday night. Ho llll<l 'rhoniaa. QlJES1'IONS ~t"l!• ool!ogo polnt.orl his flngcr· nt ·llilen ln · pour• lrcnllh for• th() )l!lBt 'l'hn Wullnc!OH havo )!Oc!l living Lansing, A l'll]ll'eHentn llvo oC 1he ":·lpm:lnl lnlemsfH," Dt•, Aclnnw IR Ii'rlr!ltda nnrl !'olntlvoa from oni. tl1e1·o l'mll'lll\· ··1 0 ttlll.I'H bll' w.L;l tlhle t•> ho up rmd II\ Chlr.flgo, WIHli'O he WIIS With l.h.J 1-WIIo IVPR Krls lCrlngle? oll'Jcc I~ lumdllng tho pr·oJ'essop 111' nc!O!lomicH In tho grnd­ or l.oWJJ wllo wm·c In MaHon lo 11.1 • Chlungo ol'flcr.
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