Energy Transition The German Energiewende By Craig Morris, Martin Pehnt An initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Released on 28 November 2012 Revised July 2016 Imprint Authors: Craig Morris Martin Pehnt Editors: Rebecca Bertram Stefanie Groll Kathrin Glastra Design: Lucid. Berlin Released on 28 November 2012 Revised July 2016 Heinrich Böll Stiftung Schumannstr. 8 10117 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 – (0)30 – 285 34 – 0 Fax: +49 – (0)30 – 285 34 – 109 Email:
[email protected] You can also contact one of our 29 offices worldwide working all on energy and climate issues About us The Heinrich Böll Foundation – is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for policy reform, and an international network. The primary objectives guiding our work are establishing democracy and human rights, fighting against environmental degradation, safeguarding everyone’s rights of social participation, supporting non-violent conflict resolu- tion and defending the rights of individuals. We work with 160 project partners in over 60 countries and currently maintain offices in 31 countries. Authors Craig Morris – Born in the United States, Craig has been living in Germany since 1992 and working in the renewables sector since 2001. In 2002, he founded Petite Planète, a transla- tion and documentation agency focusing on renewables. He is the author of two books in German and English, has served as editor of several energy magazines, and is contributing editor at Renewables International. In 2013 and 2014, he served as technical editor of IRENA’s REmap 2030, and in 2014, he won the IAEE’s award for journalism in energy eco- nomics.