Poli sh Genealogcal Soci ettq of MlrfiesotA NEWSLETTEIili VOLI.JME 13 WIMER 2005-06 NUMBBR 4 A Survivor's Guide to Finding Ancestors in Poland: My experience in researching the M AG DZI ARZ| LAB AK fami I i e s from Pilzno, Galicia through Chicago to Sturgeon Lake, MN By Mark Dobosenski
[email protected]> All of us have had to start somewhere in our search for nm our ancestors originating in Poland--but where do we begin? this issue " . " How does one go about this grurd scavenger hunt? WtritE A Survivor's Guide to Finding there are many rcsources available online and in printed form Ancestors in Poland......................p. 1 (some of which will be noted for you ro try), I thought it might be helpful to document my search for my wife's ancestors. President's Letter........ ........2 I used to ask many questions of my father-in-law, fhe late The Bulletin Board............................... 3 Frank MAGDZIARZ, of Sturgeon Lake, MN. Sometime Letters to the editor........ .......................4 after Dianne and I were married and I became interested in Where is ?inovrocwa? qagTg both my and my wife's family hisrories. Maybe having Pommem? Pomorze? Kaszuby? children brought that urge to mind? Nonetheless, Frank had a great mind for relationships! Group Tour to Poland.......................5 Marcinkiewicz of Little Falls Well, the first step in beginning one's family history re- DNA Genealogy search is to ask questions: check with living family members Polish Churches of the Archdiocese of and record your information down in eithera notebook or St.