Congressional Record—Senate S129
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January 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S129 in the majority or minority, Democrat chairman and ranking member of the of both bodies on this matter. It is in- or Republican, liberal or conservative, Appropriations Committee or their des- credibly difficult for me to understand we ought to be concerned when some ignee for debate only. why we are moving forward with this small group of people, in the dark of Who seeks recognition? The Senator bill when we have something that night, overturn legitimate public roll- from New Jersey. strikes at the heart of what it is we call decisions made by this body. We Mr. CORZINE. Mr. President, I yield value in this country. Work ought to ought to be concerned about that be- myself about 10 minutes, if that is ap- be something that is rewarded. It cause I think it is an erosion of democ- propriate. ought to be recognized. It has been a racy in our Republic that is deplorable, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- part of the consensus we have in this deplorable. How many more times is it out objection, it is so ordered. country. Obviously, it is broadly con- going to happen? How does it render Mr. CORZINE. I thank the Chair. ceived as being the right thing by the the Senate, this so-called deliberative First of all, I want to speak today majority of folks in both houses and on body, when we can deliberate, make about this appropriations bill that is both sides of the aisle. I have grave dif- tough decisions here on the Senate now on the floor. I have serious ambiv- ficulty understanding this. It goes to floor, only to be overturned? What does alence about how we should deal with the fundamental essence of how our it say? the specifics of this measure. I know economy works. Work ought to be val- With regard to the issues themselves members of the Appropriations Com- ued at least the same as capital in this I will say this: I said a couple of days mittee, led by the Presiding Officer, society. ago this is the beginning. It was not have worked long and hard. They have Here we are turning our backs on it. our desire to shut the Government worked in a fair way to try to make We are sending the wrong signal to our down, to block this bill ultimately. We sure they put together the best final kids, and to society in general. It is a wanted to give our Republican col- product they can, have been sensitive big mistake, in my view—so big that I leagues a chance to fix it. They have to the needs of their colleagues, and think it actually compromises the chosen not to fix any of these issues. have worked to try to be balanced value of the overall piece of legislation. But we will be back. We must be back. about how they brought forth this final Second, I have serious concerns We will continue to offer amendments product. Unfortunately, through the about media concentration. Of course, on whatever vehicle is presented to us. conference process, a product has a lot of us do not often like things that We are now preparing Congressional emerged that differs from that sought are said in the media. We don’t like Review Act resolutions. The legislative by our leaders here in the Senate. that to-and-fro which impacts us indi- veto is available to us on some of these It is with some ambivalence that I vidually. But society is better by it. It matters and we will use it. feel the need to express some of the is a lot better when we have a healthy So we will be back again and again. reasons why I will not be supporting debate of ideas and different view- These issues will not go away. We will the Omnibus appropriations bill for points come out. That is what democ- continue to fight and we will continue 2004. It contains what I believe are seri- racy is about. to work, first, because we care about ous policy flaws that, furthermore, The last time I checked, both sides of the institution but, second, because we don’t deal actually with the appropria- this body supported the media con- care about these policies. tions process. They go far beyond what centration rule at 35 percent. And So, Mr. President, it is with great should be addressed, debated and con- somehow we have a different rule than concern—chagrin, that we find our- cluded in the democratic forum of this what was agreed to by both houses. I selves in a position today that I wish Senate, and in the House. heard the distinguished minority lead- had never presented itself to this body. It seems to me that the most serious er speak to the essence of the institu- We will have a vote on cloture. We problem here is not even those policies, tion, and the institution is broader— may have a vote on final passage. But although they are very important in not just the Senate but the Senate and it will not be the last vote on these and of themselves, but this process the House. How can we reach agree- issues. that has somehow overturned the poli- ments on things and then come out I hope in the interest of this institu- cies supported by wide majorities in with a different result on something as tion we will learn the hard lessons that both houses, policies we worked so long important as how we communicate these specific problems have created and hard to deal with—I think this with the public in this country? How do for each of us. process is out of kilter. we change the dynamics of political de- I yield the floor. But I also believe that, at a policy bate and news coverage on which the level, they are important, things such people rely to fulfill their civic duty f as overtime. It is just hard to believe and gather information to make deci- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME when we can pass a dividend and cap- sions, such as who they are going to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under ital gains tax cut to help those who are support? How will they make informed the previous order, leadership time is already doing well to improve wealth, decisions when we have this concentra- reserved. and, to put it in economic terms, to re- tion? It is an incredibly difficult con- ward capital, we are turning our backs f cept for me to understand. on labor and on work. We don’t raise a lot of cows in New AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- I don’t mean labor in an organized Jersey, but we eat a lot of meat. I don’t MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- sense. I mean our workforce, the people understand the country-of-origin label- ISTRATION, AND RELATED who work. It seems to me that people ing issue. Why would we not take the AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS who work should have at least the steps that are necessary to protect the ACT, 2004—CONFERENCE REPORT same value attested to their efforts as American people and to protect the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under people who invest. Here we are talking country’s economic interests so we can the previous order, the Senate will re- about 8 million people who will come keep the export markets open? This is sume consideration of the conference off these rolls of potential overtime not fundamentally sound on either the report to accompany H.R. 2673, which benefits. For what reason? For what safety of the public or our own eco- the clerk will report. reason are we doing this when we want nomic security. Why are we trying to The legislative clerk read as follows: to reinforce the work ethic in this cut jobs in this country? It is bad A conference report to accompany H.R. country? And these are the people who enough that we are cutting overtime. 2673, making appropriations for Agriculture, have modest to middle-income posi- Now we are undermining our ability to Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- tions in our society. actually be effective in the global mar- tration, and related agencies for the fiscal It is extraordinarily difficult to un- ket because we are making policy that year ending September 30, 2004, and for other derstand this decision when you con- reflects a narrow interest as opposed to purposes. sider the context that both this Senate the public’s interests and the broader The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under and the House of Representatives have economic interests of the country. the previous order, there will be 41⁄2 opposed changes to our overtime rules. It is hard to understand at a period in hours equally divided between the This bill is a turnaround from the will time when we are down 2.3 million jobs VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:20 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S22JA4.REC S22JA4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 22, 2004 in less than 3 years, where there hasn’t whatever he wants? Whether this ment indicated, it is entirely possible a been the kind of growth in economic passes or not, the President can do vote on the cloture motion will occur reality of people’s lives—that is, going whatever he wants; is the Senator before 2 p.m.