
Foreword Courage: 70 Years of Salzburg Global 03


573 The Art of Resilience: Creativity, Courage and Renewal 04

Cutler Fellows 5 Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program: Future of Public and Private International Law 05

553 Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the Patient-Clinician Relationship 06

574 The Child in the City: Health, Parks and Play 07

575 & 585 Sciana — The Health Leaders Network 08

578 & 579 Home: Safety, Wellness and Belonging 09

576 In the Spotlight: How Can the Public Sector Excel Under Changing Dynamics? 10

June 70th Anniversary Gala Board of Directors Weekend: Courage 11 Board Meeting

580 Global Challenges, Regional Responses: 12 How Can We Avoid Fragmentation in the Financial System?

SAC 11 Voices Against Extremism: Media Responses to Global Populism 13

581 Driving the Change: Global Talent Management for Effective Philanthropy 14

SSASA 15 Life and Justice in America: Implications of the New Administration 15

582 The Courageous Director: Can Corporations Better Serve People, Planet, and Profit? 16

583 & 577 Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Innovators 17

591 The Asia We Want: A Clean and Green Asia 20

Cutler Lecture 7 The Lloyd N. Cutler Lecture on the Rule of Law: 21 Trust, Media, and Democracy in the Digital Age

589 & 590 Learning from the Past: Sharing Experiences Across Borders to Combat Extremism 22

588 Leadership for Inclusive Futures in Hong Kong 23

587 Changing Minds: Innovations in Dementia Care and Dementia-Friendly Communities 24

592 Building Healthy Communities: The Role of Hospitals 25

586 Springboard for Talent: Language Learning and Integration in a Globalized World 26

Multi-Year Series 30


Courage: 70 Years of Salzburg Global

When Salzburg Global Seminar’s three founders looked Opportunities to engage and collaborate across borders across the Atlantic to war-torn Europe in 1947, courage have never been greater. underpinned their vision for a “Marshall Plan of the In Salzburg, we are privileged to meet people with Mind.” Seventy years on, as Salzburg Global renewed its courage from all walks of life. People who lead countries, mission to challenge current and future leaders to shape a cities and companies. People who speak truth to power, better world, “courage” became the natural theme for our express artistic voice and freedom, develop breakthrough 70th Anniversary program. technologies, build coalitions for change and see through In recent years, cracks have widened in societies tough choices. In divided societies, people need courage and institutions across the planet, compounded by a to stay true to their beliefs. Together, we need courage to mix of insecurity, disillusionment and isolationism. rekindle our collective imagination to rebuild society from Authoritarian leaders are on the rise. The rule of law and the bottom up and the top down. representative democracy face new threats. Progress on Our 2017 Yearbook draws these rich strands together. complex global challenges is too slow and too fragmented. It provides an overview of our activities and partnerships Still, the world is in a better position than ever before in Salzburg and around the world, highlighting our multi- to tackle these critical issues. There is an open marketplace year program goals and the concrete outcomes driving for ideas, innovation and invention. The capacity to short and longer-term impact. We wish you good reading leverage big data and apply artificial intelligence to every and look forward to working with you in the future. walk of life has enormous potential if handled responsibly.



The Art of Resilience: Creativity, Courage and Renewal

Today’s world is disrupted by manifold sources of shock, violence DATE and conflict. The complexity and sheer speed of change are February 7 to 12, 2017 testing the limits of people, place and community. Increasing social inequality, accelerating urbanization, unprecedented SESSION NUMBER 573 migration flows, rapidly evolving technologies and climate-related changes are generating physical, virtual and cultural challenges LOCATION that have no precedent in recent history. To add to the complexity, Salzburg, Austria these trends are playing out against a backdrop of exceptionally low trust and widening polarization in societies worldwide.

Efforts to understand resilience — the to highlight a climate change-related capacity of nature and of humankind to arts initiative every week in the run withstand shocks and to adapt and renew up to the UN Climate Conference in in the face of adverse conditions — have Bonn in November 2017. typically focused on technological, • Kok Heng Leun, nominated Member scientific, physical, socio-political or of the Singaporean Parliament for economic responses. This program, the arts community, referenced the PARTNER • however, focused instead on the creative program in his impactful maiden Edward T. Cone Foundation sector. Artists and cultural innovators speech in the budget debate. are uniquely positioned to envision • Mary Ann DeVlieg was commissioned positive change and foster collaborative by Aine O’Brien of Counterpoints engagement and empowerment across Arts to conduct a Europe-wide arts sectors and scales. This program asked: and refugee mapping exercise. How can their strengths, talents and • Three Fellows — Prairie Rose imaginative power help us re-imagine Seminole, Mary Ann DeVlieg and the possible and enhance the resilience Anida Yoeu Ali — were invited by of our shared planet? Marina Barham to the first conference of the Palestinian Performing Arts PARTICIPATION Network on “The Impact of Arts on • 51 participants spanning performance Communities and Societies” in Al- arts, cultural heritage, the media, civil Bireh, Palestine. society and policymaking from local, national, regional and international MEDIA organizations, as well as independent • Media coverage of the program FIND OUT MORE practitioners, from 28 countries. included a dedicated episode of Visit: Reality Check on Austria’s FM4 radio HIGHLIGHTS station. • The United Nation’s Framework • Report published in July 2017: Contact: Susanna Seidl-Fox Convention on Climate Change Program Director — (UNFCCC), in partnership with Culture and the Arts Julie’s Bicycle, launched a new project [email protected]


Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program: Future of Public and Private International Law

International legal frameworks established after World War DATE Two have fostered the flow of ideas, goods and services February 24 to 25, 2017 around the world, but today’s lawyers must also address the multitude of challenges that have emerged since. SESSION NUMBER Cutler Fellows 5

LOCATION PARTICIPATION Washington, DC, USA • 56 students from 26 countries, including Australia, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Ecuador and Iran made this the most international group thus far.

HIGHLIGHTS • Keynote speakers included Kristalina Georgieva, Salzburg Global Fellow and CEO of the World Bank, and Jared Genser, founder of Freedom Now, a non-profit organization PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS • aiming to free prisoners of conscience Columbia Law School • Duke Law School around the world. • Georgetown Law Center • Students workshopped research • Harvard Law School Lloyd N. Cutler, counselor to two US papers with top law school faculty, • New York University School of Law Presidents and long-time Chairman of tackling issues in international • Stanford Law School Salzburg Global Seminar, firmly believed law ranging from human rights to • University of Chicago — in supporting young lawyers committed monetary law. The Law School • University of Michigan • to public service. The Salzburg Cutler Mentors including Michael Bahar, Law School Fellows Program, established in 2012, general counsel for the US House • University of Pennsylvania helps outstanding law students explore Permanent Select Committee on Law School • ways to forge careers in international law Intelligence, and Gomiluk Otokwala, University of Virginia School of Law that can help shape a better world. The counsel at the IMF, discussed both • Yale Law School program is a one-of-a-kind networking traditional and nontraditional platform for graduate students from pathways into careers in international eleven top US law schools who intend to law and public service. pursue careers in international law, legal • A scholarship to attend the summer’s practice and public service. Students had Salzburg Global Finance Forum was the opportunity to connect with peers offered to the best research paper on FIND OUT MORE and to hear from and directly engage financial regulation and monetary Visit: with leading law school faculty and law. Casey O’Grady of Harvard Law lawyers working in public service as they School was selected. cutlerfellows5 explored traditional and nontraditional Contact: career pathways and fostered a lasting Washington DC Office network. [email protected]


Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the Patient-Clinician Relationship

In 1998, Salzburg Global Fellows met at the program, Through DATE the Patient’s Eyes: Collaboration between Patients and Health Care March 10 to 16, 2017 Professionals, calling for patients to have “complete access to their medical record and urged also to ... write in it — elaborating, SESSION NUMBER 553 tracking and explicating problems, correcting mistakes, prioritizing needs and at times suggesting both diagnoses LOCATION and treatment plans.” Salzburg, Austria

Nearly 20 years later, new approaches from Harvard Medical School, to medical records have spread rapidly, chaired the program. He previously as millions are granted access to their chaired Salzburg Global programs on medical notes, not only improving tackling alcohol abuse and addressing transparency but also increasing co- the growing global AIDS epidemic creation. Patients’ self-care combined in the 1980s, as well as Through the with team care and broad-based efforts Patient’s Eyes. at collaboration, within families • Strong focus on the “digital and communities as well as between revolution” and how this is impacting individuals and their clinicians, are different countries at differing stages PARTNER gaining new currency and understanding. of development, and how lesser- • OpenNotes This follow-on program asked whether developed countries can “leap- a transformation of the traditional frog” forward, with middle-income medical record could become a central countries such as India seen to be part of an individual’s management of industry leaders. health and illness? Could collaborative • Project proposals included: a “Global records become an integral part of the Health xChange (GHx)” and apps patient-clinician relationship? And how to help patients in tracking their could such an approach transform not treatment and empowering their self- only the health of individuals but also care. communities? • Fellows continue to engage regularly via program’s Listserv, exchanging PARTICIPATION learnings around innovations and • 47 participants from 12 countries, systems breakthroughs in their own representing cross-sectoral mix of countries and beyond. health professionals, providers, policymakers, patients, commentators MEDIA

• and journalists. Media coverage of the program FIND OUT MORE included a series of blogs on the Visit: HIGHLIGHTS website of the British Medical Journal • Program built on Salzburg Global’s (BMJ). Contact: historic work in patient-centeredness • Three issues of the Salzburg Global John Lotherington and patient engagement. Newsletter: Program Director • Veteran trailblazer, Tom Delbanco newsletters [email protected]


The Child in the City: Health, Parks and Play

Urban parks and public green spaces have practical and DATE symbolic value for healthy and inclusive cities. Parks function March 18 to 22, 2017 as open spaces where people from different backgrounds can have fun and build bonds. Nature promotes physical, mental SESSION NUMBER 574 and spiritual health and wellbeing, through better air quality and by encouraging movement, discovery and calm amidst LOCATION urban chaos. Urban parks and green spaces also play a critical Salzburg, Austria role in promoting climate resilience.

In 2014, Salzburg Global launched the development specialists, policymakers Parks for the Planet Forum to explore and grassroots/community activists. the critical intersections between nature and human development. The Forum’s HIGHLIGHTS third meeting examined these issues • Fellows jointly issued the Salzburg from a child’s perspective. Playing freely Statement on the Child in the City: enables children to strengthen their self- Health, Parks and Play, later translated confidence and curiosity. Experience into five languages — Arabic, Japanese, SERIES PARTNERS of nature in childhood is essential to Korean, Italian and Spanish. • IUCN — International Union generate a lifelong sense of connectivity • The Statement has been adopted by for the Conservation of to the environment. This program asked grassroots groups, including one in Nature • Huffington Foundation what action needs to be taken and what Lima, Peru, which used it in their fight coalitions need to be built between against the building of a parking lot PROGRAM CONTRIBUTORS different sectors and actors to improve under their local park. • Parks Canada • National Korea Parks Service children’s access to nature. • The Statement has been presented at

international conferences including PROGRAM SPONSOR PARTICIPATION the 15th World Congress on Public • W.K. Kellogg Foundation • 52 Fellows from 24 countries, Health, Melbourne, Australia; the representing different generations and UN Climate Change Conference in sectors, including city planners, nature Bonn, Germany; the Child in the City conservationists, early childhood International Seminar in London, UK; and the European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference in Budapest, Hungary.

MEDIA FIND OUT MORE • Two issues of the Salzburg Global Visit: Newsletter: newsletters Contact: • Impact report published in November Dominic Regester 2017: Program Director [email protected]

7 SESSION 575 & 585

Sciana — The Health Leaders Network

What are the greatest challenges facing the health and health care DATE sectors today — and how might those challenges change over the April 26 to 29, 2017 next 20 years? These are the questions facing members of Sciana, November 9 to 12, 2017 the Health Leaders Network, a newly-formed, groundbreaking SESSION NUMBER international initiative, bringing together health care leaders 575 from the UK, Germany and Switzerland to address challenges 585 and improve health and health care across Europe and beyond. LOCATION Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria PARTICIPATION • First cohort of 18 members met twice in Salzburg, in April and November 2017.

HIGHLIGHTS • Specialist speakers were drawn in from the broader network of Fellows from the Salzburg Global PARTNERS Health and Health Care Innovation • Careum Foundation series — Kanol Kanav from India • The Health Foundation and Sara Riggare from Sweden — to • Robert Bosch Stiftung provide insights on technological innovations and patient-led self-care, respectively. Through Sciana, health professionals • The nature of the ongoing series of who share a deep commitment to quality, meetings allows for iterative program sustainability, universal coverage and planning, working with the members patient and community-centered care on developing their own goals and can share successes — and failures — in collaborations both at and in between their own countries, consider the meetings. similarities and differences of each • Between Salzburg meetings, Sciana country’s systems and ultimately seek members have held online and collaborative solutions that can produce in-person meetings, including a transformative systems change. Their “hackathon” in Switzerland. vision and collaboration is critically • Sciana members have also conducted needed to respond to common issues, site visits to each other’s countries and FIND OUT MORE such as fiscal constraints, demographic beyond, including Israel and the USA. Visit: shifts, chronic diseases and migration. • Future topics for discussion at the These first two meetings laid a basis 2018 meetings include implications of understanding and experience sharing of behavioral science for health, and Contact: John Lotherington between the first cohort of members, innovation and change management. Program Director who will meet again in Salzburg in 2018. [email protected]

8 SESSIONS 578 & 579

Home: Safety, Wellness and Belonging

Being part of family is a fundamental human condition as DATE well as a human right. All of us long to feel at home with the May 14 to 19, 2017 families of our birth, in the families of our choosing and in the May 19, 2017 families we raise. Equally, we all have the right to live safely SESSION NUMBERS within the cultures and countries in which we are raised. 578 This sense of belonging, connection and wellbeing is what 579 we call feeling “at home.” LOCATION Salzburg, Austria Berlin, Germany While there has been much progress in • The 200-page publication Building a addressing the human rights of LGBT Global Community – Salzburg Global people and communities, many are still LGBT Forum: The First Five Years, subjected to exclusion from their families, was produced in October 2017. The cultures and home countries. Legislative publication chronicles the stories discrimination, social alienation and hate shared, issues addressed and impact speech can all affect the safety of LGBT delivered in the first five years of the people, their wellbeing and their sense Forum: of belonging. The fifth program of the • The International Day Against PARTNERS Salzburg Global LGBT Forum focused Homophobia, Biphobia and • German Federal Ministry on three key themes of family, LGBT Transphobia (IDAHOT) was for Family Affairs, migration and refugees, and safety and marked on May 17 in partnership Senior Citizens, Women and Youth security, providing a safe space for human with the World Bank, uniting both • Archangel Michael rights defenders and other committed organizations behind the 2017 Foundation citizens to come together, share their IDAHOT message: “family is love.” • M • A • C AIDS Fund • Open Society Foundations experiences and join forces. Salzburg Global and the World Bank • Stiftung EVZ also jointly marked IDAHOT 2018 • Austrian Development PARTICIPATION in Vienna. Cooperation • UNDP’s Being LGBTI • 55 participants, including grassroots • The German Federal Ministry for in Asia Project activists, artists, policymakers, Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, • Canadian Embassy in Vienna academics and ambassadors, spanning Women and Youth hosted a public 35 countries on six continents. event with several Fellows in Berlin, screening the film,Family is…? HIGHLIGHTS • The documentary film Family is…? MEDIA FIND OUT MORE A Global Conversation, compiled • Media coverage of the program Visit: over three years of interviews with included BBC World Service, FM4 Salzburg Global LGBT Forum Fellows and various LGBT-focused online premièred during the program. The outlets. Contact: Klaus Mueller film is a free resource and available for • Report published in November 2017: Founder and Chair, sharing at private viewings and public Salzburg Global LGBT Forum festivals: [email protected]


In the Spotlight: How Can the Public Sector Excel Under Changing Dynamics?

Rapid global transformations place governments under intense DATE pressure to perform to ever-higher expectations at a time of June 10 to 12, 2017 shrinking public budgets. Populations are aging, countries are urbanizing and technology is transforming the future of work. SESSION NUMBER 576 Citizens have increasingly lost trust in the ability of public officials to cope — let alone to excel — under these changing LOCATION dynamics. How can governments transform their culture and Salzburg, Austria operations to address these challenges and disruptions?

This program was the first in a new PARTICIPATION multi-year partnership with the Abu • 27 participants, including high-level Dhabi Crown Prince Court, focusing government officials, and civil society on key megatrends, including the digital and academic thought leaders, from revolution, education for a new age, Abu Dhabi, Australia, Colombia, future of work and fintech, and what this Estonia, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, means for central strategists in national Kenya, Korea, , Singapore, PARTNERS governments, business leaders and South and the UK, as well as • Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court experts. Participants explored questions from the OECD and the World Bank. • apolitical including: what is the role of government in helping to change mindsets and HIGHLIGHTS prepare citizens for the new normal? • Urgency, trust and complexity were And what radical changes lie ahead for highlighted as the main concerns for the design, delivery and funding of core the public sector. public services? • During the program, it was agreed to transform the partnership from a standalone annual meeting into a year- round Public Sector Strategy Network, to build a mutually-supportive coalition of engaged individuals and institutions better equipped to be at the cutting edge of public sector strategy, innovation and forward

planning. FIND OUT MORE Visit: MEDIA • Report published in September 2017: Contact: Charles Ehrlich Program Director [email protected]


70th Anniversary Gala Board of Directors Weekend: Courage

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice DATE at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow,” said Mary June 22 to 25, 2017 Anne Radmacher. Courage is critical to face today’s challenges. The courage to speak truth to power, to tackle vested interests, to LOCATION Salzburg, Austria express artistic voice and freedom, to build coalitions for change and to see through tough choices. In divided societies, people need courage to stay true to their beliefs. Leaders need courage to curb their exercise of power. Together, we need to remind ourselves that progress is often incremental and have the courage to persist until each problem has a solution.

For seven decades, Salzburg Global • Concert commemorating the Seminar has typified that little voice, centennial of Edward T. Cone — a trying each day to help solve some of long-serving board member whose the world’s most complex challenges. estate continues to support Salzburg As Salzburg Global celebrated its 70th Global Seminar’s Culture, Arts and anniversary, staff, board members, Society series — was held at Schloss Fellows, friends and invited guests Frohnburg. explored what courage means in today’s • Salzburg Cup awarded to outgoing world. Chair of the Board Heather Sturt Haaga and her husband Paul G. Haaga HIGHLIGHTS Jr. for their long-standing support for • The inaugural Salzburg Lecture was Salzburg Global Seminar. delivered by Thuli Madonsela, former Public Protector of South Africa, MEDIA entitled “Beyond Just Us: Crossing • Media coverage included a full-page the Rubicon of Hope through Justice- interview with Salzburg Global Centered Leadership.” President, Stephen L. Salyer in the • Special edition of the Salzburg Global Salzburger Nachrichten, and several Chronicle was published, chronicling interviews with speakers in the Wiener 70 years of Salzburg Global Seminar: Zeitung. • Transcript of lecture published: • Short film on Salzburg Global featuring recent and historic footage FIND OUT MORE was premièred: Visit: 70thvideo juneBM2017 • Art installations for the weekend included a mini exhibition of the Contact: history of Salzburg Global and a Clare Shine Vice President and flock of “Blue Sheep for Peace” by Chief Program Officer Bertamaria Reetz and Rainer Bonk. [email protected]

11 SESSION 580

Global Challenges, Regional Responses: How Can We Avoid Fragmentation in the Financial System?

Nearly a decade since the financial crisis, much has been done DATE to strengthen financial systems around the world. However, new June 26 to 28, 2017 challenges are mounting: weak economic growth prospects, protectionism, low interest rates, diverging policy stances among SESSION NUMBER 580 major jurisdictions, high levels of global debt and uncertainty about the full impact of reforms and implementation challenges. LOCATION At the same time, regulators are now shifting their attention to Salzburg, Austria data security, data privacy and cybersecurity. As new signs of fragmentation emerge, better coordination among regulators and supervisors will be critical.

The seventh program of theSalzburg • Jerome Powell, who was later Global Finance Forum explored the appointed as the new chair of the US emerging risks to the financial system and Federal Reserve, delivered remarks potential solutions; reviewed obstacles to that were featured in multiple news global coordination and cooperation in reports as commentators tried to grasp the light of increasing fragmentation; his possible future policy directions. and assessed progress in implementing • During the Forum, Securities PARTNERS the regulatory reform agenda against Commission Malaysia signed an • EY • HSBC the backdrop of ongoing realignment in Innovation Cooperation Agreement • JPMorgan Chase & Co. the global economy as well as outlining with the Australian Securities and • Oliver Wyman priority steps to strengthen diversity, Investments Commission (ASIC) trust and openness of the financial to further promote innovation in SPONSORS • Cleary Gottlieb system. financial services • Davis Polk • Securities Commission Malaysia • Deutsche Bank PARTICIPATION hosted a Finance Forum event CO-SPONSORS • 59 senior participants and young in Kuala Lumpur following the • Buckley Sandler leaders, including policymakers, World Capital Markets Symposium • The Cynosure Group regulators, financial services firms and (February 7 to 8, 2018) to discuss how • Dynex Capital Inc. • State Street alternative financial intermediaries, technology is changing the financial consultants and academics from 22 services industry. countries. MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS • Media coverage of Powell’s remarks

• The Forum was co-chaired by Ranjit included Reuters; media coverage FIND OUT MORE Ajit Singh, Executive Chairman of the Innovation Cooperation Visit: of the Securities Commission Agreement included The Star, Malaysia and Sylvie Matherat, Chief Malaysia’s biggest English-language Regulatory Officer and Member of newspaper. Contact: Tatsiana Lintouskaya the Management Board of Deutsche • Report published in July 2017: Program Director Bank. [email protected]

12 SAC 11

Voices Against Extremism: Media Responses to Global Populism

As economic and social disorder contribute to the rise in populism DATE in countries across the globe, populist leaders are using their July 16 to August 5, 2017 power to actively subvert the freedom of the press, threatening journalists and hindering free speech. In 1947, young men and SESSION NUMBER SAC 11 women gathered for Salzburg Global Seminar’s first program to heal wounds after World War Two. Exactly 70 years later, students LOCATION of the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change met to Salzburg, Austria again stand in the face of extremism.

to stand in the face of oppression in all of its forms.

PARTICIPATION • 82 students from 21 countries with faculty from 15 colleges and specialist research departments, including the PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Engagement Lab at Emerson College • Bournemouth University, UK • Daystar University, Kenya and the Center for Social Justice at • Emerson College, USA Georgetown University. • Fachhochschule St. Pölten, Austria • Hong Kong Baptist University, China SAR HIGHLIGHTS • Jordan Media Institute, Jordan • Lebanese American University, • Keynote speakers included Justice Lebanon Anthony Kennedy of the US • Nevada State College, USA • The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Supreme Court and Robin Wright, China SAR award-winning veteran foreign affairs • The University of Texas at Austin, USA journalist at the . • United States Military Academy, USA New Yorker • Universidad Católica Argentina, • Students produced projects for an Argentina Through inputs from lectures by leading online “DIY playbook”: reaction. • Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico • University of Maryland — College faculty and media practitioners and community. The online publication Park, USA in small working groups, students aims to identify how populism and • University of Miami, USA • University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, brainstormed, conducted research, extremism operate and affect people Slovakia and identified case studies related to of different ages, backgrounds and populism and extremism. Their ideas ethnicities around the world. FIND OUT MORE • were then transformed into “playable Multimedia elements from the Visit: problems” that aim to facilitate dialogue playbook included: videos, info- and promote engagement through a graphics, e-zines, music playlists, product-based approach. Their projects interactive maps, text-based games, Contact: Paul Mihailidis also invited audiences to develop a sense comics and data visualizations. Program Director of solidarity and harness the right tools [email protected]

13 SESSION 581

Driving the Change: Global Talent Management for Effective Philanthropy

The global philanthropy sector is on the move in unprecedented DATE ways, popping up in new places, growing in scale and diversifying September 17 to 20, 2017 in form. At its best, philanthropy confronts global challenges with big ambitions, using holistic and innovative approaches to tackle SESSION NUMBER 581 complex issues — from conflict and climate change to education, health and social justice. Yet while the financial resources at stake LOCATION get major coverage, much less attention is paid to the skills critical Salzburg, Austria to optimize these financial flows for the long-term public good.

executive directors of independent, family, corporate, and operating foundations from 19 countries, ranging from small family foundations to some of the world’s largest foundations.

HIGHLIGHTS • The theme of courage and PARTNERS philanthropy was explored: the • Carnegie Corporation of New York philanthropic sector can have more • Ford Foundation courage to provide more transparency, • William & Flora Hewlett adapting the sharing economy, Foundation • Robert Wood Johnson Building on a 2013 meeting held building personal relationships and Foundation in Bellagio, Italy, Salzburg Global being more open to taking risks that • ZeShan Foundation hosted a second gathering on global other sectors cannot. talent management in philanthropy, • New relationships and networks were which included a more diverse range formed, sharing ideas for innovative of foundations and human resources practices in talent management in the professionals to ensure more personal philanthropic sector. interaction and support deeper • Commitments and plans were made individual learning and impact. This to continue the conversation and program focused on ways to improve further development of a “Talent for perceptions of talent management Philanthropy Network” over the next in philanthropic organizations, from five years that would include a broader specific skill and leadership training network of individuals beyond grant- FIND OUT MORE opportunities to expanding the network making foundations. Visit: of talent management professionals in the philanthropic sector. MEDIA Contact: • Three issues of the Salzburg Global Andy Ho PARTICIPATION Newsletter: US Development Director • 30 human resources professionals and 581/newsletters [email protected]

14 SSASA 15

Life and Justice in America: Implications of the New Administration

Life in America is predicated on fair and equal treatment and the DATE expectation of protection by constitutionally-assured rights and September 22 to 26, 2017 justice. Issues such as civil rights, personal safety, pluralism, and access to educational and economic opportunities both challenge SESSION NUMBER SSASA 15 and contribute to the quality of life of Americans of every age, gender and ethnicity. LOCATION Salzburg, Austria

This multi-disciplinary symposium PARTICIPATION examined what the “American Dream” • 57 participants from 25 countries, means in today’s world, including the including academics teaching about domestic and global implications of the America at universities across Asia, new administration in a visibly polarized Africa, the Middle East, Central and society. Fellows concluded that issues of East Europe and the US, and public fairness and justice very much depend and private sector professionals. on factors such as social status and race. They explored global reactions to the HIGHLIGHTS DONORS • United States Embassies in: • new Trump administration and the Speakers included retired federal ——Berlin, Germany disturbing rhetoric that has resulted in Judge Nancy Gernter (now teaching at ——Cairo, Egypt confusion around the world about the Harvard University) and Lecia Brooks ——Copenhagen, Denmark ——Dakar, current reality in America. Concern was of the Southern Poverty Law Center ——Sarajevo, Bosnia and expressed about the fragility of America’s in Alabama. Herzegovina ——Tel Aviv, Israel and the American • standing abroad, and there was debate The award-winning playDreamscape Consulate, Jerusalem, Israel about whether there could be an eventual was performed by three American ——Valletta, Malta ——Vienna, Austria return to an attractive American model. actors who traveled from California ——Warsaw, Poland and the for the performance. Mixing the American Consulate, Krakow, Poland elements of beat-boxing, hip hop, • Austrian Association for American dance and poetry, it very effectively Studies and emotionally addressed the issue of • Clifton Scholarship Fund • Emory Elliott Scholarship Fund the relationship between the African- • Fulbright Foundation in Greece American community and the police. • HDH Wills 1965 Charitable Trust • The McKnight Foundation • United States Air Force Academy MEDIA

• Media coverage of the program FIND OUT MORE included a dedicated episode of Reality Visit: Check on Austria’s FM4 radio station. • Report published on anniversary of US President Donald J. Trump’s Contact: Marty Gecek inauguration, January 2018: Symposium Director [email protected]

15 SESSION 582

The Courageous Director: Can Corporations Better Serve People, Planet, and Profit?

Cybersecurity breaches, environmental disasters, product recalls DATE and poor working conditions regularly spark public outrage October 5 to 7, 2017 against faceless corporations. Even as private sector leaders achieve fame by engaging socially and championing brands SESSION NUMBER 582 that claim to improve quality of life, consumers, investors and employees increasingly demand that corporations act in ways LOCATION beneficial to society. Looking forward, boards of directors will Salzburg, Austria need to remain ahead of rapidly-evolving trends and address deceptively simple questions. What does the company seek to achieve, and where does it see its place in society?

PARTICIPATION • 36 participants from eight countries, including directors of corporations operating in various jurisdictions, lawyers, academics and representatives of key civil society interest groups. Women represented one third of participation and nine participants PARTNERS were “next generation” rising leaders • Shearman & Sterling LLP under the age of 45. • BNY Mellon • UBS HIGHLIGHTS SPONSORS • Timely content included case • Barclays studies on recent corporate scandals: • CLP Volkswagen’s emissions test scheme, • Elliott Management Corporation Wells Fargo’s fake accounts and • Goldman Sachs The third program of the Salzburg Global Google’s anti-diversity memo. • Teledyne Technologies Corporate Governance Forum explored • Chris Lee, member of the Forum’s the role of the corporation as a good advisory board and Salzburg Global’s citizen, while assessing techniques to board of directors, was named a keep boards of directors alert, active and “Director to Watch” in Directors & effective in meeting their fiduciary duties Boards, a quarterly journal covering in the current and future landscapes. issues surrounding leadership and

Participants explored how directors corporate governance. FIND OUT MORE might emerge as global thought leaders, Visit: to ensure multinational corporations can MEDIA succeed both in achieving profit and in • Report published in January 2018: Contact: satisfying the conflicting demands of the Charles Ehrlich jurisdictions and societies in which they Program Director operate. [email protected]

16 SESSIONS 583 & 577

Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Innovators

Young innovators in the culture and arts sector are providing DATE some of the most imaginative new impulses for social October 14 to 19, 2017 improvement and sustainable economic development around April 27 to 29, 2017 the world today. They change the way we see and interact with SESSION NUMBER each other. Young artists, creative entrepreneurs and cultural 583 leaders demonstrate the creative vision, talent and energy that 577 our societies so desperately need to meet the challenges of the st LOCATION 21 century. Salzburg, Austria Detroit, MI, USA

Each year, the Salzburg Global Forum for PARTICIPATION Young Cultural Innovators (YCI Forum) • 52 YCIs from 13 countries, 10 brings together fifty of the world’s most facilitators and five guest speakers talented young innovators from the representing multiple forms of art culture and arts sector from regional and culture from classical music and or city “hubs” to help them develop the digital design to contemporary dance dynamic vision, entrepreneurial skills, and barbering; this year had the largest and global networks needed to allow number of hubs to date, including new them, their organizations, their causes hubs in Canada and Malta. PARTNERS and their communities to thrive in • Albanian-American new ways. With more than 250 Young HIGHLIGHTS Development Foundation • American Express Cultural Innovators now connected in • In April 2017, the first offsite regional Foundation communities around the world, the YCI meeting of the YCI Forum was held • Arts Council Malta Forum is a major creative catalyst for in Detroit, Michigan, USA, reuniting • Cambodian Living Arts innovation, civic transformation, and YCIs from Detroit, New Orleans and • Canada Council for the Arts • Edward T. Cone Foundation social change worldwide. Memphis. • Fulbright Greece • Project grants were issued to YCIs in • Japan Foundation Detroit, New Orleans and Memphis • The Kresge Foundation to help them launch community • Lloyd A. Fry Foundation • Adena and David Testa activities after the Salzburg and • US Embassy Valletta, Malta Detroit meetings. • World Culture Open • Grant-supported projects included: an intercultural toolkit, a storytelling kiosk, a skill-sharing workshop on FIND OUT MORE housing issues and an initiative that Visit: explores how art could be used to help build healthy communities. Contact: MEDIA Susanna Seidl-Fox Program Director — • Report published in January 2018: Culture and the Arts [email protected]

17 18 19 SESSION 591

The Asia We Want: A Clean and Green Asia

Asia is the world’s most vibrant, populous, fast-urbanizing and DATE rapidly changing continent. Its development pathway will be the September 17 to 20, 2017 single largest factor influencing global prospects for growth and stability. Upcoming Asian leaders have the potential to guide SESSION NUMBER 591 sustainable and equitable development for billions of people and to shape the future of global cooperation and planetary health. LOCATION However, the divergence of policies among countries and the lack Salzburg, Austria of regional coordination weakens the impact of environmental and climate change policies and actions.

expert facilitators from both within BUILDING COMMUNITY the region and outside, including the THROUGH REGIONAL late Surin Pitsuwan, former secretary COOPERATION general of ASEAN.

HIGHLIGHTS • Fellows wrote op-eds, offering a vision for the Asia they want to PARTNERS • see and offering possible strategies Japan Foundation • Korea Foundation and solutions to help achieve these • The Nippon Foundation different visions. The 15 articles published online and in the report emphasized the need to urgently The Asia We Want is a leadership address critical environmental issues development program that seeks to and to generate innovative ways of build a dynamic, gender-balanced effective regional and sub-regional cohort of rising Asian leaders. The first cooperation. cohort is rooted in their communities, • Project proposals addressed issues committed to inclusive progress, and from an integrated approach to work in fields related to energy and air quality and pollution; local climate, environmental protection and micro-financing for small-scale governance, urban planning, technology, projects; waste collection, separation culture and media. This program focused and disposal; and a multi-sector on practical ways to scale up community framework for achieving a low-carbon action and cross-border cooperation or decarbonized society. to advance climate and environmental FIND OUT MORE MEDIA progress in line with the Sustainable Visit: Development Goals. • Report published in March 2018: It was PARTICIPATION dedicated to Pitsuwan who passed Contact: Tatsiana Lintouskaya • 25 young Asian leaders from nine away shortly after the program. Program Director countries of ASEAN + 3 and India; [email protected]


The Lloyd N. Cutler Lecture on the Rule of Law: Trust, Media, and Democracy in the Digital Age

Throughout history, humans have grappled with how to identify DATE truth, how to control information, how to empower people with November 14, 2017 knowledge. The Greeks struggled to balance common identity and purpose with free and democratic expression. SESSION NUMBER Cutler Lecture 7 From Guttenberg’s printing press to the spread of radio and today’s online social media platforms, technology has had the LOCATION power to disrupt and change how citizens are informed and how Washington, DC, USA they engage with government.

Two weeks after executives from HIGHLIGHTS Facebook, Google and Twitter testified • Alberto Ibargüen, former publisher before US Congress on how Russia of The Miami Herald and El Nuevo used social media to meddle in the Herald and current president of 2016 presidential election, former the John S. and James L. Knight newspaper executive and the current Foundation, delivered the lecture. president of the John S. and James L. • Charlie Savage, Washington Knight Foundation, Alberto Ibargüen correspondent at the New York Times, HOST • Newseum delivered the seventh Lloyd N. Cutler moderated the post-lecture discussion Lecture on the Rule of Law. He spoke • The Newseum hosted the event in of the legal importance of the First Washington, DC. Amendment and called on the tech titans to acknowledge their role as MEDIA “publishers” and take responsibility • Transcript published: for the authenticity of the content they disseminate.


Contact: Washington DC Office [email protected]

21 SESSION 589 & 590

Learning from the Past: Sharing Experiences Across Borders to Combat Extremism

Xenophobia, racism and violent extremism are ripping at the DATE fabric of societies across the globe. Although contexts and November 16 to 20, 2017 specifics differ, many shared human values do not: the wish January to November, 2017 to live in peace and security and to ensure a positive future SESSION NUMBER for the next generation. At the same time, where atrocities 589 have occurred, there is a need to commemorate victims and to 590 confront perpetrators without perpetuating a cycle of violence LOCATION or creating a climate overwhelmed by vengeance. Salzburg, Austria Rabat, Morocco; Cairo, Egypt; Johannesburg, South Africa & During a workshop in December Peace Education Initiative, a curricular , ; Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab & 2016, Fellows from Egypt, Morocco, module at the American University of Sindh, Pakistan Pakistan, Rwanda, and South Africa Cairo, Egypt; Conflict Resolution and devised projects in local approaches to Peace Governance, a graduate degree combatting extremism and promoting program at International University pluralism. Throughout 2017, Salzburg of Rabat, Morocco; a study circle Global Seminar provided support based at Kohat University connecting through peer advisory visits to the focus students across northwestern Pakistan countries to ensure hands-on expertise and a socio-religious identities study and wider impact in each location. by the Renaissance Foundation for In November 2017, these Fellows Social Innovation, Pakistan (RESIP). reconvened with peer advisors and new • New project proposals included: the stakeholders from the focus countries expansion of the Change Makers PARTNER and beyond to learn from each other, Program to seven new African • United States Holocaust collaborate and expand their projects. countries; a Middle East and North Memorial Museum Africa-focused academic conference FUNDERS PARTICIPATION on conflict resolution; an oral history • UK Foreign and Common- • 37 participants from 16 countries, project focusing on Middle East wealth Office including the five focus countries, Jewish history; and a “postervism” • Zukunfts Fonds der Republik bringing expertise from universities, (poster-activism) youth engagement Österreich • Harry Frank Guggenheim schools, museums, remembrance sites, campaign in Pakistan. Foundation documentation centers, civil society • Ronald D. Abramson and religious communities. MEDIA • Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung • Media coverage of the program HIGHLIGHTS included BBC World Service.

• • Four pilot projects launched in five Report in published in June 2018: FIND OUT MORE countries: Change Makers Program, Visit: a joint Rwandan-South African leadership program for high school students using case studies from the Contact: Charles Ehrlich Holocaust, Apartheid in South Africa Program Director and the Rwandan genocide; Civic [email protected]

22 SESSION 588

Leadership for Inclusive Futures in Hong Kong

Political and socioeconomic polarization is on the rise globally. DATE Hong Kong is no exception, having experienced growing tensions November 17 to 19, 2017 and dissatisfactions among its population. Problems of rising inequality, unaffordable housing, low social mobility and the SESSION NUMBER 588 increased economic, social and political integration with China are causing rifts in Hong Kong’s society. Growing mistrust towards LOCATION governments coupled with cynicism and skepticism about both the Hong Kong, China SAR private and public sectors is complicated by lack of understanding or appreciation of the role and benefits of the civil society sector. THE HKFYG JOCKEY CLUB SCHOOL OF GLOBAL PARTICIPATION LEADERSHIP • 25 Hong Kong-based young LAUNCH CEREMONY professionals representing local WITH SALZBURG GLOBAL SEMINAR government, financial institutions, corporations, nonprofits and social ventures explored underlying tensions, ORGANIZER and developed new channels and • Hong Kong Federation of approaches for moving forward. Youth Groups

HIGHLIGHTS FUNDER • Hong Kong Jockey Club • Keynote speakers included Ahmad Charities Trust Alhendawi, the first-ever Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth. • The 2017 program was the first step in a multi-year effort to nurture a vibrant cohort of young people in Hong Kong who have the ability to bridge socio- economic, political, and generational divides in the territory, and to drive To respond to rising tensions in the equitable and sustainable change. territory and avoid further escalation, • Project proposals included: Diversity Salzburg Global Seminar and the Hong Pioneers Forum, promoting Kong Federation of Youth Groups multiculturalism in Hong Kong; (HKFYG) are developing a multi-year Platform for Global Change-Makers, joint initiative that aims to build next- connecting young people interested in FIND OUT MORE generation leadership and enhance trust “doing good globally”; Future Skills + Visit: for greater social, economic and political Curriculum, promoting and teaching inclusion in 21st century Hong Kong. skills for the future labor market; and This first program marked the launch a “community vehicle movement,” Contact: Andy Ho of the HKFYG Jockey Club School of analyzing a methodology on how to US Development Director Global Leadership. bring about effective change. [email protected]

23 SESSION 587

Changing Minds: Innovations in Dementia Care and Dementia-Friendly Communities

Dementia has been identified as one of the most serious and DATE growing health challenges for health care services, social care, November 28 to December 3, and communities and families, especially in countries with aging 2017 populations. Traditional health care models often fall short SESSION NUMBER because of the complexity of the co-morbidities experienced in 587 later life and because these models focus primarily on the physical health process and not on the full lived experience. LOCATION Salzburg, Austria

This program shared knowledge and dementia-friendly communities so innovation across borders on how best as to enable comparison while being to support families and allow persons fully respectful of diverse cultural and with dementia to maintain dignity, social contexts. independence and fulfilling relationships • Salzburg Statement on Innovations in at the highest level for as long as Dementia Care and Dementia-Friendly possible — to carry on with living in the Communities has been developed on face of a dementia diagnosis, focusing the essential principles of a dementia beyond narrow biomedical needs to friendly community: SalzburgGlobal. ensure the needs and wants of the org/go/dementiastatement PARTNERS • whole person could be met. Participants Further work is underway to • The Dartmouth Institute explored the significance of earlier formulate recommendations for for Health Policy & Clinical diagnosis of dementia, the essential research priorities on the social and Practice • Mayo Clinic characteristics of a dementia-friendly care needs of the burgeoning numbers community and the larger implications of people with dementia. for health and social care systems. MEDIA PARTICIPATION • Media coverage of the program • 42 participants from 14 countries, included a series of blogs on the including clinicians, civil society website of the British Medical Journal leaders, policymakers and people (BMJ). with dementia who have themselves • Three issues of the Salzburg Global become activists while in the early Newsletter: stages of the condition. newsletters


• The program built on 2016’s FIND OUT MORE Rethinking Care Towards the End of Visit: Life, drawing in some insights from the recently-completed “Salzburg Questions” social media campaign. Contact: John Lotherington • A key concern raised by participants Program Director was how to evaluate the impact of [email protected]

24 SESSION 592

Building Healthy Communities: The Role of Hospitals

People across the world are living longer but sicker lives, as chronic DATE illnesses soar and health inequities persist. Hospitals need to move December 7 to 12, 2017 beyond simply treating people after they get sick and play a more active role in preventing illness and promoting health for individuals, SESSION NUMBER 592 families and communities. To meet this challenge, hospitals will need to foster cross-sector collaborations, implement institutional LOCATION changes, engage their local communities and adopt new metrics. Salzburg, Austria

This program was the first in a three- children in avoiding and overcoming part series seeking to build a cross- obesity. Participants explored ways sector culture of health, and it laid the in which hospitals can best address groundwork to be expanded upon at the social determinants of health and future programs which will examine reduce the burden on acute services the impact of built environments on the by collaborating better across sectors health of individuals and communities, and with non-profit and for-profit and focus on the specific needs of organizations.

PARTICIPATION PARTNER • 58 participants from 18 countries • Robert Wood Johnson representing hospitals, social Foundation service institutions, public health and community organizations and policymakers from specific communities.

HIGHLIGHTS • Project proposals included a “Salzburg Community of Practice,” a platform connecting peers and their ideas. • A series of articles in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), expected to be published in Summer 2018, is being collaboratively drafted by several Fellows who seek to extend the

debate through the BMJ’s worldwide FIND OUT MORE readership. Visit: MEDIA Contact: • Four issues of the Salzburg Global John Lotherington Newsletter: Program Director newsletters [email protected]

25 SESSION 586

Springboard for Talent: Language Learning and Integration in a Globalized World

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to speak multiple DATE languages and communicate across linguistic divides is a critical December 12 to 17, 2017 skill. Even partial knowledge of more than one language is beneficial. Proficiency in additional languages is a new kind of global literacy. SESSION NUMBER 586 Language learning needs to be expanded for all — young and old. However, millions of people across the globe are denied the inherent LOCATION right to maintain, enjoy and develop their languages of identity and Salzburg, Austria community. This injustice needs to be corrected in language policies that support multilingual societies and individuals.

PARTICIPATION • 43 participants from 26 countries, representing policy, academia, civil society and business sectors.

HIGHLIGHTS • Fellows jointly issued the Salzburg Statement for a Multilingual World on PARTNERS International Mother Language Day, • ETS February 21, 2018. • Microsoft • • The Statement was voluntarily Qatar Foundation International translated into 51 languages by Fellows and their organizations. • The Statement was circulated widely; several organizations, including UNESCO Asia Pacific and the State of Victoria, hosted events to announce its launch. • A series of webinars, building on discussions in Salzburg, will be launched over the summer of 2018.

This program brought together some of MEDIA the world’s leading experts in language • The Statement was published in both learning to examine the benefits of mainstream media and academic FIND OUT MORE multilingualism to societies and the journals, including the European Visit: policies that can bring these benefits Journal of Language Policy. to realities. They also looked at new • Summary report from the program Contact: approaches to teaching languages published in April 2018: SalzburgGlobal. Dominic Regester and at some new game-changing org/go/586/report Program Director communications technology. [email protected]


Salzburg SALZBURG SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES Global The Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association (SSASA) fosters understanding and debate on America’s changing role in the world. With a distinguished Multi-Year track record since 1947, SSASA’s annual symposia for professional leaders and scholars address topical Series questions affecting American culture, society and politics, analyze their global implications and advance applied research. Salzburg Global Seminar was Understanding America The Search for a founded in 1947 to challenge in the 21st Century: New Global Balance: current and future leaders to Culture and Politics America’s Changing Role shape a better world. September 21 to 25, 2018 in the World September 24 to 29, 2015 Life and Justice in America: Our multi-year series aim to bridge Implications of the New Defining America: New Writing, Administration New Voices, New Directions divides, expand collaboration September 22 to 26, 2017 September 27 to October 1, and transform systems. 2014 Images of America: Here we showcase some Reality and Stereotypes Sustainability and the City: of our most recent programs September 23 to 27, 2016 America and the Urban World within the series. September 26 to 30, 2013


The Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change The Young Cultural Innovators Forum empowers rising builds digital literacies and engagement around critical talents in the creative sector to drive social, economic challenges for society. Its annual three-week program and urban change. Launched in 2014, it is building a connects young media innovators across disciplines global network of 500 competitively-selected change- to produce multimedia tools and reframe curricula and makers in “hub” communities who design collaborative research. Founded in 2007, it has over 1000 alumni and projects, build skills, gain mentors and connect to faculty from 60 participating institutions worldwide. upcoming innovators in their cities and countries.

Re-Imagining Journalism: Civic Voices: Adelaide, Australia; Midwest (MN, SD, ND), USA; News and Storytelling Justice, Rights and Athens, Greece; Nairobi, Kenya; in an Age of Distrust Social Change Baltimore, MD, USA; New Orleans, LA, USA; July 15 to August 4, 2018 July 20 to August 9, 2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina; Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Canada; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Voices Against Extremism: Civic Voices: Cape Town, South Africa; Salzburg, Austria; Media Responses to Justice, Rights and Detroit, MI, USA; , Republic of Korea; Global Populism Social Change Malta; Tirana, Albania; July 16 to August 5, 2017 July 20 to August 9, 2014 Manila, The Philippines; , Japan; and Migration, Media and Mekong Delta; Yekaterinburg, Russia. Global Uncertainty Memphis, TN, USA; July 17 to August 6, 2016



The Culture, Arts and Society series harnesses the The Education for Tomorrow’s World series shapes transformative power of the arts to shape a better new approaches to learning, skills and inclusion for world. Through future-focused programs and projects, radically different societies. Topical programs and it raises the profile of culture and the arts in policy regional workshops address emerging challenges agendas, catalyzes exchange across disciplines and and opportunities for education, assessment and the sectors and sustains a unique creative community future of work, generating strategic recommendations across continents. and practical projects to recalibrate and reform current systems.

The Shock of the New: The Neuroscience of Art: Social and Emotional Learning: Mainstreaming Innovations in Arts, Technology and What are the Sources of A Global Synthesis Social and Emotional Learning Making Sense of the Future Creativity and Innovation? December 2 to 7, 2018 in the Middle East, North Africa February 20 to 25, 2018 February 21 to 26, 2015 and Turkey Springboard to Success: February 26 to 28, 2018 The Art of Resilience: Conflict Transformation How Social and Emotional (Amman, Jordan) Creativity, Courage through Culture: Learning Helps Students and Renewal Peace-Building and the Arts in Getting To, Through and Springboard for Talent: February 7 to 12, 2017 April 6 to 10, 2014 Beyond College Language Learning and June 6 to 8, 2018 Integration in a Beyond Green: Power in Whose Palm? (Princeton, NJ, USA) Globalized World The Arts as a Catalyst The Digital Democratization December 12 to 17, 2017 for Sustainability of Photography February 19 to 24, 2016 February 23 to 27, 2013


The Health and Healthcare Innovation series puts people The Parks for the Planet Forum is a ten-year collaboration and communities at the heart of systems transformation to reconnect people and nature in an urbanized world. for healthy societies. Through expanding partnerships, Launched in 2015, it explores critical intersections the series works with public and private sector decision- between nature and human development, catalyzing makers to enhance strategic leadership and foresight, innovative alliances to tackle the impacts of reduced prioritizing patients’ wants and needs in health care and access to green space upon health, wellbeing, social empowering citizens to lead healthier lives. cohesion and economies.

Healthy Children, Changing Minds: Nature and Childhood: The Next Frontier: Healthy Weight Innovations in Dementia From Research and Activism Transboundary Cooperation December 10 to 15, 2018 Care and Dementia-Friendly to Policies for Global Change for Biodiversity and Peace Communities March 6 to 10, 2018 November 9 to 13, 2016 Building Healthy, November 28 to December 3, Equitable Communities: The Child in the City: Nature, Health and a 2017 The Role of Inclusive Urban Health, Parks and Play New Urban Generation Development and Investment Toward a Shared Culture March 18 to 22, 2017 November 8 to 11, 2015 October 11 to 16, 2018 of Health: Enriching and Charting Building Healthy Communities: the Patient-Clinician The Role of Hospitals Relationship December 7 to 12, 2017 March 10 to 16, 2017


SALZBURG GLOBAL LGBT FORUM HOLOCAUST EDUCATION AND GENOCIDE PREVENTION The LGBT Forum advances the human rights of LGBT The Holocaust Education and Genocide Prevention series people and communities around the world. Founded promotes peace, reconciliation, and pluralist societies. in 2013, it has created a trusted 70-country network Launched in 2010, it advances structured dialogue, of LGBT and human rights leaders to facilitate open research, knowledge-sharing and cross-border projects, exchange and collaboration in highly-diverse contexts, engaging its network of educators, practitioners and spanning government, law, diplomacy, religion, finance, museum curators from over 50 countries, many with media and culture. recent experience of mass violence or rising extremism.

Family Is...? Film Presentation Strengthening Communities: Learning from the Past: International Responses to May 19, 2017 LGBT Rights and Social Sharing Experiences across Crimes Against Humanity: (Berlin, Germany) Cohesion Borders to Combat Extremism The Case of North Korea June 14 to 19, 2015 December 2016 to November June 2 to 7, 2015 Home: 2017 (Rabat, Morocco; Cairo, Safety, Wellness, Creating Long-Term Global Youth, Economics Egypt; Johannesburg, South and Belonging Networks to Sustain and Violence: Africa & Kigali, Rwanda; Khyber May 14 to 19, 2017 LGBT Human Rights Implications for Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab & Sindh, Organizations Future Conflict The Many Faces of Pakistan; Salzburg, Austria) May 18 to 21, 2014 April 26 to May 1, 2015 LGBT Inclusion (Berlin, Germany) Living Arts in October 2 to 7, 2016 Holocaust and Post Conflict Contexts: (Chiang Rai, Thailand) LGBT and Human Rights: Genocide Education: Practices, Partnerships and New Challenges, Next Steps Sharing Experience Possibilities June 2 to 7, 2013 Across Borders March 10 to 12, 2016 June 21 to 26, 2014 (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)


The Philanthropy and Social Investment series supports The Finance Forum tackles issues critical to the future alignment of global financial flows with sustainable of financial markets and global economic growth and and inclusive development. Through multi-partner stability. Created in 2011, its annual meeting convenes collaborations focused on emerging trends and best senior and rising leaders from financial services firms, practices, the series fosters an enabling environment supervisory and regulatory authorities and professional for talent management, diversity and innovation in service providers and facilitates candid in-depth traditional and corporate philanthropy and in social and analysis of strategic challenges and emerging risks. impact investment.

New Horizons in Value(s) for Money? The Promise and Perils Financing the Global Economy: Social Investment: Philanthropy as a Catalyst of Technology: How Can Traditional and Global Exchange for for Social and Financial Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Non-Traditional Sources Be Action and Impact Transformation Cybercrime and FinTech Integrated? October 27 to 30, 2018 March 6 to 9, 2015 June 24 to 26, 2018 June 27 to 29, 2016

Driving the Change: Philanthropy in Times Salzburg Global Finance Forum Salzburg Global Finance Forum Global Talent Management of Crisis and Transition: at the World Capital Markets at JPMorgan Chase for Effective Philanthropy Catalyzing Forces of Change Symposium October 21, 2016 September 17 to 20, 2017 December 1 to 4, 2012 February 7, 2018 (Kuala (Hong Kong, China SAR) Lumpur, Malaysia) Philanthropy in the Global Age Value vs. Profit: The Future of Financial December 4 to 5, 2015 Recalculating ROI in Global Challenges, Intermediation: (Hong Kong, China SAR) Financial and Social Terms Regional Responses: Banking, Securities Markets, October 13 to 17, 2012 How Can We Avoid or Something New? Fragmentation in the June 30 to July 2, 2015 Financial System? June 26 to 28, 2017


SALZBURG GLOBAL CORPORATE PUBLIC SECTOR STRATEGY NETWORK GOVERNANCE FORUM The Corporate Governance Forum enables critical The Public Sector Strategy Network helps governments thinking on the changing roles and responsibilities of tackle complex challenges through better foresight, directors across jurisdictions and cultures. Launched innovation and implementation. Co-created with senior in 2015, its annual meeting explores how corporations leaders around the world, it is building a mutually- can pursue both profit and public good in a fast-moving supportive coalition of individuals and institutions on global environment, taking account of growing risks, the frontline of digital, financial and societal disruption, disruptions, regulation, and public scrutiny. promoting effective public leadership and strategic communication.

Brave New World: The Corporate Balancing Act: Mechanics for the Future: Future of Public Service How Can Corporate How Can Directors Manage How Can Governments October 3 to 5, 2016 Governance Adapt? Conflicting Pressures? Transform Themselves? October 4 to 6, 2018 September 29 to October 1, May 13 to 15, 2018 2016 The Courageous Director: In the Spotlight: Can Corporations Better Serve Corporate Governance How Can the Public Sector People, Planet, and Profit? in the Global Economy: Excel Under Changing October 5 to 7, 2017 The Changing Role of Directors Dynamics? October 1 to 3, 2015 June 10 to 12, 2017


The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program develops The Salzburg Global Fellowship is an international outstanding talents who will shape the future of the alumni network, spanning 170 countries on six international rules-based order and government and continents. Since 1947, Salzburg Global has welcomed judicial systems. Since 2012, it has convened annual over 36,000 Fellows from across the world. The cohorts of graduate students from top US law schools Fellowship is connected both online via email Listservs to build leadership skills and networks across law and and social media platforms, and on the ground through public service worldwide. annual events such as Salzburg Global Day.

The Future of Public and Law and the Use of Force Visit: Contact: Private International Law November 20, 2016 Jan Heinecke February 23 to 24, 2018 (Washington, DC, USA) fellowship Fellowship Manager (Washington, DC, USA) [email protected] The Future of Public and Trust, Media and Democracy Private International Law in the Digital Age February 19 to 20, 2016 November 14, 2017 (Washington, DC, USA) (Washington, DC, USA) The Future of Public and The Future of Public and Private International Law Private International Law February 20 to 21, 2015 February 24 to 25, 2017 (Washington, DC, USA) (Washington, DC, USA)

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Salzburg Global Seminar

Leopoldskronstrasse 56-58 1250 H Street, NW 5020 Salzburg Suite 1150 Austria Washington, DC 20005 TEL: +43 662 839 830 USA FAX: +43 662 839 837 TEL: +1 202 637-7683 [email protected]